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      1 page.title=Notepad Exercise 1
      2 parent.title=Notepad Tutorial
      3 parent.link=index.html
      4 @jd:body
      7 <p><em>In this exercise, you will construct a simple notes list that lets the
      8 user add new notes but not edit them. The exercise demonstrates:</em></p>
      9 <ul>
     10 <li><em>The basics of <code>ListActivities</code> and creating and handling menu
     11 options. </em></li>
     12 <li><em>How to use a SQLite database to store the notes.</em></li>
     13 <li><em>How to bind data from a database cursor into a ListView using a
     14 SimpleCursorAdapter.</em></li>
     15 <li><em>The basics of screen layouts, including how to lay out a list view, how
     16 you can add items to the activity menu, and how the activity handles those menu
     17 selections. </em></li>
     18 </ul>
     20 <div style="float:right;white-space:nowrap">
     21 <span style="color:#BBB;">
     22 	[<a href="notepad-ex1.html" style="color:#BBB;">Exercise 1</a>]</span>
     23 	[<a href="notepad-ex2.html">Exercise 2</a>]
     24 	[<a href="notepad-ex3.html">Exercise 3</a>]
     25 	[<a href="notepad-extra-credit.html">Extra Credit</a>]
     26 </div>
     30 <h2>Step 1</h2>
     32 	<p>Open up the <code>Notepadv1</code> project in Eclipse.</p>
     34     <p><code>Notepadv1</code> is a project that is provided as a starting point. It
     35     takes care of some of the boilerplate work that you have already seen if you
     36     followed the <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/hello-world.html">Hello,
     37     World</a> tutorial.</p>
     39   <ol>
     40     <li>
     41       Start a new Android Project by clicking <strong>File</strong> > 
     42       <strong>New</strong> > <strong>Android Project</strong>.</li>
     43     <li>
     44       In the New Android Project dialog, select <strong>Create project from existing source</strong>.</li>
     45     <li>
     46       Click <strong>Browse</strong> and navigate to where you copied the <code>NotepadCodeLab</code> 
     47       (downloaded during <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/notepad/index.html#preparing">setup</a>) 
     48       and select <code>Notepadv1</code>.</li>
     49     <li>
     50       The Project Name and other properties should be automatically filled for you. 
     51       You must select the Build Target&mdash;we recommend selecting a target with the 
     52       lowest platform version available. Also add an integer to the Min SDK Version field 
     53       that matches the API Level of the selected Build Target.</li>
     54     <li>
     55       Click <strong>Finish</strong>. The <code>Notepadv1</code> project should open and be 
     56       visible in your Eclipse package explorer.</li>
     57   </ol>
     59     <p>If you see an error about <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, or some
     60       problems related to an Android zip file, right click on the project and
     61       select <strong>Android Tools</strong> > <strong>Fix Project Properties</strong>.
     62       (The project is looking in the wrong location for the library file,
     63       this will fix it for you.)</p>
     65   <h2>Step 2</h2>
     67   <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
     68   <div class="sidebox">
     69     <h2>Accessing and modifying data</h2>
     70     <p>For this
     71     exercise, we are using a SQLite database to store our data. This is useful
     72     if only <em>your</em> application will need to access or modify the data. If you wish for
     73     other activities to access or modify the data, you have to expose the data using a 
     74     {@link android.content.ContentProvider ContentProvider}.</p>
     75     <p>If you are interested, you can find out more about
     76     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html">content providers</a> or the
     77 whole
     78     subject of <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html">Data Storage</a>.
