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      1 /*******************************************************************************
      2 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009, International Business Machines Corporation and
      3 * others. All Rights Reserved.
      4 *******************************************************************************
      5 *
      6 * File DTITVFMT.CPP
      7 *
      8 *******************************************************************************
      9 */
     11 #include "unicode/dtitvfmt.h"
     15 //TODO: put in compilation
     16 //#define DTITVFMT_DEBUG 1
     18 #include "cstring.h"
     19 #include "unicode/msgfmt.h"
     20 #include "unicode/dtptngen.h"
     21 #include "unicode/dtitvinf.h"
     22 #include "unicode/calendar.h"
     23 #include "dtitv_impl.h"
     25 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
     26 #include <iostream>
     27 #include "cstring.h"
     28 #endif
     30 #include "gregoimp.h"
     36 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
     37 #define PRINTMESG(msg) { std::cout << "(" << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ") " << msg << "\n"; }
     38 #endif
     41 static const UChar gDateFormatSkeleton[][11] = {
     42 //yMMMMEEEEd
     43 {LOW_Y, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_E, CAP_E, CAP_E, CAP_E, LOW_D, 0},
     44 //yMMMMd
     45 {LOW_Y, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_M, LOW_D, 0},
     46 //yMMMd
     47 {LOW_Y, CAP_M, CAP_M, CAP_M, LOW_D, 0},
     48 //yMd
     49 {LOW_Y, CAP_M, LOW_D, 0} };
     52 static const char gDateTimePatternsTag[]="DateTimePatterns";
     55 // latestFirst:
     56 static const UChar gLaterFirstPrefix[] = {LOW_L, LOW_A, LOW_T, LOW_E, LOW_S,LOW_T, CAP_F, LOW_I, LOW_R, LOW_S, LOW_T, COLON};
     58 // earliestFirst:
     59 static const UChar gEarlierFirstPrefix[] = {LOW_E, LOW_A, LOW_R, LOW_L, LOW_I, LOW_E, LOW_S, LOW_T, CAP_F, LOW_I, LOW_R, LOW_S, LOW_T, COLON};
     66 DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
     67 DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
     68                                    UErrorCode& status) {
     69     return createInstance(skeleton, Locale::getDefault(), status);
     70 }
     73 DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
     74 DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
     75                                    const Locale& locale,
     76                                    UErrorCode& status) {
     77 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
     78     char result[1000];
     79     char result_1[1000];
     80     char mesg[2000];
     81     skeleton.extract(0,  skeleton.length(), result, "UTF-8");
     82     UnicodeString pat;
     83     ((SimpleDateFormat*)dtfmt)->toPattern(pat);
     84     pat.extract(0,  pat.length(), result_1, "UTF-8");
     85     sprintf(mesg, "skeleton: %s; pattern: %s\n", result, result_1);
     86     PRINTMESG(mesg)
     87 #endif
     89     DateIntervalInfo* dtitvinf = new DateIntervalInfo(locale, status);
     90     return create(locale, dtitvinf, &skeleton, status);
     91 }
     95 DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
     96 DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
     97                                    const DateIntervalInfo& dtitvinf,
     98                                    UErrorCode& status) {
     99     return createInstance(skeleton, Locale::getDefault(), dtitvinf, status);
    100 }
    103 DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
    104 DateIntervalFormat::createInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
    105                                    const Locale& locale,
    106                                    const DateIntervalInfo& dtitvinf,
    107                                    UErrorCode& status) {
    108     DateIntervalInfo* ptn = dtitvinf.clone();
    109     return create(locale, ptn, &skeleton, status);
    110 }
    113 DateIntervalFormat::DateIntervalFormat()
    114 :   fInfo(NULL),
    115     fDateFormat(NULL),
    116     fFromCalendar(NULL),
    117     fToCalendar(NULL),
    118     fDtpng(NULL)
    119 {}
    122 DateIntervalFormat::DateIntervalFormat(const DateIntervalFormat& itvfmt)
    123 :   Format(itvfmt),
    124     fInfo(NULL),
    125     fDateFormat(NULL),
    126     fFromCalendar(NULL),
    127     fToCalendar(NULL),
    128     fDtpng(NULL) {
    129     *this = itvfmt;
    130 }
    133 DateIntervalFormat&
    134 DateIntervalFormat::operator=(const DateIntervalFormat& itvfmt) {
    135     if ( this != &itvfmt ) {
    136         delete fDateFormat;
    137         delete fInfo;
    138         delete fFromCalendar;
    139         delete fToCalendar;
    140         delete fDtpng;
    141         if ( itvfmt.fDateFormat ) {
    142             fDateFormat = (SimpleDateFormat*)itvfmt.fDateFormat->clone();
    143         } else {
    144             fDateFormat = NULL;
    145         }
    146         if ( itvfmt.fInfo ) {
    147             fInfo = itvfmt.fInfo->clone();
    148         } else {
    149             fInfo = NULL;
    150         }
    151         if ( itvfmt.fFromCalendar ) {
    152             fFromCalendar = itvfmt.fFromCalendar->clone();
    153         } else {
    154             fFromCalendar = NULL;
    155         }
    156         if ( itvfmt.fToCalendar ) {
    157             fToCalendar = itvfmt.fToCalendar->clone();
    158         } else {
    159             fToCalendar = NULL;
    160         }
    161         fSkeleton = itvfmt.fSkeleton;
    162         int8_t i;
    163         for ( i = 0; i< DateIntervalInfo::kIPI_MAX_INDEX; ++i ) {
    164             fIntervalPatterns[i] = itvfmt.fIntervalPatterns[i];
    165         }
    166         if (itvfmt.fDtpng) {
    167             fDtpng = itvfmt.fDtpng->clone();
    168         }
    169     }
    170     return *this;
    171 }
    174 DateIntervalFormat::~DateIntervalFormat() {
    175     delete fInfo;
    176     delete fDateFormat;
    177     delete fFromCalendar;
    178     delete fToCalendar;
    179     delete fDtpng;
    180 }
    183 Format*
    184 DateIntervalFormat::clone(void) const {
    185     return new DateIntervalFormat(*this);
    186 }
    189 UBool
    190 DateIntervalFormat::operator==(const Format& other) const {
    191     if ( other.getDynamicClassID() == DateIntervalFormat::getStaticClassID() ) {
    192         DateIntervalFormat* fmt = (DateIntervalFormat*)&other;
    193 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
    194     UBool equal;
    195     equal = (this == fmt);
    197     equal = (*fInfo == *fmt->fInfo);
    198     equal = (*fDateFormat == *fmt->fDateFormat);
    199     equal = fFromCalendar->isEquivalentTo(*fmt->fFromCalendar) ;
    200     equal = fToCalendar->isEquivalentTo(*fmt->fToCalendar) ;
    201     equal = (fSkeleton == fmt->fSkeleton);
    202 #endif
