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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.content;
     19 import android.os.Parcel;
     20 import android.os.Parcelable;
     22 /**
     23  * This class is used to communicate the results of a sync operation to the SyncManager.
     24  * Based on the values here the SyncManager will determine the disposition of the
     25  * sync and whether or not a new sync operation needs to be scheduled in the future.
     26  *
     27  */
     28 public final class SyncResult implements Parcelable {
     29     /**
     30      * Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter is already performing a sync operation, though
     31      * not necessarily for the requested account and authority and that it wasn't able to
     32      * process this request. The SyncManager will reschedule the request to run later.
     33      */
     34     public final boolean syncAlreadyInProgress;
     36     /**
     37      * Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter determined that it would need to issue
     38      * too many delete operations to the server in order to satisfy the request
     39      * (as defined by the SyncAdapter). The SyncManager will record
     40      * that the sync request failed and will cause a System Notification to be created
     41      * asking the user what they want to do about this. It will give the user a chance to
     42      * choose between (1) go ahead even with those deletes, (2) revert the deletes,
     43      * or (3) take no action. If the user decides (1) or (2) the SyncManager will issue another
     44      * sync request with either {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_OVERRIDE_TOO_MANY_DELETIONS}
     45      * or {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_DISCARD_LOCAL_DELETIONS} set in the extras.
     46      * It is then up to the SyncAdapter to decide how to honor that request.
     47      */
     48     public boolean tooManyDeletions;
     50     /**
     51      * Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter experienced a hard error due to trying the same
     52      * operation too many times (as defined by the SyncAdapter). The SyncManager will record
     53      * that the sync request failed and it will not reschedule the request.
     54      */
     55     public boolean tooManyRetries;
     57     /**
     58      * Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter experienced a hard error due to an error it
     59      * received from interacting with the storage layer. The SyncManager will record that
     60      * the sync request failed and it will not reschedule the request.
     61      */
     62     public boolean databaseError;
     64     /**
     65      * If set the SyncManager will request an immediate sync with the same Account and authority
     66      * (but empty extras Bundle) as was used in the sync request.
     67      */
     68     public boolean fullSyncRequested;
     70     /**
     71      * This field is ignored by the SyncManager.
     72      */
     73     public boolean partialSyncUnavailable;
     75     /**
     76      * This field is ignored by the SyncManager.
     77      */
     78     public boolean moreRecordsToGet;
     80     /**
     81      * Used to indicate to the SyncManager that future sync requests that match the request's
     82      * Account and authority should be delayed until a time in seconds since Java epoch.
     83      *
     84      * <p>For example, if you want to delay the next sync for at least 5 minutes, then:
     85      * <pre>
     86      * result.delayUntil = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 5 * 60;
     87      * </pre>
     88      *
     89      * <p>By default, when a sync fails, the system retries later with an exponential back-off
     90      * with the system default initial delay time, which always wins over {@link #delayUntil} --
     91      * i.e. if the system back-off time is larger than {@link #delayUntil}, {@link #delayUntil}
     92      * will essentially be ignored.
     93      */
     94     public long delayUntil;
     96     /**
     97      * Used to hold extras statistics about the sync operation. Some of these indicate that
     98      * the sync request resulted in a hard or soft error, others are for purely informational
     99      * purposes.
    100      */
    101     public final SyncStats stats;
    103     /**
    104      * This instance of a SyncResult is returned by the SyncAdapter in response to a
    105      * sync request when a sync is already underway. The SyncManager will reschedule the
    106      * sync request to try again later.
    107      */
    108     public static final SyncResult ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS;
    110     static {
    111         ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS = new SyncResult(true);
    112     }
    114     /**
    115      * Create a "clean" SyncResult. If this is returned without any changes then the
    116      * SyncManager will consider the sync to have completed successfully. The various fields
    117      * can be set by the SyncAdapter in order to give the SyncManager more information as to
    118      * the disposition of the sync.
    119      * <p>
    120      * The errors are classified into two broad categories: hard errors and soft errors.
