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      1 page.title=Using the Contacts API
      2 @jd:body
      4 <p>Starting from Android 2.0 (API Level 5), the Android platform provides an
      5 improved Contacts API for managing and integrating contacts from multiple
      6 accounts and from other data sources. To handle overlapping data from multiple
      7 sources, the contacts content provider aggregates similar contacts and presents
      8 them to users as a single entity. This article describes how to use the new API
      9 to manage contacts.</p>
     11 <p>The new Contacts API is defined in the 
     12 {@link android.provider.ContactsContract android.provider.ContactsContract} 
     13 and related classes. The older API is still supported, although deprecated. 
     14 If you have an existing application that uses the older API, 
     15 see <a href="#legacy">Considerations for legacy apps</a>, below, for ideas 
     16 on how to support the Contacts API in your app.</p>
     18 <p>If you'd like to look at an applied example of how to use the new Contacts 
     19 API, including how to support both the new and older API in a single app,
     20 please see the <a 
     21 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/BusinessCard/index.html">Business Card 
     22 sample application</a>.</p>
     24 <h3>Data structure of Contacts</h3>
     26 <p>In the new Contacts API, data is laid out in three primary tables: 
     27 <em>contacts</em>, <em>raw contacts</em>, and <em>data</em>, a structure that 
     28 is slightly different from that used in the older API. The new structure 
     29 allows the system to more easily store and manage information for a 
     30 specific contact from multiple contacts sources. </p>
     32 <img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; width: 471px; height: 255px;" src="images/contacts-2.png" alt="" border="0">
     34 <ul>
     35 <li><code>Data</code> is a generic table that stores all of the data points
     36 associated with a raw contact. Each row stores data of a specific kind &mdash;
     37 for example  name, photo, email addresses, phone numbers, and group memberships.
     38 Each row is tagged with a MIME type to identify what type of data it can
     39 contain, across the entire column. Columns are generic and the type of data they
     40 contain is determined by the kind of data stored in each row. For example, if a
     41 row's data kind is <code>Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE</code>, then the first column
     42 stores the phone number, but if the data kind is
     43 <code>Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE</code>, then the column stores the email address. 
     45 <p>The {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds} 
     46 class provides subclasses corresponding to common MIME types for contacts data. 
     47 If needed, your application or other contacts sources can define additional MIME 
     48 types for data rows. For more information about the Data table and examples of 
     49 how to use it, see {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.Data android.provider.ContactsContract.Data}.</p></li>
     51 <li>A row in the <code>RawContacts</code> table represents the set of
     52 <code>Data</code> and other information describing a person and associated with
     53 a single contacts source. For example, a row might define the data associated
     54 with a person's Google or Exchange account or Facebook friend. For more
     55 information, see 
     56 {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts ContactsContract.RawContacts}.</p>
     58 <li>A row in the <code>Contacts</code> table represents an aggregate of one or
     59 more <code>RawContacts</code> describing the same person (or entity). 
     61 <p>As mentioned above, the Contacts content provider automatically aggregates
     62 Raw Contacts into a single Contact entry, where possible, since common data
     63 fields (such as name or email address) are likely to be stored in each raw
     64 contact. Since the aggregation logic maintains the entries in the Contact rows,
     65 the entries can be read but should not be modified.  See the section <a
     66 href="#aggregation">Aggregation of contacts</a>, below, for more details, 
     67 including and information on how to
     68 control aggregation.</li>
     70 </ul>
     72 <p>When displaying contacts to users, applications should typically operate on
     73 the Contacts level, since it provides a unified, aggregated view of contacts
     74 from various underlying sources. </p>
     76 <h4>Example: Inserting a Phone Number</h4>
     78 <p>To insert a phone number using the new APIs you'll need the ID of the Raw
     79 Contact to attach the phone number to, then you'll need to create a Data
     80 row:</p>
     82 <pre>import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
     83 ...
     84 ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
     85 values.put(Phone.RAW_CONTACT_ID, rawContactId);
     86 values.put(Phone.NUMBER, phoneNumber);
     87 values.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_MOBILE);
     88 Uri uri = getContentResolver().insert(Phone.CONTENT_URI, values);</pre>
     91 <h3 id="aggregation">Aggregation of contacts</h3>
     93 <p>When users sync contacts from multiple sources, several contacts might refer
     94 to the same person or entity, but with slightly different (or overlapping) data.
