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      1 /*
      2  * ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
      3  *             of Java bytecode.
      4  *
      5  * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Eric Lafortune (eric (at) graphics.cornell.edu)
      6  *
      7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      8  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
      9  * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
     10  * any later version.
     11  *
     12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     14  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
     15  * more details.
     16  *
     17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
     18  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
     19  * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
     20  */
     21 package proguard.optimize.evaluation;
     23 import proguard.classfile.*;
     24 import proguard.classfile.attribute.*;
     25 import proguard.classfile.attribute.visitor.*;
     26 import proguard.classfile.constant.ClassConstant;
     27 import proguard.classfile.instruction.*;
     28 import proguard.classfile.util.*;
     29 import proguard.classfile.visitor.*;
     30 import proguard.evaluation.*;
     31 import proguard.evaluation.value.*;
     32 import proguard.optimize.peephole.BranchTargetFinder;
     34 /**
     35  * This AttributeVisitor performs partial evaluation on the code attributes
     36  * that it visits.
     37  *
     38  * @author Eric Lafortune
     39  */
     40 public class PartialEvaluator
     41 extends      SimplifiedVisitor
     42 implements   AttributeVisitor,
     43              ExceptionInfoVisitor
     44 {
     45     //*
     46     private static final boolean DEBUG         = false;
     47     private static final boolean DEBUG_RESULTS = false;
     48     /*/
     49     private static boolean DEBUG         = true;
     50     private static boolean DEBUG_RESULTS = true;
     51     //*/
     53     private static final int MAXIMUM_EVALUATION_COUNT = 5;
     55     public static final int NONE            = -2;
     56     public static final int AT_METHOD_ENTRY = -1;
     57     public static final int AT_CATCH_ENTRY  = -1;
     59     private final ValueFactory   valueFactory;
     60     private final InvocationUnit invocationUnit;
     61     private final boolean        evaluateAllCode;
     63     private InstructionOffsetValue[] branchOriginValues   = new InstructionOffsetValue[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     64     private InstructionOffsetValue[] branchTargetValues   = new InstructionOffsetValue[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     65     private TracedVariables[]        variablesBefore      = new TracedVariables[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     66     private TracedStack[]            stacksBefore         = new TracedStack[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     67     private TracedVariables[]        variablesAfter       = new TracedVariables[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     68     private TracedStack[]            stacksAfter          = new TracedStack[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     69     private boolean[]                generalizedContexts  = new boolean[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     70     private int[]                    evaluationCounts     = new int[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     71     private int[]                    initializedVariables = new int[ClassConstants.TYPICAL_CODE_LENGTH];
     72     private boolean                  evaluateExceptions;
     74     private final BasicBranchUnit    branchUnit;
     75     private final BranchTargetFinder branchTargetFinder;
     77     private final java.util.Stack callingInstructionBlockStack;
     78     private final java.util.Stack instructionBlockStack = new java.util.Stack();
     81     /**
     82      * Creates a simple PartialEvaluator.
     83      */
     84     public PartialEvaluator()
     85     {
     86         this(new ValueFactory(),
     87              new BasicInvocationUnit(new ValueFactory()),
     88              true);
     89     }
     92     /**
     93      * Creates a new PartialEvaluator.
     94      * @param valueFactory    the value factory that will create all values
     95      *                        during evaluation.
     96      * @param invocationUnit  the invocation unit that will handle all
     97      *                        communication with other fields and methods.
     98      * @param evaluateAllCode a flag that specifies whether all branch targets
     99      *                        and exception handlers should be evaluated,
    100      *                        even if they are unreachable.
    101      */
    102     public PartialEvaluator(ValueFactory   valueFactory,
    103                             InvocationUnit invocationUnit,
    104                             boolean        evaluateAllCode)
    105     {
    106         this(valueFactory,
    107              invocationUnit,
    108              evaluateAllCode,
    109              evaluateAllCode ?
    110                  new BasicBranchUnit() :
    111                  new TracedBranchUnit(),
    112              new BranchTargetFinder(),
    113              null);
    114     }
    117     /**
    118      * Creates a new PartialEvaluator, based on an existing one.
    119      * @param partialEvaluator the subroutine calling partial evaluator.
    120      */
    121     private PartialEvaluator(PartialEvaluator partialEvaluator)
    122     {
    123         this(partialEvaluator.valueFactory,
    124              partialEvaluator.invocationUnit,
    125              partialEvaluator.evaluateAllCode,
    126              partialEvaluator.branchUnit,
    127              partialEvaluator.branchTargetFinder,
    128              partialEvaluator.instructionBlockStack);
    129     }
    132     /**
    133      * Creates a new PartialEvaluator.
    134      * @param valueFactory            the value factory that will create all
    135      *                                values during evaluation.
    136      * @param invocationUnit          the invocation unit that will handle all
    137      *                                communication with other fields and methods.
    138      * @param evaluateAllCode         a flag that specifies whether all branch
    139      *                                targets and exception handlers should be
    140      *                                evaluated, even if they are unreachable.
    141      * @param branchUnit              the branch unit that will handle all
    142      *                                branches.
    143      * @param branchTargetFinder      the utility class that will find all
    144      *                                branches.
