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      1 /*
      2  *  Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      3  *
      4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
      9  */
     11 #include <string.h>
     13 #include <map>
     14 #include <vector>
     16 #include "webrtc/audio/audio_receive_stream.h"
     17 #include "webrtc/audio/audio_send_stream.h"
     18 #include "webrtc/audio/audio_state.h"
     19 #include "webrtc/audio/scoped_voe_interface.h"
     20 #include "webrtc/base/checks.h"
     21 #include "webrtc/base/logging.h"
     22 #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h"
     23 #include "webrtc/base/thread_annotations.h"
     24 #include "webrtc/base/thread_checker.h"
     25 #include "webrtc/base/trace_event.h"
     26 #include "webrtc/call.h"
     27 #include "webrtc/call/bitrate_allocator.h"
     28 #include "webrtc/call/congestion_controller.h"
     29 #include "webrtc/call/rtc_event_log.h"
     30 #include "webrtc/common.h"
     31 #include "webrtc/config.h"
     32 #include "webrtc/modules/bitrate_controller/include/bitrate_controller.h"
     33 #include "webrtc/modules/pacing/paced_sender.h"
     34 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
     35 #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/source/byte_io.h"
     36 #include "webrtc/modules/utility/include/process_thread.h"
     37 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/cpu_info.h"
     38 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/critical_section_wrapper.h"
     39 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/metrics.h"
     40 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/rw_lock_wrapper.h"
     41 #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h"
     42 #include "webrtc/video/call_stats.h"
     43 #include "webrtc/video/video_receive_stream.h"
     44 #include "webrtc/video/video_send_stream.h"
     45 #include "webrtc/voice_engine/include/voe_codec.h"
     47 namespace webrtc {
     49 const int Call::Config::kDefaultStartBitrateBps = 300000;
     51 namespace internal {
     53 class Call : public webrtc::Call, public PacketReceiver,
     54              public BitrateObserver {
     55  public:
     56   explicit Call(const Call::Config& config);
     57   virtual ~Call();
     59   PacketReceiver* Receiver() override;
     61   webrtc::AudioSendStream* CreateAudioSendStream(
     62       const webrtc::AudioSendStream::Config& config) override;
     63   void DestroyAudioSendStream(webrtc::AudioSendStream* send_stream) override;
     65   webrtc::AudioReceiveStream* CreateAudioReceiveStream(
     66       const webrtc::AudioReceiveStream::Config& config) override;
     67   void DestroyAudioReceiveStream(
     68       webrtc::AudioReceiveStream* receive_stream) override;
     70   webrtc::VideoSendStream* CreateVideoSendStream(
     71       const webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config& config,
     72       const VideoEncoderConfig& encoder_config) override;
     73   void DestroyVideoSendStream(webrtc::VideoSendStream* send_stream) override;
     75   webrtc::VideoReceiveStream* CreateVideoReceiveStream(
     76       const webrtc::VideoReceiveStream::Config& config) override;
     77   void DestroyVideoReceiveStream(
     78       webrtc::VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream) override;
     80   Stats GetStats() const override;
     82   DeliveryStatus DeliverPacket(MediaType media_type,
     83                                const uint8_t* packet,
     84                                size_t length,
     85                                const PacketTime& packet_time) override;
     87   void SetBitrateConfig(
     88       const webrtc::Call::Config::BitrateConfig& bitrate_config) override;
     89   void SignalNetworkState(NetworkState state) override;
     91   void OnSentPacket(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) override;
     93   // Implements BitrateObserver.
