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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package android.webkit;
     19 import android.annotation.IntDef;
     20 import android.annotation.Nullable;
     21 import android.annotation.SystemApi;
     22 import android.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
     23 import android.content.Context;
     25 import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
     26 import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
     27 import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
     28 import java.lang.annotation.Target;
     30 /**
     31  * Manages settings state for a WebView. When a WebView is first created, it
     32  * obtains a set of default settings. These default settings will be returned
     33  * from any getter call. A {@code WebSettings} object obtained from
     34  * {@link WebView#getSettings()} is tied to the life of the WebView. If a WebView has
     35  * been destroyed, any method call on {@code WebSettings} will throw an
     36  * {@link IllegalStateException}.
     37  */
     38 // This is an abstract base class: concrete WebViewProviders must
     39 // create a class derived from this, and return an instance of it in the
     40 // WebViewProvider.getWebSettingsProvider() method implementation.
     41 public abstract class WebSettings {
     42     /**
     43      * Enum for controlling the layout of html.
     44      * <ul>
     45      *   <li>{@code NORMAL} means no rendering changes. This is the recommended choice for maximum
     46      *       compatibility across different platforms and Android versions.</li>
     47      *   <li>{@code SINGLE_COLUMN} moves all content into one column that is the width of the
     48      *       view.</li>
     49      *   <li>{@code NARROW_COLUMNS} makes all columns no wider than the screen if possible. Only use
     50      *       this for API levels prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT}.</li>
     51      *   <li>{@code TEXT_AUTOSIZING} boosts font size of paragraphs based on heuristics to make
     52      *       the text readable when viewing a wide-viewport layout in the overview mode.
     53      *       It is recommended to enable zoom support {@link #setSupportZoom} when
     54      *       using this mode. Supported from API level
     55      *       {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT}</li>
     56      * </ul>
     57      */
     58     // XXX: These must match LayoutAlgorithm in Settings.h in WebCore.
     59     public enum LayoutAlgorithm {
     60         NORMAL,
     61         /**
     62          * @deprecated This algorithm is now obsolete.
     63          */
     64         @Deprecated
     65         SINGLE_COLUMN,
     66         /**
     67          * @deprecated This algorithm is now obsolete.
     68          */
     69         @Deprecated
     70         NARROW_COLUMNS,
     71         TEXT_AUTOSIZING
     72     }
     74     /**
     75      * Enum for specifying the text size.
     76      * <ul>
     77      *   <li>SMALLEST is 50%</li>
     78      *   <li>SMALLER is 75%</li>
     79      *   <li>NORMAL is 100%</li>
     80      *   <li>LARGER is 150%</li>
     81      *   <li>LARGEST is 200%</li>
     82      * </ul>
     83      *
     84      * @deprecated Use {@link WebSettings#setTextZoom(int)} and {@link WebSettings#getTextZoom()} instead.
     85      */
     86     @Deprecated
     87     public enum TextSize {
     88         SMALLEST(50),
     89         SMALLER(75),
     90         NORMAL(100),
     91         LARGER(150),
     92         LARGEST(200);
     93         TextSize(int size) {
     94             value = size;
     95         }
     96         @UnsupportedAppUsage
     97         int value;
     98     }
    100     /**
    101      * Enum for specifying the WebView's desired density.
    102      * <ul>
    103      *   <li>{@code FAR} makes 100% looking like in 240dpi</li>
    104      *   <li>{@code MEDIUM} makes 100% looking like in 160dpi</li>
    105      *   <li>{@code CLOSE} makes 100% looking like in 120dpi</li>
    106      * </ul>
    107      */
    108     public enum ZoomDensity {
    109         FAR(150),      // 240dpi
    110         MEDIUM(100),    // 160dpi
    111         CLOSE(75);     // 120dpi
    112         ZoomDensity(int size) {
    113             value = size;
    114         }
    116         /**
    117          * @hide Only for use by WebViewProvider implementations
    118          */
    119         public int getValue() {
    120             return value;
    121         }
    123         int value;
    124     }
    126     /** @hide */
    127     @IntDef(prefix = { "LOAD_" }, value = {
    128             LOAD_DEFAULT,
    129             LOAD_NORMAL,
    130             LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK,
    131             LOAD_NO_CACHE,
    132             LOAD_CACHE_ONLY
    133     })
    134     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
    135     public @interface CacheMode {}
    137     /**
    138      * Default cache usage mode. If the navigation type doesn't impose any
    139      * specific behavior, use cached resources when they are available
    140      * and not expired, otherwise load resources from the network.
    141      * Use with {@link #setCacheMode}.
    142      */
    143     public static final int LOAD_DEFAULT = -1;
    145     /**
    146      * Normal cache usage mode. Use with {@link #setCacheMode}.
    147      *
    148      * @deprecated This value is obsolete, as from API level
    149      * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#HONEYCOMB} and onwards it has the
    150      * same effect as {@link #LOAD_DEFAULT}.
    151      */
    152     @Deprecated
    153     public static final int LOAD_NORMAL = 0;
    155     /**
    156      * Use cached resources when they are available, even if they have expired.
    157      * Otherwise load resources from the network.
    158      * Use with {@link #setCacheMode}.
    159      */
    160     public static final int LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK = 1;
    162     /**
    163      * Don't use the cache, load from the network.
    164      * Use with {@link #setCacheMode}.
    165      */
    166     public static final int LOAD_NO_CACHE = 2;
    168     /**
    169      * Don't use the network, load from the cache.
    170      * Use with {@link #setCacheMode}.
    171      */
    172     public static final int LOAD_CACHE_ONLY = 3;
    174     public enum RenderPriority {
    175         NORMAL,
    176         HIGH,
    177         LOW
    178     }
    180     /**
    181      * The plugin state effects how plugins are treated on a page. ON means
    182      * that any object will be loaded even if a plugin does not exist to handle
    183      * the content. ON_DEMAND means that if there is a plugin installed that
    184      * can handle the content, a placeholder is shown until the user clicks on
    185      * the placeholder. Once clicked, the plugin will be enabled on the page.
    186      * OFF means that all plugins will be turned off and any fallback content
    187      * will be used.
    188      */
    189     public enum PluginState {
    190         ON,
    191         ON_DEMAND,
    192         OFF
    193     }
    195     /**
    196      * Used with {@link #setMixedContentMode}
    197      *
    198      * In this mode, the WebView will allow a secure origin to load content from any other origin,
    199      * even if that origin is insecure. This is the least secure mode of operation for the WebView,
    200      * and where possible apps should not set this mode.
    201      */
    202     public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW = 0;
    204     /**
    205      * Used with {@link #setMixedContentMode}
    206      *
    207      * In this mode, the WebView will not allow a secure origin to load content from an insecure
    208      * origin. This is the preferred and most secure mode of operation for the WebView and apps are
    209      * strongly advised to use this mode.
