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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.view;
     20 import android.annotation.StringRes;
     21 import android.annotation.TestApi;
     22 import android.graphics.Rect;
     24 /**
     25  * Represents a contextual mode of the user interface. Action modes can be used to provide
     26  * alternative interaction modes and replace parts of the normal UI until finished.
     27  * Examples of good action modes include text selection and contextual actions.
     28  * <div class="special reference">
     29  * <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
     30  * <p>For information about how to provide contextual actions with {@code ActionMode},
     31  * read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html#context-menu">Menus</a>
     32  * developer guide.</p>
     33  * </div>
     34  */
     35 public abstract class ActionMode {
     37     /**
     38      * The action mode is treated as a Primary mode. This is the default.
     39      * Use with {@link #setType}.
     40      */
     41     public static final int TYPE_PRIMARY = 0;
     42     /**
     43      * The action mode is treated as a Floating Toolbar.
     44      * Use with {@link #setType}.
     45      */
     46     public static final int TYPE_FLOATING = 1;
     48     /**
     49      * Default value to hide the action mode for
     50      * {@link ViewConfiguration#getDefaultActionModeHideDuration()}.
     51      */
     52     public static final int DEFAULT_HIDE_DURATION = -1;
     54     private Object mTag;
     55     private boolean mTitleOptionalHint;
     56     private int mType = TYPE_PRIMARY;
     58     /**
     59      * Set a tag object associated with this ActionMode.
     60      *
     61      * <p>Like the tag available to views, this allows applications to associate arbitrary
     62      * data with an ActionMode for later reference.
     63      *
     64      * @param tag Tag to associate with this ActionMode
     65      *
     66      * @see #getTag()
     67      */
     68     public void setTag(Object tag) {
     69         mTag = tag;
     70     }
     72     /**
     73      * Retrieve the tag object associated with this ActionMode.
     74      *
     75      * <p>Like the tag available to views, this allows applications to associate arbitrary
     76      * data with an ActionMode for later reference.
     77      *
     78      * @return Tag associated with this ActionMode
     79      *
     80      * @see #setTag(Object)
     81      */
     82     public Object getTag() {
     83         return mTag;
     84     }
     86     /**
     87      * Set the title of the action mode. This method will have no visible effect if
     88      * a custom view has been set.
     89      *
     90      * @param title Title string to set
     91      *
     92      * @see #setTitle(int)
     93      * @see #setCustomView(View)
     94      */
     95     public abstract void setTitle(CharSequence title);
     97     /**
     98      * Set the title of the action mode. This method will have no visible effect if
     99      * a custom view has been set.
    100      *
    101      * @param resId Resource ID of a string to set as the title
    102      *
    103      * @see #setTitle(CharSequence)
    104      * @see #setCustomView(View)
    105      */
    106     public abstract void setTitle(@StringRes int resId);
    108     /**
    109      * Set the subtitle of the action mode. This method will have no visible effect if
    110      * a custom view has been set.
    111      *
    112      * @param subtitle Subtitle string to set
    113      *
    114      * @see #setSubtitle(int)
    115      * @see #setCustomView(View)
    116      */
    117     public abstract void setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle);
    119     /**
    120      * Set the subtitle of the action mode. This method will have no visible effect if
    121      * a custom view has been set.
    122      *
    123      * @param resId Resource ID of a string to set as the subtitle
    124      *
    125      * @see #setSubtitle(CharSequence)
    126      * @see #setCustomView(View)
    127      */
    128     public abstract void setSubtitle(@StringRes int resId);
    130     /**
    131      * Set whether or not the title/subtitle display for this action mode
    132      * is optional.
    133      *
    134      * <p>In many cases the supplied title for an action mode is merely
    135      * meant to add context and is not strictly required for the action
    136      * mode to be useful. If the title is optional, the system may choose
    137      * to hide the title entirely rather than truncate it due to a lack
    138      * of available space.</p>
    139      *
    140      * <p>Note that this is merely a hint; the underlying implementation
    141      * may choose to ignore this setting under some circumstances.</p>
    142      *
    143      * @param titleOptional true if the title only presents optional information.
