1 Overview
2 --------
3 QorIQ LS1012A FREEDOM (LS1012AFRDM) is a high-performance development
4 platform, with a complete debugging environment. The LS1012AFRDM board
5 supports the QorIQ LS1012A processor and is optimized to support the
6 high-bandwidth DDR3L memory and a full complement of high-speed SerDes ports.
8 LS1012A SoC Overview
9 --------------------
10 Please refer arch/arm/cpu/armv8/fsl-layerscape/doc/README.soc for LS2080A
11 SoC overview.
13 LS1012AFRDM board Overview
14 -----------------------
15 - SERDES Connections, 2 lanes supportingspeeds upto 1 Gbit/s
16 - 2 SGMII 1G PHYs
17 - DDR Controller
18 - 4 Gb DDR3L SDRAM memory, running at data rates up to 1 GT/s
19 operating at 1.35 V
20 - QSPI
21 - Onboard 512 Mbit QSPI flash memory running at speed up
22 to 108/54 MHz
23 - One high-speed USB 2.0/3.0 port, one USB 2.0 port
24 - USB 2.0/3.0 port is configured as On-The-Go (OTG) with a
25 Micro-AB connector.
26 - USB 2.0 port is a debug port (CMSIS DAP) and is configured
27 as a Micro-AB device.
28 - I2C controller
29 - One I2C bus with connectivity to Arduino headers
30 - UART
31 - UART (Console): UART1 (Without flow control) for console
32 - ARM JTAG support
33 - ARM Cortex 10-pin JTAG connector for LS1012A
34 - CMSIS DAP through K20 microcontroller
35 - SAI Audio interface
36 - One SAI port, SAI 2 with full duplex support
37 - Clocks
38 - 25 MHz crystal for LS1012A
39 - 8 MHz Crystal for K20
40 - 24 MHz for SC16IS740IPW SPI to Dual UART bridge
41 - Power Supplies
42 - 5 V input supply from USB
43 - 0.9 V, 1.35 V, and 1.8 V for VDD/Core, DDR, I/O, and
44 other board interfaces
46 Booting Options
47 ---------------
48 QSPI Flash 1
50 QSPI flash map
51 --------------
52 Images | Size |QSPI Flash Address
53 ------------------------------------------
54 RCW + PBI | 1MB | 0x4000_0000
55 U-boot | 1MB | 0x4010_0000
56 U-boot Env | 1MB | 0x4020_0000
57 PPA FIT image | 2MB | 0x4050_0000
58 Linux ITB | ~53MB | 0x40A0_0000