    145      */
    146     private PartialEvaluator(ValueFactory       valueFactory,
    147                              InvocationUnit     invocationUnit,
    148                              boolean            evaluateAllCode,
    149                              BasicBranchUnit    branchUnit,
    150                              BranchTargetFinder branchTargetFinder,
    151                              java.util.Stack    callingInstructionBlockStack)
    152     {
    153         this.valueFactory       = valueFactory;
    154         this.invocationUnit     = invocationUnit;
    155         this.evaluateAllCode    = evaluateAllCode;
    156         this.branchUnit         = branchUnit;
    157         this.branchTargetFinder = branchTargetFinder;
    158         this.callingInstructionBlockStack = callingInstructionBlockStack == null ?
    159             this.instructionBlockStack :
    160             callingInstructionBlockStack;
    161     }
    164     // Implementations for AttributeVisitor.
    166     public void visitAnyAttribute(Clazz clazz, Attribute attribute) {}
    169     public void visitCodeAttribute(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute)
    170     {
    171 //        DEBUG = DEBUG_RESULTS =
    172 //            clazz.getName().equals("abc/Def") &&
    173 //            method.getName(clazz).equals("abc");
    175         // TODO: Remove this when the partial evaluator has stabilized.
    176         // Catch any unexpected exceptions from the actual visiting method.
    177         try
    178         {
    179             // Process the code.
    180             visitCodeAttribute0(clazz, method, codeAttribute);
    181         }
    182         catch (RuntimeException ex)
    183         {
    184             System.err.println("Unexpected error while performing partial evaluation:");
    185             System.err.println("  Class       = ["+clazz.getName()+"]");
    186             System.err.println("  Method      = ["+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz)+"]");
    187             System.err.println("  Exception   = ["+ex.getClass().getName()+"] ("+ex.getMessage()+")");
    189             if (DEBUG)
    190             {
    191                 method.accept(clazz, new ClassPrinter());
    192             }
    194             throw ex;
    195         }
    196     }
    199     public void visitCodeAttribute0(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute)
    200     {
    201         // Evaluate the instructions, starting at the entry point.
    202         if (DEBUG)
    203         {
    204             System.out.println();
    205             System.out.println("Partial evaluation: "+clazz.getName()+"."+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz));
    206             System.out.println("  Max locals = "+codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
    207             System.out.println("  Max stack  = "+codeAttribute.u2maxStack);
    208         }
    210         // Reuse the existing variables and stack objects, ensuring the right size.
    211         TracedVariables variables = new TracedVariables(codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
    212         TracedStack     stack     = new TracedStack(codeAttribute.u2maxStack);
    214         // Initialize the reusable arrays and variables.
    215         initializeVariables(clazz, method, codeAttribute, variables, stack);
    217         // Find all instruction offsets,...
    218         codeAttribute.accept(clazz, method, branchTargetFinder);
    220         // Start executing the first instruction block.
    221         evaluateInstructionBlockAndExceptionHandlers(clazz,
    222                                                      method,
    223                                                      codeAttribute,
    224                                                      variables,
    225                                                      stack,
    226                                                      0,
    227                                                      codeAttribute.u4codeLength);
    229         if (DEBUG_RESULTS)
    230         {
    231             System.out.println("Evaluation results:");
    233             int offset = 0;
    234             do
    235             {
    236                 if (isBranchOrExceptionTarget(offset))
    237                 {
    238                     System.out.println("Branch target from ["+branchOriginValues[offset]+"]:");
    239                     if (isTraced(offset))
    240                     {
    241                         System.out.println("  Vars:  "+variablesBefore[offset]);
    242                         System.out.println("  Stack: "+stacksBefore[offset]);
    243                     }
    244                 }
    246                 Instruction instruction = InstructionFactory.create(codeAttribute.code,
    247                                                                     offset);
    248                 System.out.println(instruction.toString(offset));
    250                 if (isTraced(offset))
    251                 {
    252                     int variableIndex = initializedVariable(offset);
    253                     if (variableIndex >= 0)
    254                     {
    255                         System.out.println("     is initializing variable v"+variableIndex);
    256                     }
    258                     int initializationOffset = branchTargetFinder.initializationOffset(offset);
    259                     if (initializationOffset != NONE)
    260                     {
    261                         System.out.println("     is to be initialized at ["+initializationOffset+"]");
    262                     }
    264                     InstructionOffsetValue branchTargets = branchTargets(offset);
    265                     if (branchTargets != null)
    266                     {
    267                         System.out.println("     has overall been branching to "+branchTargets);
    268                     }
    270                     System.out.println("  Vars:  "+variablesAfter[offset]);
    271                     System.out.println("  Stack: "+stacksAfter[offset]);
    272                 }
    274                 offset += instruction.length(offset);
    275             }
    276             while (offset < codeAttribute.u4codeLength);
    277         }
    278     }
    281     /**
    282      * Returns whether a block of instructions is ever used.
    283      */
    284     public boolean isTraced(int startOffset, int endOffset)
    285     {
    286         for (int index = startOffset; index < endOffset; index++)
    287         {
    288             if (isTraced(index))
    289             {
    290                 return true;
    291             }
    292         }
    294         return false;
    295     }
    298     /**
    299      * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset has ever been
    300      * executed during the partial evaluation.
    301      */
    302     public boolean isTraced(int instructionOffset)
    303     {
    304         return evaluationCounts[instructionOffset] > 0;
    305     }
    308     /**
    309      * Returns whether there is an instruction at the given offset.
    310      */
    311     public boolean isInstruction(int instructionOffset)
    312     {
    313         return branchTargetFinder.isInstruction(instructionOffset);
    314     }
    317     /**
    318      * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset is the target of a
    319      * branch instruction or an exception.
