1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> 2 <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> 3 <title>H324MConfigInterface class Reference</title> 4 <link href="doxygen.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 5 </head><body> 6 <!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.2.18 --> 7 <center> 8 <a class="qindex" href="index.html">Main Page</a> <a class="qindex" href="hierarchy.html">Class Hierarchy</a> <a class="qindex" href="annotated.html">Data Structures</a> <a class="qindex" href="files.html">File List</a> <a class="qindex" href="functions.html">Data Fields</a> <a class="qindex" href="globals.html">Globals</a> </center> 9 <hr><h1>H324MConfigInterface Class Reference</h1><code>#include <<a class="el" href="pv__2way__h324m__interface_8h-source.html">pv_2way_h324m_interface.h</a>></code> 10 <p> 11 <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> 12 <tr><td></td></tr> 13 <tr><td colspan=2><br><h2>Public Methods</h2></td></tr> 14 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual void </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a0">SetObservers</a> (PVCommandStatusObserver *aCmdStatusObserver, PVInformationalEventObserver *aInfoEventObserver, PVErrorEventObserver *aErrorEventObserver)=0</td></tr> 15 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a1">SetMultiplexLevel</a> (PVH223Level aLevel, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 16 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a2">SetMaxSduSize</a> (PVH223AdaptationLayer aLayer, int32 aSize, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 17 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a3">SetMaxSduSizeR</a> (PVH223AdaptationLayer aLayer, int32 aSize, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 18 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a4">SetOutgoingChannelConfiguration</a> (int32 aMediaTypes, <a class="el" href="classPVH223AlConfig.html">PVH223AlConfig</a> *aConfig, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 19 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a5">SetIncomingChannelConfiguration</a> (uint32 iAudioAdaptationLayers, uint32 iVideoAdaptationLayers, uint32 iDataAdaptationLayers, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 20 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a6">SetMaxPduSize</a> (int32 aMaxPduSize, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 21 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a7">SetTerminalType</a> (uint8 aTerminalType, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 22 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a8">SendRme</a> (OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 23 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a9">SetMaxMuxPduSize</a> (int32 aRequestMaxMuxPduSize, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 24 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a10">SetMaxMuxCcsrlSduSize</a> (int32 aMaxCcsrlSduSize, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 25 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a11">FastUpdate</a> (PVChannelId aChannelId, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 26 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a12">SendRtd</a> (OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 27 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a13">SetVendor</a> (uint8 cc, uint8 ext, uint32 mc, const uint8 *aProduct, uint16 aProductLen, const uint8 *aVersion, uint16 aVersionLen, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 28 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a14">SendEndSession</a> (OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 29 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a15">SetEndSessionTimeout</a> (uint32 aTimeout, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 30 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a16">SetTimerCounter</a> (PVH324TimerCounter aTimerCounter, uint8 aSeries, uint32 aSeriesOffset, uint32 aValue, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 31 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a17">SetVideoResolutions</a> (PVDirection aDirection, Oscl_Vector< PVMFVideoResolutionRange, OsclMemAllocator > &aResolutions, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 32 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a18">SendVendorId</a> (OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 33 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a19">SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffCommand</a> (PVChannelId aLogicalChannel, uint8 aTradeoff, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 34 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a20">SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffIndication</a> (PVChannelId aLogicalChannel, uint8 aTradeoff, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 35 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a21">SendSkewIndication</a> (PVChannelId aLogicalChannel1, PVChannelId aLogicalChannel2, uint16 aSkew, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 36 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a22">SetLogicalChannelBufferingMs</a> (uint32 aInBufferingMs, uint32 aOutBufferingMs, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 37 <tr><td nowrap align=right valign=top>virtual PVCommandId </td><td valign=bottom><a class="el" href="classH324MConfigInterface.html#a23">SendUserInput</a> (CPVUserInput *user_input, OsclAny *aContextData=NULL)=0</td></tr> 38 </table> 39 <hr><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> 40 H324MConfigInterface Class 41 <p> 42 H324MConfigInterface provides H.324m specific configuration APIs. 43 <p> 44 <hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> 45 <a name="a11" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::FastUpdate"></a><p> 46 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 47 <tr> 48 <td class="md"> 49 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 50 <tr> 51 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::FastUpdate </td> 