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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "Dump.h"
     19 #include <cinttypes>
     20 #include <vector>
     22 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     23 #include "androidfw/ConfigDescription.h"
     24 #include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
     26 #include "Debug.h"
     27 #include "Diagnostics.h"
     28 #include "LoadedApk.h"
     29 #include "Util.h"
     30 #include "format/Container.h"
     31 #include "format/binary/BinaryResourceParser.h"
     32 #include "format/binary/XmlFlattener.h"
     33 #include "format/proto/ProtoDeserialize.h"
     34 #include "io/FileStream.h"
     35 #include "io/ZipArchive.h"
     36 #include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h"
     37 #include "text/Printer.h"
     38 #include "util/Files.h"
     40 using ::aapt::text::Printer;
     41 using ::android::StringPiece;
     42 using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
     44 namespace aapt {
     46 static const char* ResourceFileTypeToString(const ResourceFile::Type& type) {
     47   switch (type) {
     48     case ResourceFile::Type::kPng:
     49       return "PNG";
     50     case ResourceFile::Type::kBinaryXml:
     51       return "BINARY_XML";
     52     case ResourceFile::Type::kProtoXml:
     53       return "PROTO_XML";
     54     default:
     55       break;
     56   }
     57   return "UNKNOWN";
     58 }
     60 static void DumpCompiledFile(const ResourceFile& file, const Source& source, off64_t offset,
     61                              size_t len, Printer* printer) {
     62   printer->Print("Resource: ");
     63   printer->Println(file.name.to_string());
     65   printer->Print("Config:   ");
     66   printer->Println(file.config.to_string());
     68   printer->Print("Source:   ");
     69   printer->Println(file.source.to_string());
     71   printer->Print("Type:     ");
     72   printer->Println(ResourceFileTypeToString(file.type));
     74   printer->Println(StringPrintf("Data:     offset=%" PRIi64 " length=%zd", offset, len));
     75 }
     77 namespace {
     79 class DumpContext : public IAaptContext {
     80  public:
     81   PackageType GetPackageType() override {
     82     // Doesn't matter.
     83     return PackageType::kApp;
     84   }
     86   IDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() override {
     87     return &diagnostics_;
     88   }
     90   NameMangler* GetNameMangler() override {
     92     return nullptr;
     93   }
     95   const std::string& GetCompilationPackage() override {
     96     static std::string empty;
     97     return empty;
     98   }
    100   uint8_t GetPackageId() override {
    101     return 0;
    102   }
    104   SymbolTable* GetExternalSymbols() override {
    106     return nullptr;
    107   }
    109   bool IsVerbose() override {
    110     return verbose_;
    111   }
    113   void SetVerbose(bool val) {
    114     verbose_ = val;
    115   }
    117   int GetMinSdkVersion() override {
    118     return 0;
    119   }
    121  private:
    122   StdErrDiagnostics diagnostics_;
    123   bool verbose_ = false;
    124 };
    126 }  // namespace
    128 int DumpAPCCommand::Action(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
    129   DumpContext context;
    130   DebugPrintTableOptions print_options;
    131   print_options.show_sources = true;
    132   print_options.show_values = !no_values_;
    134   if (args.size() < 1) {
    135     diag_->Error(DiagMessage() << "No dump container specified");
    136     return 1;
    137   }
    139   bool error = false;
    140   for (auto container : args) {
    141     io::FileInputStream input(container);
    142     if (input.HadError()) {
    143       context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(container)
    144                                       << "failed to open file: " << input.GetError());
    145       error = true;
    146       continue;
    147     }
    149     // Try as a compiled file.
