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      1 page.title=Supporting Multiple Screens
      3 @jd:body
      5 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      6 <div id="qv">
      8   <h2>Quickview</h2>
      9   <ul>
     10     <li>Android runs on devices that have different screen sizes and resolutions.</li>
     11     <li>The screen on which your application is displayed can affect its user interface.</li>
     12     <li>The platform handles most of the work of adapting your app to the current screen.</li>
     13     <li>You can create screen-specific resources for precise control of your UI, if needed. </li>
     14     <li>Older applications run in a compatibility mode that provides best-effort rendering on the current screen.</li>
     15     <li>It's important to follow the best practices described in this document and test your application in all supported screens. </li>
     16   </ul>
     18   <h2>In this document</h2>
     19   <ol>
     20     <li><a href="#overview">Overview of Screen Support</a></li>
     21     <ol>
     22        <li><a href="#range">Range of screens supported</a></li>
     23        <li><a href="#support">How Android supports multiple screens</a></li>
     24        <li><a href="#density-independence">Density independence</a></li>
     25        <li><a href="#attrs">Manifest attributes</a></li>
     26        <li><a href="#qualifiers">Resource qualifiers</a></li>
     27     </ol>
     28     <li style="padding-top:4px;"><a href="#screen-independence">Best Practices for Screen Independence</a></li>
     29     <li><a href="#strategies">Strategies for Legacy Apps</a></li>
     30     <li><a href="#testing">How to Test Your App</a></li>
     32   </ol>
     34   <h2>See Also</h2>
     35   <ol>
     36     <li><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html">&lt;supports-screens&gt;</a></code></li>
     37     <li><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html">&lt;uses-sdk&gt;</a></code></li>
     38     <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">Alternative Resources</a></li>
     39     <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/avd.html">Android Virtual Devices</a></li>
     40   </ol>
     42 </div>
     43 </div>
     45 <p>Android is designed to run on a variety of devices that offer a range of
     46 screen sizes and resolutions. For applications, the platform provides a
     47 consistent environment across devices and handles much of the complexity of
     48 adapting an application's UI to the screen on which it is being displayed. At
     49 the same time, the platform exposes APIs that give application developers
     50 precise control over their application's UI when displayed on specific screen
     51 sizes and resolutions. </p>
     53 <p>This document explains the screens-support features provided by the platform
     54 and how you use them in your application. By following the practices described
     55 here, you can easily create an application that displays properly on all
     56 supported device screens and that you can deploy to any device as a single .apk.
     57 </p>
     59 <p>If you have already developed and published an application for Android 1.5 or
     60 earlier, you should read this document and consider how you may need to adapt
     61 your application for proper display on new devices that offer different screens
     62 and that are running Android 1.6 or later. In most cases, only minor adjustments
     63 are needed, however you should make sure to <a href="#testing">test your
     64 application</a> on all supported screens. </p>
     66 <p>In particular, if you have an existing application that you would like to
     67 make available for users of devices with small screens (such as QVGA), please
     68 see <a href="#strategies">Strategies for Legacy Applications</a> for more
     69 information about how to do that. </p>
     72 <h2 id="overview">Overview of Screens Support</h2>
     74 <p>The sections below provide an overview of the Android platform's support for
     75 multiple screens, including an introduction to terms and concepts used in this
     76 document and in the API, a summary of the screen configurations that the
     77 platform supports, and an overview of the API and underlying
     78 screen-compatibility features.</p>
     81 <h3>Terms and Concepts</h3>
     83 <dl>
     84 <dt><em>Screen size</em></dt>
     85   <dd>Actual physical size, measured as the screen's diagonal. 
     87   <p>For simplicity, Android collapses all actual screen sizes into three
     88 generalized sizes: large, normal, and small. Applications can provide custom
     89 layouts for each of these three sizes &mdash; the platform transparently handles
     90 the rendering of the layouts at the actual screen size.</p></dd>
     92 <dt><em>Aspect ratio</em></dt>
     93   <dd>The porportional relationship of the screen's physical width to its
     94 height. Applications can provide layout resources for specific aspect ratios by
     95 using the resource qualifiers <code>long</code> and <code>notlong</code>. </dd>
     97 <dt><em>Resolution</em></dt>
     98   <dd>The total number of physical pixels on a screen. Note that, although
     99 resolution is often expressed as <em>width</em> x <em>height</em>, resolution
    100 does not imply a specific aspect ratio. In Android, applications do not work
    101 directly with resolution.</dd>
    103 <dt><em>Density</em></dt>
    104   <dd>Based on the screen resolution, the spread of pixels across the physical
    105 width and height of the screen.
