/development/testrunner/test_defs/ |
xml_suite_helper.py | 43 def Parse(self, element): 66 def _ParseCommonAttributes(self, suite_element, test_suite): 67 test_suite.SetName(self._ParseAttribute(suite_element, self._NAME_ATTR, 69 test_suite.SetBuildPath(self._ParseAttribute(suite_element, 70 self._BUILD_ATTR, True)) 71 test_suite.SetContinuous(self._ParseAttribute(suite_element, 72 self._CONTINUOUS_ATTR, 74 test_suite.SetSuite(self._ParseAttribute(suite_element, self._SUITE_ATTR, False [all...] |
/external/v8/test/mozilla/ |
testcfg.py | 59 def __init__(self, filename, path, context, root, mode, framework): 60 super(MozillaTestCase, self).__init__(context, path) 61 self.filename = filename 62 self.mode = mode 63 self.framework = framework 64 self.root = root 66 def IsNegative(self): 67 return self.filename.endswith('-n.js') 69 def GetLabel(self): 70 return "%s mozilla %s" % (self.mode, self.GetName() [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/commands/ |
download_unittest.py | 34 def _default_options(self): 48 def test_build(self): 50 self.assert_execute_outputs(Build(), [], options=self._default_options(), expected_stderr=expected_stderr) 52 def test_build_and_test(self): 54 self.assert_execute_outputs(BuildAndTest(), [], options=self._default_options(), expected_stderr=expected_stderr) 56 def test_apply_attachment(self): 57 options = self._default_options() 61 self.assert_execute_outputs(ApplyAttachment(), [197], options=options, expected_stderr=expected_stderr [all...] |
queues_unittest.py | 47 def _assert_log_progress_output(self, patch_ids, progress_output): 48 OutputCapture().assert_outputs(self, TestQueue().log_progress, [patch_ids], expected_stderr=progress_output) 50 def test_log_progress(self): 51 self._assert_log_progress_output([1,2,3], "3 patches in test-queue [1, 2, 3]\n") 52 self._assert_log_progress_output(["1","2","3"], "3 patches in test-queue [1, 2, 3]\n") 53 self._assert_log_progress_output([1], "1 patch in test-queue [1]\n") 55 def _assert_run_webkit_patch(self, run_args): 64 def test_run_webkit_patch(self): 65 self._assert_run_webkit_patch([1]) 66 self._assert_run_webkit_patch(["one", 2] [all...] |
/external/gtest/test/ |
gtest_filter_unittest.py | 189 def AssertSetEqual(self, lhs, rhs): 193 self.assert_(elem in rhs, '%s in %s' % (elem, rhs)) 196 self.assert_(elem in lhs, '%s in %s' % (elem, lhs)) 198 def AssertPartitionIsValid(self, set_var, list_of_sets): 204 self.assertEqual(len(set_var), len(full_partition)) 205 self.assertEqual(sets.Set(set_var), sets.Set(full_partition)) 207 def RunAndVerify(self, gtest_filter, tests_to_run): 223 self.AssertSetEqual(tests_run, tests_to_run) 233 self.AssertSetEqual(tests_run, tests_to_run) 235 def RunAndVerifyWithSharding(self, gtest_filter, total_shards, tests_to_run [all...] |
/bionic/libc/tools/ |
genserv.py | 18 def __init__(self,name,port,proto): 19 self.name = name 20 self.port = port 21 self.proto = proto 22 self.aliases = [] 24 def add_alias(self,alias): 25 self.aliases.append(alias) 27 def __str__(self): 28 result = "\\%0o%s" % (len(self.name),self.name [all...] |
/external/embunit/src/ |
TestResult.c | 39 void TestResult_init(TestResult* self,TestListner* listner) 41 self->runCount = 0; 42 self->failureCount = 0; 43 self->listener = listner; 46 void TestResult_startTest(TestResult* self,Test* test) 48 self->runCount++; 49 if (self->listener) { 50 TestListner_startTest(self->listener, test); 54 void TestResult_endTest(TestResult* self,Test* test) 56 if (self->listener) [all...] |
/external/clearsilver/python/examples/base/ |
hdfhelp.py | 23 # def _defineRows(self): 24 # self.d_addColumn("agent_id",kInteger,None,primarykey = 1,autoincrement = 1) 25 # self.d_addColumn("login",kVarString,200,notnull=1) 26 # self.d_addColumn("ticket_count",kIncInteger,None) 30 # def defaultRowClass(self): 32 # def defaultRowListClass(self): 88 def hdfExport(self, prefix, hdf_dataset, *extra, **extranamed): 93 for col_name,value in self.items(): 97 name,col_type,col_options = self._table.getColumnDef(col_name) 129 def hdfExport(self,prefix,hdf_dataset,*extra,**extranamed) [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/ |
metered_stream.py | 48 def __init__(self, verbose, stream): 54 self._dirty = False 55 self._verbose = verbose 56 self._stream = stream 57 self._last_update = "" 59 def write(self, txt): 62 if self._dirty: 63 self.update("") 64 self._dirty = False 65 self._stream.write(txt [all...] |