    203         UBool res;
    204         res =  ( this == fmt ) ||
    205                ( Format::operator==(other) &&
    206                  fInfo &&
    207                  ( *fInfo == *fmt->fInfo ) &&
    208                  fDateFormat &&
    209                  ( *fDateFormat == *fmt->fDateFormat ) &&
    210                  fFromCalendar &&
    211                  fFromCalendar->isEquivalentTo(*fmt->fFromCalendar) &&
    212                  fToCalendar &&
    213                  fToCalendar->isEquivalentTo(*fmt->fToCalendar) &&
    214                  fSkeleton == fmt->fSkeleton &&
    215                  fDtpng &&
    216                  (*fDtpng == *fmt->fDtpng) );
    217         int8_t i;
    218         for (i = 0; i< DateIntervalInfo::kIPI_MAX_INDEX && res == TRUE; ++i ) {
    219             res =   ( fIntervalPatterns[i].firstPart ==
    220                       fmt->fIntervalPatterns[i].firstPart) &&
    221                     ( fIntervalPatterns[i].secondPart ==
    222                       fmt->fIntervalPatterns[i].secondPart ) &&
    223                     ( fIntervalPatterns[i].laterDateFirst ==
    224                       fmt->fIntervalPatterns[i].laterDateFirst) ;
    225         }
    226         return res;
    227     }
    228     return FALSE;
    229 }
    233 UnicodeString&
    234 DateIntervalFormat::format(const Formattable& obj,
    235                            UnicodeString& appendTo,
    236                            FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
    237                            UErrorCode& status) const {
    238     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    239         return appendTo;
    240     }
    242     if ( obj.getType() == Formattable::kObject ) {
    243         const UObject* formatObj = obj.getObject();
    244         if (formatObj->getDynamicClassID() == DateInterval::getStaticClassID()){
    245             return format((DateInterval*)formatObj, appendTo, fieldPosition, status);
    246         }
    247     }
    248     status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    249     return appendTo;
    250 }
    253 UnicodeString&
    254 DateIntervalFormat::format(const DateInterval* dtInterval,
    255                            UnicodeString& appendTo,
    256                            FieldPosition& fieldPosition,
    257                            UErrorCode& status) const {
    258     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    259         return appendTo;
    260     }
    262     if ( fFromCalendar != NULL && fToCalendar != NULL &&
    263          fDateFormat != NULL && fInfo != NULL ) {
    264         fFromCalendar->setTime(dtInterval->getFromDate(), status);
    265         fToCalendar->setTime(dtInterval->getToDate(), status);
    266         if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
    267             return format(*fFromCalendar, *fToCalendar, appendTo,fieldPosition, status);
    268         }
    269     }
    270     return appendTo;
    271 }
    274 UnicodeString&
    275 DateIntervalFormat::format(Calendar& fromCalendar,
    276                            Calendar& toCalendar,
    277                            UnicodeString& appendTo,
    278                            FieldPosition& pos,
    279                            UErrorCode& status) const {
    280     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    281         return appendTo;
    282     }
    284     // not support different calendar types and time zones
    285     //if ( fromCalendar.getType() != toCalendar.getType() ) {
    286     if ( !fromCalendar.isEquivalentTo(toCalendar) ||
    287          uprv_strcmp(fromCalendar.getType(), "gregorian") ) {
    288         status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    289         return appendTo;
    290     }
    292     // First, find the largest different calendar field.
    293     UCalendarDateFields field = UCAL_FIELD_COUNT;
    295     if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_ERA,status) != toCalendar.get(UCAL_ERA,status)) {
    296         field = UCAL_ERA;
    297     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_YEAR, status) !=
    298                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_YEAR, status) ) {
    299         field = UCAL_YEAR;
    300     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_MONTH, status) !=
    301                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_MONTH, status) ) {
    302         field = UCAL_MONTH;
    303     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_DATE, status) !=
    304                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_DATE, status) ) {
    305         field = UCAL_DATE;
    306     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_AM_PM, status) !=
    307                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_AM_PM, status) ) {
    308         field = UCAL_AM_PM;
    309     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_HOUR, status) !=
    310                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_HOUR, status) ) {
    311         field = UCAL_HOUR;
    312     } else if ( fromCalendar.get(UCAL_MINUTE, status) !=
    313                 toCalendar.get(UCAL_MINUTE, status) ) {
    314         field = UCAL_MINUTE;
    315     }
    317     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    318         return appendTo;
    319     }
    320     if ( field == UCAL_FIELD_COUNT ) {
    321         /* ignore the second/millisecond etc. small fields' difference.
    322          * use single date when all the above are the same.
    323          */
    324         return fDateFormat->format(fromCalendar, appendTo, pos);
    325     }
    327     // following call should not set wrong status,
    328     // all the pass-in fields are valid till here
    329     int32_t itvPtnIndex = DateIntervalInfo::calendarFieldToIntervalIndex(field,
    330                                                                         status);
    331     const PatternInfo& intervalPattern = fIntervalPatterns[itvPtnIndex];
    333     if ( intervalPattern.firstPart.isEmpty() &&
    334          intervalPattern.secondPart.isEmpty() ) {
    335         if ( fDateFormat->isFieldUnitIgnored(field) ) {
    336             /* the largest different calendar field is small than
    337              * the smallest calendar field in pattern,
    338              * return single date format.
    339              */
    340             return fDateFormat->format(fromCalendar, appendTo, pos);
    341         }
    342         return fallbackFormat(fromCalendar, toCalendar, appendTo, pos, status);
    343     }
    344     // If the first part in interval pattern is empty,
    345     // the 2nd part of it saves the full-pattern used in fall-back.
    346     // For a 'real' interval pattern, the first part will never be empty.
