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      1 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
      2  * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
     15  * and limitations under the License.
     16  * -------------------------------------------------------------------
     17  */
     19 #include "test_pv_frame_metadata_utility.h"
     21 #include "test_pv_frame_metadata_utility_testset1.h"
     23 #include "test_pv_frame_metadata_utility_testset_januscpm.h"
     24 #endif
     26 #include "oscl_mem.h"
     27 #include "oscl_mem_audit.h"
     28 #include "oscl_error.h"
     29 #include "oscl_scheduler.h"
     30 #include "pvlogger.h"
     31 #include "pvlogger_file_appender.h"
     32 #include "pvlogger_mem_appender.h"
     33 #include "unit_test_args.h"
     34 #include "oscl_utf8conv.h"
     35 #include "oscl_string_utils.h"
     37 #include "OMX_Core.h"
     38 #include "pv_omxcore.h"
     41 #error // The default source file needs to be defined in config file
     42 #endif
     45 #error // The format type for default source file needs to be defined in config file
     46 #endif
     48 FILE* file;
     50 #define MAX_LEN 100
     52 class PVLoggerConfigFile
     53 {
     54         /*  To change the logging settings without the need to compile the test application
     55             Let us read the logging settings from the file instead of hard coding them over here
     56             The name of the config file is pvlogger.ini
     57             The format of entries in it is like
     58             First entry will decide if the file appender has to be used or error appender will be used.
     59             0 -> ErrAppender will be used
     60             1 -> File Appender will be used
     61             2 -> Mem Appender will be used
     62             Entries after this will decide the module whose logging has to be taken.For example, contents of one sample config file could be
     63             1
     64             1,PVPlayerEngine
     65             8,PVSocketNode
     66             (pls note that no space is allowed between loglevel and logger tag)
     67             This means, we intend to have logging of level 1 for the module PVPlayerEngine
     68             and of level 8 for the PVSocketNode on file.
     69         */
     70     public:
     72         PVLoggerConfigFile(): iLogFileRead(false)
     73         {
     74             iFileServer.Connect();
     75             // Full path of pvlogger.ini is: SOURCENAME_PREPEND_STRING + pvlogger.ini
     76             oscl_strncpy(iLogFileName, SOURCENAME_PREPEND_STRING,
     77                          oscl_strlen(SOURCENAME_PREPEND_STRING) + 1);
     78             oscl_strcat(iLogFileName, "pvlogger.ini");
     79             oscl_memset(ibuffer, 0, sizeof(ibuffer));
     80             iAppenderType = 0;
     82         }
     84         ~PVLoggerConfigFile()
     85         {
     86             iFileServer.Close();
     87         }
     89         bool get_next_line(const char *start_ptr, const char * end_ptr,
     90                            const char *& line_start,
     91                            const char *& line_end)
     92         {
     93             // Finds the boundaries of the next non-empty line within start
     94             // and end ptrs
     96             // This initializes line_start to the first non-whitespace character
     97             line_start = skip_whitespace_and_line_term(start_ptr, end_ptr);
     99             line_end = skip_to_line_term(line_start, end_ptr);
    101             return (line_start < end_ptr);
    103         }
    106         bool IsLoggerConfigFilePresent()
    107         {
    108             if (-1 != ReadAndParseLoggerConfigFile())
    109                 return true;
    110             return false;
    111         }
    113         //Read and parse the config file
    114         //retval = -1 if the config file doesnt exist
    115         int8 ReadAndParseLoggerConfigFile()
    116         {
    117             int8 retval = 1;
    119             if (0 != iLogFile.Open(iLogFileName, Oscl_File::MODE_READ, iFileServer))
    120             {
    121                 retval = -1;
    122             }
    123             else
    124             {
    125                 if (!iLogFileRead)
    126                 {
    127                     int32 nCharRead = iLogFile.Read(ibuffer, 1, sizeof(ibuffer));
    128                     //Parse the buffer for \n chars
    129                     Oscl_Vector<char*, OsclMemAllocator> LogConfigStrings;
    131                     const char *end_ptr = ibuffer + oscl_strlen(ibuffer) ; // Point just beyond the end
    132                     const char *section_start_ptr;
    133                     const char *line_start_ptr, *line_end_ptr;
    134                     char* end_temp_ptr;
    135                     int16 offset = 0;
    137                     section_start_ptr = skip_whitespace_and_line_term(ibuffer, end_ptr);
    139                     while (section_start_ptr < end_ptr)
    140                     {
    141                         if (!get_next_line(section_start_ptr, end_ptr,
    142                                            line_start_ptr, line_end_ptr))
    143                         {
    144                             break;
    145                         }
    148                         section_start_ptr = line_end_ptr + 1;
    150                         end_temp_ptr = (char*)line_end_ptr;
    151                         *end_temp_ptr = '\0';
    153                         LogConfigStrings.push_back((char*)line_start_ptr);
    155                     }
    157                     //Populate the  LoggerConfigElements vector
    158                     {
    159                         if (!LogConfigStrings.empty())
    160                         {
    161                             Oscl_Vector<char*, OsclMemAllocator>::iterator it;
    162                             it = LogConfigStrings.begin();
    163                             uint32 appenderType;
    164                             PV_atoi(*it, 'd', oscl_strlen(*it), appenderType);
    165                             iAppenderType = appenderType;
    166                             if (LogConfigStrings.size() > 1)
    167                             {
    168                                 for (it = LogConfigStrings.begin() + 1; it != LogConfigStrings.end(); it++)
    169                                 {
    170                                     char* CommaIndex = (char*)oscl_strstr(*it, ",");
    171                                     if (CommaIndex != NULL)
    172                                     {
    173                                         *CommaIndex = '\0';
    174                                         LoggerConfigElement obj;
    175                                         uint32 logLevel;
    176                                         PV_atoi(*it, 'd', oscl_strlen(*it), logLevel);
    177                                         obj.iLogLevel = logLevel;
    178                                         obj.iLoggerString = CommaIndex + 1;
    179                                         iLoggerConfigElements.push_back(obj);
    180                                     }
    181                                 }
    182                             }
    183                             else
    184                             {
    185                                 //Add the config element for complete logging fo all the modules
    186                                 LoggerConfigElement obj;