    107   <p>A screen with lower density has fewer available pixels spread across the
    108 screen width and height, where a screen with higher density has more &mdash;
    109 sometimes significantly more &mdash; pixels spread across the same area. The
    110 density of a screen is important because, other things being equal, a UI element
    111 (such as a button) whose height and width are defined in terms of screen pixels
    112 will appear larger on the lower density screen and smaller on the higher density
    113 screen. </p>
    115   <p>For simplicity, Android collapses all actual screen densities into three
    116 generalized densities: high, medium, and low. Applications can provide custom
    117 resources for each of these three densities &mdash; the platform handles the
    118 scaling of the resources up or down to meet the actual screen density. </p></dd>
    119 <dt><em>Density-independent pixel (dip)</em></dt>
    120   <dd>A virtual pixel unit that applications can use in defining their UI, to
    121 express layout dimensions or position in a density-independent way. 
    122   <p>The density-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160
    123 dpi screen, the baseline density assumed by the platform (as described later in
    124 this document). At run time, the platform transparently handles any scaling of
    125 the dip units needed, based on the actual density of the screen in use. The
    126 conversion of dip units to screen pixels is simple: <code>pixels = dips *
    127 (density / 160)</code>. For example, on 240 dpi screen, 1 dip would equal 1.5
    128 physical pixels. Using dip units to define your application's UI is highly
    129 recommended, as a way of ensuring proper display of your UI on different
    130 screens. </p></dd>
    131 </dl>
    134 <h3 id="range">Range of screens supported</h3>
    136 <p>Starting from Android 1.6, the platform provides support for multiple screen
    137 sizes and resolutions, reflecting the many new types and sizes of devices on
    138 which the platform runs. If you are developing an application that will run
    139 on Android 1.6 or later, you can use the compatibility features of the Android
    140 platform to ensure that your application UI renders properly across the range of
    141 supported screen sizes and resolutions.</p>
    143 <p>To simplify the way that developers design their user interfaces for
    144 multiple devices and to allow more devices to participate without affecting
    145 applications, the platform divides the range of actual supported screen sizes
    146 and resolutions into:</p>
    148 <ul>
    149 <li>A set of three generalized sizes: <em>large</em>, <em>normal</em>, and <em>small</em>, and </li>
    150 <li>A set of three generalized densities:  <em>hdpi</em> (high), <em>mdpi</em> (medium), and <em>ldpi</em> (low)
    151 </ul>
    153 <p>Applications can provide custom resources (primarily layouts) for any of the
    154 three generalized sizes and can provide resources (primarily drawables such as
    155 images) for any of the three generalized densities. Applications do not need to
    156 work with the actual physical size or density of the device screen. At run time,
    157 the platform handles the loading of the correct size or density resources, based
    158 on the generalized size or density of the current device screen, and adapts them
    159 to the actual pixel map of the screen.</p>
    161 <p>The generalized size/density configurations are arranged around a
    162 baseline configuration that is assigned a size of <em>normal</em> and a density of
    163 <em>mdpi</em> (medium). All applications written for Android 1.5 or earlier are (by
    164 definition) designed for the baseline HVGA screen used on the T-Mobile G1 and
    165 similar devices, which is size <em>normal</em> and density
    166 <em>mdpi</em>.</p>
    168 <p>Each generalized screen configuration spans a range of actual screen
    169 densities and physical sizes. For example, that means that multiple devices that
    170 report a screen size of <em>normal</em> might offer screens that differ slightly
    171 in actual size or aspect ratio. Similarly, devices that report a screen density
    172 of <em>hdpi</em> might offer screens with slightly different pixel densities.
