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      1 /* Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 limitations under the License.
     14 ==============================================================================*/
     16 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/gpu_executable.h"
     18 #include <set>
     19 #include <utility>
     20 #include <vector>
     22 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
     23 #include "absl/memory/memory.h"
     24 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/map_util.h"
     25 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/buffer_allocations.h"
     26 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/hlo_execution_profiler.h"
     27 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/hlo_instruction.h"
     28 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/llvm_ir/buffer_assignment_util.h"
     29 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/logical_buffer.h"
     30 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/shaped_buffer.h"
     31 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/transfer_manager.h"
     32 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_tree.h"
     33 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/shape_util.h"
     34 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/status_macros.h"
     35 #include "tensorflow/compiler/xla/util.h"
     36 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
     37 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/tracing.h"
     38 #include "tensorflow/core/platform/types.h"
     40 namespace xla {
     41 namespace gpu {
     42 namespace {
     44 using tensorflow::tracing::ScopedAnnotation;
     46 }  // namespace
     48 // Implementation note: HLO profiling is always enabled for GPU executables,
     49 // since we can use timers around thunks.
     50 GpuExecutable::GpuExecutable(
     51     const string& ptx, const std::vector<uint8>& cubin,
     52     std::pair<int, int> compute_capability,
     53     std::unique_ptr<const ThunkSchedule> thunk_schedule,
     54     std::unique_ptr<HloModule> hlo_module,
     55     std::unique_ptr<const BufferAssignment> assignment,
     56     std::unique_ptr<HloProfilePrinterData> hlo_profile_printer_data,
     57     std::unique_ptr<HloProfileIndexMap> hlo_profile_index_map)
     58     : Executable(std::move(hlo_module), std::move(hlo_profile_printer_data),
     59                  std::move(hlo_profile_index_map)),
     60       ptx_(ptx),
     61       cubin_(cubin),
     62       compute_capability_(compute_capability),
     63       thunk_schedule_(std::move(thunk_schedule)),
     64       assignment_(std::move(assignment)) {}
     66 Status GpuExecutable::ExecuteThunks(
     67     const ServiceExecutableRunOptions* run_options,
     68     const BufferAllocations& buffer_allocations, bool block_host_until_done,
     69     HloExecutionProfile* hlo_execution_profile) {
     70   se::Stream* main_stream = run_options->stream();
     71   se::StreamExecutor* executor = main_stream->parent();
     73   std::pair<int, int> stream_compute_compatibility;
     74   executor->GetDeviceDescription().cuda_compute_capability(
     75       &stream_compute_compatibility.first,
     76       &stream_compute_compatibility.second);
     77   TF_RET_CHECK(stream_compute_compatibility == compute_capability_)
     78       << "Compute capability mismatch; expected {" << compute_capability_.first
     79       << ", " << compute_capability_.second << "}, but was {"
     80       << stream_compute_compatibility.first << ", "
     81       << stream_compute_compatibility.second << "}";
     83   bool do_profile = hlo_execution_profile != nullptr;
     84   if (do_profile) {
     85     LOG(WARNING) << "PROFILING: profiling is enabled";
     86   }
     88   // Stream 0 indicates `main_stream` and substreams start from stream 1.
     89   std::vector<StreamPool::Ptr> sub_streams;
     90   sub_streams.reserve(thunk_schedule_->StreamCount() - 1);
     91   while (sub_streams.size() + 1 < thunk_schedule_->StreamCount()) {
     92     sub_streams.emplace_back();
     93     TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(sub_streams.back(),
     94                         run_options->BorrowStream(executor->device_ordinal()));
     95   }
     97   HloExecutionProfiler profiler(do_profile, hlo_execution_profile, main_stream,
     98                                 sub_streams, hlo_module_->entry_computation());
     99   uint64 start_micros = tensorflow::Env::Default()->NowMicros();
    101   // This top-level trace serves two purposes:
    102   //  1) It marks the scope of the whole XLA module.
