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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /*!
     18  * \file phLibNfc_discovery.c
     20  * Project: NFC FRI 1.1
     21  *
     22  * $Date: Mon Mar  1 19:02:41 2010 $
     23  * $Author: ing07385 $
     24  * $Revision: 1.36 $
     25  * $Aliases: NFC_FRI1.1_WK1008_SDK,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1007_R33_4,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1007_SDK,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1014_SDK,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_PREP1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_2,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1019_SDK,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1024_SDK $
     26  *
     27  */
     29 /*
     30 ************************* Header Files ****************************************
     31 */
     33 #include <phLibNfcStatus.h>
     34 #include <phLibNfc.h>
     35 #include <phHal4Nfc.h>
     36 #include <phOsalNfc.h>
     37 #include <phLibNfc_Internal.h>
     38 #include <phLibNfc_ndef_raw.h>
     39 #include <phLibNfc_initiator.h>
     40 #include <phLibNfc_discovery.h>
     42 /*
     43 *************************** Macro's  ****************************************
     44 */
     46 #ifndef STATIC_DISABLE
     47 #define STATIC static
     48 #else
     49 #define STATIC
     50 #endif
     52 /*
     53 *************************** Global Variables **********************************
     54 */
     58 /*
     59 *************************** Static Function Declaration ***********************
     60 */
     63 /*Remote device Presence check callback*/
     64 STATIC void phLibNfc_RemoteDev_CheckPresence_Cb(void  *context,
     65                                 NFCSTATUS status);
     67 /**Used for presence chk incase of mifare std tags*/
     68 STATIC void phLibNfc_ChkPresence_Trcv_Cb(
     69                             void *context,
     70                             phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *psRemoteDevInfo,
     71                             phNfc_sData_t *response,
     72                             NFCSTATUS status
     73                             );
     75 /*
     76 *************************** Function Definitions ******************************
     77 */
     78 void phLibNfc_config_discovery_cb(void     *context,
     79                                   NFCSTATUS status)
     80 {
     82     if((phLibNfc_LibContext_t *)context == gpphLibContext)
     83     {   /*check for same context*/
     85         if(eLibNfcHalStateShutdown == gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state)
     86         {
     87             /*If shutdown called in between allow shutdown to happen*/
     88             phLibNfc_Pending_Shutdown();
     89             status = NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN;
     90         }
     91         else
     92         {
     93             gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = FALSE;
     94             gpphLibContext->status.DiscEnbl_status = FALSE;
     95             phLibNfc_UpdateCurState(status,gpphLibContext);
     96 #ifdef RESTART_CFG
     97             if(gpphLibContext->status.Discovery_pending_status == TRUE)
     98             {
     99                 NFCSTATUS RetStatus = NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
    100                 /* Application has called discovery before receiving this callback,
    101                 so NO notification to the upper layer, instead lower layer
    102                 discovery is called */
    103                 gpphLibContext->status.Discovery_pending_status = FALSE;
    104                 RetStatus =  phHal4Nfc_ConfigureDiscovery(
    105                         gpphLibContext->psHwReference,
    106                         gpphLibContext->eLibNfcCfgMode,
    107                         &gpphLibContext->sADDconfig,
    108                         (pphLibNfc_RspCb_t)
    109                         phLibNfc_config_discovery_cb,
    110                         (void *)gpphLibContext);
    111                 if (NFCSTATUS_PENDING == RetStatus)
    112                 {
    113                     (void)phLibNfc_UpdateNextState(gpphLibContext,
    114                                             eLibNfcHalStateConfigReady);
    115                     gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = TRUE;
    116                     gpphLibContext->status.DiscEnbl_status = TRUE;
    117                 }
    118                 else
    119                 {
    120                     status = NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
    121                 }
    122             }
    123 #endif /* #ifdef RESTART_CFG */
    124         }
    125     } /*End of if-context check*/
    126     else
    127     {   /*exception: wrong context pointer returned*/
    128         phOsalNfc_RaiseException(phOsalNfc_e_InternalErr,1);
    129         status = NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
    130     }
    131     if(gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisConfigCb!=NULL)
    132     {
    133         gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisConfigCb(gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisCfgCntx,status);
    134         gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisConfigCb=NULL;
    135     }
    136     return;
    137 }
    138 /**
    139 * Configure Discovery Modes.
