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      8     <h1><a name="JNI_Tips"></a>Android JNI Tips</h1>
      9 <p>
     10 </p><p>
     11 </p><ul>
     12 <li> <a href="#What_s_JNI_">What's JNI?</a>
     13 </li>
     14 <li> <a href="#JavaVM_and_JNIEnv">JavaVM and JNIEnv</a>
     16 </li>
     17 <li> <a href="#jclass_jmethodID_and_jfieldID">jclass, jmethodID, and jfieldID</a>
     18 </li>
     19 <li> <a href="#local_vs_global_references">Local vs. Global References</a>
     20 </li>
     21 <li> <a href="#UTF_8_and_UTF_16_strings">UTF-8 and UTF-16 Strings</a>
     22 </li>
     23 <li> <a href="#Arrays">Primitive Arrays</a>
     24 </li>
     25 <li> <a href="#RegionCalls">Region Calls</a>
     26 </li>
     27 <li> <a href="#Exceptions">Exceptions</a>
     28 </li>
     30 <li> <a href="#Extended_checking">Extended Checking</a>
     31 </li>
     32 <li> <a href="#Native_Libraries">Native Libraries</a>
     33 </li>
     34 <li> <a href="#64bit">64-bit Considerations</a>
     35 </li>
     37 <li> <a href="#Unsupported">Unsupported Features</a>
     38 </ul>
     39 <p>
     40 <noautolink>
     41 </noautolink></p><p>
     42 </p><h2><a name="What_s_JNI_"> </a> What's JNI? </h2>
     43 <p>
     45 JNI is the Java Native Interface.  It defines a way for code written in the
     46 Java programming language to interact with native
     47 code, e.g. functions written in C/C++.  It's VM-neutral, has support for loading code from
     48 dynamic shared libraries, and while cumbersome at times is reasonably efficient.
     49 </p><p>
     50 You really should read through the
     51 <a href="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/jniTOC.html">JNI spec for J2SE 1.6</a>
     52 to get a sense for how JNI works and what features are available.  Some
     53 aspects of the interface aren't immediately obvious on
     54 first reading, so you may find the next few sections handy.
     55 The more detailed <i>JNI Programmer's Guide and Specification</i> can be found
     56 <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jni/html/jniTOC.html">here</a>.
     57 </p><p>
     58 </p><p>
     59 </p><h2><a name="JavaVM_and_JNIEnv"> </a> JavaVM and JNIEnv </h2>
     60 <p>
     61 JNI defines two key data structures, "JavaVM" and "JNIEnv".  Both of these are essentially
     62 pointers to pointers to function tables.  (In the C++ version, it's a class whose sole member
     63 is a pointer to a function table.)  The JavaVM provides the "invocation interface" functions,
     64 which allow you to create and destroy the VM.  In theory you can have multiple VMs per process,
     65 but Android's VMs only allow one.
     66 </p><p>
     67 The JNIEnv provides most of the JNI functions.  Your native functions all receive a JNIEnv as
     68 the first argument.
     69 </p><p>
     71 On some VMs, the JNIEnv is used for thread-local storage.  For this reason, <strong>you cannot share a JNIEnv between threads</strong>.
     72 If a piece of code has no other way to get its JNIEnv, you should share
     73 the JavaVM, and use JavaVM-&gt;GetEnv to discover the thread's JNIEnv.
     74 </p><p>
     75 The C and C++ declarations of JNIEnv and JavaVM are different.  "jni.h" provides different typedefs
     76 depending on whether it's included into ".c" or ".cpp".  For this reason it's a bad idea to
     77 include JNIEnv arguments in header files included by both languages.  (Put another way: if your
     78 header file requires "#ifdef __cplusplus", you may have to do some extra work if anything in
     79 that header refers to JNIEnv.)
     80 </p><p>
     81 </p><p>
     82 </p><h2><a name="jclass_jmethodID_and_jfieldID"> jclass, jmethodID, and jfieldID </a></h2>
     83 <p>
     84 If you want to access an object's field from native code, you would do the following:
     85 </p><p>
     86 </p><ul>
     87 <li> Get the class object reference for the class with <code>FindClass</code>
     88 </li>
     89 <li> Get the field ID for the field with <code>GetFieldID</code>
     90 </li>
     91 <li> Get the contents of the field with something appropriate, e.g.