    347     if ( intervalPattern.firstPart.isEmpty() ) {
    348         // fall back
    349         UnicodeString originalPattern;
    350         fDateFormat->toPattern(originalPattern);
    351         fDateFormat->applyPattern(intervalPattern.secondPart);
    352         appendTo = fallbackFormat(fromCalendar, toCalendar, appendTo, pos, status);
    353         fDateFormat->applyPattern(originalPattern);
    354         return appendTo;
    355     }
    356     Calendar* firstCal;
    357     Calendar* secondCal;
    358     if ( intervalPattern.laterDateFirst ) {
    359         firstCal = &toCalendar;
    360         secondCal = &fromCalendar;
    361     } else {
    362         firstCal = &fromCalendar;
    363         secondCal = &toCalendar;
    364     }
    365     // break the interval pattern into 2 parts,
    366     // first part should not be empty,
    367     UnicodeString originalPattern;
    368     fDateFormat->toPattern(originalPattern);
    369     fDateFormat->applyPattern(intervalPattern.firstPart);
    370     fDateFormat->format(*firstCal, appendTo, pos);
    371     if ( !intervalPattern.secondPart.isEmpty() ) {
    372         fDateFormat->applyPattern(intervalPattern.secondPart);
    373         fDateFormat->format(*secondCal, appendTo, pos);
    374     }
    375     fDateFormat->applyPattern(originalPattern);
    376     return appendTo;
    377 }
    381 void
    382 DateIntervalFormat::parseObject(const UnicodeString& /* source */,
    383                                 Formattable& /* result */,
    384                                 ParsePosition& /* parse_pos */) const {
    385     // parseObject(const UnicodeString&, Formattable&, UErrorCode&) const
    386     // will set status as U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR if
    387     // parse_pos is still 0
    388 }
    393 const DateIntervalInfo*
    394 DateIntervalFormat::getDateIntervalInfo() const {
    395     return fInfo;
    396 }
    399 void
    400 DateIntervalFormat::setDateIntervalInfo(const DateIntervalInfo& newItvPattern,
    401                                         UErrorCode& status) {
    402     delete fInfo;
    403     fInfo = new DateIntervalInfo(newItvPattern);
    404     if ( fDateFormat ) {
    405         initializePattern(status);
    406     }
    407 }
    411 const DateFormat*
    412 DateIntervalFormat::getDateFormat() const {
    413     return fDateFormat;
    414 }
    417 DateIntervalFormat::DateIntervalFormat(const Locale& locale,
    418                                        DateIntervalInfo* dtItvInfo,
    419                                        const UnicodeString* skeleton,
    420                                        UErrorCode& status)
    421 :   fInfo(NULL),
    422     fDateFormat(NULL),
    423     fFromCalendar(NULL),
    424     fToCalendar(NULL),
    425     fDtpng(NULL)
    426 {
    427     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    428         delete dtItvInfo;
    429         return;
    430     }
    431     fDtpng = DateTimePatternGenerator::createInstance(locale, status);
    432     SimpleDateFormat* dtfmt = createSDFPatternInstance(*skeleton, locale,
    433                                                     fDtpng, status);
    434     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    435         delete dtItvInfo;
    436         delete fDtpng;
    437         delete dtfmt;
    438         return;
    439     }
    440     if ( dtfmt == NULL || dtItvInfo == NULL || fDtpng == NULL ) {
    441         status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    442         // safe to delete NULL
    443         delete dtfmt;
    444         delete dtItvInfo;
    445         delete fDtpng;
    446         return;
    447     }
    448     if ( skeleton ) {
    449         fSkeleton = *skeleton;
    450     }
    451     fInfo = dtItvInfo;
    452     fDateFormat = dtfmt;
    453     if ( dtfmt->getCalendar() ) {
    454         fFromCalendar = dtfmt->getCalendar()->clone();
    455         fToCalendar = dtfmt->getCalendar()->clone();
    456     } else {
    457         fFromCalendar = NULL;
    458         fToCalendar = NULL;
    459     }
    460     initializePattern(status);
    461 }
    464 SimpleDateFormat* U_EXPORT2
    465 DateIntervalFormat::createSDFPatternInstance(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
    466                                              const Locale& locale,
    467                                              DateTimePatternGenerator* dtpng,
    468                                              UErrorCode& status)
    469 {
    470     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    471         return NULL;
    472     }
    474     const UnicodeString pattern = dtpng->getBestPattern(skeleton, status);
    475     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    476         return NULL;
    477     }
    478     SimpleDateFormat* dtfmt = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale, status);
    479     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    480         delete dtfmt;
    481         return NULL;
    482     }
    483     return dtfmt;
    484 }
    487 DateIntervalFormat* U_EXPORT2
    488 DateIntervalFormat::create(const Locale& locale,
    489                            DateIntervalInfo* dtitvinf,
    490                            const UnicodeString* skeleton,
    491                            UErrorCode& status) {
    492     DateIntervalFormat* f = new DateIntervalFormat(locale, dtitvinf,
    493                                                    skeleton, status);
    494     if ( f == NULL ) {
    495         status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    496         delete dtitvinf;
    497     } else if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    498         // safe to delete f, although nothing acutally is saved
    499         delete f;
    500         f = 0;
    501     }
    502     return f;
    503 }
    507 /**
    508  * Initialize interval patterns locale to this formatter
    509  *
    510  * This code is a bit complicated since
    511  * 1. the interval patterns saved in resource bundle files are interval
    512  *    patterns based on date or time only.
    513  *    It does not have interval patterns based on both date and time.
    514  *    Interval patterns on both date and time are algorithm generated.
    515  *
    516  *    For example, it has interval patterns on skeleton "dMy" and "hm",
    517  *    but it does not have interval patterns on skeleton "dMyhm".
    518  *
    519  *    The rule to genearte interval patterns for both date and time skeleton are
    520  *    1) when the year, month, or day differs, concatenate the two original
    521  *    expressions with a separator between,
    522  *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
    523  *    to "Jan 11, 2007 10:10am" is
    524  *    "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - Jan 11, 2007 10:10am"
    525  *
    526  *    2) otherwise, present the date followed by the range expression
    527  *    for the time.
    528  *    For example, interval pattern from "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am"
    529  *    to "Jan 10, 2007 11:10am" is
    530  *    "Jan 10, 2007 10:10 am - 11:10am"
    531  *
    532  * 2. even a pattern does not request a certion calendar field,
    533  *    the interval pattern needs to include such field if such fields are
    534  *    different between 2 dates.
    535  *    For example, a pattern/skeleton is "hm", but the interval pattern
    536  *    includes year, month, and date when year, month, and date differs.
    537  *
    538  * @param status          output param set to success/failure code on exit
    539  * @stable ICU 4.0
    540  */
    541 void
    542 DateIntervalFormat::initializePattern(UErrorCode& status) {
    543     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    544         return;
    545     }
    546     const Locale& locale = fDateFormat->getSmpFmtLocale();
    547     if ( fSkeleton.isEmpty() ) {
    548         UnicodeString fullPattern;
    549         fDateFormat->toPattern(fullPattern);
    550 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
    551     char result[1000];
    552     char result_1[1000];
    553     char mesg[2000];
    554     fSkeleton.extract(0,  fSkeleton.length(), result, "UTF-8");
    555     sprintf(mesg, "in getBestSkeleton: fSkeleton: %s; \n", result);
    556     PRINTMESG(mesg)
    557 #endif
    558         // fSkeleton is already set by createDateIntervalInstance()
    559         // or by createInstance(UnicodeString skeleton, .... )
    560         fSkeleton = fDtpng->getSkeleton(fullPattern, status);
    561         if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    562             return;
    563         }
    564     }
    566     // initialize the fIntervalPattern ordering
    567     int8_t i;
    568     for ( i = 0; i < DateIntervalInfo::kIPI_MAX_INDEX; ++i ) {
    569         fIntervalPatterns[i].laterDateFirst = fInfo->getDefaultOrder();
    570     }
    572     /* Check whether the skeleton is a combination of date and time.
