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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.quicksearchbox;
     19 import com.android.quicksearchbox.util.SQLiteTransaction;
     20 import com.android.quicksearchbox.util.Util;
     21 import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
     23 import android.app.SearchManager;
     24 import android.content.ContentResolver;
     25 import android.content.ContentValues;
     26 import android.content.Context;
     27 import android.database.Cursor;
     28 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
     29 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
     30 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
     31 import android.net.Uri;
     32 import android.os.Handler;
     33 import android.text.TextUtils;
     34 import android.util.Log;
     36 import java.io.File;
     37 import java.util.HashMap;
     38 import java.util.List;
     39 import java.util.Map;
     40 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
     42 /**
     43  * A shortcut repository implementation that uses a log of every click.
     44  *
     45  * To inspect DB:
     46  * # sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.quicksearchbox/databases/qsb-log.db
     47  *
     48  * TODO: Refactor this class.
     49  */
     50 public class ShortcutRepositoryImplLog implements ShortcutRepository {
     52     private static final boolean DBG = false;
     53     private static final String TAG = "QSB.ShortcutRepositoryImplLog";
     55     private static final String DB_NAME = "qsb-log.db";
     56     private static final int DB_VERSION = 30;
     58     private static final String HAS_HISTORY_QUERY =
     59         "SELECT " + Shortcuts.intent_key.fullName + " FROM " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME;
     60     private final String mEmptyQueryShortcutQuery ;
     61     private final String mShortcutQuery;
     63     private static final String SHORTCUT_BY_ID_WHERE =
     64             Shortcuts.shortcut_id.name() + "=? AND " + Shortcuts.source.name() + "=?";
     66     private static final String SOURCE_RANKING_SQL = buildSourceRankingSql();
     68     private final Context mContext;
     69     private final Config mConfig;
     70     private final Corpora mCorpora;
     71     private final ShortcutRefresher mRefresher;
     72     private final Handler mUiThread;
     73     // Used to perform log write operations asynchronously
     74     private final Executor mLogExecutor;
     75     private final DbOpenHelper mOpenHelper;
     76     private final String mSearchSpinner;
     78     /**
     79      * Create an instance to the repo.
     80      */
     81     public static ShortcutRepository create(Context context, Config config,
     82             Corpora sources, ShortcutRefresher refresher, Handler uiThread,
     83             Executor logExecutor) {
     84         return new ShortcutRepositoryImplLog(context, config, sources, refresher,
     85                 uiThread, logExecutor, DB_NAME);
     86     }
     88     /**
     89      * @param context Used to create / open db
     90      * @param name The name of the database to create.
     91      */
     92     @VisibleForTesting
     93     ShortcutRepositoryImplLog(Context context, Config config, Corpora corpora,
     94             ShortcutRefresher refresher, Handler uiThread, Executor logExecutor, String name) {
     95         mContext = context;
     96         mConfig = config;
     97         mCorpora = corpora;
     98         mRefresher = refresher;
     99         mUiThread = uiThread;
    100         mLogExecutor = logExecutor;
    101         mOpenHelper = new DbOpenHelper(context, name, DB_VERSION, config);
    102         mEmptyQueryShortcutQuery = buildShortcutQuery(true);
    103         mShortcutQuery = buildShortcutQuery(false);
    104         mSearchSpinner = Util.getResourceUri(mContext, R.drawable.search_spinner).toString();
    105     }
    107     private String buildShortcutQuery(boolean emptyQuery) {
    108         // clicklog first, since that's where restrict the result set
    109         String tables = ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " INNER JOIN " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME
    110                 + " ON " + ClickLog.intent_key.fullName + " = " + Shortcuts.intent_key.fullName;
    111         String[] columns = {
    112             Shortcuts.intent_key.fullName,
    113             Shortcuts.source.fullName,
    114             Shortcuts.source_version_code.fullName,
    115             Shortcuts.format.fullName + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_FORMAT,
    116             Shortcuts.title + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1,
    117             Shortcuts.description + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2,
    118             Shortcuts.description_url + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2_URL,
    119             Shortcuts.icon1 + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_1,
    120             Shortcuts.icon2 + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_2,
    121             Shortcuts.intent_action + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_ACTION,
    122             Shortcuts.intent_data + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA,
    123             Shortcuts.intent_query + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY,
    124             Shortcuts.intent_extradata + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_EXTRA_DATA,
    125             Shortcuts.shortcut_id + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_SHORTCUT_ID,
    126             Shortcuts.spinner_while_refreshing + " AS " + SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_SPINNER_WHILE_REFRESHING,
    127             Shortcuts.log_type + " AS " + CursorBackedSuggestionCursor.SUGGEST_COLUMN_LOG_TYPE,
    128         };
    129         // SQL expression for the time before which no clicks should be counted.