     94   void OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t bitrate_bps, uint8_t fraction_loss,
     95                         int64_t rtt_ms) override;
     97  private:
     98   DeliveryStatus DeliverRtcp(MediaType media_type, const uint8_t* packet,
     99                              size_t length);
    100   DeliveryStatus DeliverRtp(MediaType media_type,
    101                             const uint8_t* packet,
    102                             size_t length,
    103                             const PacketTime& packet_time);
    105   void ConfigureSync(const std::string& sync_group)
    106       EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(receive_crit_);
    108   VoiceEngine* voice_engine() {
    109     internal::AudioState* audio_state =
    110         static_cast<internal::AudioState*>(config_.audio_state.get());
    111     if (audio_state)
    112       return audio_state->voice_engine();
    113     else
    114       return nullptr;
    115   }
    117   void UpdateSendHistograms() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&bitrate_crit_);
    118   void UpdateReceiveHistograms();
    120   Clock* const clock_;
    122   const int num_cpu_cores_;
    123   const rtc::scoped_ptr<ProcessThread> module_process_thread_;
    124   const rtc::scoped_ptr<CallStats> call_stats_;
    125   const rtc::scoped_ptr<BitrateAllocator> bitrate_allocator_;
    126   Call::Config config_;
    127   rtc::ThreadChecker configuration_thread_checker_;
    129   bool network_enabled_;
    131   rtc::scoped_ptr<RWLockWrapper> receive_crit_;
    132   // Audio and Video receive streams are owned by the client that creates them.
    133   std::map<uint32_t, AudioReceiveStream*> audio_receive_ssrcs_
    134       GUARDED_BY(receive_crit_);
    135   std::map<uint32_t, VideoReceiveStream*> video_receive_ssrcs_
    136       GUARDED_BY(receive_crit_);
    137   std::set<VideoReceiveStream*> video_receive_streams_
    138       GUARDED_BY(receive_crit_);
    139   std::map<std::string, AudioReceiveStream*> sync_stream_mapping_
    140       GUARDED_BY(receive_crit_);
    142   rtc::scoped_ptr<RWLockWrapper> send_crit_;
    143   // Audio and Video send streams are owned by the client that creates them.
    144   std::map<uint32_t, AudioSendStream*> audio_send_ssrcs_ GUARDED_BY(send_crit_);
    145   std::map<uint32_t, VideoSendStream*> video_send_ssrcs_ GUARDED_BY(send_crit_);
    146   std::set<VideoSendStream*> video_send_streams_ GUARDED_BY(send_crit_);
    148   VideoSendStream::RtpStateMap suspended_video_send_ssrcs_;
    150   RtcEventLog* event_log_ = nullptr;
    152   // The following members are only accessed (exclusively) from one thread and
    153   // from the destructor, and therefore doesn't need any explicit
    154   // synchronization.
    155   int64_t received_video_bytes_;
    156   int64_t received_audio_bytes_;
    157   int64_t received_rtcp_bytes_;
    158   int64_t first_rtp_packet_received_ms_;
    159   int64_t last_rtp_packet_received_ms_;
    160   int64_t first_packet_sent_ms_;
    162   // TODO(holmer): Remove this lock once BitrateController no longer calls
    163   // OnNetworkChanged from multiple threads.
    164   rtc::CriticalSection bitrate_crit_;
    165   int64_t estimated_send_bitrate_sum_kbits_ GUARDED_BY(&bitrate_crit_);
    166   int64_t pacer_bitrate_sum_kbits_ GUARDED_BY(&bitrate_crit_);
    167   int64_t num_bitrate_updates_ GUARDED_BY(&bitrate_crit_);
    169   const rtc::scoped_ptr<CongestionController> congestion_controller_;
    172 };
    173 }  // namespace internal
    175 Call* Call::Create(const Call::Config& config) {
    176   return new internal::Call(config);
    177 }
    179 namespace internal {
    181 Call::Call(const Call::Config& config)
    182     : clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()),
    183       num_cpu_cores_(CpuInfo::DetectNumberOfCores()),
    184       module_process_thread_(ProcessThread::Create("ModuleProcessThread")),
    185       call_stats_(new CallStats(clock_)),
    186       bitrate_allocator_(new BitrateAllocator()),
    187       config_(config),
    188       network_enabled_(true),
    189       receive_crit_(RWLockWrapper::CreateRWLock()),
    190       send_crit_(RWLockWrapper::CreateRWLock()),
    191       received_video_bytes_(0),
    192       received_audio_bytes_(0),
    193       received_rtcp_bytes_(0),
    194       first_rtp_packet_received_ms_(-1),
    195       last_rtp_packet_received_ms_(-1),
    196       first_packet_sent_ms_(-1),
    197       estimated_send_bitrate_sum_kbits_(0),
    198       pacer_bitrate_sum_kbits_(0),
    199       num_bitrate_updates_(0),
    200       congestion_controller_(