    140 * This function is used to configure ,start and stop the discovery wheel.
    141 */
    142 NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_Mgt_ConfigureDiscovery (
    143                         phLibNfc_eDiscoveryConfigMode_t DiscoveryMode,
    144                         phLibNfc_sADD_Cfg_t             sADDSetup,
    145                         pphLibNfc_RspCb_t               pConfigDiscovery_RspCb,
    146                         void*                           pContext
    147                         )
    148  {
    150     phHal_sADD_Cfg_t           *psADDConfig;
    151     psADDConfig = (phHal_sADD_Cfg_t *)&(sADDSetup);
    154    if((NULL == gpphLibContext) ||
    155         (gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.cur_state
    156                             == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown))
    157     {
    158         /*Lib Nfc not initialized*/
    159         RetVal = NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED;
    160     }
    161     /* Check for Valid parameters*/
    162     else if((NULL == pContext) || (NULL == pConfigDiscovery_RspCb))
    163     {
    165     }
    166     else if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state
    167                             == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown)
    168     {
    169         RetVal= NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN;
    170     }
    171     else
    172     {
    173         gpphLibContext->eLibNfcCfgMode =DiscoveryMode;
    174         gpphLibContext->sADDconfig = sADDSetup;
    175         if(gpphLibContext->status.DiscEnbl_status != TRUE)
    176         {
    178             /* call lower layer config API for the discovery
    179             configuration sent by the application */
    180             RetVal = phHal4Nfc_ConfigureDiscovery ( gpphLibContext->psHwReference,
    181                                         DiscoveryMode,
    182                                         psADDConfig,
    183                                         (pphLibNfc_RspCb_t)
    184                                         phLibNfc_config_discovery_cb,
    185                                         (void*)gpphLibContext);
    186             if(PHNFCSTATUS(RetVal) == NFCSTATUS_PENDING)
    187             {
    188                 gpphLibContext->status.DiscEnbl_status = TRUE;
    189                 /* Copy discovery callback and its context */
    190                 gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisConfigCb = pConfigDiscovery_RspCb;
    191                 gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientDisCfgCntx = pContext;
    192                 gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = TRUE;
    193 				gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state = eLibNfcHalStateConfigReady;
    194             }
    195             else
    196             {
    197                 RetVal=NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
    198             }
    200         }
    201         else
    202         {
    203             RetVal=NFCSTATUS_BUSY;
    204         }
    205     }
    206     return RetVal;
    207  }
    209 /**
    210 * Check for target presence.
    211 * Checks given target is present in RF filed or not
    212 */
    213 NFCSTATUS phLibNfc_RemoteDev_CheckPresence( phLibNfc_Handle     hTargetDev,
    214                                             pphLibNfc_RspCb_t   pPresenceChk_RspCb,
    215                                             void*               pRspCbCtx
    216                                            )
    217 {
    219     phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *ps_rem_dev_info = NULL;
    220     /* Check for valid sate */
    221     if((NULL == gpphLibContext) ||
    222         (gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.cur_state
    223                             == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown))
    224     {
    225         RetVal = NFCSTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED;
    226     }
    227     /* Check for valid parameters*/
    228     else if((NULL == pRspCbCtx) || (NULL == pPresenceChk_RspCb)
    229         || (hTargetDev == 0) )
    230     {
    232     }
    233     /* Check for DeInit call*/
    234     else if(gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state
    235                             == eLibNfcHalStateShutdown)
    236     {
    237         RetVal = NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN;
    238     }
    239     /* Check target is connected or not */
    240     else if( gpphLibContext->Connected_handle == 0)
    241     {
    243     }
    244     /* Check given handle is valid or not*/
    245     else if(hTargetDev != gpphLibContext->Connected_handle)
    246     {
    247         RetVal = NFCSTATUS_INVALID_HANDLE;
    248     }
    249     else
    250     {
    251         ps_rem_dev_info = (phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *)