    187                                 obj.iLoggerString = "";
    188                                 obj.iLogLevel = 8;
    189                                 iLoggerConfigElements.push_back(obj);
    190                             }
    191                         }
    192                     }
    193                     iLogFile.Close();
    194                     iLogFileRead = true;
    195                 }
    196             }
    197             return retval;
    198         }
    200         void SetLoggerSettings()
    201         {
    202             Oscl_Vector<LoggerConfigElement, OsclMemAllocator>::iterator it;
    204             PVLoggerAppender *appender = NULL;
    205             OsclRefCounter *refCounter = NULL;
    206             if (iLoggerConfigElements.empty())
    207             {
    208                 return;
    209             }
    211             if (iAppenderType == 0)
    212             {
    213                 appender = new StdErrAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024>();
    214                 OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<StdErrAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > > *appenderRefCounter =
    215                     new OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<StdErrAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > >(appender);
    216                 refCounter = appenderRefCounter;
    217             }
    218             else if (iAppenderType == 1)
    219             {
    220                 OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> logfilename(OUTPUTNAME_PREPEND_WSTRING);
    221                 logfilename += _STRLIT_WCHAR("player.log");
    222                 appender = (PVLoggerAppender*)TextFileAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024>::CreateAppender(logfilename.get_str());
    223                 OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<TextFileAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > > *appenderRefCounter =
    224                     new OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<TextFileAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > >(appender);
    225                 refCounter = appenderRefCounter;
    226             }
    227             else
    228             {
    229                 OSCL_wHeapString<OsclMemAllocator> logfilename(OUTPUTNAME_PREPEND_WSTRING);
    230                 logfilename += _STRLIT_WCHAR("player.log");
    231                 appender = (PVLoggerAppender*)MemAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024>::CreateAppender(logfilename.get_str());
    232                 OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<MemAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > > *appenderRefCounter =
    233                     new OsclRefCounterSA<LogAppenderDestructDealloc<MemAppender<TimeAndIdLayout, 1024> > >(appender);
    234                 refCounter = appenderRefCounter;
    235             }
    237             OsclSharedPtr<PVLoggerAppender> appenderPtr(appender, refCounter);
    239             for (it = iLoggerConfigElements.begin(); it != iLoggerConfigElements.end(); it++)
    240             {
    241                 PVLogger *node = NULL;
    242                 node = PVLogger::GetLoggerObject(it->iLoggerString);
    243                 node->AddAppender(appenderPtr);
    244                 node->SetLogLevel(it->iLogLevel);
    245             }
    246         }
    248     private:
    249         class LoggerConfigElement
    250         {
    251             public:
    252                 LoggerConfigElement()
    253                 {
    254                     iLoggerString = NULL;
    255                     iLogLevel = 8;
    256                 }
    257                 char *iLoggerString;
    258                 int8 iLogLevel;
    259         };
    260         int8 iAppenderType; //Type of appender to be used for the logging 0-> Err Appender, 1-> File Appender
    261         bool iLogFileRead;
    262         Oscl_File iLogFile;
    263         Oscl_FileServer iFileServer;
    264         char iLogFileName[255];
    265         char ibuffer[1024];
    266         Oscl_Vector<LoggerConfigElement, OsclMemAllocator> iLoggerConfigElements;
    267 };
    270 // Pull out source file name from arguments
    271 //  -source sometestfile.mp4
    272 //
    273 //
    274 void FindSourceFile(cmd_line* command_line, OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator>& aFileNameInfo, PVMFFormatType& aInputFileFormatType, FILE* aFile)
    275 {
    276     aFileNameInfo = SOURCENAME_PREPEND_STRING;
    277     aFileNameInfo += DEFAULTSOURCEFILENAME;
    278     aInputFileFormatType = DEFAULTSOURCEFORMATTYPE;
    280     int iFileArgument = 0;
    281     bool iFileFound = false;
    282     bool cmdline_iswchar = command_line->is_wchar();
    284     int count = command_line->get_count();
    286     // Search for the "-source" argument
    287     // Go through each argument
    288     for (int iFileSearch = 0; iFileSearch < count; iFileSearch++)
    289     {
    290         char argstr[128];
    291         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    292         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    293         {
    294             oscl_wchar* argwstr = NULL;
    295             command_line->get_arg(iFileSearch, argwstr);
    296             oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(argwstr, oscl_strlen(argwstr), argstr, 128);
    297             argstr[127] = NULL;
    298         }
    299         else
    300         {
    301             char* tmpstr = NULL;
    302             command_line->get_arg(iFileSearch, tmpstr);
    303             int32 tmpstrlen = oscl_strlen(tmpstr) + 1;
    304             if (tmpstrlen > 128)
    305             {
    306                 tmpstrlen = 128;
    307             }
    308             oscl_strncpy(argstr, tmpstr, tmpstrlen);
    309             argstr[tmpstrlen-1] = NULL;
    310         }
    312         // Do the string compare
    313         if (oscl_strcmp(argstr, "-help") == NULL)
    314         {
    315             fprintf(aFile, "Source specification option. Default is 'test.mp4':\n");
    316             fprintf(aFile, "  -source sourcename\n");
    317             fprintf(aFile, "   Specify the source filename or URL to use for test cases which\n");
    318             fprintf(aFile, "   allow user-specified source name. The unit test determines the\n");
    319             fprintf(aFile, "   source format type using extension or URL header.\n\n");
    320         }
    321         else if (oscl_strcmp(argstr, "-source") == NULL)
    322         {
    323             iFileFound = true;
    324             iFileArgument = ++iFileSearch;
    325             break;
    326         }
    327     }
    329     if (iFileFound)
    330     {
    331         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    332         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    333         {
    334             oscl_wchar* cmd;
    335             command_line->get_arg(iFileArgument, cmd);
    336             char tmpstr[256];
    337             oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), tmpstr, 256);
    338             tmpstr[255] = NULL;
    339             aFileNameInfo = tmpstr;
    340         }
    341         else
    342         {
    343             char* cmdlinefilename = NULL;
    344             command_line->get_arg(iFileArgument, cmdlinefilename);