    320      */
    321     public boolean isBranchOrExceptionTarget(int instructionOffset)
    322     {
    323         return branchTargetFinder.isBranchTarget(instructionOffset) ||
    324                branchTargetFinder.isExceptionHandler(instructionOffset);
    325     }
    328     /**
    329      * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset is the start of a
    330      * subroutine.
    331      */
    332     public boolean isSubroutineStart(int instructionOffset)
    333     {
    334         return branchTargetFinder.isSubroutineStart(instructionOffset);
    335     }
    338     /**
    339      * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset is a subroutine
    340      * invocation.
    341      */
    342     public boolean isSubroutineInvocation(int instructionOffset)
    343     {
    344         return branchTargetFinder.isSubroutineInvocation(instructionOffset);
    345     }
    348     /**
    349      * Returns whether the instruction at the given offset is part of a
    350      * subroutine.
    351      */
    352     public boolean isSubroutine(int instructionOffset)
    353     {
    354         return branchTargetFinder.isSubroutine(instructionOffset);
    355     }
    358     /**
    359      * Returns whether the subroutine at the given offset is ever returning
    360      * by means of a regular 'ret' instruction.
    361      */
    362     public boolean isSubroutineReturning(int instructionOffset)
    363     {
    364         return branchTargetFinder.isSubroutineReturning(instructionOffset);
    365     }
    368     /**
    369      * Returns the offset after the subroutine that starts at the given
    370      * offset.
    371      */
    372     public int subroutineEnd(int instructionOffset)
    373     {
    374         return branchTargetFinder.subroutineEnd(instructionOffset);
    375     }
    378     /**
    379      * Returns the instruction offset at which the object instance that is
    380      * created at the given 'new' instruction offset is initialized, or
    381      * <code>NONE</code> if it is not being created.
    382      */
    383     public int initializationOffset(int instructionOffset)
    384     {
    385         return branchTargetFinder.initializationOffset(instructionOffset);
    386     }
    389     /**
    390      * Returns whether the method is an instance initializer.
    391      */
    392     public boolean isInitializer()
    393     {
    394         return branchTargetFinder.isInitializer();
    395     }
    398     /**
    399      * Returns the instruction offset at which this initializer is calling
    400      * the "super" or "this" initializer method, or <code>NONE</code> if it is
    401      * not an initializer.
    402      */
    403     public int superInitializationOffset()
    404     {
    405         return branchTargetFinder.superInitializationOffset();
    406     }
    409     /**
    410      * Returns the offset of the 'new' instruction that corresponds to the
    411      * invocation of the instance initializer at the given offset, or
    412      * <code>AT_METHOD_ENTRY</code> if the invocation is calling the "super" or
    413      * "this" initializer method, , or <code>NONE</code> if it is not a 'new'
    414      * instruction.
    415      */
    416     public int creationOffset(int offset)
    417     {
    418         return branchTargetFinder.creationOffset(offset);
    419     }
    422     /**
    423      * Returns the variables before execution of the instruction at the given
    424      * offset.
    425      */
    426     public TracedVariables getVariablesBefore(int instructionOffset)
    427     {
    428         return variablesBefore[instructionOffset];
    429     }
    432     /**
    433      * Returns the variables after execution of the instruction at the given
    434      * offset.
    435      */
    436     public TracedVariables getVariablesAfter(int instructionOffset)
    437     {
    438         return variablesAfter[instructionOffset];
    439     }
    442     /**
    443      * Returns the stack before execution of the instruction at the given
    444      * offset.
    445      */
    446     public TracedStack getStackBefore(int instructionOffset)
    447     {
    448         return stacksBefore[instructionOffset];
    449     }
    452     /**
    453      * Returns the stack after execution of the instruction at the given
    454      * offset.
    455      */
    456     public TracedStack getStackAfter(int instructionOffset)
    457     {
    458         return stacksAfter[instructionOffset];
    459     }
    462     /**
    463      * Returns the instruction offsets that branch to the given instruction
    464      * offset.
    465      */
    466     public InstructionOffsetValue branchOrigins(int instructionOffset)
    467     {
    468         return branchOriginValues[instructionOffset];
    469     }
    472     /**
    473      * Returns the instruction offsets to which the given instruction offset
    474      * branches.
    475      */
    476     public InstructionOffsetValue branchTargets(int instructionOffset)
    477     {
    478         return branchTargetValues[instructionOffset];
    479     }
    482     /**
    483      * Returns the variable that is initialized at the given instruction offset,
    484      * or <code>NONE</code> if no variable was initialized.
    485      */
    486     public int initializedVariable(int instructionOffset)
    487     {
    488         return initializedVariables[instructionOffset];
    489     }
    492     // Utility methods to evaluate instruction blocks.
    494     /**
    495      * Pushes block of instructions to be executed in the calling partial
    496      * evaluator.
    497      */
    498     private void pushCallingInstructionBlock(TracedVariables variables,
    499                                              TracedStack     stack,
    500                                              int             startOffset)
    501     {
    502         callingInstructionBlockStack.push(new MyInstructionBlock(variables,
    503                                                                  stack,
    504                                                                  startOffset));
    505     }
    508     /**
    509      * Pushes block of instructions to be executed in this partial evaluator.
    510      */
    511     private void pushInstructionBlock(TracedVariables variables,
    512                                       TracedStack     stack,
    513                                       int             startOffset)
    514     {
    515         instructionBlockStack.push(new MyInstructionBlock(variables,
    516                                                           stack,
    517                                                           startOffset));
    518     }
    521     /**
    522      * Evaluates the instruction block and the exception handlers covering the
    523      * given instruction range in the given code.