    150     ContainerReader reader(&input);
    151     if (reader.HadError()) {
    152       context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(container)
    153                                       << "failed to read container: " << reader.GetError());
    154       error = true;
    155       continue;
    156     }
    158     printer_->Println("AAPT2 Container (APC)");
    159     ContainerReaderEntry* entry;
    160     std::string error;
    161     while ((entry = reader.Next()) != nullptr) {
    162       if (entry->Type() == ContainerEntryType::kResTable) {
    163         printer_->Println("kResTable");
    165         pb::ResourceTable pb_table;
    166         if (!entry->GetResTable(&pb_table)) {
    167           context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(container)
    168                                           << "failed to parse proto table: " << entry->GetError());
    169           error = true;
    170           continue;
    171         }
    173         ResourceTable table;
    174         error.clear();
    175         if (!DeserializeTableFromPb(pb_table, nullptr /*files*/, &table, &error)) {
    176           context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(container)
    177                                           << "failed to parse table: " << error);
    178           error = true;
    179           continue;
    180         }
    182         printer_->Indent();
    183         Debug::PrintTable(table, print_options, printer_);
    184         printer_->Undent();
    185       } else if (entry->Type() == ContainerEntryType::kResFile) {
    186         printer_->Println("kResFile");
    187         pb::internal::CompiledFile pb_compiled_file;
    188         off64_t offset;
    189         size_t length;
    190         if (!entry->GetResFileOffsets(&pb_compiled_file, &offset, &length)) {
    191           context.GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(container)
    192                                           << "failed to parse compiled proto file: "
    193                                           << entry->GetError());
    194           error = true;
    195           continue;
    196         }
    198         ResourceFile file;
    199         if (!DeserializeCompiledFileFromPb(pb_compiled_file, &file, &error)) {
    200           context.GetDiagnostics()->Warn(DiagMessage(container)
    201                                          << "failed to parse compiled file: " << error);
    202           error = true;
    203           continue;
    204         }
    206         printer_->Indent();
    207         DumpCompiledFile(file, Source(container), offset, length, printer_);
    208         printer_->Undent();
    209       }
    210     }
    211   }
    213   return (error) ? 1 : 0;
    214 }
    216 int DumpBadgerCommand::Action(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
    217   printer_->Print(StringPrintf("%s", kBadgerData));
    218   printer_->Print("Did you mean \"aapt2 dump badging\"?\n");
    219   return 1;
    220 }
    222 int DumpConfigsCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    223   ResourceTable* table = apk->GetResourceTable();
    224   if (!table) {
    225     GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to retrieve resource table");
    226     return 1;
    227   }
    229   // Comparison function used to order configurations
    230   auto compare = [](android::ConfigDescription c1, android::ConfigDescription c2) -> bool {
    231     return c1.compare(c2) < 0;
    232   };
    234   // Insert the configurations into a set in order to keep every configuarion seen
    235   std::set<android::ConfigDescription, decltype(compare)> configs(compare);
    236   for (auto& package : table->packages) {
    237     for (auto& type : package->types) {
    238       for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
    239         for (auto& value : entry->values) {
    240           configs.insert(value->config);
    241         }
    242       }
    243     }
    244   }
    246   // Print the configurations in order
    247   for (auto& config : configs) {
    248     GetPrinter()->Print(StringPrintf("%s\n", config.to_string().data()));
    249   }
    250   return 0;
    251 }
    253 int DumpPackageNameCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    254   Maybe<std::string> package_name = GetPackageName(apk);
    255   if (!package_name) {
    256     return 1;
    257   }
    259   GetPrinter()->Println(package_name.value());
    260   return 0;
    261 }
    263 int DumpStringsCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    264   ResourceTable* table = apk->GetResourceTable();
    265   if (!table) {
    266     GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to retrieve resource table");
    267     return 1;
    268   }
    270   // Load the run-time xml string pool using the flattened data
    271   BigBuffer buffer(4096);
    272   StringPool::FlattenUtf8(&buffer, table->string_pool, GetDiagnostics());
    273   auto data = buffer.to_string();
    274   android::ResStringPool pool(data.data(), data.size(), false);
    275   Debug::DumpResStringPool(&pool, GetPrinter());
    276   return 0;
    277 }
    279 int DumpStyleParentCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    280   Maybe<std::string> package_name = GetPackageName(apk);
    281   if (!package_name) {
    282     return 1;
    283   }
    285   const auto target_style = ResourceName(package_name.value(), ResourceType::kStyle, style_);
    286   const auto table = apk->GetResourceTable();
    288   if (!table) {
    289     GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to retrieve resource table");
    290     return 1;
    291   }
    293   Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> target = table->FindResource(target_style);
    294   if (!target) {
    295     GetDiagnostics()->Error(
    296         DiagMessage() << "Target style \"" << target_style.entry << "\" does not exist");
    297     return 1;
    298   }
    300   Debug::PrintStyleGraph(table, target_style);
    301   return 0;
    302 }
    304 int DumpTableCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    305   if (apk->GetApkFormat() == ApkFormat::kProto) {
    306     GetPrinter()->Println("Proto APK");
    307   } else {
    308     GetPrinter()->Println("Binary APK");
    309   }
    311   ResourceTable* table = apk->GetResourceTable();
    312   if (!table) {
    313     GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to retrieve resource table");
    314     return 1;
    315   }
    317   DebugPrintTableOptions print_options;
    318   print_options.show_sources = true;
    319   print_options.show_values = !no_values_;
    320   Debug::PrintTable(*table, print_options, GetPrinter());
    321   return 0;
    322 }
    324 int DumpXmlStringsCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    325   DumpContext context;
    326   bool error = false;
    327   for (auto xml_file : files_) {
    328     android::ResXMLTree tree;
    330     if (apk->GetApkFormat() == ApkFormat::kProto) {
    331       auto xml = apk->LoadXml(xml_file, GetDiagnostics());
    332       if (!xml) {
    333         error = true;
    334         continue;
    335       }
    337       // Flatten the xml document to get a binary representation of the proto xml file
    338       BigBuffer buffer(4096);
    339       XmlFlattenerOptions options = {};
    340       options.keep_raw_values = true;
    341       XmlFlattener flattener(&buffer, options);
    342       if (!flattener.Consume(&context, xml.get())) {
    343         error = true;
    344         continue;
    345       }
    347       // Load the run-time xml tree using the flattened data
    348       std::string data = buffer.to_string();
    349       tree.setTo(data.data(), data.size(), /** copyData */ true);
