Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in android_bench_suite
      1 diff --git a/jni/Android.mk b/jni/Android.mk
      2 index 8b816270..d48e0d8e 100755
      3 --- a/jni/Android.mk
      4 +++ b/jni/Android.mk
      5 @@ -1,50 +1,53 @@
      6 +local_target_dir := $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/local/tmp
      7 +
      8  LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
     10  include $(CLEAR_VARS)
     12  LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := \
     13 -        $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_stab/db_vlvm \
     14 -        $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_stab/src \
     15 -        $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_stab/src/dbreg \
     16 -        $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_mos/src \
     17 -        $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_mos/src/mosaic
     18 -
     20 -LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -std=gnu++98
     21 -
     22 -LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \
     23 -        feature_mos_jni.cpp \
     24 -        mosaic_renderer_jni.cpp \
     25 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/trsMatrix.cpp \
     26 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp \
     27 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp \
     28 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp \
     29 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp \
     30 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp \
     31 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp \
     32 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp \
     33 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/WarpRenderer.cpp \
     34 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/SurfaceTextureRenderer.cpp \
     35 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/YVURenderer.cpp \
     36 -        feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp \
     37 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_feature_detection.cpp \
     38 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_feature_matching.cpp \
     39 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_framestitching.cpp \
     40 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_image_homography.cpp \
     41 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_rob_image_homography.cpp \
     42 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities.cpp \
     43 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_camera.cpp \
     44 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_indexing.cpp \
     45 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_linalg.cpp \
     46 -        feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp \
     47 -        feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp \
     48 -        feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp \
     49 -        feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c
     50 +    $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_mos/src \
     51 +    $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_stab/src \
     52 +    $(LOCAL_PATH)/feature_stab/db_vlvm
     54 -LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog libnativehelper libGLESv2
     55 -#LOCAL_LDLIBS := -L$(SYSROOT)/usr/lib -ldl -llog -lGLESv2 -L$(TARGET_OUT)
     56 +LOCAL_SRC_FILES := benchmark.cpp \
     57 +	feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp \
     58 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp \
     59 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp \
     60 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp \
     61 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp \
     62 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/trsMatrix.cpp \
     63 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp \
     64 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp \
     65 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/WarpRenderer.cpp \
     66 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/SurfaceTextureRenderer.cpp \
     67 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/YVURenderer.cpp \
     68 +    feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp \
     69 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_rob_image_homography.cpp \
     70 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_feature_detection.cpp \
     71 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_image_homography.cpp \
     72 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_framestitching.cpp \
     73 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_feature_matching.cpp \
     74 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities.cpp \
     75 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_camera.cpp \
     76 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_indexing.cpp \
     77 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_linalg.cpp \
     78 +    feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_poly.cpp \
     79 +    feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp \
     80 +    feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp \
     81 +    feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.c
     83 -LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
     84 +LOCAL_CFLAGS := -O3 -DNDEBUG -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-maybe-uninitialized
     87 +LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := -std=c++98
     88 +LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := tests
     89 +LOCAL_MODULE := panorama_bench
     90 +LOCAL_MODULE_STEM_32 := panorama_bench
     91 +LOCAL_MODULE_STEM_64 := panorama_bench64
     92 +LOCAL_MULTILIB := both
     93 +LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(local_target_dir)
     96 +LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libc libm
     98 -LOCAL_MODULE    := libjni_legacymosaic
     99 -include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
    100 +include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)
    101 diff --git a/jni/benchmark.cpp b/jni/benchmark.cpp
    102 new file mode 100755
    103 index 00000000..2a6440f4
    104 --- /dev/null
    105 +++ b/jni/benchmark.cpp
    106 @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
    107 +/*
    108 + * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
    109 + *
    110 + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    111 + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    112 + * You may obtain a copy of the License at
    113 + *
    114 + *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    115 + *
    116 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    117 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    118 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    119 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    120 + * limitations under the License.