    201           new CongestionController(module_process_thread_.get(),
    202                                    call_stats_.get(),
    203                                    this)) {
    204   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    205   RTC_DCHECK_GE(config.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps, 0);
    206   RTC_DCHECK_GE(config.bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps,
    207                 config.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps);
    208   if (config.bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps != -1) {
    209     RTC_DCHECK_GE(config.bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps,
    210                   config.bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps);
    211   }
    212   if (config.audio_state.get()) {
    213     ScopedVoEInterface<VoECodec> voe_codec(voice_engine());
    214     event_log_ = voe_codec->GetEventLog();
    215   }
    217   Trace::CreateTrace();
    218   module_process_thread_->Start();
    219   module_process_thread_->RegisterModule(call_stats_.get());
    221   congestion_controller_->SetBweBitrates(
    222       config_.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps,
    223       config_.bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps,
    224       config_.bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps);
    226   congestion_controller_->GetBitrateController()->SetEventLog(event_log_);
    227 }
    229 Call::~Call() {
    230   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    231   UpdateSendHistograms();
    232   UpdateReceiveHistograms();
    233   RTC_CHECK(audio_send_ssrcs_.empty());
    234   RTC_CHECK(video_send_ssrcs_.empty());
    235   RTC_CHECK(video_send_streams_.empty());
    236   RTC_CHECK(audio_receive_ssrcs_.empty());
    237   RTC_CHECK(video_receive_ssrcs_.empty());
    238   RTC_CHECK(video_receive_streams_.empty());
    240   module_process_thread_->DeRegisterModule(call_stats_.get());
    241   module_process_thread_->Stop();
    242   Trace::ReturnTrace();
    243 }
    245 void Call::UpdateSendHistograms() {
    246   if (num_bitrate_updates_ == 0 || first_packet_sent_ms_ == -1)
    247     return;
    248   int64_t elapsed_sec =
    249       (clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - first_packet_sent_ms_) / 1000;
    250   if (elapsed_sec < metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds)
    251     return;
    252   int send_bitrate_kbps =
    253       estimated_send_bitrate_sum_kbits_ / num_bitrate_updates_;
    254   int pacer_bitrate_kbps = pacer_bitrate_sum_kbits_ / num_bitrate_updates_;
    255   if (send_bitrate_kbps > 0) {
    256     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_SPARSE_100000("WebRTC.Call.EstimatedSendBitrateInKbps",
    257                                        send_bitrate_kbps);
    258   }
    259   if (pacer_bitrate_kbps > 0) {
    260     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_SPARSE_100000("WebRTC.Call.PacerBitrateInKbps",
    261                                        pacer_bitrate_kbps);
    262   }
    263 }
    265 void Call::UpdateReceiveHistograms() {
    266   if (first_rtp_packet_received_ms_ == -1)
    267     return;
    268   int64_t elapsed_sec =
    269       (last_rtp_packet_received_ms_ - first_rtp_packet_received_ms_) / 1000;
    270   if (elapsed_sec < metrics::kMinRunTimeInSeconds)
    271     return;
    272   int audio_bitrate_kbps = received_audio_bytes_ * 8 / elapsed_sec / 1000;
    273   int video_bitrate_kbps = received_video_bytes_ * 8 / elapsed_sec / 1000;
    274   int rtcp_bitrate_bps = received_rtcp_bytes_ * 8 / elapsed_sec;
    275   if (video_bitrate_kbps > 0) {
    276     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_SPARSE_100000("WebRTC.Call.VideoBitrateReceivedInKbps",
    277                                        video_bitrate_kbps);
    278   }
    279   if (audio_bitrate_kbps > 0) {
    280     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_SPARSE_100000("WebRTC.Call.AudioBitrateReceivedInKbps",
    281                                        audio_bitrate_kbps);
    282   }
    283   if (rtcp_bitrate_bps > 0) {
    284     RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_SPARSE_100000("WebRTC.Call.RtcpBitrateReceivedInBps",
    285                                        rtcp_bitrate_bps);
    286   }
    288       "WebRTC.Call.BitrateReceivedInKbps",
    289       audio_bitrate_kbps + video_bitrate_kbps + rtcp_bitrate_bps / 1000);
    290 }
    292 PacketReceiver* Call::Receiver() {
    293   // TODO(solenberg): Some test cases in EndToEndTest use this from a different
    294   // thread. Re-enable once that is fixed.