    210      */
    211     public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW = 1;
    213     /**
    214      * Used with {@link #setMixedContentMode}
    215      *
    216      * In this mode, the WebView will attempt to be compatible with the approach of a modern web
    217      * browser with regard to mixed content. Some insecure content may be allowed to be loaded by
    218      * a secure origin and other types of content will be blocked. The types of content are allowed
    219      * or blocked may change release to release and are not explicitly defined.
    220      *
    221      * This mode is intended to be used by apps that are not in control of the content that they
    222      * render but desire to operate in a reasonably secure environment. For highest security, apps
    223      * are recommended to use {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW}.
    224      */
    225     public static final int MIXED_CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE = 2;
    227     /** @hide */
    228     @IntDef(prefix = { "FORCE_DARK_" }, value = {
    229             FORCE_DARK_OFF,
    230             FORCE_DARK_AUTO,
    231             FORCE_DARK_ON
    232     })
    233     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
    234     public @interface ForceDark {}
    236     /**
    237      * Used with {@link #setForceDark}
    238      *
    239      * Disable force dark, irrespective of the force dark mode of the WebView parent. In this mode,
    240      * WebView content will always be rendered as-is, regardless of whether native views are being
    241      * automatically darkened.
    242      */
    243     public static final int FORCE_DARK_OFF = 0;
    245     /**
    246      * Used with {@link #setForceDark}
    247      *
    248      * Enable force dark dependent on the state of the WebView parent view. If the WebView parent
    249      * view is being automatically force darkened
    250      * (see: {@link android.view.View#setForceDarkAllowed}), then WebView content will be rendered
    251      * so as to emulate a dark theme. WebViews that are not attached to the view hierarchy will not
    252      * be inverted.
    253      */
    254     public static final int FORCE_DARK_AUTO = 1;
    256     /**
    257      * Used with {@link #setForceDark}
    258      *
    259      * Unconditionally enable force dark. In this mode WebView content will always be rendered so
    260      * as to emulate a dark theme.
    261      */
    262     public static final int FORCE_DARK_ON = 2;
    264     /**
    265      * Enables dumping the pages navigation cache to a text file. The default
    266      * is {@code false}.
    267      *
    268      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
    269      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    270      */
    271     @SystemApi
    272     @Deprecated
    273     public abstract void setNavDump(boolean enabled);
    275     /**
    276      * Gets whether dumping the navigation cache is enabled.
    277      *
    278      * @return whether dumping the navigation cache is enabled
    279      * @see #setNavDump
    280      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
    281      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    282      */
    283     @SystemApi
    284     @Deprecated
    285     public abstract boolean getNavDump();
    287     /**
    288      * Sets whether the WebView should support zooming using its on-screen zoom
    289      * controls and gestures. The particular zoom mechanisms that should be used
    290      * can be set with {@link #setBuiltInZoomControls}. This setting does not
    291      * affect zooming performed using the {@link WebView#zoomIn()} and
    292      * {@link WebView#zoomOut()} methods. The default is {@code true}.
    293      *
    294      * @param support whether the WebView should support zoom
    295      */
    296     public abstract void setSupportZoom(boolean support);
    298     /**
    299      * Gets whether the WebView supports zoom.
    300      *
    301      * @return {@code true} if the WebView supports zoom
    302      * @see #setSupportZoom
    303      */
    304     public abstract boolean supportZoom();
    306     /**
    307      * Sets whether the WebView requires a user gesture to play media.
    308      * The default is {@code true}.
    309      *
    310      * @param require whether the WebView requires a user gesture to play media
    311      */
    312     public abstract void setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(boolean require);
    314     /**
    315      * Gets whether the WebView requires a user gesture to play media.
    316      *
    317      * @return {@code true} if the WebView requires a user gesture to play media
    318      * @see #setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture
    319      */
    320     public abstract boolean getMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture();
    322     /**
    323      * Sets whether the WebView should use its built-in zoom mechanisms. The
    324      * built-in zoom mechanisms comprise on-screen zoom controls, which are
    325      * displayed over the WebView's content, and the use of a pinch gesture to
    326      * control zooming. Whether or not these on-screen controls are displayed
    327      * can be set with {@link #setDisplayZoomControls}. The default is {@code false}.
    328      * <p>
    329      * The built-in mechanisms are the only currently supported zoom
    330      * mechanisms, so it is recommended that this setting is always enabled.
    331      *
    332      * @param enabled whether the WebView should use its built-in zoom mechanisms
    333      */
    334     // This method was intended to select between the built-in zoom mechanisms
    335     // and the separate zoom controls. The latter were obtained using
    336     // {@link WebView#getZoomControls}, which is now hidden.
    337     public abstract void setBuiltInZoomControls(boolean enabled);
    339     /**
    340      * Gets whether the zoom mechanisms built into WebView are being used.
    341      *
    342      * @return {@code true} if the zoom mechanisms built into WebView are being used
    343      * @see #setBuiltInZoomControls
    344      */
    345     public abstract boolean getBuiltInZoomControls();
    347     /**
    348      * Sets whether the WebView should display on-screen zoom controls when
    349      * using the built-in zoom mechanisms. See {@link #setBuiltInZoomControls}.
    350      * The default is {@code true}.
    351      *
    352      * @param enabled whether the WebView should display on-screen zoom controls
    353      */
    354     public abstract void setDisplayZoomControls(boolean enabled);
    356     /**
    357      * Gets whether the WebView displays on-screen zoom controls when using
    358      * the built-in zoom mechanisms.
    359      *
    360      * @return {@code true} if the WebView displays on-screen zoom controls when using
    361      *         the built-in zoom mechanisms
    362      * @see #setDisplayZoomControls
    363      */
    364     public abstract boolean getDisplayZoomControls();
    366     /**
    367      * Enables or disables file access within WebView. File access is enabled by
    368      * default.  Note that this enables or disables file system access only.
    369      * Assets and resources are still accessible using file:///android_asset and
    370      * file:///android_res.
    371      */
    372     public abstract void setAllowFileAccess(boolean allow);
    374     /**
    375      * Gets whether this WebView supports file access.
    376      *
    377      * @see #setAllowFileAccess
    378      */
    379     public abstract boolean getAllowFileAccess();
    381     /**
    382      * Enables or disables content URL access within WebView.  Content URL
    383      * access allows WebView to load content from a content provider installed
    384      * in the system. The default is enabled.
    385      */
    386     public abstract void setAllowContentAccess(boolean allow);
    388     /**
    389      * Gets whether this WebView supports content URL access.
    390      *
    391      * @see #setAllowContentAccess
    392      */
    393     public abstract boolean getAllowContentAccess();
    395     /**
    396      * Sets whether the WebView loads pages in overview mode, that is,
    397      * zooms out the content to fit on screen by width. This setting is
    398      * taken into account when the content width is greater than the width
    399      * of the WebView control, for example, when {@link #getUseWideViewPort}
    400      * is enabled. The default is {@code false}.
    401      */
    402     public abstract void setLoadWithOverviewMode(boolean overview);
    404     /**
    405      * Gets whether this WebView loads pages in overview mode.