/external/openssl/crypto/perlasm/ |
x86_64-xlate.pl | 78 my $self = shift; # single instance in enough... 83 $self->{op} = $1; 84 $ret = $self; 87 undef $self->{sz}; 88 if ($self->{op} =~ /^(movz)b.*/) { # movz is pain... 89 $self->{op} = $1; 90 $self->{sz} = "b"; 91 } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /call/) { 92 $self->{sz} = "" 93 } elsif ($self->{op} =~ /([a-z]{3,})([qlwb])$/) [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/ |
BeautifulSoup.py | 118 def setup(self, parent=None, previous=None): 121 self.parent = parent 122 self.previous = previous 123 self.next = None 124 self.previousSibling = None 125 self.nextSibling = None 126 if self.parent and self.parent.contents: 127 self.previousSibling = self.parent.contents[-1 [all...] |
credentials.py | 45 def __init__(self, host, git_prefix=None, executive=None, cwd=os.getcwd()): 46 self.host = host 47 self.git_prefix = git_prefix 48 self.executive = executive or Executive() 49 self.cwd = cwd 51 def _credentials_from_git(self): 52 return [self._read_git_config("username"), 53 self._read_git_config("password")] 55 def _read_git_config(self, key): 56 config_key = "%s.%s" % (self.git_prefix, key) if self.git_prefix [all...] |
/development/testrunner/tests/ |
android_manifest_tests.py | 28 def setUp(self): 30 self._manifest = android_manifest.AndroidManifest(app_path='.') 32 def testGetPackageName(self): 33 self.assertEquals('com.example.android.tests', 34 self._manifest.GetPackageName()) 36 def testGetInstrumentationNames(self): 37 self.assertEquals(['android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner'], 38 self._manifest.GetInstrumentationNames())
/external/srec/srec/AcousticModels/include/ |
SR_AcousticModels.h | 53 * @param self SR_AcousticModels handle 55 ESR_ReturnCode(*destroy)(struct SR_AcousticModels_t* self); 59 * @param self SR_AcousticModels handle 63 ESR_ReturnCode(*save)(struct SR_AcousticModels_t* self, const LCHAR* filename); 67 * @param self SR_AcousticModels handle 71 ESR_ReturnCode(*setParameter)(struct SR_AcousticModels_t* self, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR* value); 75 * @param self SR_AcousticModels handle 81 ESR_ReturnCode(*getParameter)(struct SR_AcousticModels_t* self, const LCHAR* key, LCHAR* value, size_t* len); 85 * @param self SR_AcousticModels handle 88 ESR_ReturnCode(*getCount)(struct SR_AcousticModels_t* self, size_t* size) [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/pywebsocket/test/ |
test_msgutil.py | 52 def test_send_message(self): 55 self.assertEqual('\x00Hello\xff', request.connection.written_data()) 57 def test_send_message_unicode(self): 61 self.assertEqual('\x00\xe6\x97\xa5\xff', 64 def test_receive_message(self): 66 self.assertEqual('Hello', msgutil.receive_message(request)) 67 self.assertEqual('World!', msgutil.receive_message(request)) 69 def test_receive_message_unicode(self): 72 self.assertEqual(u'\u672c', msgutil.receive_message(request)) 74 def test_receive_message_erroneous_unicode(self) [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/simplejson/ |
jsonfilter.py | 5 def __init__(self, app, mime_type='text/x-json'): 6 self.app = app 7 self.mime_type = mime_type 9 def __call__(self, environ, start_response): 15 environ['jsonfilter.mime_type'] = self.mime_type 17 if environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') == self.mime_type: 21 res = simplejson.dumps(self.app(environ, json_start_response)) 30 content_type = self.mime_type
/external/sonivox/jet_tools/JetCreator/ |
midifile.py | 193 def __init__ (self, track, channel, name, empty):
194 self.track = track
195 self.channel = channel
196 self.name = name
197 self.empty = empty
198 def __str__ (self):
199 return "['%s', '%s', '%s']" % (self.track, self.channel, self.name)
206 def __init__ (self, stream, msg): [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/pywebsocket/mod_pywebsocket/ |
memorizingfile.py | 49 def __init__(self, file_, max_memorized_lines=sys.maxint): 58 self._file = file_ 59 self._memorized_lines = [] 60 self._max_memorized_lines = max_memorized_lines 62 def __getattribute__(self, name): 65 return object.__getattribute__(self, name) 66 return self._file.__getattribute__(name) 68 def readline(self): 71 line = self._file.readline() 72 if line and len(self._memorized_lines) < self._max_memorized_lines [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitExamplePlugins/NetscapeCoreAnimationMoviePlugin/ |
