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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /*
     18 * \file  phLlcNfc_DataTypes.h
     19 * \brief Contains the structure information.
     20 *
     21 * Project: NFC-FRI-1.1
     22 *
     23 * $Date: Fri Apr 30 10:03:36 2010 $
     24 * $Author: ing02260 $
     25 * $Revision: 1.43 $
     26 * $Aliases: NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_2,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1023_R35_1 $
     27 *
     28 */
     30 #ifndef PHLLCNFC_DATATYPES_H
     31 #define PHLLCNFC_DATATYPES_H
     33 /**
     34 *  \name LLC NFC frame creation, deletion and processing
     35 *
     36 * File: \ref phLlcNfc_DataTypes.h
     37 *
     38 */
     39 /*@{*/
     40 #define PH_LLCNFC_DATATYPES_FILEREVISION "$Revision: 1.43 $" /**< \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc */
     41 #define PH_LLCNFC_DATATYPES_FILEALIASES  "$Aliases: NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_1,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1017_R34_2,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1023_R35_1 $"     /**< \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc */
     42 /*@}*/
     43 /*************************** Includes *******************************/
     44 #include <phNfcCompId.h>
     45 /*********************** End of includes ****************************/
     46 /***************************** Macros *******************************/
     48 /* Trace buffer declaration */
     49 #if defined (LLC_TRACE)
     50     #include <phOsalNfc.h>
     51     #include <stdio.h>
     53     extern char                 phOsalNfc_DbgTraceBuffer[];
     54     #define trace_buffer        phOsalNfc_DbgTraceBuffer
     56     #define MAX_TRACE_BUFFER    150
     57     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT( str )  phOsalNfc_DbgString(str)
     58     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_DATA(buf,len)
     59     #define PH_LLCNFC_STRING( str )
     60     #define PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG(str, arg) \
     61     {                                       \
     62         snprintf(trace_buffer,MAX_TRACE_BUFFER,str,arg);   \
     63         phOsalNfc_DbgString(trace_buffer);                 \
     64     }
     65     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_BUFFER(buf,len)     \
     66     {                                       \
     67         /* uint16_t i = 0;                  \
     68         char        trace_buffer[MAX_TRACE_BUFFER];                    \
     69         snprintf(trace_buffer,MAX_TRACE_BUFFER,"\n\t %s:",msg);    \
     70         phOsalNfc_DbgString(trace);                 */\
     71         phOsalNfc_DbgTrace(buf,len);            \
     72         phOsalNfc_DbgString("\r");              \
     73     }
     74 #endif /* #if defined (LLC_TRACE) */
     77 #if (!defined (LLC_TRACE) && defined (LLC_DATA_BYTES))
     78     #include <phOsalNfc.h>
     80     extern char                 phOsalNfc_DbgTraceBuffer[];
     81     #define trace_buffer        phOsalNfc_DbgTraceBuffer
     83     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT( str )
     84     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_BUFFER(buf, len)
     85     #define PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG(str, arg1)
     86     #define PH_LLCNFC_STRING( str )  phOsalNfc_DbgString(str)
     87     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_DATA(buf,len)     \
     88     {                                       \
     89         /* uint16_t i = 0;                  \
     90         char        trace_buffer[MAX_TRACE_BUFFER];                    \
     91         snprintf(trace_buffer,MAX_TRACE_BUFFER,"\n\t %s:",msg);    \
     92         phOsalNfc_DbgString(trace_buffer);                 */\
     93         phOsalNfc_DbgTrace(buf,len);            \
     94     }
     95 #endif /* #if (!defined (LLC_TRACE) && defined (LLC_DATA_BYTES)) */
     98 #if (!defined (LLC_TRACE) && !defined (LLC_DATA_BYTES))
     99     /** To disable prints */
    100     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT(str)
    101     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_BUFFER(buf, len)
    102     #define PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG(str, arg1)
    103     #define PH_LLCNFC_PRINT_DATA(buf,len)
    104     #define PH_LLCNFC_STRING( str )
    105 #endif /* #if (!defined (LLC_TRACE) && !defined (LLC_DATA_BYTES)) */
    108 /* If the below MACRO (RECV_NR_CHECK_ENABLE) is
    109 ENABLED : then check for the NR frame received from PN544 in the I frame is
    110     added. This shall be greater than sent NS from the HOST.