     92 <code>GetIntField</code>
     93 </li>
     94 </ul>
     95 <p>
     96 Similarly, to call a method, you'd first get a class object reference and then a method ID.  The IDs are often just
     97 pointers to internal VM data structures.  Looking them up may require several string
     98 comparisons, but once you have them the actual call to get the field or invoke the method
     99 is very quick.
    100 </p><p>
    101 If performance is important, it's useful to look the values up once and cache the results
    102 in your native code.  Because we are limiting ourselves to one VM per process, it's reasonable
    103 to store this data in a static local structure.
    104 </p><p>
    105 The class references, field IDs, and method IDs are guaranteed valid until the class is unloaded.  Classes
    106 are only unloaded if all classes associated with a ClassLoader can be garbage collected,
    107 which is rare but will not be impossible in our system.  Note however that
    108 the <code>jclass</code>
    109 is a class reference and <strong>must be protected</strong> with a call
    110 to <code>NewGlobalRef</code> (see the next section).
    111 </p><p>
    112 If you would like to cache the IDs when a class is loaded, and automatically re-cache them
    113 if the class is ever unloaded and reloaded, the correct way to initialize
    114 the IDs is to add a piece of code that looks like this to the appropriate class:
    115 </p><p>
    117 </p><pre>    /*
    118      * We use a class initializer to allow the native code to cache some
    119      * field offsets.
    120      */
    122     /*
    123      * A native function that looks up and caches interesting
    124      * class/field/method IDs for this class.  Returns false on failure.
    125      */
    126     native private static boolean nativeClassInit();
    128     /*
    129      * Invoke the native initializer when the class is loaded.
    130      */
    131     static {
    132         if (!nativeClassInit())
    133             throw new RuntimeException("native init failed");
    134     }
    135 </pre>
    136 <p>
    137 Create a nativeClassInit method in your C/C++ code that performs the ID lookups.  The code
    138 will be executed once, when the class is initialized.  If the class is ever unloaded and
    139 then reloaded, it will be executed again.  (See the implementation of java.io.FileDescriptor
    140 for an example in our source tree.)
    141 </p><p>
    142 </p><p>
    143 </p><p>
    144 </p><h2><a name="local_vs_global_references"> Local vs. Global References </a></h2>
    145 <p>
    146 Every object that JNI returns is a "local reference".  This means that it's valid for the
    147 duration of the current native method in the current thread.
    148 <strong>Even if the object itself continues to live on after the native method returns, the reference is not valid.</strong>
    149 This applies to all sub-classes of <code>jobject</code>, including
    150 <code>jclass</code>, <code>jstring</code>, and <code>jarray</code>.
    151 (Dalvik VM will warn you about most reference mis-uses when extended JNI
    152 checks are enabled.)
    153 </p><p>
    155 If you want to hold on to a reference for a longer period, you must use
    156 a "global" reference.  The <code>NewGlobalRef</code> function takes the
    157 local reference as an argument and returns a global one.
    158 The global reference is guaranteed to be valid until you call
    159 <code>DeleteGlobalRef</code>.
    161 </p><p>
    162 This pattern is commonly used when caching copies of class objects obtained
    163 from <code>FindClass</code>, e.g.:
    164 <p><pre>jclass* localClass = env-&gt;FindClass("MyClass");
    165 jclass* globalClass = (jclass*) env-&gt;NewGlobalRef(localClass);
    166 </pre>
    168 </p><p>
    169 All JNI methods accept both local and global references as arguments.
    170 It's possible for references to the same object to have different values;
    171 for example, the return values from consecutive calls to
    172 <code>NewGlobalRef</code> on the same object may be different.
    173 <strong>To see if two references refer to the same object,
    174 you must use the <code>IsSameObject</code> function.</strong>  Never compare
    175 references with "==" in native code.
    176 </p><p>
    177 One consequence of this is that you
    178 <strong>must not assume object references are constant or unique</strong>
    179 in native code.  The 32-bit value representing an object may be different
    180 from one invocation of a method to the next, and it's possible that two
    181 different objects could have the same 32-bit value on consecutive calls.  Do
    182 not use <code>jobject</code> values as keys.
    183 </p><p>
    184 Programmers are required to "not excessively allocate" local references.  In practical terms this means
    185 that if you're creating large numbers of local references, perhaps while running through an array of
    186 Objects, you should free them manually with
    187 <code>DeleteLocalRef</code> instead of letting JNI do it for you.  The
    188 VM is only required to reserve slots for
    189 16 local references, so if you need more than that you should either delete as you go or use
    190 <code>EnsureLocalCapacity</code> to reserve more.
