1 /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** 2 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 3 * 4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 5 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 6 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ 8 * 9 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, 10 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License 11 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the 12 * License. 13 * 14 * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. 15 * 16 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is 17 * Netscape Communications Corporation. 18 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 19 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. 20 * 21 * Contributor(s): 22 * Akhil Arora <akhil.arora (at) sun.com> 23 * Tomi Leppikangas <Tomi.Leppikangas (at) oulu.fi> 24 * Darin Fisher <darin (at) meer.net> 25 * 26 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of 27 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or 28 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), 29 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead 30 * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only 31 * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to 32 * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your 33 * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice 34 * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete 35 * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under 36 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. 37 * 38 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ 39 40 #ifndef NET_PROXY_PROXY_RESOLVER_SCRIPT_H_ 41 #define NET_PROXY_PROXY_RESOLVER_SCRIPT_H_ 42 43 // The following code was formatted from: 44 // 'mozilla/netwerk/base/src/nsProxyAutoConfig.js' (1.55) 45 // 46 // Using the command: 47 // $ cat nsProxyAutoConfig.js | 48 // awk '/var pacUtils/,/EOF/' | 49 // sed -e 's/^\s*$/""/g' | 50 // sed -e 's/"\s*[+]\s*$/"/g' | 51 // sed -e 's/"$/" \\/g' | 52 // sed -e 's/\/(ipaddr);/\/.exec(ipaddr);/g' | 53 // grep -v '^var pacUtils =' 54 #define PROXY_RESOLVER_SCRIPT \ 55 "function dnsDomainIs(host, domain) {\n" \ 56 " return (host.length >= domain.length &&\n" \ 57 " host.substring(host.length - domain.length) == domain);\n" \ 58 "}\n" \ 59 "" \ 60 "function dnsDomainLevels(host) {\n" \ 61 " return host.split('.').length-1;\n" \ 62 "}\n" \ 63 "" \ 64 "function convert_addr(ipchars) {\n" \ 65 " var bytes = ipchars.split('.');\n" \ 66 " var result = ((bytes[0] & 0xff) << 24) |\n" \ 67 " ((bytes[1] & 0xff) << 16) |\n" \ 68 " ((bytes[2] & 0xff) << 8) |\n" \ 69 " (bytes[3] & 0xff);\n" \ 70 " return result;\n" \ 71 "}\n" \ 72 "" \ 73 "function isInNet(ipaddr, pattern, maskstr) {\n" \ 74 " var test = /^(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})$/.exec(ipaddr);\n" \ 75 " if (test == null) {\n" \ 76 " ipaddr = dnsResolve(ipaddr);\n" \ 77 " if (ipaddr == null)\n" \ 78 " return false;\n" \ 79 " } else if (test[1] > 255 || test[2] > 255 || \n" \ 80 " test[3] > 255 || test[4] > 255) {\n" \ 81 " return false; // not an IP address\n" \ 82 " }\n" \ 83 " var host = convert_addr(ipaddr);\n" \ 84 " var pat = convert_addr(pattern);\n" \ 85 " var mask = convert_addr(maskstr);\n" \ 