    345             aFileNameInfo = cmdlinefilename;
    346         }
    348         // Check the file extension to determine format type
    349         // AAC file
    350         if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".aac") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".AAC") != NULL)
    351         {
    352             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_AACFF;
    353         }
    354         // MP3 file
    355         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".mp3") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".MP3") != NULL)
    356         {
    357             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_MP3FF;
    358         }
    359         // AMR file (IETF and IF2)
    360         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".amr") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".AMR") != NULL ||
    361                   oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".cod") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".COD") != NULL)
    362         {
    363             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_AMRFF;
    364         }
    365         // RTSP URL
    366         else  if ((!oscl_strncmp("rtsp", aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), 4)) ||
    367                   (!oscl_strncmp("RTSP", aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), 4)))
    368         {
    369             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_RTSP_URL;
    370         }
    371         // HTTP URL
    372         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), "http:") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), "HTTP:") != NULL)
    373         {
    374             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_HTTP_URL;
    375         }
    376         // MP4/3GP file
    377         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".mp4") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".MP4") != NULL ||
    378                   oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".3gp") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".3GP") != NULL)
    379         {
    380             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_MPEG4FF;
    381         }
    382         // ASF file
    383         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".asf") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".ASF") != NULL ||
    384                   oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".wma") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".WMA") != NULL ||
    385                   oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".wmv") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".WMV") != NULL)
    386         {
    387             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_ASFFF;
    388         }
    389         // SDP file
    390         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".sdp") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".SDP") != NULL)
    391         {
    392             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_SDP_FILE;
    393         }
    394         // PVX file
    395         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".pvx") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".PVX") != NULL)
    396         {
    397             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_DATA_SOURCE_PVX_FILE;
    398         }
    399         // WAV file
    400         else  if (oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".wav") != NULL || oscl_strstr(aFileNameInfo.get_cstr(), ".WAV") != NULL)
    401         {
    402             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_WAVFF;
    403         }
    404         // Unknown so set to unknown and let the player engine determine the format type
    405         else
    406         {
    407             fprintf(file, "Source type unknown so setting to unknown and have the utility recognize it\n");
    408             aInputFileFormatType = PVMF_MIME_FORMAT_UNKNOWN;
    409         }
    410     }
    411 }
    413 //Find test range args:
    414 //To run a range of tests by enum ID:
    415 //  -test 17 29
    416 void FindTestRange(cmd_line* command_line,  int32& iFirstTest, int32 &iLastTest, FILE* aFile)
    417 {
    418     //default is to run all tests.
    419     iFirstTest = 0;
    420     iLastTest = 999;
    422     int iTestArgument = 0;
    423     char *iTestArgStr1 = NULL;
    424     char *iTestArgStr2 = NULL;
    425     bool iTestFound = false;
    426     bool cmdline_iswchar = command_line->is_wchar();
    428     int count = command_line->get_count();
    430     // Search for the "-test" argument
    431     char *iSourceFind = NULL;
    432     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    433     {
    434         iSourceFind = new char[256];
    435     }
    437     // Go through each argument
    438     for (int iTestSearch = 0; iTestSearch < count; iTestSearch++)
    439     {
    440         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    441         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    442         {
    443             OSCL_TCHAR* cmd = NULL;
    444             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, cmd);
    445             oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), iSourceFind, 256);
    446         }
    447         else
    448         {
    449             iSourceFind = NULL;
    450             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, iSourceFind);
    451         }
    453         // Do the string compare
    454         if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-help") == NULL)
    455         {
    456             fprintf(aFile, "Test cases to run option. Default is ALL:\n");
    457             fprintf(aFile, "  -test x y\n");
    458             fprintf(aFile, "   Specify a range of test cases to run. To run one test case, use the\n");
    459             fprintf(aFile, "   same index for x and y.\n\n");
    460         }
    461         else if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-test") == NULL)
    462         {
    463             iTestFound = true;
    464             iTestArgument = ++iTestSearch;
    465             break;
    466         }
    467     }
    469     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    470     {
    471         delete[] iSourceFind;
    472         iSourceFind = NULL;
    473     }
    475     if (iTestFound)
    476     {
    477         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    478         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    479         {
    480             iTestArgStr1 = new char[256];
    481             OSCL_TCHAR* cmd;
    482             command_line->get_arg(iTestArgument, cmd);
    483             if (cmd)
    484             {
    485                 oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), iTestArgStr1, 256);
    486             }
    488             iTestArgStr2 = new char[256];
    489             command_line->get_arg(iTestArgument + 1, cmd);
    490             if (cmd)
    491             {
    492                 oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), iTestArgStr2, 256);
    493             }
    494         }
    495         else
    496         {
    497             command_line->get_arg(iTestArgument, iTestArgStr1);
    498             command_line->get_arg(iTestArgument + 1, iTestArgStr2);
    499         }
    501         //Pull out 2 integers...
