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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #define LOG_TAG "sqlite3_android"
     19 #include <ctype.h>
     20 #include <stdlib.h>
     21 #include <string.h>
     22 #include <unistd.h>
     24 #include <unicode/ucol.h>
     25 #include <unicode/uiter.h>
     26 #include <unicode/ustring.h>
     27 #include <unicode/utypes.h>
     28 #include <cutils/log.h>
     30 #include "sqlite3_android.h"
     31 #include "PhoneNumberUtils.h"
     32 #include "PhonebookIndex.h"
     34 #define ENABLE_ANDROID_LOG 0
     35 #define SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE 10
     37 static int collate16(void *p, int n1, const void *v1, int n2, const void *v2)
     38 {
     39     UCollator *coll = (UCollator *) p;
     40     UCollationResult result = ucol_strcoll(coll, (const UChar *) v1, n1,
     41                                                  (const UChar *) v2, n2);
     43     if (result == UCOL_LESS) {
     44         return -1;
     45     } else if (result == UCOL_GREATER) {
     46         return 1;
     47     } else {
     48         return 0;
     49     }
     50 }
     52 static int collate8(void *p, int n1, const void *v1, int n2, const void *v2)
     53 {
     54     UCollator *coll = (UCollator *) p;
     55     UCharIterator i1, i2;
     56     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     58     uiter_setUTF8(&i1, (const char *) v1, n1);
     59     uiter_setUTF8(&i2, (const char *) v2, n2);
     61     UCollationResult result = ucol_strcollIter(coll, &i1, &i2, &status);
     63     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
     64 //        LOGE("Collation iterator error: %d\n", status);
     65     }
     67     if (result == UCOL_LESS) {
     68         return -1;
     69     } else if (result == UCOL_GREATER) {
     70         return 1;
     71     } else {
     72         return 0;
     73     }
     74 }
     76 /**
     77  * Obtains the first UNICODE letter from the supplied string, normalizes and returns it.
     78  */
     79 static void get_phonebook_index(
     80     sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv)
     81 {
     82     if (argc != 2) {
     83       sqlite3_result_null(context);
     84       return;
     85     }
     87     char const * src = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
     88     char const * locale = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
     89     if (src == NULL || src[0] == 0 || locale == NULL) {
     90       sqlite3_result_null(context);
     91       return;
     92     }
     94     UCharIterator iter;
     95     uiter_setUTF8(&iter, src, -1);
     97     UBool isError = FALSE;
     98     UChar index[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE];
     99     uint32_t len = android::GetPhonebookIndex(&iter, locale, index, sizeof(index), &isError);
    100     if (isError) {
    101       sqlite3_result_null(context);
    102       return;
    103     }
    105     uint32_t outlen = 0;
    106     uint8_t out[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE];
    107     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    108       U8_APPEND(out, outlen, sizeof(out), index[i], isError);
    109       if (isError) {
    110         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    111         return;
    112       }
    113     }
    115     if (outlen == 0) {
    116       sqlite3_result_null(context);
    117       return;
    118     }
    120     sqlite3_result_text(context, (const char*)out, outlen, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
    121 }
    123 static void phone_numbers_equal(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv)
    124 {
    125     if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
    126         sqlite3_result_int(context, 0);
    127         return;
    128     }
    130     char const * num1 = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
    131     char const * num2 = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
    133     bool use_strict = false;
    134     if (argc == 3) {
    135         use_strict = (sqlite3_value_int(argv[2]) != 0);
    136     }
    138     if (num1 == NULL || num2 == NULL) {
    139         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    140         return;
    141     }
    143     bool equal =
    144         (use_strict ?