    252                                     gpphLibContext->Connected_handle;
    253         if((phHal_eMifare_PICC == ps_rem_dev_info->RemDevType)
    254             &&(0 != ps_rem_dev_info->RemoteDevInfo.Iso14443A_Info.Sak)
    255             &&(TRUE == gpphLibContext->LastTrancvSuccess))
    256         {
    257             /* Call HAL4 API */
    258             RetVal =  phHal4Nfc_Transceive(
    259                                 gpphLibContext->psHwReference,
    260                                 gpphLibContext->psBufferedAuth,
    261                                 (phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *)
    262                                     gpphLibContext->Connected_handle,
    263                                 (pphHal4Nfc_TransceiveCallback_t )
    264                                     phLibNfc_ChkPresence_Trcv_Cb,
    265                                 (void *)gpphLibContext
    266                                 );
    268         }
    269         else
    270         {
    271             /* Call lower layer PresenceCheck function */
    272             RetVal = phHal4Nfc_PresenceCheck(gpphLibContext->psHwReference,
    273                                         phLibNfc_RemoteDev_CheckPresence_Cb,
    274                                         (void *)gpphLibContext);
    275         }
    276         if( NFCSTATUS_PENDING == PHNFCSTATUS(RetVal))
    277         {
    278             gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCb = pPresenceChk_RspCb;
    279             gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCntx = pRspCbCtx;
    280             /* Mark General callback pending status as TRUE*/
    281             gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = TRUE;
    283             /* Update the state machine*/
    284 			gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state = eLibNfcHalStatePresenceChk;
    285         }
    286         else /* If return value is internal error(other than pending ) return NFCSTATUS_FAILED*/
    287         {
    288           RetVal = NFCSTATUS_FAILED;
    289         }
    290     }
    291     return RetVal;
    292 }
    294 /**
    295 * Response Callback for Remote device Presence Check.
    296 */
    297 STATIC
    298 void phLibNfc_RemoteDev_CheckPresence_Cb(void     *context,
    299                                         NFCSTATUS status)
    300 {
    301     void                    *pUpperLayerContext=NULL;
    302     pphLibNfc_RspCb_t       pClientCb=NULL;
    304     /*check valid context is returned or not*/
    305     if((phLibNfc_LibContext_t *)context != gpphLibContext)
    306     {
    307         /*exception: wrong context pointer returned*/
    308         phOsalNfc_RaiseException(phOsalNfc_e_InternalErr,1);
    309     }
    310     /* Mark general callback pending status as FALSE*/
    311     gpphLibContext->status.GenCb_pending_status = FALSE;
    312     pClientCb =gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCb ;
    313     pUpperLayerContext = gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCntx;
    314     gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCntx = NULL;
    315     gpphLibContext->CBInfo.pClientPresChkCb =NULL;
    316     /* Check DeInit call is called, if yes call pending
    317     shutdown and return NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN */
    318     if(eLibNfcHalStateShutdown == gpphLibContext->LibNfcState.next_state)
    319     {
    320         phLibNfc_Pending_Shutdown();
    321         status = NFCSTATUS_SHUTDOWN;
    322     }
    323     else
    324     {
    325         if (status != NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS)
    326         {
    327            /*If status is other than SUCCESS (Internal error) return
    328            NFCSTATUS_TARGET_LOST */
    329             status= NFCSTATUS_TARGET_LOST;
    330         }
    331         else
    332         {
    333             status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS;
    334         }
    335     }
    336      /* Update the current state */
    337     phLibNfc_UpdateCurState(status,gpphLibContext);
    338     if(NULL != pClientCb)
    339     {
    340         /* call the upper layer callback */
    341         pClientCb(pUpperLayerContext,status);
    342     }
    343     return;
    344 }
    346 /**Used for presence chk incase of mifare std tags*/
    347 STATIC void phLibNfc_ChkPresence_Trcv_Cb(
    348                             void *context,
    349                             phHal_sRemoteDevInformation_t *psRemoteDevInfo,
    350                             phNfc_sData_t *response,
    351                             NFCSTATUS status
    352                             )
    353 {
    354     PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(psRemoteDevInfo);
    355     PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(response);
    356     phLibNfc_RemoteDev_CheckPresence_Cb(context,status);
    357     return;
    358 }