    524      */
    525     private void evaluateInstructionBlockAndExceptionHandlers(Clazz           clazz,
    526                                                               Method          method,
    527                                                               CodeAttribute   codeAttribute,
    528                                                               TracedVariables variables,
    529                                                               TracedStack     stack,
    530                                                               int             startOffset,
    531                                                               int             endOffset)
    532     {
    533         evaluateInstructionBlock(clazz,
    534                                  method,
    535                                  codeAttribute,
    536                                  variables,
    537                                  stack,
    538                                  startOffset);
    540         evaluateExceptionHandlers(clazz,
    541                                   method,
    542                                   codeAttribute,
    543                                   startOffset,
    544                                   endOffset);
    545     }
    548     /**
    549      * Evaluates a block of instructions, starting at the given offset and ending
    550      * at a branch instruction, a return instruction, or a throw instruction.
    551      */
    552     private void evaluateInstructionBlock(Clazz           clazz,
    553                                           Method          method,
    554                                           CodeAttribute   codeAttribute,
    555                                           TracedVariables variables,
    556                                           TracedStack     stack,
    557                                           int             startOffset)
    558     {
    559         // Execute the initial instruction block.
    560         evaluateSingleInstructionBlock(clazz,
    561                                        method,
    562                                        codeAttribute,
    563                                        variables,
    564                                        stack,
    565                                        startOffset);
    567         // Execute all resulting instruction blocks on the execution stack.
    568         while (!instructionBlockStack.empty())
    569         {
    570             if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Popping alternative branch out of "+instructionBlockStack.size()+" blocks");
    572             MyInstructionBlock instructionBlock =
    573                 (MyInstructionBlock)instructionBlockStack.pop();
    575             evaluateSingleInstructionBlock(clazz,
    576                                            method,
    577                                            codeAttribute,
    578                                            instructionBlock.variables,
    579                                            instructionBlock.stack,
    580                                            instructionBlock.startOffset);
    581         }
    582     }
    585     /**
    586      * Evaluates a block of instructions, starting at the given offset and ending
    587      * at a branch instruction, a return instruction, or a throw instruction.
    588      * Instruction blocks that are to be evaluated as a result are pushed on
    589      * the given stack.
    590      */
    591     private void evaluateSingleInstructionBlock(Clazz            clazz,
    592                                                 Method           method,
    593                                                 CodeAttribute    codeAttribute,
    594                                                 TracedVariables  variables,
    595                                                 TracedStack      stack,
    596                                                 int              startOffset)
    597     {
    598         byte[] code = codeAttribute.code;
    600         if (DEBUG)
    601         {
    602              System.out.println("Instruction block starting at ["+startOffset+"] in "+
    603                                 ClassUtil.externalFullMethodDescription(clazz.getName(),
    604                                                                         0,
    605                                                                         method.getName(clazz),
    606                                                                         method.getDescriptor(clazz)));
    607              System.out.println("Init vars:  "+variables);
    608              System.out.println("Init stack: "+stack);
    609         }
    611         Processor processor = new Processor(variables,
    612                                             stack,
    613                                             valueFactory,
    614                                             branchUnit,
    615                                             invocationUnit);
    617         int instructionOffset = startOffset;
    619         int maxOffset = startOffset;
    621         // Evaluate the subsequent instructions.
    622         while (true)
    623         {
    624             if (maxOffset < instructionOffset)
    625             {
    626                 maxOffset = instructionOffset;
    627             }
    629             // Maintain a generalized local variable frame and stack at this
    630             // instruction offset, before execution.
    631             int evaluationCount = evaluationCounts[instructionOffset];
    632             if (evaluationCount == 0)
    633             {
    634                 // First time we're passing by this instruction.
    635                 if (variablesBefore[instructionOffset] == null)
    636                 {
    637                     // There's not even a context at this index yet.
    638                     variablesBefore[instructionOffset] = new TracedVariables(variables);
    639                     stacksBefore[instructionOffset]    = new TracedStack(stack);
    640                 }
    641                 else
    642                 {
    643                     // Reuse the context objects at this index.
    644                     variablesBefore[instructionOffset].initialize(variables);
    645                     stacksBefore[instructionOffset].copy(stack);
    646                 }
    648                 // We'll execute in the generalized context, because it is
    649                 // the same as the current context.
    650                 generalizedContexts[instructionOffset] = true;
    651             }
    652             else
    653             {
    654                 // Merge in the current context.
    655                 boolean variablesChanged = variablesBefore[instructionOffset].generalize(variables, true);
    656                 boolean stackChanged     = stacksBefore[instructionOffset].generalize(stack);
    658                 //System.out.println("GVars:  "+variablesBefore[instructionOffset]);
    659                 //System.out.println("GStack: "+stacksBefore[instructionOffset]);
    661                 // Bail out if the current context is the same as last time.
    662                 if (!variablesChanged &&
    663                     !stackChanged     &&
    664                     generalizedContexts[instructionOffset])
    665                 {
    666                     if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Repeated variables, stack, and branch targets");
    668                     break;
    669                 }
    671                 // See if this instruction has been evaluated an excessive number
    672                 // of times.
    673                 if (evaluationCount >= MAXIMUM_EVALUATION_COUNT)
    674                 {
    675                     if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Generalizing current context after "+evaluationCount+" evaluations");
    677                     // Continue, but generalize the current context.
    678                     // Note that the most recent variable values have to remain
    679                     // last in the generalizations, for the sake of the ret
    680                     // instruction.
