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      6 <title>Bytecode for the Dalvik VM</title>
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     10 <body>
     12 <h1>Bytecode for the Dalvik VM</h1>
     13 <p>Copyright &copy; 2007 The Android Open Source Project
     15 <h2>General Design</h2>
     17 <ul>
     18 <li>The machine model and calling conventions are meant to approximately
     19   imitate common real architectures and C-style calling conventions:
     20   <ul>
     21   <li>The VM is register-based, and frames are fixed in size upon creation.
     22     Each frame consists of a particular number of registers (specified by
     23     the method) as well as any adjunct data needed to execute the method,
     24     such as (but not limited to) the program counter and a reference to the
     25     <code>.dex</code> file that contains the method.
     26   </li>
     27   <li>Registers are 32 bits wide. Adjacent register pairs are used for 64-bit
     28     values.
     29   </li>
     30   <li>In terms of bitwise representation, <code>(Object) null == (int)
     31     0</code>.
     32   </li>
     33   <li>The <i>N</i> arguments to a method land in the last <i>N</i> registers
     34     of the method's invocation frame, in order. Wide arguments consume
     35     two registers. Instance methods are passed a <code>this</code> reference
     36     as their first argument.
     37   </li>
     38   </ul>
     39 <li>The storage unit in the instruction stream is a 16-bit unsigned quantity.
     40   Some bits in some instructions are ignored / must-be-zero.
     41 </li>
     42 <li>Instructions aren't gratuitously limited to a particular type. For
     43   example, instructions that move 32-bit register values without interpretation
     44   don't have to specify whether they are moving ints or floats.
     45 </li>
     46 <li>There are separately enumerated and indexed constant pools for
     47   references to strings, types, fields, and methods.
     48 </li>
     49 <li>Bitwise literal data is represented in-line in the instruction stream.</li>
     50 <li>Because, in practice, it is uncommon for a method to need more than
     51   16 registers, and because needing more than eight registers <i>is</i>
     52   reasonably common, many instructions are limited to only addressing
     53   the first 16
     54   registers. When reasonably possible, instructions allow references to
     55   up to the first 256 registers. In cases where an instruction variant isn't
     56   available to address a desired register, it is expected that the register
     57   contents get moved from the original register to a low register (before the
     58   operation) and/or moved from a low result register to a high register
     59   (after the operation).
     60 </li>
     61 <li>There are several "pseudo-instructions" that are used to hold
     62   variable-length data referred to by regular instructions (for example,
     63   <code>fill-array-data</code>). Such instructions must never be
     64   encountered during the normal flow of execution. In addition, the
     65   instructions must be located on even-numbered bytecode offsets (that is,
     66   4-byte aligned). In order to meet this requirement, dex generation tools
     67   should emit an extra <code>nop</code> instruction as a spacer if such an
     68   instruction would otherwise be unaligned. Finally, though not required,
     69   it is expected that most tools will choose to emit these instructions at
     70   the ends of methods, since otherwise it would likely be the case that
     71   additional instructions would be needed to branch around them.
     72 </li>
     73 <li>When installed on a running system, some instructions may be altered,
     74   changing their format, as an install-time static linking optimization.
     75   This is to allow for faster execution once linkage is known.
     76   See the associated
     77   <a href="instruction-formats.html">instruction formats document</a>
     78   for the suggested variants. The word "suggested" is used advisedly;
     79   it is not mandatory to implement these.
     80 </li>
     81 <li>Human-syntax and mnemonics:
     82   <ul>
     83   <li>Dest-then-source ordering for arguments.</li>
     84   <li>Some opcodes have a disambiguating suffix with respect to the type(s)
     85     they operate on: Type-general 64-bit opcodes
     86     are suffixed with <code>-wide</code>.
     87     Type-specific opcodes are suffixed with their type (or a
     88     straightforward abbreviation), one of: <code>-boolean</code>
     89     <code>-byte</code> <code>-char</code> <code>-short</code>
     90     <code>-int</code> <code>-long</code> <code>-float</code>
     91     <code>-double</code> <code>-object</code> <code>-string</code>
     92     <code>-class</code> <code>-void</code>. Type-general 32-bit opcodes
     93     are unmarked.
     94   </li>
     95   <li>Some opcodes have a disambiguating suffix to distinguish
     96     otherwise-identical operations that have different instruction layouts
     97     or options. These suffixes are separated from the main names with a slash
     98     ("<code>/</code>") and mainly exist at all to make there be a one-to-one
     99     mapping with static constants in the code that generates and interprets
    100     executables (that is, to reduce ambiguity for humans).
    101   </li>
    102   </ul>
    103 </li>
    104 <li>See the <a href="instruction-formats.html">instruction formats
    105   document</a> for more details about the various instruction formats
    106   (listed under "Op &amp; Format") as well as details about the opcode
    107   syntax.
    108 </li>
    109 </ul>
    111 <h2>Summary of Instruction Set</h2>
    113 <table class="instruc">
    114 <thead>
    115 <tr>
    116   <th>Op &amp; Format</th>
    117   <th>Mnemonic / Syntax</th>
    118   <th>Arguments</th>
    119   <th>Description</th>
    120 </tr>
    121 </thead>
    122 <tbody>
    123 <tr>
    124   <td>00 10x</td>
    125   <td>nop</td>
    126   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    127   <td>Waste cycles.</td>
    128 </tr>
    129 <tr>
    130   <td>01 12x</td>
    131   <td>move vA, vB</td>
    132   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    133     <code>B:</code> source register (4 bits)</td>
    134   <td>Move the contents of one non-object register to another.</td>
    135 </tr>
    136 <tr>
    137   <td>02 22x</td>
    138   <td>move/from16 vAA, vBBBB</td>
    139   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    140     <code>B:</code> source register (16 bits)</td>
    141   <td>Move the contents of one non-object register to another.</td>
    142 </tr>
    143 <tr>
    144   <td>03 32x</td>
    145   <td>move/16 vAAAA, vBBBB</td>
    146   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (16 bits)<br/>
    147     <code>B:</code> source register (16 bits)</td>
    148   <td>Move the contents of one non-object register to another.</td>
    149 </tr>
    150 <tr>
    151   <td>04 12x</td>
    152   <td>move-wide vA, vB</td>
    153   <td><code>A:</code> destination register pair (4 bits)<br/>
    154     <code>B:</code> source register pair (4 bits)</td>
    155   <td>Move the contents of one register-pair to another.
    156     <p><b>Note:</b>
    157     It is legal to move from <code>v<i>N</i></code> to either
    158     <code>v<i>N-1</i></code> or <code>v<i>N+1</i></code>, so implementations
    159     must arrange for both halves of a register pair to be read before
    160     anything is written.</p>
    161   </td>
    162 </tr>
    163 <tr>
    164   <td>05 22x</td>
    165   <td>move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB</td>
    166   <td><code>A:</code> destination register pair (8 bits)<br/>
    167     <code>B:</code> source register pair (16 bits)</td>
    168   <td>Move the contents of one register-pair to another.
    169     <p><b>Note:</b>
    170     Implementation considerations are the same as <code>move-wide</code>,
    171     above.</p>
    172   </td>
    173 </tr>
    174 <tr>
    175   <td>06 32x</td>
    176   <td>move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB</td>
    177   <td><code>A:</code> destination register pair (16 bits)<br/>
    178     <code>B:</code> source register pair (16 bits)</td>
    179   <td>Move the contents of one register-pair to another.