    130         String cutOffTime_expr = "(" + "?3" + " - " + mConfig.getMaxStatAgeMillis() + ")";
    131         // Avoid GLOB by using >= AND <, with some manipulation (see nextString(String)).
    132         // to figure out the upper bound (e.g. >= "abc" AND < "abd"
    133         // This allows us to use parameter binding and still take advantage of the
    134         // index on the query column.
    135         String prefixRestriction =
    136                 ClickLog.query.fullName + " >= ?1 AND " + ClickLog.query.fullName + " < ?2";
    137         // Filter out clicks that are too old
    138         String ageRestriction = ClickLog.hit_time.fullName + " >= " + cutOffTime_expr;
    139         String where = (emptyQuery ? "" : prefixRestriction + " AND ") + ageRestriction;
    140         String groupBy = ClickLog.intent_key.fullName;
    141         String having = null;
    142         String hit_count_expr = "COUNT(" + ClickLog._id.fullName + ")";
    143         String last_hit_time_expr = "MAX(" + ClickLog.hit_time.fullName + ")";
    144         String scale_expr =
    145             // time (msec) from cut-off to last hit time
    146             "((" + last_hit_time_expr + " - " + cutOffTime_expr + ") / "
    147             // divided by time (sec) from cut-off to now
    148             // we use msec/sec to get 1000 as max score
    149             + (mConfig.getMaxStatAgeMillis() / 1000) + ")";
    150         String ordering_expr = "(" + hit_count_expr + " * " + scale_expr + ")";
    151         String preferLatest = "(" + last_hit_time_expr + " = (SELECT " + last_hit_time_expr +
    152                 " FROM " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + where + "))";
    153         String orderBy = preferLatest + " DESC, " + ordering_expr + " DESC";
    154         return SQLiteQueryBuilder.buildQueryString(
    155                 false, tables, columns, where, groupBy, having, orderBy, null);
    156     }
    158     /**
    159      * @return sql that ranks sources by total clicks, filtering out sources
    160      *         without enough clicks.
