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      1 /*
      2  * Functions to trace SSL protocol behavior in DEBUG builds.
      3  *
      4  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
      5  * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
      6  *
      7  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
      8  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
      9  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
     11  *
     12  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
     14  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
     15  * License.
     16  *
     17  * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
     18  *
     19  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
     20  * Netscape Communications Corporation.
     21  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000
     22  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
     23  *
     24  * Contributor(s):
     25  *
     26  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
     27  * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
     28  * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
     29  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
     30  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
     31  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
     32  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
     33  * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
     34  * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
     35  * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
     36  * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
     37  *
     38  * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
     39 /* $Id: ssltrace.c,v 1.4 2007/01/31 04:20:26 nelson%bolyard.com Exp $ */
     40 #include <stdarg.h>
     41 #include "cert.h"
     42 #include "ssl.h"
     43 #include "sslimpl.h"
     44 #include "sslproto.h"
     45 #include "prprf.h"
     47 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(TRACE)
     48 static const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef";
     50 static const char printable[257] = {
     51 	"................"	/* 0x */
     52 	"................"	/* 1x */
     53 	" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./"	/* 2x */
     54 	"0123456789:;<=>?"	/* 3x */
     55 	"@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO"	/* 4x */
     56 	"PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"	/* 5x */
     57 	"`abcdefghijklmno"	/* 6x */
     58 	"pqrstuvwxyz{|}~."	/* 7x */
     59 	"................"	/* 8x */
     60 	"................"	/* 9x */
     61 	"................"	/* ax */
     62 	"................"	/* bx */
     63 	"................"	/* cx */
     64 	"................"	/* dx */
     65 	"................"	/* ex */
     66 	"................"	/* fx */
     67 };
     69 void ssl_PrintBuf(sslSocket *ss, const char *msg, const void *vp, int len)
     70 {
     71     const unsigned char *cp = (const unsigned char *)vp;
     72     char buf[80];
     73     char *bp;
     74     char *ap;
     76     if (ss) {
     77 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]: %s [Len: %d]", SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd,
     78 		   msg, len));
     79     } else {
     80 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL: %s [Len: %d]", SSL_GETPID(), msg, len));
     81     }
     82     memset(buf, ' ', sizeof buf);
     83     bp = buf;
     84     ap = buf + 50;
     85     while (--len >= 0) {
     86 	unsigned char ch = *cp++;
     87 	*bp++ = hex[(ch >> 4) & 0xf];
     88 	*bp++ = hex[ch & 0xf];
     89 	*bp++ = ' ';
     90 	*ap++ = printable[ch];
     91 	if (ap - buf >= 66) {
     92 	    *ap = 0;
     93 	    SSL_TRACE(("   %s", buf));
     94 	    memset(buf, ' ', sizeof buf);
     95 	    bp = buf;
     96 	    ap = buf + 50;
     97 	}
     98     }
     99     if (bp > buf) {
    100 	*ap = 0;
    101 	SSL_TRACE(("   %s", buf));
    102     }
    103 }
    105 #define LEN(cp)		(((cp)[0] << 8) | ((cp)[1]))
    107 static void PrintType(sslSocket *ss, char *msg)
    108 {
    109     if (ss) {
    110 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]: dump-msg: %s", SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd,
    111 		   msg));
    112     } else {
    113 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL: dump-msg: %s", SSL_GETPID(), msg));
    114     }
    115 }
    117 static void PrintInt(sslSocket *ss, char *msg, unsigned v)
    118 {
    119     if (ss) {
    120 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]:           %s=%u", SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd,
    121 		   msg, v));
    122     } else {
    123 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL:           %s=%u", SSL_GETPID(), msg, v));
    124     }
    125 }
    127 /* PrintBuf is just like ssl_PrintBuf above, except that:
    128  * a) It prefixes each line of the buffer with "XX: SSL[xxx]           "
    129  * b) It dumps only hex, not ASCII.