    121 + */
    122 +
    123 +#include <time.h>
    124 +#include <sys/types.h>
    125 +#include <sys/stat.h>
    126 +#include <unistd.h>
    127 +
    128 +#include "mosaic/Mosaic.h"
    129 +#include "mosaic/ImageUtils.h"
    130 +
    131 +#define MAX_FRAMES 200
    132 +#define KERNEL_ITERATIONS 10
    133 +
    134 +const int blendingType = Blend::BLEND_TYPE_HORZ;
    135 +const int stripType = Blend::STRIP_TYPE_WIDE;
    136 +
    137 +ImageType yvuFrames[MAX_FRAMES];
    138 +
    139 +int loadImages(const char* basename, int &width, int &height)
    140 +{
    141 +    char filename[512];
    142 +    struct stat filestat;
    143 +    int i;
    144 +
    145 +    for (i = 0; i < MAX_FRAMES; i++) {
    146 +        sprintf(filename, "%s_%03d.ppm", basename, i + 1);
    147 +        if (stat(filename, &filestat) != 0) break;
    148 +        ImageType rgbFrame = ImageUtils::readBinaryPPM(filename, width, height);
    149 +        yvuFrames[i] = ImageUtils::allocateImage(width, height,
    150 +                                ImageUtils::IMAGE_TYPE_NUM_CHANNELS);
    151 +        ImageUtils::rgb2yvu(yvuFrames[i], rgbFrame, width, height);
    152 +        ImageUtils::freeImage(rgbFrame);
    153 +    }
    154 +    return i;
    155 +}
    156 +
    157 +int main(int argc, char **argv)
    158 +{
    159 +    struct timespec t1, t2, t3;
    160 +
    161 +    int width, height;
    162 +    float totalElapsedTime = 0;
    163 +
    164 +    const char *basename;
    165 +    const char *filename;
    166 +
    167 +    if (argc != 3) {
    168 +        printf("Usage: %s input_dir output_filename\n", argv[0]);
    169 +        return 0;
    170 +    } else {
    171 +        basename = argv[1];
    172 +        filename = argv[2];
    173 +    }
    174 +
    175 +    // Load the images outside the computational kernel
    176 +    int totalFrames = loadImages(basename, width, height);
    177 +
    178 +    if (totalFrames == 0) {
    179 +        printf("Image files not found. Make sure %s exists.\n",
    180 +               basename);
    181 +        return 1;
    182 +    }
    183 +
    184 +    printf("%d frames loaded\n", totalFrames);
    185 +
    186 +
    187 +    // Interesting stuff is here
    188 +    for (int iteration = 0; iteration < KERNEL_ITERATIONS; iteration++)  {
    189 +        Mosaic mosaic;
    190 +
    191 +        mosaic.initialize(blendingType, stripType, width, height, -1, false, 0);
    192 +
    193 +        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t1);
    194 +        for (int i = 0; i < totalFrames; i++) {
    195 +            mosaic.addFrame(yvuFrames[i]);
    196 +        }
    197 +        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t2);
    198 +
    199 +        float progress = 0.0;
    200 +        bool cancelComputation = false;
    201 +
    202 +        mosaic.createMosaic(progress, cancelComputation);
    203 +
    204 +        int mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight;
    205 +        ImageType resultYVU = mosaic.getMosaic(mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight);
    206 +
    207 +        ImageType imageRGB = ImageUtils::allocateImage(
    208 +            mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight, ImageUtils::IMAGE_TYPE_NUM_CHANNELS);
    209 +
    210 +        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t3);
    211 +
    212 +        float elapsedTime =
    213 +            (t3.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + (t3.tv_nsec - t1.tv_nsec)/1e9;
    214 +        float addImageTime =
    215 +            (t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec) + (t2.tv_nsec - t1.tv_nsec)/1e9;
    216 +        float stitchImageTime =
    217 +            (t3.tv_sec - t2.tv_sec) + (t3.tv_nsec - t2.tv_nsec)/1e9;
    218 +
    219 +        totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
    220 +
    221 +        printf("Iteration %d: %dx%d moasic created: "
    222 +               "%.2f seconds (%.2f + %.2f)\n",
    223 +               iteration, mosaicWidth, mosaicHeight,
    224 +               elapsedTime, addImageTime, stitchImageTime);
    225 +
    226 +        // Write the output only once for correctness check
    227 +        if (iteration == 0) {
    228 +            ImageUtils::yvu2rgb(imageRGB, resultYVU, mosaicWidth,
    229 +                                mosaicHeight);
    230 +            ImageUtils::writeBinaryPPM(imageRGB, filename, mosaicWidth,
    231 +                                       mosaicHeight);
    232 +        }
    233 +    }
    234 +    printf("Total elapsed time: %.2f seconds\n", totalElapsedTime);