52 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 53 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVChannelId </td> 54 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aChannelId</em>, </td> 55 </tr> 56 <tr> 57 <td></td> 58 <td></td> 59 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 60 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 61 </tr> 62 <tr> 63 <td></td> 64 <td class="md">) </td> 65 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 66 </tr> 67 68 </table> 69 </td> 70 </tr> 71 </table> 72 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 73 <tr> 74 <td> 75 76 </td> 77 <td> 78 79 <p> 80 This API may be called only after the media source has been successfully added to the pv2way engine. It causes the 2way engine to immediately send out a fast update frame specific to the media type identified by the aTrack parameter. <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 81 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 82 <tr><td valign=top><em>aChannelId</em> </td><td> 83 The identifier for the track </td></tr> 84 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 85 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response</td></tr> 86 </table> 87 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 88 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 89 </tr> 90 </table> 91 <a name="a14" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendEndSession"></a><p> 92 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 93 <tr> 94 <td class="md"> 95 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 96 <tr> 97 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendEndSession </td> 98 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 99 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">OsclAny * </td> 100 <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL </td> 101 <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> 102 <td class="md" nowrap><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 103 </tr> 104 105 </table> 106 </td> 107 </tr> 108 </table> 109 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 110 <tr> 111 <td> 112 113 </td> 114 <td> 115 116 <p> 117 Sends an end session command to the peer. Only to be used for testing purposes.<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 118 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 119 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 120 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 121 </table> 122 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 123 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 124 </tr> 125 </table> 126 <a name="a8" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendRme"></a><p> 127 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 128 <tr> 129 <td class="md"> 130 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 131 <tr> 132 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendRme </td> 133 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 134 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">OsclAny * </td> 135 <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL </td> 136 <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> 137 <td class="md" nowrap><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 138 </tr> 139 140 </table> 141 </td> 142 </tr> 143 </table> 144 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 145 <tr> 146 <td> 147 148 </td> 149 <td> 150 151 <p> 152 This API allows the user to specify whether Request Multiplex Entry is sent to the remote terminal after TCS<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 153 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 154 <tr><td valign=top><em>aSendRme</em> </td><td> 155 If true, RME is sent to the peer after TCS </td></tr> 156 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 157 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 158 </table> 159 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 160 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 161 </tr> 162 </table> 163 <a name="a12" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendRtd"></a><p> 164 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 165 <tr> 166 <td class="md"> 167 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 168 <tr> 169 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendRtd </td> 170 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 171 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">OsclAny * </td> 172 <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL </td> 173 <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> 174 <td class="md" nowrap><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 175 </tr> 176 177 </table> 178 </td> 179 </tr> 180 </table> 181 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 182 <tr> 183 <td> 184 185 </td> 186 <td> 187 188 <p> 189 Sends a Round Trip Determination message to the peer and indicates the round trip delay to the caller on completion of the command. The round trip delay is stored in 4 bytes in the local buffer of the completion event in network byte order.<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 190 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 191 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 192 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 193 </table> 194 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 195 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 196 </tr> 197 </table> 198 <a name="a21" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendSkewIndication"></a><p> 199 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 200 <tr> 201 <td class="md"> 202 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 203 <tr> 204 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendSkewIndication </td> 205 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 206 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVChannelId </td> 207 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLogicalChannel1</em>, </td> 208 </tr> 209 <tr> 210 <td></td> 211 <td></td> 212 <td class="md" nowrap>PVChannelId </td> 213 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLogicalChannel2</em>, </td> 214 </tr> 215 <tr> 216 <td></td> 217 <td></td> 218 <td class="md" nowrap>uint16 </td> 219 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aSkew</em>, </td> 220 </tr> 221 <tr> 222 <td></td> 223 <td></td> 224 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 225 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 226 </tr> 227 <tr> 228 <td></td> 229 <td class="md">) </td> 230 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 231 </tr> 232 233 </table> 234 </td> 235 </tr> 236 </table> 237 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 238 <tr> 239 <td> 240 241 </td> 242 <td> 243 244 <p> 245 This API allows the user to send a SkewIndication to the peer. Skew is measured in milliseconds, and indicates the maximum number of milliseconds that the data on logicalChannel2 is delayed from the data on logicalChannel1 as delivered to the network transport. </td> 246 </tr> 247 </table> 248 <a name="a23" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendUserInput"></a><p> 249 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 250 <tr> 251 <td class="md"> 252 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 253 <tr> 254 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendUserInput </td> 255 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 256 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">CPVUserInput * </td> 257 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>user_input</em>, </td> 258 </tr> 259 <tr> 260 <td></td> 261 <td></td> 262 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 263 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 264 </tr> 265 <tr> 266 <td></td> 267 <td class="md">) </td> 268 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 269 </tr> 270 271 </table> 272 </td> 273 </tr> 274 </table> 275 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 276 <tr> 277 <td> 278 279 </td> 280 <td> 281 282 <p> 283 Causes the pv2way to send the specified user input to the remote terminal using control channel. The user input can be either DTMF ot Alphanumeric <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 284 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 285 <tr><td valign=top><em>user_input</em> </td><td> 286 A pointer to either CPVUserInputDtmf or CPVUserInputAlphanumeric </td></tr> 287 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 288 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response</td></tr> 289 </table> 290 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 291 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 292 </tr> 293 </table> 294 <a name="a18" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendVendorId"></a><p> 295 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 296 <tr> 297 <td class="md"> 298 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 299 <tr> 300 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendVendorId </td> 301 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 302 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">OsclAny * </td> 303 <td class="mdname1" valign="top" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL </td> 304 <td class="md" valign="top">) </td> 305 <td class="md" nowrap><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 306 </tr> 307 308 </table> 309 </td> 310 </tr> 311 </table> 312 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 313 <tr> 314 <td> 315 316 </td> 317 <td> 318 319 <p> 320 This API allows the user to send the vendor id info to the peer. Note: Calling this API during call-setup negotiations can affect the time for call-setup adversely. </td> 321 </tr> 322 </table> 323 <a name="a19" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffCommand"></a><p> 324 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 325 <tr> 326 <td class="md"> 327 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 328 <tr> 329 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffCommand </td> 330 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 331 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVChannelId </td> 332 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLogicalChannel</em>, </td> 333 </tr> 334 <tr> 335 <td></td> 336 <td></td> 337 <td class="md" nowrap>uint8 </td> 338 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aTradeoff</em>, </td> 339 </tr> 340 <tr> 341 <td></td> 342 <td></td> 343 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 344 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 345 </tr> 346 <tr> 347 <td></td> 348 <td class="md">) </td> 349 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 350 </tr> 351 352 </table> 353 </td> 354 </tr> 355 </table> 356 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 357 <tr> 358 <td> 359 360 </td> 361 <td> 362 363 <p> 364 This API allows the user to send a videoTemporalSpatialTradeOff command to the peer. It is a request to the remote encoder to adjust its encoding in accordance with the tradeoff value. A value of 0 indicates a high spatial resolution and a value of 31 indicates a high frame rate. The values from 0 to 31 indicate monotonically a higher frame rate. Actual values do not correspond to precise values of spatial resolution or frame rate. </td> 365 </tr> 366 </table> 367 <a name="a20" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffIndication"></a><p> 368 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 369 <tr> 370 <td class="md"> 371 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 372 <tr> 373 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SendVideoTemporalSpatialTradeoffIndication </td> 374 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 375 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVChannelId </td> 376 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLogicalChannel</em>, </td> 377 </tr> 378 <tr> 379 <td></td> 380 <td></td> 381 <td class="md" nowrap>uint8 </td> 382 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aTradeoff</em>, </td> 