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      2 <!-- 
      3 /*
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     18  -->
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     22     <string name="app_label" msgid="3706018265751197270">"Ti khon v Ci t ng b ho"</string>
     23     <string name="sync_settings" msgid="8707056705985552604">"Ti khon &amp; ci t ng b ho"</string>
     24     <string name="sync_too_many_deletes" msgid="1621369057980827097">" vt qu gii hn xo"</string>
     25     <string name="background_data" msgid="1103557117473896066">"D liu nn"</string>
     26     <string name="background_data_summary" msgid="9048259510387973822">"ng dng c th ng b ho, gi v nhn d liu bt k lc no"</string>
     27     <string name="background_data_dialog_title" msgid="6303755495467986079">"Ch "</string>
     28     <string name="background_data_dialog_message" msgid="8417297954700022363">"V hiu ho d liu nn s ko di tui th pin v gim vic s dng d liu. Mt s ng dng vn c th s dng kt ni d liu nn."</string>
     29     <string name="sync_automatically" msgid="4694735102757960100">"T ng ng b ha"</string>
     30     <string name="sync_automatically_summary" msgid="4598895616781542745">"ng dng t ng ng b ho d liu"</string>
     31     <string name="settings_backup" msgid="6114299464740014762">"Sao lu ci t"</string>
     32     <string name="settings_backup_summary" msgid="1787552172618610178">"Sao lu ci t ca ti"</string>
     33     <string name="sync_menu_sync_now" msgid="5796024841315572404">"ng b ho ngay by gi"</string>
     34     <string name="sync_menu_sync_cancel" msgid="1005480041232010062">"Hu ng b ho"</string>
     35     <string name="sync_one_time_sync" msgid="3274364877518422827">"Chm  ng b ho ngay by gi<xliff:g id="LAST_SYNC_TIME">
     36 %1$s</xliff:g>"</string>
     37     <string name="sync_gmail" msgid="5806053858668452000">"Gmail"</string>
     38     <string name="sync_calendar" msgid="1796292773734071897">"Lch"</string>
     39     <string name="sync_contacts" msgid="2035690905925565660">"Danh b"</string>
     40     <string name="sync_too_many_deletes_desc" msgid="699495654174066067">"C <xliff:g id="NUMBER_OF_DELETED_ITEMS">%1$d</xliff:g> mc b xo cho <xliff:g id="TYPE_OF_SYNC">%2$s</xliff:g>, ti khon <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT_NAME">%3$s</xliff:g>. Bn mun lm g?"</string>
     41     <string name="sync_really_delete" msgid="5456355204562588976">"Xo mc."</string>
     42     <string name="sync_undo_deletes" msgid="8695514459839593307">"Hon tc vic xo."</string>
     43     <string name="sync_do_nothing" msgid="5798755982392201673">"Ngay by gi bn khng cn lm g c."</string>
     44     <string name="sync_is_failing" msgid="5230237058552433773">"ng b ho hin ang gp s c. ng b ho s sm hot ng tr li."</string>
     45     <string name="sync_plug" msgid="7020432439004167162"><font fgcolor="#ffffffff">"Cho mng bn n vi Google sync!"</font>" "\n"Mt gii php ng b ho d liu ca Google cho php quyn truy cp vo danh b, cc cuc hn v hn th na cho d bn  u."</string>
     46     <string name="header_application_sync_settings" msgid="5263025067167527890">"Ci t ng b ho ng dng"</string>
     47     <string name="header_manage_accounts" msgid="381956296995298770">"Qun l ti khon"</string>
     48     <string name="header_general_sync_settings" msgid="1598537524696692308">"Ci t ng b ho chung"</string>
     49     <string name="sync_enabled" msgid="913018877443997502">"ng b ho BT"</string>
     50     <string name="sync_disabled" msgid="185731301298967302">"ng b ho TT"</string>
     51     <string name="sync_error" msgid="681431702824599812">"Li ng b ho"</string>
     52     <string name="add_account_label" msgid="2035321485672826779">"Thm ti khon"</string>
     53     <string name="header_data_and_synchronization" msgid="6286257845276834071">"D liu &amp; ng b ho"</string>
     54     <string name="preference_change_password_title" msgid="6468827554159468315">"Thay i mt khu"</string>
     55     <string name="header_account_settings" msgid="4950809499418403792">"Ci t ti khon"</string>
     56     <string name="remove_account_label" msgid="5624712684599197863">"Xo ti khon"</string>
     57     <string name="header_add_an_account" msgid="2198078922829535425">"Thm ti khon"</string>
     58     <string name="finish_button_label" msgid="6121560986057356757">"Hon tt"</string>
     59     <string name="really_remove_account_title" msgid="8808121039511188784">"Xo ti khon"</string>
     60     <string name="really_remove_account_message" msgid="3293445755620109578">"Bn c thc s mun xo ti khon ny khng? Vic xo ti khon cng s xo tt c cc tin nhn, danh b v d liu khc ca ti khon  khi in thoi ca bn. "\n"Tip tc?"</string>
     61     <string name="remove_account_failed" msgid="8178924513521241001">"Ti khon ny c mt s ng dng yu cu. Bn ch c th xo ti khon ny bng cch t li in thoi v mc nh ban u (thao tc ny s xo tt c d liu c nhn ca bn). Bn thc hin thao tc ny trong ng dng Ci t trong mc Bo mt."</string>
     62     <string name="provider_label" msgid="6191617139291321517">"ng k dch v y"</string>
     63     <string name="sync_item_title" msgid="7984962124867021854">"ng b ho <xliff:g id="AUTHORITY">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
     64     <string name="cant_sync_dialog_title" msgid="3016197392261471761">"Khng th ng b ho theo cch th cng"</string>
     65     <string name="cant_sync_dialog_message" msgid="7200115394296632300">"ng b ho cho mc ny hin  b v hiu ho.  thay i tu chn ca bn, hy tm thi bt d liu nn v ng b ho t ng."</string>
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