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      1 page.title=Accessing Resources
      2 parent.title=Application Resources
      3 parent.link=index.html
      4 @jd:body
      6 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      7 <div id="qv">
      8   <h2>Quickview</h2>
      9   <ul>
     10     <li>Resources can be referenced from code using integers from {@code R.java}, such as
     11 {@code R.drawable.myimage}</li>
     12     <li>Resources can be referenced from resources using a special XML syntax, such as {@code
     13 &#64;drawable/myimage}</li>
     14     <li>You can also access your app resources with methods in
     15 {@link android.content.res.Resources}</li>
     16   </ul>
     18   <h2>Key classes</h2>
     19   <ol>
     20     <li>{@link android.content.res.Resources}</li>
     21   </ol>
     23   <h2>In this document</h2>
     24   <ol>
     25     <li><a href="#ResourcesFromCode">Accessing Resources from Code</a></li>
     26     <li><a href="#ResourcesFromXml">Accessing Resources from XML</a>
     27       <ol>
     28         <li><a href="#ReferencesToThemeAttributes">Referencing style attributes</a></li>
     29       </ol>
     30     </li>
     31     <li><a href="#PlatformResources">Accessing Platform Resources</a></li>
     32   </ol>
     34   <h2>See also</h2>
     35   <ol>
     36     <li><a href="providing-resources.html">Providing Resources</a></li>
     37     <li><a href="available-resources.html">Resource Types</a></li>
     38   </ol>
     39 </div>
     40 </div>
     45 <p>Once you provide a resource in your application (discussed in <a
     46 href="providing-resources.html">Providing Resources</a>), you can apply it by
     47 referencing its resource ID. All resource IDs are defined in your project's {@code R} class, which
     48 the {@code aapt} tool automatically generates.</p>
     50 <p>When your application is compiled, {@code aapt} generates the {@code R} class, which contains
     51 resource IDs for all the resources in your {@code
     52 res/} directory. For each type of resource, there is an {@code R} subclass (for example,
     53 {@code R.drawable} for all drawable resources) and for each resource of that type, there is a static
     54 integer (for example, {@code R.drawable.icon}). This integer is the resource ID that you can use
     55 to retrieve your resource.</p>
     57 <p>Although the {@code R} class is where resource IDs are specified, you should never need to
     58 look there to discover a resource ID. A resource ID is always composed of:</p>
     59 <ul>
     60   <li>The <em>resource type</em>: Each resource is grouped into a "type," such as {@code
     61 string}, {@code drawable}, and {@code layout}. For more about the different types, see <a
     62 href="available-resources.html">Resource Types</a>.
     63   </li>
     64   <li>The <em>resource name</em>, which is either: the filename,
     65 excluding the extension; or the value in the XML {@code android:name} attribute, if the
     66 resource is a simple value (such as a string).</li>
     67 </ul>
     69 <p>There are two ways you can access a resource:</p>
     70 <ul>
     71   <li><strong>In code:</strong> Using an static integer from a sub-class of your {@code R}
     72 class, such as:
     73     <pre class="classic no-pretty-print">R.string.hello</pre>
     74     <p>{@code string} is the resource type and {@code hello} is the resource name. There are many
     75 Android APIs that can access your resources when you provide a resource ID in this format. See
     76 <a href="#ResourcesFromCode">Accessing Resources in Code</a>.</p>
     77   </li>
     78   <li><strong>In XML:</strong> Using a special XML syntax that also corresponds to
     79 the resource ID defined in your {@code R} class, such as:
     80     <pre class="classic no-pretty-print">&#64;string/hello</pre>
     81     <p>{@code string} is the resource type and {@code hello} is the resource name. You can use this
     82 syntax in an XML resource any place where a value is expected that you provide in a resource. See <a
     83 href="#ResourcesFromXml">Accessing Resources from XML</a>.</p>
     84   </li>
     85 </ul>
     89 <h2 id="ResourcesFromCode">Accessing Resources in Code </h2>
     91 <p>You can use a resource in code by passing the resource ID as a method parameter. For
     92 example, you can set an {@link android.widget.ImageView} to use the {@code res/drawable/myimage.png}
     93 resource using {@link android.widget.ImageView#setImageResource(int) setImageResource()}:</p>
     94 <pre>
     95 ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.myimageview);
     96 imageView.setImageResource(<strong>R.drawable.myimage</strong>);
     97 </pre>
     99 <p>You can also retrieve individual resources using methods in {@link
    100 android.content.res.Resources}, which you can get an instance of
    101 with {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}.</p>
    103 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    104 <div class="sidebox">
    105 <h2>Access to Original Files</h2>
    107 <p>While uncommon, you might need access your original files and directories. If you do, then
    108 saving your files in {@code res/} won't work for you, because the only way to read a resource from
    109 {@code res/} is with the resource ID. Instead, you can save your resources in the
    110 {@code assets/} directory.</p>
    111 <p>Files saved in the {@code assets/} directory are <em>not</em> given a resource
    112 ID, so you can't reference them through the {@code R} class or from XML resources. Instead, you can
    113 query files in the {@code assets/} directory like a normal file system and read raw data using