    191 </p><p>
    192 Note: method and field IDs are just 32-bit identifiers, not object
    193 references, and should not be passed to <code>NewGlobalRef</code>.  The raw data
    194 pointers returned by functions like <code>GetStringUTFChars</code>
    195 and <code>GetByteArrayElements</code> are also not objects.
    196 </p><p>
    197 One unusual case deserves separate mention.  If you attach a native
    198 thread to the VM with AttachCurrentThread, the code you are running will
    199 never "return" to the VM until the thread detaches from the VM.  Any local
    200 references you create will have to be deleted manually unless you're going
    201 to detach the thread soon.
    202 </p><p>
    203 </p><p>
    204 </p><p>
    205 </p><h2><a name="UTF_8_and_UTF_16_strings"> </a> UTF-8 and UTF-16 Strings </h2>
    206 <p>
    207 The Java programming language uses UTF-16.  For convenience, JNI provides methods that work with "modified UTF-8" encoding
    208 as well.  (Some VMs use the modified UTF-8 internally to store strings; ours do not.)  The
    209 modified encoding only supports the 8- and 16-bit forms, and stores ASCII NUL values in a 16-bit encoding.
    210 The nice thing about it is that you can count on having C-style zero-terminated strings,
    211 suitable for use with standard libc string functions.  The down side is that you cannot pass
    212 arbitrary UTF-8 data into the VM and expect it to work correctly.
    213 </p><p>
    214 It's usually best to operate with UTF-16 strings.  With our current VMs, the
    215 <code>GetStringChars</code> method
    216 does not require a copy, whereas <code>GetStringUTFChars</code> requires a malloc and a UTF conversion.  Note that
    217 <strong>UTF-16 strings are not zero-terminated</strong>, and \u0000 is allowed,
    218 so you need to hang on to the string length as well as
    219 the string pointer.
    221 </p><p>
    222 <strong>Don't forget to Release the strings you Get</strong>.  The
    223 string functions return <code>jchar*</code> or <code>jbyte*</code>, which
    224 are C-style pointers to primitive data rather than local references.  They
    225 are guaranteed valid until Release is called, which means they are not
    226 released when the native method returns.
    227 </p><p>
    228 <strong>Data passed to NewStringUTF must be in "modified" UTF-8 format</strong>.  A
    229 common mistake is reading character data from a file or network stream
    230 and handing it to <code>NewStringUTF</code> without filtering it.
    231 Unless you know the data is 7-bit ASCII, you need to strip out high-ASCII
    232 characters or convert them to proper "modified" UTF-8 form.  If you don't,
    233 the UTF-16 conversion will likely not be what you expect.  The extended
    234 JNI checks will scan strings and warn you about invalid data, but they
    235 won't catch everything.
    236 </p><p>
    237 </p><p>
    240 </p><h2><a name="Arrays"> </a> Primitive Arrays </h2>
    241 <p>
    242 JNI provides functions for accessing the contents of array objects.
    243 While arrays of objects must be accessed one entry at a time, arrays of
    244 primitives can be read and written directly as if they were declared in C.
    245 </p><p>
    246 To make the interface as efficient as possible without constraining
    247 the VM implementation,
    248 the <code>Get&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;ArrayElements</code> family of calls
    249 allows the VM to either return a pointer to the actual elements, or
    250 allocate some memory and make a copy.  Either way, the raw pointer returned
    251 is guaranteed to be valid until the corresponding <code>Release</code> call
    252 is issued (which implies that, if the data wasn't copied, the array object
    253 will be pinned down and can't be relocated as part of compacting the heap).
    254 <strong>You must Release every array you Get.</strong>  Also, if the Get
    255 call fails, you must ensure that your code doesn't try to Release a NULL
    256 pointer later.
    257 </p><p>
    258 You can determine whether or not the data was copied by passing in a
    259 non-NULL pointer for the <code>isCopy</code> argument.  This is rarely
    260 useful.
    261 </p><p>
    262 The <code>Release</code> call takes a <code>mode</code> argument that can
    263 have one of three values.  The actions performed by the VM depend upon
    264 whether it returned a pointer to the actual data or a copy of it:
    265 <ul>
    266     <li><code>0</code>
    267     <ul>
    268         <li>Actual: the array object is un-pinned.