     95  For example, "Bob Parr" might be a user's co-worker and also his personal
     96 friend, so the user might have his contact information stored in both a
     97 corporate email account and a personal account. To provide a simplified view for
     98 the user, the system locates such overlapping contacts and combines them into a
     99 single, aggregate contact.  </p>
    101 <p>The system automatically aggregates contacts by default. However, if needed,
    102 your application can control how the system handles aggregation or it can
    103 disable aggregation altogether, as described in the sections below.</p>
    105 <h4>Automatic aggregation</h4>
    107 <p>When a raw contact is added or modified, the system looks for matching
    108 (overlapping) raw contacts with which to aggregate it. It may not find any
    109 matching raw contacts, in which case it will create an aggregate contact that
    110 contains just the original raw contact. If it finds a single match,it creates a
    111 new contact that contains the two raw contacts. And it may even find multiple
    112 similar raw contacts, in which case it chooses the closest match. </p>
    114 <p>Two raw contacts are considered to be a match if at least one of these
    115 conditions is met:</p>
    117 <ul>
    118 <li>They have matching names.</li>
    119 <li>Their names consist of the same words but in different order 
    120 (for example, "Bob Parr" and "Parr, Bob")</li>
    121 <li>One of them has a common short name for the other (for example, 
    122 "Bob Parr" and "Robert Parr")</li>
    123 <li>One of them has just a first or last name and it matches the other 
    124 raw contact. This rule is less reliable, so it only applies if the two 
    125 raw contacts are also sharing some other data like a phone number, an 
    126 email address or a nickname (for example, Helen ["elastigirl"] = Helen 
    127 Parr ["elastigirl"])</li>
    128 <li>At least one of the two raw contacts is missing the name altogether 
    129 and they are sharing a phone number, an email address or a nickname (for 
    130 example, Bob Parr [incredible (a] android.com] = incredible (a] android.com).</li>
    131 </ul>
    133 <p>When comparing names, the system ignores upper/lower case differences 
    134 (Bob=BOB=bob) and diacritical marks (Hlne=Helene). When comparing two 
    135 phone numbers the system ignores special characters such as "*", "#", 
    136 "(", ")", and whitespace. Also if the only difference between two numbers 
    137 is that one has a country code and the other does not, then the system 
    138 considers those to be a match (except for numbers in the Japan country code).</p>
    140 <p>Automatic aggregation is not permanent; any change of a constituent raw 
    141 contact may create a new aggregate or break up an existing one.</p>
    143 <h4>Explicit aggregation</h4>
    145 <p>In some cases, the system's automatic aggregation may not meet the
    146 requirements of your application or sync adapter. There are two sets of APIs you
    147 can use to control aggregation explicitly: <em>aggregation modes</em> allow you
    148 to control automatic aggregation behaviors and <em>aggregation exceptions</em>
    149 allow you to override automated aggregation entirely.
    151 <p><strong>Aggregation modes</strong></p>
    153 <p>You can set an aggregation mode for each raw contact individually. To do so,
    154 add a mode constant as the value of the <code>AGGREGATION_MODE column</code> in
    155 the <code>RawContact</code> row. The mode constants available include: </p>
    157 <ul>
    158 <li><code>AGGREGATION_MODE_DEFAULT</code> &mdash; normal mode, automatic
    159 aggregation is allowed.</li>
    160 <li><code>AGGREGATION_MODE_DISABLED</code> &mdash; automatic aggregation is not
    161 allowed. The raw contact will not be aggregated.</li>
    162 <li><code>AGGREGATION_MODE_SUSPENDED</code> &mdash; automatic aggregation is
    163 deactivated. If the raw contact is already a part of an aggregated contact when
    164 aggregation mode changes to suspended, it will remain in the aggregate, even if
    165 it changes in such a way that it no longer matches the other raw contacts in the
    166 aggregate.</li>
    167 </ul>
    169 <p><strong>Aggregation exceptions</strong></p>
    171 <p>To keep two raw contacts unconditionally together or unconditionally apart,
    172 you can add a row to the 
    173 {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.AggregationExceptions} table. Exceptions
    174 defined in the table override all automatic aggregation rules. </p>
    177 <h3>Loookup URI</h3>
    179 <p>The new Contacts API introduces the notion of a lookup key for a contact. If
    180 your application needs to maintain references to contacts, you should use lookup
    181 keys instead of the traditional row ids. You can acquire a lookup key from the
    182 contact itself, it is a column on the 
    183 {@link android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts} table. Once you have a lookup key,
    184 you can construct a URI in this way:</p>
    186 <pre>Uri lookupUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI, lookupKey)</pre>
    188 <p>and use it like you would use a traditional content URI, for example: </p>
    190 <pre>Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(lookupUri, new String[]{Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME}, ...);
    191 try {
    192     c.moveToFirst();
    193     String displayName = c.getString(0);
    194 } finally {
    195     c.close();
    196 }</pre>
    198 <p>The reason for this complication is that regular contact row IDs are
    199 inherently volatile. Let's say your app stored a long ID of a contact. Then the
    200 user goes and manually joins the contact with some other contact. Now there is a
    201 single contact where there used to be two, and the stored long contact ID points
    202 nowhere. 