    502         if (iTestArgStr1
    503                 && '0' <= iTestArgStr1[0] && iTestArgStr1[0] <= '9'
    504                 && iTestArgStr2
    505                 && '0' <= iTestArgStr2[0] && iTestArgStr2[0] <= '9')
    506         {
    507             int len = oscl_strlen(iTestArgStr1);
    508             switch (len)
    509             {
    510                 case 3:
    511                     iFirstTest = 0;
    512                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[0] && iTestArgStr1[0] <= '9')
    513                     {
    514                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 100 * (iTestArgStr1[0] - '0');
    515                     }
    517                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[1] && iTestArgStr1[1] <= '9')
    518                     {
    519                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 10 * (iTestArgStr1[1] - '0');
    520                     }
    522                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[2] && iTestArgStr1[2] <= '9')
    523                     {
    524                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr1[2] - '0');
    525                     }
    526                     break;
    528                 case 2:
    529                     iFirstTest = 0;
    530                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[0] && iTestArgStr1[0] <= '9')
    531                     {
    532                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 10 * (iTestArgStr1[0] - '0');
    533                     }
    535                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[1] && iTestArgStr1[1] <= '9')
    536                     {
    537                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr1[1] - '0');
    538                     }
    539                     break;
    541                 case 1:
    542                     iFirstTest = 0;
    543                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr1[0] && iTestArgStr1[0] <= '9')
    544                     {
    545                         iFirstTest = iFirstTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr1[0] - '0');
    546                     }
    547                     break;
    549                 default:
    550                     break;
    551             }
    553             len = oscl_strlen(iTestArgStr2);
    554             switch (len)
    555             {
    556                 case 3:
    557                     iLastTest = 0;
    558                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[0] && iTestArgStr2[0] <= '9')
    559                     {
    560                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 100 * (iTestArgStr2[0] - '0');
    561                     }
    563                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[1] && iTestArgStr2[1] <= '9')
    564                     {
    565                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 10 * (iTestArgStr2[1] - '0');
    566                     }
    568                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[2] && iTestArgStr2[2] <= '9')
    569                     {
    570                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr2[2] - '0');
    571                     }
    572                     break;
    574                 case 2:
    575                     iLastTest = 0;
    576                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[0] && iTestArgStr2[0] <= '9')
    577                     {
    578                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 10 * (iTestArgStr2[0] - '0');
    579                     }
    581                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[1] && iTestArgStr2[1] <= '9')
    582                     {
    583                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr2[1] - '0');
    584                     }
    585                     break;
    587                 case 1:
    588                     iLastTest = 0;
    589                     if ('0' <= iTestArgStr2[0] && iTestArgStr2[0] <= '9')
    590                     {
    591                         iLastTest = iLastTest + 1 * (iTestArgStr2[0] - '0');
    592                     }
    593                     break;
    595                 default:
    596                     break;
    597             }
    598         }
    599     }
    601     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    602     {
    603         if (iTestArgStr1)
    604         {
    605             delete[] iTestArgStr1;
    606             iTestArgStr1 = NULL;
    607         }
    609         if (iTestArgStr2)
    610         {
    611             delete[] iTestArgStr2;
    612             iTestArgStr2 = NULL;
    613         }
    615         if (iSourceFind)
    616         {
    617             delete[] iSourceFind;
    618             iSourceFind = NULL;
    619         }
    620     }
    621 }
    624 void FindMemMgmtRelatedCmdLineParams(cmd_line* command_line, bool& aPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo, FILE* aFile)
    625 {
    626     aPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo = false;
    628     bool cmdline_iswchar = command_line->is_wchar();
    630     int count = command_line->get_count();
    632     // Search for the "-logerr"/"-logwarn" argument
    633     char *iSourceFind = NULL;
    634     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    635     {
    636         iSourceFind = new char[256];
    637     }
    639     // Go through each argument
    640     for (int iTestSearch = 0; iTestSearch < count; iTestSearch++)
    641     {