    295   // RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    296   return this;
    297 }
    299 webrtc::AudioSendStream* Call::CreateAudioSendStream(
    300     const webrtc::AudioSendStream::Config& config) {
    301   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::CreateAudioSendStream");
    302   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    303   AudioSendStream* send_stream = new AudioSendStream(
    304       config, config_.audio_state, congestion_controller_.get());
    305   if (!network_enabled_)
    306     send_stream->SignalNetworkState(kNetworkDown);
    307   {
    308     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*send_crit_);
    309     RTC_DCHECK(audio_send_ssrcs_.find(config.rtp.ssrc) ==
    310                audio_send_ssrcs_.end());
    311     audio_send_ssrcs_[config.rtp.ssrc] = send_stream;
    312   }
    313   return send_stream;
    314 }
    316 void Call::DestroyAudioSendStream(webrtc::AudioSendStream* send_stream) {
    317   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DestroyAudioSendStream");
    318   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    319   RTC_DCHECK(send_stream != nullptr);
    321   send_stream->Stop();
    323   webrtc::internal::AudioSendStream* audio_send_stream =
    324       static_cast<webrtc::internal::AudioSendStream*>(send_stream);
    325   {
    326     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*send_crit_);
    327     size_t num_deleted = audio_send_ssrcs_.erase(
    328         audio_send_stream->config().rtp.ssrc);
    329     RTC_DCHECK(num_deleted == 1);
    330   }
    331   delete audio_send_stream;
    332 }
    334 webrtc::AudioReceiveStream* Call::CreateAudioReceiveStream(
    335     const webrtc::AudioReceiveStream::Config& config) {
    336   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::CreateAudioReceiveStream");
    337   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    338   AudioReceiveStream* receive_stream = new AudioReceiveStream(
    339       congestion_controller_.get(), config, config_.audio_state);
    340   {
    341     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*receive_crit_);
    342     RTC_DCHECK(audio_receive_ssrcs_.find(config.rtp.remote_ssrc) ==
    343                audio_receive_ssrcs_.end());
    344     audio_receive_ssrcs_[config.rtp.remote_ssrc] = receive_stream;
    345     ConfigureSync(config.sync_group);
    346   }
    347   return receive_stream;
    348 }
    350 void Call::DestroyAudioReceiveStream(
    351     webrtc::AudioReceiveStream* receive_stream) {
    352   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DestroyAudioReceiveStream");
    353   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    354   RTC_DCHECK(receive_stream != nullptr);
    355   webrtc::internal::AudioReceiveStream* audio_receive_stream =
    356       static_cast<webrtc::internal::AudioReceiveStream*>(receive_stream);
    357   {
    358     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*receive_crit_);
    359     size_t num_deleted = audio_receive_ssrcs_.erase(
    360         audio_receive_stream->config().rtp.remote_ssrc);
    361     RTC_DCHECK(num_deleted == 1);
    362     const std::string& sync_group = audio_receive_stream->config().sync_group;
    363     const auto it = sync_stream_mapping_.find(sync_group);
    364     if (it != sync_stream_mapping_.end() &&
    365         it->second == audio_receive_stream) {
    366       sync_stream_mapping_.erase(it);
    367       ConfigureSync(sync_group);
    368     }
    369   }
    370   delete audio_receive_stream;
    371 }
    373 webrtc::VideoSendStream* Call::CreateVideoSendStream(
    374     const webrtc::VideoSendStream::Config& config,
    375     const VideoEncoderConfig& encoder_config) {
    376   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::CreateVideoSendStream");
    377   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    379   // TODO(mflodman): Base the start bitrate on a current bandwidth estimate, if
    380   // the call has already started.