    681                     variables.generalize(variablesBefore[instructionOffset], false);
    682                     stack.generalize(stacksBefore[instructionOffset]);
    684                     // We'll execute in the generalized context.
    685                     generalizedContexts[instructionOffset] = true;
    686                 }
    687                 else
    688                 {
    689                     // We'll execute in the current context.
    690                     generalizedContexts[instructionOffset] = false;
    691                 }
    692             }
    694             // We'll evaluate this instruction.
    695             evaluationCounts[instructionOffset]++;
    697             // Remember this instruction's offset with any stored value.
    698             Value storeValue = new InstructionOffsetValue(instructionOffset);
    699             variables.setProducerValue(storeValue);
    700             stack.setProducerValue(storeValue);
    702             // Reset the trace value.
    703             InstructionOffsetValue traceValue = InstructionOffsetValue.EMPTY_VALUE;
    705             // Reset the initialization flag.
    706             variables.resetInitialization();
    708             // Note that the instruction is only volatile.
    709             Instruction instruction = InstructionFactory.create(code, instructionOffset);
    711             // By default, the next instruction will be the one after this
    712             // instruction.
    713             int nextInstructionOffset = instructionOffset +
    714                                         instruction.length(instructionOffset);
    715             InstructionOffsetValue nextInstructionOffsetValue = new InstructionOffsetValue(nextInstructionOffset);
    716             branchUnit.resetCalled();
    717             branchUnit.setTraceBranchTargets(nextInstructionOffsetValue);
    719             if (DEBUG)
    720             {
    721                 System.out.println(instruction.toString(instructionOffset));
    722             }
    724             try
    725             {
    726                 // Process the instruction. The processor may modify the
    727                 // variables and the stack, and it may call the branch unit
    728                 // and the invocation unit.
    729                 instruction.accept(clazz,
    730                                    method,
    731                                    codeAttribute,
    732                                    instructionOffset,
    733                                    processor);
    734             }
    735             catch (RuntimeException ex)
    736             {
    737                 System.err.println("Unexpected error while evaluating instruction:");
    738                 System.err.println("  Class       = ["+clazz.getName()+"]");
    739                 System.err.println("  Method      = ["+method.getName(clazz)+method.getDescriptor(clazz)+"]");
    740                 System.err.println("  Instruction = "+instruction.toString(instructionOffset));
    741                 System.err.println("  Exception   = ["+ex.getClass().getName()+"] ("+ex.getMessage()+")");
    743                 throw ex;
    744             }
    746             // Collect the offsets of the instructions whose results were used.
    747             initializedVariables[instructionOffset] = variables.getInitializationIndex();
    749             // Collect the branch targets from the branch unit.
    750             InstructionOffsetValue branchTargets = branchUnit.getTraceBranchTargets();
    751             int branchTargetCount = branchTargets.instructionOffsetCount();
    753             // Stop tracing.
    754             branchUnit.setTraceBranchTargets(traceValue);
    756             if (DEBUG)
    757             {
    758                 if (branchUnit.wasCalled())
    759                 {
    760                     System.out.println("     is branching to "+branchTargets);
    761                 }
    762                 if (branchTargetValues[instructionOffset] != null)
    763                 {
    764                     System.out.println("     has up till now been branching to "+branchTargetValues[instructionOffset]);
    765                 }
    767                 System.out.println(" Vars:  "+variables);
    768                 System.out.println(" Stack: "+stack);
    769             }
    771             // Maintain a generalized local variable frame and stack at this
    772             // instruction offset, after execution.
    773             if (evaluationCount == 0)
    774             {
    775                 // First time we're passing by this instruction.
    776                 if (variablesAfter[instructionOffset] == null)
    777                 {
    778                     // There's not even a context at this index yet.
    779                     variablesAfter[instructionOffset] = new TracedVariables(variables);
    780                     stacksAfter[instructionOffset]    = new TracedStack(stack);
    781                 }
    782                 else
    783                 {
    784                     // Reuse the context objects at this index.
    785                     variablesAfter[instructionOffset].initialize(variables);
    786                     stacksAfter[instructionOffset].copy(stack);
    787                 }
    788             }
    789             else
    790             {
    791                 // Merge in the current context.
    792                 variablesAfter[instructionOffset].generalize(variables, true);
    793                 stacksAfter[instructionOffset].generalize(stack);
    794             }
    796             // Did the branch unit get called?
    797             if (branchUnit.wasCalled())
    798             {
    799                 // Accumulate the branch targets at this offset.
    800                 branchTargetValues[instructionOffset] = branchTargetValues[instructionOffset] == null ?
    801                     branchTargets :
    802                     branchTargetValues[instructionOffset].generalize(branchTargets).instructionOffsetValue();
    804                 // Are there no branch targets at all?
    805                 if (branchTargetCount == 0)
    806                 {
    807                     // Exit from this code block.
    808                     break;
    809                 }
    811                 // Accumulate the branch origins at the branch target offsets.
    812                 InstructionOffsetValue instructionOffsetValue = new InstructionOffsetValue(instructionOffset);
    813                 for (int index = 0; index < branchTargetCount; index++)
    814                 {
    815                     int branchTarget = branchTargets.instructionOffset(index);
    816                     branchOriginValues[branchTarget] = branchOriginValues[branchTarget] == null ?
    817                         instructionOffsetValue:
    818                         branchOriginValues[branchTarget].generalize(instructionOffsetValue).instructionOffsetValue();
    819                 }
    821                 // Are there multiple branch targets?