     79     The NotePad sample in the <code>samples/</code> folder of the SDK also has an example of how
     80     to create a ContentProvider.</p>
     81   </div>
     82   </div>
     84     <p>Take a look at the <code>NotesDbAdapter</code> class &mdash; this class is provided to
     85     encapsulate data access to a SQLite database that will hold our notes data
     86     and allow us to update it.</p>
     87     <p>At the top of the class are some constant definitions that will be used in the application
     88     to look up data from the proper field names in the database. There is also a database creation
     89     string defined, which is used to create a new database schema if one doesn't exist already.</p>
     90     <p>Our database will have the name <code>data</code>, and have a single table called 
     91     <code>notes</code>, which in turn has three fields: <code>_id</code>, <code>title</code> and 
     92     <code>body</code>. The <code>_id</code> is named with an underscore convention used in a number of
     93     places inside the Android SDK and helps keep a track of state. The <code>_id</code>
     94     usually has to be specified when querying or updating the database (in the column projections
     95     and so on). The other two fields are simple text fields that will store data.
     96     </p>
     97     <p>The constructor for <code>NotesDbAdapter</code> takes a Context, which allows it to communicate with aspects
     98     of the Android operating system. This is quite common for classes that need to touch the
     99     Android system in some way. The Activity class implements the Context class, so usually you will just pass
    100     <code>this</code> from your Activity, when needing a Context.</p>
    101     <p>The <code>open()</code> method calls up an instance of DatabaseHelper, which is our local
    102     implementation of the SQLiteOpenHelper class. It calls <code>getWritableDatabase()</code>, 
    103     which handles creating/opening a database for us.</p>
    104     <p><code>close()</code> just closes the database, releasing resources related to the 
    105     connection.</p>
    106     <p><code>createNote()</code> takes strings for the title and body of a new note,
    107     then creates that note in the database. Assuming the new note is created successfully, the
    108     method also returns the row <code>_id</code> value for the newly created note.</p>
    109     <p><code>deleteNote()</code> takes a <var>rowId</var> for a particular note, and deletes that note from
    110     the database.</p>
    112     <p><code>fetchAllNotes()</code> issues a query to return a {@link android.database.Cursor} over all notes in the
    113     database. The <code>query()</code> call is worth examination and understanding. The first field is the 
    114     name of the database table to query (in this case <code>DATABASE_TABLE</code> is "notes").
    115     The next is the list of columns we want returned, in this case we want the <code>_id</code>, 
    116     <code>title</code> and <code>body</code> columns so these are specified in the String array.
    117     The remaining fields are, in order: <code>selection</code>, 
    118     <code>selectionArgs</code>, <code>groupBy</code>, <code>having</code> and <code>orderBy</code>.
    119     Having these all <code>null</code> means we want all data, need no grouping, and will take the default
    120     order. See {@link android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase SQLiteDatabase} for more details.</p>
    121     <p class="note"><b>Note:</b> A Cursor is returned rather than a collection of rows. This allows
    122     Android to use resources efficiently -- instead of putting lots of data straight into memory
    123     the cursor will retrieve and release data as it is needed, which is much more efficient for
    124     tables with lots of rows.</p>
    126     <p><code>fetchNote()</code> is similar to <code>fetchAllNotes()</code> but just gets one note
    127     with the <var>rowId</var> we specify. It uses a slightly different version of the 
    128     {@link android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase} <code>query()</code> method. 