    111     This is used to stop the timer
    112 DISABLED : dont check the N9R) frame received from the PN544
    113 */
    114 /* #define RECV_NR_CHECK_ENABLE */
    116 /* If the below MACRO (LLC_UPP_LAYER_NTFY_WRITE_RSP_CB) is
    117 ENABLED : then if an I frame is received and the
    118         upper layer response callback (before another READ is pended) is called
    119         only after sending S frame and wait for the callback and then notify the
    120         upper layer
    121 DISABLED : then if an I frame is received and the
    122             upper layer response callback (before another READ is pended) is called
    123             immediately after sending S frame (not waiting for the sent S frame
    124             callback)
    125 */
    128 /* PN544 continuously sends an incorrect I frames to the HOST,
    129     even after the REJ frame from HOST to PN544
    130 If the below MACRO (LLC_RR_INSTEAD_OF_REJ) is
    131 ENABLED : then if the received NS = (expected NR - 1) then instead of REJ
    132         RR frame is sent
    133 DISABLED : then REJ frame is sent
    134 */
    135 #define LLC_RR_INSTEAD_OF_REJ
    137 #define SEND_UFRAME
    139 /* If the below MACRO (CTRL_WIN_SIZE_COUNT) is
    140 ENABLED : then window size will be maximum
    141 DISABLED : then window size is 1
    142 */
    143 #define CTRL_WIN_SIZE_COUNT
    145 /*
    146 If the below MACRO (LLC_URSET_NO_DELAY) is
    147 ENABLED : then after receiving the UA frame, then immediately this will be
    148             notified or further operation will be carried on.
    149 DISABLED : then after receiving the UA frame, then a timer is started, to
    150             delay the notifiation or to carry on the next operation
    151 */
    152 #define LLC_URSET_NO_DELAY
    156     /* NO definition is required */
    158 #else
    160     /*
    161     This macro is useful only if the LLC_UPP_LAYER_NTFY_WRITE_RSP_CB is DISABLED
    162     If the below MACRO (LLC_RELEASE_FLAG) is
    163     ENABLED : then whenever LLC release is called the g_release_flag variable
    164                 will be made TRUE. Also, NO notification is allowed to the
    165                 upper layer.
    166     DISABLED : g_release_flag is not declared and not used
    167     */
    168     #define LLC_RELEASE_FLAG
    170 #endif /* #ifdef LLC_UPP_LAYER_NTFY_WRITE_RSP_CB */
    172  /*
    173     Actually, there is a send and receive error count, if either of them reaches
    174     limit, then exception is raised.
    175     If the below MACRO (LLC_RSET_INSTEAD_OF_EXCEPTION) is
    176     ENABLED : then exception is not raised, instead a U RSET command is sent.
    177     DISABLED : then exception is raised
    178     */
    179 /* #define LLC_RSET_INSTEAD_OF_EXCEPTION */
    181 #define LLC_SEND_ERROR_COUNT
    183 #define RECV_ERROR_FRAME_COUNT                      (0x50U)
    184 #define SENT_ERROR_FRAME_COUNT                      (0x50U)
    186 /** Initial bytes to read */
    187 #define PH_LLCNFC_BYTES_INIT_READ                   (1)
    188 /** Maximum buffer that I frame can send */
    189 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_IFRAME_BUFLEN                 (29)
    190 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_UFRAME_BUFLEN                 (4)
    191 #define PH_LLCNFC_CRC_LENGTH                        (2)
    192 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_LLC_PAYLOAD                   ((PH_LLCNFC_MAX_IFRAME_BUFLEN) + (4))
    193 /** Maximum timer used in the Llc */
    194 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_TIMER_USED                    (2)
    195 /** Maximum timer used in the Llc */
    196 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER               (4)
    197 /** Maximum I frame that can be stored */
    198 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_I_FRAME_STORE                 (8)
    200 /** Read pending for one byte */
    201 #define PH_LLCNFC_READPEND_ONE_BYTE                 (0x01U)
    202     /** Read pending for remaining byte */
    203 #define PH_LLCNFC_READPEND_REMAIN_BYTE              (0x02U)
    204 /** Read pending not done */
    205 #define PH_LLCNFC_READPEND_FLAG_OFF                 FALSE
    206 #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_REJ_RETRY_COUNT               (10)
    209 /**** Macros for state machine ****/
    211 typedef enum phLlcNfc_State
    212 {
    213     /** This specifies that LLC is in uninitialise state */
    214     phLlcNfc_Uninitialise_State              =  0x00,
    215     /** This specifies that LLC initialise is in progress */
    216     phLlcNfc_Initialising_State              =  0x01,
    217     /** This specifies that LLC is in initialise is complete */
    218     phLlcNfc_Initialised_State               =  0x02,
    219     /** This specifies that LLC is send with the
    220     lower layer */
    221     phLlcNfc_Sending_State                   =  0x03,
    222     /** This specifies that LLC is receive with the
    223     lower layer */
    224     phLlcNfc_Receiving_State                 =  0x04,
    225     /** This specifies that LLC is receive wait with the
    226     lower layer */
    227     phLlcNfc_ReceiveWait_State               =  0x05,
    228     /** This specifies that LLC is resending the I frames */
    229     phLlcNfc_Resend_State                    =  0x06
    230 }phLlcNfc_State_t;
    231 /**** Macros for state machine end ****/
    233 /************************ End of macros *****************************/
    235 /********************** Callback functions **************************/
    237 /******************* End of Callback functions **********************/
    239 /********************* Structures and enums *************************/
    240 /**
    241 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    242 *  \brief Enum to get the baud rate
    243 *
    244 *  This enum contains the baud rate information.