    822                 if (branchTargetCount > 1)
    823                 {
    824                     // Push them on the execution stack and exit from this block.
    825                     for (int index = 0; index < branchTargetCount; index++)
    826                     {
    827                         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Pushing alternative branch #"+index+" out of "+branchTargetCount+", from ["+instructionOffset+"] to ["+branchTargets.instructionOffset(index)+"]");
    829                         pushInstructionBlock(new TracedVariables(variables),
    830                                              new TracedStack(stack),
    831                                              branchTargets.instructionOffset(index));
    832                     }
    834                     break;
    835                 }
    837                 if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Definite branch from ["+instructionOffset+"] to ["+branchTargets.instructionOffset(0)+"]");
    838             }
    840             // Just continue with the next instruction.
    841             instructionOffset = branchTargets.instructionOffset(0);
    843             // Is this a subroutine invocation?
    844             if (instruction.opcode == InstructionConstants.OP_JSR ||
    845                 instruction.opcode == InstructionConstants.OP_JSR_W)
    846             {
    847                 // Evaluate the subroutine, possibly in another partial
    848                 // evaluator.
    849                 evaluateSubroutine(clazz,
    850                                    method,
    851                                    codeAttribute,
    852                                    variables,
    853                                    stack,
    854                                    instructionOffset,
    855                                    instructionBlockStack);
    857                 break;
    858             }
    859             else if (instruction.opcode == InstructionConstants.OP_RET)
    860             {
    861                 // Let the partial evaluator that has called the subroutine
    862                 // handle the evaluation after the return.
    863                 pushCallingInstructionBlock(new TracedVariables(variables),
    864                                             new TracedStack(stack),
    865                                             instructionOffset);
    866                 break;
    867             }
    868         }
    870         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Ending processing of instruction block starting at ["+startOffset+"]");
    871     }
    874     /**
    875      * Evaluates a subroutine and its exception handlers, starting at the given
    876      * offset and ending at a subroutine return instruction.
    877      */
    878     private void evaluateSubroutine(Clazz           clazz,
    879                                     Method          method,
    880                                     CodeAttribute   codeAttribute,
    881                                     TracedVariables variables,
    882                                     TracedStack     stack,
    883                                     int             subroutineStart,
    884                                     java.util.Stack instructionBlockStack)
    885     {
    886         int subroutineEnd = branchTargetFinder.subroutineEnd(subroutineStart);
    888         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Evaluating subroutine from "+subroutineStart+" to "+subroutineEnd);
    890         PartialEvaluator subroutinePartialEvaluator = this;
    892         // Create a temporary partial evaluator if necessary.
    893         if (evaluationCounts[subroutineStart] > 0)
    894         {
    895             if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Creating new partial evaluator for subroutine");
    897             subroutinePartialEvaluator = new PartialEvaluator(this);
    899             subroutinePartialEvaluator.initializeVariables(clazz,
    900                                                            method,
    901                                                            codeAttribute,
    902                                                            variables,
    903                                                            stack);
    904         }
    906         // Evaluate the subroutine.
    907         subroutinePartialEvaluator.evaluateInstructionBlockAndExceptionHandlers(clazz,
    908                                                                                 method,
    909                                                                                 codeAttribute,
    910                                                                                 variables,
    911                                                                                 stack,
    912                                                                                 subroutineStart,
    913                                                                                 subroutineEnd);
    915         // Merge back the temporary partial evaluator if necessary.
    916         if (subroutinePartialEvaluator != this)
    917         {
    918             generalize(subroutinePartialEvaluator, 0, codeAttribute.u4codeLength);
    919         }
    921         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Ending subroutine from "+subroutineStart+" to "+subroutineEnd);
    922     }
    925     /**
    926      * Generalizes the results of this partial evaluator with those of another
    927      * given partial evaluator, over a given range of instructions.
    928      */
    929     private void generalize(PartialEvaluator other,
    930                             int              codeStart,
    931                             int              codeEnd)
    932     {
    933         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Generalizing with temporary partial evaluation");
    935         for (int offset = codeStart; offset < codeEnd; offset++)
    936         {
    937             if (other.branchOriginValues[offset] != null)
    938             {
    939                 branchOriginValues[offset] = branchOriginValues[offset] == null ?
    940                     other.branchOriginValues[offset] :
    941                     branchOriginValues[offset].generalize(other.branchOriginValues[offset]).instructionOffsetValue();
    942             }
    944             if (other.isTraced(offset))
    945             {
    946                 if (other.branchTargetValues[offset] != null)
    947                 {
    948                     branchTargetValues[offset] = branchTargetValues[offset] == null ?
    949                         other.branchTargetValues[offset] :
    950                         branchTargetValues[offset].generalize(other.branchTargetValues[offset]).instructionOffsetValue();
    951                 }
    953                 if (evaluationCounts[offset] == 0)
    954                 {
    955                     variablesBefore[offset]      = other.variablesBefore[offset];
    956                     stacksBefore[offset]         = other.stacksBefore[offset];
    957                     variablesAfter[offset]       = other.variablesAfter[offset];
    958                     stacksAfter[offset]          = other.stacksAfter[offset];
    959                     generalizedContexts[offset]  = other.generalizedContexts[offset];
    960                     evaluationCounts[offset]     = other.evaluationCounts[offset];
    961                     initializedVariables[offset] = other.initializedVariables[offset];
    962                 }
    963                 else
    964                 {
    965                     variablesBefore[offset].generalize(other.variablesBefore[offset], false);
    966                     stacksBefore[offset]   .generalize(other.stacksBefore[offset]);
    967                     variablesAfter[offset] .generalize(other.variablesAfter[offset], false);
    968                     stacksAfter[offset]    .generalize(other.stacksAfter[offset]);
    969                     //generalizedContexts[offset]
    970                     evaluationCounts[offset] += other.evaluationCounts[offset];
    971                     //initializedVariables[offset]
    972                 }
    973             }
    974         }
    975     }
    978     /**
    979      * Evaluates the exception handlers covering and targeting the given
    980      * instruction range in the given code.