    381   VideoSendStream* send_stream = new VideoSendStream(
    382       num_cpu_cores_, module_process_thread_.get(), call_stats_.get(),
    383       congestion_controller_.get(), bitrate_allocator_.get(), config,
    384       encoder_config, suspended_video_send_ssrcs_);
    386   if (!network_enabled_)
    387     send_stream->SignalNetworkState(kNetworkDown);
    389   WriteLockScoped write_lock(*send_crit_);
    390   for (uint32_t ssrc : config.rtp.ssrcs) {
    391     RTC_DCHECK(video_send_ssrcs_.find(ssrc) == video_send_ssrcs_.end());
    392     video_send_ssrcs_[ssrc] = send_stream;
    393   }
    394   video_send_streams_.insert(send_stream);
    396   if (event_log_)
    397     event_log_->LogVideoSendStreamConfig(config);
    399   return send_stream;
    400 }
    402 void Call::DestroyVideoSendStream(webrtc::VideoSendStream* send_stream) {
    403   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DestroyVideoSendStream");
    404   RTC_DCHECK(send_stream != nullptr);
    405   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    407   send_stream->Stop();
    409   VideoSendStream* send_stream_impl = nullptr;
    410   {
    411     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*send_crit_);
    412     auto it = video_send_ssrcs_.begin();
    413     while (it != video_send_ssrcs_.end()) {
    414       if (it->second == static_cast<VideoSendStream*>(send_stream)) {
    415         send_stream_impl = it->second;
    416         video_send_ssrcs_.erase(it++);
    417       } else {
    418         ++it;
    419       }
    420     }
    421     video_send_streams_.erase(send_stream_impl);
    422   }
    423   RTC_CHECK(send_stream_impl != nullptr);
    425   VideoSendStream::RtpStateMap rtp_state = send_stream_impl->GetRtpStates();
    427   for (VideoSendStream::RtpStateMap::iterator it = rtp_state.begin();
    428        it != rtp_state.end();
    429        ++it) {
    430     suspended_video_send_ssrcs_[it->first] = it->second;
    431   }
    433   delete send_stream_impl;
    434 }
    436 webrtc::VideoReceiveStream* Call::CreateVideoReceiveStream(
    437     const webrtc::VideoReceiveStream::Config& config) {
    438   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::CreateVideoReceiveStream");
    439   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    440   VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream = new VideoReceiveStream(
    441       num_cpu_cores_, congestion_controller_.get(), config,
    442       voice_engine(), module_process_thread_.get(), call_stats_.get());
    444   WriteLockScoped write_lock(*receive_crit_);
    445   RTC_DCHECK(video_receive_ssrcs_.find(config.rtp.remote_ssrc) ==
    446              video_receive_ssrcs_.end());
    447   video_receive_ssrcs_[config.rtp.remote_ssrc] = receive_stream;
    448   // TODO(pbos): Configure different RTX payloads per receive payload.
    449   VideoReceiveStream::Config::Rtp::RtxMap::const_iterator it =
    450       config.rtp.rtx.begin();
    451   if (it != config.rtp.rtx.end())
    452     video_receive_ssrcs_[it->second.ssrc] = receive_stream;
    453   video_receive_streams_.insert(receive_stream);
    455   ConfigureSync(config.sync_group);
    457   if (!network_enabled_)
    458     receive_stream->SignalNetworkState(kNetworkDown);
    460   if (event_log_)
    461     event_log_->LogVideoReceiveStreamConfig(config);
    463   return receive_stream;
    464 }
    466 void Call::DestroyVideoReceiveStream(
    467     webrtc::VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream) {
    468   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DestroyVideoReceiveStream");
    469   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    470   RTC_DCHECK(receive_stream != nullptr);
    471   VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream_impl = nullptr;
    472   {
    473     WriteLockScoped write_lock(*receive_crit_);
    474     // Remove all ssrcs pointing to a receive stream. As RTX retransmits on a
    475     // separate SSRC there can be either one or two.