    642         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    643         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    644         {
    645             OSCL_TCHAR* cmd = NULL;
    646             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, cmd);
    647             oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), iSourceFind, 256);
    648         }
    649         else
    650         {
    651             iSourceFind = NULL;
    652             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, iSourceFind);
    653         }
    655         // Do the string compare
    656         if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-help") == NULL)
    657         {
    658             fprintf(aFile, "Printing leak info option. Default is OFF:\n");
    659             fprintf(aFile, "  -leakinfo\n");
    660             fprintf(aFile, "   If there is a memory leak, prints out the memory leak information\n");
    661             fprintf(aFile, "   after all specified test cases have finished running.\n\n");
    662         }
    663         else if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-leakinfo") == NULL)
    664         {
    665             aPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo = true;
    666         }
    667     }
    669     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    670     {
    671         delete[] iSourceFind;
    672         iSourceFind = NULL;
    673     }
    674 }
    677 void FindLogLevel(cmd_line* command_line, int32& loglevel, FILE* aFile)
    678 {
    679     //default is verbose
    680     loglevel = PVLOGMSG_DEBUG;
    682     bool cmdline_iswchar = command_line->is_wchar();
    684     int count = command_line->get_count();
    686     // Search for the "-logerr"/"-logwarn" argument
    687     char *iSourceFind = NULL;
    688     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    689     {
    690         iSourceFind = new char[256];
    691     }
    693     // Go through each argument
    694     for (int iTestSearch = 0; iTestSearch < count; iTestSearch++)
    695     {
    696         // Convert to UTF8 if necessary
    697         if (cmdline_iswchar)
    698         {
    699             OSCL_TCHAR* cmd = NULL;
    700             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, cmd);
    701             oscl_UnicodeToUTF8(cmd, oscl_strlen(cmd), iSourceFind, 256);
    702         }
    703         else
    704         {
    705             iSourceFind = NULL;
    706             command_line->get_arg(iTestSearch, iSourceFind);
    707         }
    709         // Do the string compare
    710         if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-help") == NULL)
    711         {
    712             fprintf(aFile, "Log level options. Default is debug level:\n");
    713             fprintf(aFile, "  -logerr\n");
    714             fprintf(aFile, "   Log at error level\n");
    715             fprintf(aFile, "  -logwarn\n");
    716             fprintf(aFile, "   Log at warning level\n\n");
    717         }
    718         else if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-logerr") == NULL)
    719         {
    720             loglevel = PVLOGMSG_ERR;
    721         }
    722         else if (oscl_strcmp(iSourceFind, "-logwarn") == NULL)
    723         {
    724             loglevel = PVLOGMSG_WARNING;
    725         }
    726     }
    728     if (cmdline_iswchar)
    729     {
    730         delete[] iSourceFind;
    731         iSourceFind = NULL;
    732     }
    733 }
    735 int _local_main(FILE* filehandle, cmd_line* command_line);
    737 // Entry point for the unit test program
    738 int local_main(FILE* filehandle, cmd_line* command_line)
    739 {
    740     //Init Oscl
    741     OsclBase::Init();
    742     OsclErrorTrap::Init();
    743     OsclMem::Init();
    744     OMX_MasterInit();
    746     const int numArgs = 10; //change as per the number of args below
    747     char *argv[numArgs];
    748     char arr[numArgs][MAX_LEN];
    749     FILE *InputFile = NULL;
    750     int argc = 0;
    752     fprintf(filehandle, "Test Program for pvFrameMetadata utility class.\n");
    754     InputFile = fopen("input.txt", "r+");
    755     if (NULL != InputFile)
    756     {
    757         int ii = 0;
    758         int len = 0;
    759         fseek(InputFile , 0 , SEEK_SET);
    760         while (!feof(InputFile))
    761         {
    762             arr[ii][0] = '\0';
    763             fgets(arr[ii], 127, InputFile);
    764             len = strlen(arr[ii]);
    765             if (arr[ii][len-1] == '\n')
    766             {
    767                 arr[ii][len-1] = '\0';
    768             }
    769             else
    770             {
    771                 arr[ii][len-1] = '\0';
    772             }
    773             argv[ii] = arr[ii];
    775             ii++;
    776         }
    777         fclose(InputFile);
    779         argc = ii - 1;
    780     }
    782     int n = 0;
    784     command_line->setup(argc - n, &argv[n]);
    786     bool oPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo = false;
    787     FindMemMgmtRelatedCmdLineParams(command_line, oPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo, filehandle);
    789     //Run the test under a trap
    790     int result = 0;
    791     int32 err = 0;
    793     OSCL_TRY(err, result = _local_main(filehandle, command_line););
    795     //Show any exception.
    796     if (err != 0)
    797     {
    798         fprintf(file, "Error!  Leave %d\n", err);
    799     }
    801     //Cleanup
    802     OMX_MasterDeinit();
    803 #if !(OSCL_BYPASS_MEMMGT)
    804     //Check for memory leaks before cleaning up OsclMem.