    173 The platform makes these differences abstract, however &mdash; applications can
    174 offer UI designed for the generalized sizes and densities and let the system
    175 handle the actual rendering of the UI on the current device screen according to
    176 its characteristics. </p>
    179 <img src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/screens-ranges.png" />
    180 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> 
    181 Illustration of how the Android platform maps actual screen densities and sizes 
    182 to generalized density and size configurations. </p>
    184 <p>Although the platform lets your application provide layouts and resources for
    185 generalized size-density configurations, you do not necessarily need to do write
    186 custom code or provide custom resources for each of the nine supported
    187 configurations. The platform provides robust compatibility features, described
    188 in the sections below, that can handle most of the work of rendering your
    189 application on any device screen, provided that you've implemented your
    190 application UI properly. For more information about how to implement a UI that
    191 renders properly across device screens and platform versions, see
    192 <a href="#screen-independence">Best Practices for Screen Independence</a>.</p>
    194 <p>To help you test your applications, the Android SDK includes emulator skins
    195 that replicate the sizes and densities of actual device screens on which your
    196 application is likely to run. You can also modify the default size and density
    197 of the emulator skins to replicate the characteristics of any specific
    198 screen.</p>
    200 <p class="table-caption" id="screens-table"><strong>Table 1.</strong> Screen
    201 sizes and densities of emulator skins included in the Android SDK.</p>
    203   <table id="screens-table">
    204     <tbody>
    205     <tr>
    206       <td style="border:none"></td>
    207       <td style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    208         <nobr>Low density (120), <em>ldpi</em></nobr>
    209       </td>
    210       <td style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    211         <nobr>Medium density (160), <em>mdpi</em></nobr>
    212       </td>
    213       <td  style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    214         <nobr>High density (240), <em>hdpi</em><nobr>
    215       </td>
    216     </tr>
    217     <tr>
    218       <td  style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    219         <em>Small</em> screen
    220       </td>
    221       <td style="font-size:.9em;">QVGA (240x320)</td>
    222       </td>
    223       <td></td>
    224       <td></td>
    225     </tr>
    226     <tr>
    227       <td style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    228         <em>Normal</em> screen
    229       </td>
    230       <td style="font-size:.9em;">WQVGA400 (240x400)<br>WQVGA432 (240x432)</td>
    231       <td style="font-size:.9em;">HVGA (320x480)</td>
    232       <td style="font-size:.9em;">WVGA800 (480x800)<br>WVGA854 (480x854)</td>
    233     </tr>
    234     <tr>
    235       <td style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
    236         <em>Large</em> screen
    237       </td>
    238       <td></td>
    239       <td style="font-size:.9em;">WVGA800* (480x800)<br>WVGA854* (480x854)</td>
    240       <td></td>
    241     </tr>
    242     <tr>
    243       <td colspan="4" style="border:none;font-size:90%;">* To emulate this 
    244         configuration, specify a custom density of 160 when 
    245         creating an AVD that uses a WVGA800 or WVGA854 skin.
    246       </td>
    247 </table>
    249 <p>For an overview of the relative numbers of high (hdpi), medium (mdpi), and 
    250 low (ldpi) density screens in Android-powered devices available now, see the <a 
    251 href="{@docRoot}resources/dashboard/screens.html">Screen Sizes and Densities</a> dashboard.</p>
    254 <h3 id="support">How Android supports multiple screens</h3>
    256 <div class="sidebox-wrapper">
    257 <div class="sidebox">
    258 <h2>Using the alternative resources framework</h2>
    260 <p>The platform's support for loading screen size- and density-specific
    261 resources at run time is based on the alternative resources framework.
    263 <p> If you want to use size- or density-specific layouts or drawables in your
    264 application and you are not familiar with resource qualifiers or how the
    265 platform uses them, please read 
    266 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">
    267 Alternative Resources</a>.
    268 </div>
    269 </div>
    271 <p>The foundation of Android's support for multiple screens is a set of built-in
    272 compatibility features that together manage the rendering of application
    273 resources in an appropriate way for the current device screen. The platform
    274 handles most of the work of rendering your application, but also gives you two
    275 key ways to control how your application is displayed, if you need or want
    276 to use them:</p>
    278 <ul>
    279   <li>The platform supports a set of resource qualifiers that let you provide
    280 size- and density-specific resources, if needed. The qualifiers for 
    281 size-specific resources are <code>large</code>, <code>normal</code>, and
    282 <code>small</code>, and those for density-specific resources are
    283 <code>hdpi</code> (high), <code>mdpi</code> (medium), and <code>ldpi</code>
    284 (low). The qualifiers correspond to the generalized densities described in 
    285 <a href="#range">Range of screens supported</a>, above.</li>
    286   <li>The platform also provides a 
    287 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html">
    288 <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code></a>
    289 manifest element, whose attributes
    290 <code>android:largeScreens</code>, <code>android:normalScreens</code>, and