    204 <p>The lookup key helps resolve the contact in this case. The key is a string
    205 that concatenates the server-side identities of the raw contacts. Your
    206 application can use that string to find a contact, regardless whether the raw
    207 contact is aggregated with others or not. </p>
    209 <p>If performance is a concern for your application, you might want to store
    210 both the lookup and the long ID of a contact and construct a lookup URI out of
    211 both IDs, as shown here:</p>
    213 <pre>Uri lookupUri = getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey)</pre>
    215 <p>When both IDs are present in the URI, the system will try to use the long ID
    216 first. That is a very quick query. If the contact is not found, or if the one
    217 that is found has the wrong lookup key, the content provider will parse the
    218 lookup key and track down the constituent raw contacts. If your app
    219 bulk-processes contacts, you should maintain both IDs. If your app works with a
    220 single contact per user action, you probably don't need to bother with storing
    221 the long ID.</p>
    223 Android itself uses lookup URIs whenever there is a need to reference a contact,
    224 such as with shortcuts or Quick Contact, and also during editing or even viewing
    225 a contact. The latter case is less obvious &mdash; why would a contact ID change
    226 while we are simply viewing the contact? It could change because there might be
    227 a sync going in the background, and the contact might get automatically
    228 aggregated with another while being viewed.</p>
    230 <p>In summary: whenever you need to reference a contact, we recommend that you
    231 do so by its lookup URI.</p>
    234 <h3 id="legacy">Considerations for legacy applications</h3>
    236 <p>If you have an existing application that uses the older Contacts API, 
    237 you should consider upgrading it to use the new API. You have four options: </p>
    239 <ul>
    240 <li>Leave it as-is and rely on the Contacts compatibility mode.</li>
    241 <li>Upgrade the app and discontinue support of pre-Android 2.0 platforms.</li>
    242 <li>Build a new version of the app for the new API, while keeping the old version available.</li>
    243 <li>Make the app use the right set of APIs depending on the platform where it is deployed. </li>
    244 </ul>
    246 <p>Let's consider these options one by one.</p>
    248 <h4>Using compatibility mode</h4>
    250 <p>Compatibility mode is the easiest option because you just leave the
    251 application as is, and it should run on Android 2.0 as long as it only uses
    252 public APIs. A couple examples of the use of non-public API include the use of
    253 explicit table names in nested queries and the use of columns that were not
    254 declared as public constants in the {@link android.provider.Contacts} class.
    255 </p>
    257 <p>Even if the application currently runs, you don't want to leave it like this
    258 for long. The main reason is that it will only have access to contacts from one
    259 account, namely the first Google account on the device. If the user opens other
    260 accounts in addition to or instead of a Google account, your application will
    261 not be able to access those contacts.</p>
    264 <h4>Upgrading to the new API and dropping support for older platforms</h4>
    266 <p>If your application will no longer target platforms older than 
    267 Android 2.0, you can upgrade to the new API in this way:</p>
    269 <ul>
    270 <li>Replace all usages of {@link android.provider.Contacts} with calls to new
    271 API. After you are done, you should not see any deprecation warnings during
    272 application build. The new application will be able to take full advantage of
    273 multiple accounts and other new features of Android 2.0. </p>
    275 <li>In the application's manifest, update (or add) the
    276 <code>android:minSdkVersion</code> attribute to the
    277 <code>&lt;uses-sdk&gt;</code> element. To use the new Contacts API, you should
    278 set the value of the attribute to "5" (or higher, as appropriate). For more
    279 information about <code>android:minSdkVersion</code>, see the documentation for
    280 the <a
    281 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html"><code>&lt;uses-sdk&gt;</code></a>
    282 element. For more information about the value of the
    283 <code>minSdkVersion</code>, see <a
    284 href="{@docRoot}guide/appendix/api-levels.html">API Levels</a>.</li>
    285 </ul>
    287 <h4>Maintaining two applications</h4>
    289 <p>You may decide to have two different applications: one for pre-Android 2.0 
    290 platforms and one for Android 2.0 and beyond. If so, here's what you'll need to do:</p>
    292 <ul>
    293   <li>Clone your existing app. </li>
    294   <li>Change the old application: </li>
    295     <ul>
    296       <li>At launch time, check the version of the SDK. The version of the SDK 
    297 is available as {@link android.os.Build.VERSION#SDK android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK}.</li>
    298       <li>If the SDK version is greater or equal to 5 (Android 2.0), show a dialog 
    299 suggesting to the user that it's time to go to Market and find a new version of 
    300 the app. You can even provide a link to the new app on Market (see <a 
    301 href="{@docRoot}guide/publishing/publishing.html#marketintent">Using Intents 
    302 to Launch Market</a>). </li>
    303     </ul>
    304   <li>Change the new application:</li>
    305     <ul>
    306       <li>Replace all usages of the older Contacts API with calls to new API. 