    805     OsclAuditCB auditCB;
    806     OsclMemInit(auditCB);
    807     if (auditCB.pAudit)
    808     {
    809         MM_Stats_t* stats = auditCB.pAudit->MM_GetStats("");
    810         if (stats)
    811         {
    812             fprintf(file, "\nMemory Stats:\n");
    813             fprintf(file, "  peakNumAllocs %d\n", stats->peakNumAllocs);
    814             fprintf(file, "  peakNumBytes %d\n", stats->peakNumBytes);
    815             fprintf(file, "  totalNumAllocs %d\n", stats->totalNumAllocs);
    816             fprintf(file, "  totalNumBytes %d\n", stats->totalNumBytes);
    817             fprintf(file, "  numAllocFails %d\n", stats->numAllocFails);
    818             if (stats->numAllocs)
    819             {
    820                 fprintf(file, "  ERROR: Memory Leaks! numAllocs %d, numBytes %d\n", stats->numAllocs, stats->numBytes);
    821             }
    822         }
    823         uint32 leaks = auditCB.pAudit->MM_GetNumAllocNodes();
    824         if (leaks != 0)
    825         {
    826             if (oPrintDetailedMemLeakInfo)
    827             {
    828                 fprintf(file, "ERROR: %d Memory leaks detected!\n", leaks);
    829                 MM_AllocQueryInfo*info = auditCB.pAudit->MM_CreateAllocNodeInfo(leaks);
    830                 uint32 leakinfo = auditCB.pAudit->MM_GetAllocNodeInfo(info, leaks, 0);
    831                 if (leakinfo != leaks)
    832                 {
    833                     fprintf(file, "ERROR: Leak info is incomplete.\n");
    834                 }
    835                 for (uint32 i = 0; i < leakinfo; i++)
    836                 {
    837                     fprintf(file, "Leak Info:\n");
    838                     fprintf(file, "  allocNum %d\n", info[i].allocNum);
    839                     fprintf(file, "  fileName %s\n", info[i].fileName);
    840                     fprintf(file, "  lineNo %d\n", info[i].lineNo);
    841                     fprintf(file, "  size %d\n", info[i].size);
    842                     fprintf(file, "  pMemBlock 0x%x\n", info[i].pMemBlock);
    843                     fprintf(file, "  tag %s\n", info[i].tag);
    844                 }
    845                 auditCB.pAudit->MM_ReleaseAllocNodeInfo(info);
    846             }
    847         }
    848     }
    849 #endif
    851     OsclMem::Cleanup();
    852     OsclErrorTrap::Cleanup();
    853     OsclBase::Cleanup();
    854     return result;
    855 }
    857 int _local_main(FILE* filehandle, cmd_line* command_line)
    858 {
    859     file = filehandle;
    861     // Print out the extension for help if no argument
    862     if (command_line->get_count() == 0)
    863     {
    864         fprintf(file, "  Specify '-help' first to get help information on options\n\n");
    865     }
    867     OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> filenameinfo;
    868     PVMFFormatType inputformattype ;
    869     FindSourceFile(command_line, filenameinfo, inputformattype, file);
    871     int32 firsttest, lasttest;
    872     FindTestRange(command_line, firsttest, lasttest, file);
    874     int32 loglevel;
    875     FindLogLevel(command_line, loglevel, file);
    877     fprintf(file, "  Input file name '%s'\n", filenameinfo.get_cstr());
    878     fprintf(file, "  Test case range %d to %d\n", firsttest, lasttest);
    879     fprintf(file, "  Log level %d\n", loglevel);
    881     pvframemetadata_utility_test_suite* util_tests = NULL;
    882     util_tests = new pvframemetadata_utility_test_suite(filenameinfo.get_str(), inputformattype, firsttest, lasttest, loglevel);
    883     if (util_tests)
    884     {
    885         // Run the utility test
    886         util_tests->run_test();
    888         // Print out the results
    889         text_test_interpreter interp;
    890         _STRING rs = interp.interpretation(util_tests->last_result());
    891         fprintf(file, rs.c_str());
    893         const test_result the_result = util_tests->last_result();
    894         delete util_tests;
    895         util_tests = NULL;
    897         return (the_result.success_count() != the_result.total_test_count());
    898     }
    899     else
    900     {
    901         fprintf(file, "ERROR! pvframemetadata_utility_test_suite could not be instantiated.\n");
    902         return 1;
    903     }
    904 }
    907 pvframemetadata_utility_test_suite::pvframemetadata_utility_test_suite(char *aFileName, PVMFFormatType aFileType, int32 aFirstTest, int32 aLastTest, int32 aLogLevel)
    908         : test_case()
    909 {
    910     adopt_test_case(new pvframemetadata_utility_test(aFileName, aFileType, aFirstTest, aLastTest, aLogLevel));
    911 }
    915 pvframemetadata_utility_test::pvframemetadata_utility_test(char *aFileName, PVMFFormatType aFileType, int32 aFirstTest, int32 aLastTest, int32 aLogLevel)
    916 {
    917     iFileName = aFileName;
    918     iFileType = aFileType;
    919     iCurrentTestNumber = 0;
    920     iCurrentTest = NULL;
    921     iFirstTest = aFirstTest;
    922     iLastTest = aLastTest;
    923     iLogLevel = aLogLevel;
    924     iTotalAlloc = 0;
    925     iTotalBytes = 0;
    926     iAllocFails = 0;
    927     iNumAllocs = 0;
    928 }
    931 pvframemetadata_utility_test::~pvframemetadata_utility_test()
    932 {
    933 }
    936 void pvframemetadata_utility_test::TestCompleted(test_case &tc)
    937 {
    938     // Print out the result for this test case
    939     const test_result the_result = tc.last_result();
    940     fprintf(file, "  Successes %d, Failures %d\n"
    941             , the_result.success_count() - iTotalSuccess, the_result.failures().size() - iTotalFail);
    942     iTotalSuccess = the_result.success_count();
    943     iTotalFail = the_result.failures().size();
    944     iTotalError = the_result.errors().size();
    946     // Go to next test
    947     ++iCurrentTestNumber;
    949     // Stop the scheduler
    950     OsclExecScheduler *sched = OsclExecScheduler::Current();
    951     if (sched)
    952     {
    953         sched->StopScheduler();
    954     }
    955 }
    957 void pvframemetadata_utility_test::test()
    958 {
    959     // Specify the starting test case
    960     iCurrentTestNumber = iFirstTest;
    961     iTotalSuccess = iTotalFail = iTotalError = 0;
    963     while (iCurrentTestNumber <= iLastTest || iCurrentTestNumber < BeyondLastTest)
    964     {
    965         if (iCurrentTest)
    966         {
    967             delete iCurrentTest;