    476     auto it = video_receive_ssrcs_.begin();
    477     while (it != video_receive_ssrcs_.end()) {
    478       if (it->second == static_cast<VideoReceiveStream*>(receive_stream)) {
    479         if (receive_stream_impl != nullptr)
    480           RTC_DCHECK(receive_stream_impl == it->second);
    481         receive_stream_impl = it->second;
    482         video_receive_ssrcs_.erase(it++);
    483       } else {
    484         ++it;
    485       }
    486     }
    487     video_receive_streams_.erase(receive_stream_impl);
    488     RTC_CHECK(receive_stream_impl != nullptr);
    489     ConfigureSync(receive_stream_impl->config().sync_group);
    490   }
    491   delete receive_stream_impl;
    492 }
    494 Call::Stats Call::GetStats() const {
    495   // TODO(solenberg): Some test cases in EndToEndTest use this from a different
    496   // thread. Re-enable once that is fixed.
    497   // RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    498   Stats stats;
    499   // Fetch available send/receive bitrates.
    500   uint32_t send_bandwidth = 0;
    501   congestion_controller_->GetBitrateController()->AvailableBandwidth(
    502       &send_bandwidth);
    503   std::vector<unsigned int> ssrcs;
    504   uint32_t recv_bandwidth = 0;
    505   congestion_controller_->GetRemoteBitrateEstimator(false)->LatestEstimate(
    506       &ssrcs, &recv_bandwidth);
    507   stats.send_bandwidth_bps = send_bandwidth;
    508   stats.recv_bandwidth_bps = recv_bandwidth;
    509   stats.pacer_delay_ms = congestion_controller_->GetPacerQueuingDelayMs();
    510   {
    511     ReadLockScoped read_lock(*send_crit_);
    512     // TODO(solenberg): Add audio send streams.
    513     for (const auto& kv : video_send_ssrcs_) {
    514       int rtt_ms = kv.second->GetRtt();
    515       if (rtt_ms > 0)
    516         stats.rtt_ms = rtt_ms;
    517     }
    518   }
    519   return stats;
    520 }
    522 void Call::SetBitrateConfig(
    523     const webrtc::Call::Config::BitrateConfig& bitrate_config) {
    524   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::SetBitrateConfig");
    525   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    526   RTC_DCHECK_GE(bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps, 0);
    527   if (bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps != -1)
    528     RTC_DCHECK_GT(bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps, 0);
    529   if (config_.bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps ==
    530           bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps &&
    531       (bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps <= 0 ||
    532        config_.bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps ==
    533            bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps) &&
    534       config_.bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps ==
    535           bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps) {
    536     // Nothing new to set, early abort to avoid encoder reconfigurations.
    537     return;
    538   }
    539   config_.bitrate_config = bitrate_config;
    540   congestion_controller_->SetBweBitrates(bitrate_config.min_bitrate_bps,
    541                                          bitrate_config.start_bitrate_bps,
    542                                          bitrate_config.max_bitrate_bps);
    543 }
    545 void Call::SignalNetworkState(NetworkState state) {
    546   RTC_DCHECK(configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    547   network_enabled_ = state == kNetworkUp;
    548   congestion_controller_->SignalNetworkState(state);
    549   {
    550     ReadLockScoped write_lock(*send_crit_);
    551     for (auto& kv : audio_send_ssrcs_) {
    552       kv.second->SignalNetworkState(state);
    553     }
    554     for (auto& kv : video_send_ssrcs_) {
    555       kv.second->SignalNetworkState(state);
    556     }
    557   }
    558   {
    559     ReadLockScoped write_lock(*receive_crit_);
    560     for (auto& kv : video_receive_ssrcs_) {
    561       kv.second->SignalNetworkState(state);
    562     }
    563   }
    564 }
    566 void Call::OnSentPacket(const rtc::SentPacket& sent_packet) {
    567   if (first_packet_sent_ms_ == -1)
    568     first_packet_sent_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    569   congestion_controller_->OnSentPacket(sent_packet);
    570 }
    572 void Call::OnNetworkChanged(uint32_t target_bitrate_bps, uint8_t fraction_loss,
    573                             int64_t rtt_ms) {
    574   uint32_t allocated_bitrate_bps = bitrate_allocator_->OnNetworkChanged(
    575       target_bitrate_bps, fraction_loss, rtt_ms);
    577   int pad_up_to_bitrate_bps = 0;
    578   {
    579     ReadLockScoped read_lock(*send_crit_);
    580     // No need to update as long as we're not sending.