    291 <code>android:smallScreens</code> let you specify what generalized screen sizes
    292 your application supports. A fourth attribute, <code>android:anyDensity</code>,
    293 lets you indicate whether or not your application includes built-in support for
    294 multiple densities.</li>
    295 </ul>
    297 <p>At run time, the platform provides three types of support to your
    298 application, to ensure the best possible display on the current device
    299 screen:</p>
    301 <ol>
    302 <li><em>Pre-scaling of resources (such as image assets)</em> 
    304   <p>Based on the density of the current screen, the platform automatically
    305 loads any size- or density-specific resources from your application and displays
    306 them without scaling. If no matching resources are available, the platform loads
    307 the default resources and scales them up or down as needed to match the current
    308 screen's generalized density. The platform assumes that default resources are
    309 designed for proper display at the baseline screen density of "medium" (160),
    310 unless they are loaded from a density-specific resource directory.</p>
    312   <p>For example, if the current screen's density is "high", the platform loads
    313 resources that are tagged with the qualifier <code>hdpi</code> and uses them
    314 without scaling. If no such resources are available, the platform uses the
    315 default resources instead, scaling them from the baseline density ("medium") to
    316 "high".  </p>
    318   <p>For more information about how to create size- and density-specific
    319 resources, see <a href="#qualifiers">Resource qualifiers</a>.</p></li>
    321 <li><em>Auto-scaling of pixel dimensions and coordinates</em>
    323   <p>If the application states that it does not support different screen
    324 densities, the platform auto-scales any absolute pixel coordinates, pixel
    325 dimension values, and pixel math used in the application (such as might be used
    326 for specifying the width or padding for a view). It does this to ensure that
    327 pixel-defined screen elements are displayed at approximately the same physical
    328 size as they would be at the baseline density of "medium" (160). The platform
    329 handles this scaling transparently to the application and also reports scaled
    330 overall pixel dimensions to the application, rather than physical pixel
    331 dimensions. </p>
    333   <p>For instance, suppose a given device is using a WVGA high-denisty screen,
    334 which is 480x800 and about the same size as a traditional HVGA screen, but it's
    335 running an app that states that it does not support multiple densities. In this
    336 case, the system will "lie" to the application when it queries for screen
    337 dimensions, and report 320x533. Then, when the app does drawing operations, such
    338 as invalidating the rectangle from (10,10) to (100, 100), the system will
    339 likewise automatically transform the coordinates by scaling them the appropriate
    340 amount, and actually invalidate the region (15,15) to (150, 150).  The same
    341 thing happens in the other direction, if the application is running on a
    342 lower-density screen, coordinates are scaled down.<p>
    344   <p>For more information, see the <code>android:anyDensity</code> attribute in
    345 <a href="#attrs">Manifest attributes for screens support</a>.</p></li>
    347 <div class="sidebox-wrapper" xstyle="margin-bottom:2em;margin-top:.5em;width:90%;"> 
    348   <img id="rule" src="{@docRoot}assets/images/grad-rule-qv.png"> 
    349   <div id="qv-sub-rule"> 
    350     <img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_market.jpg" style="float:left;margin:0;padding:0;"> 
    351     <p style="color:#669999;">Publishing to Small Screen Devices</p> 
    352     <p>To ensure the best experience for users on small-screen devices, Android
    353 Market only shows applications that explicitly declare support for small
    354 screens. If you developed an application on Android 1.5 or earlier and published
    355 it on Android Market, you need to <a href="#testing">test your application</a>
    356 on small screens and then upload an updated version that explicitly 
    357 <a href="#attrs">indicates support for small screens</a>. </p>
    358   </div> 
    359 </div>
    361 <li><em>Compatibility-mode display on larger screen-sizes</em>
    363   <p>If the current screen's size is larger than your application supports, as
    364 specified in the <code>supports-screens</code> element, the platform displays
    365 the application at the baseline size ("normal") and density ("medium). For
    366 screens larger than baseline, the platform displays the application in a
    367 baseline-sized portion of the overall screen, against a black background. </p>
    369   <p>For instance, suppose a given device is using a WVGA medium density screen,
    370 classified as a "large" screen, but the application states that it does not
    371 support large screens; in this case, the system will again "lie" to the
    372 application when it queries for screen dimensions, and report 320x480.  Instead
    373 of scaling the application, however, the application's 320x480 interface will be
    374 placed as a "postage stamp" in the larger 480x800 screen.</p>
    376   <p>For more information, see the <code>android:anyDensity</code> attribute in
    377 <a href="#attrs">Manifest elements for screens support</a> and the 
    378 <a href="#compatibility-examples">Screen-Compatibility Examples</a>
    379 section.</p></li>
    380 </ol>
    382 <p>In general, these compatibility features ensure that all applications,
    383 including those written against Android 1.5 and earlier platform versions, can
    384 display properly on most devices, especially when the device's screen is at the
    385 baseline "normal" size or larger. </p>
    387 <p>However, note that applications written for the baseline screen may need
    388 minor adjustments before they display properly on smaller screens such as QVGA.
