1 page.title=More Resource Types 2 parent.title=Resource Types 3 parent.link=available-resources.html 4 @jd:body 5 6 <p>This page defines more types of resources you can externalize, including:</p> 7 8 <dl> 9 <dt><a href="#Bool">Bool</a></dt> 10 <dd>XML resource that carries a boolean value.</dd> 11 <dt><a href="#Color">Color</a></dt> 12 <dd>XML resource that carries a color value (a hexadecimal color).</dd> 13 <dt><a href="#Dimension">Dimension</a></dt> 14 <dd>XML resource that carries a dimension value (with a unit of measure).</dd> 15 <dt><a href="#Id">ID</a></dt> 16 <dd>XML resource that provides a unique identifier for application resources and 17 components.</dd> 18 <dt><a href="#Integer">Integer</a></dt> 19 <dd>XML resource that carries an integer value.</dd> 20 <dt><a href="#IntegerArray">Integer Array</a></dt> 21 <dd>XML resource that provides an array of integers.</dd> 22 <dt><a href="#TypedArray">Typed Array</a></dt> 23 <dd>XML resource that provides a {@link android.content.res.TypedArray} (which you can use 24 for an array of drawables).</dd> 25 </dl> 26 27 28 29 30 <h2 id="Bool">Bool</h2> 31 32 <p>A boolean value defined in XML.</p> 33 34 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> A bool is a simple resource that is referenced 35 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 36 such, you can combine bool resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 37 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 38 39 <dl class="xml"> 40 41 <dt>file location:</dt> 42 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename</em>.xml</code><br/> 43 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <bool>} element's {@code name} will be used as the resource 44 ID.</dd> 45 46 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 47 <dd> 48 In Java: <code>R.bool.<em>bool_name</em></code><br/> 49 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]bool/<em>bool_name</em></code> 50 </dd> 51 52 <dt>syntax:</dt> 53 <dd> 54 <pre class="stx"> 55 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 56 <<a href="#bool-resources-element">resources</a>> 57 <<a href="#bool-element">bool</a> 58 name="<em>bool_name</em>" 59 >[true | false]</bool> 60 </resources> 61 </pre> 62 </dd> 63 64 <dt>elements:</dt> 65 <dd> 66 <dl class="tag-list"> 67 68 <dt id="bool-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 69 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 70 <p>No attributes.</p> 71 </dd> 72 <dt id="bool-element"><code><bool></code></dt> 73 <dd>A boolean value: {@code true} or {@code false}. 74 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 75 <dl class="atn-list"> 76 <dt><code>name</code></dt> 77 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the bool value. This will be used as the resource ID.</dd> 78 </dl> 79 </dd> 80 81 </dl> 82 </dd> <!-- end elements and attributes --> 83 84 <dt>example:</dt> 85 <dd>XML file saved at <code>res/values-small/bools.xml</code>: 86 <pre> 87 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 88 <resources> 89 <bool name="screen_small">true</bool> 90 <bool name="adjust_view_bounds">true</bool> 91 </resources> 92 </pre> 93 94 <p>This application code retrieves the boolean:</p> 95 <pre> 96 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 97 boolean screenIsSmall = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#getBoolean(int) getBoolean}(R.bool.screen_small); 98 </pre> 99 <p>This layout XML uses the boolean for an attribute:</p> 100 <pre> 101 <ImageView 102 android:layout_height="fill_parent" 103 android:layout_width="fill_parent" 104 android:src="@drawable/logo" 105 android:adjustViewBounds="@bool/adjust_view_bounds" /> 106 </pre> 107 </dd> <!-- end example --> 108 109 </dl> 110 111 112 113 114 <h2 id="Color">Color</h2> 115 116 <p>A color value defined in XML. 117 The color is specified with an RGB value and alpha channel. You can use a color resource 118 any place that accepts a hexadecimal color value. You can also use a color resource when a 119 drawable resource is expected in XML (for example, {@code android:drawable="@color/green"}).