    269         <li>Copy: data is copied back.  The buffer with the copy is freed.
    270     </ul>
    271     <li><code>JNI_COMMIT</code>
    272     <ul>
    273         <li>Actual: does nothing.
    274         <li>Copy: data is copied back.  The buffer with the copy
    275         <strong>is not freed</strong>.
    276     </ul>
    277     <li><code>JNI_ABORT</code>
    278     <ul>
    279         <li>Actual: the array object is un-pinned.  Earlier
    280         writes are <strong>not</strong> aborted.
    281         <li>Copy: the buffer with the copy is freed; any changes to it are lost.
    282     </ul>
    283 </ul>
    284 </p><p>
    285 One reason for checking the <code>isCopy</code> flag is to know if
    286 you need to call <code>Release</code> with <code>JNI_COMMIT</code>
    287 after making changes to an array -- if you're alternating between making
    288 changes and executing code that uses the contents of the array, you may be
    289 able to
    290 skip the no-op commit.  Another possible reason for checking the flag is for
    291 efficient handling of <code>JNI_ABORT</code>.  For example, you might want
    292 to get an array, modify it in place, pass pieces to other functions, and
    293 then discard the changes.  If you know that JNI is making a new copy for
    294 you, there's no need to create another "editable" copy.  If JNI is passing
    295 you the original, then you do need to make your own copy.
    296 </p><p>
    297 Some have asserted that you can skip the <code>Release</code> call if
    298 <code>*isCopy</code> is false.  This is not the case.  If no copy buffer was
    299 allocated, then the original memory must be pinned down and can't be moved by
    300 the garbage collector.
    301 </p><p>
    302 Also note that the <code>JNI_COMMIT</code> flag does NOT release the array,
    303 and you will need to call <code>Release</code> again with a different flag
    304 eventually.
    305 </p><p>
    306 </p><p>
    309 </p><h2><a name="RegionCalls"> Region Calls </a></h2>
    311 <p>
    312 There is an alternative to calls like <code>Get&lt;Type&gt;ArrayElements</code>
    313 and <code>GetStringChars</code> that may be very helpful when all you want
    314 to do is copy data in or out.  Consider the following:
    315 <pre>
    316     jbyte* data = env->GetByteArrayElements(array, NULL);
    317     if (data != NULL) {
    318         memcpy(buffer, data, len);
    319         env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(array, data, JNI_ABORT);
    320     }
    321 </pre>
    322 <p>
    323 This grabs the array, copies the first <code>len</code> byte
    324 elements out of it, and then releases the array.  Depending upon the VM
    325 policies the <code>Get</code> call will either pin or copy the array contents.
    326 We copy the data (for perhaps a second time), then call Release; in this case
    327 we use <code>JNI_ABORT</code> so there's no chance of a third copy.
    328 </p><p>
    329 We can accomplish the same thing with this:
    330 <pre>
    331     env->GetByteArrayRegion(array, 0, len, buffer);
    332 </pre>
    333 </p><p>
    334 This accomplishes the same thing, with several advantages:
    335 <ul>
    336     <li>Requires one JNI call instead of 2, reducing overhead.
    337     <li>Doesn't require pinning or extra data copies.
    338     <li>Reduces the risk of programmer error -- no risk of forgetting
    339     to call <code>Release</code> after something fails.
    340 </ul>
    341 </p><p>
    342 Similarly, you can use the <code>Set&lt;Type&gt;ArrayRegion</code> call
    343 to copy data into an array, and <code>GetStringRegion</code> or
    344 <code>GetStringUTFRegion</code> to copy characters out of a
    345 <code>String</code>.
    348 </p><h2><a name="Exceptions"> Exceptions </a></h2>
    349 <p>
    350 <strong>You may not call most JNI functions while an exception is pending.</strong>
    351 Your code is expected to notice the exception (via the function's return value,
    352 <code>ExceptionCheck()</code>, or <code>ExceptionOccurred()</code>) and return,
    353 or clear the exception and handle it.