    389 With the reduced screen area of small screens, there may be tradeoffs in design,
    390 content, and function that you, as the application developer, need to consider.
    391 For more information about how to prepare an existing application for display on
    392 small screens, see <a href="#strategies">Strategies for Legacy
    393 Applications</a>.</p>
    395 <p>The sections below provide more information how to take advantage of the
    396 platform's multiple-screens support. </p>
    399 <h3 id="density-independence">Density independence</h3>
    401 <p>The goal of density independence is to preserve the physical size, from the
    402 user's point of view, of user interface elements declared in an application,
    403 when the application is displayed on screens with different densities. Density
    404 independence applies to both layouts and drawables such as icons. Maintaining
    405 density-independence is important because, other things being equal, a UI
    406 element (such as a button) whose height and width are defined in terms of screen
    407 pixels will appear physically larger on the lower density screen and smaller on
    408 the higher density screen. Such density-related size changes can cause problems
    409 in application layout, usability, and consistency with other applications
    410 installed on the device.</p>
    412 <p>The platform provides density independence to applications by default. It
    413 does this in three ways: </p>
    415 <ul>
    416 <li>Through pre-scaling of drawable resources (scaled at resource loading
    417 time)</li>
    418 <li>Through auto-scaling of density-independent pixel (dip) values used in
    419 layouts</li>
    420 <li>Through auto-scaling of absolute pixel values used in the application (only
    421 needed if the application has set <code>android:anyDensity="false"</code> in its
    422 manifest)</li>
    423 </ul>
    425 <p>The example screens below illustrate the density independence provided by the
    426 platform. Note that both the layouts and launcher icons are displayed at the
    427 same physical sizes, although screen sizes, aspect ratios, and densities are
    428 different.</p>
    431 <div id=vi09 style=TEXT-ALIGN:left>
    432 <img src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/dip.png" style="padding-bottom:0;margin-bottom:0;" />
    433 <p class="caption" style="margin:0 0 1.5em 1em;padding:0 0 0
    434 1em;"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Examples of density independence on WVGA high
    435 density (left), HVGA medium density (center), and QVGA low density (right). </p>
    436 </div>
    438 <p>In most cases, you can take advantage of density independence in your
    439 application simply by making sure that your layouts specify all dimension values
    440 in density-independent pixels (<code>dip</code> or <code>dp</code>) or
    441 scale-independent pixels (<code>sip</code> or <code>sp</code>, for text only).
    442 If you are using absolute pixel values in the application and manifest includes
    443 <a href="#attrs"><code>android:anyDensity="true"</code></a>, you will also need
    444 to scale the pixel values. See <a href="#dips-pels">Converting from dips to
    445 pixels</a> for more information. </p> 
    448 <h3 id="attrs">Manifest attributes for screens support</h3>
    450 <p> Android 1.6 introduced a new manifest element, 
    451 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-screens-element.html"><code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code></a>,
    452 whose attributes you can use to control the
    453 display of your application on different classes of device screens, as listed
    454 below. The <code>smallScreens</code>, <code>normalScreens</code>, and
    455 <code>largeScreens</code> attributes correspond to the generalized screen sizes
    456 described in <a href="#range">Range of screens supported</a>, earlier in this
    457 document.</p>
    459     <table id="vrr8">
    460       <tr>
    461         <th>
    462           Attribute
    463         </th>
    464         <th >
    465           Description
    466         </th>
    467         <th>
    468           Default value,<br><nobr>Android 1.5 and Lower</nobr>
    469         </th>
    470         <th>
    471           Default value,<br><nobr>Android 1.6 and Higher</nobr>
    472         </th>
    473       </tr>
    474       <tr>
    475         <td>
    476           <code>android:smallScreens</code>
    477         </td>
    478         <td>
    479           Whether or not the application UI is designed for use on
    480 <em>small</em> screens &mdash; "<code>true</code>" if it is, and
    481 "<code>false</code>" if not. </p>
    482         </td>
    483 <td>"<code>false</code>"</td>
    484 <td>"<code>true</code>"</td>
    485       </tr>
    486       <tr>
    487         <td>
    488           <code>android:normalScreens</code>
    489         </td>
    490         <td>
    491            Whether or not the application UI is designed for use on
    492 <em>normal</em> screens &mdash; "<code>true</code>" if it is, and
    493 "<code>false</code>" if not. The default value is always "<code>true</code>".
