1 LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir) 2 3 # the device command line tool 4 include $(CLEAR_VARS) 5 6 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := genccode.c 7 8 LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \ 9 $(LOCAL_PATH)/../toolutil \ 10 $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../common 11 12 LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libicutu libicuuc libicui18n 13 14 ifneq ($(TARGET_ARCH),arm) 15 LOCAL_LDLIBS += -lpthread -ldl 16 endif 17 18 LOCAL_CFLAGS := 19 20 LOCAL_MODULE := genccode 21 22 # the host command line tool 23 24 25 include $(BUILD_HOST_EXECUTABLE) 26