383 </tr> 384 <tr> 385 <td></td> 386 <td></td> 387 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 388 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 389 </tr> 390 <tr> 391 <td></td> 392 <td class="md">) </td> 393 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 394 </tr> 395 396 </table> 397 </td> 398 </tr> 399 </table> 400 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 401 <tr> 402 <td> 403 404 </td> 405 <td> 406 407 <p> 408 This API allows the user to send a videoTemporalSpatialTradeOff command to the peer. It is an indication to the remote decoder that the local encoder has adjusted its encoding parameters according to the tradeoff value. A value of 0 indicates a high spatial resolution and a value of 31 indicates a high frame rate. The values from 0 to 31 indicate monotonically a higher frame rate. Actual values do not correspond to precise values of spatial resolution or frame rate. </td> 409 </tr> 410 </table> 411 <a name="a15" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetEndSessionTimeout"></a><p> 412 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 413 <tr> 414 <td class="md"> 415 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 416 <tr> 417 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetEndSessionTimeout </td> 418 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 419 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">uint32 </td> 420 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aTimeout</em>, </td> 421 </tr> 422 <tr> 423 <td></td> 424 <td></td> 425 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 426 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 427 </tr> 428 <tr> 429 <td></td> 430 <td class="md">) </td> 431 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 432 </tr> 433 434 </table> 435 </td> 436 </tr> 437 </table> 438 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 439 <tr> 440 <td> 441 442 </td> 443 <td> 444 445 <p> 446 Sets the disconnect timeout interval.<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 447 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 448 <tr><td valign=top><em>aTimeout</em> </td><td> 449 The timeout value in seconds </td></tr> 450 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 451 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 452 </table> 453 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 454 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 455 </tr> 456 </table> 457 <a name="a5" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetIncomingChannelConfiguration"></a><p> 458 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 459 <tr> 460 <td class="md"> 461 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 462 <tr> 463 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetIncomingChannelConfiguration </td> 464 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 465 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">uint32 </td> 466 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>iAudioAdaptationLayers</em>, </td> 467 </tr> 468 <tr> 469 <td></td> 470 <td></td> 471 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 472 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>iVideoAdaptationLayers</em>, </td> 473 </tr> 474 <tr> 475 <td></td> 476 <td></td> 477 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 478 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>iDataAdaptationLayers</em>, </td> 479 </tr> 480 <tr> 481 <td></td> 482 <td></td> 483 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 484 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 485 </tr> 486 <tr> 487 <td></td> 488 <td class="md">) </td> 489 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 490 </tr> 491 492 </table> 493 </td> 494 </tr> 495 </table> 496 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 497 <tr> 498 <td> 499 500 </td> 501 <td> 502 503 <p> 504 This API allows the user to specify the configuration for incoming channels<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 505 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 506 <tr><td valign=top><em>iAudioAdaptationLayers</em> </td><td> 507 The allowable adaptation layers for incoming audio channels specified as a bitarray </td></tr> 508 <tr><td valign=top><em>iVideoAdaptationLayers</em> </td><td> 509 The allowable adaptation layers for incoming video channels specified as a bitarray </td></tr> 510 <tr><td valign=top><em>iDataAdaptationLayers</em> </td><td> 511 The allowable adaptation layers for incoming data channels specified as a bitarray </td></tr> 512 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 513 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 514 </table> 515 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 516 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 517 </tr> 518 </table> 519 <a name="a22" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetLogicalChannelBufferingMs"></a><p> 520 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 521 <tr> 522 <td class="md"> 523 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 524 <tr> 525 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetLogicalChannelBufferingMs </td> 526 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 527 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">uint32 </td> 528 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aInBufferingMs</em>, </td> 529 </tr> 530 <tr> 531 <td></td> 532 <td></td> 533 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 534 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aOutBufferingMs</em>, </td> 535 </tr> 536 <tr> 537 <td></td> 538 <td></td> 539 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 540 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 541 </tr> 542 <tr> 543 <td></td> 544 <td class="md">) </td> 545 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 546 </tr> 547 548 </table> 549 </td> 550 </tr> 551 </table> 552 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 553 <tr> 554 <td> 555 556 </td> 557 <td> 558 559 <p> 560 This API allows the user to configure the logical