    354 </p><p>
    355 The only JNI functions that you are allowed to call while an exception is
    356 pending are:
    357 <font size="-1"><ul>
    358     <li>DeleteGlobalRef
    359     <li>DeleteLocalRef
    360     <li>DeleteWeakGlobalRef
    361     <li>ExceptionCheck
    362     <li>ExceptionClear
    363     <li>ExceptionDescribe
    364     <li>ExceptionOccurred
    365     <li>MonitorExit
    366     <li>PopLocalFrame
    367     <li>PushLocalFrame
    368     <li>Release&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;ArrayElements
    369     <li>ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical
    370     <li>ReleaseStringChars
    371     <li>ReleaseStringCritical
    372     <li>ReleaseStringUTFChars
    373 </ul></font>
    374 </p><p>
    375 Note that exceptions thrown by interpreted code do not "leap over" native code,
    376 and C++ exceptions thrown by native code are not handled by Dalvik.
    377 The JNI <code>Throw</code> and <code>ThrowNew</code> instructions just
    378 set an exception pointer in the current thread.  Upon returning to the VM from
    379 native code, the exception will be noted and handled appropriately.
    380 </p><p>
    381 Native code can "catch" an exception by calling <code>ExceptionCheck</code> or
    382 <code>ExceptionOccurred</code>, and clear it with
    383 <code>ExceptionClear</code>.  As usual,
    384 discarding exceptions without handling them can lead to problems.
    385 </p><p>
    386 There are no built-in functions for manipulating the Throwable object
    387 itself, so if you want to (say) get the exception string you will need to
    388 find the Throwable class, look up the method ID for
    389 <code>getMessage "()Ljava/lang/String;"</code>, invoke it, and if the result
    390 is non-NULL use <code>GetStringUTFChars</code> to get something you can
    391 hand to printf or a LOG macro.
    393 </p><p>
    394 </p><p>
    395 </p><h2><a name="Extended_checking"> Extended Checking </a></h2>
    396 <p>
    397 JNI does very little error checking.  Calling <code>SetIntField</code>
    398 on an Object field will succeed, even if the field is marked
    399 <code>private</code> and <code>final</code>.  The
    400 goal is to minimize the overhead on the assumption that, if you've written it in native code,
    401 you probably did it for performance reasons.
    402 </p><p>
    403 Some VMs support extended checking with the "<code>-Xcheck:jni</code>" flag.  If the flag is set, the VM
    404 puts a different table of functions into the JavaVM and JNIEnv pointers.  These functions do
    405 an extended series of checks before calling the standard implementation.
    407 </p><p>
    408 Some things that may be checked:
    409 </p><p>
    410 </p>
    411 <ul>
    412 <li> Check for null pointers where not allowed.
    413 <li>
    414 <li> Verify argument type correctness (jclass is a class object,
    415 jfieldID points to field data, jstring is a java.lang.String).
    416 </li>
    417 <li> Field type correctness, e.g. don't store a HashMap in a String field.
    418 </li>
    419 <li> Check to see if an exception is pending on calls where pending exceptions are not legal.
    420 </li>
    421 <li> Check for calls to inappropriate functions between Critical get/release calls.
    422 </li>
    423 <li> Check that JNIEnv structs aren't being shared between threads.
    425 </li>
    426 <li> Make sure local references aren't used outside their allowed lifespan.
    427 </li>
    428 <li> UTF-8 strings contain only valid "modified UTF-8" data.
    429 </li>
    430 </ul>
    431 <p>Accessibility of methods and fields (i.e. public vs. private) is not
    432 checked.
    433 <p>
    434 The Dalvik VM supports the <code>-Xcheck:jni</code> flag.  For a
    435 description of how to enable it for Android apps, see
    436 <a href="embedded-vm-control.html">Controlling the Embedded VM</a>.
    437 It's currently enabled by default in the Android emulator and on
    438 "engineering" device builds.
    440 </p><p>
    441 JNI checks can be modified with the <code>-Xjniopts</code> command-line
    442 flag.  Currently supported values include:
    443 </p>
    444 <blockquote><dl>
    445 <dt>forcecopy
    446 <dd>When set, any function that can return a copy of the original data
    447 (array of primitive values, UTF-16 chars) will always do so.  The buffers
    448 are over-allocated and surrounded with a guard pattern to help identify
    449 code writing outside the buffer, and the contents are erased before the
    450 storage is freed to trip up code that uses the data after calling Release.
    451 This will have a noticeable performance impact on some applications.
    452 <dt>warnonly
    453 <dd>By default, JNI "warnings" cause the VM to abort.  With this flag
    454 it continues on.