    406      *
    407      * @return whether this WebView loads pages in overview mode
    408      * @see #setLoadWithOverviewMode
    409      */
    410     public abstract boolean getLoadWithOverviewMode();
    412     /**
    413      * Sets whether the WebView will enable smooth transition while panning or
    414      * zooming or while the window hosting the WebView does not have focus.
    415      * If it is {@code true}, WebView will choose a solution to maximize the performance.
    416      * e.g. the WebView's content may not be updated during the transition.
    417      * If it is false, WebView will keep its fidelity. The default value is {@code false}.
    418      *
    419      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete, and will become a no-op in future.
    420      */
    421     @Deprecated
    422     public abstract void setEnableSmoothTransition(boolean enable);
    424     /**
    425      * Gets whether the WebView enables smooth transition while panning or
    426      * zooming.
    427      *
    428      * @see #setEnableSmoothTransition
    429      *
    430      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete, and will become a no-op in future.
    431      */
    432     @Deprecated
    433     public abstract  boolean enableSmoothTransition();
    435     /**
    436      * Sets whether the WebView uses its background for over scroll background.
    437      * If {@code true}, it will use the WebView's background. If {@code false}, it will use an
    438      * internal pattern. Default is {@code true}.
    439      *
    440      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
    441      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    442      */
    443     @SystemApi
    444     @Deprecated
    445     public abstract  void setUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground(boolean view);
    447     /**
    448      * Gets whether this WebView uses WebView's background instead of
    449      * internal pattern for over scroll background.
    450      *
    451      * @see #setUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground
    452      * @deprecated This method is now obsolete.
    453      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    454      */
    455     @SystemApi
    456     @Deprecated
    457     public abstract  boolean getUseWebViewBackgroundForOverscrollBackground();
    459     /**
    460      * Sets whether the WebView should save form data. In Android O, the
    461      * platform has implemented a fully functional Autofill feature to store
    462      * form data. Therefore, the Webview form data save feature is disabled.
    463      *
    464      * Note that the feature will continue to be supported on older versions of
    465      * Android as before.
    466      *
    467      * This function does not have any effect.
    468      */
    469     @Deprecated
    470     public abstract  void setSaveFormData(boolean save);
    472     /**
    473      * Gets whether the WebView saves form data.
    474      *
    475      * @return whether the WebView saves form data
    476      * @see #setSaveFormData
    477      */
    478     @Deprecated
    479     public abstract boolean getSaveFormData();
    481     /**
    482      * Sets whether the WebView should save passwords. The default is {@code true}.
    483      * @deprecated Saving passwords in WebView will not be supported in future versions.
    484      */
    485     @Deprecated
    486     public abstract void setSavePassword(boolean save);
    488     /**
    489      * Gets whether the WebView saves passwords.
    490      *
    491      * @return whether the WebView saves passwords
    492      * @see #setSavePassword
    493      * @deprecated Saving passwords in WebView will not be supported in future versions.
    494      */
    495     @Deprecated
    496     public abstract boolean getSavePassword();
    498     /**
    499      * Sets the text zoom of the page in percent. The default is 100.
    500      *
    501      * @param textZoom the text zoom in percent
    502      */
    503     public abstract void setTextZoom(int textZoom);
    505     /**
    506      * Gets the text zoom of the page in percent.
    507      *
    508      * @return the text zoom of the page in percent
    509      * @see #setTextZoom
    510      */
    511     public abstract int getTextZoom();
    513     /**
    514      * Sets policy for third party cookies.
    515      * Developers should access this via {@link CookieManager#setShouldAcceptThirdPartyCookies}.
    516      * @hide Internal API.
    517      */
    518     @SystemApi
    519     public abstract void setAcceptThirdPartyCookies(boolean accept);
    521     /**
    522      * Gets policy for third party cookies.
    523      * Developers should access this via {@link CookieManager#getShouldAcceptThirdPartyCookies}.
    524      * @hide Internal API
    525      */
    526     @SystemApi
    527     public abstract boolean getAcceptThirdPartyCookies();
    529     /**
    530      * Sets the text size of the page. The default is {@link TextSize#NORMAL}.
    531      *
    532      * @param t the text size as a {@link TextSize} value
    533      * @deprecated Use {@link #setTextZoom} instead.
    534      */
    535     @Deprecated
    536     public synchronized void setTextSize(TextSize t) {
    537         setTextZoom(t.value);
    538     }
    540     /**
    541      * Gets the text size of the page. If the text size was previously specified
    542      * in percent using {@link #setTextZoom}, this will return the closest
    543      * matching {@link TextSize}.
    544      *
    545      * @return the text size as a {@link TextSize} value
    546      * @see #setTextSize
    547      * @deprecated Use {@link #getTextZoom} instead.
    548      */
    549     @Deprecated
    550     public synchronized TextSize getTextSize() {
    551         TextSize closestSize = null;
    552         int smallestDelta = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    553         int textSize = getTextZoom();
    554         for (TextSize size : TextSize.values()) {
    555             int delta = Math.abs(textSize - size.value);
    556             if (delta == 0) {
    557                 return size;
    558             }
    559             if (delta < smallestDelta) {
    560                 smallestDelta = delta;
    561                 closestSize = size;
    562             }
    563         }
    564         return closestSize != null ? closestSize : TextSize.NORMAL;
    565     }
    567     /**
    568      * Sets the default zoom density of the page. This must be called from the UI
    569      * thread. The default is {@link ZoomDensity#MEDIUM}.
    570      *
    571      * This setting is not recommended for use in new applications.  If the WebView
    572      * is utilized to display mobile-oriented pages, the desired effect can be achieved by
    573      * adjusting 'width' and 'initial-scale' attributes of page's 'meta viewport'
    574      * tag. For pages lacking the tag, {@link android.webkit.WebView#setInitialScale}
    575      * and {@link #setUseWideViewPort} can be used.
    576      *
    577      * @param zoom the zoom density
    578      * @deprecated This method is no longer supported, see the function documentation for
    579      *             recommended alternatives.
    580      */
    581     @Deprecated
    582     public abstract void setDefaultZoom(ZoomDensity zoom);
    584     /**
    585      * Gets the default zoom density of the page. This should be called from
    586      * the UI thread.
    587      *
    588      * This setting is not recommended for use in new applications.
    589      *
    590      * @return the zoom density
    591      * @see #setDefaultZoom
    592      * @deprecated Will only return the default value.
    593      */
    594     @Deprecated
    595     public abstract ZoomDensity getDefaultZoom();
    597     /**
    598      * Enables using light touches to make a selection and activate mouseovers.
    599      * @deprecated From {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN} this
    600      *             setting is obsolete and has no effect.
    601      */
    602     @Deprecated
    603     public abstract void setLightTouchEnabled(boolean enabled);
    605     /**
    606      * Gets whether light touches are enabled.
    607      * @see #setLightTouchEnabled
    608      * @deprecated This setting is obsolete.
