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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 #
      3 # Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     16 #
     17 # Generate ICU dat files for locale relevant resources.
     18 #
     19 # Usage:
     20 #    icu_dat_generator.py  icu-version [-v] [-h]
     21 #
     22 # Sample usage:
     23 #   $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata$ ./icu_dat_generator.py  4.4 --verbose
     24 #
     25 #  Add new dat file:
     26 #    1. Add icudtxxl-<datname>.txt to $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata.
     27 #       Check the exemplar file under
     28 #       $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata/icudt42l-us.dat.
     29 #    2. Add an entry to main() --> datlist[]
     30 #    3. Run this script to generate dat files.
     31 #
     32 #  For ICU upgrade
     33 #    We cannot get CLDR version from dat file unless calling ICU function.
     34 #    If there is a CLDR version change, please modify "global CLDR_VERSION".
     36 import getopt
     37 import os.path
     38 import shutil
     39 import subprocess
     40 import sys
     42 # Return 0 if the version_string contains non-digit characters.
     43 def GetIcuVersion(version_string):
     44   list = version_string.split(".")
     45   version = ""
     46   for number in list:
     47     if (number.isdigit()):
     48       version += number
     49     else:
     50       return -1
     51   return version
     54 def PrintHelp():
     55   print "Usage:"
     56   print "icu_dat_generator.py  icu-version [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help]"
     57   print "Example:"
     58   print "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata$ ./icu_dat_generator.py 4.4"
     61 def InvokeIcuTool(tool, working_dir, args):
     62   command_list = [os.path.join(GetIcuPrebuiltDir(), tool)]
     63   command_list.extend(args)
     65   if VERBOSE:
     66     command = "[%s] %s" % (working_dir, " ".join(command_list))
     67     print command
     69   ret = subprocess.call(command_list, cwd = working_dir)
     70   if ret != 0:
     71     sys.exit(command_list[0:])
     74 def GetIcuPrebuiltDir():
     75   return os.path.join(os.environ.get("ANDROID_EABI_TOOLCHAIN"),  "..", "..",
     76                       "..", "icu-" + ICU_VERSION)
     79 def ExtractAllResourceToTempDir():
     80   # copy icudtxxl-all.dat to icudtxxl.dat
     81   source_dat = os.path.join(ANDROID_ROOT, "external", "icu4c", "stubdata",
     82                             ICUDATA + "-all.dat")
     83   dest_dat = os.path.join(ANDROID_ROOT, "external", "icu4c", "stubdata",
     84                           ICUDATA_DAT)
     85   shutil.copyfile(source_dat, dest_dat)
     86   InvokeIcuTool("icupkg", None, [dest_dat, "-x", "*", "-d", TMP_DAT_PATH])
     89 def MakeDat(icu_dat_path, dat_name):
     90   # Get the resource list. e.g. icudt42l-us.txt, icudt42l-default.txt.
     91   dat_list_file_path = os.path.join(icu_dat_path, ICUDATA + "-" + dat_name +
     92                                     ".txt")
     93   if not os.path.isfile(dat_list_file_path):
     94     print "%s not present for resource list." % dat_list_file_path
     95     return
     96   GenResIndex(dat_list_file_path)
     97   CopyAndroidCnvFiles(icu_dat_path)
     98   os.chdir(TMP_DAT_PATH)
     99   # Run command such as "icupkg -tl -s icudt42l -a icudt42l-us.txt
    100   # new icudt42l.dat"
    101   InvokeIcuTool("icupkg", None, ["-tl", "-s", TMP_DAT_PATH, "-a", dat_list_file_path, "new",
    102                 ICUDATA_DAT])
    105 def WriteIndex(path, list, cldr_version = None):
    106   res_index = "res_index.txt"
    107   empty_value = " {\"\"}\n"  # key-value pair for all locale entries
    109   f = open(path, "w")
    110   f.write("res_index:table(nofallback) {\n")
    111   if cldr_version:
    112     f.write("  CLDRVersion { %s }\n" % cldr_version)
    113   f.write("  InstalledLocales {\n")
    114   for item in list:
    115     f.write(item + empty_value)
    117   f.write("  }\n")
    118   f.write("}\n")
    119   f.close()
    122 def ShowMissing(whats, locales, data_dir_name, dat_file):
    123   if not len(whats):
    124     return
    125   dat_file = os.path.basename(dat_file)
    126   for missing in locales.difference(whats):
    127     p = os.path.join(ANDROID_ROOT, "external", "icu4c", "data", data_dir_name,
    128                      missing + ".txt")
    129     if os.path.exists(p):
    130       print "warning: %s exists but isn't included in %s" % (p, dat_file)
    133 # Open dat file such as icudt42l-us.txt.
