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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "format/binary/BinaryResourceParser.h"
     19 #include <algorithm>
     20 #include <map>
     21 #include <string>
     23 #include "android-base/logging.h"
     24 #include "android-base/macros.h"
     25 #include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
     26 #include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
     27 #include "androidfw/TypeWrappers.h"
     29 #include "ResourceTable.h"
     30 #include "ResourceUtils.h"
     31 #include "ResourceValues.h"
     32 #include "Source.h"
     33 #include "ValueVisitor.h"
     34 #include "format/binary/ResChunkPullParser.h"
     35 #include "util/Util.h"
     37 using namespace android;
     39 using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
     41 namespace aapt {
     43 namespace {
     45 static std::u16string strcpy16_dtoh(const char16_t* src, size_t len) {
     46   size_t utf16_len = strnlen16(src, len);
     47   if (utf16_len == 0) {
     48     return {};
     49   }
     50   std::u16string dst;
     51   dst.resize(utf16_len);
     52   for (size_t i = 0; i < utf16_len; i++) {
     53     dst[i] = util::DeviceToHost16(src[i]);
     54   }
     55   return dst;
     56 }
     58 // Visitor that converts a reference's resource ID to a resource name, given a mapping from
     59 // resource ID to resource name.
     60 class ReferenceIdToNameVisitor : public DescendingValueVisitor {
     61  public:
     62   using DescendingValueVisitor::Visit;
     64   explicit ReferenceIdToNameVisitor(const std::map<ResourceId, ResourceName>* mapping)
     65       : mapping_(mapping) {
     66     CHECK(mapping_ != nullptr);
     67   }
     69   void Visit(Reference* reference) override {
     70     if (!reference->id || !reference->id.value().is_valid()) {
     71       return;
     72     }
     74     ResourceId id = reference->id.value();
     75     auto cache_iter = mapping_->find(id);
     76     if (cache_iter != mapping_->end()) {
     77       reference->name = cache_iter->second;
     78     }
     79   }
     81  private:
     82   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReferenceIdToNameVisitor);
     84   const std::map<ResourceId, ResourceName>* mapping_;
     85 };
     87 }  // namespace
     89 BinaryResourceParser::BinaryResourceParser(IDiagnostics* diag, ResourceTable* table,
     90                                            const Source& source, const void* data, size_t len,
     91                                            io::IFileCollection* files)
     92     : diag_(diag), table_(table), source_(source), data_(data), data_len_(len), files_(files) {
     93 }
     95 bool BinaryResourceParser::Parse() {
     96   ResChunkPullParser parser(data_, data_len_);
     98   if (!ResChunkPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser.Next())) {
     99     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt resources.arsc: " << parser.error());
    100     return false;
    101   }
    103   if (parser.chunk()->type != android::RES_TABLE_TYPE) {
    104     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << StringPrintf("unknown chunk of type 0x%02x",
    105                                                       static_cast<int>(parser.chunk()->type)));
    106     return false;
    107   }
    109   if (!ParseTable(parser.chunk())) {
    110     return false;
    111   }
    113   if (parser.Next() != ResChunkPullParser::Event::kEndDocument) {
    114     if (parser.event() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::kBadDocument) {
    115       diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_)
    116                   << "invalid chunk trailing RES_TABLE_TYPE: " << parser.error());
    117     } else {
    118       diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_)
    119                   << StringPrintf("unexpected chunk of type 0x%02x trailing RES_TABLE_TYPE",
    120                                   static_cast<int>(parser.chunk()->type)));
    121     }
    122   }
    123   return true;
    124 }
    126 // Parses the resource table, which contains all the packages, types, and entries.
    127 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParseTable(const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    128   const ResTable_header* table_header = ConvertTo<ResTable_header>(chunk);
    129   if (!table_header) {
    130     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_header chunk");
    131     return false;
    132   }
    134   ResChunkPullParser parser(GetChunkData(&table_header->header),
    135                             GetChunkDataLen(&table_header->header));
    136   while (ResChunkPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser.Next())) {
    137     switch (util::DeviceToHost16(parser.chunk()->type)) {
    138       case android::RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE:
    139         if (value_pool_.getError() == NO_INIT) {
    140           status_t err =
    141               value_pool_.setTo(parser.chunk(), util::DeviceToHost32(parser.chunk()->size));
    142           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    143             diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_)
    144                          << "corrupt string pool in ResTable: " << value_pool_.getError());
    145             return false;
    146           }
    148           // Reserve some space for the strings we are going to add.
