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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.systemui.power;
     19 import android.app.KeyguardManager;
     20 import android.app.Notification;
     21 import android.app.NotificationManager;
     22 import android.app.PendingIntent;
     23 import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
     24 import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
     25 import android.content.ContentResolver;
     26 import android.content.Context;
     27 import android.content.Intent;
     28 import android.content.IntentFilter;
     29 import android.media.AudioAttributes;
     30 import android.net.Uri;
     31 import android.os.Bundle;
     32 import android.os.Handler;
     33 import android.os.Looper;
     34 import android.os.PowerManager;
     35 import android.os.UserHandle;
     36 import android.provider.Settings;
     37 import android.provider.Settings.Global;
     38 import android.provider.Settings.Secure;
     39 import android.text.Annotation;
     40 import android.text.Layout;
     41 import android.text.SpannableString;
     42 import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder;
     43 import android.text.TextPaint;
     44 import android.text.TextUtils;
     45 import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod;
     46 import android.text.style.URLSpan;
     47 import android.util.Log;
     48 import android.util.Slog;
     49 import android.view.View;
     50 import android.view.WindowManager;
     52 import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
     54 import com.android.internal.messages.nano.SystemMessageProto.SystemMessage;
     55 import com.android.settingslib.Utils;
     56 import com.android.settingslib.fuelgauge.BatterySaverUtils;
     57 import com.android.settingslib.utils.PowerUtil;
     58 import com.android.systemui.Dependency;
     59 import com.android.systemui.R;
     60 import com.android.systemui.SystemUI;
     61 import com.android.systemui.plugins.ActivityStarter;
     62 import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.SystemUIDialog;
     63 import com.android.systemui.util.NotificationChannels;
     64 import com.android.systemui.volume.Events;
     66 import java.io.PrintWriter;
     67 import java.text.NumberFormat;
     68 import java.util.Locale;
     69 import java.util.Objects;
     71 import javax.inject.Inject;
     72 import javax.inject.Singleton;
     74 /**
     75  */
     76 @Singleton
     77 public class PowerNotificationWarnings implements PowerUI.WarningsUI {
     79     private static final String TAG = PowerUI.TAG + ".Notification";
     80     private static final boolean DEBUG = PowerUI.DEBUG;
     82     private static final String TAG_BATTERY = "low_battery";
     83     private static final String TAG_TEMPERATURE = "high_temp";
     84     private static final String TAG_AUTO_SAVER = "auto_saver";
     86     private static final int SHOWING_NOTHING = 0;
     87     private static final int SHOWING_WARNING = 1;
     88     private static final int SHOWING_INVALID_CHARGER = 3;
     89     private static final int SHOWING_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION = 4;
     90     private static final String[] SHOWING_STRINGS = {
     91         "SHOWING_NOTHING",
     92         "SHOWING_WARNING",
     93         "SHOWING_SAVER",
     94         "SHOWING_INVALID_CHARGER",
     96     };
     98     private static final String ACTION_SHOW_BATTERY_SETTINGS = "PNW.batterySettings";
     99     private static final String ACTION_START_SAVER = "PNW.startSaver";
    100     private static final String ACTION_DISMISSED_WARNING = "PNW.dismissedWarning";
    101     private static final String ACTION_CLICKED_TEMP_WARNING = "PNW.clickedTempWarning";
    102     private static final String ACTION_DISMISSED_TEMP_WARNING = "PNW.dismissedTempWarning";
    103     private static final String ACTION_CLICKED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING =
    104             "PNW.clickedThermalShutdownWarning";
    105     private static final String ACTION_DISMISSED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING =
    106             "PNW.dismissedThermalShutdownWarning";
    107     private static final String ACTION_SHOW_START_SAVER_CONFIRMATION =
    108             BatterySaverUtils.ACTION_SHOW_START_SAVER_CONFIRMATION;
    109     private static final String ACTION_SHOW_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION =
    110             BatterySaverUtils.ACTION_SHOW_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION;
    111     private static final String ACTION_DISMISS_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION =
    112             "PNW.dismissAutoSaverSuggestion";
    114     private static final String ACTION_ENABLE_AUTO_SAVER =
    115             "PNW.enableAutoSaver";
    116     private static final String ACTION_AUTO_SAVER_NO_THANKS =
    117             "PNW.autoSaverNoThanks";
    119     private static final String SETTINGS_ACTION_OPEN_BATTERY_SAVER_SETTING =