    573      * For the complication reason 1 explained above.
    574      */
    575     UnicodeString dateSkeleton;
    576     UnicodeString timeSkeleton;
    577     UnicodeString normalizedTimeSkeleton;
    578     UnicodeString normalizedDateSkeleton;
    581     /* the difference between time skeleton and normalizedTimeSkeleton are:
    582      * 1. both 'H' and 'h' are normalized as 'h' in normalized time skeleton,
    583      * 2. 'a' is omitted in normalized time skeleton.
    584      * 3. there is only one appearance for 'h', 'm','v', 'z' in normalized
    585      *    time skeleton
    586      *
    587      * The difference between date skeleton and normalizedDateSkeleton are:
    588      * 1. both 'y' and 'd' appear only once in normalizeDateSkeleton
    589      * 2. 'E' and 'EE' are normalized into 'EEE'
    590      * 3. 'MM' is normalized into 'M'
    591      */
    592     getDateTimeSkeleton(fSkeleton, dateSkeleton, normalizedDateSkeleton,
    593                         timeSkeleton, normalizedTimeSkeleton);
    595 #ifdef DTITVFMT_DEBUG
    596     char result[1000];
    597     char result_1[1000];
    598     char mesg[2000];
    599     fSkeleton.extract(0,  fSkeleton.length(), result, "UTF-8");
    600     sprintf(mesg, "in getBestSkeleton: fSkeleton: %s; \n", result);
    601     PRINTMESG(mesg)
    602 #endif
    605     UBool found = setSeparateDateTimePtn(normalizedDateSkeleton,
    606                                          normalizedTimeSkeleton);
    608     if ( found == false ) {
    609         // use fallback
    610         // TODO: if user asks "m"(minute), but "d"(day) differ
    611         if ( timeSkeleton.length() != 0 ) {
    612             if ( dateSkeleton.length() == 0 ) {
    613                 // prefix with yMd
    614                 timeSkeleton.insert(0, gDateFormatSkeleton[DateFormat::kShort]);
    615                 UnicodeString pattern = fDtpng->getBestPattern(timeSkeleton, status);
    616                 if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    617                     return;
    618                 }
    619                 // for fall back interval patterns,
    620                 // the first part of the pattern is empty,
    621                 // the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
    622                 // should be used in fall-back.
    623                 setPatternInfo(UCAL_DATE, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    624                 setPatternInfo(UCAL_MONTH, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    625                 setPatternInfo(UCAL_YEAR, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    626             } else {
    627                 // TODO: fall back
    628             }
    629         } else {
    630             // TODO: fall back
    631         }
    632         return;
    633     } // end of skeleton not found
    634     // interval patterns for skeleton are found in resource
    635     if ( timeSkeleton.length() == 0 ) {
    636         // done
    637     } else if ( dateSkeleton.length() == 0 ) {
    638         // prefix with yMd
    639         timeSkeleton.insert(0, gDateFormatSkeleton[DateFormat::kShort]);
    640         UnicodeString pattern = fDtpng->getBestPattern(timeSkeleton, status);
    641         if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    642             return;
    643         }
    644         // for fall back interval patterns,
    645         // the first part of the pattern is empty,
    646         // the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
    647         // should be used in fall-back.
    648         setPatternInfo(UCAL_DATE, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    649         setPatternInfo(UCAL_MONTH, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    650         setPatternInfo(UCAL_YEAR, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    651     } else {
    652         /* if both present,
    653          * 1) when the year, month, or day differs,
    654          * concatenate the two original expressions with a separator between,
    655          * 2) otherwise, present the date followed by the
    656          * range expression for the time.
    657          */
    658         /*
    659          * 1) when the year, month, or day differs,
    660          * concatenate the two original expressions with a separator between,
    661          */
    662         // if field exists, use fall back
    663         UnicodeString skeleton = fSkeleton;
    664         if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(UCAL_DATE, dateSkeleton) ) {
    665             // prefix skeleton with 'd'
    666             skeleton.insert(0, LOW_D);
    667             setFallbackPattern(UCAL_DATE, skeleton, status);
    668         }
    669         if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(UCAL_MONTH, dateSkeleton) ) {
    670             // then prefix skeleton with 'M'
    671             skeleton.insert(0, CAP_M);
    672             setFallbackPattern(UCAL_MONTH, skeleton, status);
    673         }
    674         if ( !fieldExistsInSkeleton(UCAL_YEAR, dateSkeleton) ) {
    675             // then prefix skeleton with 'y'
    676             skeleton.insert(0, LOW_Y);
    677             setFallbackPattern(UCAL_YEAR, skeleton, status);
    678         }
    680         /*
    681          * 2) otherwise, present the date followed by the
    682          * range expression for the time.
    683          */
    684         // Need the Date/Time pattern for concatnation the date with
    685         // the time interval.
    686         // The date/time pattern ( such as {0} {1} ) is saved in
    687         // calendar, that is why need to get the CalendarData here.
    688         CalendarData* calData = new CalendarData(locale, NULL, status);
    690         if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    691             delete calData;
    692             return;
    693         }
    695         if ( calData == NULL ) {
    696             status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    697             return;
    698         }
    700         const UResourceBundle* dateTimePatternsRes = calData->getByKey(
    701                                            gDateTimePatternsTag, status);
    702         int32_t dateTimeFormatLength;
    703         const UChar* dateTimeFormat = ures_getStringByIndex(
    704                                             dateTimePatternsRes,
    705                                             (int32_t)DateFormat::kDateTime,
    706                                             &dateTimeFormatLength, &status);
    707         if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    708             return;
    709         }
    711         UnicodeString datePattern = fDtpng->getBestPattern(dateSkeleton, status);
    713         concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatLength,
    714                                       datePattern, UCAL_AM_PM, status);
    715         concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatLength,
    716                                       datePattern, UCAL_HOUR, status);
    717         concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(dateTimeFormat, dateTimeFormatLength,
    718                                       datePattern, UCAL_MINUTE, status);
    719         delete calData;
    720     }
    721 }
    725 void  U_EXPORT2
    726 DateIntervalFormat::getDateTimeSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
    727                                         UnicodeString& dateSkeleton,
    728                                         UnicodeString& normalizedDateSkeleton,
    729                                         UnicodeString& timeSkeleton,
    730                                         UnicodeString& normalizedTimeSkeleton) {
    731     // dateSkeleton follows the sequence of y*M*E*d*
    732     // timeSkeleton follows the sequence of hm*[v|z]?
