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      1 <html>
      2 <!--
      3 Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.  Use of this source
      4 code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 -->
      7 <head>
      8   <style>
      9     html {
     10       font-family: monospace;
     11     }
     13     .entry-details {}
     15     .entry-details TD {}
     17     .details {
     18       width: 0.1em;
     19     }
     21     .details span {
     22       padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;
     23       background-color: black;
     24       color: white;
     25       border-radius: 25px;
     26       text-align: center;
     27       cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;
     28     }
     30     .count {
     31       text-align: right;
     32       width: 5em;
     33     }
     35     .percentage {
     36       text-align: right;
     37       width: 5em;
     38     }
     40     .key {
     41       padding-left: 1em;
     42     }
     44     .drilldown-group-title {
     45       font-weight: bold;
     46       padding: 0.5em 0 0.2em 0;
     47     }
     48   </style>
     49   <script src="./splaytree.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     50   <script src="./codemap.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     51   <script src="./csvparser.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     52   <script src="./consarray.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     53   <script src="./profile.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     54   <script src="./profile_view.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     55   <script src="./logreader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     56   <script src="./arguments.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     57   <script src="./ic-processor.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     58   <script src="./SourceMap.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     60   <script>
     61     "use strict"
     62     let entries = [];
     64     let properties = ['type', 'category', 'functionName', 'filePosition',
     65       'state', 'key', 'map', 'reason', 'file',
     66     ];
     68     // For compatibility with console scripts:
     69     print = console.log;
     71     class CustomIcProcessor extends IcProcessor {
     72       constructor() {
     73         super();
     74         this.entries = [];
     75       }
     77       functionName(pc) {
     78         let entry = this.profile_.findEntry(pc);
     79         return this.formatName(entry);
     80       }
     82       processPropertyIC(type, pc, line, column, old_state, new_state, map, key,
     83           modifier, slow_reason) {
     84         let fnName = this.functionName(pc);
     85         this.entries.push(new Entry(type, fnName, line, column, key,
     86           old_state, new_state, map, slow_reason));
     88       }
     89     };
     92     class Entry {
     93       constructor(type, fn_file, line, column, key, oldState, newState,
     94           map, reason, additional) {
     95         this.type = type;
     96         this.category = "other";
     97         if (this.type.indexOf("Store") !== -1) {
     98           this.category = "Store";
     99         } else if (this.type.indexOf("Load") !== -1) {
    100           this.category = "Load";
    101         }
    102         let parts = fn_file.split(" ");
    103         this.functionName = parts[0];
    104         this.file = parts[1];
    105         let position = line + ":" + column;
    106         this.filePosition = this.file + ":" + position;
    107         this.oldState = oldState;
    108         this.newState = newState;
    109         this.state = this.oldState + "  " + this.newState;
    110         this.key = key;
    111         this.map = map.toString(16);
    112         this.reason = reason;
    113         this.additional = additional;
    114       }
    116       parseMapProperties(parts, offset) {
    117         let next = parts[++offset];
    118         if (!next.startsWith('dict')) return offset;
    119         this.propertiesMode =
    120           next.substr(5) == "0" ? "fast" : "slow";
    121         this.numberOfOwnProperties = parts[++offset].substr(4);
    122         next = parts[++offset];
    123         this.instanceType = next.substr(5, next.length - 6);
    124         return offset;
    125       }
    127       parsePositionAndFile(parts, start) {
    128         // find the position of 'at' in the parts array.
    129         let offset = start;
    130         for (let i = start + 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
    131           offset++;
    132           if (parts[i] == 'at') break;
    133         }
    134         if (parts[offset] !== 'at') return -1;
    135         this.position = parts.slice(start, offset).join(' ');
    136         offset += 1;
    137         this.isNative = parts[offset] == "native"
    138         offset += this.isNative ? 1 : 0;
    139         this.file = parts[offset];
    140         return offset;
    141       }
    142     }
    144     function loadFile() {
    145       let files = document.getElementById("uploadInput").files;
    147       let file = files[0];
    148       let reader = new FileReader();
    150       reader.onload = function(evt) {
    151         let icProcessor = new CustomIcProcessor();
    152         icProcessor.processString(this.result);
    153         entries = icProcessor.entries;
    155         document.getElementById("count").innerHTML = entries.length;
    156         updateTable();
    157       }
    158       reader.readAsText(file);
    159       initGroupKeySelect();
    160     }
    163     class Group {
    164       constructor(property, key, entry) {
    165         this.property = property;
    166         this.key = key;
    167         this.count = 1;
    168         this.entries = [entry];
    169         this.percentage = undefined;
    170         this.groups = undefined;
    171       }
    173       add(entry) {
    174         this.count++;
    175         this.entries.push(entry)
    176       }
    178       createSubGroups() {
    179         this.groups = {};
    180         for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
    181           let subProperty = properties[i];
    182           if (this.property == subProperty) continue;
    183           this.groups[subProperty] = groupBy(this.entries, subProperty);
    184         }
    185       }
    186     }
    188     function groupBy(entries, property) {
    189       let accumulator = Object.create(null);
    190       let length = entries.length;
    191       for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    192         let entry = entries[i];
    193         let key = entry[property];
    194         if (accumulator[key] == undefined) {
    195           accumulator[key] = new Group(property, key, entry)
    196         } else {
    197           let group = accumulator[key];
    198           if (group.entries == undefined) console.log([group, entry]);
