1 # ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, and obfuscation of Java class files. 2 # Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Eric Lafortune (eric (a] graphics.cornell.edu) 3 4 # 5 # Tab names. 6 # 7 proGuardTab = ProGuard 8 inputOutputTab = Input/Output 9 shrinkingTab = Shrinking 10 obfuscationTab = Obfuscation 11 optimizationTab = Optimization 12 informationTab = Information 13 processTab = Process 14 reTraceTab = ReTrace 15 16 # 17 # Splash text. 18 # 19 developed = Developed by Eric Lafortune 20 shrinking = Shrinking 21 optimization = Optimization 22 obfuscation = Obfuscation 23 preverification = Preverification 24 25 # 26 # Panel titles. 27 # 28 welcome = Welcome to ProGuard, version 4.4 29 options = Options 30 keepAdditional = Keep additional classes and class members 31 keepNamesAdditional = Keep additional class names and class member names 32 assumeNoSideEffectsAdditional = Assume no side effects for additional methods 33 whyAreYouKeeping = Why are you keeping 34 preverificationAndTargeting = Preverification and targeting 35 consistencyAndCorrectness = Consistency and correctness 36 processingConsole = Processing console 37 reTraceSettings = ReTrace settings 38 deobfuscatedStackTrace = De-obfuscated stack trace 39 40 keepAdditionalTip = \ 41 If required, keep additional classes, fields, and methods as entry points. 42 keepNamesAdditionalTip = \ 43 If required, keep the names of additional classes, fields, and methods. 44 assumeNoSideEffectsAdditionalTip = \ 45 <html>Optionally specify additional methods that don't have any side effects.<br>\ 46 <i>Only add entries if you know what you're doing!</i></html> 47 whyAreYouKeepingTip = \ 48 Ask ProGuard why it is keeping certain classes, fields, or methods. 49 50 # 51 # Info texts. 52 # 53 proGuardInfo = \ 54 ProGuard is a free class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier.\ 55 \n\n\ 56 With this GUI, you can create, load, modify, and save ProGuard configurations. \ 57 \n\ 58 You can then process your code right away, or you can run ProGuard from the \ 59 command line using your saved configuration. \ 60 \n\n\ 61 With the ReTrace part of this GUI you can de-obfuscate your stack traces.\ 62 \n\n\ 63 ProGuard and ReTrace are written and maintained by Eric Lafortune.\ 64 \n\n\ 65 Distributed under the GNU General Public License.\ 66 \n\ 67 Copyright (c) 2002-2009. 68 69 processingInfo = \ 70 You can now start processing your code, \ 71 or you can run ProGuard from the command line using your saved configuration. 72 73 reTraceInfo = \ 74 If you had ProGuard write out a mapping file, \ 75 you can de-obfuscate your obfuscated stack traces with ReTrace!\ 76 \n\n\ 77 You can load an obfuscated stack trace from a file, \ 78 or you can paste it straight into the text area above. 79 80 # 81 # Titles and labels corresponding to common ProGuard options. 82 # 83 programJars = Program jars, wars, ears, zips, and directories 84 libraryJars = Library jars, wars, ears, zips, and directories 85 86 shrink = Shrink 87 printUsage = Print usage 88 89 optimize = Optimize 90 allowAccessModification = Allow access modification 91 mergeInterfacesAggressively = Merge interfaces aggressively 92 optimizations = Optimizations 93 optimizationPasses = Optimization passes 94 95 obfuscate = Obfuscate 96 printMapping = Print mapping 97 applyMapping = Apply mapping 98 obfuscationDictionary = Obfuscation dictionary 99 classObfuscationDictionary = Class obfuscation dictionary 100 packageObfuscationDictionary = Package obfuscation dictionary 101 overloadAggressively = Overload aggressively 102 useUniqueClassMemberNames = Use unique class member names 103 keepPackageNames = Keep package names 104 flattenPackageHierarchy = Flatten package hierarchy 105 repackageClasses = Repackage classes 106 useMixedCaseClassNames = Use mixed-case class names 107 keepAttributes = Keep attributes 108 renameSourceFileAttribute = Rename SourceFile attribute 109 adaptClassStrings = Adapt class strings 110 adaptResourceFileNames = Adapt resource file names 111 adaptResourceFileContents = Adapt resource file contents 112 113 preverify = Preverify 114 microEdition = Micro Edition 115 116 verbose = Verbose 117 note = Note potential mistakes in the configuration 118 warn = Warn about