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      1 // This file is part of the ustl library, an STL implementation.
      2 //
      3 // Copyright (C) 2005 by Mike Sharov <msharov (at) users.sourceforge.net>
      4 // This file is free software, distributed under the MIT License.
      5 //
      6 // memblock.h
      7 //
      9 #ifndef MEMBLOCK_H_7ED63A891164CC43578E63664D52A196
     10 #define MEMBLOCK_H_7ED63A891164CC43578E63664D52A196
     12 #include "memlink.h"
     14 namespace ustl {
     16 /// \class memblock memblock.h ustl.h
     17 /// \ingroup MemoryManagement
     18 ///
     19 /// \brief Allocated memory block.
     20 ///
     21 /// Adds memory management capabilities to memlink. Uses malloc and realloc to
     22 /// maintain the internal pointer, but only if allocated using members of this class,
     23 /// or if linked to using the Manage() member function. Managed memory is automatically
     24 /// freed in the destructor.
     25 ///
     26 class memblock : public memlink {
     27 public:
     28     static const size_type	c_PageSize = 64;	///< The default minimum allocation unit.
     29 public:
     30 				memblock (void);
     31 				memblock (const void* p, size_type n);
     32     explicit			memblock (size_type n);
     33     explicit			memblock (const cmemlink& b);
     34     explicit			memblock (const memlink& b);
     35 				memblock (const memblock& b);
     36     virtual		       ~memblock (void);
     37     virtual void		unlink (void);
     38     inline void			assign (const cmemlink& l)	{ assign (l.cdata(), l.readable_size()); }
     39     inline const memblock&	operator= (const cmemlink& l)	{ assign (l); return (*this); }
     40     inline const memblock&	operator= (const memlink& l)	{ assign (l); return (*this); }
     41     inline const memblock&	operator= (const memblock& l)	{ assign (l); return (*this); }
     42     void			assign (const void* p, size_type n);
     43     void			swap (memblock& l);
     44     void			reserve (size_type newSize, bool bExact = true);
     45     void			resize (size_type newSize, bool bExact = true);
     46     iterator			insert (iterator start, size_type size);
     47     iterator			erase (iterator start, size_type size);
     48     inline void			clear (void)			{ resize (0); }
     49     inline bool			is_linked (void) const		{ return (!m_Capacity && cdata()); }
     50     inline size_type		max_size (void) const		{ return (is_linked() ? memlink::max_size() : SIZE_MAX); }
     51     inline size_type		capacity (void) const		{ return (m_Capacity); }
     52     inline void			manage (memlink& l)		{ manage (l.begin(), l.size()); }
     53     void			deallocate (void) throw();
     54     void			manage (void* p, size_type n);
     55     void			copy_link (void);
     56     void			read (istream& is);
     57     void			read_file (const char* filename);
     58 protected:
     59     inline virtual size_type	minimumFreeCapacity (void) const { return (0); }
     60 private:
     61     size_type			m_Capacity;	///< Number of bytes allocated by Resize.
     62 };
     64 /// Reads object \p l from stream \p is
     65 inline istream& operator>> (istream& is, memblock& l)
     66 {
     67     l.read (is);
     68     return (is);
     69 }
     71 } // namespace ustl
     73 #endif