    120             "android.settings.BATTERY_SAVER_SETTINGS";
    121     public static final String BATTERY_SAVER_SCHEDULE_SCREEN_INTENT_ACTION =
    122             "com.android.settings.BATTERY_SAVER_SCHEDULE_SETTINGS";
    124     private static final String BATTERY_SAVER_DESCRIPTION_URL_KEY = "url";
    126     private static final AudioAttributes AUDIO_ATTRIBUTES = new AudioAttributes.Builder()
    127             .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION)
    128             .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION)
    129             .build();
    130     public static final String EXTRA_CONFIRM_ONLY = "extra_confirm_only";
    132     private final Context mContext;
    133     private final NotificationManager mNoMan;
    134     private final PowerManager mPowerMan;
    135     private final KeyguardManager mKeyguard;
    136     private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    137     private final Receiver mReceiver = new Receiver();
    138     private final Intent mOpenBatterySettings = settings(Intent.ACTION_POWER_USAGE_SUMMARY);
    140     private int mBatteryLevel;
    141     private int mBucket;
    142     private long mScreenOffTime;
    143     private int mShowing;
    145     private long mWarningTriggerTimeMs;
    146     private boolean mWarning;
    147     private boolean mShowAutoSaverSuggestion;
    148     private boolean mPlaySound;
    149     private boolean mInvalidCharger;
    150     private SystemUIDialog mSaverConfirmation;
    151     private SystemUIDialog mSaverEnabledConfirmation;
    152     private boolean mHighTempWarning;
    153     private SystemUIDialog mHighTempDialog;
    154     private SystemUIDialog mThermalShutdownDialog;
    155     @VisibleForTesting SystemUIDialog mUsbHighTempDialog;
    156     private BatteryStateSnapshot mCurrentBatterySnapshot;
    157     private ActivityStarter mActivityStarter;
    159     /**
    160      */
    161     @Inject
    162     public PowerNotificationWarnings(Context context, ActivityStarter activityStarter) {
    163         mContext = context;
    164         mNoMan = mContext.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);
    165         mPowerMan = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
    166         mKeyguard = mContext.getSystemService(KeyguardManager.class);
    167         mReceiver.init();
    168         mActivityStarter = activityStarter;
    169     }
    171     @Override
    172     public void dump(PrintWriter pw) {
    173         pw.print("mWarning="); pw.println(mWarning);
    174         pw.print("mPlaySound="); pw.println(mPlaySound);
    175         pw.print("mInvalidCharger="); pw.println(mInvalidCharger);
    176         pw.print("mShowing="); pw.println(SHOWING_STRINGS[mShowing]);
    177         pw.print("mSaverConfirmation="); pw.println(mSaverConfirmation != null ? "not null" : null);
    178         pw.print("mSaverEnabledConfirmation=");
    179         pw.print("mHighTempWarning="); pw.println(mHighTempWarning);
    180         pw.print("mHighTempDialog="); pw.println(mHighTempDialog != null ? "not null" : null);
    181         pw.print("mThermalShutdownDialog=");
    182         pw.println(mThermalShutdownDialog != null ? "not null" : null);
    183         pw.print("mUsbHighTempDialog=");
    184         pw.println(mUsbHighTempDialog != null ? "not null" : null);
    185     }
    187     private int getLowBatteryAutoTriggerDefaultLevel() {
    188         return mContext.getResources().getInteger(
    189                 com.android.internal.R.integer.config_lowBatteryAutoTriggerDefaultLevel);
    190     }
    192     @Override
    193     public void update(int batteryLevel, int bucket, long screenOffTime) {
    194         mBatteryLevel = batteryLevel;
    195         if (bucket >= 0) {
    196             mWarningTriggerTimeMs = 0;
    197         } else if (bucket < mBucket) {
    198             mWarningTriggerTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
    199         }
    200         mBucket = bucket;
    201         mScreenOffTime = screenOffTime;
    202     }
    204     @Override
    205     public void updateSnapshot(BatteryStateSnapshot snapshot) {
    206         mCurrentBatterySnapshot = snapshot;
    207     }
    209     private void updateNotification() {
    210         if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "updateNotification mWarning=" + mWarning + " mPlaySound="
    211                 + mPlaySound + " mInvalidCharger=" + mInvalidCharger);
    212         if (mInvalidCharger) {
    213             showInvalidChargerNotification();
    214             mShowing = SHOWING_INVALID_CHARGER;
    215         } else if (mWarning) {
    216             showWarningNotification();
    217             mShowing = SHOWING_WARNING;
    218         } else if (mShowAutoSaverSuggestion) {
    219             // Once we showed the notification, don't show it again until it goes SHOWING_NOTHING.