    609      */
    610     @Deprecated
    611     public abstract boolean getLightTouchEnabled();
    613     /**
    614      * Controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting
    615      * it now has no effect.
    616      *
    617      * @deprecated This setting now has no effect.
    618      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    619      */
    620     @Deprecated
    621     @UnsupportedAppUsage
    622     public void setUseDoubleTree(boolean use) {
    623         // Specified to do nothing, so no need for derived classes to override.
    624     }
    626     /**
    627      * Controlled a rendering optimization that is no longer present. Setting
    628      * it now has no effect.
    629      *
    630      * @deprecated This setting now has no effect.
    631      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    632      */
    633     @Deprecated
    634     @UnsupportedAppUsage
    635     public boolean getUseDoubleTree() {
    636         // Returns false unconditionally, so no need for derived classes to override.
    637         return false;
    638     }
    640     /**
    641      * Sets the user-agent string using an integer code.
    642      * <ul>
    643      *   <li>0 means the WebView should use an Android user-agent string</li>
    644      *   <li>1 means the WebView should use a desktop user-agent string</li>
    645      * </ul>
    646      * Other values are ignored. The default is an Android user-agent string,
    647      * i.e. code value 0.
    648      *
    649      * @param ua the integer code for the user-agent string
    650      * @deprecated Please use {@link #setUserAgentString} instead.
    651      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    652      */
    653     @SystemApi
    654     @Deprecated
    655     public abstract void setUserAgent(int ua);
    657     /**
    658      * Gets the user-agent as an integer code.
    659      * <ul>
    660      *   <li>-1 means the WebView is using a custom user-agent string set with
    661      *   {@link #setUserAgentString}</li>
    662      *   <li>0 means the WebView should use an Android user-agent string</li>
    663      *   <li>1 means the WebView should use a desktop user-agent string</li>
    664      * </ul>
    665      *
    666      * @return the integer code for the user-agent string
    667      * @see #setUserAgent
    668      * @deprecated Please use {@link #getUserAgentString} instead.
    669      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR1}
    670      */
    671     @SystemApi
    672     @Deprecated
    673     public abstract int getUserAgent();
    675     /**
    676      * Sets whether the WebView should enable support for the &quot;viewport&quot;
    677      * HTML meta tag or should use a wide viewport.
    678      * When the value of the setting is {@code false}, the layout width is always set to the
    679      * width of the WebView control in device-independent (CSS) pixels.
    680      * When the value is {@code true} and the page contains the viewport meta tag, the value
    681      * of the width specified in the tag is used. If the page does not contain the tag or
    682      * does not provide a width, then a wide viewport will be used.
    683      *
    684      * @param use whether to enable support for the viewport meta tag
    685      */
    686     public abstract void setUseWideViewPort(boolean use);
    688     /**
    689      * Gets whether the WebView supports the &quot;viewport&quot;
    690      * HTML meta tag or will use a wide viewport.
    691      *
    692      * @return {@code true} if the WebView supports the viewport meta tag
    693      * @see #setUseWideViewPort
    694      */
    695     public abstract boolean getUseWideViewPort();
    697     /**
    698      * Sets whether the WebView whether supports multiple windows. If set to
    699      * true, {@link WebChromeClient#onCreateWindow} must be implemented by the
    700      * host application. The default is {@code false}.
    701      *
    702      * @param support whether to support multiple windows
    703      */
    704     public abstract void setSupportMultipleWindows(boolean support);
    706     /**
    707      * Gets whether the WebView supports multiple windows.
    708      *
    709      * @return {@code true} if the WebView supports multiple windows
    710      * @see #setSupportMultipleWindows
    711      */
    712     public abstract boolean supportMultipleWindows();
    714     /**
    715      * Sets the underlying layout algorithm. This will cause a re-layout of the
    716      * WebView. The default is {@link LayoutAlgorithm#NARROW_COLUMNS}.
    717      *
    718      * @param l the layout algorithm to use, as a {@link LayoutAlgorithm} value
    719      */
    720     public abstract void setLayoutAlgorithm(LayoutAlgorithm l);
    722     /**
    723      * Gets the current layout algorithm.
    724      *
    725      * @return the layout algorithm in use, as a {@link LayoutAlgorithm} value
    726      * @see #setLayoutAlgorithm
    727      */
    728     public abstract LayoutAlgorithm getLayoutAlgorithm();
    730     /**
    731      * Sets the standard font family name. The default is "sans-serif".
    732      *
    733      * @param font a font family name
    734      */
    735     public abstract void setStandardFontFamily(String font);
    737     /**
    738      * Gets the standard font family name.
    739      *
    740      * @return the standard font family name as a string
    741      * @see #setStandardFontFamily
    742      */
    743     public abstract String getStandardFontFamily();
    745     /**
    746      * Sets the fixed font family name. The default is "monospace".
    747      *
    748      * @param font a font family name
    749      */
    750     public abstract void setFixedFontFamily(String font);
    752     /**
    753      * Gets the fixed font family name.
    754      *
    755      * @return the fixed font family name as a string
    756      * @see #setFixedFontFamily
    757      */
    758     public abstract String getFixedFontFamily();
    760     /**
    761      * Sets the sans-serif font family name. The default is "sans-serif".
    762      *
    763      * @param font a font family name
    764      */
    765     public abstract void setSansSerifFontFamily(String font);
    767     /**
    768      * Gets the sans-serif font family name.
    769      *
    770      * @return the sans-serif font family name as a string
    771      * @see #setSansSerifFontFamily
    772      */
    773     public abstract String getSansSerifFontFamily();
    775     /**
    776      * Sets the serif font family name. The default is "sans-serif".
    777      *
    778      * @param font a font family name
    779      */
    780     public abstract void setSerifFontFamily(String font);
    782     /**
    783      * Gets the serif font family name. The default is "serif".
    784      *
    785      * @return the serif font family name as a string
    786      * @see #setSerifFontFamily
    787      */
    788     public abstract String getSerifFontFamily();
    790     /**
    791      * Sets the cursive font family name. The default is "cursive".
    792      *
    793      * @param font a font family name
    794      */
    795     public abstract void setCursiveFontFamily(String font);
    797     /**
    798      * Gets the cursive font family name.
    799      *
    800      * @return the cursive font family name as a string
    801      * @see #setCursiveFontFamily
    802      */
    803     public abstract String getCursiveFontFamily();
    805     /**
    806      * Sets the fantasy font family name. The default is "fantasy".
    807      *
    808      * @param font a font family name
    809      */
    810     public abstract void setFantasyFontFamily(String font);
    812     /**
    813      * Gets the fantasy font family name.
    814      *
    815      * @return the fantasy font family name as a string
    816      * @see #setFantasyFontFamily
    817      */
    818     public abstract String getFantasyFontFamily();
    820     /**
    821      * Sets the minimum font size. The default is 8.
    822      *
    823      * @param size a non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside
    824      *             the specified range will be pinned.