    144      */
    145     public void setTitleOptionalHint(boolean titleOptional) {
    146         mTitleOptionalHint = titleOptional;
    147     }
    149     /**
    150      * @return true if this action mode has been given a hint to consider the
    151      *         title/subtitle display to be optional.
    152      *
    153      * @see #setTitleOptionalHint(boolean)
    154      * @see #isTitleOptional()
    155      */
    156     public boolean getTitleOptionalHint() {
    157         return mTitleOptionalHint;
    158     }
    160     /**
    161      * @return true if this action mode considers the title and subtitle fields
    162      *         as optional. Optional titles may not be displayed to the user.
    163      */
    164     public boolean isTitleOptional() {
    165         return false;
    166     }
    168     /**
    169      * Set a custom view for this action mode. The custom view will take the place of
    170      * the title and subtitle. Useful for things like search boxes.
    171      *
    172      * @param view Custom view to use in place of the title/subtitle.
    173      *
    174      * @see #setTitle(CharSequence)
    175      * @see #setSubtitle(CharSequence)
    176      */
    177     public abstract void setCustomView(View view);
    179     /**
    180      * Set a type for this action mode. This will affect how the system renders the action mode if
    181      * it has to.
    182      *
    183      * @param type One of {@link #TYPE_PRIMARY} or {@link #TYPE_FLOATING}.
    184      */
    185     public void setType(int type) {
    186         mType = type;
    187     }
    189     /**
    190      * Returns the type for this action mode.
    191      *
    192      * @return One of {@link #TYPE_PRIMARY} or {@link #TYPE_FLOATING}.
    193      */
    194     public int getType() {
    195         return mType;
    196     }
    198     /**
    199      * Invalidate the action mode and refresh menu content. The mode's
    200      * {@link ActionMode.Callback} will have its
    201      * {@link Callback#onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} method called.
    202      * If it returns true the menu will be scanned for updated content and any relevant changes
    203      * will be reflected to the user.
    204      */
    205     public abstract void invalidate();
    207     /**
    208      * Invalidate the content rect associated to this ActionMode. This only makes sense for
    209      * action modes that support dynamic positioning on the screen, and provides a more efficient
    210      * way to reposition it without invalidating the whole action mode.
    211      *
    212      * @see Callback2#onGetContentRect(ActionMode, View, Rect) .
    213      */
    214     public void invalidateContentRect() {}
    216     /**
    217      * Hide the action mode view from obstructing the content below for a short duration.
    218      * This only makes sense for action modes that support dynamic positioning on the screen.
    219      * If this method is called again before the hide duration expires, the later hide call will
    220      * cancel the former and then take effect.
    221      * NOTE that there is an internal limit to how long the mode can be hidden for. It's typically
    222      * about a few seconds.
    223      *
    224      * @param duration The number of milliseconds to hide for.
    225      * @see #DEFAULT_HIDE_DURATION
    226      */
    227     public void hide(long duration) {}
    229     /**
    230      * Finish and close this action mode. The action mode's {@link ActionMode.Callback} will
    231      * have its {@link Callback#onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode)} method called.
    232      */
    233     public abstract void finish();
    235     /**
    236      * Returns the menu of actions that this action mode presents.
    237      * @return The action mode's menu.
    238      */
    239     public abstract Menu getMenu();
    241     /**
    242      * Returns the current title of this action mode.
    243      * @return Title text
    244      */
    245     public abstract CharSequence getTitle();
    247     /**
    248      * Returns the current subtitle of this action mode.
    249      * @return Subtitle text
    250      */
    251     public abstract CharSequence getSubtitle();
    253     /**
    254      * Returns the current custom view for this action mode.
    255      * @return The current custom view
    256      */
    257     public abstract View getCustomView();
    259     /**
    260      * Returns a {@link MenuInflater} with the ActionMode's context.