    161      */
    162     private static String buildSourceRankingSql() {
    163         final String orderingExpr = SourceStats.total_clicks.name();
    164         final String tables = SourceStats.TABLE_NAME;
    165         final String[] columns = SourceStats.COLUMNS;
    166         final String where = SourceStats.total_clicks + " >= $1";
    167         final String groupBy = null;
    168         final String having = null;
    169         final String orderBy = orderingExpr + " DESC";
    170         final String limit = null;
    171         return SQLiteQueryBuilder.buildQueryString(
    172                 false, tables, columns, where, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit);
    173     }
    175     protected DbOpenHelper getOpenHelper() {
    176         return mOpenHelper;
    177     }
    179     private void runTransactionAsync(final SQLiteTransaction transaction) {
    180         mLogExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
    181             public void run() {
    182                 transaction.run(mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase());
    183             }
    184         });
    185     }
    187 // --------------------- Interface ShortcutRepository ---------------------
    189     public boolean hasHistory() {
    190         SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
    191         Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(HAS_HISTORY_QUERY, null);
    192         try {
    193             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "hasHistory(): cursor=" + cursor);
    194             return cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0;
    195         } finally {
    196             if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
    197         }
    198     }
    200     public void clearHistory() {
    201         runTransactionAsync(new SQLiteTransaction() {
    202             @Override
    203             public boolean performTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    204                 db.delete(ClickLog.TABLE_NAME, null, null);
    205                 db.delete(Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME, null, null);
    206                 db.delete(SourceStats.TABLE_NAME, null, null);
    207                 return true;
    208             }
    209         });
    210     }
    212     @VisibleForTesting
    213     public void deleteRepository() {
    214         getOpenHelper().deleteDatabase();
    215     }
    217     public void close() {
    218         getOpenHelper().close();
    219     }
    221     public void reportClick(final SuggestionCursor suggestions, final int position) {
    222         final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    223         reportClickAtTime(suggestions, position, now);
    224     }
    226     public SuggestionCursor getShortcutsForQuery(String query, List<Corpus> allowedCorpora,
    227             int maxShortcuts) {
    228         ShortcutCursor shortcuts = getShortcutsForQuery(query, allowedCorpora, maxShortcuts,
    229                         System.currentTimeMillis());
    230         if (shortcuts != null) {
    231             startRefresh(shortcuts);
    232         }
    233         return shortcuts;
    234     }
    236     public Map<String,Integer> getCorpusScores() {
    237         return getCorpusScores(mConfig.getMinClicksForSourceRanking());
    238     }
    240 // -------------------------- end ShortcutRepository --------------------------
    242     private boolean shouldRefresh(SuggestionCursor suggestion) {
    243         return mRefresher.shouldRefresh(suggestion.getSuggestionSource(),
    244                 suggestion.getShortcutId());
    245     }
    247     /* package for testing */ ShortcutCursor getShortcutsForQuery(String query,
    248             List<Corpus> allowedCorpora, int maxShortcuts, long now) {
    249         if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "getShortcutsForQuery(" + query + "," + allowedCorpora + ")");
    250         String sql = query.length() == 0 ? mEmptyQueryShortcutQuery : mShortcutQuery;
    251         String[] params = buildShortcutQueryParams(query, now);
    253         SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
    254         Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, params);
    255         if (cursor.getCount() == 0) {
    256             cursor.close();
    257             return null;
    258         }
    260         HashMap<String,Source> allowedSources = new HashMap<String,Source>();
    261         for (Corpus corpus : allowedCorpora) {
    262             for (Source source : corpus.getSources()) {
    263                 allowedSources.put(source.getName(), source);
    264             }
    265         }
    267         return new ShortcutCursor(maxShortcuts,
    268                 new SuggestionCursorImpl(allowedSources, query, cursor));
    269     }
    271     private void startRefresh(final ShortcutCursor shortcuts) {
    272         mRefresher.refresh(shortcuts, new ShortcutRefresher.Listener() {
    273             public void onShortcutRefreshed(final Source source,
    274                     final String shortcutId, final SuggestionCursor refreshed) {
    275                 refreshShortcut(source, shortcutId, refreshed);
    276                 mUiThread.post(new Runnable() {
    277                     public void run() {
    278                         shortcuts.refresh(source, shortcutId, refreshed);
    279                     }
    280                 });
    281             }
    282         });
    283     }
    285     @VisibleForTesting
    286     void refreshShortcut(Source source, final String shortcutId,