    103   //  2) It tells us whether tracing is enabled.  We use this to avoid the
    104   //     expensive HloInstruction::ToString() calls inside the loop below if
    105   //     tracing is disabled.
    106   ScopedAnnotation top_level_annotation(hlo_module_->name(), "XLA GPU module");
    108   std::map<const Thunk*, std::unique_ptr<se::Event>> thunk_to_finish_event;
    109   for (Thunk* thunk : thunk_schedule_->TotalOrder()) {
    110     // Annotate execution of this op if tracing was enabled when we started
    111     // running this module.  If tracing is enabled *while* we're running the
    112     // module, we won't get any data, but that's probably an OK trade-off.
    113     //
    114     // TODO(jlebar): Should we cache the results of HloInstruction::ToString(),
    115     // since we expect it to be an expensive call?
    116     absl::optional<ScopedAnnotation> op_annotation;
    117     if (top_level_annotation.IsEnabled()) {
    118       op_annotation.emplace(
    119           thunk->hlo_instruction() != nullptr
    120               ? thunk->hlo_instruction()->ToString(HloPrintOptions::Canonical())
    121               : "<unknown>",
    122           "XLA op");
    123     }
    125     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(thunk->Initialize(*this, executor));
    126     int32 stream_no =
    127         thunk_schedule_->StreamNumberForHlo(*thunk->hlo_instruction());
    128     se::Stream* stream =
    129         (stream_no == 0 ? main_stream : sub_streams[stream_no - 1].get());
    131     for (const Thunk* dependency : thunk_schedule_->DependsOn(thunk)) {
    132       stream->ThenWaitFor(FindOrDie(thunk_to_finish_event, dependency).get());
    133     }
    135     // If this thunk is about to autotune then wait for all currently executing
    136     // thunks to finish.  This reduces noise and thus the probability of
    137     // choosing a suboptimal algorithm.
    138     if (thunk->WillAutotuneKernel(stream)) {
    139       TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(main_stream->BlockHostUntilDone());
    140     }
    142     VLOG(2) << "Executing the thunk for "
    143             << thunk->hlo_instruction()->ToString() << " on stream "
    144             << stream_no;
    145     TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(
    146         thunk->ExecuteOnStream(buffer_allocations, stream, &profiler));
    147     if (thunk_schedule_->Depended(thunk)) {
    148       auto finish_event = absl::make_unique<se::Event>(main_stream->parent());
    149       finish_event->Init();
    150       stream->ThenRecordEvent(finish_event.get());
    151       thunk_to_finish_event[thunk] = std::move(finish_event);
    152     }
    153   }
    155   main_stream->ThenWaitFor(&sub_streams);
    156   // Make sure kernels are completed before deallocating temporary buffers.
    157   // TODO(b/30100571): we could potentially postpone deallocating the temp
    158   // buffers until a different computation is executed.
    159   if (block_host_until_done) {
    160     Status block_status = main_stream->BlockHostUntilDone();
    161     if (!block_status.ok()) {
    162       return InternalError(
    163           "Failed to complete all kernels launched on stream %p: %s",
    164           main_stream, block_status.error_message());
    165     }
    166   }
    168   profiler.FinishExecution();
    169   uint64 end_micros = tensorflow::Env::Default()->NowMicros();
    171   {
    172     tensorflow::mutex_lock lock(mutex_);
    173     const double nanoseconds = (end_micros - start_micros) * 1000.0;
    174     execution_profile_.set_compute_time_ns(std::max(nanoseconds, 1.0));
    176     // If hlo profiling was disabled then the cycle count is left empty.