channel buffer sizes for incoming and outgoing logical channels. <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 561 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 562 <tr><td valign=top><em>aDirection</em> </td><td> 563 The direction (Rx or Tx). </td></tr> 564 <tr><td valign=top><em>aBufferingMs</em> </td><td> 565 The amount of buffering in milliseconds. </td></tr> 566 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 567 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 568 </table> 569 </dl> </td> 570 </tr> 571 </table> 572 <a name="a10" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxMuxCcsrlSduSize"></a><p> 573 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 574 <tr> 575 <td class="md"> 576 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 577 <tr> 578 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxMuxCcsrlSduSize </td> 579 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 580 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int32 </td> 581 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aMaxCcsrlSduSize</em>, </td> 582 </tr> 583 <tr> 584 <td></td> 585 <td></td> 586 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 587 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 588 </tr> 589 <tr> 590 <td></td> 591 <td class="md">) </td> 592 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 593 </tr> 594 595 </table> 596 </td> 597 </tr> 598 </table> 599 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 600 <tr> 601 <td> 602 603 </td> 604 <td> 605 606 <p> 607 This API sets the max ccsrl sdu size<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 608 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 609 <tr><td valign=top><em>aMaxCcsrlSduSize</em> </td><td> 610 The max ccsrl sdu size </td></tr> 611 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 612 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 613 </table> 614 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 615 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 616 </tr> 617 </table> 618 <a name="a9" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxMuxPduSize"></a><p> 619 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 620 <tr> 621 <td class="md"> 622 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 623 <tr> 624 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxMuxPduSize </td> 625 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 626 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int32 </td> 627 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aRequestMaxMuxPduSize</em>, </td> 628 </tr> 629 <tr> 630 <td></td> 631 <td></td> 632 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 633 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 634 </tr> 635 <tr> 636 <td></td> 637 <td class="md">) </td> 638 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 639 </tr> 640 641 </table> 642 </td> 643 </tr> 644 </table> 645 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 646 <tr> 647 <td> 648 649 </td> 650 <td> 651 652 <p> 653 This API causes a maxMuxPduSize request to be sent to the remote terminal if set to a valid value (64 - 255). This is done after TCS if the remote terminal supports the maxMuxPduCapability<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 654 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 655 <tr><td valign=top><em>aRequestMaxMuxPduSize</em> </td><td> 656 The max mux pdu size </td></tr> 657 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 658 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 659 </table> 660 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 661 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 662 </tr> 663 </table> 664 <a name="a6" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxPduSize"></a><p> 665 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 666 <tr> 667 <td class="md"> 668 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 669 <tr> 670 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxPduSize </td> 671 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 672 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int32 </td> 673 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aMaxPduSize</em>, </td> 674 </tr> 675 <tr> 676 <td></td> 677 <td></td> 678 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 679 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 680 </tr> 681 <tr> 682 <td></td> 683 <td class="md">) </td> 684 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 685 </tr> 686 687 </table> 688 </td> 689 </tr> 690 </table> 691 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 692 <tr> 693 <td> 694 695 </td> 696 <td> 697 698 <p> 699 This API allows the user to limit the size of the outgoing h223 pdus<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 700 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 701 <tr><td valign=top><em>aMaxPduSize</em> </td><td> 702 The max pdu size</td></tr> 703 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 704 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 705 </table> 706 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 707 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 708 </tr> 709 </table> 710 <a name="a2" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxSduSize"></a><p> 711 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 712 <tr> 713 <td class="md"> 714 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 715 <tr> 716 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxSduSize </td> 717 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 718 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVH223AdaptationLayer </td> 719 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLayer</em>, </td> 720 </tr> 721 <tr> 722 <td></td> 723 <td></td> 724 <td class="md" nowrap>int32 </td> 725 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aSize</em>, </td> 726 </tr> 727 <tr> 728 <td></td> 729 <td></td> 730 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 731 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 732 </tr> 733 <tr> 