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      1 /***********************************************************************************
      2   Main.cpp
      4  * Copyright (c) 1997
      5  * Mark of the Unicorn, Inc.
      6  *
      7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
      8  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
      9  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
     10  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
     11  * in supporting documentation.  Mark of the Unicorn makes no
     12  * representations about the suitability of this software for any
     13  * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
     15  * Copyright (c) 1997
     16  * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
     17  *
     18  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
     19  * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
     20  * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
     21  * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
     22  * in supporting documentation.  Moscow Center for SPARC Technology makes
     23 no
     24  * representations about the suitability of this software for any
     25  * purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
     27 ***********************************************************************************/
     28 #include "Prefix.h"
     29 #include "Tests.h"
     31 #if defined (EH_NEW_IOSTREAMS)
     32 # include <iostream>
     33 # else
     34 # include <iostream.h>
     35 #endif
     37 #if defined(macintosh)&&(!defined(__MRC__) && !defined(__SC__)) || defined (_MAC) && defined(__MWERKS__)
     39 # include <console.h>
     40 # include <Types.h>
     41 # include <Strings.h>
     43 # ifdef EH_NEW_HEADERS
     44 #  include <cstdio>
     45 #  include <cstring>
     46 #  include <cassert>
     47 # else
     48 #  include <stdio.h>
     49 #  include <string.h>
     50 #  include <assert.h>
     51 # endif
     53 # if defined (_STL_DEBUG)
     55 #  if defined ( EH_USE_SGI_STL )
     56 // Override assertion behavior
     57 #  include <cstdarg>
     58 //#  include <stldebug.h>
     59 void STLPORT::__stl_debug_message(const char * format_str, ...)
     60 {
     61   std::va_list args;
     62   va_start( args, format_str );
     63   char msg[256];
     64   std::vsnprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)/sizeof(*msg) - 1, format_str, args );
     65   DebugStr( c2pstr(msg) );
     66 }
     67 #  else
     68 /*===================================================================================
     69   __assertion_failed  (override standard library function)
     71   EFFECTS: Breaks into the debugger and shows the assertion. This implementation
     72            is Mac-specific; others could be added for other platforms.
     73 ====================================================================================*/
     74 extern "C"
     75 {
     76   void __assertion_failed(char *condition, char *testfilename, int lineno);
     77   void __assertion_failed(char *condition, char *testfilename, int lineno)
     78   {
     79       char msg[256];
     80       std::strncpy( msg, condition, 255 );
     81       std::strncat( msg, ": ", 255 );
     82       std::strncat(  msg, testfilename, 255 );
     83       std::strncat( msg, ", ", 255 );
     84       char line[20];
     85       std::sprintf( line, "%d", lineno );
     86       std::strncat(  msg, line, 255 );
     87       DebugStr( c2pstr( msg ) );
     88   }
     89 }
     90 #  endif
     92 # endif
     94 #endif
     96 #include "nc_alloc.h"
     98 #if defined (EH_NEW_HEADERS)
     99 # include <vector>
    100 # include <cstring>
    101 # else
    102 # include <vector.h>
    103 # include <string.h>
    104 #endif
    106 #include "TestClass.h"
    107 #include "LeakCheck.h"
    108 #include "test_construct.h"
    109 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
    110 # include <except.h>
    111 #endif
    113 # if defined(EH_USE_NAMESPACES)
    114 namespace  // dwa 1/21/00 - must use unnamed namespace here to avoid conflict under gcc using native streams
    115 {
    116   using namespace std;
    117   // using std::cerr;
    118   // using std::endl;
    119 }
    120 # endif
    123 /*===================================================================================
    124   usage  (file-static helper)
    126   EFFECTS: Prints a message describing the command-line parameters
    127 ====================================================================================*/
    128 static void usage(const char* name)
    129 {
    130     cerr<<"Usage : "<<name<<" [-n <iterations>] [-s <size>] [-l] [-e] [-q]/[-v] [-t] [test_name...]\n";
    131     cerr<<"\t[-n <iterations>] : number of test iterations, default==100;"<<endl;
    132     cerr<<"\t[-s <size>] : base value for random container sizes, default==1000;"<<endl;
    133     cerr<<"\t[-e] : don't throw exceptions, test for leak in normal conditions;"<<endl;
    134 // This option was never actually used -- dwa 9/22/97
    135 //    cerr<<"\t[-i] : ignore leak errors;"<<endl;
    136     cerr<<"\t[-q] : quiet mode;"<<endl;
    137     cerr<<"\t[-v] : verbose mode;"<<endl;
    138     cerr<<"\t[-t] : track each allocation;"<<endl;
    139     cerr<<"\t[test name [test name...]] : run only some of the tests by name (default==all tests):"<<endl;
    140     cerr<<"\t\tpossible test names are : algo vector bit_vector list slist deque set map hash_set hash_map rope string bitset valarray"<<endl;
    141     EH_CSTD::exit(1);
    142 }
    144 #ifdef EH_NEW_HEADERS
    145 #  include <set>
    146 #else
    147 #  include <set.h>
    148 #endif
    150 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    151 #include <fstream>
    152 #endif
    154 int _STLP_CALL main(int argc, char** argv)
    155 {
    156 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    157   std::ofstream file( "\\eh_test.txt" );
    158   std::streambuf* old_cout_buf = cout.rdbuf(file.rdbuf());
    159   std::streambuf* old_cerr_buf = cerr.rdbuf(file.rdbuf());
    160 #endif
    161 #if defined( __MWERKS__ ) && defined( macintosh )  // Get command line.