    825      */
    826     public abstract void setMinimumFontSize(int size);
    828     /**
    829      * Gets the minimum font size.
    830      *
    831      * @return a non-negative integer between 1 and 72
    832      * @see #setMinimumFontSize
    833      */
    834     public abstract int getMinimumFontSize();
    836     /**
    837      * Sets the minimum logical font size. The default is 8.
    838      *
    839      * @param size a non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside
    840      *             the specified range will be pinned.
    841      */
    842     public abstract void setMinimumLogicalFontSize(int size);
    844     /**
    845      * Gets the minimum logical font size.
    846      *
    847      * @return a non-negative integer between 1 and 72
    848      * @see #setMinimumLogicalFontSize
    849      */
    850     public abstract int getMinimumLogicalFontSize();
    852     /**
    853      * Sets the default font size. The default is 16.
    854      *
    855      * @param size a non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside
    856      *             the specified range will be pinned.
    857      */
    858     public abstract void setDefaultFontSize(int size);
    860     /**
    861      * Gets the default font size.
    862      *
    863      * @return a non-negative integer between 1 and 72
    864      * @see #setDefaultFontSize
    865      */
    866     public abstract int getDefaultFontSize();
    868     /**
    869      * Sets the default fixed font size. The default is 16.
    870      *
    871      * @param size a non-negative integer between 1 and 72. Any number outside
    872      *             the specified range will be pinned.
    873      */
    874     public abstract void setDefaultFixedFontSize(int size);
    876     /**
    877      * Gets the default fixed font size.
    878      *
    879      * @return a non-negative integer between 1 and 72
    880      * @see #setDefaultFixedFontSize
    881      */
    882     public abstract int getDefaultFixedFontSize();
    884     /**
    885      * Sets whether the WebView should load image resources. Note that this method
    886      * controls loading of all images, including those embedded using the data
    887      * URI scheme. Use {@link #setBlockNetworkImage} to control loading only
    888      * of images specified using network URI schemes. Note that if the value of this
    889      * setting is changed from {@code false} to {@code true}, all images resources referenced
    890      * by content currently displayed by the WebView are loaded automatically.
    891      * The default is {@code true}.
    892      *
    893      * @param flag whether the WebView should load image resources
    894      */
    895     public abstract void setLoadsImagesAutomatically(boolean flag);
    897     /**
    898      * Gets whether the WebView loads image resources. This includes
    899      * images embedded using the data URI scheme.
    900      *
    901      * @return {@code true} if the WebView loads image resources
    902      * @see #setLoadsImagesAutomatically
    903      */
    904     public abstract boolean getLoadsImagesAutomatically();
    906     /**
    907      * Sets whether the WebView should not load image resources from the
    908      * network (resources accessed via http and https URI schemes).  Note
    909      * that this method has no effect unless
    910      * {@link #getLoadsImagesAutomatically} returns {@code true}. Also note that
    911      * disabling all network loads using {@link #setBlockNetworkLoads}
    912      * will also prevent network images from loading, even if this flag is set
    913      * to false. When the value of this setting is changed from {@code true} to {@code false},
    914      * network images resources referenced by content currently displayed by
    915      * the WebView are fetched automatically. The default is {@code false}.
    916      *
    917      * @param flag whether the WebView should not load image resources from the
    918      *             network
    919      * @see #setBlockNetworkLoads
    920      */
    921     public abstract void setBlockNetworkImage(boolean flag);
    923     /**
    924      * Gets whether the WebView does not load image resources from the network.
    925      *
    926      * @return {@code true} if the WebView does not load image resources from the network
    927      * @see #setBlockNetworkImage
    928      */
    929     public abstract boolean getBlockNetworkImage();
    931     /**
    932      * Sets whether the WebView should not load resources from the network.
    933      * Use {@link #setBlockNetworkImage} to only avoid loading
    934      * image resources. Note that if the value of this setting is
    935      * changed from {@code true} to {@code false}, network resources referenced by content
    936      * currently displayed by the WebView are not fetched until
    937      * {@link android.webkit.WebView#reload} is called.
    938      * If the application does not have the
    939      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#INTERNET} permission, attempts to set
    940      * a value of {@code false} will cause a {@link java.lang.SecurityException}
    941      * to be thrown. The default value is {@code false} if the application has the
    942      * {@link android.Manifest.permission#INTERNET} permission, otherwise it is
    943      * {@code true}.
    944      *
    945      * @param flag {@code true} means block network loads by the WebView
    946      * @see android.webkit.WebView#reload
    947      */
    948     public abstract void setBlockNetworkLoads(boolean flag);
    950     /**
    951      * Gets whether the WebView does not load any resources from the network.
    952      *
    953      * @return {@code true} if the WebView does not load any resources from the network
    954      * @see #setBlockNetworkLoads
    955      */
    956     public abstract boolean getBlockNetworkLoads();
    958     /**
    959      * Tells the WebView to enable JavaScript execution.
    960      * <b>The default is {@code false}.</b>
    961      *
    962      * @param flag {@code true} if the WebView should execute JavaScript
    963      */
    964     public abstract void setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean flag);
    966     /**
    967      * Sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL
    968      * should be allowed to access content from any origin. This includes
    969      * access to content from other file scheme URLs. See
    970      * {@link #setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs}. To enable the most restrictive,
    971      * and therefore secure policy, this setting should be disabled.
    972      * Note that this setting affects only JavaScript access to file scheme
    973      * resources. Other access to such resources, for example, from image HTML
    974      * elements, is unaffected. To prevent possible violation of same domain policy
    975      * when targeting {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1} and earlier,
    976      * you should explicitly set this value to {@code false}.
    977      * <p>
    978      * The default value is {@code true} for apps targeting
    979      * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1} and below,
    980      * and {@code false} when targeting {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN}
    981      * and above.
    982      *
    983      * @param flag whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme
    984      *             URL should be allowed to access content from any origin
    985      */
    986     public abstract void setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(boolean flag);
    988     /**
    989      * Sets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL
    990      * should be allowed to access content from other file scheme URLs. To
    991      * enable the most restrictive, and therefore secure, policy this setting
    992      * should be disabled. Note that the value of this setting is ignored if
    993      * the value of {@link #getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs} is {@code true}.
    994      * Note too, that this setting affects only JavaScript access to file scheme
    995      * resources. Other access to such resources, for example, from image HTML
    996      * elements, is unaffected. To prevent possible violation of same domain policy
    997      * when targeting {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1} and earlier,
    998      * you should explicitly set this value to {@code false}.
    999      * <p>
   1000      * The default value is {@code true} for apps targeting
   1001      * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1} and below,
   1002      * and {@code false} when targeting {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN}
   1003      * and above.
   1004      *
   1005      * @param flag whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme
   1006      *             URL should be allowed to access content from other file
   1007      *             scheme URLs
   1008      */
   1009     public abstract void setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(boolean flag);
   1011     /**
   1012      * Sets whether the WebView should enable plugins. The default is {@code false}.