86 " return ((host & mask) == (pat & mask));\n" \ 87 " \n" \ 88 "}\n" \ 89 "" \ 90 "function isPlainHostName(host) {\n" \ 91 " return (host.search('\\\\.') == -1);\n" \ 92 "}\n" \ 93 "" \ 94 "function isResolvable(host) {\n" \ 95 " var ip = dnsResolve(host);\n" \ 96 " return (ip != null);\n" \ 97 "}\n" \ 98 "" \ 99 "function localHostOrDomainIs(host, hostdom) {\n" \ 100 " return (host == hostdom) ||\n" \ 101 " (hostdom.lastIndexOf(host + '.', 0) == 0);\n" \ 102 "}\n" \ 103 "" \ 104 "function shExpMatch(url, pattern) {\n" \ 105 " pattern = pattern.replace(/\\./g, '\\\\.');\n" \ 106 " pattern = pattern.replace(/\\*/g, '.*');\n" \ 107 " pattern = pattern.replace(/\\?/g, '.');\n" \ 108 " var newRe = new RegExp('^'+pattern+'$');\n" \ 109 " return newRe.test(url);\n" \ 110 "}\n" \ 111 "" \ 112 "var wdays = {SUN: 0, MON: 1, TUE: 2, WED: 3, THU: 4, FRI: 5, SAT: 6};\n" \ 113 "" \ 114 "var months = {JAN: 0, FEB: 1, MAR: 2, APR: 3, MAY: 4, JUN: 5, JUL: 6, AUG: 7, SEP: 8, OCT: 9, NOV: 10, DEC: 11};\n" \ 115 "" \ 116 "function weekdayRange() {\n" \ 117 " function getDay(weekday) {\n" \ 118 " if (weekday in wdays) {\n" \ 119 " return wdays[weekday];\n" \ 120 " }\n" \ 121 " return -1;\n" \ 122 " }\n" \ 123 " var date = new Date();\n" \ 124 " var argc = arguments.length;\n" \ 125 " var wday;\n" \ 126 " if (argc < 1)\n" \ 127 " return false;\n" \ 128 " if (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT') {\n" \ 129 " argc--;\n" \ 130 " wday = date.getUTCDay();\n" \ 131 " } else {\n" \ 132 " wday = date.getDay();\n" \ 133 " }\n" \ 134 " var wd1 = getDay(arguments[0]);\n" \ 135 " var wd2 = (argc == 2) ? getDay(arguments[1]) : wd1;\n" \ 136 " return (wd1 == -1 || wd2 == -1) ? false\n" \ 137 " : (wd1 <= wday && wday <= wd2);\n" \ 138 "}\n" \ 139 "" \ 140 "function dateRange() {\n" \ 141 " function getMonth(name) {\n" \ 142 " if (name in months) {\n" \ 143 " return months[name];\n" \ 144 " }\n" \ 145 " return -1;\n" \ 146 " }\n" \ 147 " var date = new Date();\n" \ 148 " var argc = arguments.length;\n" \ 149 " if (argc < 1) {\n" \ 150 " return false;\n" \ 151 " }\n" \ 152 " var isGMT = (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT');\n" \ 153 "\n" \ 154 " if (isGMT) {\n" \ 155 " argc--;\n" \ 156 " }\n" \ 157 " // function will work even without explict handling of this case\n" \ 158 " if (argc == 1) {\n" \ 159 " var tmp = parseInt(arguments[0]);\n" \ 160 " if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n" \ 161 " return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth()) ==\n" \ 162 "getMonth(arguments[0]));\n" \ 163 " } else if (tmp < 32) {\n" \ 164 " return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate()) == tmp);\n" \ 165 " } else { \n" \ 166 " return ((isGMT ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear()) ==\n" \ 167 "tmp);\n" \ 168 " }\n" \ 169 " }\n" \ 170 " var year = date.getFullYear();\n" \ 171 " var date1, date2;\n" \ 172 " date1 = new Date(year, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);\n" \ 173 " date2 = new Date(year, 11, 31, 23, 59, 59);\n" \ 174 " var adjustMonth = false;\n" \ 175 " for (var i = 0; i < (argc >> 1); i++) {\n" \ 176 " var tmp = parseInt(arguments[i]);\n" \ 177 " if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n" \ 178 " var mon = getMonth(arguments[i]);\n" \ 