734 <td></td> 735 <td class="md">) </td> 736 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 737 </tr> 738 739 </table> 740 </td> 741 </tr> 742 </table> 743 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 744 <tr> 745 <td> 746 747 </td> 748 <td> 749 750 <p> 751 This API allows the user to specify maximum outgoing sdu sizes for each adaptation layer<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 752 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 753 <tr><td valign=top><em>aLayer</em> </td><td> 754 The h223 adaptation layer type </td></tr> 755 <tr><td valign=top><em>aSize</em> </td><td> 756 The sdu size</td></tr> 757 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 758 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 759 </table> 760 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 761 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 762 </tr> 763 </table> 764 <a name="a3" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxSduSizeR"></a><p> 765 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 766 <tr> 767 <td class="md"> 768 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 769 <tr> 770 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMaxSduSizeR </td> 771 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 772 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVH223AdaptationLayer </td> 773 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLayer</em>, </td> 774 </tr> 775 <tr> 776 <td></td> 777 <td></td> 778 <td class="md" nowrap>int32 </td> 779 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aSize</em>, </td> 780 </tr> 781 <tr> 782 <td></td> 783 <td></td> 784 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 785 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 786 </tr> 787 <tr> 788 <td></td> 789 <td class="md">) </td> 790 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 791 </tr> 792 793 </table> 794 </td> 795 </tr> 796 </table> 797 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 798 <tr> 799 <td> 800 801 </td> 802 <td> 803 804 <p> 805 This API allows the user to specify maximum incoming sdu sizes for each adaptation layer. This is indicated to the peer via the TCS<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 806 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 807 <tr><td valign=top><em>aLayer</em> </td><td> 808 The h223 adaptation layer type </td></tr> 809 <tr><td valign=top><em>aSize</em> </td><td> 810 The sdu size</td></tr> 811 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 812 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 813 </table> 814 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 815 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 816 </tr> 817 </table> 818 <a name="a1" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetMultiplexLevel"></a><p> 819 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 820 <tr> 821 <td class="md"> 822 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 823 <tr> 824 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetMultiplexLevel </td> 825 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 826 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVH223Level </td> 827 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aLevel</em>, </td> 828 </tr> 829 <tr> 830 <td></td> 831 <td></td> 832 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 833 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 834 </tr> 835 <tr> 836 <td></td> 837 <td class="md">) </td> 838 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 839 </tr> 840 841 </table> 842 </td> 843 </tr> 844 </table> 845 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 846 <tr> 847 <td> 848 849 </td> 850 <td> 851 852 <p> 853 This API allows the user to specify the starting H223 multiplex level<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 854 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 855 <tr><td valign=top><em>aLevel</em> </td><td> 856 The starting H223 multiplex level. Note that the final level that is neotiated will depend on the starting level of the peer</td></tr> 857 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 858 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 859 </table> 860 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 861 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 862 </tr> 863 </table> 864 <a name="a0" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetObservers"></a><p> 865 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 866 <tr> 867 <td class="md"> 868 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 869 <tr> 870 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual void H324MConfigInterface::SetObservers </td> 871 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 872 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVCommandStatusObserver * </td> 873 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aCmdStatusObserver</em>, </td> 874 </tr> 875 <tr> 876 <td></td> 877 <td></td> 878 <td class="md" nowrap>PVInformationalEventObserver * </td> 879 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aInfoEventObserver</em>, </td> 880 </tr> 881 <tr> 882 <td></td> 883 <td></td> 884 <td class="md" nowrap>PVErrorEventObserver * </td> 885 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aErrorEventObserver</em></td> 886 </tr> 887 <tr> 888 <td></td> 889 <td class="md">) </td> 890 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 891 </tr> 892 893 </table> 894 </td> 895 </tr> 896 </table> 897 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 898 <tr> 899 <td> 900 901 </td> 902 <td> 903 904 <p> 905 This API allows the user to specify separate observers for the 324m interface. Otherwise, the default observers will be used<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 906 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 907 <tr><td valign=top><em>aObserver</em> </td><td> 908 the observer for command status and for unsolicited informational events </td></tr> 909 </table> 910 </dl> </td> 911 </tr> 912 </table> 913 <a