    134 # Go through the list and generate res_index.txt for locales, brkitr,
    135 # coll and rbnf.
    136 def GenResIndex(dat_list_file_path):
    137   res_index = "res_index.txt"
    139   locales = set()
    140   brkitrs = set()
    141   colls = set()
    142   currs = set()
    143   langs = set()
    144   regions = set()
    145   zones = set()
    146   rbnfs = set()
    148   for line in open(dat_list_file_path, "r"):
    149     if line.find("root.") >= 0:
    150       continue
    151     if line.find("res_index") >= 0:
    152       continue
    153     if line.find("_.res") >= 0:
    154       continue;
    155     if line.find("brkitr/") >= 0:
    156       end = line.find(".res")
    157       if end > 0:
    158         brkitrs.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    159     elif line.find("coll/") >= 0:
    160       end = line.find(".res")
    161       if end > 0:
    162         colls.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    163     elif line.find("curr/") >= 0:
    164       end = line.find(".res")
    165       if end > 0:
    166         currs.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    167     elif line.find("lang/") >= 0:
    168       end = line.find(".res")
    169       if end > 0:
    170         langs.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    171     elif line.find("region/") >= 0:
    172       end = line.find(".res")
    173       if end > 0:
    174         regions.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    175     elif line.find("zone/") >= 0:
    176       end = line.find(".res")
    177       if end > 0:
    178         zones.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    179     elif line.find("rbnf/") >= 0:
    180       end = line.find(".res")
    181       if end > 0:
    182         rbnfs.add(line[line.find("/")+1:end])
    183     elif line.find(".res") >= 0:
    184       # We need to determine the resource is locale resource or misc resource.
    185       # To determine the locale resource, we assume max script length is 3.
    186       end = line.find(".res")
    187       if end <= 3 or (line.find("_") <= 3 and line.find("_") > 0):
    188         locales.add(line[:end])
    190   ShowMissing(brkitrs, locales, "brkitr", dat_list_file_path)
    191   ShowMissing(colls, locales, "coll", dat_list_file_path)
    192   ShowMissing(currs, locales, "curr", dat_list_file_path)
    193   ShowMissing(langs, locales, "lang", dat_list_file_path)
    194   ShowMissing(regions, locales, "region", dat_list_file_path)
    195   ShowMissing(zones, locales, "zone", dat_list_file_path)
    196   ShowMissing(rbnfs, locales, "rbnf", dat_list_file_path)
    198   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, res_index), locales, CLDR_VERSION)
    199   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "brkitr", res_index), brkitrs)
    200   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "coll", res_index), colls)
    201   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "curr", res_index), currs)
    202   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "lang", res_index), langs)
    203   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "region", res_index), regions)
    204   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "zone", res_index), zones)
    205   WriteIndex(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "rbnf", res_index), rbnfs)
    207   # Call genrb to generate new res_index.res.