    145          android::phone_number_compare_strict(num1, num2) :
    146          android::phone_number_compare_loose(num1, num2));
    148     if (equal) {
    149         sqlite3_result_int(context, 1);
    150     } else {
    151         sqlite3_result_int(context, 0);
    152     }
    153 }
    156 static void android_log(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv)
    157 {
    158     char const * tag = "sqlite_trigger";
    159     char const * msg = "";
    160     int msgIndex = 0;
    162     switch (argc) {
    163         case 2:
    164             tag = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
    165             if (tag == NULL) {
    166                 tag = "sqlite_trigger";
    167             }
    168             msgIndex = 1;
    169         case 1:
    170             msg = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[msgIndex]);
    171             if (msg == NULL) {
    172                 msg = "";
    173             }
    174             LOG(LOG_INFO, tag, msg);
    175             sqlite3_result_int(context, 1);
    176             return;
    178         default:
    179             sqlite3_result_int(context, 0);
    180             return;
    181     }
    182 }
    183 #endif
    185 static void delete_file(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv)
    186 {
    187     if (argc != 1) {
    188         sqlite3_result_int(context, 0);
    189         return;
    190     }
    192     char const * path = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
    193     char const * external_storage = getenv("EXTERNAL_STORAGE");
    194     if (path == NULL || external_storage == NULL) {
    195         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    196         return;
    197     }
    199     if (strncmp(external_storage, path, strlen(external_storage)) != 0) {
    200         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    201         return;
    202     }
    203     if (strstr(path, "/../") != NULL) {
    204         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    205         return;
    206     }
    208     int err = unlink(path);
    209     if (err != -1) {
    210         // No error occured, return true
    211         sqlite3_result_int(context, 1);
    212     } else {
    213         // An error occured, return false
    214         sqlite3_result_int(context, 0);
    215     }
    216 }
    218 static void tokenize_auxdata_delete(void * data)
    219 {
    220     sqlite3_stmt * statement = (sqlite3_stmt *)data;
    221     sqlite3_finalize(statement);
    222 }
    224 static void base16Encode(char* dest, const char* src, uint32_t size)
    225 {
    226     static const char * BASE16_TABLE = "0123456789abcdef";
    227     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    228         char ch = *src++;
    229         *dest++ = BASE16_TABLE[ (ch & 0xf0) >> 4 ];
    230         *dest++ = BASE16_TABLE[ (ch & 0x0f)      ];
    231     }
    232 }
    234 struct SqliteUserData {
    235     sqlite3 * handle;
    236     UCollator* collator;
    237 };
    239 /**
    240  * This function is invoked as:
    241  *
    242  *  _TOKENIZE('<token_table>', <data_row_id>, <data>, <delimiter>,
    243  *             <use_token_index>, <data_tag>)
    244  *
    245  * If <use_token_index> is omitted, it is treated as 0.
    246  * If <data_tag> is omitted, it is treated as NULL.
    247  *
    248  * It will split <data> on each instance of <delimiter> and insert each token
    249  * into <token_table>. The following columns in <token_table> are used:
    250  * token TEXT, source INTEGER, token_index INTEGER, tag (any type)
    251  * The token_index column is not required if <use_token_index> is 0.
    252  * The tag column is not required if <data_tag> is NULL.
    253  *
    254  * One row is inserted for each token in <data>.
    255  * In each inserted row, 'source' is <data_row_id>.
    256  * In the first inserted row, 'token' is the hex collation key of
    257  * the entire <data> string, and 'token_index' is 0.
    258  * In each row I (where 1 <= I < N, and N is the number of tokens in <data>)
    259  * 'token' will be set to the hex collation key of the I:th token (0-based).
    260  * If <use_token_index> != 0, 'token_index' is set to I.
    261  * If <data_tag> is not NULL, 'tag' is set to <data_tag>.
    262  *
    263  * In other words, there will be one row for the entire string,
    264  * and one row for each token except the first one.
    265  *
    266  * The function returns the number of tokens generated.
    267  */
    268 static void tokenize(sqlite3_context * context, int argc, sqlite3_value ** argv)
    269 {
    270     //LOGD("enter tokenize");
    271     int err;
    272     int useTokenIndex = 0;
    273     int useDataTag = 0;
    275     if (!(argc >= 4 || argc <= 6)) {
    276         LOGE("Tokenize requires 4 to 6 arguments");
    277         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    278         return;
    279     }
    281     if (argc > 4) {
    282         useTokenIndex = sqlite3_value_int(argv[4]);
    283     }
    285     if (argc > 5) {
    286         useDataTag = (sqlite3_value_type(argv[5]) != SQLITE_NULL);
    287     }
    289     sqlite3 * handle = sqlite3_context_db_handle(context);
    290     UCollator* collator = (UCollator*)sqlite3_user_data(context);
    291     char const * tokenTable = (char const *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
    292     if (tokenTable == NULL) {
    293         LOGE("tokenTable null");
    294         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    295         return;
    296     }
    298     // Get or create the prepared statement for the insertions
    299     sqlite3_stmt * statement = (sqlite3_stmt *)sqlite3_get_auxdata(context, 0);
    300     if (!statement) {
    301         char const * tokenIndexCol = useTokenIndex ? ", token_index" : "";
    302         char const * tokenIndexParam = useTokenIndex ? ", ?" : "";
    303         char const * dataTagCol = useDataTag ? ", tag" : "";
    304         char const * dataTagParam = useDataTag ? ", ?" : "";
    305         char * sql = sqlite3_mprintf("INSERT INTO %s (token, source%s%s) VALUES (?, ?%s%s);",
    306                 tokenTable, tokenIndexCol, dataTagCol, tokenIndexParam, dataTagParam);
    307         err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, sql, -1, &statement, NULL);
    308         sqlite3_free(sql);
    309         if (err) {
    310             LOGE("prepare failed");
    311             sqlite3_result_null(context);
    312             return;
    313         }
    314         // This binds the statement to the table it was compiled against, which is argv[0].