    162   argc = ccommand(&argv);
    163   // Allow the i/o window to be repositioned.
    164 //  EH_STD::string s;
    165 //  getline(EH_STD::cin, s);
    166 #endif
    167     unsigned int niters=2;
    168     bool run_all=true;
    169     bool run_slist = false;
    170     bool run_list = false;
    171     bool run_vector = false;
    172     bool run_bit_vector = false;
    173     bool run_deque = false;
    174     bool run_hash_map = false;
    175     bool run_hash_set = false;
    176     bool run_set = false;
    177     bool run_map = false;
    178     bool run_algo = false;
    179     bool run_algobase = false;
    180     bool run_rope = false;
    181     bool run_string = false;
    182     bool run_bitset = false;
    183     bool run_valarray = false;
    185     int cur_argv;
    186     char *p, *p1;
    187 #if defined (EH_NEW_IOSTREAMS)
    188     std::ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);
    189 #endif
    191     cerr << argv[0]<<" : Exception handling testsuite.\n";
    192     cerr.flush();
    194   bool track_allocations = false;
    195     // parse parameters :
    196     // leak_test [-iterations] [-test] ...
    197     for (cur_argv=1; cur_argv<argc; cur_argv++) {
    198         p = argv[cur_argv];
    199         if (*p == '-') {
    200             switch (p[1]) {
    201             case 'q':
    202                 gTestController.SetVerbose(false);
    203                 break;
    204             case 'v':
    205                 gTestController.SetVerbose(true);
    206                 break;
    207 #if 0  // This option was never actually used -- dwa 9/22/97
    208             case 'i':
    209                 gTestController.IgnoreLeaks(true);
    210                 break;
    211 #endif
    212             case 'n':
    213                 p1 = argv[++cur_argv];
    214                 if (p1 && EH_CSTD::sscanf(p1, "%i", &niters)==1)
    215                     cerr <<" Doing "<<niters<<" iterations\n";
    216                 else
    217                     usage(argv[0]);
    218                 break;
    219             case 't':
    220               track_allocations = true;
    221               break;
    222             case 'e':
    223                 gTestController.TurnOffExceptions();
    224                 break;
    225             case 's':
    226                 p1 = argv[++cur_argv];
    227                 if (p1 && EH_CSTD::sscanf(p1, "%i", &random_base)==1)
    228                     cerr <<" Setting  "<<random_base<<" as base for random sizes.\n";
    229                 else
    230                     usage(argv[0]);
    231                 break;
    232             default:
    233                 usage(argv[0]);
    234                 break;
    235             }
    236         } else {
    237             run_all = false;
    238             // test name
    239             if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "algo")==0) {
    240                 run_algo=true;
    241             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "vector")==0) {
    242                 run_vector=true;
    243             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "bit_vector")==0) {
    244                 run_bit_vector=true;
    245             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "list")==0) {
    246                 run_list=true;
    247             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "slist")==0) {
    248                 run_slist=true;
    249             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "deque")==0) {
    250                 run_deque=true;
    251             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "set")==0) {
    252                 run_set=true;
    253             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "map")==0) {
    254                 run_map=true;
    255             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "hash_set")==0) {
    256                 run_hash_set=true;
    257             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "hash_map")==0) {
    258                 run_hash_map=true;
    259             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "rope")==0) {
    260                 run_rope=true;
    261             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "string")==0) {
    262                 run_string=true;
    263             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "bitset")==0) {
    264                 run_bitset=true;
    265             } else if (EH_CSTD::strcmp(p, "valarray")==0) {
    266                 run_valarray=true;
    267             } else {
    268                 usage(argv[0]);
    269             }
    271         }
    272     }
    274   gTestController.TrackAllocations( track_allocations );
    276     // Over and over...