    307 The new application will be able to take full advantage of multiple accounts 
    308 and other new features of Android 2.0. </li>
    309       <li>Modify that application's AndroidManifest.xml file: </li>
    310         <ul>
    311           <li>Give the application a new name and a new package name. Currently 
    312 Android Market does not allow you to have two applications with the same 
    313 name/package.</li>
    314           <li>Update (or add) the <code>android:minSdkVersion</code> attribute 
    315 to the <code>&lt;uses-sdk&gt;</code> element. To use the new Contacts API, 
    316 you should set the value of the attribute to "5" (or higher, as appropriate).</li>
    317         </ul>
    318       </ul>
    319     <li>Publish both apps on Market, the old app one as an upgrade and the 
    320 other as new. Make sure to explain the difference between the apps in their 
    321 descriptions.</li>
    322 </ul>
    324 <p>This plan has its disadvantages: </p>
    326 <ul>
    327 <li>The new application will not be able to read the old application's data. 
    328 Application data can only be accessed by code living in the same package. So 
    329 databases, shared preferences, and so on, will need to be populated from 
    330 scratch.</li>
    331 <li>The upgrade process is too clunky for the user. Some users may choose 
    332 to either stay with the crippled old version or uninstall altogether.</li>
    333 </ul>
    335 <h4>Supporting the old and new APIs in the same application</h4>
    337 <p>This is a bit tricky, but the result is worth the effort. You can 
    338 build a single package that will work on any platform:</p>
    340 <p>Go through the existing application and factor out all access to 
    341 {@link android.provider.Contacts} into one class, such as ContactAccessorOldApi. 
    342 For example, if you have code like this:
    344 <pre>    protected void pickContact() {
    345         startActivityForResult(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI), 0);
    346     }</pre>
    348 <p>it will change to:</p>
    351 <pre>    private final ContactAccessorOldApi mContactAccessor = new ContactAccessorOldApi();
    353     void pickContact() {
    354         startActivityForResult(mContactAccessor.getContactPickerIntent(), 0);
    355     }</pre>
    357 <p>The corresponding method on ContactAccessorOldApi will look like this:</p>
    359 <pre>    public Intent getContactPickerIntent() {
    360         return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI);
    361     }</pre>
    363 <p>Once you are done, you should see deprecation warnings coming only 
    364 from ContactAccessorOldApi. </p>
    366 <p>Create a new abstract class ContactAccessor, make sure the abstract 
    367 class has all method signatures from ContactAccessorOldApi. Make 
    368 ContactAccessorOldApi extend ContactAccessor:</p>
    370 <pre>    public abstract class ContactAccessor {
    371         public abstract Intent getContactPickerIntent();
    372         ...
    373     }</pre>
    375 <p>Create a new subclass of ContactAccessor, ContactAccessorNewApi and 
    376 implement all methods using the new API:</p>
    378 <pre>    public class ContactAccessorNewApi extends ContactAccessor {    
    379         &#64;Override
    380         public Intent getContactPickerIntent() {
    381             return new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, Contacts.CONTENT_URI);
    382         }
    383         ...
    384     }</pre>
    386 <p>At this point, you have two implementations of the same API, one using the 
    387 old API and another using the new API. Let's plug them in. Add this code to 
    388 the ContactAccessor class:</p>
    390 <pre>    private static ContactAccessor sInstance;
    392     public static ContactAccessor getInstance() {
    393         if (sInstance == null) {
    394             String className;
    395             int sdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK);
    396             if (sdkVersion &lt; Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR) {
    397                 className = "ContactAccessorOldApi";
    398             } else {
    399                 className = "ContactAccessorNewApi";
    400             }
    401             try {
    402                 Class&lt;? extends ContactAccessor&gt; clazz =
    403                         Class.forName(ContactAccessor.class.getPackage() + "." + className)
    404                                 .asSubclass(ContactAccessor.class);
    405                 sInstance = clazz.newInstance();
    406             } catch (Exception e) {
    407                 throw new IllegalStateException(e);
    408             }
    409         }
    410         return sInstance;
    411     }</pre>
    413 <p>Now replace references to ContactsAccessorOldApi with references to 
    414 ContactsAccessor:</p>
    416 <pre>    private final ContactAccessor mContactAccessor = ContactAccessor.getInstance();</pre>
    418 <p>You are done! Now you will want to test on Android 2.0, 1.6 and 1.5.</p>
    420 <p>We hope you like the new features and APIs we've added to Contacts in 
    421 Android 2.0, and we can't wait to see what cool things developers do with 
    422 the new APIs.</p>