    220             // This shouldn't be needed, because we have a delete intent on this notification
    221             // so when it's dismissed we should notice it and clear mShowAutoSaverSuggestion,
    222             // However we double check here just in case the dismiss intent broadcast is delayed.
    223             if (mShowing != SHOWING_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION) {
    224                 showAutoSaverSuggestionNotification();
    225             }
    226             mShowing = SHOWING_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION;
    227         } else {
    228             mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_BAD_CHARGER, UserHandle.ALL);
    229             mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_POWER_LOW, UserHandle.ALL);
    230             mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_AUTO_SAVER,
    231                     SystemMessage.NOTE_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION, UserHandle.ALL);
    232             mShowing = SHOWING_NOTHING;
    233         }
    234     }
    236     private void showInvalidChargerNotification() {
    237         final Notification.Builder nb =
    238                 new Notification.Builder(mContext, NotificationChannels.ALERTS)
    239                         .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_power_low)
    240                         .setWhen(0)
    241                         .setShowWhen(false)
    242                         .setOngoing(true)
    243                         .setContentTitle(mContext.getString(R.string.invalid_charger_title))
    244                         .setContentText(mContext.getString(R.string.invalid_charger_text))
    245                         .setColor(mContext.getColor(
    246                                 com.android.internal.R.color.system_notification_accent_color));
    247         SystemUI.overrideNotificationAppName(mContext, nb, false);
    248         final Notification n = nb.build();
    249         mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_POWER_LOW, UserHandle.ALL);
    250         mNoMan.notifyAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_BAD_CHARGER, n, UserHandle.ALL);
    251     }
    253     protected void showWarningNotification() {
    254         final String percentage = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance()
    255                 .format((double) mCurrentBatterySnapshot.getBatteryLevel() / 100.0);
    257         // get shared standard notification copy
    258         String title = mContext.getString(R.string.battery_low_title);
    259         String contentText;
    261         // get correct content text if notification is hybrid or not
    262         if (mCurrentBatterySnapshot.isHybrid()) {
    263             contentText = getHybridContentString(percentage);
    264         } else {
    265             contentText = mContext.getString(R.string.battery_low_percent_format, percentage);
    266         }
    268         final Notification.Builder nb =
    269                 new Notification.Builder(mContext, NotificationChannels.BATTERY)
    270                         .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_power_low)
    271                         // Bump the notification when the bucket dropped.