    235 +
    236 +    return 0;
    237 +}
    238 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp
    239 index aeabf8f9..703a5ea5 100644
    240 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp
    241 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.cpp
    242 @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
    244  #define LOG_TAG "AlignFeatures"
    246 +const double Align::DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY = 0.1;
    247 +
    248  Align::Align()
    249  {
    250    width = height = 0;
    251 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.h
    252 index 19f39051..9999f575 100644
    253 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.h
    254 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/AlignFeatures.h
    255 @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
    256    ///// Settings for feature-based alignment
    257    // Number of features to use from corner detection
    258    static const int DEFAULT_NR_CORNERS=750;
    259 -  static const double DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY=0.1;//0.4;
    260 +  static const double DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY;//0.4;
    261    // Type of homography to model
    262    static const int DEFAULT_MOTION_MODEL=DB_HOMOGRAPHY_TYPE_R_T;
    264 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp
    265 index e37755de..b6a843a2 100644
    266 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp
    267 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.cpp
    268 @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
    269  #include "Geometry.h"
    270  #include "trsMatrix.h"
    272 -#include "Log.h"
    273 -#define LOG_TAG "BLEND"
    274 +const float Blend::LIMIT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 50.f * 2.0f;
    275 +const float Blend::LIMIT_HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER = 2.5f;
    277  Blend::Blend()
    278  {
    279 @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ int Blend::initialize(int blendingType, int stripType, int frame_width, int fram
    281      if (!m_pFrameYPyr || !m_pFrameUPyr || !m_pFrameVPyr)
    282      {
    283 -        LOGE("Error: Could not allocate pyramids for blending");
    284          return BLEND_RET_ERROR_MEMORY;
    285      }
    287 @@ -122,7 +121,6 @@ int Blend::runBlend(MosaicFrame **oframes, MosaicFrame **rframes,
    289      if (numCenters == 0)
    290      {
    291 -        LOGE("Error: No frames to blend");
    292          return BLEND_RET_ERROR;
    293      }
    295 @@ -228,9 +226,6 @@ int Blend::runBlend(MosaicFrame **oframes, MosaicFrame **rframes,
    297      if (xRightMost <= xLeftMost || yBottomMost <= yTopMost)
    298      {
    299 -        LOGE("RunBlend: aborting -consistency check failed,"
    300 -             "(xLeftMost, xRightMost, yTopMost, yBottomMost): (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
    301 -             xLeftMost, xRightMost, yTopMost, yBottomMost);
    302          return BLEND_RET_ERROR;
    303      }
    305 @@ -241,17 +236,12 @@ int Blend::runBlend(MosaicFrame **oframes, MosaicFrame **rframes,
    307      if (ret != BLEND_RET_OK)
    308      {
    309 -       LOGE("RunBlend: aborting - mosaic size check failed, "
    310 -            "(frame_width, frame_height) vs (mosaic_width, mosaic_height): "
    311 -            "(%d, %d) vs (%d, %d)", width, height, Mwidth, Mheight);
    312         return ret;
    313      }
    315 -    LOGI("Allocate mosaic image for blending - size: %d x %d", Mwidth, Mheight);
    316      YUVinfo *imgMos = YUVinfo::allocateImage(Mwidth, Mheight);
    317      if (imgMos == NULL)
    318      {
    319 -        LOGE("RunBlend: aborting - couldn't alloc %d x %d mosaic image", Mwidth, Mheight);
    320          return BLEND_RET_ERROR_MEMORY;
    321      }
    323 @@ -362,7 +352,6 @@ int Blend::FillFramePyramid(MosaicFrame *mb)
    324              !PyramidShort::BorderReduce(m_pFrameUPyr, m_wb.nlevsC) || !PyramidShort::BorderExpand(m_pFrameUPyr, m_wb.nlevsC, -1) ||
    325              !PyramidShort::BorderReduce(m_pFrameVPyr, m_wb.nlevsC) || !PyramidShort::BorderExpand(m_pFrameVPyr, m_wb.nlevsC, -1))
    326      {
    327 -        LOGE("Error: Could not generate Laplacian pyramids");
    328          return BLEND_RET_ERROR;
    329      }
    330      else
    331 @@ -384,7 +373,6 @@ int Blend::DoMergeAndBlend(MosaicFrame **frames, int nsite,
    332      m_pMosaicVPyr = PyramidShort::allocatePyramidPacked(m_wb.nlevsC,(unsigned short)rect.Width(),(unsigned short)rect.Height(),BORDER);