    114 {@link android.content.res.AssetManager}.</p>
    115 <p>However, if all you require is the ability to read raw data (such as a video or audio file),
    116 then save the file in the {@code res/raw/} directory and read a stream of bytes using {@link
    117 android.content.res.Resources#openRawResource(int) openRawResource()}.</p>
    119 </div>
    120 </div>
    123 <h3>Syntax</h3>
    125 <p>Here's the syntax to reference a resource in code:</p>
    127 <pre class="classic no-pretty-print">
    128 [<em>&lt;package_name&gt;</em>.]R.<em>&lt;resource_type&gt;</em>.<em>&lt;resource_name&gt;</em>
    129 </pre>
    131 <ul>
    132   <li><em>{@code &lt;package_name&gt;}</em> is the name of the package in which the resource is located (not
    133 required when referencing resources from your own package).</li>
    134   <li><em>{@code &lt;resource_type&gt;}</em> is the {@code R} subclass for the resource type.</li>
    135   <li><em>{@code &lt;resource_name&gt;}</em> is either the resource filename
    136 without the extension or the {@code android:name} attribute value in the XML element (for simple
    137 values).</li>
    138 </ul>
    139 <p>See <a href="available-resources.html">Resource Types</a> for
    140 more information about each resource type and how to reference them.</p>
    143 <h3>Use cases</h3>
    145 <p>There are many methods that accept a resource ID parameter and you can retrieve resources using
    146 methods in {@link android.content.res.Resources}. You can get an instance of  {@link
    147 android.content.res.Resources} with {@link android.content.Context#getResources
    148 Context.getResources()}.</p>
    151 <p>Here are some examples of accessing resources in code:</p>
    153 <pre>
    154 // Load a background for the current screen from a drawable resource
    155 {@link android.app.Activity#getWindow()}.{@link
    156 android.view.Window#setBackgroundDrawableResource(int)
    157 setBackgroundDrawableResource}(<strong>R.drawable.my_background_image</strong>) ;
    159 // Set the Activity title by getting a string from the Resources object, because
    160 //  this method requires a CharSequence rather than a resource ID
    161 {@link android.app.Activity#getWindow()}.{@link android.view.Window#setTitle(CharSequence)
    162 setTitle}(getResources().{@link android.content.res.Resources#getText(int)
    163 getText}(<strong>R.string.main_title</strong>));
    165 // Load a custom layout for the current screen
    166 {@link android.app.Activity#setContentView(int)
    167 setContentView}(<strong>R.layout.main_screen</strong>);
    169 // Set a slide in animation by getting an Animation from the Resources object
    170 mFlipper.{@link android.widget.ViewAnimator#setInAnimation(Animation)
    171 setInAnimation}(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this,
    172         <strong>R.anim.hyperspace_in</strong>));
    174 // Set the text on a TextView object using a resource ID
    175 TextView msgTextView = (TextView) findViewById(<strong>R.id.msg</strong>);
    176 msgTextView.{@link android.widget.TextView#setText(int)
    177 setText}(<strong>R.string.hello_message</strong>);
    178 </pre>
    181 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> You should never modify the {@code
    182 R.java} file by hand&mdash;it is generated by the {@code aapt} tool when your project is
    183 compiled. Any changes are overridden next time you compile.</p>
    187 <h2 id="ResourcesFromXml">Accessing Resources from XML</h2>
    189 <p>You can define values for some XML attributes and elements using a
    190 reference to an existing resource. You will often do this when creating layout files, to
    191 supply strings and images for your widgets.</p>
    193 <p>For example, if you add a {@link android.widget.Button} to your layout, you should use
    194 a <a href="string-resource.html">string resource</a> for the button text:</p>
    196 <pre>
    197 &lt;Button
    198     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    199     android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    200     android:text="<strong>@string/submit</strong>" /&gt;
    201 </pre>
    204 <h3>Syntax</h3>
    206 <p>Here is the syntax to reference a resource in an XML resource:</p>
    208 <pre class="classic no-pretty-print">
    209 &#64;[<em>&lt;package_name&gt;</em>:]<em>&lt;resource_type&gt;</em>/<em>&lt;resource_name&gt;</em>
    210 </pre>
    212 <ul>
    213   <li>{@code &lt;package_name&gt;} is the name of the package in which the resource is located (not
    214 required when referencing resources from the same package)</li>
    215   <li>{@code &lt;resource_type&gt;} is the
    216 {@code R} subclass for the resource type</li>
    217   <li>{@code &lt;resource_name&gt;} is either the resource filename
    218 without the extension or the {@code android:name} attribute value in the XML element (for simple
    219 values).</li>
    220 </ul>
    222 <p>See <a href="available-resources.html">Resource Types</a> for
    223 more information about each resource type and how to reference them.</p>
    226 <h3>Use cases</h3>
    228 <p>In some cases you must use a resource for a value in XML (for example, to apply a drawable image
    229 to a widget), but you can also use a resource in XML any place that accepts a simple value. For
    230 example, if you have the following resource file that includes a <a
    231 href="more-resources.html#Color">color resource</a> and a <a
    232 href="string-resource.html">string resource</a>:</p>
    234 <pre>
    235 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    236 &lt;resources>