    130  */
    131 static void PrintBuf(sslSocket *ss, char *msg, unsigned char *cp, int len)
    132 {
    133     char buf[80];
    134     char *bp;
    136     if (ss) {
    137 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]:           %s [Len: %d]",
    138 		   SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, msg, len));
    139     } else {
    140 	SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL:           %s [Len: %d]",
    141 		   SSL_GETPID(), msg, len));
    142     }
    143     bp = buf;
    144     while (--len >= 0) {
    145 	unsigned char ch = *cp++;
    146 	*bp++ = hex[(ch >> 4) & 0xf];
    147 	*bp++ = hex[ch & 0xf];
    148 	*bp++ = ' ';
    149 	if (bp + 4 > buf + 50) {
    150 	    *bp = 0;
    151 	    if (ss) {
    152 		SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]:             %s",
    153 			   SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, buf));
    154 	    } else {
    155 		SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL:             %s", SSL_GETPID(), buf));
    156 	    }
    157 	    bp = buf;
    158 	}
    159     }
    160     if (bp > buf) {
    161 	*bp = 0;
    162 	if (ss) {
    163 	    SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL[%d]:             %s",
    164 		       SSL_GETPID(), ss->fd, buf));
    165 	} else {
    166 	    SSL_TRACE(("%d: SSL:             %s", SSL_GETPID(), buf));
    167 	}
    168     }
    169 }
    171 void ssl_DumpMsg(sslSocket *ss, unsigned char *bp, unsigned len)
    172 {
    173     switch (bp[0]) {
    174       case SSL_MT_ERROR:
    175 	PrintType(ss, "Error");
    176 	PrintInt(ss, "error", LEN(bp+1));
    177 	break;
    179       case SSL_MT_CLIENT_HELLO:
    180 	{
    181 	    unsigned lcs = LEN(bp+3);
    182 	    unsigned ls  = LEN(bp+5);
    183 	    unsigned lc  = LEN(bp+7);
    185 	    PrintType(ss, "Client-Hello");
    187 	    PrintInt(ss, "version (Major)",                   bp[1]);
    188 	    PrintInt(ss, "version (minor)",                   bp[2]);
    190 	    PrintBuf(ss, "cipher-specs",         bp+9,        lcs);
    191 	    PrintBuf(ss, "session-id",           bp+9+lcs,    ls);
    192 	    PrintBuf(ss, "challenge",            bp+9+lcs+ls, lc);
    193 	}
    194 	break;
    195       case SSL_MT_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:
    196 	{
    197 	    unsigned lck = LEN(bp+4);
    198 	    unsigned lek = LEN(bp+6);
    199 	    unsigned lka = LEN(bp+8);
    201 	    PrintType(ss, "Client-Master-Key");
    203 	    PrintInt(ss, "cipher-choice",                       bp[1]);
    204 	    PrintInt(ss, "key-length",                          LEN(bp+2));
    206 	    PrintBuf(ss, "clear-key",            bp+10,         lck);
    207 	    PrintBuf(ss, "encrypted-key",        bp+10+lck,     lek);
    208 	    PrintBuf(ss, "key-arg",              bp+10+lck+lek, lka);
    209 	}
    210 	break;
    211       case SSL_MT_CLIENT_FINISHED:
    212 	PrintType(ss, "Client-Finished");
    213 	PrintBuf(ss, "connection-id",            bp+1,          len-1);
    214 	break;
    215       case SSL_MT_SERVER_HELLO:
    216 	{
    217 	    unsigned lc = LEN(bp+5);
    218 	    unsigned lcs = LEN(bp+7);
    219 	    unsigned lci = LEN(bp+9);
    221 	    PrintType(ss, "Server-Hello");
    223 	    PrintInt(ss, "session-id-hit",                     bp[1]);
    224 	    PrintInt(ss, "certificate-type",                   bp[2]);
    225 	    PrintInt(ss, "version (Major)",                    bp[3]);
    226 	    PrintInt(ss, "version (minor)",                    bp[3]);
    227 	    PrintBuf(ss, "certificate",          bp+11,        lc);
    228 	    PrintBuf(ss, "cipher-specs",         bp+11+lc,     lcs);
    229 	    PrintBuf(ss, "connection-id",        bp+11+lc+lcs, lci);
    230 	}
    231 	break;
    232       case SSL_MT_SERVER_VERIFY:
    233 	PrintType(ss, "Server-Verify");
    234 	PrintBuf(ss, "challenge",                bp+1,         len-1);
    235 	break;
    236       case SSL_MT_SERVER_FINISHED:
    237 	PrintType(ss, "Server-Finished");
    238 	PrintBuf(ss, "session-id",               bp+1,         len-1);
    239 	break;
    240       case SSL_MT_REQUEST_CERTIFICATE:
    241 	PrintType(ss, "Request-Certificate");
    242 	PrintInt(ss, "authentication-type",                    bp[1]);
    243 	PrintBuf(ss, "certificate-challenge",    bp+2,         len-2);
    244 	break;
    245       case SSL_MT_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:
    246 	{
    247 	    unsigned lc = LEN(bp+2);
    248 	    unsigned lr = LEN(bp+4);
    249 	    PrintType(ss, "Client-Certificate");
    250 	    PrintInt(ss, "certificate-type",                   bp[1]);
    251 	    PrintBuf(ss, "certificate",          bp+6,         lc);
    252 	    PrintBuf(ss, "response",             bp+6+lc,      lr);
    253 	}
    254 	break;
    255       default:
    256 	ssl_PrintBuf(ss, "sending *unknown* message type", bp, len);
    257 	return;
    258     }
    259 }
    261 void
    262 ssl_Trace(const char *format, ... )
    263 {
    264     char buf[2000];
    265     va_list args;
    267     if (ssl_trace_iob) {
    268 	va_start(args, format);
    269 	PR_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, args);
    270 	va_end(args);
    272 	fputs(buf,  ssl_trace_iob);
    273 	fputs("\n", ssl_trace_iob);
    274     }
    275 }
    276 #endif