    333      if (!m_pMosaicYPyr || !m_pMosaicUPyr || !m_pMosaicVPyr)
    334      {
    335 -      LOGE("Error: Could not allocate pyramids for blending");
    336        return BLEND_RET_ERROR_MEMORY;
    337      }
    339 @@ -579,6 +567,11 @@ int Blend::DoMergeAndBlend(MosaicFrame **frames, int nsite,
    340      // Blend
    341      PerformFinalBlending(imgMos, cropping_rect);
    343 +    if (cropping_rect.Width() <= 0 || cropping_rect.Height() <= 0)
    344 +    {
    345 +        return BLEND_RET_ERROR;
    346 +    }
    347 +
    348      if (m_pMosaicVPyr) free(m_pMosaicVPyr);
    349      if (m_pMosaicUPyr) free(m_pMosaicUPyr);
    350      if (m_pMosaicYPyr) free(m_pMosaicYPyr);
    351 @@ -632,7 +625,6 @@ int Blend::PerformFinalBlending(YUVinfo &imgMos, MosaicRect &cropping_rect)
    352      if (!PyramidShort::BorderExpand(m_pMosaicYPyr, m_wb.nlevs, 1) || !PyramidShort::BorderExpand(m_pMosaicUPyr, m_wb.nlevsC, 1) ||
    353          !PyramidShort::BorderExpand(m_pMosaicVPyr, m_wb.nlevsC, 1))
    354      {
    355 -      LOGE("Error: Could not BorderExpand!");
    356        return BLEND_RET_ERROR;
    357      }
    359 @@ -785,18 +777,31 @@ int Blend::PerformFinalBlending(YUVinfo &imgMos, MosaicRect &cropping_rect)
    360                  break;
    361              }
    362          }
    363 +
    364      }
    366 +    RoundingCroppingSizeToMultipleOf8(cropping_rect);
    367 +
    368      for(int j=0; j<imgMos.Y.height; j++)
    369      {
    370          delete b[j];
    371      }
    373 -    delete b;
    374 +    delete[] b;
    376      return BLEND_RET_OK;
    377  }
    379 +void Blend::RoundingCroppingSizeToMultipleOf8(MosaicRect &rect) {
    380 +    int height = rect.bottom - rect.top + 1;
    381 +    int residue = height & 7;
    382 +    rect.bottom -= residue;
    383 +
    384 +    int width = rect.right - rect.left + 1;
    385 +    residue = width & 7;
    386 +    rect.right -= residue;
    387 +}
    388 +
    389  void Blend::ComputeMask(CSite *csite, BlendRect &vcrect, BlendRect &brect, MosaicRect &rect, YUVinfo &imgMos, int site_idx)
    390  {
    391      PyramidShort *dptr = m_pMosaicYPyr;
    392 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.h
    393 index 6371fdeb..175eacd4 100644
    394 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.h
    395 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Blend.h
    396 @@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ protected:
    397    void CropFinalMosaic(YUVinfo &imgMos, MosaicRect &cropping_rect);
    399  private:
    400 -   static const float LIMIT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 5.0f * 2.0f;
    401 -   static const float LIMIT_HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER = 2.5f;
    402 +   static const float LIMIT_SIZE_MULTIPLIER;
    403 +   static const float LIMIT_HEIGHT_MULTIPLIER;
    404     int MosaicSizeCheck(float sizeMultiplier, float heightMultiplier);
    405 +   void RoundingCroppingSizeToMultipleOf8(MosaicRect& rect);
    406  };
    408  #endif
    409 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp
    410 index 82f5d203..0ce09fc5 100644
    411 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp
    412 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Delaunay.cpp
    413 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
    415  #define QQ 9   // Optimal value as determined by testing
    416  #define DM 38  // 2^(1+DM/2) element sort capability. DM=38 for >10^6 elements
    417 -#define NYL (-1)
    418 +#define NYL -1
    419  #define valid(l) ccw(orig(basel), dest(l), dest(basel))
    422 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp
    423 index 6d0aac0c..daa86060 100644
    424 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp
    425 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.cpp
    426 @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ ImageType ImageUtils::readBinaryPPM(const char *filename, int &width, int &heigh
    428    FILE *imgin = NULL;
    429    int mval=0, format=0, eret;
    430 -  ImageType ret = IMAGE_TYPE_NOIMAGE;
    431 +  ImageType ret = NULL;//IMAGE_TYPE_NOIMAGE;
    433    imgin = fopen(filename, "r");
    434    if (imgin == NULL) {
    435 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.h
    436 index 87782383..92965ca8 100644
    437 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.h
    438 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/ImageUtils.h
    439 @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public:
    440    /**
    441     *  Definition of an empty image.