    180     <p><b>Note:</b>
    181     Implementation considerations are the same as <code>move-wide</code>,
    182     above.</p>
    183   </td>
    184 </tr>
    185 <tr>
    186   <td>07 12x</td>
    187   <td>move-object vA, vB</td>
    188   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    189     <code>B:</code> source register (4 bits)</td>
    190   <td>Move the contents of one object-bearing register to another.</td>
    191 </tr>
    192 <tr>
    193   <td>08 22x</td>
    194   <td>move-object/from16 vAA, vBBBB</td>
    195   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    196     <code>B:</code> source register (16 bits)</td>
    197   <td>Move the contents of one object-bearing register to another.</td>
    198 </tr>
    199 <tr>
    200   <td>09 32x</td>
    201   <td>move-object/16 vAAAA, vBBBB</td>
    202   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (16 bits)<br/>
    203     <code>B:</code> source register (16 bits)</td>
    204   <td>Move the contents of one object-bearing register to another.</td>
    205 </tr>
    206 <tr>
    207   <td>0a 11x</td>
    208   <td>move-result vAA</td>
    209   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)</td>
    210   <td>Move the single-word non-object result of the most recent
    211     <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code> into the indicated register.
    212     This must be done as the instruction immediately after an
    213     <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code> whose (single-word, non-object) result
    214     is not to be ignored; anywhere else is invalid.</td>
    215 </tr>
    216 <tr>
    217   <td>0b 11x</td>
    218   <td>move-result-wide vAA</td>
    219   <td><code>A:</code> destination register pair (8 bits)</td>
    220   <td>Move the double-word result of the most recent
    221     <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code> into the indicated register pair.
    222     This must be done as the instruction immediately after an
    223     <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code> whose (double-word) result
    224     is not to be ignored; anywhere else is invalid.</td>
    225 </tr>
    226 <tr>
    227   <td>0c 11x</td>
    228   <td>move-result-object vAA</td>
    229   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)</td>
    230   <td>Move the object result of the most recent <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code>
    231     into the indicated register. This must be done as the instruction
    232     immediately after an <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code> or
    233     <code>filled-new-array</code>
    234     whose (object) result is not to be ignored; anywhere else is invalid.</td>
    235 </tr>
    236 <tr>
    237   <td>0d 11x</td>
    238   <td>move-exception vAA</td>
    239   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)</td>
    240   <td>Save a just-caught exception into the given register. This should
    241     be the first instruction of any exception handler whose caught
    242     exception is not to be ignored, and this instruction must <i>only</i>
    243     ever occur as the first instruction of an exception handler; anywhere
    244     else is invalid.</td>
    245 </tr>
    246 <tr>
    247   <td>0e 10x</td>
    248   <td>return-void</td>
    249   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    250   <td>Return from a <code>void</code> method.</td>
    251 </tr>
    252 <tr>
    253   <td>0f 11x</td>
    254   <td>return vAA</td>
    255   <td><code>A:</code> return value register (8 bits)</td>
    256   <td>Return from a single-width (32-bit) non-object value-returning
    257     method.
    258   </td>
    259 </tr>
    260 <tr>
    261   <td>10 11x</td>
    262   <td>return-wide vAA</td>
    263   <td><code>A:</code> return value register-pair (8 bits)</td>
    264   <td>Return from a double-width (64-bit) value-returning method.</td>
    265 </tr>
    266 <tr>
    267   <td>11 11x</td>
    268   <td>return-object vAA</td>
    269   <td><code>A:</code> return value register (8 bits)</td>
    270   <td>Return from an object-returning method.</td>
    271 </tr>
    272 <tr>
    273   <td>12 11n</td>
    274   <td>const/4 vA, #+B</td>
    275   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    276     <code>B:</code> signed int (4 bits)</td>
    277   <td>Move the given literal value (sign-extended to 32 bits) into
    278     the specified register.</td>
    279 </tr>
    280 <tr>
    281   <td>13 21s</td>
    282   <td>const/16 vAA, #+BBBB</td>
    283   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    284     <code>B:</code> signed int (16 bits)</td>
    285   <td>Move the given literal value (sign-extended to 32 bits) into
    286     the specified register.</td>
    287 </tr>
    288 <tr>
    289   <td>14 31i</td>
    290   <td>const vAA, #+BBBBBBBB</td>
    291   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    292     <code>B:</code> arbitrary 32-bit constant</td>
    293   <td>Move the given literal value into the specified register.</td>
    294 </tr>
    295 <tr>
    296   <td>15 21h</td>
    297   <td>const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000</td>
    298   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    299     <code>B:</code> signed int (16 bits)</td>
    300   <td>Move the given literal value (right-zero-extended to 32 bits) into
    301     the specified register.</td>
    302 </tr>
    303 <tr>
    304   <td>16 21s</td>
    305   <td>const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB</td>
    306   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    307     <code>B:</code> signed int (16 bits)</td>
    308   <td>Move the given literal value (sign-extended to 64 bits) into
    309     the specified register-pair.</td>
    310 </tr>
    311 <tr>
    312   <td>17 31i</td>
    313   <td>const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBBBBB</td>
    314   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    315     <code>B:</code> signed int (32 bits)</td>
    316   <td>Move the given literal value (sign-extended to 64 bits) into
    317     the specified register-pair.</td>
    318 </tr>
    319 <tr>
    320   <td>18 51l</td>
    321   <td>const-wide vAA, #+BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB</td>
    322   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    323     <code>B:</code> arbitrary double-width (64-bit) constant</td>
    324   <td>Move the given literal value into
    325     the specified register-pair.</td>
    326 </tr>
    327 <tr>
    328   <td>19 21h</td>
    329   <td>const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000</td>
    330   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    331     <code>B:</code> signed int (16 bits)</td>
    332   <td>Move the given literal value (right-zero-extended to 64 bits) into
    333     the specified register-pair.</td>
    334 </tr>
    335 <tr>
    336   <td>1a 21c</td>
    337   <td>const-string vAA, string@BBBB</td>
    338   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    339     <code>B:</code> string index</td>
    340   <td>Move a reference to the string specified by the given index into the
    341     specified register.</td>
    342 </tr>
    343 <tr>
    344   <td>1b 31c</td>
    345   <td>const-string/jumbo vAA, string@BBBBBBBB</td>
    346   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    347     <code>B:</code> string index</td>
    348   <td>Move a reference to the string specified by the given index into the
    349     specified register.</td>
    350 </tr>
    351 <tr>
    352   <td>1c 21c</td>
    353   <td>const-class vAA, type@BBBB</td>
    354   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    355     <code>B:</code> type index</td>
    356   <td>Move a reference to the class specified by the given index into the
    357     specified register. In the case where the indicated type is primitive,
    358     this will store a reference to the primitive type's degenerate
    359     class.</td>
    360 </tr>
    361 <tr>
    362   <td>1d 11x</td>
    363   <td>monitor-enter vAA</td>
    364   <td><code>A:</code> reference-bearing register (8 bits)</td>
    365   <td>Acquire the monitor for the indicated object.</td>
    366 </tr>
    367 <tr>
    368   <td>1e 11x</td>
    369   <td>monitor-exit vAA</td>
    370   <td><code>A:</code> reference-bearing register (8 bits)</td>
    371   <td>Release the monitor for the indicated object.