179 " date1.setMonth(mon);\n" \ 180 " } else if (tmp < 32) {\n" \ 181 " adjustMonth = (argc <= 2);\n" \ 182 " date1.setDate(tmp);\n" \ 183 " } else {\n" \ 184 " date1.setFullYear(tmp);\n" \ 185 " }\n" \ 186 " }\n" \ 187 " for (var i = (argc >> 1); i < argc; i++) {\n" \ 188 " var tmp = parseInt(arguments[i]);\n" \ 189 " if (isNaN(tmp)) {\n" \ 190 " var mon = getMonth(arguments[i]);\n" \ 191 " date2.setMonth(mon);\n" \ 192 " } else if (tmp < 32) {\n" \ 193 " date2.setDate(tmp);\n" \ 194 " } else {\n" \ 195 " date2.setFullYear(tmp);\n" \ 196 " }\n" \ 197 " }\n" \ 198 " if (adjustMonth) {\n" \ 199 " date1.setMonth(date.getMonth());\n" \ 200 " date2.setMonth(date.getMonth());\n" \ 201 " }\n" \ 202 " if (isGMT) {\n" \ 203 " var tmp = date;\n" \ 204 " tmp.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear());\n" \ 205 " tmp.setMonth(date.getUTCMonth());\n" \ 206 " tmp.setDate(date.getUTCDate());\n" \ 207 " tmp.setHours(date.getUTCHours());\n" \ 208 " tmp.setMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes());\n" \ 209 " tmp.setSeconds(date.getUTCSeconds());\n" \ 210 " date = tmp;\n" \ 211 " }\n" \ 212 " return ((date1 <= date) && (date <= date2));\n" \ 213 "}\n" \ 214 "" \ 215 "function timeRange() {\n" \ 216 " var argc = arguments.length;\n" \ 217 " var date = new Date();\n" \ 218 " var isGMT= false;\n" \ 219 "\n" \ 220 " if (argc < 1) {\n" \ 221 " return false;\n" \ 222 " }\n" \ 223 " if (arguments[argc - 1] == 'GMT') {\n" \ 224 " isGMT = true;\n" \ 225 " argc--;\n" \ 226 " }\n" \ 227 "\n" \ 228 " var hour = isGMT ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours();\n" \ 229 " var date1, date2;\n" \ 230 " date1 = new Date();\n" \ 231 " date2 = new Date();\n" \ 232 "\n" \ 233 " if (argc == 1) {\n" \ 234 " return (hour == arguments[0]);\n" \ 235 " } else if (argc == 2) {\n" \ 236 " return ((arguments[0] <= hour) && (hour <= arguments[1]));\n" \ 237 " } else {\n" \ 238 " switch (argc) {\n" \ 239 " case 6:\n" \ 240 " date1.setSeconds(arguments[2]);\n" \ 241 " date2.setSeconds(arguments[5]);\n" \ 242 " case 4:\n" \ 243 " var middle = argc >> 1;\n" \ 244 " date1.setHours(arguments[0]);\n" \ 245 " date1.setMinutes(arguments[1]);\n" \ 246 " date2.setHours(arguments[middle]);\n" \ 247 " date2.setMinutes(arguments[middle + 1]);\n" \ 248 " if (middle == 2) {\n" \ 249 " date2.setSeconds(59);\n" \ 250 " }\n" \ 251 " break;\n" \ 252 " default:\n" \ 253 " throw 'timeRange: bad number of arguments'\n" \ 254 " }\n" \ 255 " }\n" \ 256 "\n" \ 257 " if (isGMT) {\n" \ 258 " date.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear());\n" \ 259 " date.setMonth(date.getUTCMonth());\n" \ 260 " date.setDate(date.getUTCDate());\n" \ 261 " date.setHours(date.getUTCHours());\n" \ 262 " date.setMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes());\n" \ 263 " date.setSeconds(date.getUTCSeconds());\n" \ 264 " }\n" \ 265 " return ((date1 <= date) && (date <= date2));\n" \ 266 "}\n" 267 268 // This is a Microsoft extension to PAC for IPv6, see: 269 // http://blogs.msdn.com/wndp/articles/IPV6_PAC_Extensions_v0_9.aspx 270 #define PROXY_RESOLVER_SCRIPT_EX \ 271 "function isResolvableEx(host) {\n" \ 272 " var ipList = dnsResolveEx(host);\n" \ 273 " return (ipList != '');\n" \ 274 "}\n" 275 276 #endif // NET_PROXY_PROXY_RESOLVER_SCRIPT_H_ 277