possibly erronous input 119 ignoreWarnings = Ignore warnings about possibly erronous input 120 skipNonPublicLibraryClasses = Skip non-public library classes 121 skipNonPublicLibraryClassMembers = Skip non-public library class members 122 keepDirectories = Keep directories 123 forceProcessing = Force processing 124 target = Target 125 targets = 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6 126 printSeeds = Print seeds 127 printConfiguration = Print configuration 128 dump = Print class files 129 130 mappingFile = Mapping file 131 obfuscatedStackTrace = Obfuscated stack trace 132 133 programJarsTip = \ 134 <html>The input jars (wars, ears, zips, directories), followed by<br>\ 135 their corresponding output jars (wars, ears, zips, directories).</html> 136 libraryJarsTip = \ 137 <html>The library jars (wars, ears, zips, directories), on which the program jars depend.<br>\ 138 The library jars are required for processing, but they are not copied to the output.</html> 139 140 shrinkTip = \ 141 Remove unused classes, fields, and methods from the output. 142 printUsageTip = \ 143 Print out the list of unused classes, fields, and methods. 144 145 optimizeTip = \ 146 Optimize the bytecode of the processed classes. 147 allowAccessModificationTip = \ 148 Allow the optimization step to modify the access modifiers of classes, fields, and methods. 149 mergeInterfacesAggressivelyTip = \ 150 <html>Allow interfaces to be merged, even if their implementations don't implement all<br>\ 151 interface methods. This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.</html> 152 optimizationsTip = \ 153 Specify the types of optimizations to be performed. 154 optimizationsFilterTip = \ 155 A filter for the names of the optimizations to be performed. 156 optimizationsSelectTip = \ 157 Select from the currently available optimizations... 158 optimizationPassesTip = \ 159 Specify the number of optimization passes to be performed. 160 161 obfuscateTip = \ 162 Obfuscate the names of the processed classes, fields, and methods. 163 printMappingTip = \ 164 Print out the obfuscation mapping of original names to obfuscated names. 165 applyMappingTip = \ 166 Apply the given mapping of original names to obfuscated names. 167 obfuscationDictionaryTip = \ 168 Use the words in the given file for obfuscating field names and method names. 169 classObfuscationDictionaryTip = \ 170 Use the words in the given file for obfuscating class names. 171 packageObfuscationDictionaryTip = \ 172 Use the words in the given file for obfuscating package names. 173 overloadAggressivelyTip = \ 174 <html>Allow fields and methods to get the same obfuscated names, even if only their types or<br>\ 175 return types differ. This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.</html> 176 useUniqueClassMemberNamesTip = \ 177 <html>Make sure fields and methods get the same obfuscation mapping across classes, even<br>\ 178 if they are unrelated. This is advisable if the output is to be obfuscated incrementally.</html> 179 keepPackageNamesTip = \ 180 Keep the specified package names from being obfuscated. 181 packageNamesTip = \ 182 <html>An optional comma-separated list of package names,<br>\ 183 e.g. <code>myapplication,mylibrary.**</code><br>\ 184 Possible wildcards:\ 185 <ul>\ 186 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\ 187 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\ 188 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 189 </ul>\ 190 The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html> 191 flattenPackageHierarchyTip = \ 192 Move all packages that are renamed into the given parent package. 193 repackageClassesTip = \ 194 Move all classes that are renamed into the given package. 195 packageTip = \ 196 The optional package name. 197 useMixedCaseClassNamesTip = \ 198 <html>Generate mixed-case obfucated class names. This will complicate unpacking<br>\ 199 the resulting jars on case-insensitive file systems, should that be necessary.</html> 200 keepAttributesTip = \ 201 Keep the specified optional class file attributes. 202 attributesTip = \ 203 <html>An optional comma-separated list of class file attributes.\ 204 <ul>\ 205 <li>"Exceptions,Innerclasses, Signature" are necessary if the output is to be used as a library.