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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!--  Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
      4      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6      You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14      limitations under the License.
     15  -->
     17 <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
     18     xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     19     <string name="app_label" msgid="3701846017049540910">"Shell"</string>
     20     <string name="bugreport_notification_channel" msgid="2574150205913861141">"Relatrios de bugs"</string>
     21     <string name="bugreport_in_progress_title" msgid="4311705936714972757">"O relatrio do bug <xliff:g id="ID">#%d</xliff:g> est sendo gerado"</string>
     22     <string name="bugreport_finished_title" msgid="4429132808670114081">"Relatrio de bug <xliff:g id="ID">#%d</xliff:g> capturado"</string>
     23     <string name="bugreport_updating_title" msgid="4423539949559634214">"Adicionando detalhes ao relatrio do bug"</string>
     24     <string name="bugreport_updating_wait" msgid="3322151947853929470">"Aguarde"</string>
     25     <string name="bugreport_finished_text" product="watch" msgid="1223616207145252689">"O relatrio de bugs ser exibido no smartphone em breve"</string>
     26     <string name="bugreport_finished_text" product="tv" msgid="5758325479058638893">"Selecione para compartilhar o relatrio do bug"</string>
     27     <string name="bugreport_finished_text" product="default" msgid="8353769438382138847">"Toque para compartilhar seu relatrio do bug"</string>
     28     <string name="bugreport_finished_pending_screenshot_text" product="tv" msgid="2343263822812016950">"Selecione para compartilhar seu relatrio do bug sem uma captura de tela ou aguarde a concluso"</string>
     29     <string name="bugreport_finished_pending_screenshot_text" product="watch" msgid="1474435374470177193">"Toque para compartilhar seu relatrio de bug sem captura de tela ou aguarde a concluso"</string>
     30     <string name="bugreport_finished_pending_screenshot_text" product="default" msgid="1474435374470177193">"Toque para compartilhar seu relatrio de bug sem captura de tela ou aguarde a concluso"</string>
     31     <string name="bugreport_confirm" msgid="5917407234515812495">"Os relatrios de bugs contm dados dos diversos arquivos de registros do sistema, que podem incluir dados que voc considera confidenciais (como dados de uso de apps e de local). Compartilhe relatrios de bugs somente com pessoas e apps nos quais voc confia."</string>
     32     <string name="bugreport_confirm_dont_repeat" msgid="6179945398364357318">"No mostrar novamente"</string>
     33     <string name="bugreport_storage_title" msgid="5332488144740527109">"Relatrios de bugs"</string>
     34     <string name="bugreport_unreadable_text" msgid="586517851044535486">"No foi possvel ler o arquivo de relatrio de bug"</string>
     35     <string name="bugreport_add_details_to_zip_failed" msgid="1302931926486712371">"No foi possvel adicionar detalhes do relatrio do bug ao arquivo ZIP"</string>
     36     <string name="bugreport_unnamed" msgid="2800582406842092709">"sem nome"</string>
     37     <string name="bugreport_info_action" msgid="2158204228510576227">"Detalhes"</string>
     38     <string name="bugreport_screenshot_action" msgid="8677781721940614995">"Capturas de tela"</string>
     39     <string name="bugreport_screenshot_taken" msgid="5684211273096253120">"Captura de tela concluda."</string>
     40     <string name="bugreport_screenshot_failed" msgid="5853049140806834601">"No foi possvel fazer a captura de tela."</string>
     41     <string name="bugreport_info_dialog_title" msgid="1355948594292983332">"Detalhes do relatrio de bugs <xliff:g id="ID">#%d</xliff:g>"</string>
     42     <string name="bugreport_info_name" msgid="4414036021935139527">"Nome do arquivo"</string>
     43     <string name="bugreport_info_title" msgid="2306030793918239804">"Ttulo do bug"</string>
     44     <string name="bugreport_info_description" msgid="5072835127481627722">"Resumo do bug"</string>
     45     <string name="save" msgid="4781509040564835759">"Salvar"</string>
     46     <string name="bugreport_intent_chooser_title" msgid="7605709494790894076">"Compartilhar relatrio do bug"</string>
     47 </resources>