    149           table_->string_pool.HintWillAdd(value_pool_.size(), value_pool_.styleCount());
    150         } else {
    151           diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_) << "unexpected string pool in ResTable");
    152         }
    153         break;
    155       case android::RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE:
    156         if (!ParsePackage(parser.chunk())) {
    157           return false;
    158         }
    159         break;
    161       default:
    162         diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_)
    163                     << "unexpected chunk type "
    164                     << static_cast<int>(util::DeviceToHost16(parser.chunk()->type)));
    165         break;
    166     }
    167   }
    169   if (parser.event() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::kBadDocument) {
    170     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt resource table: " << parser.error());
    171     return false;
    172   }
    173   return true;
    174 }
    176 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParsePackage(const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    177   constexpr size_t kMinPackageSize =
    178       sizeof(ResTable_package) - sizeof(ResTable_package::typeIdOffset);
    179   const ResTable_package* package_header = ConvertTo<ResTable_package, kMinPackageSize>(chunk);
    180   if (!package_header) {
    181     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_package chunk");
    182     return false;
    183   }
    185   uint32_t package_id = util::DeviceToHost32(package_header->id);
    186   if (package_id > std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()) {
    187     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "package ID is too big (" << package_id << ")");
    188     return false;
    189   }
    191   // Extract the package name.
    192   std::u16string package_name = strcpy16_dtoh((const char16_t*)package_header->name,
    193                                               arraysize(package_header->name));
    195   ResourceTablePackage* package =
    196       table_->CreatePackage(util::Utf16ToUtf8(package_name), static_cast<uint8_t>(package_id));
    197   if (!package) {
    198     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_)
    199                  << "incompatible package '" << package_name << "' with ID " << package_id);
    200     return false;
    201   }
    203   // There can be multiple packages in a table, so
    204   // clear the type and key pool in case they were set from a previous package.
    205   type_pool_.uninit();
    206   key_pool_.uninit();
    208   ResChunkPullParser parser(GetChunkData(&package_header->header),
    209                             GetChunkDataLen(&package_header->header));
    210   while (ResChunkPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser.Next())) {
    211     switch (util::DeviceToHost16(parser.chunk()->type)) {
    212       case android::RES_STRING_POOL_TYPE:
    213         if (type_pool_.getError() == NO_INIT) {
    214           status_t err =
    215               type_pool_.setTo(parser.chunk(), util::DeviceToHost32(parser.chunk()->size));
    216           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    217             diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt type string pool in "
    218                                               << "ResTable_package: " << type_pool_.getError());
    219             return false;
    220           }
    221         } else if (key_pool_.getError() == NO_INIT) {
    222           status_t err =
    223               key_pool_.setTo(parser.chunk(), util::DeviceToHost32(parser.chunk()->size));
    224           if (err != NO_ERROR) {
    225             diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt key string pool in "
    226                                               << "ResTable_package: " << key_pool_.getError());
    227             return false;
    228           }
    229         } else {
    230           diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_) << "unexpected string pool");
    231         }
    232         break;
    234       case android::RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE:
    235         if (!ParseTypeSpec(package, parser.chunk())) {
    236           return false;
    237         }
    238         break;
    240       case android::RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE:
    241         if (!ParseType(package, parser.chunk())) {
    242           return false;
    243         }
    244         break;
    246       case android::RES_TABLE_LIBRARY_TYPE:
    247         if (!ParseLibrary(parser.chunk())) {
    248           return false;
    249         }
    250         break;
    252       case android::RES_TABLE_OVERLAYABLE_TYPE:
    253         if (!ParseOverlayable(parser.chunk())) {
    254           return false;
    255         }
    256         break;
    258       default:
    259         diag_->Warn(DiagMessage(source_)
    260                     << "unexpected chunk type "
    261                     << static_cast<int>(util::DeviceToHost16(parser.chunk()->type)));
    262         break;
    263     }
    264   }
    266   if (parser.event() == ResChunkPullParser::Event::kBadDocument) {
    267     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_package: " << parser.error());
    268     return false;
    269   }
    271   // Now go through the table and change local resource ID references to
    272   // symbolic references.