</p> 120 121 <p>The value always begins with a pound (#) character and then followed by the 122 Alpha-Red-Green-Blue information in one of the following formats:</p> 123 <ul> 124 <li>#<em>RGB</em></li> 125 <li>#<em>ARGB</em></li> 126 <li>#<em>RRGGBB</em></li> 127 <li>#<em>AARRGGBB</em></li> 128 </ul> 129 130 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> A color is a simple resource that is referenced 131 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 132 such, you can combine color resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 133 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 134 135 <dl class="xml"> 136 137 <dt>file location:</dt> 138 <dd><code>res/values/colors.xml</code><br/> 139 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <color>} element's {@code name} will be used as the 140 resource ID.</dd> 141 142 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 143 <dd> 144 In Java: <code>R.color.<em>color_name</em></code><br/> 145 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]color/<em>color_name</em></code> 146 </dd> 147 148 <dt>syntax:</dt> 149 <dd> 150 <pre class="stx"> 151 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 152 <<a href="#color-resources-element">resources</a>> 153 <<a href="#color-element">color</a> 154 name="<em>color_name</em>" 155 ><em>hex_color</em></color> 156 </resources> 157 </pre> 158 </dd> 159 160 <dt>elements:</dt> 161 <dd> 162 <dl class="tag-list"> 163 164 <dt id="color-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 165 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 166 <p>No attributes.</p> 167 </dd> 168 <dt id="color-element"><code><color></code></dt> 169 <dd>A color expressed in hexadecimal, as described above. 170 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 171 <dl class="atn-list"> 172 <dt><code>name</code></dt> 173 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the color. This will be used as the resource ID. 174 </dd> 175 </dl> 176 </dd> 177 178 </dl> 179 </dd> <!-- end elements and attributes --> 180 181 <dt>example:</dt> 182 <dd>XML file saved at <code>res/values/colors.xml</code>: 183 <pre> 184 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 185 <resources> 186 <color name="opaque_red">#f00</color> 187 <color name="translucent_red">#80ff0000</color> 188 </resources> 189 </pre> 190 191 <p>This application code retrieves the color resource:</p> 192 <pre> 193 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 194 int color = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#getColor(int) getColor}(R.color.opaque_red); 195 </pre> 196 <p>This layout XML applies the color to an attribute:</p> 197 <pre> 198 <TextView 199 android:layout_width="fill_parent" 200 android:layout_height="wrap_content" 201 android:textColor="@color/translucent_red" 202 android:text="Hello"/> 203 </pre> 204 </dd> <!-- end example --> 205 206 </dl> 207 208 209 210 211 212 <h2 id="Dimension">Dimension</h2> 213 214 <p>A dimension value defined in XML. A dimension 215 is specified with a number followed by a unit of measure. 216 For example: 10px, 2in, 5sp. The following units of measure are supported by Android:</p> 217 <dl> 218 <dt>{@code dp}</dt> 219 <dd>Density-independent Pixels - an abstract unit that is based on the physical density of the 220 screen. These units are relative to a 160 dpi (dots per inch) screen, so <em>{@code 160dp} is 221 always one inch</em> regardless of the screen density. The ratio of dp-to-pixel will change with the 222 screen density, but not necessarily in direct proportion. You should use these units when specifying 223 view dimensions in your layout, so the UI properly scales to render at the same actual size on 224 different screens. (The compiler accepts both "dip" and "dp", though "dp" is more consistent with 225 "sp".)</dd> 226 <dt>{@code sp}</dt> 227 <dd>Scale-independent Pixels - this is like the dp unit, but it is also scaled by the user's font 228 size preference. It is recommend you use this unit when specifying font sizes, so they will be adjusted 229 for both the screen density and the user's preference.</dd> 230 <dt>{@code pt}</dt> 231 <dd>Points - 1/72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen.</dd> 232 <dt>{@code px}</dt> 233 <dd>Pixels - corresponds to actual pixels on the screen. This unit of measure is not recommended because 234 the actual representation can vary across devices; each devices may have a different number of pixels 235 per inch and may have more or fewer total pixels available on the screen.</dd> 236 <dt>{@code mm}</dt> 237 <dd>Millimeters - based on the physical size of the screen.