   1013      *
   1014      * @param flag {@code true} if plugins should be enabled
   1015      * @deprecated This method has been deprecated in favor of
   1016      *             {@link #setPluginState}
   1017      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR2}
   1018      */
   1019     @SystemApi
   1020     @Deprecated
   1021     public abstract void setPluginsEnabled(boolean flag);
   1023     /**
   1024      * Tells the WebView to enable, disable, or have plugins on demand. On
   1025      * demand mode means that if a plugin exists that can handle the embedded
   1026      * content, a placeholder icon will be shown instead of the plugin. When
   1027      * the placeholder is clicked, the plugin will be enabled. The default is
   1028      * {@link PluginState#OFF}.
   1029      *
   1030      * @param state a PluginState value
   1031      * @deprecated Plugins are not supported in API level
   1032      *             {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} or later;
   1033      *             enabling plugins is a no-op.
   1034      */
   1035     @Deprecated
   1036     public abstract void setPluginState(PluginState state);
   1038     /**
   1039      * Sets a custom path to plugins used by the WebView. This method is
   1040      * obsolete since each plugin is now loaded from its own package.
   1041      *
   1042      * @param pluginsPath a String path to the directory containing plugins
   1043      * @deprecated This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from
   1044      *             their own APK via the system's package manager.
   1045      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR2}
   1046      */
   1047     @Deprecated
   1048     @UnsupportedAppUsage
   1049     public void setPluginsPath(String pluginsPath) {
   1050         // Specified to do nothing, so no need for derived classes to override.
   1051     }
   1053     /**
   1054      * Sets the path to where database storage API databases should be saved.
   1055      * In order for the database storage API to function correctly, this method
   1056      * must be called with a path to which the application can write. This
   1057      * method should only be called once: repeated calls are ignored.
   1058      *
   1059      * @param databasePath a path to the directory where databases should be
   1060      *                     saved.
   1061      * @deprecated Database paths are managed by the implementation and calling this method
   1062      *             will have no effect.
   1063      */
   1064     @Deprecated
   1065     public abstract void setDatabasePath(String databasePath);
   1067     /**
   1068      * Sets the path where the Geolocation databases should be saved. In order
   1069      * for Geolocation permissions and cached positions to be persisted, this
   1070      * method must be called with a path to which the application can write.
   1071      *
   1072      * @param databasePath a path to the directory where databases should be
   1073      *                     saved.
   1074      * @deprecated Geolocation database are managed by the implementation and calling this method
   1075      *             will have no effect.
   1076      */
   1077     @Deprecated
   1078     public abstract void setGeolocationDatabasePath(String databasePath);
   1080     /**
   1081      * Sets whether the Application Caches API should be enabled. The default
   1082      * is {@code false}. Note that in order for the Application Caches API to be
   1083      * enabled, a valid database path must also be supplied to
   1084      * {@link #setAppCachePath}.
   1085      *
   1086      * @param flag {@code true} if the WebView should enable Application Caches
   1087      */
   1088     public abstract void setAppCacheEnabled(boolean flag);
   1090     /**
   1091      * Sets the path to the Application Caches files. In order for the
   1092      * Application Caches API to be enabled, this method must be called with a
   1093      * path to which the application can write. This method should only be
   1094      * called once: repeated calls are ignored.
   1095      *
   1096      * @param appCachePath a String path to the directory containing
   1097      *                     Application Caches files.
   1098      * @see #setAppCacheEnabled
   1099      */
   1100     public abstract void setAppCachePath(String appCachePath);
   1102     /**
   1103      * Sets the maximum size for the Application Cache content. The passed size
   1104      * will be rounded to the nearest value that the database can support, so
   1105      * this should be viewed as a guide, not a hard limit. Setting the
   1106      * size to a value less than current database size does not cause the
   1107      * database to be trimmed. The default size is {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}.
   1108      * It is recommended to leave the maximum size set to the default value.
   1109      *
   1110      * @param appCacheMaxSize the maximum size in bytes
   1111      * @deprecated In future quota will be managed automatically.
   1112      */
   1113     @Deprecated
   1114     public abstract void setAppCacheMaxSize(long appCacheMaxSize);
   1116     /**
   1117      * Sets whether the database storage API is enabled. The default value is
   1118      * false. See also {@link #setDatabasePath} for how to correctly set up the
   1119      * database storage API.
   1120      *
   1121      * This setting is global in effect, across all WebView instances in a process.
   1122      * Note you should only modify this setting prior to making <b>any</b> WebView
   1123      * page load within a given process, as the WebView implementation may ignore
   1124      * changes to this setting after that point.
   1125      *
   1126      * @param flag {@code true} if the WebView should use the database storage API
   1127      */
   1128     public abstract void setDatabaseEnabled(boolean flag);
   1130     /**
   1131      * Sets whether the DOM storage API is enabled. The default value is {@code false}.
   1132      *
   1133      * @param flag {@code true} if the WebView should use the DOM storage API
   1134      */
   1135     public abstract void setDomStorageEnabled(boolean flag);
   1137     /**
   1138      * Gets whether the DOM Storage APIs are enabled.
   1139      *
   1140      * @return {@code true} if the DOM Storage APIs are enabled
   1141      * @see #setDomStorageEnabled
   1142      */
   1143     public abstract boolean getDomStorageEnabled();
   1145     /**
   1146      * Gets the path to where database storage API databases are saved.
   1147      *
   1148      * @return the String path to the database storage API databases
   1149      * @see #setDatabasePath
   1150      * @deprecated Database paths are managed by the implementation this method is obsolete.
   1151      */
   1152     @Deprecated
   1153     public abstract String getDatabasePath();
   1155     /**
   1156      * Gets whether the database storage API is enabled.
   1157      *
   1158      * @return {@code true} if the database storage API is enabled
   1159      * @see #setDatabaseEnabled
   1160      */
   1161     public abstract boolean getDatabaseEnabled();
   1163     /**
   1164      * Sets whether Geolocation is enabled. The default is {@code true}.
   1165      * <p>
   1166      * Please note that in order for the Geolocation API to be usable
   1167      * by a page in the WebView, the following requirements must be met:
   1168      * <ul>
   1169      *   <li>an application must have permission to access the device location,
   1170      *   see {@link android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION},
   1171      *   {@link android.Manifest.permission#ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION};
   1172      *   <li>an application must provide an implementation of the
   1173      *   {@link WebChromeClient#onGeolocationPermissionsShowPrompt} callback
   1174      *   to receive notifications that a page is requesting access to location
   1175      *   via the JavaScript Geolocation API.
   1176      * </ul>
   1177      * <p>
   1178      *
   1179      * @param flag whether Geolocation should be enabled
   1180      */
   1181     public abstract void setGeolocationEnabled(boolean flag);
   1183     /**
   1184      * Gets whether JavaScript is enabled.