    237    &lt;color name="opaque_red">#f00&lt;/color>
    238    &lt;string name="hello">Hello!&lt;/string>
    239 &lt;/resources>
    240 </pre>
    242 <p>You can use these resources in the following layout file to set the text color and
    243 text string:</p>
    245 <pre>
    246 &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
    247 &lt;EditText xmlns:android=&quot;http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
    248     android:layout_width=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    249     android:layout_height=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    250     android:textColor=&quot;<strong>&#64;color/opaque_red</strong>&quot;
    251     android:text=&quot;<strong>&#64;string/hello</strong>&quot; /&gt;
    252 </pre>
    254 <p>In this case you don't need to specify the package name in the resource reference because the
    255 resources are from your own package. To
    256 reference a system resource, you would need to include the package name. For example:</p>
    258 <pre>
    259 &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
    260 &lt;EditText xmlns:android=&quot;http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
    261     android:layout_width=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    262     android:layout_height=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    263     android:textColor=&quot;<strong>&#64;android:color/secondary_text_dark</strong>&quot;
    264     android:text=&quot;&#64;string/hello&quot; /&gt;
    265 </pre>
    267 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> You should use string resources at all times, so that your
    268 application can be localized for other languages. For information about creating alternative
    269 resources (such as localized strings), see <a
    270 href="providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">Providing Alternative
    271 Resources</a>.</p>
    273 <p>You can even use resources in XML to create aliases. For example, you can create a
    274 drawable resource that is an alias for another drawable resource:</p>
    276 <pre>
    277 &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    278 &lt;bitmap xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    279     android:src="@drawable/other_drawable" />
    280 </pre>
    282 <p>This sounds redundant, but can be very useful when using alternative resource. Read more about
    283 <a href="providing-resources.html#AliasResources">Creating alias resources</a>.</p>
    287 <h3 id="ReferencesToThemeAttributes">Referencing style attributes</h3>
    289 <p>A style attribute resource allows you to reference the value
    290 of an attribute in the currently-applied theme. Referencing a style attribute allows you to
    291 customize the look of UI elements by styling them to match standard variations supplied by the
    292 current theme, instead of supplying a hard-coded value. Referencing a style attribute
    293 essentially says, "use the style that is defined by this attribute, in the current theme."</p>
    295 <p>To reference a style attribute, the name syntax is almost identical to the normal resource
    296 format, but instead of the at-symbol ({@code &#64;}), use a question-mark ({@code ?}), and the
    297 resource type portion is optional. For instance:</p>
    299 <pre class="classic">
    300 ?[<em>&lt;package_name&gt;</em>:][<em>&lt;resource_type&gt;</em>/]<em>&lt;resource_name&gt;</em>
    301 </pre>
    303 <p>For example, here's how you can reference an attribute to set the text color to match the
    304 "primary" text color of the system theme:</p>
    306 <pre>
    307 &lt;EditText id=&quot;text&quot;
    308     android:layout_width=&quot;fill_parent&quot;
    309     android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    310     android:textColor=&quot;<strong>?android:textColorSecondary</strong>&quot;
    311     android:text=&quot;&#64;string/hello_world&quot; /&gt;
    312 </pre>
    314 <p>Here, the {@code android:textColor} attribute specifies the name of a style attribute
    315 in the current theme. Android now uses the value applied to the {@code android:textColorSecondary}
    316 style attribute as the value for {@code android:textColor} in this widget. Because the system
    317 resource tool knows that an attribute resource is expected in this context,
    318 you do not need to explicitly state the type (which would be
    319 <code>?android:attr/textColorSecondary</code>)&mdash;you can exclude the {@code attr} type.</p>
    324 <h2 id="PlatformResources">Accessing Platform Resources</h2>
    326 <p>Android contains a number of standard resources, such as styles, themes, and layouts. To
    327 access these resource, qualify your resource reference with the
    328 <code>android</code> package name. For example, Android provides a layout resource you can use for
    329 list items in a {@link android.widget.ListAdapter}:</p>
    331 <pre>
    332 {@link android.app.ListActivity#setListAdapter(ListAdapter)
    333 setListAdapter}(new {@link
    334 android.widget.ArrayAdapter}&lt;String&gt;(this, <strong>android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1</strong>, myarray));
    335 </pre>
    337 <p>In this example, {@link android.R.layout#simple_list_item_1} is a layout resource defined by the
    338 platform for items in a {@link android.widget.ListView}. You can use this instead of creating
    339 your own layout for list items. (For more about using {@link android.widget.ListView}, see the
    340 <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/views/hello-listview.html">List View Tutorial</a>.)</p>