    372     <p><b>Note:</b>
    373     If this instruction needs to throw an exception, it must do
    374     so as if the pc has already advanced past the instruction.
    375     It may be useful to think of this as the instruction successfully
    376     executing (in a sense), and the exception getting thrown <i>after</i>
    377     the instruction but <i>before</i> the next one gets a chance to
    378     run. This definition makes it possible for a method to use
    379     a monitor cleanup catch-all (e.g., <code>finally</code>) block as
    380     the monitor cleanup for that block itself, as a way to handle the
    381     arbitrary exceptions that might get thrown due to the historical
    382     implementation of <code>Thread.stop()</code>, while still managing
    383     to have proper monitor hygiene.</p>
    384   </td>
    385 </tr>
    386 <tr>
    387   <td>1f 21c</td>
    388   <td>check-cast vAA, type@BBBB</td>
    389   <td><code>A:</code> reference-bearing register (8 bits)<br/>
    390     <code>B:</code> type index (16 bits)</td>
    391   <td>Throw a <code>ClassCastException</code> if the reference in the
    392     given register cannot be cast to the indicated type.
    393     <p><b>Note:</b> Since <code>A</code> must always be a reference
    394     (and not a primitive value), this will necessarily fail at runtime
    395     (that is, it will throw an exception) if <code>B</code> refers to a
    396     primitive type.</p>
    397   </td>
    398 </tr>
    399 <tr>
    400   <td>20 22c</td>
    401   <td>instance-of vA, vB, type@CCCC</td>
    402   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    403     <code>B:</code> reference-bearing register (4 bits)<br/>
    404     <code>C:</code> type index (16 bits)</td>
    405   <td>Store in the given destination register <code>1</code>
    406     if the indicated reference is an instance of the given type,
    407     or <code>0</code> if not.
    408     <p><b>Note:</b> Since <code>B</code> must always be a reference
    409     (and not a primitive value), this will always result
    410     in <code>0</code> being stored if <code>C</code> refers to a primitive
    411     type.</td>
    412 </tr>
    413 <tr>
    414   <td>21 12x</td>
    415   <td>array-length vA, vB</td>
    416   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    417     <code>B:</code> array reference-bearing register (4 bits)</td>
    418   <td>Store in the given destination register the length of the indicated
    419     array, in entries</td>
    420 </tr>
    421 <tr>
    422   <td>22 21c</td>
    423   <td>new-instance vAA, type@BBBB</td>
    424   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    425     <code>B:</code> type index</td>
    426   <td>Construct a new instance of the indicated type, storing a
    427     reference to it in the destination. The type must refer to a
    428     non-array class.</td>
    429 </tr>
    430 <tr>
    431   <td>23 22c</td>
    432   <td>new-array vA, vB, type@CCCC</td>
    433   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    434     <code>B:</code> size register<br/>
    435     <code>C:</code> type index</td>
    436   <td>Construct a new array of the indicated type and size. The type
    437     must be an array type.</td>
    438 </tr>
    439 <tr>
    440   <td>24 35c</td>
    441   <td>filled-new-array {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, type@CCCC</td>
    442   <td><code>B:</code> array size and argument word count (4 bits)<br/>
    443     <code>C:</code> type index (16 bits)<br/>
    444     <code>D..G, A:</code> argument registers (4 bits each)</td>
    445   <td>Construct an array of the given type and size, filling it with the
    446     supplied contents. The type must be an array type. The array's
    447     contents must be single-word (that is,
    448     no arrays of <code>long</code> or <code>double</code>, but reference
    449     types are acceptable). The constructed
    450     instance is stored as a "result" in the same way that the method invocation
    451     instructions store their results, so the constructed instance must
    452     be moved to a register with an immediately subsequent
    453     <code>move-result-object</code> instruction (if it is to be used).</td>
    454 </tr>
    455 <tr>
    456   <td>25 3rc</td>
    457   <td>filled-new-array/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, type@BBBB</td>
    458   <td><code>A:</code> array size and argument word count (8 bits)<br/>
    459     <code>B:</code> type index (16 bits)<br/>
    460     <code>C:</code> first argument register (16 bits)<br/>
    461     <code>N = A + C - 1</code></td>
    462   <td>Construct an array of the given type and size, filling it with
    463     the supplied contents. Clarifications and restrictions are the same
    464     as <code>filled-new-array</code>, described above.</td>
    465 </tr>
    466 <tr>
    467   <td>26 31t</td>
    468   <td>fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB <i>(with supplemental data as specified
    469     below in "<code>fill-array-data</code> Format")</i></td>
    470   <td><code>A:</code> array reference (8 bits)<br/>
    471     <code>B:</code> signed "branch" offset to table data pseudo-instruction
    472     (32 bits)
    473   </td>
    474   <td>Fill the given array with the indicated data. The reference must be
    475     to an array of primitives, and the data table must match it in type and
    476     must contain no more elements than will fit in the array. That is,
    477     the array may be larger than the table, and if so, only the initial
    478     elements of the array are set, leaving the remainder alone.
    479   </td>
    480 </tr>
    481 <tr>
    482   <td>27 11x</td>
    483   <td>throw vAA</td>
    484   <td><code>A:</code> exception-bearing register (8 bits)<br/></td>
    485   <td>Throw the indicated exception.</td>
    486 </tr>
    487 <tr>
    488   <td>28 10t</td>
    489   <td>goto +AA</td>
    490   <td><code>A:</code> signed branch offset (8 bits)</td>
    491   <td>Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.
    492     <p><b>Note:</b>
    493     The branch offset must not be <code>0</code>. (A spin
    494     loop may be legally constructed either with <code>goto/32</code> or
    495     by including a <code>nop</code> as a target before the branch.)</p>
    496   </td>
    497 </tr>
    498 <tr>
    499   <td>29 20t</td>
    500   <td>goto/16 +AAAA</td>
    501   <td><code>A:</code> signed branch offset (16 bits)<br/></td>
    502   <td>Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.
    503     <p><b>Note:</b>
    504     The branch offset must not be <code>0</code>. (A spin
    505     loop may be legally constructed either with <code>goto/32</code> or
    506     by including a <code>nop</code> as a target before the branch.)</p>
    507   </td>
    508 </tr>
    509 <tr>
    510   <td>2a 30t</td>
    511   <td>goto/32 +AAAAAAAA</td>
    512   <td><code>A:</code> signed branch offset (32 bits)<br/></td>
    513   <td>Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.</td>
    514 </tr>
    515 <tr>
    516   <td>2b 31t</td>
    517   <td>packed-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB <i>(with supplemental data as
    518     specified below in "<code>packed-switch</code> Format")</i></td>
    519   <td><code>A:</code> register to test<br/>
    520     <code>B:</code> signed "branch" offset to table data pseudo-instruction
    521     (32 bits)
    522   </td>
    523   <td>Jump to a new instruction based on the value in the
    524     given register, using a table of offsets corresponding to each value
    525     in a particular integral range, or fall through to the next
    526     instruction if there is no match.