    272                         .setWhen(mWarningTriggerTimeMs)
    273                         .setShowWhen(false)
    274                         .setContentText(contentText)
    275                         .setContentTitle(title)
    276                         .setOnlyAlertOnce(true)
    277                         .setDeleteIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_DISMISSED_WARNING))
    278                         .setStyle(new Notification.BigTextStyle().bigText(contentText))
    279                         .setVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC);
    280         if (hasBatterySettings()) {
    281             nb.setContentIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_SHOW_BATTERY_SETTINGS));
    282         }
    283         // Make the notification red if the percentage goes below a certain amount or the time
    284         // remaining estimate is disabled
    285         if (!mCurrentBatterySnapshot.isHybrid() || mBucket < 0
    286                 || mCurrentBatterySnapshot.getTimeRemainingMillis()
    287                         < mCurrentBatterySnapshot.getSevereThresholdMillis()) {
    288             nb.setColor(Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(mContext, android.R.attr.colorError));
    289         }
    291         if (!mPowerMan.isPowerSaveMode()) {
    292             nb.addAction(0,
    293                     mContext.getString(R.string.battery_saver_start_action),
    294                     pendingBroadcast(ACTION_START_SAVER));
    295         }
    296         nb.setOnlyAlertOnce(!mPlaySound);
    297         mPlaySound = false;
    298         SystemUI.overrideNotificationAppName(mContext, nb, false);
    299         final Notification n = nb.build();
    300         mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_BAD_CHARGER, UserHandle.ALL);
    301         mNoMan.notifyAsUser(TAG_BATTERY, SystemMessage.NOTE_POWER_LOW, n, UserHandle.ALL);
    302     }
    304     private void showAutoSaverSuggestionNotification() {
    305         final Notification.Builder nb =
    306                 new Notification.Builder(mContext, NotificationChannels.HINTS)
    307                         .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_power_saver)
    308                         .setWhen(0)
    309                         .setShowWhen(false)
    310                         .setContentTitle(mContext.getString(R.string.auto_saver_title))
    311                         .setContentText(mContext.getString(R.string.auto_saver_text));
    312         nb.setContentIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_ENABLE_AUTO_SAVER));
    313         nb.setDeleteIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_DISMISS_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION));
    314         nb.addAction(0,
    315                 mContext.getString(R.string.no_auto_saver_action),
    316                 pendingBroadcast(ACTION_AUTO_SAVER_NO_THANKS));
    318         SystemUI.overrideNotificationAppName(mContext, nb, false);
    320         final Notification n = nb.build();
    321         mNoMan.notifyAsUser(
    322                 TAG_AUTO_SAVER, SystemMessage.NOTE_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION, n, UserHandle.ALL);
    323     }
    325     private String getHybridContentString(String percentage) {
    326         return PowerUtil.getBatteryRemainingStringFormatted(
    327                 mContext,
    328                 mCurrentBatterySnapshot.getTimeRemainingMillis(),
    329                 percentage,
    330                 mCurrentBatterySnapshot.isBasedOnUsage());
    331     }
    333     private PendingIntent pendingBroadcast(String action) {
    334         return PendingIntent.getBroadcastAsUser(mContext, 0,
    335                 new Intent(action).setPackage(mContext.getPackageName())
    336                     .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND),
    337                 0, UserHandle.CURRENT);
    338     }
    340     private static Intent settings(String action) {
    341         return new Intent(action).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK
    342                 | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK
    343                 | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS
    344                 | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY
    345                 | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
    346     }
    348     @Override
    349     public boolean isInvalidChargerWarningShowing() {
    350         return mInvalidCharger;
    351     }
    353     @Override
    354     public void dismissHighTemperatureWarning() {
    355         if (!mHighTempWarning) {
    356             return;
    357         }
    358         dismissHighTemperatureWarningInternal();
    359     }
    361     /**
    362      * Internal only version of {@link #dismissHighTemperatureWarning()} that simply dismisses
    363      * the notification. As such, the notification will not show again until
    364      * {@link #dismissHighTemperatureWarning()} is called.