    287             SuggestionCursor refreshed) {
    288         if (source == null) throw new NullPointerException("source");
    289         if (shortcutId == null) throw new NullPointerException("shortcutId");
    291         final String[] whereArgs = { shortcutId, source.getName() };
    292         final ContentValues shortcut;
    293         if (refreshed == null || refreshed.getCount() == 0) {
    294             shortcut = null;
    295         } else {
    296             shortcut = makeShortcutRow(refreshed);
    297         }
    299         runTransactionAsync(new SQLiteTransaction() {
    300             @Override
    301             protected boolean performTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    302                 if (shortcut == null) {
    303                     if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Deleting shortcut: " + shortcutId);
    304                     db.delete(Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME, SHORTCUT_BY_ID_WHERE, whereArgs);
    305                 } else {
    306                     if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Updating shortcut: " + shortcut);
    307                     db.updateWithOnConflict(Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME, shortcut,
    308                             SHORTCUT_BY_ID_WHERE, whereArgs, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE);
    309                 }
    310                 return true;
    311             }
    312         });
    313     }
    315     private class SuggestionCursorImpl extends CursorBackedSuggestionCursor {
    317         private final HashMap<String, Source> mAllowedSources;
    319         public SuggestionCursorImpl(HashMap<String,Source> allowedSources,
    320                 String userQuery, Cursor cursor) {
    321             super(userQuery, cursor);
    322             mAllowedSources = allowedSources;
    323         }
    325         @Override
    326         public Source getSuggestionSource() {
    327             // TODO: Using ordinal() is hacky, look up the column instead
    328             String srcStr = mCursor.getString(Shortcuts.source.ordinal());
    329             if (srcStr == null) {
    330                 throw new NullPointerException("Missing source for shortcut.");
    331             }
    332             Source source = mAllowedSources.get(srcStr);
    333             if (source == null) {
    334                 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Source " + srcStr + " not allowed");
    335                 return null;
    336             }
    337             int versionCode = mCursor.getInt(Shortcuts.source_version_code.ordinal());
    338             if (versionCode != source.getVersionCode()) {
    339                 if (DBG) {
    340                     Log.d(TAG, "Wrong version (" + versionCode + " != " + source.getVersionCode()
    341                             + ") for source " + srcStr);
    342                 }
    343                 return null;
    344             }
    345             return source;
    346         }
    348         @Override
    349         public String getSuggestionIcon2() {
    350             if (isSpinnerWhileRefreshing() && shouldRefresh(this)) {
    351                 return mSearchSpinner;
    352             }
    353             return super.getSuggestionIcon2();
    354         }
    356         public boolean isSuggestionShortcut() {
    357             return true;
    358         }
    360         @Override
    361         public String toString() {
    362             return "shortcuts[" + getUserQuery() + "]";
    363         }
    365     }
    367     /**
    368      * Builds a parameter list for the query returned by {@link #buildShortcutQuery(boolean)}.
    369      */
    370     private static String[] buildShortcutQueryParams(String query, long now) {
    371         return new String[]{ query, nextString(query), String.valueOf(now) };
    372     }
    374     /**
    375      * Given a string x, this method returns the least string y such that x is not a prefix of y.
    376      * This is useful to implement prefix filtering by comparison, since the only strings z that
    377      * have x as a prefix are such that z is greater than or equal to x and z is less than y.
    378      *
    379      * @param str A non-empty string. The contract above is not honored for an empty input string,
    380      *        since all strings have the empty string as a prefix.
    381      */
    382     private static String nextString(String str) {
    383         int len = str.length();
    384         if (len == 0) {
    385             return str;
    386         }
    387         // The last code point in the string. Within the Basic Multilingual Plane,
    388         // this is the same as str.charAt(len-1)
    389         int codePoint = str.codePointBefore(len);
    390         // This should be safe from overflow, since the largest code point
    391         // representable in UTF-16 is U+10FFFF.
    392         int nextCodePoint = codePoint + 1;
    393         // The index of the start of the last code point.
    394         // Character.charCount(codePoint) is always 1 (in the BMP) or 2
    395         int lastIndex = len - Character.charCount(codePoint);
    396         return new StringBuilder(len)
    397                 .append(str, 0, lastIndex)  // append everything but the last code point
    398                 .appendCodePoint(nextCodePoint)  // instead of the last code point, use successor
    399                 .toString();
    400     }
    402     /**
    403      * Returns the source ranking for sources with a minimum number of clicks.