    315         // If this function is ever called with a different table the finalizer will be called
    316         // and sqlite3_get_auxdata() will return null above, forcing a recompile for the new table.
    317         sqlite3_set_auxdata(context, 0, statement, tokenize_auxdata_delete);
    318     } else {
    319         // Reset the cached statement so that binding the row ID will work properly
    320         sqlite3_reset(statement);
    321     }
    323     // Bind the row ID of the source row
    324     int64_t rowID = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[1]);
    325     err = sqlite3_bind_int64(statement, 2, rowID);
    326     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    327         LOGE("bind failed");
    328         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    329         return;
    330     }
    332     // Bind <data_tag> to the tag column
    333     if (useDataTag) {
    334         int dataTagParamIndex = useTokenIndex ? 4 : 3;
    335         err = sqlite3_bind_value(statement, dataTagParamIndex, argv[5]);
    336         if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    337             LOGE("bind failed");
    338             sqlite3_result_null(context);
    339             return;
    340         }
    341     }
    343     // Get the raw bytes for the string to tokenize
    344     // the string will be modified by following code
    345     // however, sqlite did not reuse the string, so it is safe to not dup it
    346     UChar * origData = (UChar *)sqlite3_value_text16(argv[2]);
    347     if (origData == NULL) {
    348         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    349         return;
    350     }
    352     // Get the raw bytes for the delimiter
    353     const UChar * delim = (const UChar *)sqlite3_value_text16(argv[3]);
    354     if (delim == NULL) {
    355         LOGE("can't get delimiter");
    356         sqlite3_result_null(context);
    357         return;
    358     }
    360     UChar * token = NULL;
    361     UChar *state;
    362     int numTokens = 0;
    364     do {
    365         if (numTokens == 0) {
    366             token = origData;
    367         }
    369         // Reset the program so we can use it to perform the insert
    370         sqlite3_reset(statement);
    371         UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    372         char keybuf[1024];
    373         uint32_t result = ucol_getSortKey(collator, token, -1, (uint8_t*)keybuf, sizeof(keybuf)-1);
    374         if (result > sizeof(keybuf)) {
    375             // TODO allocate memory for this super big string
    376             LOGE("ucol_getSortKey needs bigger buffer %d", result);
    377             break;
    378         }
    379         uint32_t keysize = result-1;
    380         uint32_t base16Size = keysize*2;
    381         char *base16buf = (char*)malloc(base16Size);
    382         base16Encode(base16buf, keybuf, keysize);
    383         err = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, base16buf, base16Size, SQLITE_STATIC);
    385         if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    386             LOGE(" sqlite3_bind_text16 error %d", err);
    387             free(base16buf);
    388             break;
    389         }
    391         if (useTokenIndex) {
    392             err = sqlite3_bind_int(statement, 3, numTokens);
    393             if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    394                 LOGE(" sqlite3_bind_int error %d", err);
    395                 free(base16buf);
    396                 break;
    397             }
    398         }
    400         err = sqlite3_step(statement);
    401         free(base16buf);
    403         if (err != SQLITE_DONE) {
    404             LOGE(" sqlite3_step error %d", err);
    405             break;
    406         }
    407         numTokens++;
    408         if (numTokens == 1) {
    409             // first call
    410             u_strtok_r(origData, delim, &state);
    411         }
    412     } while ((token = u_strtok_r(NULL, delim, &state)) != NULL);
    413     sqlite3_result_int(context, numTokens);
    414 }
    416 static void localized_collator_dtor(UCollator* collator)
    417 {
    418     ucol_close(collator);
    419 }
    423 // This collator may be removed in the near future, so you MUST not use now.