    527   </td>
    528 </tr>
    529 <tr>
    530   <td>2c 31t</td>
    531   <td>sparse-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB <i>(with supplemental data as
    532     specified below in "<code>sparse-switch</code> Format")</i></td>
    533   <td><code>A:</code> register to test<br/>
    534     <code>B:</code> signed "branch" offset to table data pseudo-instruction
    535     (32 bits)
    536   </td>
    537   <td>Jump to a new instruction based on the value in the given
    538     register, using an ordered table of value-offset pairs, or fall
    539     through to the next instruction if there is no match.
    540   </td>
    541 </tr>
    542 <tr>
    543   <td>2d..31 23x</td>
    544   <td>cmp<i>kind</i> vAA, vBB, vCC<br/>
    545     2d: cmpl-float <i>(lt bias)</i><br/>
    546     2e: cmpg-float <i>(gt bias)</i><br/>
    547     2f: cmpl-double <i>(lt bias)</i><br/>
    548     30: cmpg-double <i>(gt bias)</i><br/>
    549     31: cmp-long
    550   </td>
    551   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    552     <code>B:</code> first source register or pair<br/>
    553     <code>C:</code> second source register or pair</td>
    554   <td>Perform the indicated floating point or <code>long</code> comparison,
    555     storing <code>0</code> if the two arguments are equal, <code>1</code>
    556     if the second argument is larger, or <code>-1</code> if the first
    557     argument is larger. The "bias" listed for the floating point operations
    558     indicates how <code>NaN</code> comparisons are treated: "Gt bias"
    559     instructions return <code>1</code> for <code>NaN</code> comparisons,
    560     and "lt bias" instructions return
    561     <code>-1</code>.
    562     <p>For example, to check to see if floating point
    563     <code>a &lt; b</code>, then it is advisable to use
    564     <code>cmpg-float</code>; a result of <code>-1</code> indicates that
    565     the test was true, and the other values indicate it was false either
    566     due to a valid comparison or because one or the other values was
    567     <code>NaN</code>.</p>
    568   </td>
    569 </tr>
    570 <tr>
    571   <td>32..37 22t</td>
    572   <td>if-<i>test</i> vA, vB, +CCCC<br/>
    573     32: if-eq<br/>
    574     33: if-ne<br/>
    575     34: if-lt<br/>
    576     35: if-ge<br/>
    577     36: if-gt<br/>
    578     37: if-le<br/>
    579   </td>
    580   <td><code>A:</code> first register to test (4 bits)<br/>
    581     <code>B:</code> second register to test (4 bits)<br/>
    582     <code>C:</code> signed branch offset (16 bits)</td>
    583   <td>Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values
    584     compare as specified.
    585     <p><b>Note:</b>
    586     The branch offset must not be <code>0</code>. (A spin
    587     loop may be legally constructed either by branching around a
    588     backward <code>goto</code> or by including a <code>nop</code> as
    589     a target before the branch.)</p>
    590   </td>
    591 </tr>
    592 <tr>
    593   <td>38..3d 21t</td>
    594   <td>if-<i>test</i>z vAA, +BBBB<br/>
    595     38: if-eqz<br/>
    596     39: if-nez<br/>
    597     3a: if-ltz<br/>
    598     3b: if-gez<br/>
    599     3c: if-gtz<br/>
    600     3d: if-lez<br/>
    601   </td>
    602   <td><code>A:</code> register to test (8 bits)<br/>
    603     <code>B:</code> signed branch offset (16 bits)</td>
    604   <td>Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares
    605     with 0 as specified.
    606     <p><b>Note:</b>
    607     The branch offset must not be <code>0</code>. (A spin
    608     loop may be legally constructed either by branching around a
    609     backward <code>goto</code> or by including a <code>nop</code> as
    610     a target before the branch.)</p>
    611   </td>
    612 </tr>
    613 <tr>
    614   <td>3e..43 10x</td>
    615   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    616   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    617   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    618 </tr>
    619 <tr>
    620   <td>44..51 23x</td>
    621   <td><i>arrayop</i> vAA, vBB, vCC<br/>
    622     44: aget<br/>
    623     45: aget-wide<br/>
    624     46: aget-object<br/>
    625     47: aget-boolean<br/>
    626     48: aget-byte<br/>
    627     49: aget-char<br/>
    628     4a: aget-short<br/>
    629     4b: aput<br/>
    630     4c: aput-wide<br/>
    631     4d: aput-object<br/>
    632     4e: aput-boolean<br/>
    633     4f: aput-byte<br/>
    634     50: aput-char<br/>
    635     51: aput-short
    636   </td>
    637   <td><code>A:</code> value register or pair; may be source or dest
    638       (8 bits)<br/>
    639     <code>B:</code> array register (8 bits)<br/>
    640     <code>C:</code> index register (8 bits)</td>
    641   <td>Perform the identified array operation at the identified index of
    642     the given array, loading or storing into the value register.</td>
    643 </tr>
    644 <tr>
    645   <td>52..5f 22c</td>
    646   <td>i<i>instanceop</i> vA, vB, field@CCCC<br/>
    647     52: iget<br/>
    648     53: iget-wide<br/>
    649     54: iget-object<br/>
    650     55: iget-boolean<br/>
    651     56: iget-byte<br/>
    652     57: iget-char<br/>
    653     58: iget-short<br/>
    654     59: iput<br/>
    655     5a: iput-wide<br/>
    656     5b: iput-object<br/>
    657     5c: iput-boolean<br/>
    658     5d: iput-byte<br/>
    659     5e: iput-char<br/>
    660     5f: iput-short
    661   </td>
    662   <td><code>A:</code> value register or pair; may be source or dest
    663       (4 bits)<br/>
    664     <code>B:</code> object register (4 bits)<br/>
    665     <code>C:</code> instance field reference index (16 bits)</td>
    666   <td>Perform the identified object instance field operation with
    667     the identified field, loading or storing into the value register.
    668     <p><b>Note:</b> These opcodes are reasonable candidates for static linking,
    669     altering the field argument to be a more direct offset.</p>
    670   </td>
    671 </tr>
    672 <tr>
    673   <td>60..6d 21c</td>
    674   <td>s<i>staticop</i> vAA, field@BBBB<br/>
    675     60: sget<br/>
    676     61: sget-wide<br/>
    677     62: sget-object<br/>
    678     63: sget-boolean<br/>
    679     64: sget-byte<br/>
    680     65: sget-char<br/>
    681     66: sget-short<br/>
    682     67: sput<br/>
    683     68: sput-wide<br/>
    684     69: sput-object<br/>
    685     6a: sput-boolean<br/>
    686     6b: sput-byte<br/>
    687     6c: sput-char<br/>
    688     6d: sput-short
    689   </td>
    690   <td><code>A:</code> value register or pair; may be source or dest
    691       (8 bits)<br/>
    692     <code>B:</code> static field reference index (16 bits)</td>
    693   <td>Perform the identified object static field operation with the identified
    694     static field, loading or storing into the value register.