    404      *
    405      * @param minClicks The minimum number of clicks a source must have.
    406      * @return The list of sources, ranked by total clicks.
    407      */
    408     Map<String,Integer> getCorpusScores(int minClicks) {
    409         SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase();
    410         final Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(
    411                 SOURCE_RANKING_SQL, new String[] { String.valueOf(minClicks) });
    412         try {
    413             Map<String,Integer> corpora = new HashMap<String,Integer>(cursor.getCount());
    414             while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
    415                 String name = cursor.getString(SourceStats.corpus.ordinal());
    416                 int clicks = cursor.getInt(SourceStats.total_clicks.ordinal());
    417                 corpora.put(name, clicks);
    418             }
    419             return corpora;
    420         } finally {
    421             cursor.close();
    422         }
    423     }
    425     private ContentValues makeShortcutRow(SuggestionCursor suggestion) {
    426         String intentAction = suggestion.getSuggestionIntentAction();
    427         String intentData = suggestion.getSuggestionIntentDataString();
    428         String intentQuery = suggestion.getSuggestionQuery();
    429         String intentExtraData = suggestion.getSuggestionIntentExtraData();
    431         Source source = suggestion.getSuggestionSource();
    432         String sourceName = source.getName();
    433         StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(sourceName);
    434         key.append("#");
    435         if (intentData != null) {
    436             key.append(intentData);
    437         }
    438         key.append("#");
    439         if (intentAction != null) {
    440             key.append(intentAction);
    441         }
    442         key.append("#");
    443         if (intentQuery != null) {
    444             key.append(intentQuery);
    445         }
    446         // A string of the form source#intentData#intentAction#intentQuery
    447         // for use as a unique identifier of a suggestion.
    448         String intentKey = key.toString();
    450         // Get URIs for all icons, to make sure that they are stable
    451         String icon1Uri = getIconUriString(source, suggestion.getSuggestionIcon1());
    452         String icon2Uri = getIconUriString(source, suggestion.getSuggestionIcon2());
    454         ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
    455         cv.put(Shortcuts.intent_key.name(), intentKey);
    456         cv.put(Shortcuts.source.name(), sourceName);
    457         cv.put(Shortcuts.source_version_code.name(), source.getVersionCode());
    458         cv.put(Shortcuts.format.name(), suggestion.getSuggestionFormat());
    459         cv.put(Shortcuts.title.name(), suggestion.getSuggestionText1());
    460         cv.put(Shortcuts.description.name(), suggestion.getSuggestionText2());
    461         cv.put(Shortcuts.description_url.name(), suggestion.getSuggestionText2Url());
    462         cv.put(Shortcuts.icon1.name(), icon1Uri);
    463         cv.put(Shortcuts.icon2.name(), icon2Uri);
    464         cv.put(Shortcuts.intent_action.name(), intentAction);
    465         cv.put(Shortcuts.intent_data.name(), intentData);
    466         cv.put(Shortcuts.intent_query.name(), intentQuery);
    467         cv.put(Shortcuts.intent_extradata.name(), intentExtraData);
    468         cv.put(Shortcuts.shortcut_id.name(), suggestion.getShortcutId());
    469         if (suggestion.isSpinnerWhileRefreshing()) {
    470             cv.put(Shortcuts.spinner_while_refreshing.name(), "true");
    471         }
    472         cv.put(Shortcuts.log_type.name(), suggestion.getSuggestionLogType());
    474         return cv;
    475     }
    477     private String getIconUriString(Source source, String drawableId) {
    478         // Fast path for empty icons
    479         if (TextUtils.isEmpty(drawableId) || "0".equals(drawableId)) {
    480             return null;
    481         }
    482         // Fast path for icon URIs
    483         if (drawableId.startsWith(ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE)
    484                 || drawableId.startsWith(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)
    485                 || drawableId.startsWith(ContentResolver.SCHEME_FILE)) {
    486             return drawableId;
    487         }