    245 *
    246 */
    247 /*@{*/
    248 typedef enum phLlcNfc_LlcBaudRate
    249 {
    250     /** Baud rate = 9600 */
    251     phLlcNfc_e_9600 = 0x00,
    252     /** Baud rate = 19200 */
    253     phLlcNfc_e_19200 = 0x01,
    254     /** Baud rate = 28800 */
    255     phLlcNfc_e_28800 = 0x02,
    256     /** Baud rate = 38400 */
    257     phLlcNfc_e_38400 = 0x03,
    258     /** Baud rate = 57600 */
    259     phLlcNfc_e_57600 = 0x04,
    260     /** Baud rate = 115200 */
    261     phLlcNfc_e_115200 = 0x05,
    262     /** Baud rate = 23400 */
    263     phLlcNfc_e_234000 = 0x06,
    264     /** Baud rate = 46800 */
    265     phLlcNfc_e_460800 = 0x07,
    266     /** Baud rate = 921600 */
    267     phLlcNfc_e_921600 = 0x08,
    268     /** Baud rate = 1228000 */
    269     phLlcNfc_e_1228000 = 0x09,
    270     /** Baud rate error */
    271     phLlcNfc_e_bdrate_err = 0xFF
    272 }phLlcNfc_LlcBaudRate_t;
    273 /*@}*/
    275 /**
    276 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    277 *  \brief Enum to select the U or I or S frame
    278 *
    279 *  This enum is to set the frames.
    280 *
    281 */
    282 /*@{*/
    283 typedef enum phLlcNfc_LlcCmd
    284 {
    285     /** This command is for I frame (no command) */
    286     phLlcNfc_e_no_cmd = 0xFF,
    287     /** This command is for U frame */
    288     phLlcNfc_e_rset = 0x19,
    289     /** This command is for U frame */
    290     phLlcNfc_e_ua = 0x06,
    291     /** This is RR command for S frame */
    292     phLlcNfc_e_rr = 0x00,
    293     /** This is REJ command for S frame */
    294     phLlcNfc_e_rej = 0x08,
    295     /** This is RNR command for S frame */
    296     phLlcNfc_e_rnr = 0x10,
    297     /** This is SREJ command for S frame */
    298     phLlcNfc_e_srej = 0x18,
    299     /** Error command */
    300     phLlcNfc_e_error = 0xFE
    301 }phLlcNfc_LlcCmd_t;
    302 /*@}*/
    304 /**
    305 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    306 *  \brief Enum to select the U or I or S frame
    307 *
    308 *  This enum is to set the frames.