    695     <p><b>Note:</b> These opcodes are reasonable candidates for static linking,
    696     altering the field argument to be a more direct offset.</p>
    697   </td>
    698 </tr>
    699 <tr>
    700   <td>6e..72 35c</td>
    701   <td>invoke-<i>kind</i> {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, meth@CCCC<br/>
    702     6e: invoke-virtual<br/>
    703     6f: invoke-super<br/>
    704     70: invoke-direct<br/>
    705     71: invoke-static<br/>
    706     72: invoke-interface
    707   </td>
    708   <td><code>B:</code> argument word count (4 bits)<br/>
    709     <code>C:</code> method index (16 bits)<br/>
    710     <code>D..G, A:</code> argument registers (4 bits each)</td>
    711   <td>Call the indicated method. The result (if any) may be stored
    712     with an appropriate <code>move-result*</code> variant as the immediately
    713     subsequent instruction.
    714     <p><code>invoke-virtual</code> is used to invoke a normal virtual
    715     method (a method that is not <code>private</code>, <code>static</code>,
    716     or <code>final</code>, and is also not a constructor).</p>
    717     <p><code>invoke-super</code> is used to invoke the closest superclass's
    718     virtual method (as opposed to the one with the same <code>method_id</code>
    719     in the calling class). The same method restrictions hold as for
    720     <code>invoke-virtual</code>.</p>
    721     <p><code>invoke-direct</code> is used to invoke a non-<code>static</code>
    722     direct method (that is, an instance method that is by its nature
    723     non-overridable, namely either a <code>private</code> instance method
    724     or a constructor).</p>
    725     <p><code>invoke-static</code> is used to invoke a <code>static</code>
    726     method (which is always considered a direct method).</p>
    727     <p><code>invoke-interface</code> is used to invoke an
    728     <code>interface</code> method, that is, on an object whose concrete
    729     class isn't known, using a <code>method_id</code> that refers to
    730     an <code>interface</code>.</p>
    731     <p><b>Note:</b> These opcodes are reasonable candidates for static linking,
    732     altering the method argument to be a more direct offset
    733     (or pair thereof).</p>
    734   </td>
    735 </tr>
    736 <tr>
    737   <td>73 10x</td>
    738   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    739   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    740   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    741 </tr>
    742 <tr>
    743   <td>74..78 3rc</td>
    744   <td>invoke-<i>kind</i>/range {vCCCC .. vNNNN}, meth@BBBB<br/>
    745     74: invoke-virtual/range<br/>
    746     75: invoke-super/range<br/>
    747     76: invoke-direct/range<br/>
    748     77: invoke-static/range<br/>
    749     78: invoke-interface/range
    750   </td>
    751   <td><code>A:</code> argument word count (8 bits)<br/>
    752     <code>B:</code> method index (16 bits)<br/>
    753     <code>C:</code> first argument register (16 bits)<br/>
    754     <code>N = A + C - 1</code></td>
    755   <td>Call the indicated method. See first <code>invoke-<i>kind</i></code>
    756     description above for details, caveats, and suggestions.
    757   </td>
    758 </tr>
    759 <tr>
    760   <td>79..7a 10x</td>
    761   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    762   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    763   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    764 </tr>
    765 <tr>
    766   <td>7b..8f 12x</td>
    767   <td><i>unop</i> vA, vB<br/>
    768     7b: neg-int<br/>
    769     7c: not-int<br/>
    770     7d: neg-long<br/>
    771     7e: not-long<br/>
    772     7f: neg-float<br/>
    773     80: neg-double<br/>
    774     81: int-to-long<br/>
    775     82: int-to-float<br/>
    776     83: int-to-double<br/>
    777     84: long-to-int<br/>
    778     85: long-to-float<br/>
    779     86: long-to-double<br/>
    780     87: float-to-int<br/>
    781     88: float-to-long<br/>
    782     89: float-to-double<br/>
    783     8a: double-to-int<br/>
    784     8b: double-to-long<br/>
    785     8c: double-to-float<br/>
    786     8d: int-to-byte<br/>
    787     8e: int-to-char<br/>
    788     8f: int-to-short
    789   </td>
    790   <td><code>A:</code> destination register or pair (4 bits)<br/>
    791     <code>B:</code> source register or pair (4 bits)</td>
    792   <td>Perform the identified unary operation on the source register,
    793     storing the result in the destination register.</td>
    794 </tr>
    796 <tr>
    797   <td>90..af 23x</td>
    798   <td><i>binop</i> vAA, vBB, vCC<br/>
    799     90: add-int<br/>
    800     91: sub-int<br/>
    801     92: mul-int<br/>
    802     93: div-int<br/>
    803     94: rem-int<br/>
    804     95: and-int<br/>
    805     96: or-int<br/>
    806     97: xor-int<br/>
    807     98: shl-int<br/>
    808     99: shr-int<br/>
    809     9a: ushr-int<br/>
    810     9b: add-long<br/>
    811     9c: sub-long<br/>
    812     9d: mul-long<br/>
    813     9e: div-long<br/>
    814     9f: rem-long<br/>
    815     a0: and-long<br/>
    816     a1: or-long<br/>
    817     a2: xor-long<br/>
    818     a3: shl-long<br/>
    819     a4: shr-long<br/>
    820     a5: ushr-long<br/>
    821     a6: add-float<br/>
    822     a7: sub-float<br/>
    823     a8: mul-float<br/>
    824     a9: div-float<br/>
    825     aa: rem-float<br/>
    826     ab: add-double<br/>
    827     ac: sub-double<br/>
    828     ad: mul-double<br/>
    829     ae: div-double<br/>
    830     af: rem-double
    831   </td>
    832   <td><code>A:</code> destination register or pair (8 bits)<br/>
    833     <code>B:</code> first source register or pair (8 bits)<br/>
    834     <code>C:</code> second source register or pair (8 bits)</td>
    835   <td>Perform the identified binary operation on the two source registers,
    836     storing the result in the first source register.</td>
    837 </tr>
    838 <tr>
    839   <td>b0..cf 12x</td>
    840   <td><i>binop</i>/2addr vA, vB<br/>
    841     b0: add-int/2addr<br/>
    842     b1: sub-int/2addr<br/>
    843     b2: mul-int/2addr<br/>
    844     b3: div-int/2addr<br/>
    845     b4: rem-int/2addr<br/>
    846     b5: and-int/2addr<br/>
    847     b6: or-int/2addr<br/>
    848     b7: xor-int/2addr<br/>
    849     b8: shl-int/2addr<br/>
    850     b9: shr-int/2addr<br/>
    851     ba: ushr-int/2addr<br/>
    852     bb: add-long/2addr<br/>
    853     bc: sub-long/2addr<br/>
    854     bd: mul-long/2addr<br/>
    855     be: div-long/2addr<br/>
    856     bf: rem-long/2addr<br/>
    857     c0: and-long/2addr<br/>
    858     c1: or-long/2addr<br/>
    859     c2: xor-long/2addr<br/>
    860     c3: shl-long/2addr<br/>
    861     c4: shr-long/2addr<br/>
    862     c5: ushr-long/2addr<br/>
    863     c6: add-float/2addr<br/>
    864     c7: sub-float/2addr<br/>
    865     c8: mul-float/2addr<br/>
    866     c9: div-float/2addr<br/>
    867     ca: rem-float/2addr<br/>
    868     cb: add-double/2addr<br/>
    869     cc: sub-double/2addr<br/>
    870     cd: mul-double/2addr<br/>
    871     ce: div-double/2addr<br/>
    872     cf: rem-double/2addr
    873   </td>
    874   <td><code>A:</code> destination and first source register or pair
    875       (4 bits)<br/>
    876     <code>B:</code> second source register or pair (4 bits)</td>
    877   <td>Perform the identified binary operation on the two source registers,
    878     storing the result in the first source register.</td>
    879 </tr>
    880 <tr>
    881   <td>d0..d7 22s</td>
    882   <td><i>binop</i>/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC<br/>
    883     d0: add-int/lit16<br/>
    884     d1: rsub-int (reverse subtract)<br/>
    885     d2: mul-int/lit16<br/>
    886     d3: div-int/lit16<br/>
    887     d4: rem-int/lit16<br/>
    888     d5: and-int/lit16<br/>
    889     d6: or-int/lit16<br/>
    890     d7: xor-int/lit16
    891   </td>
    892   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (4 bits)<br/>
    893     <code>B:</code> source register (4 bits)<br/>
    894     <code>C:</code> signed int constant (16 bits)</td>
    895   <td>Perform the indicated binary op on the indicated register (first
    896     argument) and literal value (second argument), storing the result in
    897     the destination register.