    733     int32_t ECount = 0;
    734     int32_t dCount = 0;
    735     int32_t MCount = 0;
    736     int32_t yCount = 0;
    737     int32_t hCount = 0;
    738     int32_t mCount = 0;
    739     int32_t vCount = 0;
    740     int32_t zCount = 0;
    741     int32_t i;
    743     for (i = 0; i < skeleton.length(); ++i) {
    744         UChar ch = skeleton[i];
    745         switch ( ch ) {
    746           case CAP_E:
    747             dateSkeleton.append(ch);
    748             ++ECount;
    749             break;
    750           case LOW_D:
    751             dateSkeleton.append(ch);
    752             ++dCount;
    753             break;
    754           case CAP_M:
    755             dateSkeleton.append(ch);
    756             ++MCount;
    757             break;
    758           case LOW_Y:
    759             dateSkeleton.append(ch);
    760             ++yCount;
    761             break;
    762           case CAP_G:
    763           case CAP_Y:
    764           case LOW_U:
    765           case CAP_Q:
    766           case LOW_Q:
    767           case CAP_L:
    768           case LOW_L:
    769           case CAP_W:
    770           case LOW_W:
    771           case CAP_D:
    772           case CAP_F:
    773           case LOW_G:
    774           case LOW_E:
    775           case LOW_C:
    776             normalizedDateSkeleton.append(ch);
    777             dateSkeleton.append(ch);
    778             break;
    779           case LOW_A:
    780             // 'a' is implicitly handled
    781             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    782             break;
    783           case LOW_H:
    784           case CAP_H:
    785             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    786             ++hCount;
    787             break;
    788           case LOW_M:
    789             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    790             ++mCount;
    791             break;
    792           case LOW_Z:
    793             ++zCount;
    794             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    795             break;
    796           case LOW_V:
    797             ++vCount;
    798             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    799             break;
    800           case CAP_V:
    801           case CAP_Z:
    802           case LOW_K:
    803           case CAP_K:
    804           case LOW_J:
    805           case LOW_S:
    806           case CAP_S:
    807           case CAP_A:
    808             timeSkeleton.append(ch);
    809             normalizedTimeSkeleton.append(ch);
    810             break;
    811         }
    812     }
    814     /* generate normalized form for date*/
    815     if ( yCount != 0 ) {
    816         normalizedDateSkeleton.append(LOW_Y);
    817     }
    818     if ( MCount != 0 ) {
    819         if ( MCount < 3 ) {
    820             normalizedDateSkeleton.append(CAP_M);
    821         } else {
    822             int32_t i;
    823             for ( i = 0; i < MCount && i < MAX_M_COUNT; ++i ) {
    824                  normalizedDateSkeleton.append(CAP_M);
    825             }
    826         }
    827     }
    828     if ( ECount != 0 ) {
    829         if ( ECount <= 3 ) {
    830             normalizedDateSkeleton.append(CAP_E);
    831         } else {
    832             int32_t i;
    833             for ( i = 0; i < ECount && i < MAX_E_COUNT; ++i ) {
    834                  normalizedDateSkeleton.append(CAP_E);
    835             }
    836         }
    837     }
    838     if ( dCount != 0 ) {
    839         normalizedDateSkeleton.append(LOW_D);
    840     }
    842     /* generate normalized form for time */
    843     if ( hCount != 0 ) {
    844         normalizedTimeSkeleton.append(LOW_H);
    845     }
    846     if ( mCount != 0 ) {
    847         normalizedTimeSkeleton.append(LOW_M);
    848     }
    849     if ( zCount != 0 ) {
    850         normalizedTimeSkeleton.append(LOW_Z);
    851     }
    852     if ( vCount != 0 ) {
    853         normalizedTimeSkeleton.append(LOW_V);
    854     }
    855 }
    858 /**
    859  * Generate date or time interval pattern from resource,
    860  * and set them into the interval pattern locale to this formatter.
    861  *
    862  * It needs to handle the following:
    863  * 1. need to adjust field width.
    864  *    For example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
    865  *    includes "dMMMy", but not "dMMMMy".
    866  *    Need to get interval patterns for dMMMMy from dMMMy.
    867  *    Another example, the interval patterns saved in DateIntervalInfo
    868  *    includes "hmv", but not "hmz".
    869  *    Need to get interval patterns for "hmz' from 'hmv'
    870  *
    871  * 2. there might be no pattern for 'y' differ for skeleton "Md",
    872  *    in order to get interval patterns for 'y' differ,
    873  *    need to look for it from skeleton 'yMd'
    874  *
    875  * @param dateSkeleton   normalized date skeleton
    876  * @param timeSkeleton   normalized time skeleton
    877  * @return               whether the resource is found for the skeleton.
    878  *                       TRUE if interval pattern found for the skeleton,
    879  *                       FALSE otherwise.
    880  * @stable ICU 4.0
    881  */
    882 UBool
    883 DateIntervalFormat::setSeparateDateTimePtn(
    884                                  const UnicodeString& dateSkeleton,
    885                                  const UnicodeString& timeSkeleton) {
    886     const UnicodeString* skeleton;
    887     // if both date and time skeleton present,
    888     // the final interval pattern might include time interval patterns
    889     // ( when, am_pm, hour, minute differ ),
    890     // but not date interval patterns ( when year, month, day differ ).
    891     // For year/month/day differ, it falls back to fall-back pattern.
    892     if ( timeSkeleton.length() != 0  ) {
    893         skeleton = &timeSkeleton;
    894     } else {
    895         skeleton = &dateSkeleton;
    896     }
    898     /* interval patterns for skeleton "dMMMy" (but not "dMMMMy")
    899      * are defined in resource,
    900      * interval patterns for skeleton "dMMMMy" are calculated by
    901      * 1. get the best match skeleton for "dMMMMy", which is "dMMMy"
    902      * 2. get the interval patterns for "dMMMy",
    903      * 3. extend "MMM" to "MMMM" in above interval patterns for "dMMMMy"
    904      * getBestSkeleton() is step 1.
    905      */
    906     // best skeleton, and the difference information
    907     int8_t differenceInfo = 0;
    908     const UnicodeString* bestSkeleton = fInfo->getBestSkeleton(*skeleton,
    909                                                                differenceInfo);
    910     /* best skeleton could be NULL.
