1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package android.content; 18 19 import android.accounts.Account; 20 import android.content.ComponentName; 21 import android.content.SyncInfo; 22 import android.content.ISyncStatusObserver; 23 import android.content.SyncAdapterType; 24 import android.content.SyncRequest; 25 import android.content.SyncStatusInfo; 26 import android.content.PeriodicSync; 27 import android.net.Uri; 28 import android.os.Bundle; 29 import android.database.IContentObserver; 30 31 /** 32 * @hide 33 */ 34 interface IContentService { 35 void unregisterContentObserver(IContentObserver observer); 36 37 /** 38 * Register a content observer tied to a specific user's view of the provider. 39 * @param userHandle the user whose view of the provider is to be observed. May be 40 * the calling user without requiring any permission, otherwise the caller needs to 41 * hold the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission. Pseudousers USER_ALL and 42 * USER_CURRENT are properly handled. 43 */ 44 void registerContentObserver(in Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendants, 45 IContentObserver observer, int userHandle, int targetSdkVersion); 46 47 /** 48 * Notify observers of a particular user's view of the provider. 49 * @param userHandle the user whose view of the provider is to be notified. May be 50 * the calling user without requiring any permission, otherwise the caller needs to 51 * hold the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission. Pseudousers USER_ALL 52 * USER_CURRENT are properly interpreted. 53 */ 54 void notifyChange(in Uri uri, IContentObserver observer, 55 boolean observerWantsSelfNotifications, int flags, 56 int userHandle, int targetSdkVersion, String callingPackage); 57 58 void requestSync(in Account account, String authority, in Bundle extras, String callingPackage); 59 /** 60 * Start a sync given a request. 61 */ 62 void sync(in SyncRequest request, String callingPackage); 63 void syncAsUser(in SyncRequest request, int userId, String callingPackage); 64 @UnsupportedAppUsage 65 void cancelSync(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname); 66 void cancelSyncAsUser(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname, int userId); 67 68 /** Cancel a sync, providing information about the sync to be cancelled. */ 69 void cancelRequest(in SyncRequest request); 70 71 /** 72 * Check if the provider should be synced when a network tickle is received 73 * @param providerName the provider whose setting we are querying 74 * @return true if the provider should be synced when a network tickle is received 75 */ 76 boolean getSyncAutomatically(in Account account, String providerName); 77 boolean getSyncAutomaticallyAsUser(in Account account, String providerName, int userId); 78 79 /** 80 * Set whether or not the provider is synced when it receives a network tickle. 81 * 82 * @param providerName the provider whose behavior is being controlled 83 * @param sync true if the provider should be synced when tickles are received for it 84 */ 85 void setSyncAutomatically(in Account account, String providerName, boolean sync); 86 void setSyncAutomaticallyAsUser(in Account account, String providerName, boolean sync, 87 int userId); 88 89 /** 90 * Get a list of periodic operations for a specified authority, or service. 91 * @param account account for authority, must be null if cname is non-null. 92 * @param providerName name of provider, must be null if cname is non-null. 93 * @param cname component to identify sync service, must be null if account/providerName are 94 * non-null. 95 */ 96 List<PeriodicSync> getPeriodicSyncs(in Account account, String providerName, 97 in ComponentName cname); 98 99 /** 100 * Set whether or not the provider is to be synced on a periodic basis. 101 * 102 * @param providerName the provider whose behavior is being controlled 103 * @param pollFrequency the period that a sync should be performed, in seconds. If this is 104 * zero or less then no periodic syncs will be performed. 105 */ 106 void addPeriodicSync(in Account account, String providerName, in Bundle extras, 107 long pollFrequency); 108 109 /** 110 * Set whether or not the provider is to be synced on a periodic basis. 111 * 112 * @param providerName the provider whose behavior is being controlled 113 * @param pollFrequency the period that a sync should be performed, in seconds. If this is 114 * zero or less then no periodic syncs will be performed. 115 */ 116 void removePeriodicSync(in Account account, String providerName, in Bundle extras); 117 118 /** 119 * Check if this account/provider is syncable. 120 * @return >0 if it is syncable, 0 if not, and <0 if the state isn't known yet. 121 */ 122 @UnsupportedAppUsage 123 int getIsSyncable(in Account account, String providerName); 124 int getIsSyncableAsUser(in Account account, String providerName, int userId); 125 126 /** 127 * Set whether this account/provider is syncable. 128 * @param syncable, >0 denotes syncable, 0 means not syncable, <0 means unknown 129 */ 130 void setIsSyncable(in Account account, String providerName, int syncable); 131 void setIsSyncableAsUser(in Account account, String providerName, int syncable, int userId); 132 133 @UnsupportedAppUsage 134 void setMasterSyncAutomatically(boolean flag); 135 void setMasterSyncAutomaticallyAsUser(boolean flag, int userId); 136 137 @UnsupportedAppUsage 138 boolean getMasterSyncAutomatically(); 139 boolean getMasterSyncAutomaticallyAsUser(int userId); 140 141 List<SyncInfo> getCurrentSyncs(); 142 List<SyncInfo> getCurrentSyncsAsUser(int userId); 143 144 /** 145 * Returns the types of the SyncAdapters that are registered with the system. 146 * @return Returns the types of the SyncAdapters that are registered with the system. 147 */ 148 @UnsupportedAppUsage 149 SyncAdapterType[] getSyncAdapterTypes(); 150 SyncAdapterType[] getSyncAdapterTypesAsUser(int userId); 151 152 String[] getSyncAdapterPackagesForAuthorityAsUser(String authority, int userId); 153 154 /** 155 * Returns true if there is currently a operation for the given account/authority or service 156 * actively being processed. 157 * @param account account for authority, must be null if cname is non-null. 158 * @param providerName name of provider, must be null if cname is non-null. 159 * @param cname component to identify sync service, must be null if account/providerName are 160 * non-null. 161 */ 162 @UnsupportedAppUsage 163 boolean isSyncActive(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname); 164 165 /** 166 * Returns the status that matches the authority. If there are multiples accounts for 167 * the authority, the one with the latest "lastSuccessTime" status is returned. 168 * @param account account for authority, must be null if cname is non-null. 169 * @param providerName name of provider, must be null if cname is non-null. 170 * @param cname component to identify sync service, must be null if account/providerName are 171 * non-null. 172 */ 173 SyncStatusInfo getSyncStatus(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname); 174 SyncStatusInfo getSyncStatusAsUser(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname, 175 int userId); 176 177 /** 178 * Return true if the pending status is true of any matching authorities. 179 * @param account account for authority, must be null if cname is non-null. 180 * @param providerName name of provider, must be null if cname is non-null. 181 * @param cname component to identify sync service, must be null if account/providerName are 182 * non-null. 183 */ 184 boolean isSyncPending(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname); 185 boolean isSyncPendingAsUser(in Account account, String authority, in ComponentName cname, 186 int userId); 187 188 void addStatusChangeListener(int mask, ISyncStatusObserver callback); 189 void removeStatusChangeListener(ISyncStatusObserver callback); 190 191 void putCache(in String packageName, in Uri key, in Bundle value, int userId); 192 Bundle getCache(in String packageName, in Uri key, int userId); 193 194 void resetTodayStats(); 195 196 void onDbCorruption(String tag, String message, String stacktrace); 197 } 198