    488         Uri uri = source.getIconUri(drawableId);
    489         return uri == null ? null : uri.toString();
    490     }
    492     @VisibleForTesting
    493     void reportClickAtTime(SuggestionCursor suggestion,
    494             int position, long now) {
    495         suggestion.moveTo(position);
    496         if (DBG) {
    497             Log.d(TAG, "logClicked(" + suggestion + ")");
    498         }
    500         if (SearchManager.SUGGEST_NEVER_MAKE_SHORTCUT.equals(suggestion.getShortcutId())) {
    501             if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "clicked suggestion requested not to be shortcuted");
    502             return;
    503         }
    505         Corpus corpus = mCorpora.getCorpusForSource(suggestion.getSuggestionSource());
    506         if (corpus == null) {
    507             Log.w(TAG, "no corpus for clicked suggestion");
    508             return;
    509         }
    511         // Once the user has clicked on a shortcut, don't bother refreshing
    512         // (especially if this is a new shortcut)
    513         mRefresher.markShortcutRefreshed(suggestion.getSuggestionSource(),
    514                 suggestion.getShortcutId());
    516         // Add or update suggestion info
    517         // Since intent_key is the primary key, any existing
    518         // suggestion with the same source+data+action will be replaced
    519         final ContentValues shortcut = makeShortcutRow(suggestion);
    520         String intentKey = shortcut.getAsString(Shortcuts.intent_key.name());
    522         // Log click for shortcut
    523         final ContentValues click = new ContentValues();
    524         click.put(ClickLog.intent_key.name(), intentKey);
    525         click.put(ClickLog.query.name(), suggestion.getUserQuery());
    526         click.put(ClickLog.hit_time.name(), now);
    527         click.put(ClickLog.corpus.name(), corpus.getName());
    529         runTransactionAsync(new SQLiteTransaction() {
    530             @Override
    531             protected boolean performTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    532                 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding shortcut: " + shortcut);
    533                 db.replaceOrThrow(Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME, null, shortcut);
    534                 db.insertOrThrow(ClickLog.TABLE_NAME, null, click);
    535                 return true;
    536             }
    537         });
    538     }
    540 // -------------------------- TABLES --------------------------
    542     /**
    543      * shortcuts table
    544      */
    545     enum Shortcuts {
    546         intent_key,
    547         source,
    548         source_version_code,
    549         format,
    550         title,
    551         description,
    552         description_url,
    553         icon1,
    554         icon2,
    555         intent_action,
    556         intent_data,
    557         intent_query,
    558         intent_extradata,
    559         shortcut_id,
    560         spinner_while_refreshing,
    561         log_type;
    563         static final String TABLE_NAME = "shortcuts";
    565         public final String fullName;
    567         Shortcuts() {
    568             fullName = TABLE_NAME + "." + name();
    569         }
    570     }
    572     /**
    573      * clicklog table. Has one record for each click.
    574      */
    575     enum ClickLog {
    576         _id,
    577         intent_key,
    578         query,
    579         hit_time,
    580         corpus;
    582         static final String[] COLUMNS = initColumns();
    584         static final String TABLE_NAME = "clicklog";
    586         private static String[] initColumns() {
    587             ClickLog[] vals = ClickLog.values();
    588             String[] columns = new String[vals.length];
    589             for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
    590                 columns[i] = vals[i].fullName;
    591             }
    592             return columns;
    593         }
    595         public final String fullName;
    597         ClickLog() {
    598             fullName = TABLE_NAME + "." + name();
    599         }
    600     }
    602     /**
    603      * This is an aggregate table of {@link ClickLog} that stays up to date with the total
    604      * clicks for each corpus. This makes computing the corpus ranking more
    605      * more efficient, at the expense of some extra work when the clicks are reported.