    442     */
    443 -  static const int IMAGE_TYPE_NOIMAGE = NULL;
    444 +  static const int IMAGE_TYPE_NOIMAGE = 0;
    446    /**
    447     *  Convert image from BGR (interlaced) to YVU (non-interlaced)
    448 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Log.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Log.h
    449 index cf6f14b1..2adfeda9 100644
    450 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Log.h
    451 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Log.h
    452 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
    453   * limitations under the License.
    454   */
    455  #ifndef LOG_H_
    456 -#define LOG_H_
    457 +#define LOG_H_
    459  #include <android/log.h>
    460  #define LOGV(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_SILENT, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
    461 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp
    462 index f17c030b..4abc6f68 100644
    463 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp
    464 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.cpp
    465 @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
    466  #include "Mosaic.h"
    467  #include "trsMatrix.h"
    469 -#include "Log.h"
    470 -#define LOG_TAG "MOSAIC"
    471 -
    472  Mosaic::Mosaic()
    473  {
    474      initialized = false;
    475 @@ -47,6 +44,10 @@ Mosaic::~Mosaic()
    476      delete frames;
    477      delete rframes;
    479 +    for (int j = 0; j < owned_size; j++)
    480 +        delete owned_frames[j];
    481 +    delete owned_frames;
    482 +
    483      if (aligner != NULL)
    484          delete aligner;
    485      if (blender != NULL)
    486 @@ -88,13 +89,10 @@ int Mosaic::initialize(int blendingType, int stripType, int width, int height, i
    487          {
    488              frames[i] = NULL;
    489          }
    490 -
    491 -
    492      }
    494 -    LOGV("Initialize %d %d", width, height);
    495 -    LOGV("Frame width %d,%d", width, height);
    496 -    LOGV("Max num frames %d", max_frames);
    497 +    owned_frames = new ImageType[max_frames];
    498 +    owned_size = 0;
    500      aligner = new Align();
    501      aligner->initialize(width, height,quarter_res,thresh_still);
    502 @@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ int Mosaic::initialize(int blendingType, int stripType, int width, int height, i
    503          blender->initialize(blendingType, stripType, width, height);
    504      } else {
    505          blender = NULL;
    506 -        LOGE("Error: Unknown blending type %d",blendingType);
    507          return MOSAIC_RET_ERROR;
    508      }
    510 @@ -123,7 +120,15 @@ int Mosaic::addFrameRGB(ImageType imageRGB)
    511      imageYVU = ImageUtils::allocateImage(this->width, this->height, ImageUtils::IMAGE_TYPE_NUM_CHANNELS);
    512      ImageUtils::rgb2yvu(imageYVU, imageRGB, width, height);
    514 -    return addFrame(imageYVU);
    515 +    int existing_frames_size = frames_size;
    516 +    int ret = addFrame(imageYVU);
    517 +
    518 +    if (frames_size > existing_frames_size)
    519 +        owned_frames[owned_size++] = imageYVU;
    520 +    else
    521 +        ImageUtils::freeImage(imageYVU);
    522 +
    523 +    return ret;
    524  }
    526  int Mosaic::addFrame(ImageType imageYVU)
    527 @@ -146,8 +151,6 @@ int Mosaic::addFrame(ImageType imageYVU)
    529          if (frames_size >= max_frames)
    530          {
    531 -            LOGV("WARNING: More frames than preallocated, ignoring."