    581     if (video_send_streams_.empty())
    582       return;
    584     for (VideoSendStream* stream : video_send_streams_)
    585       pad_up_to_bitrate_bps += stream->GetPaddingNeededBps();
    586   }
    587   // Allocated bitrate might be higher than bitrate estimate if enforcing min
    588   // bitrate, or lower if estimate is higher than the sum of max bitrates, so
    589   // set the pacer bitrate to the maximum of the two.
    590   uint32_t pacer_bitrate_bps =
    591       std::max(target_bitrate_bps, allocated_bitrate_bps);
    592   {
    593     rtc::CritScope lock(&bitrate_crit_);
    594     // We only update these stats if we have send streams, and assume that
    595     // OnNetworkChanged is called roughly with a fixed frequency.
    596     estimated_send_bitrate_sum_kbits_ += target_bitrate_bps / 1000;
    597     pacer_bitrate_sum_kbits_ += pacer_bitrate_bps / 1000;
    598     ++num_bitrate_updates_;
    599   }
    600   congestion_controller_->UpdatePacerBitrate(
    601       target_bitrate_bps / 1000,
    602       PacedSender::kDefaultPaceMultiplier * pacer_bitrate_bps / 1000,
    603       pad_up_to_bitrate_bps / 1000);
    604 }
    606 void Call::ConfigureSync(const std::string& sync_group) {
    607   // Set sync only if there was no previous one.
    608   if (voice_engine() == nullptr || sync_group.empty())
    609     return;
    611   AudioReceiveStream* sync_audio_stream = nullptr;
    612   // Find existing audio stream.
    613   const auto it = sync_stream_mapping_.find(sync_group);
    614   if (it != sync_stream_mapping_.end()) {
    615     sync_audio_stream = it->second;
    616   } else {
    617     // No configured audio stream, see if we can find one.
    618     for (const auto& kv : audio_receive_ssrcs_) {
    619       if (kv.second->config().sync_group == sync_group) {
    620         if (sync_audio_stream != nullptr) {
    621           LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Attempting to sync more than one audio stream "
    622                              "within the same sync group. This is not "
    623                              "supported in the current implementation.";
    624           break;
    625         }
    626         sync_audio_stream = kv.second;
    627       }
    628     }
    629   }
    630   if (sync_audio_stream)
    631     sync_stream_mapping_[sync_group] = sync_audio_stream;
    632   size_t num_synced_streams = 0;
    633   for (VideoReceiveStream* video_stream : video_receive_streams_) {
    634     if (video_stream->config().sync_group != sync_group)
    635       continue;
    636     ++num_synced_streams;
    637     if (num_synced_streams > 1) {
    638       // TODO(pbos): Support synchronizing more than one A/V pair.
    639       // https://code.google.com/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=4762
    640       LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Attempting to sync more than one audio/video pair "
    641                          "within the same sync group. This is not supported in "
    642                          "the current implementation.";
    643     }
    644     // Only sync the first A/V pair within this sync group.
    645     if (sync_audio_stream != nullptr && num_synced_streams == 1) {
    646       video_stream->SetSyncChannel(voice_engine(),
    647                                    sync_audio_stream->config().voe_channel_id);
    648     } else {
    649       video_stream->SetSyncChannel(voice_engine(), -1);
    650     }
    651   }
    652 }
    654 PacketReceiver::DeliveryStatus Call::DeliverRtcp(MediaType media_type,
    655                                                  const uint8_t* packet,
    656                                                  size_t length) {
    657   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DeliverRtcp");
    658   // TODO(pbos): Figure out what channel needs it actually.
    659   //             Do NOT broadcast! Also make sure it's a valid packet.
