1 <?php 2 3 require('config.php'); 4 5 if (!stristr($_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"], "application/soap+xml")) { 6 error_log("spp.php - Unexpected Content-Type " . $_SERVER["CONTENT_TYPE"]); 7 die("Unexpected Content-Type"); 8 } 9 10 if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST") { 11 error_log("spp.php - Unexpected method " . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]); 12 die("Unexpected method"); 13 } 14 15 if (isset($_GET["realm"])) { 16 $realm = $_GET["realm"]; 17 $realm = PREG_REPLACE("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]/i", '', $realm); 18 } else { 19 error_log("spp.php - Realm not specified"); 20 die("Realm not specified"); 21 } 22 23 if (isset($_GET["test"])) 24 $test = PREG_REPLACE("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-]/i", '', $_GET["test"]); 25 else 26 $test = ""; 27 28 unset($user); 29 putenv("HS20CERT"); 30 31 if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { 32 $needed = array('nonce'=>1, 'nc'=>1, 'cnonce'=>1, 'qop'=>1, 'username'=>1, 33 'uri'=>1, 'response'=>1); 34 $data = array(); 35 $keys = implode('|', array_keys($needed)); 36 preg_match_all('@(' . $keys . ')=(?:([\'"])([^\2]+?)\2|([^\s,]+))@', 37 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'], $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); 38 foreach ($matches as $m) { 39 $data[$m[1]] = $m[3] ? $m[3] : $m[4]; 40 unset($needed[$m[1]]); 41 } 42 if ($needed) { 43 error_log("spp.php - Authentication failed - missing: " . print_r($needed)); 44 die('Authentication failed'); 45 } 46 $user = $data['username']; 47 if (strlen($user) < 1) { 48 error_log("spp.php - Authentication failed - empty username"); 49 die('Authentication failed'); 50 } 51 52 53 $db = new PDO($osu_db); 54 if (!$db) { 55 error_log("spp.php - Could not access database"); 56 die("Could not access database"); 57 } 58 $row = $db->query("SELECT password FROM users " . 59 "WHERE identity='$user' AND realm='$realm'")->fetch(); 60 if (!$row) { 61 $row = $db->query("SELECT osu_password FROM users " . 62 "WHERE osu_user='$user' AND realm='$realm'")->fetch(); 63 $pw = $row['osu_password']; 64 } else 65 $pw = $row['password']; 66 if (!$row) { 67 error_log("spp.php - Authentication failed - user '$user' not found"); 68 die('Authentication failed'); 69 } 70 if (strlen($pw) < 1) { 71 error_log("spp.php - Authentication failed - empty password"); 72 die('Authentication failed'); 73 } 74 75 $A1 = md5($user . ':' . $realm . ':' . $pw); 76 $A2 = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ':' . $data['uri']); 77 $resp = md5($A1 . ':' . $data['nonce'] . ':' . $data['nc'] . ':' . 78 $data['cnonce'] . ':' . $data['qop'] . ':' . $A2); 79 if ($data['response'] != $resp) { 80 error_log("Authentication failure - response mismatch"); 81 die('Authentication failed'); 82 } 83 } else if (isset($_SERVER["SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY"]) && 84 $_SERVER["SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY"] == "SUCCESS" && 85 isset($_SERVER["SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL"])) { 86 $user = "cert-" . $_SERVER["SSL_CLIENT_M_SERIAL"]; 87 putenv("HS20CERT=yes"); 88 } else if (isset($_GET["hotspot2dot0-mobile-identifier-hash"])) { 89 $id_hash = $_GET["hotspot2dot0-mobile-identifier-hash"]; 90 $id_hash = PREG_REPLACE("/[^0-9a-h]/i", '', $id_hash); 91 92 $db = new PDO($osu_db); 93 if (!$db) { 94 error_log("spp.php - Could not access database"); 95 die("Could not access database"); 96 } 97 98 $row = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sim_provisioning " . 99 "WHERE mobile_identifier_hash='$id_hash'")->fetch(); 100 if (!$row) { 101 error_log("spp.php - SIM provisioning failed - mobile_identifier_hash not found"); 102 die('SIM provisioning failed - mobile_identifier_hash not found'); 103 } 104 105 $imsi = $row['imsi']; 106 $mac_addr = $row['mac_addr']; 107 $eap_method = $row['eap_method']; 108 109 $row = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM osu_config " . 110 "WHERE realm='$realm'")->fetch(); 111 if (!$row || intval($row[0]) < 1) { 112 error_log("spp.php - SIM provisioning failed - realm $realm not found"); 113 die('SIM provisioning failed'); 114 } 115 116 error_log("spp.php - SIM provisioning for IMSI $imsi"); 117 putenv("HS20SIMPROV=yes"); 118 putenv("HS20IMSI=$imsi"); 119 putenv("HS20MACADDR=$mac_addr"); 120 putenv("HS20EAPMETHOD=$eap_method"); 121 putenv("HS20IDHASH=$id_hash"); 122 } else if (!isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) || 123 $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] != "/signup") { 124 header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); 125 header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm. 126 '",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"'); 127 error_log("spp.php - Authentication required (not signup)"); 128 die('Authentication required (not signup)'); 129 } 130 131 132 if (isset($user) && strlen($user) > 0) 133 putenv("HS20USER=$user"); 134 else 135 putenv("HS20USER"); 136 137 putenv("HS20REALM=$realm"); 138 $postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); 139 putenv("HS20POST=$postdata"); 140 $addr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; 141 putenv("HS20ADDR=$addr"); 142 putenv("HS20TEST=$test"); 143 144 $last = exec("$osu_root/spp/hs20_spp_server -r$osu_root -f/tmp/hs20_spp_server.log", $output, $ret); 145 146 if ($ret == 2) { 147 if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { 148 header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); 149 header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm. 150 '",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"'); 151 error_log("spp.php - Authentication required (ret 2)"); 152 die('Authentication required'); 153 } else { 154 error_log("spp.php - Unexpected authentication error"); 155 die("Unexpected authentication error"); 156 } 157 } 158 if ($ret != 0) { 159 error_log("spp.php - Failed to process SPP request"); 160 die("Failed to process SPP request"); 161 } 162 //error_log("spp.php: Response: " . implode($output)); 163 164 header("Content-Type: application/soap+xml"); 165 166 echo implode($output); 167 168 ?> 169