   1185      *
   1186      * @return {@code true} if JavaScript is enabled
   1187      * @see #setJavaScriptEnabled
   1188      */
   1189     public abstract boolean getJavaScriptEnabled();
   1191     /**
   1192      * Gets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL can
   1193      * access content from any origin. This includes access to content from
   1194      * other file scheme URLs.
   1195      *
   1196      * @return whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL
   1197      *         can access content from any origin
   1198      * @see #setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs
   1199      */
   1200     public abstract boolean getAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs();
   1202     /**
   1203      * Gets whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL can
   1204      * access content from other file scheme URLs.
   1205      *
   1206      * @return whether JavaScript running in the context of a file scheme URL
   1207      *         can access content from other file scheme URLs
   1208      * @see #setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs
   1209      */
   1210     public abstract boolean getAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs();
   1212     /**
   1213      * Gets whether plugins are enabled.
   1214      *
   1215      * @return {@code true} if plugins are enabled
   1216      * @see #setPluginsEnabled
   1217      * @deprecated This method has been replaced by {@link #getPluginState}
   1218      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR2}
   1219      */
   1220     @SystemApi
   1221     @Deprecated
   1222     public abstract boolean getPluginsEnabled();
   1224     /**
   1225      * Gets the current state regarding whether plugins are enabled.
   1226      *
   1227      * @return the plugin state as a {@link PluginState} value
   1228      * @see #setPluginState
   1229      * @deprecated Plugins are not supported in API level
   1230      *             {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} or later;
   1231      *             enabling plugins is a no-op.
   1232      */
   1233     @Deprecated
   1234     public abstract PluginState getPluginState();
   1236     /**
   1237      * Gets the directory that contains the plugin libraries. This method is
   1238      * obsolete since each plugin is now loaded from its own package.
   1239      *
   1240      * @return an empty string
   1241      * @deprecated This method is no longer used as plugins are loaded from
   1242      * their own APK via the system's package manager.
   1243      * @hide Since API level {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#JELLY_BEAN_MR2}
   1244      */
   1245     @Deprecated
   1246     @UnsupportedAppUsage
   1247     public String getPluginsPath() {
   1248         // Unconditionally returns empty string, so no need for derived classes to override.
   1249         return "";
   1250     }
   1252     /**
   1253      * Tells JavaScript to open windows automatically. This applies to the
   1254      * JavaScript function {@code window.open()}. The default is {@code false}.
   1255      *
   1256      * @param flag {@code true} if JavaScript can open windows automatically
   1257      */
   1258     public abstract void setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(boolean flag);
   1260     /**
   1261      * Gets whether JavaScript can open windows automatically.
   1262      *
   1263      * @return {@code true} if JavaScript can open windows automatically during
   1264      *         {@code window.open()}
   1265      * @see #setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically
   1266      */
   1267     public abstract boolean getJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically();
   1269     /**
   1270      * Sets the default text encoding name to use when decoding html pages.
   1271      * The default is "UTF-8".
   1272      *
   1273      * @param encoding the text encoding name
   1274      */
   1275     public abstract void setDefaultTextEncodingName(String encoding);
   1277     /**
   1278      * Gets the default text encoding name.
   1279      *
   1280      * @return the default text encoding name as a string
   1281      * @see #setDefaultTextEncodingName
   1282      */
   1283     public abstract String getDefaultTextEncodingName();
   1285     /**
   1286      * Sets the WebView's user-agent string. If the string is {@code null} or empty,
   1287      * the system default value will be used.
   1288      *
   1289      * Note that starting from {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} Android
   1290      * version, changing the user-agent while loading a web page causes WebView
   1291      * to initiate loading once again.
   1292      *
   1293      * @param ua new user-agent string
   1294      */
   1295     public abstract void setUserAgentString(@Nullable String ua);
   1297     /**
   1298      * Gets the WebView's user-agent string.
   1299      *
   1300      * @return the WebView's user-agent string
   1301      * @see #setUserAgentString
   1302      */
   1303     public abstract String getUserAgentString();
   1305     /**
   1306      * Returns the default User-Agent used by a WebView.
   1307      * An instance of WebView could use a different User-Agent if a call
   1308      * is made to {@link WebSettings#setUserAgentString(String)}.
   1309      *
   1310      * @param context a Context object used to access application assets
   1311      */
   1312     public static String getDefaultUserAgent(Context context) {
   1313         return WebViewFactory.getProvider().getStatics().getDefaultUserAgent(context);
   1314     }
   1316     /**
   1317      * Tells the WebView whether it needs to set a node to have focus when
   1318      * {@link WebView#requestFocus(int, android.graphics.Rect)} is called. The
   1319      * default value is {@code true}.
   1320      *
   1321      * @param flag whether the WebView needs to set a node
   1322      */
   1323     public abstract void setNeedInitialFocus(boolean flag);
   1325     /**
   1326      * Sets the priority of the Render thread. Unlike the other settings, this
   1327      * one only needs to be called once per process. The default value is
   1328      * {@link RenderPriority#NORMAL}.
   1329      *
   1330      * @param priority the priority
   1331      * @deprecated It is not recommended to adjust thread priorities, and this will
   1332      *             not be supported in future versions.
   1333      */
   1334     @Deprecated
   1335     public abstract void setRenderPriority(RenderPriority priority);
   1337     /**
   1338      * Overrides the way the cache is used. The way the cache is used is based
   1339      * on the navigation type. For a normal page load, the cache is checked
   1340      * and content is re-validated as needed. When navigating back, content is
   1341      * not revalidated, instead the content is just retrieved from the cache.
   1342      * This method allows the client to override this behavior by specifying
   1343      * one of {@link #LOAD_DEFAULT},
   1344      * {@link #LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK}, {@link #LOAD_NO_CACHE} or
   1345      * {@link #LOAD_CACHE_ONLY}. The default value is {@link #LOAD_DEFAULT}.
   1346      *
   1347      * @param mode the mode to use
   1348      */
   1349     public abstract void setCacheMode(@CacheMode int mode);
   1351     /**
   1352      * Gets the current setting for overriding the cache mode.
   1353      *
   1354      * @return the current setting for overriding the cache mode
   1355      * @see #setCacheMode
   1356      */
   1357     @CacheMode
   1358     public abstract int getCacheMode();
   1360     /**
   1361      * Configures the WebView's behavior when a secure origin attempts to load a resource from an
   1362      * insecure origin.
   1363      *
   1364      * By default, apps that target {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} or below default
   1365      * to {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW}. Apps targeting
   1366      * {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP} default to {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW}.
   1367      *
   1368      * The preferred and most secure mode of operation for the WebView is
   1369      * {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW} and use of {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW} is
   1370      * strongly discouraged.
   1371      *
   1372      * @param mode The mixed content mode to use. One of {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW},
   1374      */
   1375     public abstract void setMixedContentMode(int mode);
   1377     /**
   1378      * Gets the current behavior of the WebView with regard to loading insecure content from a
   1379      * secure origin.