    351     } else if (apk->GetApkFormat() == ApkFormat::kBinary) {
    352       io::IFile* file = apk->GetFileCollection()->FindFile(xml_file);
    353       if (!file) {
    354         GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(xml_file)
    355                                 << "File '" << xml_file << "' not found in APK");
    356         error = true;
    357         continue;
    358       }
    360       std::unique_ptr<io::IData> data = file->OpenAsData();
    361       if (!data) {
    362         GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to open " << xml_file);
    363         error = true;
    364         continue;
    365       }
    367       // Load the run-time xml tree from the file data
    368       tree.setTo(data->data(), data->size(), /** copyData */ true);
    369     } else {
    370       GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(apk->GetSource()) << "Unknown APK format");
    371       error = true;
    372       continue;
    373     }
    375     Debug::DumpResStringPool(&tree.getStrings(), GetPrinter());
    376   }
    377   return (error) ? 1 : 0;
    378 }
    380 int DumpXmlTreeCommand::Dump(LoadedApk* apk) {
    381   for (auto file : files_) {
    382     auto xml = apk->LoadXml(file, GetDiagnostics());
    383     if (!xml) {
    384       return 1;
    385     }
    386     Debug::DumpXml(*xml, GetPrinter());
    387   }
    388   return 0;
    389 }
    391 const char DumpBadgerCommand::kBadgerData[2925] = {
    392     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    393     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  95,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    394     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    395     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    396     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,  63,  86,  35,  40,  46,  46,
    397     95,  95,  95,  95,  97,  97,  44,  32,  46,  124, 42,  33,  83,  62,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    398     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,
    399     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    400     32,  32,  58,  46,  58,  59,  61,  59,  61,  81,  81,  81,  81,  66,  96,  61,  61,  58,  46,
    401     46,  46,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    402     32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    403     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  58,  106, 81,  81,
    404     81,  81,  102, 59,  61,  59,  59,  61,  61,  61,  58,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    405     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    406     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    407     61,  59,  59,  59,  58,  109, 81,  81,  81,  81,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  59,  59,
    408     46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    409     32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    410     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  60,  81,  81,  81,  81,  87,  58,
    411     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  119, 44,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    412     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    413     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  47,  61,  59,  59,
    414     58,  100, 81,  81,  81,  81,  35,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  121, 81,  91,  32,  32,
    415     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,
    416     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    417     32,  32,  32,  46,  109, 58,  59,  59,  61,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  109, 58,  59,  59,  59,
    418     59,  61,  109, 81,  81,  76,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    419     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    420     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  41,  87,  59,  61,  59,  41,  81,  81,
    421     81,  81,  81,  81,  59,  61,  59,  59,  58,  109, 81,  81,  87,  39,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    422     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    423     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    424     60,  81,  91,  59,  59,  61,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  87,  43,  59,  58,  59,  60,  81,  81,
    425     81,  76,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    426     32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    427     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  52,  91,  58,  45,  59,  87,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    428     70,  58,  58,  58,  59,  106, 81,  81,  81,  91,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    429     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    430     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  93,  40,
    431     32,  46,  59,  100, 81,  81,  81,  81,  40,  58,  46,  46,  58,  100, 81,  81,  68,  32,  32,
    432     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    433     10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  46,  46,  32,  46,
    434     46,  46,  32,  46,  32,  46,  45,  91,  59,  61,  58,  109, 81,  81,  81,  87,  46,  58,  61,
    435     59,  60,  81,  81,  80,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    436     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  46,
    437     61,  59,  61,  61,  61,  59,  61,  61,  59,  59,  59,  58,  58,  46,  46,  41,  58,  59,  58,
    438     81,  81,  81,  81,  69,  58,  59,  59,  60,  81,  81,  68,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    439     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,
    440     32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    441     59,  59,  61,  61,  46,  61,  59,  93,  81,  81,  81,  81,  107, 58,  59,  58,  109, 87,  68,
    442     96,  32,  32,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    443     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  46,  60,  61,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    444     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  58,  58,  115, 109, 68,  41,  36,
    445     81,  109, 46,  61,  61,  81,  69,  96,  46,  58,  58,  46,  58,  46,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    446     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  46,  32,  95,  81,  67,
    447     61,  61,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    448     59,  59,  58,  68,  39,  61,  105, 61,  63,  81,  119, 58,  106, 80,  32,  58,  61,  59,  59,
    449     61,  59,  61,  59,  61,  46,  95,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    450     32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  36,  81,  109, 105, 59,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    451     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  46,  58,  37,  73,  108, 108, 62,  52,  81,
    452     109, 34,  32,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  59,  61,  61,  46,  46,
    453     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  46,  45,  57,  101, 43,  43,  61,
    454     61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  97,
    455     46,  61,  108, 62,  126, 58,  106, 80,  96,  46,  61,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    456     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  61,  97,  103, 97,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,
    457     32,  32,  32,  32,  45,  46,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  45,  45,  45,
    458     58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  119, 81,  97,  124, 105, 124, 124, 39,  126, 95,  119, 58,  61,
    459     58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  119, 81,  81,