    199           group.add(entry)
    200         }
    201       }
    202       let result = []
    203       for (let key in accumulator) {
    204         let group = accumulator[key];
    205         group.percentage = Math.round(group.count / length * 100 * 100) / 100;
    206         result.push(group);
    207       }
    208       result.sort((a, b) => {
    209         return b.count - a.count
    210       });
    211       return result;
    212     }
    216     function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
    217       if (!unsafe) return "";
    218       return unsafe.toString()
    219         .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
    220         .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
    221         .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
    222         .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
    223         .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
    224     }
    226     function processValue(unsafe) {
    227       if (!unsafe) return "";
    228       if (!unsafe.startsWith("http")) return escapeHtml(unsafe);
    229       let a = document.createElement("a");
    230       a.href = unsafe;
    231       a.textContent = unsafe;
    232       return a;
    233     }
    235     function updateTable() {
    236       let select = document.getElementById("group-key");
    237       let key = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text;
    238       let tableBody = document.getElementById("table-body");
    239       removeAllChildren(tableBody);
    240       let groups = groupBy(entries, key, true);
    241       display(groups, tableBody);
    242     }
    244     function selecedOption(node) {
    245       return node.options[node.selectedIndex]
    246     }
    248     function removeAllChildren(node) {
    249       while (node.firstChild) {
    250         node.removeChild(node.firstChild);
    251       }
    252     }
    254     function display(entries, parent) {
    255       let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
    257       function td(tr, content, className) {
    258         let node = document.createElement("td");
    259         if (typeof content == "object") {
    260           node.appendChild(content);
    261         } else {
    262           node.innerHTML = content;
    263         }
    264         node.className = className
    265         tr.appendChild(node);
    266         return node
    267       }
    269       let max = Math.min(1000, entries.length)
    270       for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) {
    271         let entry = entries[i];
    272         let tr = document.createElement("tr");
    273         tr.entry = entry;
    274         td(tr, '&#8505;', 'details');
    275         td(tr, entry.percentage + "%", 'percentage');
    276         td(tr, entry.count, 'count');
    277         td(tr, processValue(entry.key), 'key');
    278         fragment.appendChild(tr);
    279       }
    280       let omitted = entries.length - max;
    281       if (omitted > 0) {
    282         let tr = document.createElement("tr");
    283         let tdNode = td(tr, 'Omitted ' + omitted + " entries.");
    284         tdNode.colSpan = 4;
    285         fragment.appendChild(tr);
    286       }
    287       parent.appendChild(fragment);
    288     }
    290     function displayDrilldown(entry, previousSibling) {
    291       let tr = document.createElement('tr');
    292       tr.className = "entry-details";
    293       tr.style.display = "none";
    294       // indent by one td.
    295       tr.appendChild(document.createElement("td"));
    296       let td = document.createElement("td");
    297       td.colSpan = 3;
    298       for (let key in entry.groups) {
    299         td.appendChild(displayDrilldownGroup(entry, key));
    300       }
    301       tr.appendChild(td);
    302       // Append the new TR after previousSibling.
    303       previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(tr, previousSibling.nextSibling)
    304     }
    306     function displayDrilldownGroup(entry, key) {
    307       let max = 20;
    308       let group = entry.groups[key];
    309       let div = document.createElement("div")
    310       div.className = 'drilldown-group-title'
    311       div.textContent = key + ' [top ' + max + ' out of ' + group.length + ']';
    312       let table = document.createElement("table");
    313       display(group.slice(0, max), table, false)
    314       div.appendChild(table);
    315       return div;
    316     }
    318     function toggleDetails(node) {
    319       let tr = node.parentNode.parentNode;
    320       let entry = tr.entry;
    322       // Create subgroup in-place if the don't exist yet.
    323       if (entry.groups === undefined) {
    324         entry.createSubGroups();
    325         displayDrilldown(entry, tr);
    326       }
    327       let details = tr.nextSibling;
    328       let display = details.style.display;
    329       if (display != "none") {
    330         display = "none";
    331       } else {
    332         display = "table-row"
    333       };
    334       details.style.display = display;
    335     }
    337     function initGroupKeySelect() {
    338       let select = document.getElementById("group-key");
    339       for (let i in properties) {
    340         let option = document.createElement("option");
    341         option.text = properties[i];
    342         select.add(option);
    343       }
    344     }
    346     function handleOnLoad() {
    347       document.querySelector("#uploadInput").focus();
    348     }
    349   </script>
    350 </head>
    352 <body onload="handleOnLoad()">
    353   <h1>
    354     <span style="color: #00FF00">I</span>
    355     <span style="color: #FF00FF">C</span>
    356     <span style="color: #00FFFF">E</span>
    357   </h1> Your IC-Explorer.
    359   <div id="legend" style="padding-right: 200px">
    360     <div style="float:right;  border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding:20px">
    361       0 uninitialized<br>
    362       . premonomorphic<br>
    363       1 monomorphic<br>
    364       ^ recompute handler<br>
    365       P polymorphic<br>
    366       N megamorphic<br>
    367       G generic
    368     </div>
    369   </div>
    371   <h2>Usage</h2> Run your script with <code>--trace_ic</code> and upload <code>v8.log</code> on this page:<br/>
    372   <code>/path/to/d8 --trace_ic your_script.js</code>
    373   <h2>Data</h2>
    374   <form name="fileForm">
    375     <p>
    376       <input id="uploadInput" type="file" name="files" onchange="loadFile();"> trace entries: <span id="count">0</span>
    377     </p>
    378   </form>
    379   <h2>Result</h2>
    380   <p>
    381     Group-Key:
    382     <select id="group-key" onchange="updateTable()"></select>
    383   </p>
    384   <p>
    385     <table id="table" width="100%">
    386       <tbody id="table-body">
    387       </tbody>
    388     </table>
    389   </p>
    390 </body>
    392 </html>