</dd> 238 <dt>{@code in}</dt> 239 <dd>Inches - based on the physical size of the screen.</dd> 240 </dl> 241 242 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> A dimension is a simple resource that is referenced 243 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 244 such, you can combine dimension resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 245 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 246 247 <dl class="xml"> 248 249 <dt>file location:</dt> 250 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename</em>.xml</code><br/> 251 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <dimen>} element's {@code name} will be used as the 252 resource ID.</dd> 253 254 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 255 <dd> 256 In Java: <code>R.dimen.<em>dimension_name</em></code><br/> 257 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]dimen/<em>dimension_name</em></code> 258 </dd> 259 260 <dt>syntax:</dt> 261 <dd> 262 <pre class="stx"> 263 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 264 <<a href="#dimen-resources-element">resources</a>> 265 <<a href="#dimen-element">dimen</a> 266 name="<em>dimension_name</em>" 267 ><em>dimension</em></dimen> 268 </resources> 269 </pre> 270 </dd> 271 272 <dt>elements:</dt> 273 <dd> 274 <dl class="tag-list"> 275 276 <dt id="dimen-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 277 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 278 <p>No attributes.</p> 279 </dd> 280 <dt id="dimen-element"><code><dimen></code></dt> 281 <dd>A dimension, represented by a float, followed by a unit of measurement (dp, sp, pt, px, mm, in), 282 as described above. 283 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 284 <dl class="atn-list"> 285 <dt><code>name</code></dt> 286 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the dimension. This will be used as the resource ID. 287 </dd> 288 </dl> 289 </dd> 290 291 </dl> 292 </dd> <!-- end elements and attributes --> 293 294 <dt>example:</dt> 295 <dd>XML file saved at <code>res/values/dimens.xml</code>: 296 <pre> 297 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 298 <resources> 299 <dimen name="textview_height">25dp</dimen> 300 <dimen name="textview_width">150dp</dimen> 301 <dimen name="ball_radius">30dp</dimen> 302 <dimen name="font_size">16sp</dimen> 303 </resources> 304 </pre> 305 306 <p>This application code retrieves a dimension:</p> 307 <pre> 308 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 309 float fontSize = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#getDimension(int) getDimension}(R.dimen.font_size); 310 </pre> 311 <p>This layout XML applies dimensions to attributes:</p> 312 <pre> 313 <TextView 314 android:layout_height="@dimen/textview_height" 315 android:layout_width="@dimen/textview_width" 316 android:textSize="@dimen/font_size"/> 317 </pre> 318 </dl> 319 </dd> <!-- end example --> 320 321 </dl> 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 <h2 id="Id">ID</h2> 329 330 <p>A unique resource ID defined in XML. Using the name you provide in the {@code <item>} 331 element, the Android developer tools create a unique integer in your project's {@code 332 R.java} class, which you can use as an 333 identifier for an application resources (for example, a {@link android.view.View} in your UI layout) 334 or a unique integer for use in your application code (for example, as an ID for a dialog or a 335 result code).</p> 336 337 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> An ID is a simple resource that is referenced 338 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 339 such, you can combine ID resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 340 under one {@code <resources>} element. Also, remember that an ID resources does not reference 341 an actual resource item; it is simply a unique ID that you can attach to other resources or use 342 as a unique integer in your application.</p> 343 344 <dl class="xml"> 345 346 <dt>file location:</dt> 347 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename.xml</em></code><br/> 348 The filename is arbitrary.</dd> 349 350 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 351 <dd> 352 In Java: <code>R.id.