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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 #
      3 # Generates an SDK Repository XML based on the input files.
      5 set -e
      7 PROG_DIR=$(dirname $0)
      9 TYPES="tool platform-tool platform sample doc add-on"
     10 OSES="linux macosx windows any linux-x86 darwin"
     12 TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t sdkrepo.tmp.XXXXXXXX)
     13 trap "rm -rf $TMP_DIR" EXIT
     15 function error() {
     16   echo "*** ERROR: " $@
     17   usage
     18 }
     20 function usage() {
     21   cat <<EOFU
     22 Usage: $0 output.xml xml-schema [type [os zip[:dest]]*...]*
     23 where:
     24 - type is one of ${TYPES// /, } (or their plural).
     25 - os   is one of  ${OSES// /, }.
     26 There can be more than one zip for the same type
     27 as long as they use different OSes.
     28 Zip can be in the form "source:dest" to be renamed on the fly.
     29 EOFU
     30   exit 1
     31 }
     33 # Validate the tools we need
     34 if [[ ! -x $(which sha1sum) ]]; then
     35   error "Missing tool: sha1sum (Linux: apt-get install coreutils; Mac: port install md5sha1sum)"
     36 fi
     38 # Parse input params
     39 OUT="$1"
     40 [[ -z "$OUT" ]] && error "Missing output.xml name."
     41 shift
     43 SCHEMA="$1"
     44 [[ ! -f "$SCHEMA" ]] && error "Invalid XML schema name: $SCHEMA."
     45 shift
     47 # Get XML:NS for SDK from the schema
     48 XMLNS=$(sed -n '/xmlns:.*schemas.android.com\/sdk\/android\//s/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' "$SCHEMA")
     49 [[ -z "$XMLNS" ]] && error "Failed to find xmlns:sdk in $SCHEMA."
     50 echo "## Using xmlns:sdk=$XMLNS"
     52 # Get the root element from the schema. This is the first element
     53 # which name starts with "sdk-" (e.g. sdk-repository, sdk-addon)
     54 ROOT=$(sed -n -e '/xsd:element.*name="sdk-/s/.*name="\(sdk-[^"]*\)".*/\1/p' "$SCHEMA")
     55 [[ -z "$ROOT" ]] && error "Failed to find root element in $SCHEMA."
     56 echo "## Using root element $ROOT"
     58 # Generate XML header
     59 cat > "$OUT" <<EOFH
     60 <?xml version="1.0"?>
     61 <sdk:$ROOT
     62     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
     63     xmlns:sdk="$XMLNS">
     64 EOFH
     66 # check_enum value value1 value2 value3...
     67 # returns valueN if matched or nothing.
     68 function check_enum() {
     69   local VALUE="$1"
     70   local i
     71   shift
     72   for i in "$@"; do
     73     if [[ "$i" == "$VALUE" ]]; then
     74       echo "$VALUE"
     75       break;
     76     fi
     77   done
     78 }
     80 # Parse all archives.
     82 ATTRS=(
     83   # for repository packages
     84   Pkg.Revision                  revision
     85   Pkg.Desc                      description
     86   Platform.Version              version
     87   AndroidVersion.ApiLevel       api-level
     88   AndroidVersion.CodeName       codename
     89   Platform.MinToolsRev          min-tools-rev
     90   Platform.MinPlatformToolsRev  min-platform-tools-rev
     91   Extra.Path                    path
     92   Extra.Vendor                  vendor
     93   Extra.MinApiLevel             min-api-level
     94   Sample.MinApiLevel            min-api-level
     95   # for addon packages
     96   vendor                        vendor
     97   name                          name
     98   description                   description
     99   api                           api-level
    100   version                       revision
    101   revision                      revision
    102 )
    104 function parse_attributes() {
    105   local PROPS="$1"
    106   shift
    107   local RESULT=""
    108   local VALUE
    110   while [[ "$1" ]]; do
    111     # Parse the property, if present. Any space is replaced by @
    112     VALUE=$( grep "^$1=" "$PROPS" | cut -d = -f 2 | tr ' ' '@' | tr -d '\r' )
    113     if [[ -n "$VALUE" ]]; then
    114       RESULT="$RESULT $2 $VALUE"
    115     fi
    116     shift
    117     shift
    118   done
    120   echo "$RESULT"
    121 }
    123 function output_attributes() {
    124   local OUT="$1"
    125   shift
    126   local KEY VALUE
    128   while [[ "$1" ]]; do
    129     KEY="$1"
    130     VALUE="${2//@/ }"
    131     echo "        <sdk:$KEY>$VALUE</sdk:$KEY>" >> "$OUT"
    132     shift
    133     shift
    134   done
    135 }
    137 while [[ -n "$1" ]]; do
    138   # Process archives.
    139   # First we expect a type. For conveniency the type can be plural.