    968             iCurrentTest = NULL;
    970             // Shutdown PVLogger and scheduler before checking mem stats
    971             OsclScheduler::Cleanup();
    972             PVLogger::Cleanup();
    973 #if !(OSCL_BYPASS_MEMMGT)
    974             // Print out the memory usage results for this test case
    975             OsclAuditCB auditCB;
    976             OsclMemInit(auditCB);
    977             if (auditCB.pAudit)
    978             {
    979                 MM_Stats_t* stats = auditCB.pAudit->MM_GetStats("");
    980                 if (stats)
    981                 {
    982                     fprintf(file, "  Mem stats: TotalAllocs(%d), TotalBytes(%d),\n             AllocFailures(%d), AllocLeak(%d)\n",
    983                             stats->totalNumAllocs - iTotalAlloc, stats->totalNumBytes - iTotalBytes, stats->numAllocFails - iAllocFails, stats->numAllocs - iNumAllocs);
    984                 }
    985                 else
    986                 {
    987                     fprintf(file, "Retrieving memory statistics after running test case failed! Memory statistics result is not available.\n");
    988                 }
    989             }
    990             else
    991             {
    992                 fprintf(file, "Memory audit not available! Memory statistics result is not available.\n");
    993             }
    994 #endif
    995         }
    997 #if !(OSCL_BYPASS_MEMMGT)
    998         // Obtain the current mem stats before running the test case
    999         OsclAuditCB auditCB;
   1000         OsclMemInit(auditCB);
   1001         if (auditCB.pAudit)
   1002         {
   1003             MM_Stats_t* stats = auditCB.pAudit->MM_GetStats("");
   1004             if (stats)
   1005             {
   1006                 iTotalAlloc = stats->totalNumAllocs;
   1007                 iTotalBytes = stats->totalNumBytes;
   1008                 iAllocFails = stats->numAllocFails;
   1009                 iNumAllocs = stats->numAllocs;
   1010             }
   1011             else
   1012             {
   1013                 fprintf(file, "Retrieving memory statistics before running test case failed! Memory statistics result would be invalid.\n");
   1014             }
   1015         }
   1016         else
   1017         {
   1018             fprintf(file, "Memory audit not available! Memory statistics result would be invalid.\n");
   1019         }
   1020 #endif
   1022         // Stop at last test of selected range.
   1023         if (iCurrentTestNumber > iLastTest || iCurrentTestNumber == LastTest)
   1024         {
   1025             iCurrentTestNumber = BeyondLastTest;
   1026         }
   1027         else
   1028         {
   1029             fprintf(file, "\nStarting Test %d: ", iCurrentTestNumber);
   1030             SetupLoggerScheduler();
   1031         }
   1033         // Setup the standard test case parameters based on current unit test settings
   1034         PVFrameMetadataAsyncTestParam testparam;
   1035         testparam.iObserver = this;
   1036         testparam.iTestCase = this;
   1037         testparam.iTestMsgOutputFile = file;
   1038         testparam.iFileName = iFileName;
   1039         testparam.iFileType = iFileType;
   1040         testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_YUV420;
   1042         switch (iCurrentTestNumber)
   1043         {
   1044             case NewDeleteTest:
   1045                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_newdelete(testparam);
   1046                 break;
   1048             case GetSourceMetadataTest:
   1049                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getmetadata(testparam, 1);
   1050                 break;
   1052             case GetSourceMetadataandFrameTest:
   1053                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getmetadata(testparam, 2);
   1054                 break;
   1056             case GetSourceMetadataandBestFrameTest:
   1057                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getmetadata(testparam, 2, true);
   1058                 break;
   1060             case GetAllMetadataTest:
   1061                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getmetadata(testparam, 3);
   1062                 break;
   1064             case GetFirstFrameYUV420AndMetadataTest:
   1065 #if RUN_YUV420_TESTCASES
   1066                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_YUV420;
   1067                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframemetadata(testparam);
   1068                 fprintf(file, "YUV 4:2:0 ");
   1069 #else
   1070                 fprintf(file, "YUV420 test cases disabled\n");
   1071 #endif
   1072                 break;
   1074             case GetFirstFrameYUV420UtilityBufferTest:
   1075 #if RUN_YUV420_TESTCASES
   1076                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_YUV420;
   1077                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframeutilitybuffer(testparam);
   1078                 fprintf(file, "YUV 4:2:0 ");
   1079 #else
   1080                 fprintf(file, "YVU420 test cases disabled\n");
   1081 #endif
   1082                 break;
   1084             case GetFirstFrameRGB12AndMetadataTest:
   1085 #if RUN_RGB12_TESTCASES
   1086                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_RGB12;
   1087                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframemetadata(testparam);
   1088                 fprintf(file, "RGB 12bpp ");
   1089 #else
   1090                 fprintf(file, "RGB12 test cases disabled\n");
   1091 #endif
   1092                 break;
   1094             case GetFirstFrameRGB12UtilityBufferTest:
   1095 #if RUN_RGB12_TESTCASES
   1096                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_RGB12;
   1097                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframeutilitybuffer(testparam);
   1098                 fprintf(file, "RGB 12bpp ");
   1099 #else
   1100                 fprintf(file, "RGB12 test cases disabled\n");
   1101 #endif
   1102                 break;
   1104             case GetFirstFrameRGB16AndMetadataTest:
   1105 #if RUN_RGB16_TESTCASES
   1106                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_RGB16;
   1107                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframemetadata(testparam);
   1108                 fprintf(file, "RGB 16bpp ");
   1109 #else