    981      */
    982     private void evaluateExceptionHandlers(Clazz         clazz,
    983                                            Method        method,
    984                                            CodeAttribute codeAttribute,
    985                                            int           startOffset,
    986                                            int           endOffset)
    987     {
    988         if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Evaluating exceptions covering ["+startOffset+" -> "+endOffset+"]:");
    990         ExceptionHandlerFilter exceptionEvaluator =
    991             new ExceptionHandlerFilter(startOffset,
    992                                        endOffset,
    993                                        this);
    995         // Evaluate the exception catch blocks, until their entry variables
    996         // have stabilized.
    997         do
    998         {
    999             // Reset the flag to stop evaluating.
   1000             evaluateExceptions = false;
   1002             // Evaluate all relevant exception catch blocks once.
   1003             codeAttribute.exceptionsAccept(clazz,
   1004                                            method,
   1005                                            startOffset,
   1006                                            endOffset,
   1007                                            exceptionEvaluator);
   1008         }
   1009         while (evaluateExceptions);
   1010     }
   1013     // Implementations for ExceptionInfoVisitor.
   1015     public void visitExceptionInfo(Clazz clazz, Method method, CodeAttribute codeAttribute, ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo)
   1016     {
   1017         int startPC = exceptionInfo.u2startPC;
   1018         int endPC   = exceptionInfo.u2endPC;
   1020         // Do we have to evaluate this exception catch block?
   1021         if (isTraced(startPC, endPC))
   1022         {
   1023             int handlerPC = exceptionInfo.u2handlerPC;
   1024             int catchType = exceptionInfo.u2catchType;
   1026             if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Evaluating exception ["+startPC +" -> "+endPC +": "+handlerPC+"]:");
   1028             // Reuse the existing variables and stack objects, ensuring the
   1029             // right size.
   1030             TracedVariables variables = new TracedVariables(codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
   1031             TracedStack     stack     = new TracedStack(codeAttribute.u2maxStack);
   1033             // Initialize the trace values.
   1034             Value storeValue = new InstructionOffsetValue(AT_CATCH_ENTRY);
   1035             variables.setProducerValue(storeValue);
   1036             stack.setProducerValue(storeValue);
   1038             // Initialize the variables by generalizing the variables of the
   1039             // try block. Make sure to include the results of the last
   1040             // instruction for preverification.
   1041             generalizeVariables(startPC,
   1042                                 endPC,
   1043                                 evaluateAllCode,
   1044                                 variables);
   1046             // Initialize the the stack.
   1047             //stack.push(valueFactory.createReference((ClassConstant)((ProgramClass)clazz).getConstant(exceptionInfo.u2catchType), false));
   1048             String catchClassName = catchType != 0 ?
   1049                  clazz.getClassName(catchType) :
   1050                  ClassConstants.INTERNAL_NAME_JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE;
   1052             Clazz catchClass = catchType != 0 ?
   1053                 ((ClassConstant)((ProgramClass)clazz).getConstant(catchType)).referencedClass :
   1054                 null;
   1056             stack.push(valueFactory.createReferenceValue(catchClassName,
   1057                                                          catchClass,
   1058                                                          false));
   1060             int evaluationCount = evaluationCounts[handlerPC];
   1062             // Evaluate the instructions, starting at the entry point.
   1063             evaluateInstructionBlock(clazz,
   1064                                      method,
   1065                                      codeAttribute,
   1066                                      variables,
   1067                                      stack,
   1068                                      handlerPC);
   1070             // Remember to evaluate all exception handlers once more.
   1071             if (!evaluateExceptions)
   1072             {
   1073                 evaluateExceptions = evaluationCount < evaluationCounts[handlerPC];
   1074             }
   1075         }
   1076 //        else if (evaluateAllCode)
   1077 //        {
   1078 //            if (DEBUG) System.out.println("No information for partial evaluation of exception ["+startPC +" -> "+endPC +": "+exceptionInfo.u2handlerPC+"] yet");
   1079 //
   1080 //            // We don't have any information on the try block yet, but we do
   1081 //            // have to evaluate the exception handler.
   1082 //            // Remember to evaluate all exception handlers once more.
   1083 //            evaluateExceptions = true;
   1084 //        }
   1085         else
   1086         {
   1087             if (DEBUG) System.out.println("No information for partial evaluation of exception ["+startPC +" -> "+endPC +": "+exceptionInfo.u2handlerPC+"]");
   1088         }
   1089     }
   1092     // Small utility methods.
   1094     /**
   1095      * Initializes the data structures for the variables, stack, etc.
   1096      */
   1097     private void initializeVariables(Clazz           clazz,
   1098                                      Method          method,
   1099                                      CodeAttribute   codeAttribute,
   1100                                      TracedVariables variables,
   1101                                      TracedStack     stack)
   1102     {
   1103         int codeLength = codeAttribute.u4codeLength;
   1105         // Create new arrays for storing information at each instruction offset.