    365      */
    366     private void dismissHighTemperatureWarningInternal() {
    367         mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_TEMPERATURE, SystemMessage.NOTE_HIGH_TEMP, UserHandle.ALL);
    368         mHighTempWarning = false;
    369     }
    371     @Override
    372     public void showHighTemperatureWarning() {
    373         if (mHighTempWarning) {
    374             return;
    375         }
    376         mHighTempWarning = true;
    377         final Notification.Builder nb =
    378                 new Notification.Builder(mContext, NotificationChannels.ALERTS)
    379                         .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_device_thermostat_24)
    380                         .setWhen(0)
    381                         .setShowWhen(false)
    382                         .setContentTitle(mContext.getString(R.string.high_temp_title))
    383                         .setContentText(mContext.getString(R.string.high_temp_notif_message))
    384                         .setVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)
    385                         .setContentIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_CLICKED_TEMP_WARNING))
    386                         .setDeleteIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_DISMISSED_TEMP_WARNING))
    387                         .setColor(Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(mContext,
    388                                 android.R.attr.colorError));
    389         SystemUI.overrideNotificationAppName(mContext, nb, false);
    390         final Notification n = nb.build();
    391         mNoMan.notifyAsUser(TAG_TEMPERATURE, SystemMessage.NOTE_HIGH_TEMP, n, UserHandle.ALL);
    392     }
    394     private void showHighTemperatureDialog() {
    395         if (mHighTempDialog != null) return;
    396         final SystemUIDialog d = new SystemUIDialog(mContext);
    397         d.setIconAttribute(android.R.attr.alertDialogIcon);
    398         d.setTitle(R.string.high_temp_title);
    399         d.setMessage(R.string.high_temp_dialog_message);
    400         d.setPositiveButton(com.android.internal.R.string.ok, null);
    401         d.setShowForAllUsers(true);
    402         d.setOnDismissListener(dialog -> mHighTempDialog = null);
    403         d.show();
    404         mHighTempDialog = d;
    405     }
    407     @VisibleForTesting
    408     void dismissThermalShutdownWarning() {
    409         mNoMan.cancelAsUser(TAG_TEMPERATURE, SystemMessage.NOTE_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN, UserHandle.ALL);
    410     }
    412     private void showThermalShutdownDialog() {
    413         if (mThermalShutdownDialog != null) return;
    414         final SystemUIDialog d = new SystemUIDialog(mContext);
    415         d.setIconAttribute(android.R.attr.alertDialogIcon);
    416         d.setTitle(R.string.thermal_shutdown_title);
    417         d.setMessage(R.string.thermal_shutdown_dialog_message);
    418         d.setPositiveButton(com.android.internal.R.string.ok, null);
    419         d.setShowForAllUsers(true);
    420         d.setOnDismissListener(dialog -> mThermalShutdownDialog = null);
    421         d.show();
    422         mThermalShutdownDialog = d;
    423     }
    425     @Override
    426     public void showThermalShutdownWarning() {
    427         final Notification.Builder nb =
    428                 new Notification.Builder(mContext, NotificationChannels.ALERTS)
    429                         .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_device_thermostat_24)
    430                         .setWhen(0)
    431                         .setShowWhen(false)
    432                         .setContentTitle(mContext.getString(R.string.thermal_shutdown_title))
    433                         .setContentText(mContext.getString(R.string.thermal_shutdown_message))
    434                         .setVisibility(Notification.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)
    435                         .setContentIntent(pendingBroadcast(ACTION_CLICKED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING))
    436                         .setDeleteIntent(
    437                                 pendingBroadcast(ACTION_DISMISSED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING))
    438                         .setColor(Utils.getColorAttrDefaultColor(mContext,
    439                                 android.R.attr.colorError));
    440         SystemUI.overrideNotificationAppName(mContext, nb, false);
    441         final Notification n = nb.build();
    442         mNoMan.notifyAsUser(
    443                 TAG_TEMPERATURE, SystemMessage.NOTE_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN, n, UserHandle.ALL);
    444     }
    446     @Override
    447     public void showUsbHighTemperatureAlarm() {
    448         mHandler.post(() -> showUsbHighTemperatureAlarmInternal());
    449     }
    451     private void showUsbHighTemperatureAlarmInternal() {
    452         if (mUsbHighTempDialog != null) {
    453             return;
    454         }
    456         final SystemUIDialog d = new SystemUIDialog(mContext, R.style.Theme_SystemUI_Dialog_Alert);