    532 -                 "Increase maximum number of frames (-f <max_frames>) to avoid this");
    533              return MOSAIC_RET_ERROR;
    534          }
    536 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.h
    537 index fc6ecd90..9dea6642 100644
    538 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.h
    539 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Mosaic.h
    540 @@ -181,6 +181,12 @@ protected:
    541    int frames_size;
    542    int max_frames;
    544 +  /**
    545 +    * Implicitly created frames, should be freed by Mosaic.
    546 +    */
    547 +  ImageType *owned_frames;
    548 +  int owned_size;
    549 +
    550    /**
    551     * Initialization state.
    552     */
    553 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp
    554 index 945eafba..b022d73d 100644
    555 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp
    556 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic/Pyramid.cpp
    557 @@ -154,24 +154,30 @@ void PyramidShort::BorderExpandOdd(PyramidShort *in, PyramidShort *out, PyramidS
    558      // Vertical Filter
    559      for (j = -off; j < in->height + off; j++) {
    560          int j2 = j * 2;
    561 -        for (i = -scr->border; i < scr->width + scr->border; i++) {
    562 +        int limit = scr->width + scr->border;
    563 +        for (i = -scr->border; i < limit; i++) {
    564 +            int t1 = in->ptr[j][i];
    565 +            int t2 = in->ptr[j+1][i];
    566              scr->ptr[j2][i] = (short)
    567 -                ((6 * in->ptr[j][i] + (in->ptr[j-1][i] + in->ptr[j+1][i]) + 4) >> 3);
    568 -            scr->ptr[j2+1][i] = (short)((in->ptr[j][i] + in->ptr[j+1][i] + 1) >> 1);
    569 +                ((6 * t1 + (in->ptr[j-1][i] + t2) + 4) >> 3);
    570 +            scr->ptr[j2+1][i] = (short)((t1 + t2 + 1) >> 1);
    571          }
    572      }
    574      BorderSpread(scr, 0, 0, 3, 3);
    576      // Horizontal Filter
    577 -    for (i = -off; i < scr->width + off; i++) {
    578 -        int i2 = i * 2;
    579 -        for (j = -out->border; j < out->height + out->border; j++) {
    580 +    int limit = out->height + out->border;
    581 +    for (j = -out->border; j < limit; j++) {
    582 +        for (i = -off; i < scr->width + off; i++) {
    583 +            int i2 = i * 2;
    584 +            int t1 = scr->ptr[j][i];
    585 +            int t2 = scr->ptr[j][i+1];
    586              out->ptr[j][i2] = (short) (out->ptr[j][i2] +
    587 -                    (mode * ((6 * scr->ptr[j][i] +
    588 -                              scr->ptr[j][i-1] + scr->ptr[j][i+1] + 4) >> 3)));
    589 +                    (mode * ((6 * t1 +
    590 +                              scr->ptr[j][i-1] + t2 + 4) >> 3)));
    591              out->ptr[j][i2+1] = (short) (out->ptr[j][i2+1] +
    592 -                    (mode * ((scr->ptr[j][i] + scr->ptr[j][i+1] + 1) >> 1)));
    593 +                    (mode * ((t1 + t2 + 1) >> 1)));
    594          }
    595      }
    597 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp
    598 index 9a07e496..a956f23b 100755
    599 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp
    600 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.cpp
    601 @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ bool FrameBuffer::Init(int width, int height, GLenum format) {
    602                             GL_TEXTURE_2D,
    603                             mTextureName,
    604                             0);
    605 +    checkFramebufferStatus("FrameBuffer.cpp");
    606 +    checkGlError("framebuffertexture2d");
    608      if (!checkGlError("texture setup")) {
    609          return false;
    610 @@ -94,6 +96,3 @@ int FrameBuffer::GetWidth() const {
    611  int FrameBuffer::GetHeight() const {
    612      return mHeight;
    613  }
    614 -
    615 -
    616 -
    617 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.h b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.h