    129     The first parameter (set <em>true</em>) indicates that we are interested
    130     in one distinct result. The <var>selection</var> parameter (the fourth parameter) has been specified to search
    131     only for the row "where _id =" the <var>rowId</var> we passed in. So we are returned a Cursor on
    132     the one row.</p>
    133     <p>And finally, <code>updateNote()</code> takes a <var>rowId</var>, <var>title</var> and <var>body</var>, and uses a
    134     {@link android.content.ContentValues ContentValues} instance to update the note of the given
    135     <var>rowId</var>.</p>
    137 <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 3</h2>
    139 	<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    140   <div class="sidebox">
    141     <h2>Layouts and activities</h2>
    142       <p>Most Activity classes will have a layout associated with them. The layout
    143     will be the "face" of the Activity to the user. In this case our layout will
    144     take over the whole screen and provide a list of notes.</p>
    145     <p>Full screen layouts are not the only option for an Activity however. You
    146     might also want to use a <a
    147 href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#floatingorfull">floating 
    148     layout</a> (for example, a <a
    149 href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#dialogsandalerts">dialog
    150     or alert</a>), 
    151     or perhaps you don't need a layout at all (the Activity will be invisible 
    152     to the user unless you specify some kind of layout for it to use).</p>
    153   </div>
    154   </div>
    156     <p>Open the <code>notepad_list.xml</code> file in <code>res/layout</code>
    157 and 
    158     take a look at it. (You may have to
    159     hit the <em>xml</em> tab, at the bottom, in order to view the XML markup.)</p>
    161     <p>This is a mostly-empty layout definition file. Here are some
    162     things you should know about a layout file:</p>
    165   <ul>
    166     <li>
    167       All Android layout files must start with the XML header line:
    168       <code>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;</code>.    </li>
    169     <li>
    170       The next definition will often (but not always) be a layout
    171       definition of some kind, in this case a <code>LinearLayout</code>.    </li>
    172     <li>
    173       The XML namespace of Android should always be defined in
    174       the top level component or layout in the XML so that <code>android:</code> tags can
    175       be used through the rest of the file:
    176       <p><code>xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"</code></p>
    177     </li>
    178   </ul>
    180   <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 4</h2>
    181     <p>We need to create the layout to hold our list. Add code inside
    182     of the <code>LinearLayout</code> element so the whole file looks like this: </p>
    183     <pre>
    184 &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
    185 &lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android=&quot;http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
    186     android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    187     android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;&gt;
    189   &lt;ListView android:id=&quot;@android:id/list&quot;
    190         android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    191         android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;/&gt;
    192   &lt;TextView android:id=&quot;@android:id/empty&quot;
    193         android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    194         android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    195         android:text=&quot;@string/no_notes&quot;/&gt;
    197 &lt;/LinearLayout&gt;
    198 </pre>
    199   <ul>
    200     <li>
    201       The <strong>&#64;</strong> symbol in the id strings of the <code>ListView</code> and 
    202       <code>TextView</code> tags means 
    203       that the XML parser should parse and expand the rest of
    204       the id string and use an ID resource.</li>
    205     <li>
    206       The <code>ListView</code> and <code>TextView</code> can be
    207       thought as two alternative views, only one of which will be displayed at once.
    208       ListView will be used when there are notes to be shown, while the TextView
    209       (which has a default value of "No Notes Yet!" defined as a string
    210       resource in <code>res/values/strings.xml</code>) will be displayed if there 
    211       aren't any notes to display.</li>
    212     <li>The <code>list</code> and <code>empty</code> IDs are
    213       provided for us by the Android platform, so, we must 
    214       prefix the <code>id</code> with <code>android:</code> (e.g., <code>@android:id/list</code>).</li>
    215     <li>The View with the <code>empty</code> id is used 
    216       automatically when the {@link android.widget.ListAdapter} has no data for the ListView. The 
    217       ListAdapter knows to look for this name by default. Alternatively, you could change the      
    218       default empty view by using {@link android.widget.AdapterView#setEmptyView(View)}
    219       on the ListView.
    220       <p>
    221       More broadly, the <code>android.R</code> class is a set of predefined 
    222       resources provided for you by the platform, while your project's 
    223       <code>R</code> class is the set of resources your project has defined.
    224       Resources found in the <code>android.R</code> resource class can be
    225       used in the XML files by using the <code>android:</code> name space prefix      
    226       (as we see here).</p>
    227     </li>
    228   </ul>
    230   <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 5</h2>
    232 	<div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    233   <div class="sidebox">
    234     <h2>Resources and the R class</h2>
    235     <p>The folders under res/ in the Eclipse project are for resources.