name="a4" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetOutgoingChannelConfiguration"></a><p> 914 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 915 <tr> 916 <td class="md"> 917 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 918 <tr> 919 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetOutgoingChannelConfiguration </td> 920 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 921 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">int32 </td> 922 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aMediaTypes</em>, </td> 923 </tr> 924 <tr> 925 <td></td> 926 <td></td> 927 <td class="md" nowrap><a class="el" href="classPVH223AlConfig.html">PVH223AlConfig</a> * </td> 928 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aConfig</em>, </td> 929 </tr> 930 <tr> 931 <td></td> 932 <td></td> 933 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 934 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 935 </tr> 936 <tr> 937 <td></td> 938 <td class="md">) </td> 939 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 940 </tr> 941 942 </table> 943 </td> 944 </tr> 945 </table> 946 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 947 <tr> 948 <td> 949 950 </td> 951 <td> 952 953 <p> 954 This API allows the user to specify the configuration for outgoing AL channels<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 955 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 956 <tr><td valign=top><em>aMediaTypes</em> </td><td> 957 Media types for which configuration is being specified </td></tr> 958 <tr><td valign=top><em>aConfig</em> </td><td> 959 Adaptation Layer configuration </td></tr> 960 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 961 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 962 </table> 963 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 964 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 965 </tr> 966 </table> 967 <a name="a7" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetTerminalType"></a><p> 968 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 969 <tr> 970 <td class="md"> 971 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 972 <tr> 973 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetTerminalType </td> 974 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 975 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">uint8 </td> 976 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aTerminalType</em>, </td> 977 </tr> 978 <tr> 979 <td></td> 980 <td></td> 981 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 982 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 983 </tr> 984 <tr> 985 <td></td> 986 <td class="md">) </td> 987 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 988 </tr> 989 990 </table> 991 </td> 992 </tr> 993 </table> 994 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 995 <tr> 996 <td> 997 998 </td> 999 <td> 1000 1001 <p> 1002 This API allows the user to specify the terminal type that is advertized to the peer. This can be used to force the local terminal to be master/slave when communicating with a peer 324m terminal for testing purposes.<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 1003 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 1004 <tr><td valign=top><em>aTerminalType</em> </td><td> 1005 The terminal type </td></tr> 1006 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 1007 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 1008 </table> 1009 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 1010 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 1011 </tr> 1012 </table> 1013 <a name="a16" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetTimerCounter"></a><p> 1014 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1015 <tr> 1016 <td class="md"> 1017 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1018 <tr> 1019 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetTimerCounter </td> 1020 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 1021 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVH324TimerCounter </td> 1022 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aTimerCounter</em>, </td> 1023 </tr> 1024 <tr> 1025 <td></td> 1026 <td></td> 1027 <td class="md" nowrap>uint8 </td> 1028 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aSeries</em>, </td> 1029 </tr> 1030 <tr> 1031 <td></td> 1032 <td></td> 1033 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 1034 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aSeriesOffset</em>, </td> 1035 </tr> 1036 <tr> 1037 <td></td> 1038 <td></td> 1039 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 1040 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aValue</em>, </td> 1041 </tr> 1042 <tr> 1043 <td></td> 1044 <td></td> 1045 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 1046 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 1047 </tr> 1048 <tr> 1049 <td></td> 1050 <td class="md">) </td> 1051 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 1052 </tr> 1053 1054 </table> 1055 </td> 1056 </tr> 1057 </table> 1058 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 1059 <tr> 1060 <td> 1061 1062 </td> 1063 <td> 1064 1065 <p> 1066 Sets an H.324 timer/counter value. This should be called before ConnectL is invoked. The supported timers are: T106 Master Slave Determination (in units of 1s) T101 Capability Exchange (in units of 1s) T103 Uni-directional and Bi-directional Logical Channel Signalling (in units of 1s) T108 Close Logical Channel (in units of 1s) T104 H.223 Multiplex Table (in units of 1s) T109 Mode Request (in units of 1s) T105 Round Trip Delay (in units of 1s) T107 Request Multiplex Entry (in units of 100ms) T401 SRP retransmission (in units of 100ms) The supported counters are: N100 H245 (TCS, MSD) N401 SRP retransmission <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 1067 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 1068 <tr><td valign=top><em>aTimerCounter</em> </td><td> 1069 Identifies whether a timer or counter is being set. </td></tr> 1070 <tr><td valign=top><em>aSeries</em> </td><td> 1071 Identifies the H.324 timer/counter