    277     for ( unsigned i = 0; i < niters ; i++ )
    278     {
    279      cerr << "iteration #" << i << "\n";
    280         if (run_all || run_algobase) {
    281             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("algobase");
    282             cerr << "EH test : algobase" << endl;
    283             test_algobase();
    284         }
    285         if (run_all || run_algo) {
    286             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("algo");
    287             cerr << "EH test : algo" << endl;
    288             test_algo();
    289         }
    291         if (run_all || run_vector) {
    292             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("vector");
    293             cerr << "EH test : vector" << endl;
    294             test_vector();
    295         }
    297 #if defined( EH_BIT_VECTOR_IMPLEMENTED )
    298         if (run_all || run_bit_vector) {
    299             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("bit_vector");
    300            cerr << "EH test : bit_vector" << endl;
    301             test_bit_vector();
    302         }
    303 #endif
    305         if (run_all || run_list) {
    306             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("list");
    307             cerr << "EH test : list" << endl;
    308             test_list();
    309         }
    311 #if defined( EH_SLIST_IMPLEMENTED )
    312         if (run_all || run_slist) {
    313             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("slist");
    314             cerr << "EH test : slist" << endl;
    315             test_slist();
    316         }
    317 #endif // EH_SLIST_IMPLEMENTED
    319         if (run_all || run_deque) {
    320             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("deque");
    321             cerr << "EH test : deque" << endl;
    322             test_deque();
    323         }
    324         if (run_all || run_set) {
    325             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("set");
    326             cerr << "EH test : set" << endl;
    327             test_set();
    328             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("multiset");
    329             cerr << "EH test : multiset" << endl;
    330             test_multiset();
    331         }
    333         if (run_all || run_map) {
    334             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("map");
    335             cerr << "EH test : map" << endl;
    336             test_map();
    337             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("multimap");
    338             cerr << "EH test : multimap" << endl;
    339             test_multimap();
    340         }
    343         if (run_all || run_hash_map) {
    344             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("hash_map");
    345             cerr << "EH test : hash_map" << endl;
    346             test_hash_map();
    347             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("hash_multimap");
    348             cerr << "EH test : hash_multimap" << endl;
    349             test_hash_multimap();
    350         }
    352         if (run_all || run_hash_set) {
    353             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("hash_set");
    354             cerr << "EH test : hash_set" << endl;
    355             test_hash_set();
    356             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("hash_multiset");
    357             cerr << "EH test : hash_multiset" << endl;
    358             test_hash_multiset();
    359         }
    362 #if defined( EH_ROPE_IMPLEMENTED )
    363   // CW1.8 can't compile this for some reason!
    364 #if !( defined(__MWERKS__) && __MWERKS__ < 0x1900 )
    365         if (run_all || run_rope) {
    366             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("rope");
    367             cerr << "EH test : rope" << endl;
    368             test_rope();
    369         }
    370 #endif
    371 #endif // EH_ROPE_IMPLEMENTED
    372 #if defined( EH_STRING_IMPLEMENTED )
    373         if (run_all || run_string) {
    374             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("string");
    375             cerr << "EH test : string" << endl;
    376             test_string();
    377         }
    378 #endif
    379 #if defined( EH_BITSET_IMPLEMENTED )
    380         if (run_all || run_bitset) {
    381             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("bitset");
    382             cerr << "EH test : bitset" << endl;
    383             test_bitset();
    384         }
    385 #endif
    386 #if defined( EH_VALARRAY_IMPLEMENTED )
    387         if (run_all || run_bitset) {
    388             gTestController.SetCurrentContainer("valarray");
    389             cerr << "EH test : valarray" << endl;
    390             test_valarray();
    391         }
    392 #endif
    393     }
    395   gTestController.TrackAllocations( false );
    397   cerr << "EH test : Done\n";
    399 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
    400   cout.rdbuf(old_cout_buf);
    401   cerr.rdbuf(old_cerr_buf);
    402   file.close();
    403 #endif
    405   return 0;
    406 }