    460     99,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    461     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  58,  106, 81,  81,  81,  109, 119,
    462     119, 119, 109, 109, 81,  81,  122, 58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    463     59,  59,  59,  58,  115, 81,  87,  81,  102, 32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,
    464     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,  58,
    465     59,  61,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  87,  87,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  58,  59,  59,  59,
    466     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  45,  45,  45,  59,  59,  59,  41,  87,  66,  33,  32,  32,  32,
    467     32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    468     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  93,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    469     81,  81,  81,  81,  40,  58,  59,  59,  59,  58,  45,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,
    470     32,  126, 96,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    471     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  61,  59,  58,  81,
    472     81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  40,  58,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,
    473     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    474     32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    475     32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  58,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    476     81,  40,  58,  59,  59,  59,  46,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    477     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    478     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  61,  59,  60,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    479     81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  59,  61,  59,  59,  61,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    480     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,
    481     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    482     58,  59,  59,  93,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  40,  59,
    483     59,  59,  59,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    484     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    485     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  61,  58,  106, 81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    486     81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  76,  58,  59,  59,  59,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    487     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    488     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,  58,  58,
    489     81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  87,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    490     32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    491     32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    492     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  61,  41,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,
    493     81,  81,  87,  59,  61,  58,  59,  59,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    494     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    495     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  61,  58,  61,  81,  81,
    496     81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  107, 58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  32,
    497     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    498     10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    499     32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  58,  51,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  81,  102, 94,
    500     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    501     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    502     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  61,  59,  59,  59,  43,  63,  36,  81,
    503     81,  81,  87,  64,  86,  102, 58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    504     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,
    505     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,
    506     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  43,  33,  58,  126, 126, 58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    507     59,  59,  59,  59,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    508     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    509     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  58,  45,  58,  61,  59,  58,  58,  58,  61,
    510     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    511     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    512     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    513     58,  95,  32,  45,  61,  59,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  45,  58,  59,  59,  59,
    514     59,  61,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    515     32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    516     32,  58,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  59,  61,  46,  46,  32,  45,  45,  45,  59,  58,
    517     45,  45,  46,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  61,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    518     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    519     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    520     61,  59,  46,  32,  32,  46,  32,  46,  32,  58,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    521     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,
    522     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  45,
    523     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,
    524     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    525     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    526     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  32,  46,  32,
    527     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,  46,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    528     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,
    529     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  61,  59,  59,  59,
    530     59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  61,  58,  59,  59,
    531     59,  59,  59,  58,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    532     32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    533     32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  46,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    534     32,  32,  32,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  45,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    535     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    536     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  32,  45,  61,  59,  59,  59,  59,
    537     59,  58,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  58,  59,  59,  59,  59,  59,  58,  45,
    538     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    539     32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    540     32,  32,  32,  32,  45,  45,  45,  45,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    541     32,  45,  61,  59,  58,  45,  45,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    542     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    543     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    544     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  46,  32,  32,  46,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,
    545     32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  32,  10};
    547 }  // namespace aapt