<em>name</em></code><br/> 353 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]id/<em>name</em></code> 354 </dd> 355 356 <dt>syntax:</dt> 357 <dd> 358 <pre class="stx"> 359 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 360 <<a href="#id-resources-element">resources</a>> 361 <<a href="#id-item-element">item</a> 362 type="id" 363 name="<em>id_name</em>" /> 364 </resources> 365 </pre> 366 </dd> 367 368 <dt>elements:</dt> 369 <dd> 370 <dl class="tag-list"> 371 372 <dt id="id-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 373 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 374 <p>No attributes.</p> 375 </dd> 376 <dt id="id-item-element"><code><item></code></dt> 377 <dd>Defines a unique ID. Takes no value, only attributes. 378 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 379 <dl class="atn-list"> 380 <dt><code>type</code></dt> 381 <dd>Must be "id".</dd> 382 <dt><code>name</code></dt> 383 <dd><em>String</em>. A unique name for the ID.</dd> 384 </dl> 385 </dd> 386 387 </dl> 388 </dd> <!-- end elements and attributes --> 389 390 <dt>example:</dt> 391 <dd> 392 <p>XML file saved at <code>res/values/ids.xml</code>:</p> 393 <pre> 394 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 395 <resources> 396 <item type="id" name="button_ok" /> 397 <item type="id" name="dialog_exit" /> 398 </resources> 399 </pre> 400 401 <p>Then, this layout snippet uses the "button_ok" ID for a Button widget:</p> 402 <pre> 403 <Button android:id="<b>@id/button_ok</b>" 404 style="@style/button_style" /> 405 </pre> 406 407 <p>Notice that the {@code android:id} value does not include the plus sign in the ID reference, 408 because the ID already exists, as defined in the {@code ids.xml} example above. (When you specify an 409 ID to an XML resource using the plus sign—in the format {@code 410 android:id="@+id/name"}—it means that the "name" ID does not exist and should be created.)</p> 411 412 <p>As another example, the following code snippet uses the "dialog_exit" ID as a unique identifier 413 for a dialog:</p> 414 <pre> 415 {@link android.app.Activity#showDialog(int) showDialog}(<b>R.id.dialog_exit</b>); 416 </pre> 417 <p>In the same application, the "dialog_exit" ID is compared when creating a dialog:</p> 418 <pre> 419 protected Dialog {@link android.app.Activity#onCreateDialog(int)}(int id) { 420 Dialog dialog; 421 switch(id) { 422 case <b>R.id.dialog_exit</b>: 423 ... 424 break; 425 default: 426 dialog = null; 427 } 428 return dialog; 429 } 430 </pre> 431 </dd> <!-- end example --> 432 433 434 </dl> 435 436 437 438 439 440 <h2 id="Integer">Integer</h2> 441 442 <p>An integer defined in XML.</p> 443 444 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> An integer is a simple resource that is referenced 445 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 446 such, you can combine integer resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 447 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 448 449 <dl class="xml"> 450 451 <dt>file location:</dt> 452 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename.xml</em></code><br/> 453 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <integer>} element's {@code name} will be used as the 454 resource ID.</dd> 455 456 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 457 <dd> 458 In Java: <code>R.integer.<em>integer_name</em></code><br/> 459 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]integer/<em>integer_name</em></code> 460 </dd> 461 462 <dt>syntax:</dt> 463 <dd> 464 <pre class="stx"> 465 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 466 <<a href="#integer-resources-element">resources</a>> 467 <<a href="#integer-element">integer</a> 468 name="<em>integer_name</em>" 469 ><em>integer</em></integer> 470 </resources> 471 </pre> 472 </dd> 473 474 <dt>elements:</dt> 475 <dd> 476 <dl class="tag-list"> 477 478 <dt id="integer-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 479 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 480 <p>No attributes.</p> 481 </dd> 482 <dt id="integer-element"><code><integer></code></dt> 483 <dd>An integer. 484 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 485 <dl class="atn-list"> 486 <dt><code>name</code></dt> 487 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the integer. This will be used as the resource ID. 488 </dd> 489 </dl> 490 </dd> 491 492 </dl> 493 </dd> <!