    911        For example: in "ca" resource file,
    912        interval format is defined as following
    913            intervalFormats{
    914                 fallback{"{0} - {1}"}
    915             }
    916        there is no skeletons/interval patterns defined,
    917        and the best skeleton match could be NULL
    918      */
    919     if ( bestSkeleton == NULL ) {
    920         return false;
    921     }
    923     // difference:
    924     // 0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
    925     // 1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
    926     // 2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
    927     // -1 means there are other fields difference
    928     if ( differenceInfo == -1 ) {
    929         // skeleton has different fields, not only  v/z difference
    930         return false;
    931     }
    933     if ( timeSkeleton.length() == 0 ) {
    934         UnicodeString extendedSkeleton;
    935         UnicodeString extendedBestSkeleton;
    936         // only has date skeleton
    937         setIntervalPattern(UCAL_DATE, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo,
    938                            &extendedSkeleton, &extendedBestSkeleton);
    940         UBool extended = setIntervalPattern(UCAL_MONTH, skeleton, bestSkeleton,
    941                                      differenceInfo,
    942                                      &extendedSkeleton, &extendedBestSkeleton);
    944         if ( extended ) {
    945             bestSkeleton = &extendedBestSkeleton;
    946             skeleton = &extendedSkeleton;
    947         }
    948         setIntervalPattern(UCAL_YEAR, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo,
    949                            &extendedSkeleton, &extendedBestSkeleton);
    950     } else {
    951         setIntervalPattern(UCAL_MINUTE, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo);
    952         setIntervalPattern(UCAL_HOUR, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo);
    953         setIntervalPattern(UCAL_AM_PM, skeleton, bestSkeleton, differenceInfo);
    954     }
    955     return true;
    956 }
    960 void
    961 DateIntervalFormat::setFallbackPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
    962                                        const UnicodeString& skeleton,
    963                                        UErrorCode& status) {
    964     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    965         return;
    966     }
    967     UnicodeString pattern = fDtpng->getBestPattern(skeleton, status);
    968     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    969         return;
    970     }
    971     setPatternInfo(field, NULL, &pattern, fInfo->getDefaultOrder());
    972 }
    977 void
    978 DateIntervalFormat::setPatternInfo(UCalendarDateFields field,
    979                                    const UnicodeString* firstPart,
    980                                    const UnicodeString* secondPart,
    981                                    UBool laterDateFirst) {
    982     // for fall back interval patterns,
    983     // the first part of the pattern is empty,
    984     // the second part of the pattern is the full-pattern
    985     // should be used in fall-back.
    986     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    987     // following should not set any wrong status.
    988     int32_t itvPtnIndex = DateIntervalInfo::calendarFieldToIntervalIndex(field,
    989                                                                         status);
    990     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
    991         return;
    992     }
    993     PatternInfo& ptn = fIntervalPatterns[itvPtnIndex];
    994     if ( firstPart ) {
    995         ptn.firstPart = *firstPart;
    996     }
    997     if ( secondPart ) {
    998         ptn.secondPart = *secondPart;
    999     }
   1000     ptn.laterDateFirst = laterDateFirst;
   1001 }
   1003 void
   1004 DateIntervalFormat::setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
   1005                                        const UnicodeString& intervalPattern) {
   1006     UBool order = fInfo->getDefaultOrder();
   1007     setIntervalPattern(field, intervalPattern, order);
   1008 }
   1011 void
   1012 DateIntervalFormat::setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
   1013                                        const UnicodeString& intervalPattern,
   1014                                        UBool laterDateFirst) {
   1015     const UnicodeString* pattern = &intervalPattern;
   1016     UBool order = laterDateFirst;
   1017     // check for "latestFirst:" or "earliestFirst:" prefix
   1018     int8_t prefixLength = sizeof(gLaterFirstPrefix)/sizeof(gLaterFirstPrefix[0]);
   1019     int8_t earliestFirstLength = sizeof(gEarlierFirstPrefix)/sizeof(gEarlierFirstPrefix[0]);
   1020     UnicodeString realPattern;
   1021     if ( intervalPattern.startsWith(gLaterFirstPrefix, prefixLength) ) {
   1022         order = true;
   1023         intervalPattern.extract(prefixLength,
   1024                                 intervalPattern.length() - prefixLength,
   1025                                 realPattern);
   1026         pattern = &realPattern;
   1027     } else if ( intervalPattern.startsWith(gEarlierFirstPrefix,
   1028                                            earliestFirstLength) ) {
   1029         order = false;
   1030         intervalPattern.extract(earliestFirstLength,
   1031                                 intervalPattern.length() - earliestFirstLength,
   1032                                 realPattern);
   1033         pattern = &realPattern;
   1034     }
   1036     int32_t splitPoint = splitPatternInto2Part(*pattern);
   1038     UnicodeString firstPart;
   1039     UnicodeString secondPart;
   1040     pattern->extract(0, splitPoint, firstPart);
   1041     if ( splitPoint < pattern->length() ) {
   1042         pattern->extract(splitPoint, pattern->length()-splitPoint, secondPart);
   1043     }
   1044     setPatternInfo(field, &firstPart, &secondPart, order);
   1045 }
   1050 /**
   1051  * Generate interval pattern from existing resource
   1052  *
   1053  * It not only save the interval patterns,
   1054  * but also return the extended skeleton and its best match skeleton.
   1055  *
   1056  * @param field           largest different calendar field
   1057  * @param skeleton        skeleton
   1058  * @param bestSkeleton    the best match skeleton which has interval pattern
   1059  *                        defined in resource
   1060  * @param differenceInfo  the difference between skeleton and best skeleton
   1061  *         0 means the best matched skeleton is the same as input skeleton
   1062  *         1 means the fields are the same, but field width are different
   1063  *         2 means the only difference between fields are v/z,
   1064  *        -1 means there are other fields difference
   1065  *
   1066  * @param extendedSkeleton      extended skeleton
   1067  * @param extendedBestSkeleton  extended best match skeleton
   1068  * @return                      whether the interval pattern is found
   1069  *                              through extending skeleton or not.
   1070  *                              TRUE if interval pattern is found by
   1071  *                              extending skeleton, FALSE otherwise.
   1072  * @stable ICU 4.0
   1073  */
   1074 UBool
   1075 DateIntervalFormat::setIntervalPattern(UCalendarDateFields field,
   1076                                        const UnicodeString* skeleton,
   1077                                        const UnicodeString* bestSkeleton,
   1078                                        int8_t differenceInfo,
   1079                                        UnicodeString* extendedSkeleton,
   1080                                        UnicodeString* extendedBestSkeleton) {
   1081     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   1082     // following getIntervalPattern() should not generate error status
   1083     UnicodeString pattern;
   1084     fInfo->getIntervalPattern(*bestSkeleton, field, pattern, status);
   1085     if ( pattern.isEmpty() ) {
   1086         // single date
   1087         if ( SimpleDateFormat::isFieldUnitIgnored(*bestSkeleton, field) ) {
   1088             // do nothing, format will handle it
   1089             return false;
   1090         }
   1092         // for 24 hour system, interval patterns in resource file
   1093         // might not include pattern when am_pm differ,
   1094         // which should be the same as hour differ.