    606      */
    607     enum SourceStats {
    608         corpus,
    609         total_clicks;
    611         static final String TABLE_NAME = "sourcetotals";
    613         static final String[] COLUMNS = initColumns();
    615         private static String[] initColumns() {
    616             SourceStats[] vals = SourceStats.values();
    617             String[] columns = new String[vals.length];
    618             for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
    619                 columns[i] = vals[i].fullName;
    620             }
    621             return columns;
    622         }
    624         public final String fullName;
    626         SourceStats() {
    627             fullName = TABLE_NAME + "." + name();
    628         }
    629     }
    631 // -------------------------- END TABLES --------------------------
    633     // contains creation and update logic
    634     private static class DbOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    635         private Config mConfig;
    636         private String mPath;
    637         private static final String SHORTCUT_ID_INDEX
    638                 = Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME + "_" + Shortcuts.shortcut_id.name();
    639         private static final String CLICKLOG_QUERY_INDEX
    640                 = ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + "_" + ClickLog.query.name();
    641         private static final String CLICKLOG_HIT_TIME_INDEX
    642                 = ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + "_" + ClickLog.hit_time.name();
    643         private static final String CLICKLOG_INSERT_TRIGGER
    644                 = ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + "_insert";
    645         private static final String SHORTCUTS_DELETE_TRIGGER
    646                 = Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME + "_delete";
    647         private static final String SHORTCUTS_UPDATE_INTENT_KEY_TRIGGER
    648                 = Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME + "_update_intent_key";
    650         public DbOpenHelper(Context context, String name, int version, Config config) {
    651             super(context, name, null, version);
    652             mConfig = config;
    653         }
    655         public String getPath() {
    656             return mPath;
    657         }
    659         @Override
    660         public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    661             // The shortcuts info is not all that important, so we just drop the tables
    662             // and re-create empty ones.
    663             Log.i(TAG, "Upgrading shortcuts DB from version " +
    664                     + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion + ". This deletes all shortcuts.");
    665             dropTables(db);
    666             onCreate(db);
    667         }
    669         private void dropTables(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    673             db.execSQL("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS " + CLICKLOG_HIT_TIME_INDEX);
    674             db.execSQL("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS " + CLICKLOG_QUERY_INDEX);
    675             db.execSQL("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS " + SHORTCUT_ID_INDEX);
    676             db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME);
    677             db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME);
    678             db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + SourceStats.TABLE_NAME);
    679         }
    681         /**
    682          * Deletes the database file.
    683          */
    684         public void deleteDatabase() {
    685             close();
    686             if (mPath == null) return;
    687             try {
    688                 new File(mPath).delete();
    689                 if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "deleted " + mPath);
    690             } catch (Exception e) {
    691                 Log.w(TAG, "couldn't delete " + mPath, e);
    692             }
    693         }
    695         @Override
    696         public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    697             super.onOpen(db);
    698             mPath = db.getPath();
    699         }
    701         @Override
    702         public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    703             db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
    704                     // COLLATE UNICODE is needed to make it possible to use nextString()
    705                     // to implement fast prefix filtering.
