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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.os;
     19 /**
     20  * Reference to a Handler, which others can use to send messages to it.
     21  * This allows for the implementation of message-based communication across
     22  * processes, by creating a Messenger pointing to a Handler in one process,
     23  * and handing that Messenger to another process.
     24  *
     25  * <p>Note: the implementation underneath is just a simple wrapper around
     26  * a {@link Binder} that is used to perform the communication.  This means
     27  * semantically you should treat it as such: this class does not impact process
     28  * lifecycle management (you must be using some higher-level component to tell
     29  * the system that your process needs to continue running), the connection will
     30  * break if your process goes away for any reason, etc.</p>
     31  */
     32 public final class Messenger implements Parcelable {
     33     private final IMessenger mTarget;
     35     /**
     36      * Create a new Messenger pointing to the given Handler.  Any Message
     37      * objects sent through this Messenger will appear in the Handler as if
     38      * {@link Handler#sendMessage(Message) Handler.sendMessage(Message)} had
     39      * been called directly.
     40      *
     41      * @param target The Handler that will receive sent messages.
     42      */
     43     public Messenger(Handler target) {
     44         mTarget = target.getIMessenger();
     45     }
     47     /**
     48      * Send a Message to this Messenger's Handler.
     49      *
     50      * @param message The Message to send.  Usually retrieved through
     51      * {@link Message#obtain() Message.obtain()}.
     52      *
     53      * @throws RemoteException Throws DeadObjectException if the target
     54      * Handler no longer exists.
     55      */
     56     public void send(Message message) throws RemoteException {
     57         mTarget.send(message);
     58     }
     60     /**
     61      * Retrieve the IBinder that this Messenger is using to communicate with
     62      * its associated Handler.
     63      *
     64      * @return Returns the IBinder backing this Messenger.
     65      */
     66     public IBinder getBinder() {
     67         return mTarget.asBinder();
     68     }
     70     /**
     71      * Comparison operator on two Messenger objects, such that true
     72      * is returned then they both point to the same Handler.
     73      */
     74     public boolean equals(Object otherObj) {
     75         if (otherObj == null) {
     76             return false;
     77         }
     78         try {
     79             return mTarget.asBinder().equals(((Messenger)otherObj)
     80                     .mTarget.asBinder());
     81         } catch (ClassCastException e) {
     82         }
     83         return false;
     84     }
     86     public int hashCode() {
     87         return mTarget.asBinder().hashCode();
     88     }
     90     public int describeContents() {
     91         return 0;
     92     }
     94     public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
     95         out.writeStrongBinder(mTarget.asBinder());
     96     }
     98     public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Parcelable.Creator<Messenger> CREATOR
     99             = new Parcelable.Creator<Messenger>() {
    100         public Messenger createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
    101             IBinder target = in.readStrongBinder();
    102             return target != null ? new Messenger(target) : null;
    103         }
    105         public Messenger[] newArray(int size) {
    106             return new Messenger[size];
    107         }
    108     };
    110     /**
    111      * Convenience function for writing either a Messenger or null pointer to
    112      * a Parcel.  You must use this with {@link #readMessengerOrNullFromParcel}
    113      * for later reading it.
    114      *
    115      * @param messenger The Messenger to write, or null.
    116      * @param out Where to write the Messenger.
    117      */
    118     public static void writeMessengerOrNullToParcel(Messenger messenger,
    119             Parcel out) {
    120         out.writeStrongBinder(messenger != null ? messenger.mTarget.asBinder()
    121                 : null);
    122     }
    124     /**
    125      * Convenience function for reading either a Messenger or null pointer from
    126      * a Parcel.  You must have previously written the Messenger with
    127      * {@link #writeMessengerOrNullToParcel}.
    128      *
    129      * @param in The Parcel containing the written Messenger.
    130      *
    131      * @return Returns the Messenger read from the Parcel, or null if null had
    132      * been written.
    133      */
    134     public static Messenger readMessengerOrNullFromParcel(Parcel in) {
    135         IBinder b = in.readStrongBinder();
    136         return b != null ? new Messenger(b) : null;
    137     }
    139     /**
    140      * Create a Messenger from a raw IBinder, which had previously been
    141      * retrieved with {@link #getBinder}.
    142      *
    143      * @param target The IBinder this Messenger should communicate with.
    144      */
    145     public Messenger(IBinder target) {
    146         mTarget = IMessenger.Stub.asInterface(target);
    147     }
    148 }