   1380      * @return The current setting, one of {@link #MIXED_CONTENT_NEVER_ALLOW},
   1382      */
   1383     public abstract int getMixedContentMode();
   1385     /**
   1386      * Sets whether to use a video overlay for embedded encrypted video.
   1387      * In API levels prior to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, encrypted video can
   1388      * only be rendered directly on a secure video surface, so it had been a hard problem to play
   1389      * encrypted video in HTML.  When this flag is on, WebView can play encrypted video (MSE/EME)
   1390      * by using a video overlay (aka hole-punching) for videos embedded using HTML &lt;video&gt;
   1391      * tag.<br>
   1392      * Caution: This setting is intended for use only in a narrow set of circumstances and apps
   1393      * should only enable it if they require playback of encrypted video content. It will impose
   1394      * the following limitations on the WebView:
   1395      * <ul>
   1396      * <li> Only one video overlay can be played at a time.
   1397      * <li> Changes made to position or dimensions of a video element may be propagated to the
   1398      * corresponding video overlay with a noticeable delay.
   1399      * <li> The video overlay is not visible to web APIs and as such may not interact with
   1400      * script or styling. For example, CSS styles applied to the &lt;video&gt; tag may be ignored.
   1401      * </ul>
   1402      * This is not an exhaustive set of constraints and it may vary with new versions of the
   1403      * WebView.
   1404      * @hide
   1405      */
   1406     @SystemApi
   1407     public abstract void setVideoOverlayForEmbeddedEncryptedVideoEnabled(boolean flag);
   1409     /**
   1410      * Gets whether a video overlay will be used for embedded encrypted video.
   1411      *
   1412      * @return {@code true} if WebView uses a video overlay for embedded encrypted video.
   1413      * @see #setVideoOverlayForEmbeddedEncryptedVideoEnabled
   1414      * @hide
   1415      */
   1416     @SystemApi
   1417     public abstract boolean getVideoOverlayForEmbeddedEncryptedVideoEnabled();
   1419     /**
   1420      * Sets whether this WebView should raster tiles when it is
   1421      * offscreen but attached to a window. Turning this on can avoid
   1422      * rendering artifacts when animating an offscreen WebView on-screen.
   1423      * Offscreen WebViews in this mode use more memory. The default value is
   1424      * false.<br>
   1425      * Please follow these guidelines to limit memory usage:
   1426      * <ul>
   1427      * <li> WebView size should be not be larger than the device screen size.
   1428      * <li> Limit use of this mode to a small number of WebViews. Use it for
   1429      *   visible WebViews and WebViews about to be animated to visible.
   1430      * </ul>
   1431      */
   1432     public abstract void setOffscreenPreRaster(boolean enabled);
   1434     /**
   1435      * Gets whether this WebView should raster tiles when it is
   1436      * offscreen but attached to a window.
   1437      * @return {@code true} if this WebView will raster tiles when it is
   1438      * offscreen but attached to a window.
   1439      */
   1440     public abstract boolean getOffscreenPreRaster();
   1443     /**
   1444      * Sets whether Safe Browsing is enabled. Safe Browsing allows WebView to
   1445      * protect against malware and phishing attacks by verifying the links.
   1446      *
   1447      * <p>
   1448      * Safe Browsing can be disabled for all WebViews using a manifest tag (read <a
   1449      * href="{@docRoot}reference/android/webkit/WebView.html">general Safe Browsing info</a>). The
   1450      * manifest tag has a lower precedence than this API.
   1451      *
   1452      * <p>
   1453      * Safe Browsing is enabled by default for devices which support it.
   1454      *
   1455      * @param enabled Whether Safe Browsing is enabled.
   1456      */
   1457     public abstract void setSafeBrowsingEnabled(boolean enabled);
   1459     /**
   1460      * Gets whether Safe Browsing is enabled.
   1461      * See {@link #setSafeBrowsingEnabled}.
   1462      *
   1463      * @return {@code true} if Safe Browsing is enabled and {@code false} otherwise.
   1464      */
   1465     public abstract boolean getSafeBrowsingEnabled();
   1468     /**
   1469      * Set the force dark mode for this WebView.
   1470      *
   1471      * @param forceDark the force dark mode to set.
   1472      */
   1473     public void setForceDark(@ForceDark int forceDark) {
   1474         // Stub implementation to satisfy Roboelectrc shadows that don't override this yet.
   1475     }
   1477     /**
   1478      * Get the force dark mode for this WebView.
   1479      *
   1480      * The default force dark mode is {@link #FORCE_DARK_AUTO}
   1481      *
   1482      * @return the currently set force dark mode.
   1483      */
   1484     public @ForceDark int getForceDark() {
   1485         // Stub implementation to satisfy Roboelectrc shadows that don't override this yet.
   1486         return FORCE_DARK_AUTO;
   1487     }
   1489     /**
   1490      * @hide
   1491      */
   1492     @IntDef(flag = true, prefix = { "MENU_ITEM_" }, value = {
   1493             MENU_ITEM_NONE,
   1494             MENU_ITEM_SHARE,
   1495             MENU_ITEM_WEB_SEARCH,
   1496             MENU_ITEM_PROCESS_TEXT
   1497     })
   1498     @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
   1499     @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
   1500     private @interface MenuItemFlags {}
   1502     /**
   1503      * Disables the action mode menu items according to {@code menuItems} flag.
   1504      * @param menuItems an integer field flag for the menu items to be disabled.
   1505      */
   1506     public abstract void setDisabledActionModeMenuItems(@MenuItemFlags int menuItems);
   1508     /**
   1509      * Gets the action mode menu items that are disabled, expressed in an integer field flag.
   1510      * The default value is {@link #MENU_ITEM_NONE}
   1511      *
   1512      * @return all the disabled menu item flags combined with bitwise OR.
   1513      */
   1514     public abstract @MenuItemFlags int getDisabledActionModeMenuItems();
   1516     /**
   1517      * Used with {@link #setDisabledActionModeMenuItems}.
   1518      *
   1519      * No menu items should be disabled.
   1520      */
   1521     public static final int MENU_ITEM_NONE = 0;
   1523     /**
   1524      * Used with {@link #setDisabledActionModeMenuItems}.
   1525      *
   1526      * Disable menu item "Share".
   1527      */
   1528     public static final int MENU_ITEM_SHARE = 1 << 0;
   1530     /**
   1531      * Used with {@link #setDisabledActionModeMenuItems}.
   1532      *
   1533      * Disable menu item "Web Search".
   1534      */
   1535     public static final int MENU_ITEM_WEB_SEARCH = 1 << 1;
   1537     /**
   1538      * Used with {@link #setDisabledActionModeMenuItems}.
   1539      *
   1540      * Disable all the action mode menu items for text processing.
   1541      * By default WebView searches for activities that are able to handle
   1542      * {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT} and show them in the
   1543      * action mode menu. If this flag is set via {@link
   1544      * #setDisabledActionModeMenuItems}, these menu items will be disabled.
   1545      */
   1546     public static final int MENU_ITEM_PROCESS_TEXT = 1 << 2;
   1547 }