    706                     Shortcuts.intent_key.name() + " TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE UNICODE PRIMARY KEY, " +
    707                     Shortcuts.source.name() + " TEXT NOT NULL, " +
    708                     Shortcuts.source_version_code.name() + " INTEGER NOT NULL, " +
    709                     Shortcuts.format.name() + " TEXT, " +
    710                     Shortcuts.title.name() + " TEXT, " +
    711                     Shortcuts.description.name() + " TEXT, " +
    712                     Shortcuts.description_url.name() + " TEXT, " +
    713                     Shortcuts.icon1.name() + " TEXT, " +
    714                     Shortcuts.icon2.name() + " TEXT, " +
    715                     Shortcuts.intent_action.name() + " TEXT, " +
    716                     Shortcuts.intent_data.name() + " TEXT, " +
    717                     Shortcuts.intent_query.name() + " TEXT, " +
    718                     Shortcuts.intent_extradata.name() + " TEXT, " +
    719                     Shortcuts.shortcut_id.name() + " TEXT, " +
    720                     Shortcuts.spinner_while_refreshing.name() + " TEXT, " +
    721                     Shortcuts.log_type.name() + " TEXT" +
    722                     ");");
    724             // index for fast lookup of shortcuts by shortcut_id
    725             db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX " + SHORTCUT_ID_INDEX
    726                     + " ON " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME
    727                     + "(" + Shortcuts.shortcut_id.name() + ", " + Shortcuts.source.name() + ")");
    729             db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " ( " +
    730                     ClickLog._id.name() + " INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " +
    731                     // type must match Shortcuts.intent_key
    732                     ClickLog.intent_key.name() + " TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE UNICODE REFERENCES "
    733                         + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME + "(" + Shortcuts.intent_key + "), " +
    734                     ClickLog.query.name() + " TEXT, " +
    735                     ClickLog.hit_time.name() + " INTEGER," +
    736                     ClickLog.corpus.name() + " TEXT" +
    737                     ");");
    739             // index for fast lookup of clicks by query
    740             db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX " + CLICKLOG_QUERY_INDEX
    741                     + " ON " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + "(" + ClickLog.query.name() + ")");
    743             // index for finding old clicks quickly
    744             db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX " + CLICKLOG_HIT_TIME_INDEX
    745                     + " ON " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + "(" + ClickLog.hit_time.name() + ")");
    747             // trigger for purging old clicks, i.e. those such that
    748             // hit_time < now - MAX_MAX_STAT_AGE_MILLIS, where now is the
    749             // hit_time of the inserted record, and for updating the SourceStats table
    751                     + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME
    752                     + " BEGIN"
    753                     + " DELETE FROM " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
    754                             + ClickLog.hit_time.name() + " <"
    755                             + " NEW." + ClickLog.hit_time.name()
    756                                     + " - " + mConfig.getMaxStatAgeMillis() + ";"
    757                     + " DELETE FROM " + SourceStats.TABLE_NAME + ";"
    758                     + " INSERT INTO " + SourceStats.TABLE_NAME  + " "
    759                             + "SELECT " + ClickLog.corpus + "," + "COUNT(*) FROM "
    760                             + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " GROUP BY " + ClickLog.corpus.name() + ";"
    761                     + " END");
    763             // trigger for deleting clicks about a shortcut once that shortcut has been
    764             // deleted
    766                     + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME
    767                     + " BEGIN"
    768                     + " DELETE FROM " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
    769                             + ClickLog.intent_key.name()
    770                             + " = OLD." + Shortcuts.intent_key.name() + ";"
    771                     + " END");
    773             // trigger for updating click log entries when a shortcut changes its intent_key
    775                     + " AFTER UPDATE ON " + Shortcuts.TABLE_NAME
    776                     + " WHEN NEW." + Shortcuts.intent_key.name()
    777                             + " != OLD." + Shortcuts.intent_key.name()
    778                     + " BEGIN"
    779                     + " UPDATE " + ClickLog.TABLE_NAME + " SET "
    780                             + ClickLog.intent_key.name() + " = NEW." + Shortcuts.intent_key.name()
    781                             + " WHERE "
    782                             + ClickLog.intent_key.name() + " = OLD." + Shortcuts.intent_key.name()
    783                             + ";"
    784                     + " END");
    786             db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + SourceStats.TABLE_NAME + " ( " +
    787                     SourceStats.corpus.name() + " TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE UNICODE PRIMARY KEY, " +
    788                     SourceStats.total_clicks + " INTEGER);"
    789                     );
    790         }
    791     }
    792 }