    121      * Soft errors are retried with exponential backoff. Hard errors are not retried (except
    122      * when the hard error is for a {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD} request,
    123      * in which the request is retryed without the {@link ContentResolver#SYNC_EXTRAS_UPLOAD}
    124      * extra set). The SyncManager checks the type of error by calling
    125      * {@link SyncResult#hasHardError()} and  {@link SyncResult#hasSoftError()}. If both are
    126      * true then the SyncManager treats it as a hard error, not a soft error.
    127      */
    128     public SyncResult() {
    129         this(false);
    130     }
    132     /**
    133      * Internal helper for creating a clean SyncResult or one that indicated that
    134      * a sync is already in progress.
    135      * @param syncAlreadyInProgress if true then set the {@link #syncAlreadyInProgress} flag
    136      */
    137     private SyncResult(boolean syncAlreadyInProgress) {
    138         this.syncAlreadyInProgress = syncAlreadyInProgress;
    139         this.tooManyDeletions = false;
    140         this.tooManyRetries = false;
    141         this.fullSyncRequested = false;
    142         this.partialSyncUnavailable = false;
    143         this.moreRecordsToGet = false;
    144         this.delayUntil = 0;
    145         this.stats = new SyncStats();
    146     }
    148     private SyncResult(Parcel parcel) {
    149         syncAlreadyInProgress = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    150         tooManyDeletions = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    151         tooManyRetries = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    152         databaseError = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    153         fullSyncRequested = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    154         partialSyncUnavailable = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    155         moreRecordsToGet = parcel.readInt() != 0;
    156         delayUntil = parcel.readLong();
    157         stats = new SyncStats(parcel);
    158     }
    160     /**
    161      * Convenience method for determining if the SyncResult indicates that a hard error
    162      * occurred. See {@link #SyncResult()} for an explanation of what the SyncManager does
    163      * when it sees a hard error.
    164      * <p>
    165      * A hard error is indicated when any of the following is true:
    166      * <ul>
    167      * <li> {@link SyncStats#numParseExceptions} > 0
    168      * <li> {@link SyncStats#numConflictDetectedExceptions} > 0
    169      * <li> {@link SyncStats#numAuthExceptions} > 0
    170      * <li> {@link #tooManyDeletions}
    171      * <li> {@link #tooManyRetries}
    172      * <li> {@link #databaseError}
    173      * @return true if a hard error is indicated
    174      */
    175     public boolean hasHardError() {
    176         return stats.numParseExceptions > 0
    177                 || stats.numConflictDetectedExceptions > 0
    178                 || stats.numAuthExceptions > 0
    179                 || tooManyDeletions
    180                 || tooManyRetries
    181                 || databaseError;
    182     }
    184     /**
    185      * Convenience method for determining if the SyncResult indicates that a soft error
    186      * occurred. See {@link #SyncResult()} for an explanation of what the SyncManager does
    187      * when it sees a soft error.
    188      * <p>
    189      * A soft error is indicated when any of the following is true:
    190      * <ul>
    191      * <li> {@link SyncStats#numIoExceptions} > 0
    192      * <li> {@link #syncAlreadyInProgress}
    193      * </ul>
    194      * @return true if a soft error is indicated
    195      */
    196     public boolean hasSoftError() {
    197         return syncAlreadyInProgress || stats.numIoExceptions > 0;
    198     }
    200     /**
    201      * A convenience method for determining of the SyncResult indicates that an error occurred.
    202      * @return true if either a soft or hard error occurred
    203      */
    204     public boolean hasError() {
    205         return hasSoftError() || hasHardError();
    206     }
    208     /**
    209      * Convenience method for determining if the Sync should be rescheduled after failing for some
    210      * reason.
    211      * @return true if the SyncManager should reschedule this sync.
    212      */
    213     public boolean madeSomeProgress() {
    214         return ((stats.numDeletes > 0) && !tooManyDeletions)
    215                 || stats.numInserts > 0
    216                 || stats.numUpdates > 0;
    217     }
    219     /**
    220      * Clears the SyncResult to a clean state. Throws an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}
    221      * if this is called when {@link #syncAlreadyInProgress} is set.