   1106         if (variablesAfter.length < codeLength)
   1107         {
   1108             // Create new arrays.
   1109             branchOriginValues   = new InstructionOffsetValue[codeLength];
   1110             branchTargetValues   = new InstructionOffsetValue[codeLength];
   1111             variablesBefore      = new TracedVariables[codeLength];
   1112             stacksBefore         = new TracedStack[codeLength];
   1113             variablesAfter       = new TracedVariables[codeLength];
   1114             stacksAfter          = new TracedStack[codeLength];
   1115             generalizedContexts  = new boolean[codeLength];
   1116             evaluationCounts     = new int[codeLength];
   1117             initializedVariables = new int[codeLength];
   1119             // Reset the arrays.
   1120             for (int index = 0; index < codeLength; index++)
   1121             {
   1122                 initializedVariables[index] = NONE;
   1123             }
   1124         }
   1125         else
   1126         {
   1127             // Reset the arrays.
   1128             for (int index = 0; index < codeLength; index++)
   1129             {
   1130                 branchOriginValues[index]   = null;
   1131                 branchTargetValues[index]   = null;
   1132                 generalizedContexts[index]  = false;
   1133                 evaluationCounts[index]     = 0;
   1134                 initializedVariables[index] = NONE;
   1136                 if (variablesBefore[index] != null)
   1137                 {
   1138                     variablesBefore[index].reset(codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
   1139                 }
   1141                 if (stacksBefore[index] != null)
   1142                 {
   1143                     stacksBefore[index].reset(codeAttribute.u2maxStack);
   1144                 }
   1146                 if (variablesAfter[index] != null)
   1147                 {
   1148                     variablesAfter[index].reset(codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
   1149                 }
   1151                 if (stacksAfter[index] != null)
   1152                 {
   1153                     stacksAfter[index].reset(codeAttribute.u2maxStack);
   1154                 }
   1155             }
   1156         }
   1158         // Create the method parameters.
   1159         TracedVariables parameters = new TracedVariables(codeAttribute.u2maxLocals);
   1161         // Remember this instruction's offset with any stored value.
   1162         Value storeValue = new InstructionOffsetValue(AT_METHOD_ENTRY);
   1163         parameters.setProducerValue(storeValue);
   1165         // Initialize the method parameters.
   1166         invocationUnit.enterMethod(clazz, method, parameters);
   1168         if (DEBUG)
   1169         {
   1170             System.out.println("  Params: "+parameters);
   1171         }
   1173         // Initialize the variables with the parameters.
   1174         variables.initialize(parameters);
   1176         // Set the store value of each parameter variable.
   1177         InstructionOffsetValue atMethodEntry = new InstructionOffsetValue(AT_METHOD_ENTRY);
   1179         for (int index = 0; index < parameters.size(); index++)
   1180         {
   1181             variables.setProducerValue(index, atMethodEntry);
   1182         }
   1183     }
   1186     /**
   1187      * Generalize the local variable frames of a block of instructions.
   1188      */
   1189     private void generalizeVariables(int             startOffset,
   1190                                      int             endOffset,
   1191                                      boolean         includeAfterLastInstruction,
   1192                                      TracedVariables generalizedVariables)
   1193     {
   1194         boolean first     = true;
   1195         int     lastIndex = -1;
   1197         // Generalize the variables before each of the instructions in the block.
   1198         for (int index = startOffset; index < endOffset; index++)
   1199         {
   1200             if (isTraced(index))
   1201             {
   1202                 TracedVariables tracedVariables = variablesBefore[index];
   1204                 if (first)
   1205                 {
   1206                     // Initialize the variables with the first traced local
   1207                     // variable frame.
   1208                     generalizedVariables.initialize(tracedVariables);
   1210                     first = false;
   1211                 }
   1212                 else
   1213                 {
   1214                     // Generalize the variables with the traced local variable
   1215                     // frame. We can't use the return value, because local
   1216                     // generalization can be different a couple of times,
   1217                     // with the global generalization being the same.
   1218                     generalizedVariables.generalize(tracedVariables, false);
   1219                 }
   1221                 lastIndex = index;
   1222             }
   1223         }
   1225         // Generalize the variables after the last instruction in the block,
   1226         // if required.
   1227         if (includeAfterLastInstruction &&
   1228             lastIndex >= 0)
   1229         {
   1230             TracedVariables tracedVariables = variablesAfter[lastIndex];
   1232             if (first)
   1233             {
   1234                 // Initialize the variables with the local variable frame.
   1235                 generalizedVariables.initialize(tracedVariables);
   1236             }
   1237             else
   1238             {
   1239                 // Generalize the variables with the local variable frame.
   1240                 generalizedVariables.generalize(tracedVariables, false);
   1241             }
   1242         }
   1244         // Just clear the variables if there aren't any traced instructions
   1245         // in the block.
   1246         if (first)
   1247         {
   1248             generalizedVariables.reset(generalizedVariables.size());
   1249         }
   1250     }
   1253     private static class MyInstructionBlock
   1254     {
   1255         private TracedVariables variables;
   1256         private TracedStack     stack;
   1257         private int             startOffset;
   1260         private MyInstructionBlock(TracedVariables variables,
   1261                                    TracedStack     stack,
   1262                                    int             startOffset)
   1263         {
   1264             this.variables   = variables;
   1265             this.stack       = stack;
   1266             this.startOffset = startOffset;
   1267         }
   1268     }
   1269 }