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      1 # See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.
      3 option java_package com.android.server
      5 # ---------------------------
      6 # BatteryService.java
      7 # ---------------------------
      8 2722 battery_level (level|1|6),(voltage|1|1),(temperature|1|1)
      9 2723 battery_status (status|1|5),(health|1|5),(present|1|5),(plugged|1|5),(technology|3)
     10 # This is logged when battery goes from discharging to charging.
     11 # It lets us count the total amount of time between charges and the discharge level
     12 2730 battery_discharge (duration|2|3),(minLevel|1|6),(maxLevel|1|6)
     15 # ---------------------------
     16 # PowerManagerService.java
     17 # ---------------------------
     18 # This is logged when the device is being forced to sleep (typically by
     19 # the user pressing the power button).
     20 2724 power_sleep_requested (wakeLocksCleared|1|1)
     21 # This is logged when the screen on broadcast has completed
     22 2725 power_screen_broadcast_send (wakelockCount|1|1)
     23 # This is logged when the screen broadcast has completed
     24 2726 power_screen_broadcast_done (on|1|5),(broadcastDuration|2|3),(wakelockCount|1|1)
     25 # This is logged when the screen on broadcast has completed
     26 2727 power_screen_broadcast_stop (which|1|5),(wakelockCount|1|1)
     27 # This is logged when the screen is turned on or off.
     28 2728 power_screen_state (offOrOn|1|5),(becauseOfUser|1|5),(totalTouchDownTime|2|3),(touchCycles|1|1)
     29 # This is logged when the partial wake lock (keeping the device awake
     30 # regardless of whether the screen is off) is acquired or released.
     31 2729 power_partial_wake_state (releasedorAcquired|1|5),(tag|3)
     33 #
     34 # Leave IDs through 2739 for more power logs (2730 used by battery_discharge above)
     35 #
     38 # ---------------------------
     39 # DeviceStorageMonitoryService.java
     40 # ---------------------------
     41 # The disk space free on the /data partition, in bytes
     42 2744 free_storage_changed (data|2|2)
     43 # Device low memory notification and disk space free on the /data partition, in bytes at that time
     44 2745 low_storage (data|2|2)
     45 # disk space free on the /data, /system, and /cache partitions in bytes
     46 2746 free_storage_left (data|2|2),(system|2|2),(cache|2|2)
     49 # ---------------------------
     50 # NotificationManagerService.java
     51 # ---------------------------
     52 # when a NotificationManager.notify is called
     53 2750 notification_enqueue (pkg|3),(id|1|5),(notification|3)
     54 # when someone tries to cancel a notification, the notification manager sometimes
     55 # calls this with flags too
     56 2751 notification_cancel (pkg|3),(id|1|5),(required_flags|1)
     57 # when someone tries to cancel all of the notifications for a particular package
     58 2752 notification_cancel_all (pkg|3),(required_flags|1)
     61 # ---------------------------
     62 # Watchdog.java
     63 # ---------------------------
     64 2802 watchdog (Service|3)
     65 2803 watchdog_proc_pss (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(Pss|1|2)
     66 2804 watchdog_soft_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2),(Skip|3)
     67 2805 watchdog_hard_reset (Process|3),(Pid|1|5),(MaxPss|1|2),(Pss|1|2)
     68 2806 watchdog_pss_stats (EmptyPss|1|2),(EmptyCount|1|1),(BackgroundPss|1|2),(BackgroundCount|1|1),(ServicePss|1|2),(ServiceCount|1|1),(VisiblePss|1|2),(VisibleCount|1|1),(ForegroundPss|1|2),(ForegroundCount|1|1),(NoPssCount|1|1)
     69 2807 watchdog_proc_stats (DeathsInOne|1|1),(DeathsInTwo|1|1),(DeathsInThree|1|1),(DeathsInFour|1|1),(DeathsInFive|1|1)
     70 2808 watchdog_scheduled_reboot (Now|2|1),(Interval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(Skip|3)
     71 2809 watchdog_meminfo (MemFree|1|2),(Buffers|1|2),(Cached|1|2),(Active|1|2),(Inactive|1|2),(AnonPages|1|2),(Mapped|1|2),(Slab|1|2),(SReclaimable|1|2),(SUnreclaim|1|2),(PageTables|1|2)
     72 2810 watchdog_vmstat (runtime|2|3),(pgfree|1|1),(pgactivate|1|1),(pgdeactivate|1|1),(pgfault|1|1),(pgmajfault|1|1)
     73 2811 watchdog_requested_reboot (NoWait|1|1),(ScheduleInterval|1|3),(RecheckInterval|1|3),(StartTime|1|3),(Window|1|3),(MinScreenOff|1|3),(MinNextAlarm|1|3)
     76 # ---------------------------
     77 # BackupManagerService.java
     78 # ---------------------------
     79 2820 backup_data_changed (Package|3)
     80 2821 backup_start (Transport|3)
     81 2822 backup_transport_failure (Package|3)
     82 2823 backup_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
     83 2824 backup_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
     84 2825 backup_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
     85 2826 backup_reset (Transport|3)
     86 2827 backup_initialize
     87 2830 restore_start (Transport|3),(Source|2|5)
     88 2831 restore_transport_failure
     89 2832 restore_agent_failure (Package|3),(Message|3)
     90 2833 restore_package (Package|3),(Size|1|2)
     91 2834 restore_success (Packages|1|1),(Time|1|3)
     94 # ---------------------------
     95 # SystemServer.java
     96 # ---------------------------
     97 # SystemServer.run() starts:
     98 3010 boot_progress_system_run (time|2|3)
    101 # ---------------------------
    102 # PackageManagerService.java
    103 # ---------------------------
    104 # Package Manager starts:
    105 3060 boot_progress_pms_start (time|2|3)
    106 # Package Manager .apk scan starts:
    107 3070 boot_progress_pms_system_scan_start (time|2|3)
    108 # Package Manager .apk scan starts:
    109 3080 boot_progress_pms_data_scan_start (time|2|3)
    110 # Package Manager .apk scan ends:
    111 3090 boot_progress_pms_scan_end (time|2|3)
    112 # Package Manager ready:
    113 3100 boot_progress_pms_ready (time|2|3)
    114 # + check activity_launch_time for Home app
    117 # ---------------------------
    118 # WindowManagerService.java
    119 # ---------------------------
    120 # Out of memory for surfaces.
    121 31000 wm_no_surface_memory (Window|3),(PID|1|5),(Operation|3)
    124 # ---------------------------
    125 # InputMethodManagerService.java
    126 # ---------------------------
    127 # Re-connecting to input method service because we haven't received its interface
    128 32000 imf_force_reconnect_ime (IME|4),(Time Since Connect|2|3),(Showing|1|1)
    131 # ---------------------------
    132 # ConnectivityService.java
    133 # ---------------------------
    134 # Connectivity state changed:
    135 # [31-13] Reserved for future use
    136 # [12- 9] Network subtype (for mobile network, as defined by TelephonyManager)
    137 # [ 8- 3] Detailed state ordinal (as defined by NetworkInfo.DetailedState)
    138 # [ 2- 0] Network type (as defined by ConnectivityManager)
    139 50020 connectivity_state_changed (custom|1|5)