    660   //             Return DELIVERY_UNKNOWN_SSRC if it can be determined that
    661   //             there's no receiver of the packet.
    662   received_rtcp_bytes_ += length;
    663   bool rtcp_delivered = false;
    664   if (media_type == MediaType::ANY || media_type == MediaType::VIDEO) {
    665     ReadLockScoped read_lock(*receive_crit_);
    666     for (VideoReceiveStream* stream : video_receive_streams_) {
    667       if (stream->DeliverRtcp(packet, length)) {
    668         rtcp_delivered = true;
    669         if (event_log_)
    670           event_log_->LogRtcpPacket(true, media_type, packet, length);
    671       }
    672     }
    673   }
    674   if (media_type == MediaType::ANY || media_type == MediaType::VIDEO) {
    675     ReadLockScoped read_lock(*send_crit_);
    676     for (VideoSendStream* stream : video_send_streams_) {
    677       if (stream->DeliverRtcp(packet, length)) {
    678         rtcp_delivered = true;
    679         if (event_log_)
    680           event_log_->LogRtcpPacket(false, media_type, packet, length);
    681       }
    682     }
    683   }
    684   return rtcp_delivered ? DELIVERY_OK : DELIVERY_PACKET_ERROR;
    685 }
    687 PacketReceiver::DeliveryStatus Call::DeliverRtp(MediaType media_type,
    688                                                 const uint8_t* packet,
    689                                                 size_t length,
    690                                                 const PacketTime& packet_time) {
    691   TRACE_EVENT0("webrtc", "Call::DeliverRtp");
    692   // Minimum RTP header size.
    693   if (length < 12)
    694     return DELIVERY_PACKET_ERROR;
    696   last_rtp_packet_received_ms_ = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
    697   if (first_rtp_packet_received_ms_ == -1)
    698     first_rtp_packet_received_ms_ = last_rtp_packet_received_ms_;
    700   uint32_t ssrc = ByteReader<uint32_t>::ReadBigEndian(&packet[8]);
    701   ReadLockScoped read_lock(*receive_crit_);
    702   if (media_type == MediaType::ANY || media_type == MediaType::AUDIO) {
    703     auto it = audio_receive_ssrcs_.find(ssrc);
    704     if (it != audio_receive_ssrcs_.end()) {
    705       received_audio_bytes_ += length;
    706       auto status = it->second->DeliverRtp(packet, length, packet_time)
    707                         ? DELIVERY_OK
    708                         : DELIVERY_PACKET_ERROR;
    709       if (status == DELIVERY_OK && event_log_)
    710         event_log_->LogRtpHeader(true, media_type, packet, length);
    711       return status;
    712     }
    713   }
    714   if (media_type == MediaType::ANY || media_type == MediaType::VIDEO) {
    715     auto it = video_receive_ssrcs_.find(ssrc);
    716     if (it != video_receive_ssrcs_.end()) {
    717       received_video_bytes_ += length;
    718       auto status = it->second->DeliverRtp(packet, length, packet_time)
    719                         ? DELIVERY_OK
    720                         : DELIVERY_PACKET_ERROR;
    721       if (status == DELIVERY_OK && event_log_)
    722         event_log_->LogRtpHeader(true, media_type, packet, length);
    723       return status;
    724     }
    725   }
    726   return DELIVERY_UNKNOWN_SSRC;
    727 }
    729 PacketReceiver::DeliveryStatus Call::DeliverPacket(
    730     MediaType media_type,
    731     const uint8_t* packet,
    732     size_t length,
    733     const PacketTime& packet_time) {
    734   // TODO(solenberg): Tests call this function on a network thread, libjingle
    735   // calls on the worker thread. We should move towards always using a network
    736   // thread. Then this check can be enabled.
    737   // RTC_DCHECK(!configuration_thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
    738   if (RtpHeaderParser::IsRtcp(packet, length))
    739     return DeliverRtcp(media_type, packet, length);
    741   return DeliverRtp(media_type, packet, length, packet_time);
    742 }
    744 }  // namespace internal
    745 }  // namespace webrtc