    309 *
    310 */
    311 /*@{*/
    312 typedef enum phLlcNfc_FrameType
    313 {
    314     /** U frame type */
    315     phLlcNfc_eU_frame = 0x00,
    316     /** I frame type */
    317     phLlcNfc_eI_frame = 0x01,
    318     /** S frame type */
    319     phLlcNfc_eS_frame = 0x02,
    320     /** Error frame type */
    321     phLlcNfc_eErr_frame = 0x03
    322 }phLlcNfc_FrameType_t;
    323 /*@}*/
    325 /**
    326 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    327 *  \brief LLC sent frame type
    328 *
    329 *  This enum values defines what are the frames sent to the PN544
    330 *
    331 */
    332 /*@{*/
    334 typedef enum phLlcNfc_eSentFrameType
    335 {
    336     invalid_frame,
    337     /* During initialisation the U RSET is sent to PN544 */
    338     init_u_rset_frame,
    339     /* During initialisation the UA is sent to PN544 */
    340     init_u_a_frame,
    341     /* After unsuccessful retries of sending I frame to PN544,
    342         URSET is sent */
    343     u_rset_frame,
    344     /* If PN544 sends the URSET frame in between any transaction, then
    345        the UA response shall be sent */
    346     u_a_frame,
    347     /* S frame is sent to PN544, this will be sent only if an I frame
    348         is received from PN544 */
    349     s_frame,
    350     /* User has sent an I frame, for that a write response callback
    351         shall be called */
    352     user_i_frame,
    353     /* LLC, internally (means stored non acknowledged frames) has sent
    354         an I frame as it doesnt get a proper acknowledgement */
    355     resend_i_frame,
    356     /* LLC, internally (means stored non acknowledged frames) has sent
    357         an I frame as it doesnt get a reject as acknowledgement */
    358     rejected_i_frame,
    359     /* LLC has received a I frame for the re-sent I frames, so an S
    360         frame is sent  */
    361     resend_s_frame,
    362     /* LLC has received a I frame for the re-sent I frames, so an S
    363         frame is sent  */
    364     resend_rej_s_frame,
    365     /* PN544 has sent an I frame, which is wrong, so send a reject S
    366         frame */
    367     reject_s_frame,
    368 #ifdef LLC_RR_INSTEAD_OF_REJ
    370     /* RR is sent instead of REJECT */
    371     rej_rr_s_frame,
    373 #endif /* #ifdef LLC_RR_INSTEAD_OF_REJ */
    374     /* For any of the above sent frames, the response shall be received */
    375     write_resp_received
    376 }phLlcNfc_eSentFrameType_t;
    378 /*@}*/
    380 /**
    381 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    382 *  \brief LLC payload
    383 *
    384 *  This structure contains both the header information and
    385 *  the exact length of the buffer.
    386 *
    387 */
    388 /*@{*/
    389 typedef struct phLlcNfc_Payload
    390 {
    391     /** Llc header information */
    392     uint8_t                 llcheader;
    394     /** User or received buffer */
    395     uint8_t                 llcpayload[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_LLC_PAYLOAD];
    396 }phLlcNfc_Payload_t;
    397 /*@}*/
    399 /**
    400 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    401 *  \brief Llc buffer
    402 *
    403 *  This structure contains the information of the LLC length byte
    404 * and payload.
    405 *
    406 */
    407 /*@{*/
    408 typedef struct phLlcNfc_Buffer
    409 {
    410     /** Llc length */
    411     uint8_t                 llc_length_byte;
    413     /** LLC data including the LLC header and CRC */
    414     phLlcNfc_Payload_t      sllcpayload;
    415 }phLlcNfc_Buffer_t;
    416 /*@}*/
    418 /**
    419 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    420 *  \brief Packet information
    421 *
    422 *  This structure contains the length and buffer of the packet.
    423 *
    424 */
    425 /*@{*/
    426 typedef struct phLlcNfc_LlcPacket
    427 {
    428     /** Complete LLC buffer */
    429     phLlcNfc_Buffer_t           s_llcbuf;
    431     /** LLC buffer length */
    432     uint8_t                     llcbuf_len;
    434     /** Stored frame needs completion callback, to be sent to HCI */
    435     phLlcNfc_eSentFrameType_t   frame_to_send;
    437 }phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t;
    438 /*@}*/
    440 /**
    441 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc_helper
    442 *  \brief I frame details
    443 *
    444 *  This structure stores the information of the I frame
    445 * (to support sliding window).
    446 *
    447 */
    448 /*@{*/
    449 typedef struct phLlcNfc_StoreIFrame
    450 {
    451     /** Complete LLC packet */
    452     phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t        s_llcpacket[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_I_FRAME_STORE];
    454     /** Window size count */
    455     uint8_t                     winsize_cnt;
    457     /** Start position */
    458     uint8_t                     start_pos;
    460 }phLlcNfc_StoreIFrame_t;
    461 /*@}*/
    463 /**
    464 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    465 *  \brief LLC timer information
    466 *
    467 *  This structure contains the timer related information
    468 *
    469 */
    470 /*@{*/
    471 typedef struct phLlcNfc_Timerinfo
    472 {
    473     /** Store the timer id for each timer create */
    474     uint32_t                timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_TIMER_USED];
    476     /** This will store the connection time out value */
    477     uint16_t                con_to_value;
    479     /** This will store the guard time out values */
    480     uint16_t                guard_to_value[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER];
    482     /** This will store the guard time out values */
    483     uint16_t                iframe_send_count[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER];
    485     /** This will store ns value for the sent N(S) */
    486     uint8_t                 timer_ns_value[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER];
    488     /** Each frame stored needs to be  */
    489     uint8_t                 frame_type[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER];
    491     /** Index to re-send */
    492     uint8_t                 index_to_send;
    494     /** This is a count for gaurd time out */
    495     uint8_t                 guard_to_count;
    497 #ifdef PIGGY_BACK
    498     /** This will store the ack time out values */
    499     uint16_t                ack_to_value[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_ACK_GUARD_TIMER];
    500 #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */
    502     /** This is a timer flag
    503         Bit 0 = 1 means connection time out started else stopped
    504         Bit 1 = 1 means guard time out started else stopped
    505         Bit 2 = 1 means ack time out started else stopped
    506     */
    507     uint8_t                 timer_flag;
    508 }phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t;
    509 /*@}*/
    511 /**
    512 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    513 *  \brief LLC frame information
    514 *
    515 *  This structure contains the information of the LLC frame.