    236      There is a <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#filelist">specific structure</a>
    237 to the
    238      folders and files under res/.</p>
    239     <p>Resources defined in these folders and files will have
    240     corresponding entries in the R class allowing them to be easily accessed
    241     and used from your application. The R class is automatically generated using the contents
    242     of the res/ folder by the eclipse plugin (or by aapt if you use the command line tools).
    243     Furthermore, they will be bundled and deployed for you as part of the application.</p>
    244     </p>
    245   </div>
    246   </div>
    248     <p>To make the list of notes in the ListView, we also need to define a View for each row:</p>
    249   <ol>
    250     <li>
    251       Create a new file under <code>res/layout</code> called 
    252       <code>notes_row.xml</code>.    </li>
    253     <li>
    254       Add the following contents (note: again the XML header is used, and the
    255       first node defines the Android XML namespace)<br>
    256       <pre style="overflow:auto">
    257 &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
    258 &lt;TextView android:id=&quot;&#64;+id/text1&quot;
    259     xmlns:android=&quot;http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
    260     android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot;
    261     android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;/&gt;</pre>
    262     <p>
    263       This is the View that will be used for each notes title row &mdash; it has only
    264       one text field in it.    </p>
    265     <p>In this case we create a new id called <code>text1</code>. The
    266       <strong>+</strong> after the <strong>@</strong> in the id string indicates that the id should
    267       be automatically created as a resource if it does not already exist, so we are defining
    268       <code>text1</code> on the fly and then using it.</p>
    269     </li>
    270     <li>Save the file.</li>
    271   </ol>
    272       <p>Open the <code>R.java</code> class in the
    273       project and look at it, you should see new definitions for
    274       <code>notes_row</code> and <code>text1</code> (our new definitions)
    275       meaning we can now gain access to these from the our code. </p>
    277   <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 6</h2>
    278 <p>Next, open the <code>Notepadv1</code> class in the source. In the following steps, we are going to
    279     alter this class to become a list adapter and display our notes, and also
    280     allow us to add new notes.</p>
    282 <p><code>Notepadv1</code> will inherit from a subclass
    283     of <code>Activity</code> called a <code>ListActivity</code>, 
    284     which has extra functionality to accommodate the kinds of 
    285     things you might want to do with a list, for
    286     example: displaying an arbitrary number of list items in rows on the screen,
    287     moving through the list items, and allowing them to be selected.</p>
    289 <p>Take a look through the existing code in <code>Notepadv1</code> class.
    290     There is a currently an unused private field called <code>mNoteNumber</code> that
    291     we will use to create numbered note titles.</p>
    292     <p>There are also three override methods defined:
    293     <code>onCreate</code>, <code>onCreateOptionsMenu</code> and
    294     <code>onOptionsItemSelected</code>; we need to fill these
    295     out:</p>
    296     <ul>
    297       <li><code>onCreate()</code> is called when the activity is
    298       started &mdash; it is a little like the "main" method for an Activity. We use
    299       this to set up resources and state for the activity when it is
    300       running.</li>
    301      <li><code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> is used to populate the
    302       menu for the Activity. This is shown when the user hits the menu button,
    303 and
    304       has a list of options they can select (like "Create
    305       Note"). </li>
    306      <li><code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> is the other half of the
    307       menu equation, it is used to handle events generated from the menu (e.g.,
    308       when the user selects the "Create Note" item).