   1110                 fprintf(file, "RGB16 test cases disabled\n");
   1111 #endif
   1112                 break;
   1114             case GetFirstFrameRGB16UtilityBufferTest:
   1115 #if RUN_RGB16_TESTCASES
   1116                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_RGB16;
   1117                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframeutilitybuffer(testparam);
   1118                 fprintf(file, "RGB 16bpp ");
   1119 #else
   1120                 fprintf(file, "RGB16 test cases disabled\n");
   1121 #endif
   1122                 break;
   1124             case GetFirstFrameRGB24AndMetadataTest:
   1125 #if RUN_RGB24_TESTCASES
   1126                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_RGB24;
   1127                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframemetadata(testparam);
   1128                 fprintf(file, "RGB 24bpp ");
   1129 #else
   1130                 fprintf(file, "RGB24 test cases disabled\n");
   1131 #endif
   1132                 break;
   1134             case GetFirstFrameRGB24UtilityBufferTest:
   1135 #if RUN_RGB24_TESTCASES
   1136                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_RGB24;
   1137                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_getfirstframeutilitybuffer(testparam);
   1138                 fprintf(file, "RGB 24bpp ");
   1139 #else
   1140                 fprintf(file, "RGB24 test cases disabled\n");
   1141 #endif
   1142                 break;
   1144             case Get30thFrameTest:
   1145                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_get30thframe(testparam);
   1146                 break;
   1148             case Get10secFrameTest:
   1149                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_get10secframe(testparam);
   1150                 break;
   1152             case CancelCommandTest:
   1153                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_cancelcommand(testparam);
   1154                 break;
   1156             case MultipleGetFirstFrameAndMetadataTest:
   1157                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_multigetfirstframemetadata(testparam);
   1158                 break;
   1160             case MultipleGetFramesYUVTest:
   1161 #if RUN_YUV420_TESTCASES
   1162                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_MIME_YUV420;
   1163                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_multigetframe(testparam);
   1164                 fprintf(file, "YUV 4:2:0 ");
   1165 #else
   1166                 fprintf(file, "YUV420 test cases disabled\n");
   1167 #endif
   1168                 break;
   1170             case MultipleGetFramesRGB24Test:
   1171 #if RUN_RGB24_TESTCASES
   1172                 testparam.iOutputFrameType = PVMF_RGB24;
   1173                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_multigetframe(testparam);
   1174                 fprintf(file, "RGB 24bpp ");
   1175 #else
   1176                 fprintf(file, "RGB24 test cases disabled\n");
   1177 #endif
   1178                 break;
   1180             case InvalidSourceFileTest:
   1181                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_invalidsourcefile(testparam);
   1182                 break;
   1184             case NoGetFrameTest:
   1185                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_nogetframe(testparam);
   1186                 break;
   1188             case NoVideoTrackTest:
   1189                 testparam.iFileName = NOVIDEOSOURCEFILENAME;
   1190                 testparam.iFileType = NOVIDEOSOURCEFORMATTYPE;
   1191                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_novideotrack(testparam);
   1192                 break;
   1194             case ProtectedMetadataTest:
   1196                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_protectedmetadata(testparam);
   1197 #else
   1198                 fprintf(file, "Janus CPM test cases disabled\n");
   1199 #endif
   1200                 break;
   1201             case SetTimeoutAndGetFrameTest:
   1202                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_settimeout_getframe(testparam, 2, false);
   1203                 break;
   1205             case SetPlayerKeyTest:
   1206                 iCurrentTest = new pvframemetadata_async_test_set_player_key(testparam);
   1207                 break;
   1209             case BeyondLastTest:
   1210             default:
   1211                 iCurrentTestNumber = BeyondLastTest;
   1212                 break;
   1213         }
   1215         if (iCurrentTest)
   1216         {
   1217             OsclExecScheduler *sched = OsclExecScheduler::Current();
   1218             if (sched)
   1219             {
   1220                 // Print out the test name
   1221                 fprintf(file, "%s\n", iCurrentTest->iTestCaseName.get_cstr());
   1222                 // Start the test
   1223                 iCurrentTest->StartTest();
   1224                 // Start the scheduler so the test case would run
   1226                 // Have PV scheduler use the scheduler native to the system
   1227                 sched->StartNativeScheduler();
   1228 #else
   1229                 // Have PV scheduler use its own implementation of the scheduler
   1230                 sched->StartScheduler();
   1231 #endif
   1232             }
   1233             else
   1234             {
   1235                 fprintf(file, "ERROR! Scheduler is not available. Test case could not run.");
   1236                 ++iCurrentTestNumber;
   1237             }
   1238         }
   1239         else
   1240         {
   1241             ++iCurrentTestNumber;
   1242             if (iCurrentTestNumber < BeyondLastTest)
   1243             {
   1244                 // Shutdown PVLogger and scheduler before continuing on
   1245                 OsclScheduler::Cleanup();
   1246                 PVLogger::Cleanup();
   1247             }
   1248         }
   1249     }
   1250 }
   1252 void pvframemetadata_utility_test::SetupLoggerScheduler()
   1253 {
   1254     // Enable the following code for logging (on Symbian, RDebug)
   1255     PVLogger::Init();
   1256     PVLoggerConfigFile obj;
   1257     if (obj.IsLoggerConfigFilePresent())
   1258     {
   1259         obj.SetLoggerSettings();
   1260     }
   1261     // Construct and install the active scheduler
   1262     OsclScheduler::Init("PVFrameMetadataUtilityTestScheduler");
   1263 }