    177     if (do_profile) {
    178       execution_profile_.set_compute_cycle_count(
    179           hlo_execution_profile->total_cycles_executed(
    180               *module().entry_computation()));
    181     }
    182   }
    184   return Status::OK();
    185 }
    187 StatusOr<const GpuExecutable::BufferAllocToDeviceMemoryMap*>
    188 GpuExecutable::ResolveConstantGlobals(se::StreamExecutor* executor) {
    189   tensorflow::mutex_lock lock(module_handle_mutex_);
    190   auto it = module_globals_.find(executor);
    191   if (it != module_globals_.end()) {
    192     return &it->second;
    193   }
    195   se::MultiModuleLoaderSpec module_spec;
    196   if (!cubin().empty()) {
    197     module_spec.AddCudaCubinInMemory(cubin());
    198   }
    199   module_spec.AddCudaPtxInMemory(ptx().c_str());
    201   absl::flat_hash_map<int64, se::DeviceMemoryBase> globals;
    202   se::ModuleHandle module_handle;
    203   executor->LoadModule(module_spec, &module_handle);
    205   for (BufferAllocation::Index i = 0; i < assignment_->Allocations().size();
    206        ++i) {
    207     const BufferAllocation& allocation = assignment_->GetAllocation(i);
    208     if (allocation.is_constant()) {
    209       TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(
    210           se::DeviceMemoryBase global,
    211           executor->GetUntypedSymbol(
    212               llvm_ir::ConstantBufferAllocationToGlobalName(allocation),
    213               module_handle));
    214       VLOG(3) << "Resolved global "
    215               << llvm_ir::ConstantBufferAllocationToGlobalName(allocation)
    216               << " to " << global.opaque();
    217       InsertOrDie(&globals, i, global);
    219       const Literal& literal =
    220           llvm_ir::LiteralForConstantAllocation(allocation);
    221       CHECK(literal.shape().IsArray());
    222       if (!ShouldEmitLiteralInLlvmIr(literal)) {
    223         VLOG(3) << "H2D memcpy for constant with shape "
    224                 << ShapeUtil::HumanString(literal.shape());
    225         TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(executor->SynchronousMemcpyH2D(
    226             literal.untyped_data(), allocation.size(), &global));
    227       }
    228     }
    229   }
    231   module_handles_.emplace(executor,
    232                           se::ScopedModuleHandle(executor, module_handle));
    233   return &module_globals_.emplace(executor, std::move(globals)).first->second;
    234 }
    236 StatusOr<ScopedShapedBuffer> GpuExecutable::ExecuteOnStream(
    237     const ServiceExecutableRunOptions* run_options,
    238     absl::Span<const ShapedBuffer* const> arguments,
    239     HloExecutionProfile* hlo_execution_profile) {
    240   DeviceMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator = run_options->allocator();
    242   if (GetRootPointsToSet().IsAmbiguous()) {
    243     return Unimplemented("Points-to set of root instruction is ambiguous");
    244   }
    246   BufferAllocations::Builder buffer_allocations_builder;
    247   se::StreamExecutor* executor = run_options->stream()->parent();
    249   TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto* const globals, ResolveConstantGlobals(executor));
    251   for (BufferAllocation::Index i = 0; i < assignment_->Allocations().size();
    252        ++i) {
    253     const BufferAllocation& allocation = assignment_->GetAllocation(i);
    254     if (allocation.is_entry_computation_parameter()) {
    255       auto param_no = allocation.parameter_number();
    256       se::DeviceMemoryBase buffer =
    257           arguments[param_no]->buffer(allocation.param_shape_index());
    259       // All top-level buffers and sub-buffers must have an explicit, non-null
    260       // pointer, except for zero-sized buffers, which may be null.
    261       if (buffer.is_null() && buffer.size() > 0) {
    262         return FailedPrecondition(
    263             "Cannot run XLA computation because pointer to (sub-)buffer at "
    264             "index %s of parameter %d was null.  All pointers to (sub-)buffers "
    265             "must not be null, unless the (sub-)buffer has zero elements.",
    266             allocation.param_shape_index().ToString(), param_no);
    267       }
    269       buffer_allocations_builder.RegisterBuffer(i, buffer);
    270     }
    272     if (allocation.is_constant()) {
    273       buffer_allocations_builder.RegisterBuffer(i, FindOrDie(*globals, i));
    274     }
    275   }
    278       auto buffer_allocations,
    279       buffer_allocations_builder.Build(
    280           assignment_.get(), executor->device_ordinal(), memory_allocator));
    282   bool block_host_until_done =
    283       !memory_allocator->AllowsAsynchronousDeallocation();
    284   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecuteThunks(run_options, *buffer_allocations,
    285                                    block_host_until_done,
    286                                    hlo_execution_profile));
    288   HloInstruction* root = hlo_module_->entry_computation()->root_instruction();
    289   auto device_ordinal = executor->device_ordinal();
    290   ScopedShapedBuffer shaped_buffer(root->shape(), root->shape(),
    291                                    memory_allocator, device_ordinal);
    293   // Copy DeviceMemoryBase values which contain the array(s) of the result into
    294   // the respective location in ShapedBuffer.