series. </td></tr> 1072 <tr><td valign=top><em>aSeriesOffset</em> </td><td> 1073 Specifies the offset within a particular series. E.g. aTimerCounter=EH324Timer, aSeries=1, aSeriesOffset=1 indicates T101. aTimerCounter=EH324Timer, aSeries=4, aSeriesOffset=1 indicates T401. aTimerCounter=EH324Counter, aSeries=4, aSeriesOffset=1 indicates T401. </td></tr> 1074 <tr><td valign=top><em>aValue</em> </td><td> 1075 The new value for the H.324 timer/counter </td></tr> 1076 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 1077 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 1078 </table> 1079 </dl> </td> 1080 </tr> 1081 </table> 1082 <a name="a13" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetVendor"></a><p> 1083 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1084 <tr> 1085 <td class="md"> 1086 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1087 <tr> 1088 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetVendor </td> 1089 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 1090 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">uint8 </td> 1091 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>cc</em>, </td> 1092 </tr> 1093 <tr> 1094 <td></td> 1095 <td></td> 1096 <td class="md" nowrap>uint8 </td> 1097 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>ext</em>, </td> 1098 </tr> 1099 <tr> 1100 <td></td> 1101 <td></td> 1102 <td class="md" nowrap>uint32 </td> 1103 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>mc</em>, </td> 1104 </tr> 1105 <tr> 1106 <td></td> 1107 <td></td> 1108 <td class="md" nowrap>const uint8 * </td> 1109 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aProduct</em>, </td> 1110 </tr> 1111 <tr> 1112 <td></td> 1113 <td></td> 1114 <td class="md" nowrap>uint16 </td> 1115 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aProductLen</em>, </td> 1116 </tr> 1117 <tr> 1118 <td></td> 1119 <td></td> 1120 <td class="md" nowrap>const uint8 * </td> 1121 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aVersion</em>, </td> 1122 </tr> 1123 <tr> 1124 <td></td> 1125 <td></td> 1126 <td class="md" nowrap>uint16 </td> 1127 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aVersionLen</em>, </td> 1128 </tr> 1129 <tr> 1130 <td></td> 1131 <td></td> 1132 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 1133 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 1134 </tr> 1135 <tr> 1136 <td></td> 1137 <td class="md">) </td> 1138 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 1139 </tr> 1140 1141 </table> 1142 </td> 1143 </tr> 1144 </table> 1145 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 1146 <tr> 1147 <td> 1148 1149 </td> 1150 <td> 1151 1152 <p> 1153 Sets the vendor identification data. This does not cause the stack to issue a vendor identifiation request. Set to NULL to disable sending vendor id. If set to a valid parameter before Connect, it will cause the stack to automatically send it along with the TCS message. <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 1154 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 1155 <tr><td valign=top><em>cc</em> </td><td> 1156 T35 Country code </td></tr> 1157 <tr><td valign=top><em>ext</em> </td><td> 1158 T35 Extension </td></tr> 1159 <tr><td valign=top><em>mc</em> </td><td> 1160 T35 Manufacturer code </td></tr> 1161 <tr><td valign=top><em>aProduct</em> </td><td> 1162 Product number </td></tr> 1163 <tr><td valign=top><em>aVersion</em> </td><td> 1164 Version number </td></tr> 1165 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 1166 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 1167 </table> 1168 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Returns: </b></dt><dd> 1169 A unique command id for asynchronous completion </dl> </td> 1170 </tr> 1171 </table> 1172 <a name="a17" doxytag="H324MConfigInterface::SetVideoResolutions"></a><p> 1173 <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1174 <tr> 1175 <td class="md"> 1176 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 1177 <tr> 1178 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top"> virtual PVCommandId H324MConfigInterface::SetVideoResolutions </td> 1179 <td class="md" valign="top">( </td> 1180 <td class="md" nowrap valign="top">PVDirection </td> 1181 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aDirection</em>, </td> 1182 </tr> 1183 <tr> 1184 <td></td> 1185 <td></td> 1186 <td class="md" nowrap>Oscl_Vector< PVMFVideoResolutionRange, OsclMemAllocator > & </td> 1187 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aResolutions</em>, </td> 1188 </tr> 1189 <tr> 1190 <td></td> 1191 <td></td> 1192 <td class="md" nowrap>OsclAny * </td> 1193 <td class="mdname" nowrap> <em>aContextData</em> = NULL</td> 1194 </tr> 1195 <tr> 1196 <td></td> 1197 <td class="md">) </td> 1198 <td class="md" colspan="2"><code> [pure virtual]</code></td> 1199 </tr> 1200 1201 </table> 1202 </td> 1203 </tr> 1204 </table> 1205 <table cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0> 1206 <tr> 1207 <td> 1208 1209 </td> 1210 <td> 1211 1212 <p> 1213 This API allows the user to specify the supported resolutions for video for transmit and receive.<dl compact><dt><b>Parameters: </b></dt><dd> 1214 <table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0> 1215 <tr><td valign=top><em>aDirection</em> </td><td> 1216 The direction (Tx/Rx) for which the capability is specified. </td></tr> 1217 <tr><td valign=top><em>aResolutions</em> </td><td> 1218 An array of resolutions. </td></tr> 1219 <tr><td valign=top><em>aContextData</em> </td><td> 1220 Optional opaque data that will be passed back to the user with the command response </td></tr> 1221 </table> 1222 </dl> </td> 1223 </tr> 1224 </table> 1225 <hr>The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:<ul> 1226 <li><a class="el" href="pv__2way__h324m__interface_8h-source.html">pv_2way_h324m_interface.h</a></ul> 1227 <hr size="1"><img src="pvlogo_small.jpg"><address style="align: right;"><small>PV2Way Engine</small> 1228 <address style="align: left;"><small>Posting Version: OPENCORE_20090310 </small> 1229 </small></address> 1230 </body> 1231 </html> 1232