-- end elements and attributes --> 494 495 <dt>example:</dt> 496 <dd> 497 <p>XML file saved at <code>res/values/integers.xml</code>:</p> 498 <pre> 499 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 500 <resources> 501 <integer name="max_speed">75</integer> 502 <integer name="min_speed">5</integer> 503 </resources> 504 </pre> 505 <p>This application code retrieves an integer:</p> 506 <pre> 507 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 508 int maxSpeed = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#getInteger(int) getInteger}(R.integer.max_speed); 509 </pre> 510 </dd> <!-- end example --> 511 512 513 </dl> 514 515 516 517 518 519 <h2 id="IntegerArray">Integer Array</h2> 520 521 <p>An array of integers defined in XML.</p> 522 523 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> An integer array is a simple resource that is referenced 524 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 525 such, you can combine integer array resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 526 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 527 528 529 <dl class="xml"> 530 531 <dt>file location:</dt> 532 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename</em>.xml</code><br/> 533 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <integer-array>} element's {@code name} will be used as the 534 resource ID.</dd> 535 536 <dt>compiled resource datatype:</dt> 537 <dd>Resource pointer to an array of integers.</dd> 538 539 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 540 <dd> 541 In Java: <code>R.array.<em>string_array_name</em></code><br/> 542 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]array.<em>integer_array_name</em></code> 543 </dd> 544 545 <dt>syntax:</dt> 546 <dd> 547 <pre class="stx"> 548 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 549 <<a href="#integer-array-resources-element">resources</a>> 550 <<a href="#integer-array-element">integer-array</a> 551 name="<em>integer_array_name</em>"> 552 <<a href="#integer-array-item-element">item</a> 553 ><em>integer</em></item> 554 </integer-array> 555 </resources> 556 </pre> 557 </dd> 558 559 <dt>elements:</dt> 560 <dd> 561 <dl class="tag-list"> 562 <dt id="integer-array-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 563 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 564 <p>No attributes.</p> 565 </dd> 566 <dt id="integer-array-element"><code><string-array></code></dt> 567 <dd>Defines an array of integers. Contains one or more child {@code <item>} elements. 568 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 569 <dl class="atn-list"> 570 <dt><code>android:name</code></dt> 571 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the array. This name will be used as the resource 572 ID to reference the array.</dd> 573 </dl> 574 </dd> 575 <dt id="integer-array-item-element"><code><item></code></dt> 576 <dd>An integer. The value can be a referenced to another 577 integer resource. Must be a child of a {@code <integer-array>} element. 578 <p>No attributes.</p> 579 </dd> 580 </dl> 581 </dd> <!-- end elements --> 582 583 <dt>example:</dt> 584 <dd>XML file saved at <code>res/values/integers.xml</code>: 585 <pre> 586 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 587 <resources> 588 <integer-array name="bits"> 589 <item>4</item> 590 <item>8</item> 591 <item>16</item> 592 <item>32</item> 593 </integer-array> 594 </resources> 595 </pre> 596 597 <p>This application code retrieves the integer array:</p> 598 <pre> 599 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 600 int[] bits = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#getIntArray(int) getIntArray}(R.array.bits); 601 </pre> 602 </dd> <!-- end example --> 603 604 </dl> 605 606 607 608 609 610 <h2 id="TypedArray">Typed Array</h2> 611 612 <p>A {@link android.content.res.TypedArray} defined in XML. You can use 613 this to create an array of other resources, such as drawables. Note that the array 614 is not required to be homogeneous, so you can create an array of mixed resource types, but 615 you must be aware of what and where the data types are in the array so that you can properly obtain 616 each item with the {@link android.content.res.TypedArray}'s {@code get...()} methods.</p> 617 618 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> A typed array is a simple resource that is referenced 619 using the value provided in the {@code name} attribute (not the name of the XML file). As 620 such, you can combine typed array resources with other simple resources in the one XML file, 621 under one {@code <resources>} element.