\ 206 <li>"Deprecated" is optional if the output is to be used as a library.\ 207 <li>"LocalVariable*Table" can be useful for debugging.\ 208 <li>"Sourcefile,LineNumberTable" are necessary for generating stack traces.\ 209 <li>"*Annotations*" is necessary for preserving annotations.\ 210 </ul>\ 211 The wildcard <code>*</code> and the negator <code>!</code> are allowed.</html> 212 renameSourceFileAttributeTip = \ 213 <html>Put the given string in the "SourceFile" attribute of the processed class files.<br>\ 214 It will appear as the file name of the classes in stack traces.</html> 215 sourceFileAttributeTip = \ 216 The replacement "SourceFile" string. 217 adaptClassStringsTip = \ 218 <html>Adapt string constants in the specified classes, based<br>\ 219 on the obfuscated names of corresponding classes.</html> 220 adaptResourceFileNamesTip = \ 221 <html>Rename the specified resource files, based on the<br>\ 222 obfuscated names of the corresponding class files.</html> 223 adaptResourceFileContentsTip = \ 224 <html>Adapt the contents of the specified resource files, based<br>\ 225 on the obfuscated names of the processed classes.</html> 226 fileNameFilterTip = \ 227 <html>A filter on file names,<br>\ 228 e.g. <code>mydirectory1/**,mydirectory2/**</code><br>\ 229 Possible wildcards:\ 230 <ul>\ 231 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the directory separator.\ 232 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\ 233 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 234 </ul>\ 235 The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html> 236 237 preverifyTip = \ 238 Preverify the processed classes, for Java Micro Edition or for Java 6. 239 microEditionTip = \ 240 Target Java Micro Edition. 241 242 verboseTip = \ 243 Print out verbose messages while processing. 244 noteTip = \ 245 Print out notes about special or unusual input. 246 noteFilterTip = \ 247 A filter matching classes for which no notes should be printed. 248 warnTip = \ 249 <html>Print out warnings about possibly erronous input.<br>\ 250 <i>Only unset this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html> 251 warnFilterTip = \ 252 A filter matching classes for which no warnings should be printed. 253 ignoreWarningsTip = \ 254 <html>Ignore any warnings about possibly erronous input.<br>\ 255 <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html> 256 skipNonPublicLibraryClassesTip = \ 257 <html>Skip reading non-public library classes, for efficiency.<br>\ 258 You may have to unset this option if ProGuard complains about missing classes.</html> 259 skipNonPublicLibraryClassMembersTip = \ 260 <html>Skip reading non-public library fields and methods, for efficiency.<br>\ 261 You may have to unset this option if ProGuard complains about missing class members.</html> 262 keepDirectoriesTip = \ 263 Keep the specified directories in the output jars, wars, ears, zips, or directories. 264 directoriesTip = \ 265 <html>A filter on directory names,<br>\ 266 e.g. <code>mydirectory1,mydirectory2/**</code><br>\ 267 Possible wildcards:\ 268 <ul>\ 269 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the directory separator.\ 270 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\ 271 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 272 </ul>\ 273 The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html> 274 forceProcessingTip = \ 275 Always process the input, even if the output seems up to date. 276 targetTip = \ 277 Target the specified version of Java. 278 printSeedsTip = \ 279 Print out the list of kept classes, fields, and methods. 280 printConfigurationTip = \ 281 Print out the configuration. 282 dumpTip = \ 283 Print out the internal structure of the processed class files. 284 285 mappingFileTip = \ 286 The file containing the mapping of original names to obfuscated names. 287 obfuscatedStackTraceTip = \ 288 A stack trace produced by previously obfuscated code. 289 290 # 291 # Titles and labels corresponding to ProGuard keep options. 292 # 293 keepTitle = Keep 294 295 keep = Keep classes and class members 296 keepClassMembers = Keep class members only 297 keepClassesWithMembers = Keep classes and class members, if members are present 298 299 allowTitle = Allow 300 301 allowShrinking = Allow shrinking 302 allowOptimization = Allow optimization 303 allowObfuscation = Allow obfuscation 304 305 keepTitleTip = Keep the specified classes and/or their fields and methods. 