    618 index b6a20ad1..314b1262 100755
    619 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.h
    620 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/FrameBuffer.h
    621 @@ -4,7 +4,10 @@
    622  #include <GLES2/gl2.h>
    623  #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
    625 -extern bool checkGlError(const char* op);
    626 +#define checkGlError(op)  checkGLErrorDetail(__FILE__, __LINE__, (op))
    627 +
    628 +extern bool checkGLErrorDetail(const char* file, int line, const char* op);
    629 +extern void checkFramebufferStatus(const char* name);
    631  class FrameBuffer {
    632    public:
    633 diff --git a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp
    634 index c5c143f9..b9938eb6 100755
    635 --- a/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp
    636 +++ b/jni/feature_mos/src/mosaic_renderer/Renderer.cpp
    637 @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ GLuint Renderer::createProgram(const char* pVertexSource, const char* pFragmentS
    638          GLint linkStatus = GL_FALSE;
    639          glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkStatus);
    641 -        LOGI("Program Linked!");
    642 +        LOGI("Program Linked (%d)!", program);
    644          if (linkStatus != GL_TRUE)
    645          {
    646 diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_constants.h b/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_constants.h
    647 index 612fc783..07565efd 100644
    648 --- a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_constants.h
    649 +++ b/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_utilities_constants.h
    650 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    651  #define DB_DEFAULT_ABS_CORNER_THRESHOLD 50000000.0
    652  #define DB_DEFAULT_REL_CORNER_THRESHOLD 0.00005
    653  #define DB_DEFAULT_MAX_DISPARITY 0.1
    654 -#define DB_DEFAULT_NO_DISPARITY (-1.0)
    655 +#define DB_DEFAULT_NO_DISPARITY -1.0
    656  #define DB_DEFAULT_MAX_TRACK_LENGTH 300
    658  #define DB_DEFAULT_MAX_NR_CAMERAS 1000
    659 diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp
    660 index dc7d58fe..da06aa2a 100644
    661 --- a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp
    662 +++ b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbreg.cpp
    663 @@ -485,7 +485,8 @@ int db_FrameToReferenceRegistration::AddFrame(const unsigned char * const * im,
    664    if(m_do_motion_smoothing)
    665      SmoothMotion();
    667 -   db_PrintDoubleMatrix(m_H_ref_to_ins,3,3);
    668 +   // Disable debug printing
    669 +   // db_PrintDoubleMatrix(m_H_ref_to_ins,3,3);
    671    db_Copy9(H, m_H_ref_to_ins);
    673 diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp
    674 index dffff8ab..2bb5d2e5 100644
    675 --- a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp
    676 +++ b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/dbstabsmooth.cpp
    677 @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ bool db_StabilizationSmoother::smoothMotionAdaptive(/*VP_BIMG *bimg,*/int hsize,
    678              smoothFactor = minSmoothFactor;
    680          // Find the amount of motion that must be compensated so that no "border" pixels are seen in the stable video
    681 -        for (smoothFactor = smoothFactor; smoothFactor >= minSmoothFactor; smoothFactor -= 0.01) {
    682 +        for (; smoothFactor >= minSmoothFactor; smoothFactor -= 0.01) {
    683              // Compute the smoothed motion
    684              if(!smoothMotion(inmot, &tmpMotion, smoothFactor))
    685                  break;
    686 diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.h b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.h
    687 index 71a7f7e7..a63ac001 100644
    688 --- a/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.h
    689 +++ b/jni/feature_stab/src/dbreg/vp_motionmodel.h
    690 @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ enum VP_MOTION_MODEL {
    691    VP_VFE_AFFINE=120
    692  };