    208   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", TMP_DAT_PATH, [res_index])
    209   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "brkitr"), [res_index])
    210   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "coll"), [res_index])
    211   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "curr"), [res_index])
    212   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "lang"), [res_index])
    213   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "region"), [res_index])
    214   InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "zone"), [res_index])
    215   if len(rbnfs):
    216     InvokeIcuTool("genrb", os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, "rbnf"), [res_index])
    219 def CopyAndroidCnvFiles(icu_dat_path):
    220   android_specific_cnv = ["gsm-03.38-2000.cnv",
    221                           "iso-8859_16-2001.cnv",
    222                           "docomo-shift_jis-2007.cnv",
    223                           "kddi-jisx-208-2007.cnv",
    224                           "kddi-shift_jis-2007.cnv",
    225                           "softbank-jisx-208-2007.cnv",
    226                           "softbank-shift_jis-2007.cnv"]
    227   for cnv_file in android_specific_cnv:
    228     source_path = os.path.join(icu_dat_path, "cnv", cnv_file)
    229     dest_path = os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, cnv_file)
    230     shutil.copyfile(source_path, dest_path)
    231     if VERBOSE:
    232       print "copy " + source_path + " " + dest_path
    235 def main():
    236   global ANDROID_ROOT  # Android project home directory
    237   global ICU_VERSION   # ICU version number
    238   global ICUDATA       # e.g. "icudt42l"
    239   global ICUDATA_DAT   # e.g. "icudt42l.dat"
    240   global CLDR_VERSION  # CLDR version. The value can be vary upon ICU release.
    241   global TMP_DAT_PATH  # temp directory to store all resource files and
    242                        # intermediate dat files.
    243   global HELP
    244   global VERBOSE
    246   argc = len(sys.argv)
    247   if argc < 2:
    248     print "You must provide icu version number."
    249     print "Example: ./icu_dat_generator.py 4.4"
    250     sys.exit(1)
    251   ICU_VERSION = sys.argv[1]
    252   version = GetIcuVersion(ICU_VERSION)
    253   if (version ==  -1):
    254     print sys.argv[1] + " is not a valid icu version number!"
    255     sys.exit(1)
    256   ICUDATA = "icudt" + version + "l"
    257   CLDR_VERSION = "1.8"
    258   ANDROID_ROOT = os.environ.get("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP")
    259   if not ANDROID_ROOT:
    260     print "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP not set! Run 'env_setup.sh'."
    261     sys.exit(1)
    262   ICUDATA_DAT = ICUDATA + ".dat"
    263   HELP = False
    264   VERBOSE = False
    266   try:
    267     opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], 'hv', ['help', 'verbose'])
    268   except getopt.error:
    269     print "Invalid option"
    270     PrintHelp()
    271     sys.exit(1)
    272   for opt, arg in opts:
    273     if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
    274       PrintHelp()
    275       sys.exit(1)
    276     elif opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
    277       VERBOSE = True
    280   # Check for requiered source files.
    281   icu_dat_path = os.path.join(ANDROID_ROOT, "external", "icu4c", "stubdata")
    282   full_data_filename = os.path.join(icu_dat_path, ICUDATA + "-all.dat")
    283   if not os.path.isfile(full_data_filename):
    284     print "%s not present." % full_data_filename
    285     sys.exit(1)
    287   # Create a temporary working directory.
    288   TMP_DAT_PATH = os.path.join(ANDROID_ROOT, "external", "icu4c", "tmp")
    289   if os.path.exists(TMP_DAT_PATH):
    290     shutil.rmtree(TMP_DAT_PATH)
    291   os.mkdir(TMP_DAT_PATH)
    293   # Extract resource files from icudtxxl-all.dat to TMP_DAT_PATH.
    294   ExtractAllResourceToTempDir()
    296   datlist = ["us", "us-euro", "default", "us-japan", "zh", "medium", "large"]
    297   for dat_subtag in datlist:
    298     MakeDat(icu_dat_path, dat_subtag)
    299     # Copy icudtxxl.dat to stubdata directory with corresponding subtag.
    300     shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(TMP_DAT_PATH, ICUDATA_DAT),
    301                     os.path.join(icu_dat_path, ICUDATA + "-" + dat_subtag + ".dat"))
    302     print "Generate ICU data:" + os.path.join(icu_dat_path, ICUDATA + "-" + dat_subtag + ".dat")
    304   # Cleanup temporary working directory and icudtxxl.dat
    305   shutil.rmtree(TMP_DAT_PATH)
    306   os.remove(os.path.join(icu_dat_path, ICUDATA_DAT))
    308 if __name__ == "__main__":
    309   main()