306 307 keepTip = \ 308 <html>Keep the specified classes, fields, and methods as entry points.<br>\ 309 This is the most common option.</html> 310 keepClassMembersTip = \ 311 Only keep the specified fields and methods as entry points. 312 keepClassesWithMembersTip = \ 313 <html>Keep the specified classes, fields, and methods,<br>\ 314 on the condition that the fields and methods are present.</html> 315 316 allowTitleTip = \ 317 <html>Optionally relax keeping the specified classes, fields, and methods.<br>\ 318 <i>These are advanced options.</i></html> 319 320 allowShrinkingTip = \ 321 Remove the specified classes, fields, and methods anyway, if they are not used. 322 allowOptimizationTip = \ 323 <html>Optimize the specified classes, fields, and methods as entry points anyway.<br>\ 324 <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html> 325 allowObfuscationTip = \ 326 <html>Obfuscate the names of the specified classes, fields, and methods anyway.<br>\ 327 <i>Only set this option if you know what you're doing!</i></html> 328 329 # 330 # Further keep titles and labels. 331 # 332 specifyClasses = Specify classes and class members... 333 specifyFields = Specify fields... 334 specifyMethods = Specify methods... 335 336 comments = Comments 337 access = Access 338 required = Required 339 not = Not 340 dontCare = Don't care 341 annotation = Annotation 342 class = Class 343 extendsImplementsAnnotation = Extends/implements class with annotation 344 extendsImplementsClass = Extends/implements class 345 classMembers = Class members 346 347 extensionsOf = Extensions of 348 specificationNumber = Specification # 349 350 fieldType = Field type 351 returnType = Return type 352 name = Name 353 argumentTypes = Argument types 354 355 commentsTip = \ 356 Optionally add a comment for this option in the configuration file. 357 accessTip = \ 358 <html>Optionally place constraints on the access modifiers of this element.<br>\ 359 E.g. only match public elements.</html> 360 requiredTip = \ 361 The access modifier has to be set. 362 notTip = \ 363 The access modifier must not be set. 364 dontCareTip = \ 365 The access modifier is irrelevant. 366 annotationTip = \ 367 <html>Optionally require the given annotation to be present on this element.<br>\ 368 E.g. only match elements that have an annotation <code>myPackage.MyAnnotation</code>.<br>\ 369 <i>This is an advanced option.</i></html> 370 classTip = \ 371 The name of the class or interface. 372 extendsImplementsAnnotationTip = \ 373 <html>Optionally require the given annotation to be present on the<br>\ 374 extended or implemented class or interface.<br>\ 375 E.g. only match classes that extend a class that has an annotation<br>\ 376 <code>myPackage.MyAnnotation</code>.<br>\ 377 <i>This is an advanced option.</i></html> 378 extendsImplementsClassTip = \ 379 <html>Optionally require the class to implement or extend the given class or interface.<br>\ 380 E.g. only match classes that implement an interface <code>myPackage.MyInterface</code>.</html> 381 classMembersTip = \ 382 <html>Optionally keep fields and methods as entry points in the matching class or classes.<br>\ 383 E.g. keep all public '<code>get*</code>' methods as entry points.</html> 384 385 fieldTypeTip = The field type. 386 returnTypeTip = The method return type, if any. 387 nameTip = The name. 388 argumentTypesTip = The method argument types, if any. 389 390 classNameTip = \ 391 <html>The class name, e.g. <code>myPackage.MyClass</code><br>\ 392 Possible wildcards:\ 393 <ul>\ 394 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\ 395 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\ 396 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 397 </ul></html> 398 classNamesTip = \ 399 <html>A regular expression to further constrain the class names,<br>\ 400 e.g. <code>myPackage1.MyClass,myPackage2.**</code><br>\ 401 Possible wildcards:\ 402 <ul>\ 403 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\ 404 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\ 405 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 406 </ul>\ 407 The negator <code>!</code> is also supported.