    140   TYPE=$(check_enum "${1%%s}" $TYPES)
    141   [[ -z $TYPE ]] && error "Unknown archive type '$1'."
    142   shift
    144   MAP=""
    145   FIRST="1"
    146   LIBS_XML=""
    148   OS=$(check_enum "$1" $OSES)
    149   while [[ $OS ]]; do
    150     shift
    151     [[ $OS == "linux-x86" ]] && OS=linux
    152     [[ $OS == "darwin" ]] && OS=macosx
    154     SRC="$1"
    155     DST="$1"
    156     if [[ "${SRC/:/}" != "$SRC" ]]; then
    157       DST="${SRC/*:/}"
    158       SRC="${SRC/:*/}"
    159     fi
    160     [[ ! -f "$SRC" ]] && error "Missing file for archive $TYPE/$OS: $SRC"
    161     shift
    163     # Depending on the archive type, we need a number of attributes
    164     # from the source.properties or the manifest.ini. We'll take
    165     # these attributes from the first zip found.
    166     #
    167     # What we need vs. which package uses it:
    168     # - description             all
    169     # - revision                all
    170     # - version                 platform
    171     # - api-level               platform sample doc add-on
    172     # - codename                platform sample doc add-on
    173     # - min-tools-rev           platform sample
    174     # - min-platform-tools-rev  tool
    175     # - min-api-level           extra
    176     # - vendor                  extra               add-on
    177     # - path                    extra
    178     #
    179     # We don't actually validate here.
    180     # Just take whatever is defined and put it in the XML.
    181     # XML validation against the schema will be done at the end.
    183     if [[ $FIRST ]]; then
    184       FIRST=""
    186       if unzip -t "$SRC" | grep -qs "source.properties" ; then
    187         # Extract Source Properties
    188         # unzip: -j=flat (no dirs), -q=quiet, -o=overwrite, -d=dest dir
    189         unzip -j -q -o -d "$TMP_DIR" "$SRC" "*/source.properties"
    190         PROPS="$TMP_DIR/source.properties"
    192       elif unzip -t "$SRC" | grep -qs "manifest.ini" ; then
    193         unzip -j -q -o -d "$TMP_DIR" "$SRC" "*/manifest.ini"
    194         PROPS="$TMP_DIR/manifest.ini"
    196         # Parse the libs for an addon and generate the <libs> node
    197         # libraries is a semi-colon separated list
    198         LIBS=$(parse_attributes "$PROPS" "libraries")
    199         LIBS_XML="        <sdk:libs>"
    200         for LIB in ${LIBS//;/ }; do
    201           LIBS_XML="$LIBS_XML
    202            <sdk:lib><sdk:name>$LIB</sdk:name></sdk:lib>"
    203         done
    204         LIBS_XML="$LIBS_XML
    205         </sdk:libs>"
    207       else
    208         error "Failed to find source.properties or manifest.ini in $SRC"
    209       fi
    211       [[ ! -f $PROPS ]] && error "Failed to extract $PROPS from $SRC"
    212       MAP=$(parse_attributes "$PROPS" ${ATTRS[@]})
    214       # Time to generate the XML for the package
    215       echo "    <sdk:${TYPE}>" >> "$OUT"
    216       output_attributes "$OUT" $MAP
    217       [[ -n "$LIBS_XML" ]] && echo "$LIBS_XML" >> "$OUT"
    218       echo "        <sdk:archives>" >> "$OUT"
    219     fi
    221     # Generate archive info
    222     echo "## Add $TYPE/$OS archive $SRC"
    223     if [[ $( uname ) == "Darwin" ]]; then
    224       SIZE=$( stat -f %z "$SRC" )
    225     else
    226       SIZE=$( stat -c %s "$SRC" )
    227     fi
    228     SHA1=$( sha1sum "$SRC" | cut -d " "  -f 1 )
    230     cat >> "$OUT" <<EOFA
    231             <sdk:archive os='$OS' arch='any'>
    232                 <sdk:size>$SIZE</sdk:size>
    233                 <sdk:checksum type='sha1'>$SHA1</sdk:checksum>
    234                 <sdk:url>$DST</sdk:url>
    235             </sdk:archive>
    236 EOFA
    238     # Skip to next arch/zip entry.
    239     # If not a valid OS, close the archives/package nodes.
    240     OS=$(check_enum "$1" $OSES)
    242     if [[ ! "$OS" ]]; then
    243       echo "        </sdk:archives>" >> "$OUT"
    244       echo "    </sdk:${TYPE}>" >> "$OUT"
    245     fi
    246   done
    248 done
    250 # Generate XML footer
    251 echo "</sdk:$ROOT>" >> "$OUT"
    253 echo "## Validate XML against schema"
    254 xmllint --schema $SCHEMA "$OUT"