</p> 622 623 624 <dl class="xml"> 625 626 <dt>file location:</dt> 627 <dd><code>res/values/<em>filename</em>.xml</code><br/> 628 The filename is arbitrary. The {@code <array>} element's {@code name} will be used as the 629 resource ID.</dd> 630 631 <dt>compiled resource datatype:</dt> 632 <dd>Resource pointer to a {@link android.content.res.TypedArray}.</dd> 633 634 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 635 <dd> 636 In Java: <code>R.array.<em>array_name</em></code><br/> 637 In XML: <code>@[<em>package</em>:]array.<em>array_name</em></code> 638 </dd> 639 640 <dt>syntax:</dt> 641 <dd> 642 <pre class="stx"> 643 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 644 <<a href="#array-resources-element">resources</a>> 645 <<a href="#array-element">array</a> 646 name="<em>integer_array_name</em>"> 647 <<a href="#array-item-element">item</a>><em>resource</em></item> 648 </array> 649 </resources> 650 </pre> 651 </dd> 652 653 <dt>elements:</dt> 654 <dd> 655 <dl class="tag-list"> 656 <dt id="array-resources-element"><code><resources></code></dt> 657 <dd><strong>Required.</strong> This must be the root node. 658 <p>No attributes.</p> 659 </dd> 660 <dt id="array-element"><code><array></code></dt> 661 <dd>Defines an array. Contains one or more child {@code <item>} elements. 662 <p class="caps">attributes:</p> 663 <dl class="atn-list"> 664 <dt><code>android:name</code></dt> 665 <dd><em>String</em>. A name for the array. This name will be used as the resource 666 ID to reference the array.</dd> 667 </dl> 668 </dd> 669 <dt id="array-item-element"><code><item></code></dt> 670 <dd>A generic resource. The value can be a reference to a resource or a simple data type. 671 Must be a child of an {@code <array>} element. 672 <p>No attributes.</p> 673 </dd> 674 </dl> 675 </dd> <!-- end elements --> 676 677 <dt>example:</dt> 678 <dd>XML file saved at <code>res/values/arrays.xml</code>: 679 <pre> 680 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 681 <resources> 682 <array name="icons"> 683 <item>@drawable/home</item> 684 <item>@drawable/settings</item> 685 <item>@drawable/logout</item> 686 </array> 687 <array name="colors"> 688 <item>#FFFF0000</item> 689 <item>#FF00FF00</item> 690 <item>#FF0000FF</item> 691 </array> 692 </resources> 693 </pre> 694 695 <p>This application code retrieves each array and then obtains the first entry in each array:</p> 696 <pre> 697 Resources res = {@link android.content.Context#getResources()}; 698 TypedArray icons = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#obtainTypedArray(int) obtainTypedArray}(R.array.icons); 699 Drawable drawable = icons.{@link android.content.res.TypedArray#getDrawable(int) getDrawable}(0); 700 701 TypedArray colors = res.{@link android.content.res.Resources#obtainTypedArray(int) obtainTypedArray}(R.array.icons); 702 int color = colors.{@link android.content.res.TypedArray#getColor(int,int) getColor}(0,0); 703 </pre> 704 </dd> <!-- end example --> 705 706 </dl> 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 <!-- TODO 718 719 720 <h2>Styleable Attribute</h2> 721 722 723 <dl class="xml"> 724 725 <dt>syntax:</dt> 726 <dd> 727 <pre class="stx"> 728 </pre> 729 </dd> 730 731 <dt>file location:</dt> 732 <dd><code>res/</code></dd> 733 734 <dt>compiled resource datatype:</dt> 735 <dd>Resource pointer to a {@link android.view.Menu} (or subclass) resource.</dd> 736 737 <dt>resource reference:</dt> 738 <dd>Java: <code>R.</code><br/> 739 XML: 740 </dd> 741 742 <dt>elements and attributes:</dt> 743 <dd> 744 <dl class="attr"> 745 746 <dt><code></code></dt> 747 <dd></dd> 748 <dt><code></code></dt> 749 <dd>Valid attributes: 750 <dl> 751 <dt><code></code></dt> 752 <dd> 753 </dd> 754 <dt><code></code></dt> 755 <dd> 756 </dd> 757 </dl> 758 </dd> 759 760 </dl> 761 </dd> 762 763 <dt>example:</dt> 764 <dd> 765 <dl> 766 767 <dt>XML file saved at <code>res/</code>:</dt> 768 <dd> 769 <pre> 770 771 </pre> 772 </dd> 773 774 <dt>Java code :</dt> 775 <dd> 776 <pre> 777 778 </pre> 779 </dd> 780 781 </dl> 782 </dd> 783 784 785 <dt>see also:</dt> 786 <dd> 787 <ul> 788 <li></li> 789 </ul> 790 </dd> 791 792 </dl> 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 --> 800 801 802 803 804