MovieControllerLayer.m | 77 if (self = [super init]) { 78 self.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES; 79 self.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 25); 80 self.autoresizingMask = kCALayerWidthSizable; 91 return self; 105 [self setMovie:nil]; 120 CGFloat sliderYPosition = (self.bounds.size.height - CGImageGetHeight(_sliderTrackLeft)) / 2.0; 121 CGFloat playPauseButtonWidth = [self _playPauseButtonRect].size.width; 124 self.bounds.size.width - playPauseButtonWidth - 7, CGImageGetHeight(_sliderTrackLeft)); 129 CGRect sliderRect = [self _sliderRect] [all...] |
/cts/tools/utils/ |
android_api_description_splitter.py | 85 def __init__(self, xmlfile, outPath):
86 self.doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlfile)
87 self.root = self.doc.documentElement
88 self.out = os.path.join(outPath, "xml")
89 if not os.path.isdir(self.out):
90 os.makedirs(self.out)
93 def split(self, tag):
95 elemlist = self.doc.getElementsByTagName(tag)
98 elem = self.__trimElem(elem) [all...] |
/development/testrunner/ |
android_mk.py | 37 def __init__(self, app_path=None): 38 self._includes = Set() # variables included in makefile 39 self._variables = {} # variables defined in makefile 42 self.ParseMK(app_path) 44 def _ProcessMKLine(self, line): 52 m = self._RE_INCLUDE.match(line) 54 self._includes.add(m.group(1)) 56 parts = line.split(self._VAR_DELIMITER) 58 self._variables[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip() 60 def GetVariable(self, identifier) [all...] |
/external/srec/srec/Nametag/include/ |
SR_Nametag.h | 34 * @param self Nametag handle 35 * @return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the system is out of memory; ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if result, self or the 40 SR_Nametag** self); 48 * @param self Nametag handle 49 * @return ESR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the system is out of memory; ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if result, self or the 52 SREC_NAMETAG_API ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagCreateFromValue(const LCHAR* id, const char* value, size_t len, SR_Nametag** self); 57 * @param self Nametag handle 59 * @return ESR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if self is null 61 SREC_NAMETAG_API ESR_ReturnCode SR_NametagGetID(const SR_Nametag* self, LCHAR** id); 66 * @param self Nametag handl [all...] |
/external/webkit/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/processors/ |
common_unittest.py | 44 def setUp(self): 45 self._style_errors = [] # The list of accumulated style errors. 47 def _mock_style_error_handler(self, line_number, category, confidence, 51 self._style_errors.append(error) 53 def assert_carriage_return(self, line, is_error): 56 handle_style_error = self._mock_style_error_handler 64 expected_errors = [(line_number, self._category, self._confidence, 66 self.assertEquals(self._style_errors, expected_errors [all...] |
/external/bluetooth/glib/gio/win32/ |
gwin32directorymonitor.c | 46 GFileMonitor *self; member in struct:_GWin32DirectoryMonitorPrivate 65 GWin32DirectoryMonitor *self; local 66 self = G_WIN32_DIRECTORY_MONITOR (base); 68 g_free (self->priv->file_notify_buffer); 69 g_free (self->priv); 78 GWin32DirectoryMonitor *self; local 79 self = G_WIN32_DIRECTORY_MONITOR (base); 82 if (self->priv->hDirectory != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 83 CloseHandle (self->priv->hDirectory); 116 if (g_file_monitor_is_cancelled (G_FILE_MONITOR (priv->self))) 152 GWin32DirectoryMonitor *self; local [all...] |
/external/srec/portable/src/ |
ArrayListImpl.c | 29 ESR_ReturnCode ArrayListCreateWithCapacity(ArrayList **self, size_t minCapacity) 33 if (self == NULL) 64 *self = (ArrayList*) impl; 69 ESR_ReturnCode ArrayListCreate(ArrayList** self) 71 return ArrayListCreateWithCapacity(self, INITIAL_CAPACITY); 96 ESR_ReturnCode ArrayList_Add(ArrayList* self, void* element) 98 ArrayListImpl *impl = (ArrayListImpl *) self; 103 ESR_ReturnCode ArrayList_InsertAt(ArrayList *self, size_t index, void *element) 105 ArrayListImpl *impl = (ArrayListImpl *) self; 137 ESR_ReturnCode ArrayList_Remove(ArrayList* self, const void* element [all...] |