    426 extern "C" int register_localized_collators(sqlite3* handle, const char* systemLocale, int utf16Storage)
    427 {
    428     int err;
    429     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    430     void* icudata;
    432     UCollator* collator = ucol_open(systemLocale, &status);
    433     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    434         return -1;
    435     }
    437     ucol_setAttribute(collator, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &status);
    438     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    439         return -1;
    440     }
    442     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    443     char buf[1024];
    444     ucol_getShortDefinitionString(collator, NULL, buf, 1024, &status);
    446     if (utf16Storage) {
    447         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, LOCALIZED_COLLATOR_NAME, SQLITE_UTF16, collator,
    448                 collate16, (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    449     } else {
    450         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, LOCALIZED_COLLATOR_NAME, SQLITE_UTF8, collator,
    451                 collate8, (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    452     }
    454     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    455         return err;
    456     }
    458     // Register the _TOKENIZE function
    459     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle, "_TOKENIZE", 4, SQLITE_UTF16, collator, tokenize, NULL, NULL);
    460     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    461         return err;
    462     }
    463     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle, "_TOKENIZE", 5, SQLITE_UTF16, collator, tokenize, NULL, NULL);
    464     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    465         return err;
    466     }
    467     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle, "_TOKENIZE", 6, SQLITE_UTF16, collator, tokenize, NULL, NULL);
    468     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    469         return err;
    470     }
    473     //// PHONEBOOK_COLLATOR
    474     // The collator may be removed in the near future. Do not depend on it.
    475     // TODO: it might be better to have another function for registering phonebook collator.
    476     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    477     if (strcmp(systemLocale, "ja") == 0 || strcmp(systemLocale, "ja_JP") == 0) {
    478         collator = ucol_open("ja@collation=phonebook", &status);
    479     } else {
    480         collator = ucol_open(systemLocale, &status);
    481     }
    482     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    483         return -1;
    484     }
    486     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    487     ucol_setAttribute(collator, UCOL_STRENGTH, UCOL_PRIMARY, &status);
    488     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    489         return -1;
    490     }
    492     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    493     // ucol_getShortDefinitionString(collator, NULL, buf, 1024, &status);
    494     if (utf16Storage) {
    495         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, PHONEBOOK_COLLATOR_NAME, SQLITE_UTF16, collator,
    496                 collate16, (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    497     } else {
    498         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, PHONEBOOK_COLLATOR_NAME, SQLITE_UTF8, collator,
    499                 collate8, (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    500     }
    502     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    503         return err;
    504     }
    505     //// PHONEBOOK_COLLATOR
    507     return SQLITE_OK;
    508 }
    511 extern "C" int register_android_functions(sqlite3 * handle, int utf16Storage)
    512 {
    513     int err;
    514     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    516     UCollator * collator = ucol_open(NULL, &status);
    517     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    518         return -1;
    519     }
    521     if (utf16Storage) {
    522         // Note that text should be stored as UTF-16
    523         err = sqlite3_exec(handle, "PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16'", 0, 0, 0);
    524         if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    525             return err;
    526         }
    528         // Register the UNICODE collation
    529         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, "UNICODE", SQLITE_UTF16, collator, collate16,
    530                 (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    531     } else {
    532         err = sqlite3_create_collation_v2(handle, "UNICODE", SQLITE_UTF8, collator, collate8,
    533                 (void(*)(void*))localized_collator_dtor);
    534     }
    536     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    537         return err;
    538     }
    540     // Register the PHONE_NUM_EQUALS function
    541     err = sqlite3_create_function(
    542         handle, "PHONE_NUMBERS_EQUAL", 2,
    543         SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, phone_numbers_equal, NULL, NULL);
    544     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    545         return err;
    546     }
    548     // Register the PHONE_NUM_EQUALS function with an additional argument "use_strict"
    549     err = sqlite3_create_function(
    550         handle, "PHONE_NUMBERS_EQUAL", 3,
    551         SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, phone_numbers_equal, NULL, NULL);
    552     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    553         return err;
    554     }
    556     // Register the _DELETE_FILE function
    557     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle, "_DELETE_FILE", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, delete_file, NULL, NULL);
    558     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    559         return err;
    560     }
    563     // Register the _LOG function
    564     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle, "_LOG", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, NULL, android_log, NULL, NULL);
    565     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    566         return err;
    567     }
    568 #endif
    570     // Register the GET_PHONEBOOK_INDEX function
    571     err = sqlite3_create_function(handle,
    572         "GET_PHONEBOOK_INDEX",
    573         2, SQLITE_UTF8, NULL,
    574         get_phonebook_index,
    575         NULL, NULL);
    576     if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
    577         return err;
    578     }
    580     return SQLITE_OK;
    581 }