    898     <p><b>Note:</b>
    899     <code>rsub-int</code> does not have a suffix since this version is the
    900     main opcode of its family. Also, see below for details on its semantics.
    901     </p>
    902   </td>
    903 </tr>
    904 <tr>
    905   <td>d8..e2 22b</td>
    906   <td><i>binop</i>/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC<br/>
    907     d8: add-int/lit8<br/>
    908     d9: rsub-int/lit8<br/>
    909     da: mul-int/lit8<br/>
    910     db: div-int/lit8<br/>
    911     dc: rem-int/lit8<br/>
    912     dd: and-int/lit8<br/>
    913     de: or-int/lit8<br/>
    914     df: xor-int/lit8<br/>
    915     e0: shl-int/lit8<br/>
    916     e1: shr-int/lit8<br/>
    917     e2: ushr-int/lit8
    918   </td>
    919   <td><code>A:</code> destination register (8 bits)<br/>
    920     <code>B:</code> source register (8 bits)<br/>
    921     <code>C:</code> signed int constant (8 bits)</td>
    922   <td>Perform the indicated binary op on the indicated register (first
    923     argument) and literal value (second argument), storing the result
    924     in the destination register.
    925     <p><b>Note:</b> See below for details on the semantics of
    926     <code>rsub-int</code>.</p>
    927   </td>
    928 </tr>
    929 <tr>
    930   <td>e3..ff 10x</td>
    931   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    932   <td>&nbsp;</td>
    933   <td><i>(unused)</i></td>
    934 </tr>
    935 </tbody>
    936 </table>
    938 <h2><code>packed-switch</code> Format</h2>
    940 <table class="supplement">
    941 <thead>
    942 <tr>
    943   <th>Name</th>
    944   <th>Format</th>
    945   <th>Description</th>
    946 </tr>
    947 </thead>
    948 <tbody>
    949 <tr>
    950   <td>ident</td>
    951   <td>ushort = 0x0100</td>
    952   <td>identifying pseudo-opcode</td>
    953 </tr>
    954 <tr>
    955   <td>size</td>
    956   <td>ushort</td>
    957   <td>number of entries in the table</td>
    958 </tr>
    959 <tr>
    960   <td>first_key</td>
    961   <td>int</td>
    962   <td>first (and lowest) switch case value</td>
    963 </tr>
    964 <tr>
    965   <td>targets</td>
    966   <td>int[]</td>
    967   <td>list of <code>size</code> relative branch targets. The targets are
    968     relative to the address of the switch opcode, not of this table.
    969   </td>
    970 </tr>
    971 </tbody>
    972 </table>
    974 <p><b>Note:</b> The total number of code units for an instance of this
    975 table is <code>(size * 2) + 4</code>.</p>
    977 <h2><code>sparse-switch</code> Format</h2>
    979 <table class="supplement">
    980 <thead>
    981 <tr>
    982   <th>Name</th>
    983   <th>Format</th>
    984   <th>Description</th>
    985 </tr>
    986 </thead>
    987 <tbody>
    988 <tr>
    989   <td>ident</td>
    990   <td>ushort = 0x0200</td>
    991   <td>identifying pseudo-opcode</td>
    992 </tr>
    993 <tr>
    994   <td>size</td>
    995   <td>ushort</td>
    996   <td>number of entries in the table</td>
    997 </tr>
    998 <tr>
    999   <td>keys</td>
   1000   <td>int[]</td>
   1001   <td>list of <code>size</code> key values, sorted low-to-high</td>
   1002 </tr>
   1003 <tr>
   1004   <td>targets</td>
   1005   <td>int[]</td>
   1006   <td>list of <code>size</code> relative branch targets, each corresponding
   1007     to the key value at the same index. The targets are
   1008     relative to the address of the switch opcode, not of this table.
   1009   </td>
   1010 </tr>
   1011 </tbody>
   1012 </table>
   1014 <p><b>Note:</b> The total number of code units for an instance of this
   1015 table is <code>(size * 4) + 2</code>.</p>
   1017 <h2><code>fill-array-data</code> Format</h2>
   1019 <table class="supplement">
   1020 <thead>
   1021 <tr>
   1022   <th>Name</th>
   1023   <th>Format</th>
   1024   <th>Description</th>
   1025 </tr>
   1026 </thead>
   1027 <tbody>
   1028 <tr>
   1029   <td>ident</td>
   1030   <td>ushort = 0x0300</td>
   1031   <td>identifying pseudo-opcode</td>
   1032 </tr>
   1033 <tr>
   1034   <td>element_width</td>
   1035   <td>ushort</td>
   1036   <td>number of bytes in each element</td>
   1037 </tr>
   1038 <tr>
   1039   <td>size</td>
   1040   <td>uint</td>
   1041   <td>number of elements in the table</td>
   1042 </tr>
   1043 <tr>
   1044   <td>data</td>
   1045   <td>ubyte[]</td>
   1046   <td>data values</td>
   1047 </tr>
   1048 </tbody>
   1049 </table>
   1051 <p><b>Note:</b> The total number of code units for an instance of this
   1052 table is <code>(size * element_width + 1) / 2 + 4</code>.</p>
   1055 <h2>Mathematical Operation Details</h2>
   1057 <p><b>Note:</b> Floating point operations must follow IEEE 754 rules, using
   1058 round-to-nearest and gradual underflow, except where stated otherwise.</p>
   1060 <table class="math">
   1061 <thead>
   1062 <tr>
   1063   <th>Opcode</th>
   1064   <th>C Semantics</th>
   1065   <th>Notes</th>
   1066 </tr>
   1067 </thead>
   1068 <tbody>
   1069 <tr>
   1070   <td>neg-int</td>
   1071   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1072     int32 result = -a;
   1073   </td>
   1074   <td>Unary twos-complement.</td>
   1075 </tr>
   1076 <tr>
   1077   <td>not-int</td>
   1078   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1079     int32 result = ~a;
   1080   </td>
   1081   <td>Unary ones-complement.</td>
   1082 </tr>
   1083 <tr>
   1084   <td>neg-long</td>
   1085   <td>int64 a;<br/>
   1086     int64 result = -a;
   1087   </td>
   1088   <td>Unary twos-complement.</td>
   1089 </tr>
   1090 <tr>
   1091   <td>not-long</td>
   1092   <td>int64 a;<br/>
   1093     int64 result = ~a;
   1094   </td>
   1095   <td>Unary ones-complement.</td>
   1096 </tr>
   1097 <tr>
   1098   <td>neg-float</td>
   1099   <td>float a;<br/>
   1100     float result = -a;
   1101   </td>
   1102   <td>Floating point negation.</td>
   1103 </tr>
   1104 <tr>
   1105   <td>neg-double</td>
   1106   <td>double a;<br/>
   1107     double result = -a;
   1108   </td>
   1109   <td>Floating point negation.</td>
   1110 </tr>
   1111 <tr>
   1112   <td>int-to-long</td>
   1113   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1114     int64 result = (int64) a;
   1115   </td>
   1116   <td>Sign extension of <code>int32</code> into <code>int64</code>.</td>
   1117 </tr>
   1118 <tr>
   1119   <td>int-to-float</td>
   1120   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1121     float result = (float) a;
   1122   </td>
   1123   <td>Conversion of <code>int32</code> to <code>float</code>, using
   1124     round-to-nearest. This loses precision for some values.