    309       </li>
    310     </ul>
    312   <h2>Step 7</h2>
    313     <p>Change the inheritance of <code>Notepadv1</code> from
    314 <code>Activity</code>
    315     to <code>ListActivity</code>:</p> 
    316     <pre>public class Notepadv1 extends ListActivity</pre>
    317     <p>Note: you will have to import <code>ListActivity</code> into the
    318 Notepadv1
    319     class using Eclipse, <strong>ctrl-shift-O</strong> on Windows or Linux, or
    320     <strong>cmd-shift-O</strong> on the Mac (organize imports) will do this for you
    321     after you've written the above change.</p>
    323   <h2>Step 8</h2>
    324     <p>Fill out the body of the <code>onCreate()</code> method.</p>
    325     <p>Here we will set the title for the Activity (shown at the top of the
    326     screen), use the <code>notepad_list</code> layout we created in XML, 
    327     set up the <code>NotesDbAdapter</code> instance that will
    328     access notes data, and populate the list with the available note
    329     titles:</p>
    330     <ol>
    331     <li>
    332       In the <code>onCreate</code> method, call <code>super.onCreate()</code> with the 
    333       <code>savedInstanceState</code> parameter that's passed in.</li>
    334     <li>
    335       Call <code>setContentView()</code> and pass <code>R.layout.notepad_list</code>.</li>
    336     <li>
    337       At the top of the class, create a new private class field called <code>mDbHelper</code> of class
    338       <code>NotesDbAdapter</code>.
    339     </li>
    340     <li>
    341       Back in the <code>onCreate</code> method, construct a new
    342 <code>NotesDbAdapter</code>
    343       instance and assign it to the <code>mDbHelper</code> field (pass
    344       <code>this</code> into the constructor for <code>DBHelper</code>)
    345     </li>
    346     <li>
    347       Call the <code>open()</code> method on <code>mDbHelper</code> to open (or create) the
    348       database.
    349     </li>
    350     <li>
    351       Finally, call a new method <code>fillData()</code>, which will get the data and
    352       populate the ListView using the helper &mdash; we haven't defined this method yet.    </li>
    353   </ol>
    354     <p>
    355       <code>onCreate()</code> should now look like this:</p>
    356       <pre>
    357     &#64;Override
    358     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    359         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    360         setContentView(R.layout.notepad_list);
    361         mDbHelper = new NotesDbAdapter(this);
    362         mDbHelper.open();
    363         fillData();
    364     }</pre>
    365       <p>And be sure you have the <code>mDbHelper</code> field definition (right
    366       under the mNoteNumber definition): </p>
    367       <pre>    private NotesDbAdapter mDbHelper;</pre>
    369   <h2>Step 9</h2>
    371   <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    372   <div class="sidebox">
    373     <h2>More about menus</h2>
    374     <p>The notepad application we are constructing only scratches the
    375      surface with <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#addmenuitems">menus</a>. </p>
    376     <p>You can also <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#menukeyshortcuts">add
    377 shortcut keys for menu items</a>, <a
    378 href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#menukeyshortcuts">create
    379 submenus</a> and even <a href="{@docRoot}resources/faq/commontasks.html#addingtoothermenus">add
    380 menu items to other applications!</a>. </p>
    381   </div>
    382   </div>
    384 <p>Fill out the body of the <code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> method.</p>
    386 <p>We will now create the "Add Item" button that can be accessed by pressing the menu
    387 button on the device. We'll specify that it occupy the first position in the menu.</p>
    389   <ol>
    390     <li>
    391       In <code>strings.xml</code> resource (under <code>res/values</code>), add
    392       a new string named "menu_insert" with its value set to <code>Add Item</code>:
    393      <pre>&lt;string name="menu_insert"&gt;Add Item&lt;/string&gt;</pre>
    394       <p>Then save the file and return to <code>Notepadv1</code>.</p>
    395     </li>
    396     <li>Create a menu position constant at the top of the  class:
    397       <pre>public static final int INSERT_ID = Menu.FIRST;</pre>
    398     </li>
    399     <li>In the <code>onCreateOptionsMenu()</code> method, change the 
    400     <code>super</code> call so we capture the boolean return as <code>result</code>. We'll return this value at the end.</li>
    401     <li>Then add the menu item with <code>menu.add()</code>.</li>
    402   </ol>
    403   <p>The whole method should now look like this: 
    404       <pre>
    405     &#64;Override
    406     public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    407         boolean result = super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);
    408         menu.add(0, INSERT_ID, 0, R.string.menu_insert);
    409         return result;
    410     }</pre>
    411   <p>The arguments passed to <code>add()</code> indicate: a group identifier for this menu (none,
    412   in this case), a unique ID (defined above), the order of the item (zero indicates no preference),
    413   and the resource of the string to use for the item.</p>
    415 <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 10</h2>
    416     <p>Fill out the body of the <code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> method:</p>
    417     <p>This is going
    418     to handle our new "Add Note" menu item.  When this is selected, the
    419     <code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code> method will be called with the