    694 -#define VP_REFID (-1)   /* Default ID used for reference frame */
    695 +#define VP_REFID -1   /* Default ID used for reference frame */
    697  typedef struct {
    698    VP_TRS par;            /* Contains the motion paramerers.
    699 @@ -205,16 +205,16 @@ typedef struct {
    700  /* Warp a 2d point (assuming the z component is zero) */
    701  #define VP_WARP_POINT_2D(inx,iny,m,outx,outy) do {\
    702    VP_PAR vpTmpWarpPnt___= MWX(m)*(inx)+MWY(m)*(iny)+MWW(m); \
    703 -  (outx) = (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)(inx))+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)(iny))+MXW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    704 -  (outy) = (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)(inx))+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)(iny))+MYW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; } while (0)
    705 +  outx = (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)inx)+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)iny)+MXW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    706 +  outy = (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)inx)+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)iny)+MYW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; } while (0)
    708  /* Warp a 3d point */
    709  #define VP_WARP_POINT_3D(inx,iny,inz,m,outx,outy,outz) do {\
    710 -  VP_PAR vpTmpWarpPnt___= MWX(m)*(inx)+MWY(m)*(iny)+MWZ(m)*((VP_PAR)(inz))+MWW(m); \
    711 -  (outx) = (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)(inx))+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)(iny))+MXZ(m)*((VP_PAR)(inz))+MXW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    712 -  (outy) = (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)(inx))+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)(iny))+MYZ(m)*((VP_PAR)(inz))+MYW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    713 -  (outz) = MZX(m)*((VP_PAR)(inx))+MZY(m)*((VP_PAR)(iny))+MZZ(m)*((VP_PAR)(inz))+MZW(m); \
    714 -  if ((m).type==VP_MOTION_PROJ_3D) (outz)/=vpTmpWarpPnt___; } while (0)
    715 +  VP_PAR vpTmpWarpPnt___= MWX(m)*(inx)+MWY(m)*(iny)+MWZ(m)*((VP_PAR)inz)+MWW(m); \
    716 +  outx = (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)inx)+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)iny)+MXZ(m)*((VP_PAR)inz)+MXW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    717 +  outy = (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)inx)+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)iny)+MYZ(m)*((VP_PAR)inz)+MYW(m))/vpTmpWarpPnt___; \
    718 +  outz = MZX(m)*((VP_PAR)inx)+MZY(m)*((VP_PAR)iny)+MZZ(m)*((VP_PAR)inz)+MZW(m); \
    719 +  if ((m).type==VP_MOTION_PROJ_3D) outz/=vpTmpWarpPnt___; } while (0)
    721  /* Projections of each component */
    722  #define VP_PROJW_3D(m,x,y,z,f)   ( MWX(m)*(x)+MWY(m)*(y)+MWZ(m)*(z)+MWW(m) )
    723 @@ -224,15 +224,15 @@ typedef struct {
    725  /* Scale Down a matrix by Sfactor */
    726  #define VP_SCALEDOWN(m,Sfactor) do { \
    727 -  MXW(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWX(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); \
    728 -  MYW(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWY(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); \
    729 -  MZW(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWZ(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); } while (0)
    730 +  MXW(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWX(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; \
    731 +  MYW(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWY(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; \
    732 +  MZW(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWZ(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; } while (0)
    734  /* Scale Up a matrix by Sfactor */
    735  #define VP_SCALEUP(m,Sfactor) do { \
    736 -  MXW(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWX(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); \
    737 -  MYW(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWY(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); \
    738 -  MZW(m) *= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); MWZ(m) /= (VP_PAR)(Sfactor); } while (0)
    739 +  MXW(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWX(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; \
    740 +  MYW(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWY(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; \
    741 +  MZW(m) *= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; MWZ(m) /= (VP_PAR)Sfactor; } while (0)
    743  /* Normalize the transformation matrix so that MWW is 1 */
    744  #define VP_NORMALIZE(m) if (MWW(m)!=(VP_PAR)0.0) do { \
    745 @@ -253,15 +253,15 @@ typedef struct {
    747  /* w' projection given a point x,y,0,f */
    748  #define VP_PROJZ(m,x,y,f) ( \
    749 -    MWX(m)*((VP_PAR)(x))+MWY(m)*((VP_PAR)(y))+MWW(m)*((VP_PAR)(f)))
    750 +    MWX(m)*((VP_PAR)x)+MWY(m)*((VP_PAR)y)+MWW(m)*((VP_PAR)f))
    752  /* X Projection given a point x,y,0,f and w' */
    753  #define VP_PROJX(m,x,y,w,f) (\
    754 -   (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)(x))+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)(y))+MXW(m)*((VP_PAR)(f)))/((VP_PAR)(w)))
    755 +   (MXX(m)*((VP_PAR)x)+MXY(m)*((VP_PAR)y)+MXW(m)*((VP_PAR)f))/((VP_PAR)w))
    757  /* Y Projection given a point x,y,0,f and the w' */
    758  #define VP_PROJY(m,x,y,w,f) (\
    759 -  (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)(x))+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)(y))+MYW(m)*((VP_PAR)(f)))/((VP_PAR)(w)))
    760 +  (MYX(m)*((VP_PAR)x)+MYY(m)*((VP_PAR)y)+MYW(m)*((VP_PAR)f))/((VP_PAR)w))
    762  /* Set the reference id for a motion */
    763  #define VP_SET_REFID(m,id) do { (m).refid=id; } while (0)