    273   ReferenceIdToNameVisitor visitor(&id_index_);
    274   VisitAllValuesInTable(table_, &visitor);
    275   return true;
    276 }
    278 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParseTypeSpec(const ResourceTablePackage* package,
    279                                          const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    280   if (type_pool_.getError() != NO_ERROR) {
    281     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "missing type string pool");
    282     return false;
    283   }
    285   const ResTable_typeSpec* type_spec = ConvertTo<ResTable_typeSpec>(chunk);
    286   if (!type_spec) {
    287     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_typeSpec chunk");
    288     return false;
    289   }
    291   if (type_spec->id == 0) {
    292     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "ResTable_typeSpec has invalid id: " << type_spec->id);
    293     return false;
    294   }
    296   // The data portion of this chunk contains entry_count 32bit entries,
    297   // each one representing a set of flags.
    298   const size_t entry_count = dtohl(type_spec->entryCount);
    300   // There can only be 2^16 entries in a type, because that is the ID
    301   // space for entries (EEEE) in the resource ID 0xPPTTEEEE.
    302   if (entry_count > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
    303     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_)
    304                  << "ResTable_typeSpec has too many entries (" << entry_count << ")");
    305     return false;
    306   }
    308   const size_t data_size = util::DeviceToHost32(type_spec->header.size) -
    309                            util::DeviceToHost16(type_spec->header.headerSize);
    310   if (entry_count * sizeof(uint32_t) > data_size) {
    311     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "ResTable_typeSpec too small to hold entries.");
    312     return false;
    313   }
    315   // Record the type_spec_flags for later. We don't know resource names yet, and we need those
    316   // to mark resources as overlayable.
    317   const uint32_t* type_spec_flags = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
    318       reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(type_spec) + util::DeviceToHost16(type_spec->header.headerSize));
    319   for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_count; i++) {
    320     ResourceId id(package->id.value_or_default(0x0), type_spec->id, static_cast<size_t>(i));
    321     entry_type_spec_flags_[id] = util::DeviceToHost32(type_spec_flags[i]);
    322   }
    323   return true;
    324 }
    326 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParseType(const ResourceTablePackage* package,
    327                                      const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    328   if (type_pool_.getError() != NO_ERROR) {
    329     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "missing type string pool");
    330     return false;
    331   }
    333   if (key_pool_.getError() != NO_ERROR) {
    334     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "missing key string pool");
    335     return false;
    336   }
    338   // Specify a manual size, because ResTable_type contains ResTable_config, which changes
    339   // a lot and has its own code to handle variable size.
    340   const ResTable_type* type = ConvertTo<ResTable_type, kResTableTypeMinSize>(chunk);
    341   if (!type) {
    342     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_type chunk");
    343     return false;
    344   }
    346   if (type->id == 0) {
    347     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "ResTable_type has invalid id: " << (int)type->id);
    348     return false;
    349   }
    351   ConfigDescription config;
    352   config.copyFromDtoH(type->config);
    354   const std::string type_str = util::GetString(type_pool_, type->id - 1);
    356   // Be lenient on the name of the type if the table is lenient on resource validation.