    420     <code>item.getId()</code> set to <code>INSERT_ID</code> (the constant we
    421     used to identify the menu item). We can detect this, and take the
    422     appropriate actions:</p>
    423   <ol>
    424     <li>
    425       The <code>super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)</code> method call goes at the
    426       end of this method &mdash; we want to catch our events first!    </li>
    427     <li>
    428       Write a switch statement on <code>item.getItemId()</code>.   
    429       <p>In the case of <var>INSERT_ID</var>, call a new method, <code>createNote()</code>,
    430       and return true, because we have handled this event and do not want to
    431       propagate it through the system.</p>
    432     </li>
    433     <li>Return the result of the superclass' <code>onOptionsItemSelected()</code>
    434     method at the end.</li>
    435    </ol>
    436     <p>
    437       The whole <code>onOptionsItemSelect()</code> method should now look like
    438       this:</p>
    439       <pre>
    440     &#64;Override
    441     public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    442         switch (item.getItemId()) {
    443         case INSERT_ID:
    444             createNote();
    445             return true;
    446         }
    448         return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
    449     }</pre>
    451 <h2>Step 11</h2>
    452     <p>Add a new <code>createNote()</code> method:</p>
    453     <p>In this first version of
    454     our application, <code>createNote()</code> is not going to be very useful.
    455 We will simply
    456     create a new note with a title assigned to it based on a counter ("Note 1",
    457     "Note 2"...) and with an empty body. At present we have no way of editing
    458     the contents of a note, so for now we will have to be content making one
    459     with some default values:</p>
    460   <ol>
    461     <li>Construct the name using "Note" and the counter we defined in the class: <code>
    462       String noteName = "Note " + mNoteNumber++</code></li>
    463     <li>
    464       Call <code>mDbHelper.createNote()</code> using <code>noteName</code> as the
    465       title and <code>""</code> for the body 
    466     </li>
    467     <li>
    468       Call <code>fillData()</code> to populate the list of notes (inefficient but
    469       simple) &mdash; we'll create this method next.</li>
    470   </ol>
    471     <p>
    472       The whole <code>createNote()</code> method should look like this: </p>
    473       <pre>
    474     private void createNote() {
    475         String noteName = &quot;Note &quot; + mNoteNumber++;
    476         mDbHelper.createNote(noteName, &quot;&quot;);
    477         fillData();
    478     }</pre>
    481 <h2>Step 12</h2>
    482   <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    483   <div class="sidebox">
    484     <h2>List adapters</h2>
    485     <p>Our example uses a {@link android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
    486      SimpleCursorAdapter} to bind a database {@link android.database.Cursor Cursor}
    487      into a ListView, and this is a common way to use a {@link android.widget.ListAdapter 
    488      ListAdapter}. Other options exist like {@link android.widget.ArrayAdapter ArrayAdapter} which 
    489      can be used to take a List or Array of in-memory data and bind it in to
    490      a list as well.</p>
    491   </div>
    492   </div>
    494   <p>Define the <code>fillData()</code> method:</p>
    495    <p>This
    496     method uses <code>SimpleCursorAdapter,</code> which takes a database <code>Cursor</code> 
    497     and binds it to fields provided in the layout. These fields define the row elements of our list 
    498     (in this case we use the <code>text1</code> field in our
    499     <code>notes_row.xml</code> layout), so this allows us to easily populate the list with
    500     entries from our database.</p>
    501     <p>To do this we have to provide a mapping from the <code>title</code> field in the returned Cursor, to
    502     our <code>text1</code> TextView, which is done by defining two arrays: the first a string array
    503     with the list of columns to map <em>from</em> (just "title" in this case, from the constant 
    504     <code>NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE</code>) and, the second, an int array