</html> 408 typeTip = \ 409 <html>The type, e.g. <code>int</code>, or <code>java.lang.String[]</code><br>\ 410 Possible wildcards:\ 411 <ul>\ 412 <li><code>%</code> for any primitive type.\ 413 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\ 414 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\ 415 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 416 <li><code>***</code> (or empty) for any type.\ 417 </ul></html> 418 fieldNameTip = \ 419 <html>The field name, e.g. <code>myField</code><br>\ 420 Possible wildcards:\ 421 <ul>\ 422 <li><code>?</code> for any single character.\ 423 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters.\ 424 </ul></html> 425 methodNameTip = \ 426 <html>The method name, e.g. <code>myMethod</code><br>\ 427 Possible wildcards:\ 428 <ul>\ 429 <li><code>?</code> for any single character.\ 430 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters.\ 431 </ul></html> 432 argumentTypes2Tip = \ 433 <html>The comma-separated list of argument types,<br>\ 434 e.g. <code>java.lang.String[],int,boolean</code><br>\ 435 Possible wildcards:\ 436 <ul>\ 437 <li><code>%</code> for any primitive type.\ 438 <li><code>?</code> for any single character, except the package separator.\ 439 <li><code>*</code> for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\ 440 <li><code>**</code> for any number of any characters.\ 441 <li><code>***</code> for any type.\ 442 <li><code>...</code> for any number of any arguments.\ 443 </ul></html> 444 445 # 446 # Titles and labels corresponding to optimization options. 447 # 448 selectOptimizations = Select optimizations... 449 450 field = Field 451 method = Method 452 code = Code 453 454 class_marking_finalTip = \ 455 Mark classes as final, whenever possible. 456 class_merging_verticalTip = \ 457 Merge classes vertically in the class hierarchy, whenever possible. 458 class_merging_horizontalTip = \ 459 Merge classes horizontally in the class hierarchy, whenever possible. 460 field_removal_writeonlyTip = \ 461 Remove write-only fields. 462 field_marking_privateTip = \ 463 Mark fields as private, whenever possible. 464 field_propagation_valueTip = \ 465 Propagate the values of fields across methods. 466 method_marking_privateTip = \ 467 Mark methods as private, whenever possible (devirtualization). 468 method_marking_staticTip = \ 469 Mark methods as static, whenever possible (devirtualization). 470 method_marking_finalTip = \ 471 Mark methods as final, whenever possible. 472 method_removal_parameterTip = \ 473 Remove unused method parameters. 474 method_propagation_parameterTip = \ 475 Propagate the values of method parameters from method invocations to \ 476 the invoked methods. 477 method_propagation_returnvalueTip = \ 478 Propagate the values of method return values from methods to their \ 479 invocations. 480 method_inlining_shortTip = \ 481 Inline short methods. 482 method_inlining_uniqueTip = \ 483 Inline methods that are only called once. 484 method_inlining_tailrecursionTip = \ 485 Simplify tail recursion calls, whenever possible. 486 code_mergingTip = \ 487 Merge identical blocks of code by modifying branch targets. 488 code_simplification_variableTip = \ 489 Perform peephole optimizations for variable loading and storing. 490 code_simplification_arithmeticTip = \ 491 Perform peephole optimizations for arithmetic instructions. 492 code_simplification_castTip = \ 493 Perform peephole optimizations for casting operations. 494 code_simplification_fieldTip = \ 495 Perform peephole optimizations for field loading and storing. 496 code_simplification_branchTip = \ 497 Perform peephole optimizations for branch instructions. 498 code_simplification_advancedTip = \ 499 Simplify code based on control flow analysis and data flow analysis. 500 code_removal_advancedTip = \ 501 Remove dead code based on control flow analysis and data flow analysis. 502 code_removal_simpleTip = \ 503 Remove dead code based on a simple control flow analysis. 504 code_removal_variableTip = \ 505 Remove unused variables from the local variable frame. 506 code_removal_exceptionTip = \ 507 Remove exceptions with empty catch blocks. 508 code_allocation_variableTip = \ 509 Optimize variable allocation on the local variable frame. 510 511 512 # 513 # File selection titles. 