    357   auto parsed_type = ResourceType::kUnknown;
    358   if (const ResourceType* parsed = ParseResourceType(type_str)) {
    359     parsed_type = *parsed;
    360   } else if (table_->GetValidateResources()) {
    361     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "invalid type name '" << type_str << "' for type with ID "
    362                                       << (int) type->id);
    363     return false;
    364   }
    366   TypeVariant tv(type);
    367   for (auto it = tv.beginEntries(); it != tv.endEntries(); ++it) {
    368     const ResTable_entry* entry = *it;
    369     if (!entry) {
    370       continue;
    371     }
    373     const ResourceName name(package->name, parsed_type,
    374                             util::GetString(key_pool_, util::DeviceToHost32(entry->key.index)));
    376     const ResourceId res_id(package->id.value(), type->id, static_cast<uint16_t>(it.index()));
    378     std::unique_ptr<Value> resource_value;
    379     if (entry->flags & ResTable_entry::FLAG_COMPLEX) {
    380       const ResTable_map_entry* mapEntry = static_cast<const ResTable_map_entry*>(entry);
    382       // TODO(adamlesinski): Check that the entry count is valid.
    383       resource_value = ParseMapEntry(name, config, mapEntry);
    384     } else {
    385       const Res_value* value =
    386           (const Res_value*)((const uint8_t*)entry + util::DeviceToHost32(entry->size));
    387       resource_value = ParseValue(name, config, *value);
    388     }
    390     if (!resource_value) {
    391       diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "failed to parse value for resource " << name << " ("
    392                                         << res_id << ") with configuration '" << config << "'");
    393       return false;
    394     }
    396     if (!table_->AddResourceWithIdMangled(name, res_id, config, {}, std::move(resource_value),
    397                                           diag_)) {
    398       return false;
    399     }
    401     if (entry->flags & ResTable_entry::FLAG_PUBLIC) {
    402       Visibility visibility;
    403       visibility.level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
    404       if (!table_->SetVisibilityWithIdMangled(name, visibility, res_id, diag_)) {
    405         return false;
    406       }
    408       // Erase the ID from the map once processed, so that we don't mark the same symbol more than
    409       // once.
    410       entry_type_spec_flags_.erase(res_id);
    411     }
    413     // Add this resource name->id mapping to the index so
    414     // that we can resolve all ID references to name references.
    415     auto cache_iter = id_index_.find(res_id);
    416     if (cache_iter == id_index_.end()) {
    417       id_index_.insert({res_id, name});
    418     }
    419   }
    420   return true;
    421 }
    423 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParseLibrary(const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    424   DynamicRefTable dynamic_ref_table;
    425   if (dynamic_ref_table.load(reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_lib_header*>(chunk)) != NO_ERROR) {
    426     return false;
    427   }
    429   const KeyedVector<String16, uint8_t>& entries = dynamic_ref_table.entries();
    430   const size_t count = entries.size();
    431   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    432     table_->included_packages_[entries.valueAt(i)] =
    433         util::Utf16ToUtf8(StringPiece16(entries.keyAt(i).string()));
    434   }
    435   return true;
    436 }
    438 bool BinaryResourceParser::ParseOverlayable(const ResChunk_header* chunk) {
    439   const ResTable_overlayable_header* header = ConvertTo<ResTable_overlayable_header>(chunk);
    440   if (!header) {
    441     diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "corrupt ResTable_category_header chunk");
    442     return false;
    443   }
    445   auto overlayable = std::make_shared<Overlayable>();
    446   overlayable->name = util::Utf16ToUtf8(strcpy16_dtoh((const char16_t*)header->name,
    447                                                       arraysize(header->name)));
    448   overlayable->actor = util::Utf16ToUtf8(strcpy16_dtoh((const char16_t*)header->actor,
    449                                                        arraysize(header->name)));
    451   ResChunkPullParser parser(GetChunkData(chunk),
    452                             GetChunkDataLen(chunk));
    453   while (ResChunkPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser.Next())) {
    454     if (util::DeviceToHost16(parser.chunk()->type) == android::RES_TABLE_OVERLAYABLE_POLICY_TYPE) {
    455       const ResTable_overlayable_policy_header* policy_header =
    456           ConvertTo<ResTable_overlayable_policy_header>(parser.chunk());
    458       OverlayableItem::PolicyFlags policies = OverlayableItem::Policy::kNone;
    459       if (policy_header->policy_flags & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_PUBLIC) {
    460         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kPublic;
    461       }
    462       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    463           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_SYSTEM_PARTITION) {
    464         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kSystem;
    465       }