   1095         // add it here for simplicity
   1096         if ( field == UCAL_AM_PM ) {
   1097             fInfo->getIntervalPattern(*bestSkeleton, UCAL_HOUR, pattern,status);
   1098             if ( !pattern.isEmpty() ) {
   1099                 setIntervalPattern(field, pattern);
   1100             }
   1101             return false;
   1102         }
   1103         // else, looking for pattern when 'y' differ for 'dMMMM' skeleton,
   1104         // first, get best match pattern "MMMd",
   1105         // since there is no pattern for 'y' differs for skeleton 'MMMd',
   1106         // need to look for it from skeleton 'yMMMd',
   1107         // if found, adjust field width in interval pattern from
   1108         // "MMM" to "MMMM".
   1109         UChar fieldLetter = fgCalendarFieldToPatternLetter[field];
   1110         if ( extendedSkeleton ) {
   1111             *extendedSkeleton = *skeleton;
   1112             *extendedBestSkeleton = *bestSkeleton;
   1113             extendedSkeleton->insert(0, fieldLetter);
   1114             extendedBestSkeleton->insert(0, fieldLetter);
   1115             // for example, looking for patterns when 'y' differ for
   1116             // skeleton "MMMM".
   1117             fInfo->getIntervalPattern(*extendedBestSkeleton,field,pattern,status);
   1118             if ( pattern.isEmpty() && differenceInfo == 0 ) {
   1119                 // if there is no skeleton "yMMMM" defined,
   1120                 // look for the best match skeleton, for example: "yMMM"
   1121                 const UnicodeString* tmpBest = fInfo->getBestSkeleton(
   1122                                         *extendedBestSkeleton, differenceInfo);
   1123                 if ( tmpBest != 0 && differenceInfo != -1 ) {
   1124                     fInfo->getIntervalPattern(*tmpBest, field, pattern, status);
   1125                     bestSkeleton = tmpBest;
   1126                 }
   1127             }
   1128         }
   1129     }
   1130     if ( !pattern.isEmpty() ) {
   1131         if ( differenceInfo != 0 ) {
   1132             UnicodeString adjustIntervalPattern;
   1133             adjustFieldWidth(*skeleton, *bestSkeleton, pattern, differenceInfo,
   1134                               adjustIntervalPattern);
   1135             setIntervalPattern(field, adjustIntervalPattern);
   1136         } else {
   1137             setIntervalPattern(field, pattern);
   1138         }
   1139         if ( extendedSkeleton && !extendedSkeleton->isEmpty() ) {
   1140             return TRUE;
   1141         }
   1142     }
   1143     return FALSE;
   1144 }
   1148 int32_t  U_EXPORT2
   1149 DateIntervalFormat::splitPatternInto2Part(const UnicodeString& intervalPattern) {
   1150     UBool inQuote = false;
   1151     UChar prevCh = 0;
   1152     int32_t count = 0;
   1154     /* repeatedPattern used to record whether a pattern has already seen.
   1155        It is a pattern applies to first calendar if it is first time seen,
   1156        otherwise, it is a pattern applies to the second calendar
   1157      */
   1158     UBool patternRepeated[] =
   1159     {
   1160     //       A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
   1161              0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1162     //   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
   1163          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0,
   1164     //       a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o
   1165          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1166     //   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
   1167          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
   1168     };
   1170     int8_t PATTERN_CHAR_BASE = 0x41;
   1172     /* loop through the pattern string character by character looking for
   1173      * the first repeated pattern letter, which breaks the interval pattern
   1174      * into 2 parts.
   1175      */
   1176     int32_t i;
   1177     UBool foundRepetition = false;
   1178     for (i = 0; i < intervalPattern.length(); ++i) {
   1179         UChar ch = intervalPattern.charAt(i);
   1181         if (ch != prevCh && count > 0) {
   1182             // check the repeativeness of pattern letter
   1183             UBool repeated = patternRepeated[(int)(prevCh - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)];
   1184             if ( repeated == FALSE ) {
   1185                 patternRepeated[prevCh - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE] = TRUE;
   1186             } else {
   1187                 foundRepetition = true;
   1188                 break;
   1189             }
   1190             count = 0;
   1191         }
   1192         if (ch == '\'') {
   1193             // Consecutive single quotes are a single quote literal,
   1194             // either outside of quotes or between quotes
   1195             if ((i+1) < intervalPattern.length() &&
   1196                 intervalPattern.charAt(i+1) == '\'') {
   1197                 ++i;
   1198             } else {
   1199                 inQuote = ! inQuote;
   1200             }
   1201         }
   1202         else if (!inQuote && ((ch >= 0x0061 /*'a'*/ && ch <= 0x007A /*'z'*/)
   1203                     || (ch >= 0x0041 /*'A'*/ && ch <= 0x005A /*'Z'*/))) {
   1204             // ch is a date-time pattern character
   1205             prevCh = ch;
   1206             ++count;
   1207         }
   1208     }
   1209     // check last pattern char, distinguish
   1210     // "dd MM" ( no repetition ),
   1211     // "d-d"(last char repeated ), and
   1212     // "d-d MM" ( repetition found )
   1213     if ( count > 0 && foundRepetition == FALSE ) {
   1214         if ( patternRepeated[(int)(prevCh - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)] == FALSE ) {
   1215             count = 0;
   1216         }
   1217     }
   1218     return (i - count);
   1219 }
   1223 UnicodeString&
   1224 DateIntervalFormat::fallbackFormat(Calendar& fromCalendar,
   1225                                    Calendar& toCalendar,
   1226                                    UnicodeString& appendTo,
   1227                                    FieldPosition& pos,
   1228                                    UErrorCode& status) const {
   1229     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
   1230         return appendTo;
   1231     }
   1232     // the fall back
   1233     // no need delete earlierDate and laterDate since they are adopted
   1234     UnicodeString* earlierDate = new UnicodeString();
   1235     *earlierDate = fDateFormat->format(fromCalendar, *earlierDate, pos);
   1236     UnicodeString* laterDate = new UnicodeString();
   1237     *laterDate = fDateFormat->format(toCalendar, *laterDate, pos);
   1238     UnicodeString fallbackPattern;
   1239     fInfo->getFallbackIntervalPattern(fallbackPattern);
   1240     Formattable fmtArray[2];
   1241     fmtArray[0].adoptString(earlierDate);
   1242     fmtArray[1].adoptString(laterDate);
   1244     UnicodeString fallback;
   1245     MessageFormat::format(fallbackPattern, fmtArray, 2, fallback, status);
   1246     if ( U_SUCCESS(status) ) {
   1247         appendTo.append(fallback);
   1248     }
   1249     return appendTo;
   1250 }
   1255 UBool  U_EXPORT2
   1256 DateIntervalFormat::fieldExistsInSkeleton(UCalendarDateFields field,
   1257                                           const UnicodeString& skeleton)
   1258 {
   1259     const UChar fieldChar = fgCalendarFieldToPatternLetter[field];
   1260     return ( (skeleton.indexOf(fieldChar) == -1)?FALSE:TRUE ) ;