    295   std::set<se::DeviceMemoryBase> buffers_in_result;
    296   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(shaped_buffer.buffers().ForEachMutableElementWithStatus(
    297       [&buffer_allocations, &buffers_in_result, this](
    298           const ShapeIndex& index, se::DeviceMemoryBase* device_memory) {
    299         const auto& sources = this->GetRootPointsToSet().element(index);
    300         // The points-to set is unambiguous so the set should be a
    301         // singleton. That is, we know exactly which instruction
    302         // produced the array at this element.
    303         CHECK_EQ(1, sources.size());
    304         auto src_hlo = sources[0]->instruction();
    306         VLOG(4) << "Looking at: " << sources[0];
    308         // The source instruction should have a non-parameter buffer
    309         // assigned.
    310         TF_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(
    311             const BufferAllocation::Slice slice,
    312             this->assignment_->GetUniqueSlice(src_hlo, sources[0]->index()));
    314         se::DeviceMemoryBase src_base =
    315             buffer_allocations->GetDeviceAddress(slice.index());
    316         CHECK(!src_base.is_null() || src_base.size() == 0);
    317         if (!slice.allocation()->is_entry_computation_parameter()) {
    318           // If the buffer coming out of the result is from a parameter, it
    319           // means the caller aliased some parameter buffer to an output one
    320           // (via the HloInputOutputAliasConfig API). If that is the case, the
    321           // caller will receive a partially complete scoped shaped buffer,
    322           // which they will have to fill up on return.
    323           // Unfortunately the interface to the execute APIs are ShapedBuffer
    324           // pointer based, which assumes caller ownership, and hence a buffer
    325           // coming from there cannot be part of the new ScopedShapedBuffer we
    326           // create for the result (which assumes ownership).
    327           *device_memory = src_base;
    328         } else {
    329           const HloInputOutputAliasConfig& input_output_alias =
    330               module().input_output_alias_config();
    331           auto output_alias = input_output_alias.GetAliasedOutput(
    332               slice.allocation()->parameter_number(),
    333               slice.allocation()->param_shape_index());
    334           CHECK(output_alias)
    335               << "Ouput buffer is coming from parameter "
    336               << slice.allocation()->parameter_number() << " at index "
    337               << slice.allocation()->param_shape_index()
    338               << ", but no alias exists";
    339           CHECK_EQ(*output_alias, index);
    340         }
    341         buffers_in_result.insert(src_base);
    342         return Status::OK();
    343       }));
    344   TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(buffer_allocations->TearDown(buffers_in_result));
    346   return std::move(shaped_buffer);
    347 }
    349 StatusOr<ScopedShapedBuffer> GpuExecutable::ExecuteAsyncOnStream(
    350     const ServiceExecutableRunOptions* run_options,
    351     absl::Span<const ShapedBuffer* const> arguments) {
    352   // TODO(b/30671675): Implement asynchronous execution mode.
    353   return Unimplemented(
    354       "Asynchronous execution on stream is not yet supported on GPU.");
    355 }
    357 const PointsToSet& GpuExecutable::GetRootPointsToSet() const {
    358   return assignment_->points_to_analysis().GetPointsToSet(
    359       module().entry_computation()->root_instruction());
    360 }
    362 }  // namespace gpu
    363 }  // namespace xla