    466       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    467           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_VENDOR_PARTITION) {
    468         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kVendor;
    469       }
    470       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    471           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_PRODUCT_PARTITION) {
    472         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kProduct;
    473       }
    474       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    475           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_SIGNATURE) {
    476         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kSignature;
    477       }
    478       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    479           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_ODM_PARTITION) {
    480         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kOdm;
    481       }
    482       if (policy_header->policy_flags
    483           & ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::POLICY_OEM_PARTITION) {
    484         policies |= OverlayableItem::Policy::kOem;
    485       }
    487       const ResTable_ref* const ref_begin = reinterpret_cast<const ResTable_ref*>(
    488           ((uint8_t *)policy_header) + util::DeviceToHost32(policy_header->header.headerSize));
    489       const ResTable_ref* const ref_end = ref_begin
    490           + util::DeviceToHost32(policy_header->entry_count);
    491       for (auto ref_iter = ref_begin; ref_iter != ref_end; ++ref_iter) {
    492         ResourceId res_id(util::DeviceToHost32(ref_iter->ident));
    493         const auto iter = id_index_.find(res_id);
    495         // If the overlayable chunk comes before the type chunks, the resource ids and resource name
    496         // pairing will not exist at this point.
    497         if (iter == id_index_.cend()) {
    498           diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "failed to find resource name for overlayable"
    499                                             << " resource " << res_id);
    500           return false;
    501         }
    503         OverlayableItem overlayable_item(overlayable);
    504         overlayable_item.policies = policies;
    505         if (!table_->SetOverlayable(iter->second, overlayable_item, diag_)) {
    506           return false;
    507         }
    508       }
    509     }
    510   }
    512   return true;
    513 }
    515 std::unique_ptr<Item> BinaryResourceParser::ParseValue(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    516                                                        const ConfigDescription& config,
    517                                                        const android::Res_value& value) {
    518   std::unique_ptr<Item> item = ResourceUtils::ParseBinaryResValue(name.type, config, value_pool_,
    519                                                                   value, &table_->string_pool);
    520   if (files_ != nullptr) {
    521     FileReference* file_ref = ValueCast<FileReference>(item.get());
    522     if (file_ref != nullptr) {
    523       file_ref->file = files_->FindFile(*file_ref->path);
    524       if (file_ref->file == nullptr) {
    525         diag_->Warn(DiagMessage() << "resource " << name << " for config '" << config
    526                                   << "' is a file reference to '" << *file_ref->path
    527                                   << "' but no such path exists");
    528       }
    529     }
    530   }
    531   return item;
    532 }
    534 std::unique_ptr<Value> BinaryResourceParser::ParseMapEntry(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    535                                                            const ConfigDescription& config,
    536                                                            const ResTable_map_entry* map) {
    537   switch (name.type) {
    538     case ResourceType::kStyle:
    539       return ParseStyle(name, config, map);
    540     case ResourceType::kAttrPrivate:
    541       // fallthrough
    542     case ResourceType::kAttr:
    543       return ParseAttr(name, config, map);
    544     case ResourceType::kArray:
    545       return ParseArray(name, config, map);
    546     case ResourceType::kPlurals:
    547       return ParsePlural(name, config, map);
    548     case ResourceType::kId:
    549       // Special case: An ID is not a bag, but some apps have defined the auto-generated
    550       // IDs that come from declaring an enum value in an attribute as an empty map...
    551       // We can ignore the value here.
    552       return util::make_unique<Id>();
    553     default:
    554       diag_->Error(DiagMessage() << "illegal map type '" << to_string(name.type) << "' ("
    555                                  << (int)name.type << ")");
    556       break;
    557   }
    558   return {};
    559 }
    561 std::unique_ptr<Style> BinaryResourceParser::ParseStyle(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    562                                                         const ConfigDescription& config,
    563                                                         const ResTable_map_entry* map) {
    564   std::unique_ptr<Style> style = util::make_unique<Style>();
    565   if (util::DeviceToHost32(map->parent.ident) != 0) {
    566     // The parent is a regular reference to a resource.