   1125   </td>
   1126 </tr>
   1127 <tr>
   1128   <td>int-to-double</td>
   1129   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1130     double result = (double) a;
   1131   </td>
   1132   <td>Conversion of <code>int32</code> to <code>double</code>.</td>
   1133 </tr>
   1134 <tr>
   1135   <td>long-to-int</td>
   1136   <td>int64 a;<br/>
   1137     int32 result = (int32) a;
   1138   </td>
   1139   <td>Truncation of <code>int64</code> into <code>int32</code>.</td>
   1140 </tr>
   1141 <tr>
   1142   <td>long-to-float</td>
   1143   <td>int64 a;<br/>
   1144     float result = (float) a;
   1145   </td>
   1146   <td>Conversion of <code>int64</code> to <code>float</code>, using
   1147     round-to-nearest. This loses precision for some values.
   1148   </td>
   1149 </tr>
   1150 <tr>
   1151   <td>long-to-double</td>
   1152   <td>int64 a;<br/>
   1153     double result = (double) a;
   1154   </td>
   1155   <td>Conversion of <code>int64</code> to <code>double</code>, using
   1156     round-to-nearest. This loses precision for some values.
   1157   </td>
   1158 </tr>
   1159 <tr>
   1160   <td>float-to-int</td>
   1161   <td>float a;<br/>
   1162     int32 result = (int32) a;
   1163   </td>
   1164   <td>Conversion of <code>float</code> to <code>int32</code>, using
   1165     round-toward-zero. <code>NaN</code> and <code>-0.0</code> (negative zero)
   1166     convert to the integer <code>0</code>. Infinities and values with
   1167     too large a magnitude to be represented get converted to either
   1168     <code>0x7fffffff</code> or <code>-0x80000000</code> depending on sign.
   1169   </td>
   1170 </tr>
   1171 <tr>
   1172   <td>float-to-long</td>
   1173   <td>float a;<br/>
   1174     int64 result = (int64) a;
   1175   </td>
   1176   <td>Conversion of <code>float</code> to <code>int64</code>, using
   1177     round-toward-zero. The same special case rules as for
   1178     <code>float-to-int</code> apply here, except that out-of-range values
   1179     get converted to either <code>0x7fffffffffffffff</code> or
   1180     <code>-0x8000000000000000</code> depending on sign.
   1181   </td>
   1182 </tr>
   1183 <tr>
   1184   <td>float-to-double</td>
   1185   <td>float a;<br/>
   1186     double result = (double) a;
   1187   </td>
   1188   <td>Conversion of <code>float</code> to <code>double</code>, preserving
   1189     the value exactly.
   1190   </td>
   1191 </tr>
   1192 <tr>
   1193   <td>double-to-int</td>
   1194   <td>double a;<br/>
   1195     int32 result = (int32) a;
   1196   </td>
   1197   <td>Conversion of <code>double</code> to <code>int32</code>, using
   1198     round-toward-zero. The same special case rules as for
   1199     <code>float-to-int</code> apply here.
   1200   </td>
   1201 </tr>
   1202 <tr>
   1203   <td>double-to-long</td>
   1204   <td>double a;<br/>
   1205     int64 result = (int64) a;
   1206   </td>
   1207   <td>Conversion of <code>double</code> to <code>int64</code>, using
   1208     round-toward-zero. The same special case rules as for
   1209     <code>float-to-long</code> apply here.
   1210   </td>
   1211 </tr>
   1212 <tr>
   1213   <td>double-to-float</td>
   1214   <td>double a;<br/>
   1215     float result = (float) a;
   1216   </td>
   1217   <td>Conversion of <code>double</code> to <code>float</code>, using
   1218     round-to-nearest. This loses precision for some values.
   1219   </td>
   1220 </tr>
   1221 <tr>
   1222   <td>int-to-byte</td>
   1223   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1224     int32 result = (a &lt;&lt; 24) &gt;&gt; 24;
   1225   </td>
   1226   <td>Truncation of <code>int32</code> to <code>int8</code>, sign
   1227     extending the result.
   1228   </td>
   1229 </tr>
   1230 <tr>
   1231   <td>int-to-char</td>
   1232   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1233     int32 result = a &amp; 0xffff;
   1234   </td>
   1235   <td>Truncation of <code>int32</code> to <code>uint16</code>, without
   1236     sign extension.
   1237   </td>
   1238 </tr>
   1239 <tr>
   1240   <td>int-to-short</td>
   1241   <td>int32 a;<br/>
   1242     int32 result = (a &lt;&lt; 16) &gt;&gt; 16;
   1243   </td>
   1244   <td>Truncation of <code>int32</code> to <code>int16</code>, sign
   1245     extending the result.
   1246   </td>
   1247 </tr>
   1248 <tr>
   1249   <td>add-int</td>
   1250   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1251     int32 result = a + b;
   1252   </td>
   1253   <td>Twos-complement addition.</td>
   1254 </tr>
   1255 <tr>
   1256   <td>sub-int</td>
   1257   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1258     int32 result = a - b;
   1259   </td>
   1260   <td>Twos-complement subtraction.</td>
   1261 </tr>
   1262 <tr>
   1263   <td>rsub-int</td>
   1264   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1265     int32 result = b - a;
   1266   </td>
   1267   <td>Twos-complement reverse subtraction.</td>
   1268 </tr>
   1269 <tr>
   1270   <td>mul-int</td>
   1271   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1272     int32 result = a * b;
   1273   </td>
   1274   <td>Twos-complement multiplication.</td>
   1275 </tr>
   1276 <tr>
   1277   <td>div-int</td>
   1278   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1279     int32 result = a / b;
   1280   </td>
   1281   <td>Twos-complement division, rounded towards zero (that is, truncated to
   1282     integer). This throws <code>ArithmeticException</code> if
   1283     <code>b == 0</code>.