514 # 515 selectConfigurationFile = Select a configuration file... 516 saveConfigurationFile = Save configuration... 517 selectUsageFile = Select a usage output file... 518 selectPrintMappingFile = Select an output mapping file... 519 selectApplyMappingFile = Select an input mapping file... 520 selectObfuscationDictionaryFile = Select an obfuscation dictionary... 521 selectSeedsFile = Select a seeds output file... 522 selectDumpFile = Select a class dump file... 523 selectStackTraceFile = Select a stack trace file... 524 525 cantOpenConfigurationFile = Can''t open the configuration file [{0}] 526 cantParseConfigurationFile = Can''t parse the configuration file [{0}] 527 cantSaveConfigurationFile = Can''t save the configuration file [{0}] 528 cantOpenStackTraceFile = Can''t open the stack trace file [{0}] 529 530 jarWarEarZipExtensions = *.jar, *.war, *.ear, *.zip (archives and directories) 531 proExtension = *.pro (ProGuard configurations) 532 533 addJars = Add one or more jars or directories... 534 chooseJars = Choose different jars or directories... 535 enterFilter = Optionally filter the file names contained in the selected entries. 536 537 filters = Filters 538 nameFilter = File name filter 539 jarNameFilter = Jar name filter 540 warNameFilter = War name filter 541 earNameFilter = Ear name filter 542 zipNameFilter = Zip name filter 543 544 outputFileTip = The optional output file. 545 inputFileTip = The input file. 546 547 nameFilterTip = A filter on plain class file names and resource file names. 548 jarNameFilterTip = A filter on jar file names. 549 warNameFilterTip = A filter on war file names. 550 earNameFilterTip = A filter on ear file names. 551 zipNameFilterTip = A filter on zip file names. 552 553 # 554 # Simple button texts. 555 # 556 previous = Previous 557 next = Next 558 browse = Browse... 559 advanced = Advanced options 560 basic = Basic options 561 selectAll = Select all 562 selectNone = Select none 563 ok = Ok 564 cancel = Cancel 565 566 add = Add... 567 addInput = Add input... 568 addOutput = Add output... 569 edit = Edit... 570 filter = Filter... 571 remove = Remove 572 moveUp = Move up 573 moveDown = Move down 574 575 moveToLibraries = Move to libraries 576 moveToProgram = Move to program 577 578 addField = Add field... 579 addMethod = Add method... 580 581 select = Select... 582 583 loadConfiguration = Load configuration... 584 viewConfiguration = View configuration 585 saveConfiguration = Save configuration... 586 loadStackTrace = Load stack trace... 587 process = Process! 588 reTrace = ReTrace! 589 590 advancedTip = Toggle between showing basic options and advanced options. 591 592 addInputTip = Add an input jar, war, ear, zip, or directory. 593 addOutputTip = Add an output jar, war, ear, zip, or directory. 594 addTip = Add an entry. 595 editTip = Edit the selected entries. 596 filterTip = Put filters on the contents of the selected entries. 597 removeTip = Remove the selected entries. 598 moveUpTip = Move the selected entries up in the list. 599 moveDownTip = Move the selected entries down in the list. 600 601 moveToLibrariesTip = Move to selected entries to the libraries. 602 moveToProgramTip = Move to selected entries to the program. 603 604 addFieldTip = Add a field to the specification. 605 addMethodTip = Add a method to the specification. 606 607 loadConfigurationTip = Optionally load an initial configuration. 608 viewConfigurationTip = View the current configuration. 609 saveConfigurationTip = Save the current configuration. 610 loadStackTraceTip = Load a stack trace from a file. 611 processTip = Start processing, based on the current configuration. 612 reTraceTip = De-obfuscate the given stack trace. 613 614 # 615 # Progress messages and error messages. 616 # 617 warning = Warning 618 outOfMemory = Out of memory 619 outOfMemoryInfo = \n\ 620 You should run the ProGuard GUI with a larger java heap size, \ 621 with a command like\ 622 \n\n\t\ 623 java -Xms128m -Xmx192m -jar proguardgui.jar {0}\ 624 \n\n\ 625 or you can try running ProGuard from the command line. \ 626 with a command like\ 627 \n\n\t\ 628 java -jar proguard.jar @{0} 629 sampleConfigurationFileName = configuration.pro 630 errorProcessing = Error during processing 631 errorReTracing = Error during retracing 632