    567     style->parent = Reference(util::DeviceToHost32(map->parent.ident));
    568   }
    570   for (const ResTable_map& map_entry : map) {
    571     if (Res_INTERNALID(util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident))) {
    572       continue;
    573     }
    575     Style::Entry style_entry;
    576     style_entry.key = Reference(util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident));
    577     style_entry.value = ParseValue(name, config, map_entry.value);
    578     if (!style_entry.value) {
    579       return {};
    580     }
    581     style->entries.push_back(std::move(style_entry));
    582   }
    583   return style;
    584 }
    586 std::unique_ptr<Attribute> BinaryResourceParser::ParseAttr(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    587                                                            const ConfigDescription& config,
    588                                                            const ResTable_map_entry* map) {
    589   std::unique_ptr<Attribute> attr = util::make_unique<Attribute>();
    590   attr->SetWeak((util::DeviceToHost16(map->flags) & ResTable_entry::FLAG_WEAK) != 0);
    592   // First we must discover what type of attribute this is. Find the type mask.
    593   auto type_mask_iter = std::find_if(begin(map), end(map), [](const ResTable_map& entry) -> bool {
    594     return util::DeviceToHost32(entry.name.ident) == ResTable_map::ATTR_TYPE;
    595   });
    597   if (type_mask_iter != end(map)) {
    598     attr->type_mask = util::DeviceToHost32(type_mask_iter->value.data);
    599   }
    601   for (const ResTable_map& map_entry : map) {
    602     if (Res_INTERNALID(util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident))) {
    603       switch (util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident)) {
    604         case ResTable_map::ATTR_MIN:
    605           attr->min_int = static_cast<int32_t>(map_entry.value.data);
    606           break;
    607         case ResTable_map::ATTR_MAX:
    608           attr->max_int = static_cast<int32_t>(map_entry.value.data);
    609           break;
    610       }
    611       continue;
    612     }
    614     if (attr->type_mask & (ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM | ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS)) {
    615       Attribute::Symbol symbol;
    616       symbol.value = util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.value.data);
    617       symbol.symbol = Reference(util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident));
    618       attr->symbols.push_back(std::move(symbol));
    619     }
    620   }
    622   // TODO(adamlesinski): Find i80n, attributes.
    623   return attr;
    624 }
    626 std::unique_ptr<Array> BinaryResourceParser::ParseArray(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    627                                                         const ConfigDescription& config,
    628                                                         const ResTable_map_entry* map) {
    629   std::unique_ptr<Array> array = util::make_unique<Array>();
    630   for (const ResTable_map& map_entry : map) {
    631     array->elements.push_back(ParseValue(name, config, map_entry.value));
    632   }
    633   return array;
    634 }
    636 std::unique_ptr<Plural> BinaryResourceParser::ParsePlural(const ResourceNameRef& name,
    637                                                           const ConfigDescription& config,
    638                                                           const ResTable_map_entry* map) {
    639   std::unique_ptr<Plural> plural = util::make_unique<Plural>();
    640   for (const ResTable_map& map_entry : map) {
    641     std::unique_ptr<Item> item = ParseValue(name, config, map_entry.value);
    642     if (!item) {
    643       return {};
    644     }
    646     switch (util::DeviceToHost32(map_entry.name.ident)) {
    647       case ResTable_map::ATTR_ZERO:
    648         plural->values[Plural::Zero] = std::move(item);
    649         break;
    650       case ResTable_map::ATTR_ONE:
    651         plural->values[Plural::One] = std::move(item);
    652         break;
    653       case ResTable_map::ATTR_TWO:
    654         plural->values[Plural::Two] = std::move(item);
    655         break;
    656       case ResTable_map::ATTR_FEW:
    657         plural->values[Plural::Few] = std::move(item);
    658         break;
    659       case ResTable_map::ATTR_MANY:
    660         plural->values[Plural::Many] = std::move(item);
    661         break;
    662       case ResTable_map::ATTR_OTHER:
    663         plural->values[Plural::Other] = std::move(item);
    664         break;
    665     }
    666   }
    667   return plural;
    668 }
    670 }  // namespace aapt