   1284   </td>
   1285 </tr>
   1286 <tr>
   1287   <td>rem-int</td>
   1288   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1289     int32 result = a % b;
   1290   </td>
   1291   <td>Twos-complement remainder after division. The sign of the result
   1292     is the same as that of <code>a</code>, and it is more precisely
   1293     defined as <code>result == a - (a / b) * b</code>. This throws
   1294     <code>ArithmeticException</code> if <code>b == 0</code>.
   1295   </td>
   1296 </tr>
   1297 <tr>
   1298   <td>and-int</td>
   1299   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1300     int32 result = a &amp; b;
   1301   </td>
   1302   <td>Bitwise AND.</td>
   1303 </tr>
   1304 <tr>
   1305   <td>or-int</td>
   1306   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1307     int32 result = a | b;
   1308   </td>
   1309   <td>Bitwise OR.</td>
   1310 </tr>
   1311 <tr>
   1312   <td>xor-int</td>
   1313   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1314     int32 result = a ^ b;
   1315   </td>
   1316   <td>Bitwise XOR.</td>
   1317 </tr>
   1318 <tr>
   1319   <td>shl-int</td>
   1320   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1321     int32 result = a &lt;&lt; (b &amp; 0x1f);
   1322   </td>
   1323   <td>Bitwise shift left (with masked argument).</td>
   1324 </tr>
   1325 <tr>
   1326   <td>shr-int</td>
   1327   <td>int32 a, b;<br/>
   1328     int32 result = a &gt;&gt; (b &amp; 0x1f);
   1329   </td>
   1330   <td>Bitwise signed shift right (with masked argument).</td>
   1331 </tr>
   1332 <tr>
   1333   <td>ushr-int</td>
   1334   <td>uint32 a, b;<br/>
   1335     int32 result = a &gt;&gt; (b &amp; 0x1f);
   1336   </td>
   1337   <td>Bitwise unsigned shift right (with masked argument).</td>
   1338 </tr>
   1339 <tr>
   1340   <td>add-long</td>
   1341   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1342     int64 result = a + b;
   1343   </td>
   1344   <td>Twos-complement addition.</td>
   1345 </tr>
   1346 <tr>
   1347   <td>sub-long</td>
   1348   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1349     int64 result = a - b;
   1350   </td>
   1351   <td>Twos-complement subtraction.</td>
   1352 </tr>
   1353 <tr>
   1354   <td>mul-long</td>
   1355   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1356     int64 result = a * b;
   1357   </td>
   1358   <td>Twos-complement multiplication.</td>
   1359 </tr>
   1360 <tr>
   1361   <td>div-long</td>
   1362   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1363     int64 result = a / b;
   1364   </td>
   1365   <td>Twos-complement division, rounded towards zero (that is, truncated to
   1366     integer). This throws <code>ArithmeticException</code> if
   1367     <code>b == 0</code>.
   1368   </td>
   1369 </tr>
   1370 <tr>
   1371   <td>rem-long</td>
   1372   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1373     int64 result = a % b;
   1374   </td>
   1375   <td>Twos-complement remainder after division. The sign of the result
   1376     is the same as that of <code>a</code>, and it is more precisely
   1377     defined as <code>result == a - (a / b) * b</code>. This throws
   1378     <code>ArithmeticException</code> if <code>b == 0</code>.
   1379   </td>
   1380 </tr>
   1381 <tr>
   1382   <td>and-long</td>
   1383   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1384     int64 result = a &amp; b;
   1385   </td>
   1386   <td>Bitwise AND.</td>
   1387 </tr>
   1388 <tr>
   1389   <td>or-long</td>
   1390   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1391     int64 result = a | b;
   1392   </td>
   1393   <td>Bitwise OR.</td>
   1394 </tr>
   1395 <tr>
   1396   <td>xor-long</td>
   1397   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1398     int64 result = a ^ b;
   1399   </td>
   1400   <td>Bitwise XOR.</td>
   1401 </tr>
   1402 <tr>
   1403   <td>shl-long</td>
   1404   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1405     int64 result = a &lt;&lt; (b &amp; 0x3f);
   1406   </td>
   1407   <td>Bitwise shift left (with masked argument).</td>
   1408 </tr>
   1409 <tr>
   1410   <td>shr-long</td>
   1411   <td>int64 a, b;<br/>
   1412     int64 result = a &gt;&gt; (b &amp; 0x3f);
   1413   </td>
   1414   <td>Bitwise signed shift right (with masked argument).</td>
   1415 </tr>
   1416 <tr>
   1417   <td>ushr-long</td>
   1418   <td>uint64 a, b;<br/>
   1419     int64 result = a &gt;&gt; (b &amp; 0x3f);
   1420   </td>
   1421   <td>Bitwise unsigned shift right (with masked argument).</td>
   1422 </tr>
   1423 <tr>
   1424   <td>add-float</td>
   1425   <td>float a, b;<br/>
   1426     float result = a + b;
   1427   </td>
   1428   <td>Floating point addition.</td>
   1429 </tr>
   1430 <tr>
   1431   <td>sub-float</td>
   1432   <td>float a, b;<br/>
   1433     float result = a - b;
   1434   </td>
   1435   <td>Floating point subtraction.</td>
   1436 </tr>
   1437 <tr>
   1438   <td>mul-float</td>
   1439   <td>float a, b;<br/>
   1440     float result = a * b;
   1441   </td>
   1442   <td>Floating point multiplication.</td>
   1443 </tr>
   1444 <tr>
   1445   <td>div-float</td>
   1446   <td>float a, b;<br/>
   1447     float result = a / b;
   1448   </td>
   1449   <td>Floating point division.</td>
   1450 </tr>
   1451 <tr>
   1452   <td>rem-float</td>
   1453   <td>float a, b;<br/>
   1454     float result = a % b;
   1455   </td>
   1456   <td>Floating point remainder after division. This function is different
   1457     than IEEE 754 remainder and is defined as
   1458     <code>result == a - roundTowardZero(a / b) * b</code>.
   1459   </td>
   1460 </tr>
   1461 <tr>
   1462   <td>add-double</td>
   1463   <td>double a, b;<br/>
   1464     double result = a + b;
   1465   </td>
   1466   <td>Floating point addition.</td>
   1467 </tr>
   1468 <tr>
   1469   <td>sub-double</td>
   1470   <td>double a, b;<br/>
   1471     double result = a - b;
   1472   </td>
   1473   <td>Floating point subtraction.</td>
   1474 </tr>
   1475 <tr>
   1476   <td>mul-double</td>
   1477   <td>double a, b;<br/>
   1478     double result = a * b;
   1479   </td>
   1480   <td>Floating point multiplication.</td>
   1481 </tr>
   1482 <tr>
   1483   <td>div-double</td>
   1484   <td>double a, b;<br/>
   1485     double result = a / b;
   1486   </td>
   1487   <td>Floating point division.</td>
   1488 </tr>
   1489 <tr>
   1490   <td>rem-double</td>
   1491   <td>double a, b;<br/>
   1492     double result = a % b;
   1493   </td>
   1494   <td>Floating point remainder after division. This function is different
   1495     than IEEE 754 remainder and is defined as
   1496     <code>result == a - roundTowardZero(a / b) * b</code>.
   1497   </td>
   1498 </tr>
   1499 </tbody>
   1500 </table>
   1502 </body>
   1503 </html>