   1261 }
   1265 void  U_EXPORT2
   1266 DateIntervalFormat::adjustFieldWidth(const UnicodeString& inputSkeleton,
   1267                  const UnicodeString& bestMatchSkeleton,
   1268                  const UnicodeString& bestIntervalPattern,
   1269                  int8_t differenceInfo,
   1270                  UnicodeString& adjustedPtn) {
   1271     adjustedPtn = bestIntervalPattern;
   1272     int32_t inputSkeletonFieldWidth[] =
   1273     {
   1274     //       A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
   1275              0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1276     //   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
   1277          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0,
   1278     //       a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o
   1279          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1280     //   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
   1281          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
   1282     };
   1284     int32_t bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth[] =
   1285     {
   1286     //       A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O
   1287              0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1288     //   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
   1289          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0,
   1290     //       a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o
   1291          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
   1292     //   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
   1293          0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
   1294     };
   1296     DateIntervalInfo::parseSkeleton(inputSkeleton, inputSkeletonFieldWidth);
   1297     DateIntervalInfo::parseSkeleton(bestMatchSkeleton, bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth);
   1298     if ( differenceInfo == 2 ) {
   1299         adjustedPtn.findAndReplace("v", "z");
   1300     }
   1302     UBool inQuote = false;
   1303     UChar prevCh = 0;
   1304     int32_t count = 0;
   1306     const int8_t PATTERN_CHAR_BASE = 0x41;
   1308     // loop through the pattern string character by character
   1309     int32_t adjustedPtnLength = adjustedPtn.length();
   1310     int32_t i;
   1311     for (i = 0; i < adjustedPtnLength; ++i) {
   1312         UChar ch = adjustedPtn.charAt(i);
   1313         if (ch != prevCh && count > 0) {
   1314             // check the repeativeness of pattern letter
   1315             UChar skeletonChar = prevCh;
   1316             if ( skeletonChar ==  CAP_L ) {
   1317                 // there is no "L" (always be "M") in skeleton,
   1318                 // but there is "L" in pattern.
   1319                 // for skeleton "M+", the pattern might be "...L..."
   1320                 skeletonChar = CAP_M;
   1321             }
   1322             int32_t fieldCount = bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth[(int)(skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)];
   1323             int32_t inputFieldCount = inputSkeletonFieldWidth[(int)(skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)];
   1324             if ( fieldCount == count && inputFieldCount > fieldCount ) {
   1325                 count = inputFieldCount - fieldCount;
   1326                 int32_t j;
   1327                 for ( j = 0; j < count; ++j ) {
   1328                     adjustedPtn.insert(i, prevCh);
   1329                 }
   1330                 i += count;
   1331                 adjustedPtnLength += count;
   1332             }
   1333             count = 0;
   1334         }
   1335         if (ch == '\'') {
   1336             // Consecutive single quotes are a single quote literal,
   1337             // either outside of quotes or between quotes
   1338             if ((i+1) < adjustedPtn.length() && adjustedPtn.charAt(i+1) == '\'') {
   1339                 ++i;
   1340             } else {
   1341                 inQuote = ! inQuote;
   1342             }
   1343         }
   1344         else if ( ! inQuote && ((ch >= 0x0061 /*'a'*/ && ch <= 0x007A /*'z'*/)
   1345                     || (ch >= 0x0041 /*'A'*/ && ch <= 0x005A /*'Z'*/))) {
   1346             // ch is a date-time pattern character
   1347             prevCh = ch;
   1348             ++count;
   1349         }
   1350     }
   1351     if ( count > 0 ) {
   1352         // last item
   1353         // check the repeativeness of pattern letter
   1354         UChar skeletonChar = prevCh;
   1355         if ( skeletonChar == CAP_L ) {
   1356             // there is no "L" (always be "M") in skeleton,
   1357             // but there is "L" in pattern.
   1358             // for skeleton "M+", the pattern might be "...L..."
   1359             skeletonChar = CAP_M;
   1360         }
   1361         int32_t fieldCount = bestMatchSkeletonFieldWidth[(int)(skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)];
   1362         int32_t inputFieldCount = inputSkeletonFieldWidth[(int)(skeletonChar - PATTERN_CHAR_BASE)];
   1363         if ( fieldCount == count && inputFieldCount > fieldCount ) {
   1364             count = inputFieldCount - fieldCount;
   1365             int32_t j;
   1366             for ( j = 0; j < count; ++j ) {
   1367                 adjustedPtn.append(prevCh);
   1368             }
   1369         }
   1370     }
   1371 }
   1375 void
   1376 DateIntervalFormat::concatSingleDate2TimeInterval(const UChar* format,
   1377                                               int32_t formatLen,
   1378                                               const UnicodeString& datePattern,
   1379                                               UCalendarDateFields field,
   1380                                               UErrorCode& status) {
   1381     // following should not set wrong status
   1382     int32_t itvPtnIndex = DateIntervalInfo::calendarFieldToIntervalIndex(field,
   1383                                                                         status);
   1384     if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
   1385         return;
   1386     }
   1387     PatternInfo&  timeItvPtnInfo = fIntervalPatterns[itvPtnIndex];
   1388     if ( !timeItvPtnInfo.firstPart.isEmpty() ) {
   1389         // UnicodeString allocated here is adopted, so no need to delete
   1390         UnicodeString* timeIntervalPattern = new UnicodeString(timeItvPtnInfo.firstPart);
   1391         timeIntervalPattern->append(timeItvPtnInfo.secondPart);
   1392         UnicodeString* dateStr = new UnicodeString(datePattern);
   1393         Formattable fmtArray[2];
   1394         fmtArray[0].adoptString(timeIntervalPattern);
   1395         fmtArray[1].adoptString(dateStr);
   1396         UnicodeString combinedPattern;
   1397         MessageFormat::format(UnicodeString(TRUE, format, formatLen),
   1398                               fmtArray, 2, combinedPattern, status);
   1399         if ( U_FAILURE(status) ) {
   1400             return;
   1401         }
   1402         setIntervalPattern(field, combinedPattern, timeItvPtnInfo.laterDateFirst);
   1403     }
   1404     // else: fall back
   1405     // it should not happen if the interval format defined is valid
   1406 }
   1410 const UChar
   1411 DateIntervalFormat::fgCalendarFieldToPatternLetter[] =
   1412 {
   1413     /*GyM*/ CAP_G, LOW_Y, CAP_M,
   1414     /*wWd*/ LOW_W, CAP_W, LOW_D,
   1415     /*DEF*/ CAP_D, CAP_E, CAP_F,
   1416     /*ahH*/ LOW_A, LOW_H, CAP_H,
   1417     /*m..*/ LOW_M,
   1418 };
   1423 #endif