    261      */
    262     public abstract MenuInflater getMenuInflater();
    264     /**
    265      * Called when the window containing the view that started this action mode gains or loses
    266      * focus.
    267      *
    268      * @param hasWindowFocus True if the window containing the view that started this action mode
    269      *        now has focus, false otherwise.
    270      *
    271      */
    272     public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasWindowFocus) {}
    274     /**
    275      * Returns whether the UI presenting this action mode can take focus or not.
    276      * This is used by internal components within the framework that would otherwise
    277      * present an action mode UI that requires focus, such as an EditText as a custom view.
    278      *
    279      * @return true if the UI used to show this action mode can take focus
    280      * @hide Internal use only
    281      */
    282     @TestApi
    283     public boolean isUiFocusable() {
    284         return true;
    285     }
    287     /**
    288      * Callback interface for action modes. Supplied to
    289      * {@link View#startActionMode(Callback)}, a Callback
    290      * configures and handles events raised by a user's interaction with an action mode.
    291      *
    292      * <p>An action mode's lifecycle is as follows:
    293      * <ul>
    294      * <li>{@link Callback#onCreateActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} once on initial
    295      * creation</li>
    296      * <li>{@link Callback#onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} after creation
    297      * and any time the {@link ActionMode} is invalidated</li>
    298      * <li>{@link Callback#onActionItemClicked(ActionMode, MenuItem)} any time a
    299      * contextual action button is clicked</li>
    300      * <li>{@link Callback#onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode)} when the action mode
    301      * is closed</li>
    302      * </ul>
    303      */
    304     public interface Callback {
    305         /**
    306          * Called when action mode is first created. The menu supplied will be used to
    307          * generate action buttons for the action mode.
    308          *
    309          * @param mode ActionMode being created
    310          * @param menu Menu used to populate action buttons
    311          * @return true if the action mode should be created, false if entering this
    312          *              mode should be aborted.
    313          */
    314         public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu);
    316         /**
    317          * Called to refresh an action mode's action menu whenever it is invalidated.
    318          *
    319          * @param mode ActionMode being prepared
    320          * @param menu Menu used to populate action buttons
    321          * @return true if the menu or action mode was updated, false otherwise.
    322          */
    323         public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu);
    325         /**
    326          * Called to report a user click on an action button.
    327          *
    328          * @param mode The current ActionMode
    329          * @param item The item that was clicked
    330          * @return true if this callback handled the event, false if the standard MenuItem
    331          *          invocation should continue.
    332          */
    333         public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item);
    335         /**
    336          * Called when an action mode is about to be exited and destroyed.
    337          *
    338          * @param mode The current ActionMode being destroyed
    339          */
    340         public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode);
    341     }
    343     /**
    344      * Extension of {@link ActionMode.Callback} to provide content rect information. This is
    345      * required for ActionModes with dynamic positioning such as the ones with type
    346      * {@link ActionMode#TYPE_FLOATING} to ensure the positioning doesn't obscure app content. If
    347      * an app fails to provide a subclass of this class, a default implementation will be used.
    348      */
    349     public static abstract class Callback2 implements ActionMode.Callback {
    351         /**
    352          * Called when an ActionMode needs to be positioned on screen, potentially occluding view
    353          * content. Note this may be called on a per-frame basis.
    354          *
    355          * @param mode The ActionMode that requires positioning.
    356          * @param view The View that originated the ActionMode, in whose coordinates the Rect should
    357          *          be provided.
    358          * @param outRect The Rect to be populated with the content position. Use this to specify
    359          *          where the content in your app lives within the given view. This will be used
    360          *          to avoid occluding the given content Rect with the created ActionMode.
    361          */
    362         public void onGetContentRect(ActionMode mode, View view, Rect outRect) {
    363             if (view != null) {
    364                 outRect.set(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());
    365             } else {
    366                 outRect.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
    367             }
    368         }
    370     }
    371 }