    222      */
    223     public void clear() {
    224         if (syncAlreadyInProgress) {
    225             throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
    226                     "you are not allowed to clear the ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS SyncStats");
    227         }
    228         tooManyDeletions = false;
    229         tooManyRetries = false;
    230         databaseError = false;
    231         fullSyncRequested = false;
    232         partialSyncUnavailable = false;
    233         moreRecordsToGet = false;
    234         delayUntil = 0;
    235         stats.clear();
    236     }
    238     public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator<SyncResult> CREATOR = new Creator<SyncResult>() {
    239         public SyncResult createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
    240             return new SyncResult(in);
    241         }
    243         public SyncResult[] newArray(int size) {
    244             return new SyncResult[size];
    245         }
    246     };
    248     public int describeContents() {
    249         return 0;
    250     }
    252     public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {
    253         parcel.writeInt(syncAlreadyInProgress ? 1 : 0);
    254         parcel.writeInt(tooManyDeletions ? 1 : 0);
    255         parcel.writeInt(tooManyRetries ? 1 : 0);
    256         parcel.writeInt(databaseError ? 1 : 0);
    257         parcel.writeInt(fullSyncRequested ? 1 : 0);
    258         parcel.writeInt(partialSyncUnavailable ? 1 : 0);
    259         parcel.writeInt(moreRecordsToGet ? 1 : 0);
    260         parcel.writeLong(delayUntil);
    261         stats.writeToParcel(parcel, flags);
    262     }
    264     @Override
    265     public String toString() {
    266         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    267         sb.append("SyncResult:");
    268         if (syncAlreadyInProgress) {
    269             sb.append(" syncAlreadyInProgress: ").append(syncAlreadyInProgress);
    270         }
    271         if (tooManyDeletions) sb.append(" tooManyDeletions: ").append(tooManyDeletions);
    272         if (tooManyRetries) sb.append(" tooManyRetries: ").append(tooManyRetries);
    273         if (databaseError) sb.append(" databaseError: ").append(databaseError);
    274         if (fullSyncRequested) sb.append(" fullSyncRequested: ").append(fullSyncRequested);
    275         if (partialSyncUnavailable) {
    276             sb.append(" partialSyncUnavailable: ").append(partialSyncUnavailable);
    277         }
    278         if (moreRecordsToGet) sb.append(" moreRecordsToGet: ").append(moreRecordsToGet);
    279         if (delayUntil > 0) sb.append(" delayUntil: ").append(delayUntil);
    280         sb.append(stats);
    281         return sb.toString();
    282     }
    284     /**
    285      * Generates a debugging string indicating the status.
    286      * The string consist of a sequence of code letter followed by the count.
    287      * Code letters are f - fullSyncRequested, r - partialSyncUnavailable,
    288      * X - hardError, e - numParseExceptions, c - numConflictDetectedExceptions,
    289      * a - numAuthExceptions, D - tooManyDeletions, R - tooManyRetries,
    290      * b - databaseError, x - softError, l - syncAlreadyInProgress,
    291      * I - numIoExceptions
    292      * @return debugging string.
    293      */
    294     public String toDebugString() {
    295         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    297         if (fullSyncRequested) {
    298             sb.append("f1");
    299         }
    300         if (partialSyncUnavailable) {
    301             sb.append("r1");
    302         }
    303         if (hasHardError()) {
    304             sb.append("X1");
    305         }
    306         if (stats.numParseExceptions > 0) {
    307             sb.append("e").append(stats.numParseExceptions);
    308         }
    309         if (stats.numConflictDetectedExceptions > 0) {
    310             sb.append("c").append(stats.numConflictDetectedExceptions);
    311         }
    312         if (stats.numAuthExceptions > 0) {
    313             sb.append("a").append(stats.numAuthExceptions);
    314         }
    315         if (tooManyDeletions) {
    316             sb.append("D1");
    317         }
    318         if (tooManyRetries) {
    319             sb.append("R1");
    320         }
    321         if (databaseError) {
    322             sb.append("b1");
    323         }
    324         if (hasSoftError()) {
    325             sb.append("x1");
    326         }
    327         if (syncAlreadyInProgress) {
    328             sb.append("l1");
    329         }
    330         if (stats.numIoExceptions > 0) {
    331             sb.append("I").append(stats.numIoExceptions);
    332         }
    333         return sb.toString();
    334     }
    335 }