    505     containing references to the views that we'll bind the data <em>into</em> 
    506     (the <code>R.id.text1</code> TextView).</p>
    507     <p>This is a bigger chunk of code, so let's first take a look at it:</p>
    509     <pre>
    510     private void fillData() {
    511         // Get all of the notes from the database and create the item list
    512         Cursor c = mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes();
    513         startManagingCursor(c);
    515         String[] from = new String[] { NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE };
    516         int[] to = new int[] { R.id.text1 };
    518         // Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our row
    519         SimpleCursorAdapter notes =
    520             new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.notes_row, c, from, to);
    521         setListAdapter(notes);
    522     }</pre>
    524   <p>Here's what we've done:</p>
    525   <ol>
    526     <li>
    527       After obtaining the Cursor from <code>mDbHelper.fetchAllNotes()</code>, we 
    528       use an Activity method called
    529       <code>startManagingCursor()</code> that allows Android to take care of the
    530       Cursor lifecycle instead of us needing to worry about it. (We will cover the implications
    531       of the lifecycle in exercise 3, but for now just know that this allows Android to do some
    532       of our resource management work for us.)</li>
    533     <li>
    534       Then we create a string array in which we declare the column(s) we want 
    535       (just the title, in this case), and an int array that defines the View(s)
    536       to which we'd like to bind the columns (these should be in order, respective to 
    537       the string array, but here we only have one for each).</li>
    538     <li>
    539       Next is the SimpleCursorAdapter instantiation. 
    540       Like many classes in Android, the SimpleCursorAdapter needs a Context in order to do its
    541       work, so we pass in <code>this</code> for the context (since subclasses of Activity 
    542       implement Context). We pass the <code>notes_row</code> View we created as the receptacle
    543       for the data, the Cursor we just created, and then our arrays.</li>
    544    </ol>
    545     <p>
    546       In the future, remember that the mapping between the <strong>from</strong> columns and <strong>to</strong> resources
    547       is done using the respective ordering of the two arrays. If we had more columns we wanted
    548       to bind, and more Views to bind them in to, we would specify them in order, for example we
    549       might use <code>{ NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE, NotesDbAdapter.KEY_BODY }</code> and
    550       <code>{ R.id.text1, R.id.text2 }</code> to bind two fields into the row (and we would also need
    551       to define text2 in the notes_row.xml, for the body text). This is how you can bind multiple fields
    552       into a single row (and get a custom row layout as well).</p>
    553     <p>
    554       If you get compiler errors about classes not being found, ctrl-shift-O or
    555       (cmd-shift-O on the mac) to organize imports. 
    556     </p>
    558 <h2 style="clear:right;">Step 13</h2>
    559     <p>Run it!
    560   <ol>
    561     <li>
    562       Right click on the <code>Notepadv1</code> project.</li>
    563     <li>
    564       From the popup menu, select <strong>Run As</strong> &gt; 
    565       <strong>Android Application</strong>.</li>
    566     <li>
    567       If you see a dialog come up, select Android Launcher as the way of running
    568       the application (you can also use the link near the top of the dialog to
    569       set this as your default for the workspace; this is recommended as it will
    570       stop the plugin from asking you this every time).</li>
    571     <li>Add new notes by hitting the menu button and selecting <em>Add
    572     Item</em> from the menu.</li>
    573   </ol>
    575 <h2 style="clear:right;">Solution and Next Steps</h2>
    576     <p>You can see the solution to this class in <code>Notepadv1Solution</code>
    577 from
    578 the zip file to compare with your own.</p>
    580 <p>Once you are ready, move on to <a href="notepad-ex2.html">Tutorial
    581 Exercise 2</a> to add the ability to create, edit and delete notes.</p>