    457         d.setCancelable(false);
    458         d.setIconAttribute(android.R.attr.alertDialogIcon);
    459         d.setTitle(R.string.high_temp_alarm_title);
    460         d.setShowForAllUsers(true);
    461         d.setMessage(mContext.getString(R.string.high_temp_alarm_notify_message, ""));
    462         d.setPositiveButton((com.android.internal.R.string.ok),
    463                 (dialogInterface, which) -> mUsbHighTempDialog = null);
    464         d.setNegativeButton((R.string.high_temp_alarm_help_care_steps),
    465                 (dialogInterface, which) -> {
    466                     final String contextString = mContext.getString(
    467                             R.string.high_temp_alarm_help_url);
    468                     final Intent helpIntent = new Intent();
    469                     helpIntent.setClassName("com.android.settings",
    470                             "com.android.settings.HelpTrampoline");
    471                     helpIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, contextString);
    472                     Dependency.get(ActivityStarter.class).startActivity(helpIntent,
    473                             true /* dismissShade */, resultCode -> {
    474                                 mUsbHighTempDialog = null;
    475                             });
    476                 });
    477         d.setOnDismissListener(dialogInterface -> {
    478             mUsbHighTempDialog = null;
    479             Events.writeEvent(mContext, Events.EVENT_DISMISS_USB_OVERHEAT_ALARM,
    480                     Events.DISMISS_REASON_USB_OVERHEAD_ALARM_CHANGED,
    481                     mKeyguard.isKeyguardLocked());
    482         });
    483         d.getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON
    484                 | WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON);
    485         d.show();
    486         mUsbHighTempDialog = d;
    488         Events.writeEvent(mContext, Events.EVENT_SHOW_USB_OVERHEAT_ALARM,
    489                 Events.SHOW_REASON_USB_OVERHEAD_ALARM_CHANGED,
    490                 mKeyguard.isKeyguardLocked());
    491     }
    493     @Override
    494     public void updateLowBatteryWarning() {
    495         updateNotification();
    496     }
    498     @Override
    499     public void dismissLowBatteryWarning() {
    500         if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "dismissing low battery warning: level=" + mBatteryLevel);
    501         dismissLowBatteryNotification();
    502     }
    504     private void dismissLowBatteryNotification() {
    505         if (mWarning) Slog.i(TAG, "dismissing low battery notification");
    506         mWarning = false;
    507         updateNotification();
    508     }
    510     private boolean hasBatterySettings() {
    511         return mOpenBatterySettings.resolveActivity(mContext.getPackageManager()) != null;
    512     }
    514     @Override
    515     public void showLowBatteryWarning(boolean playSound) {
    516         Slog.i(TAG,
    517                 "show low battery warning: level=" + mBatteryLevel
    518                         + " [" + mBucket + "] playSound=" + playSound);
    519         mPlaySound = playSound;
    520         mWarning = true;
    521         updateNotification();
    522     }
    524     @Override
    525     public void dismissInvalidChargerWarning() {
    526         dismissInvalidChargerNotification();
    527     }
    529     private void dismissInvalidChargerNotification() {
    530         if (mInvalidCharger) Slog.i(TAG, "dismissing invalid charger notification");
    531         mInvalidCharger = false;
    532         updateNotification();
    533     }
    535     @Override
    536     public void showInvalidChargerWarning() {
    537         mInvalidCharger = true;
    538         updateNotification();
    539     }
    541     private void showAutoSaverSuggestion() {
    542         mShowAutoSaverSuggestion = true;
    543         updateNotification();
    544     }
    546     private void dismissAutoSaverSuggestion() {
    547         mShowAutoSaverSuggestion = false;
    548         updateNotification();
    549     }
    551     @Override
    552     public void userSwitched() {
    553         updateNotification();
    554     }
    556     private void showStartSaverConfirmation(Bundle extras) {
    557         if (mSaverConfirmation != null) return;
    558         final SystemUIDialog d = new SystemUIDialog(mContext);
    559         final boolean confirmOnly = extras.getBoolean(BatterySaverUtils.EXTRA_CONFIRM_TEXT_ONLY);
    560         final int batterySaverTriggerMode =
    561                 extras.getInt(BatterySaverUtils.EXTRA_POWER_SAVE_MODE_TRIGGER,
    562                         PowerManager.POWER_SAVE_MODE_TRIGGER_PERCENTAGE);
    563         final int batterySaverTriggerLevel =
    564                 extras.getInt(BatterySaverUtils.EXTRA_POWER_SAVE_MODE_TRIGGER_LEVEL, 0);
    565         d.setMessage(getBatterySaverDescription());
    567         // Sad hack for http://b/78261259 and http://b/78298335. Otherwise "Battery" may be split
    568         // into "Bat-tery".