    516 *
    517 */
    518 /*@{*/
    519 typedef struct phLlcNfc_Frame
    520 {
    521     /** N(S) - Number of information frame */
    522     uint8_t                         n_s;
    524     /** N(R) - Number of next information frame to receive */
    525     uint8_t                         n_r;
    527     /** Store the window size */
    528     uint8_t                         window_size;
    530     /** SREJ is optional, so store the flag whether it is set or not */
    531     uint8_t                         srej_on_off;
    533     /** Store the baud rate */
    534     uint8_t                         baud_rate;
    536     /** Flag to find the rset_recvd */
    537     uint8_t                         rset_recvd;
    539     /** Complete LLC packet information */
    540     phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t            s_llcpacket;
    542     /** Store the I frames, that has been sent, Storage will be till
    543         the window size */
    544     phLlcNfc_StoreIFrame_t          s_send_store;
    546 #ifdef PIGGY_BACK
    547     /** Store the I frames, that has been received, Storage will be
    548         till the window size */
    549     phLlcNfc_StoreIFrame_t          s_recv_store;
    550 #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */
    552     /** To receive the packet sent by below layer */
    553     phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t            s_recvpacket;
    555     /** Number of window I frames has to be sent again */
    556     uint8_t                         rejected_ns;
    558     /** To store the count received error frames like
    559         wrong CRC, REJ and RNR frames */
    560     uint8_t                         recv_error_count;
    562     /** Sending error frames like REJ frames to the PN544 */
    563     uint8_t                         send_error_count;
    565     /** Send U frame count  */
    566     uint8_t                         retry_cnt;
    568     /** Read pending flag, to know that read is already pended
    569         or not. Use the below macros to ON and OFF the flag
    573         */
    574     uint8_t                         read_pending;
    576     /** Write pending */
    577     uint8_t                         write_pending;
    579     /** Sent frame type */
    580     phLlcNfc_eSentFrameType_t       sent_frame_type;
    582     /** upper receive called */
    583     uint8_t                         upper_recv_call;
    585     /** Status returned during DAL write */
    586     NFCSTATUS                       write_status;
    588     /** Depending on the "write_status", write call has to be called */
    589     phLlcNfc_eSentFrameType_t       write_wait_call;
    590 }phLlcNfc_Frame_t;
    591 /*@}*/
    593 /**
    594 *  \ingroup grp_hal_nfc_llc
    595 *  \brief LLC Component Context Structure
    596 *
    597 *  This structure is used to store the current context information
    598 *   of the instance.
    599 *
    600 */
    601 /*@{*/
    602 typedef struct phLlcNfc_Context
    603 {
    604     /** Information regarding all the LLC frame */
    605     phLlcNfc_Frame_t                s_frameinfo;
    607     /** Local send and receive */
    608     phNfc_sLowerIF_t                lower_if;
    610     /** Register attention, send and receive callback from the
    611         register functions of the upper layer */
    612     phNfcIF_sCallBack_t             cb_for_if;
    614     /** Store the length, which shall be sent later through the
    615         "send complete" callback */
    616     uint32_t                        send_cb_len;
    618     /** Receive buffer provided by the upper layer */
    619     uint8_t                         precv_buf[PH_LLCNFC_MAX_LLC_PAYLOAD];
    621     /** Receive length provided by the upper layer */
    622     uint32_t                        recvbuf_length;
    624     /** Llc state */
    625     phLlcNfc_State_t                state;
    627     /** Hardware information */
    628     void                            *phwinfo;
    630     /** Timer information */
    631     phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t            s_timerinfo;
    632 }phLlcNfc_Context_t;
    633 /*@}*/
    634 /****************** End of structures and enums *********************/
    636 /******************** Function declarations *************************/
    638 /******************** Function declarations *************************/
    639 #endif /* PHLLCNFC_DATATYPES_H */