    455 </dl></blockquote>
    458 </p><p>
    459 </p><h2><a name="Native_Libraries"> Native Libraries </a></h2>
    460 <p>
    461 You can load native code from shared libraries with the standard
    462 <code>System.loadLibrary()</code> call.  The
    463 preferred way to get at your native code is:
    464 </p><p>
    465 </p><ul>
    466 <li> Call <code>System.loadLibrary()</code> from a static class
    467 initializer.  (See the earlier example, where one is used to call
    468 <code>nativeClassInit()</code>.)  The argument is the "undecorated"
    469 library name, e.g. to load "libfubar.so" you would pass in "fubar".
    471 </li>
    472 <li> Provide a native function: <code><strong>jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)</strong></code>
    473 </li>
    474 <li>In <code>JNI_OnLoad</code>, register all of your native methods.  You
    475 should declare
    476 the methods "static" so the names don't take up space in the symbol table
    477 on the device.
    478 </li>
    479 </ul>
    480 <p>
    481 The <code>JNI_OnLoad</code> function should look something like this if
    482 written in C:
    483 </p><blockquote><pre>jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
    484 {
    485     JNIEnv* env;
    486     if ((*vm)->GetEnv(vm, (void**) &env, JNI_VERSION_1_4) != JNI_OK)
    487         return -1;
    489     /* get class with (*env)->FindClass */
    490     /* register methods with (*env)->RegisterNatives */
    492     return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
    493 }
    494 </pre></blockquote>
    495 </p><p>
    496 You can also call <code>System.load()</code> with the full path name of the
    497 shared library.  For Android apps, you may find it useful to get the full
    498 path to the application's private data storage area from the context object.
    499 </p><p>
    500 This is the recommended approach, but not the only approach.  The VM does
    501 not require explicit registration, nor that you provide a
    502 <code>JNI_OnLoad</code> function.
    503 You can instead use "discovery" of native methods that are named in a
    504 specific way (see <a href="http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jni/spec/design.html#wp615">
    505     the JNI spec</a> for details), though this is less desirable.
    506 It requires more space in the shared object symbol table,
    507 loading is slower because it requires string searches through all of the
    508 loaded shared libraries, and if a method signature is wrong you won't know
    509 about it until the first time the method is actually used.
    510 </p><p>
    511 One other note about <code>JNI_OnLoad</code>: any <code>FindClass</code>
    512 calls you make from there will happen in the context of the class loader
    513 that was used to load the shared library.  Normally <code>FindClass</code>
    514 uses the loader associated with the method at the top of the interpreted
    515 stack, or if there isn't one (because the thread was just attached to
    516 the VM) it uses the "system" class loader.
    517 </p><p>
    520 </p><h2><a name="64bit"> 64-bit Considerations </a></h2>
    522 <p>
    523 Android is currently expected to run on 32-bit platforms.  In theory it
    524 could be built for a 64-bit system, but that is not a goal at this time.
    525 For the most part this isn't something that you will need to worry about
    526 when interacting with native code,
    527 but it becomes significant if you plan to store pointers to native
    528 structures in integer fields in an object.  To support architectures
    529 that use 64-bit pointers, <strong>you need to stash your native pointers in a
    530 <code>long</code> field rather than an <code>int</code></strong>.
    533 </p><h2><a name="Unsupported"> Unsupported Features </a></h2>
    534 <p>All JNI 1.6 features are supported, with the following exceptions:
    535 <ul>
    536     <li><code>DefineClass</code> is not implemented.  Dalvik does not use
    537     Java bytecodes or class files, so passing in binary class data
    538     doesn't work.  Translation facilities may be added in a future
    539     version of the VM.</li>
    540     <li>"Weak global" references are implemented, but may only be passed
    541     to <code>NewLocalRef</code>, <code>NewGlobalRef</code>, and
    542     <code>DeleteWeakGlobalRef</code>.  (The spec strongly encourages
    543     programmers to create hard references to weak globals before doing
    544     anything with them, so this should not be at all limiting.)</li>
    545     <li><code>GetObjectRefType</code> (new in 1.6) is implemented but not fully
    546     functional -- it can't always tell the difference between "local" and
    547     "global" references.</li>
    548 </ul>
    550 </p>
    552 <address>Copyright &copy; 2008 The Android Open Source Project</address>
    554   </body>
    555 </html>