    569         if (isEnglishLocale()) {
    570             d.setMessageHyphenationFrequency(Layout.HYPHENATION_FREQUENCY_NONE);
    571         }
    572         // We need to set LinkMovementMethod to make the link clickable.
    573         d.setMessageMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());
    575         if (confirmOnly) {
    576             d.setTitle(R.string.battery_saver_confirmation_title_generic);
    577             d.setPositiveButton(com.android.internal.R.string.confirm_battery_saver,
    578                     (dialog, which) -> {
    579                         final ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
    580                         Settings.Global.putInt(
    581                                 resolver,
    582                                 Global.AUTOMATIC_POWER_SAVE_MODE,
    583                                 batterySaverTriggerMode);
    584                         Settings.Global.putInt(
    585                                 resolver,
    586                                 Global.LOW_POWER_MODE_TRIGGER_LEVEL,
    587                                 batterySaverTriggerLevel);
    588                         Secure.putInt(
    589                                 resolver,
    590                                 Secure.LOW_POWER_WARNING_ACKNOWLEDGED,
    591                                 1);
    592                     });
    593         } else {
    594             d.setTitle(R.string.battery_saver_confirmation_title);
    595             d.setPositiveButton(R.string.battery_saver_confirmation_ok,
    596                     (dialog, which) -> setSaverMode(true, false));
    597             d.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null);
    598         }
    599         d.setShowForAllUsers(true);
    600         d.setOnDismissListener((dialog) -> mSaverConfirmation = null);
    601         d.show();
    602         mSaverConfirmation = d;
    603     }
    605     private boolean isEnglishLocale() {
    606         return Objects.equals(Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(),
    607                 Locale.ENGLISH.getLanguage());
    608     }
    610     /**
    611      * Generates the message for the "want to start battery saver?" dialog with a "learn more" link.
    612      */
    613     private CharSequence getBatterySaverDescription() {
    614         final String learnMoreUrl = mContext.getText(
    615                 R.string.help_uri_battery_saver_learn_more_link_target).toString();
    617         // If there's no link, use the string with no "learn more".
    618         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(learnMoreUrl)) {
    619             return mContext.getText(
    620                     com.android.internal.R.string.battery_saver_description);
    621         }
    623         // If we have a link, use the string with the "learn more" link.
    624         final CharSequence rawText = mContext.getText(
    625                 com.android.internal.R.string.battery_saver_description_with_learn_more);
    626         final SpannableString message = new SpannableString(rawText);
    627         final SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(message);
    629         // Look for the "learn more" part of the string, and set a URL span on it.
    630         // We use a customized URLSpan to add FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND to the intent, and
    631         // also to close the dialog.
    632         for (Annotation annotation : message.getSpans(0, message.length(), Annotation.class)) {
    633             final String key = annotation.getValue();
    635             if (!BATTERY_SAVER_DESCRIPTION_URL_KEY.equals(key)) {
    636                 continue;
    637             }
    638             final int start = message.getSpanStart(annotation);
    639             final int end = message.getSpanEnd(annotation);
    641             // Replace the "learn more" with a custom URL span, with
    642             // - No underline.
    643             // - When clicked, close the dialog and the notification shade.
    644             final URLSpan urlSpan = new URLSpan(learnMoreUrl) {
    645                 @Override
    646                 public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
    647                     super.updateDrawState(ds);
    648                     ds.setUnderlineText(false);
    649                 }
    651                 @Override
    652                 public void onClick(View widget) {
    653                     // Close the parent dialog.
    654                     if (mSaverConfirmation != null) {
    655                         mSaverConfirmation.dismiss();
    656                     }
    657                     // Also close the notification shade, if it's open.
    658                     mContext.sendBroadcast(
    659                             new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)
    660                             .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND));
    662                     final Uri uri = Uri.parse(getURL());
    663                     Context context = widget.getContext();
    664                     Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri)
    665                             .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
    666                     try {
    667                         context.startActivity(intent);
    668                     } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
    669                         Log.w(TAG, "Activity was not found for intent, " + intent.toString());
    670                     }
    671                 }
    672             };
    673             builder.setSpan(urlSpan, start, end, message.getSpanFlags(urlSpan));
    674         }
    675         return builder;
    676     }
    678     private void setSaverMode(boolean mode, boolean needFirstTimeWarning) {
    679         BatterySaverUtils.setPowerSaveMode(mContext, mode, needFirstTimeWarning);
    680     }
    682     private void startBatterySaverSchedulePage() {
    683         Intent intent = new Intent(BATTERY_SAVER_SCHEDULE_SCREEN_INTENT_ACTION);
    684         intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);
    685         mActivityStarter.startActivity(intent, true /* dismissShade */);
    686     }
    688     private final class Receiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    690         public void init() {
    691             IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
    692             filter.addAction(ACTION_SHOW_BATTERY_SETTINGS);
    693             filter.addAction(ACTION_START_SAVER);
    694             filter.addAction(ACTION_DISMISSED_WARNING);
    695             filter.addAction(ACTION_CLICKED_TEMP_WARNING);
    696             filter.addAction(ACTION_DISMISSED_TEMP_WARNING);
    697             filter.addAction(ACTION_CLICKED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING);
    698             filter.addAction(ACTION_DISMISSED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING);
    699             filter.addAction(ACTION_SHOW_START_SAVER_CONFIRMATION);
    700             filter.addAction(ACTION_SHOW_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION);
    701             filter.addAction(ACTION_ENABLE_AUTO_SAVER);
    702             filter.addAction(ACTION_AUTO_SAVER_NO_THANKS);
    703             filter.addAction(ACTION_DISMISS_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION);
    704             mContext.registerReceiverAsUser(this, UserHandle.ALL, filter,
    705                     android.Manifest.permission.DEVICE_POWER, mHandler);
    706         }
    708         @Override
    709         public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
    710             final String action = intent.getAction();
    711             Slog.i(TAG, "Received " + action);
    712             if (action.equals(ACTION_SHOW_BATTERY_SETTINGS)) {
    713                 dismissLowBatteryNotification();
    714                 mContext.startActivityAsUser(mOpenBatterySettings, UserHandle.CURRENT);
    715             } else if (action.equals(ACTION_START_SAVER)) {
    716                 setSaverMode(true, true);
    717                 dismissLowBatteryNotification();
    718             } else if (action.equals(ACTION_SHOW_START_SAVER_CONFIRMATION)) {
    719                 dismissLowBatteryNotification();
    720                 showStartSaverConfirmation(intent.getExtras());
    721             } else if (action.equals(ACTION_DISMISSED_WARNING)) {
    722                 dismissLowBatteryWarning();
    723             } else if (ACTION_CLICKED_TEMP_WARNING.equals(action)) {
    724                 dismissHighTemperatureWarningInternal();
    725                 showHighTemperatureDialog();
    726             } else if (ACTION_DISMISSED_TEMP_WARNING.equals(action)) {
    727                 dismissHighTemperatureWarningInternal();
    728             } else if (ACTION_CLICKED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING.equals(action)) {
    729                 dismissThermalShutdownWarning();
    730                 showThermalShutdownDialog();
    731             } else if (ACTION_DISMISSED_THERMAL_SHUTDOWN_WARNING.equals(action)) {
    732                 dismissThermalShutdownWarning();
    733             } else if (ACTION_SHOW_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION.equals(action)) {
    734                 showAutoSaverSuggestion();
    735             } else if (ACTION_DISMISS_AUTO_SAVER_SUGGESTION.equals(action)) {
    736                 dismissAutoSaverSuggestion();
    737             } else if (ACTION_ENABLE_AUTO_SAVER.equals(action)) {
    738                 dismissAutoSaverSuggestion();
    739                 startBatterySaverSchedulePage();
    740             } else if (ACTION_AUTO_SAVER_NO_THANKS.equals(action)) {
    741                 dismissAutoSaverSuggestion();
    742                 BatterySaverUtils.suppressAutoBatterySaver(context);
    743             }
    744         }
    745     }
    746 }