    494         </td>
    495 <td>"<code>true</code>"</td>
    496 <td>"<code>true</code>"</td>
    497       </tr>
    498       <tr>
    499         <td>
    500           <code>android:largeScreens</code>
    501         </td>
    502         <td>
    503            Whether or not the application UI is designed for use on
    504 <em>large</em> screens &mdash; "<code>true</code>" if it is, and
    505 "<code>false</code>" if not.
    506         </td>
    507 <td>"<code>false</code>"</td>
    508 <td>"<code>true</code>"</td>
    509       </tr>
    510       <tr>
    511         <td>
    512           <code>android:anyDensity</code>
    513         </td>
    514         <td>
    515          <p>Whether or not the application is designed to manage its UI properly
    516 in different density environments &mdash; "<code>true</code>" if so, and
    517 "<code>false</code>" if not. </p>
    518         <ul>
    519           <li>If set to "<code>true</code>", the platform disables its
    520 density-compatibility features for all screen densities &mdash; specifically,
    521 the auto-scaling of absolute pixel units (<code>px</code>) and math &mdash; and
    522 relies on the application to use density-independent pixel units
    523 (<code>dp</code>) and/or math to manage the adaptation of pixel values according
    524 to density of the current screen. That is, as long as your application uses
    525 density-independent units (dp) for screen layout sizes, then it will perform
    526 properly on different densities when this attribute is set to
    527 "<code>true</code>".</li>
    529           <li>If set to "<code>false</code>", the platform enables its
    530 density-compatibility features for all screen densities. In this case, the
    531 platform provides a scaled, virtual screen pixel map to the application, against
    532 which it can layout and draw its UI as though against a medium-density screen
    533 (160). The platform then transparently auto-scales the application's pixel units
    534 and math as needed to match the actual device screen density. </li>
    535         </ul>
    536 <p>Note that the setting of this attribute affects density-compatibility only.
    537 It does not affect size-compatibility features such as display on a virtual
    538 baseline screen.</p>
    539         </td>
    540 <td>"<code>false</code>"</td>
    541 <td>"<code>true</code>"</td>
    542       </tr>
    543     </table>
    545 <p>In general, when you declare a screen-size attribute
    546 (<code>smallScreens</code>, <code>normalScreens</code>, or
    547 <code>largeScreens</code>) as "<code>true</code>", you are signaling to the
    548 platform that your application is designed to render properly on that screen
    549 size. As a result, the platform does not apply any size-compatibility features
    550 (such as a virtual HVGA display area). If you declare a screen-size attribute as
    551 "<code>false</code>", you are signaling that your application is <em>not</em>
    552 designed for that screen size. In this case, the platform <em>does</em> apply
    553 size-compatibility features, rendering the application in an HVGA baseline
    554 display area. If the current screen is larger than <em>normal</em> size, the
    555 platform renders the application in a virtual HVGA screen on the larger screen.
    556 See <a href="#compatibility-examples">Screen-Compatibility Examples</a> for an
    557 illustration of what an application looks like when displayed in a virtual HVGA
    558 screen.</p>
    560 <p>In other words, setting a <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code> attribute to
    561 "<code>false</code>" tells the platform to enable it's compatibility features
    562 when displaying the application on a screen of that size <em>or any larger
    563 size</em>, if also disallowed. Otherwise, the platform gives the application a
    564 normal display area that can use the full device screen area, if
    565 appropriate.</p>
    567 <p>Android Market also makes use of the <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code>
    568 attributes. It uses them to filter the application from devices whose screens
    569 are not supported by the application. Specifically, Android Market considers an
    570 application compatible with a device if the application supports a screen that
    571 is the same or smaller than the current device screen. Android Market filters
    572 the application if it disallows the device's screen size and does not support a
    573 smaller size. In general, Android does not provide downward size-compatibility
    574 features for applications.</p>
    576 <p>Here are some examples:</p>
    578 <ul>
    579     <li>Assume that you declare <code>smallScreens="false" normalScreens="true"
    580 largeScreens="false" </code> in your application's manifest. <p>Although the
    581 application is not designed for display on large screens, the platform can still
    582 run it successfully in <a href="#compatibility-examples">size-compatibility
    583 mode</a>. Android Market does not filter the application from devices
    584 <em>normal</em> and <em>large</em> size screens, but does filter it from
    585 <em>small</em> size screens, since the application provides no screen support at
    586 <em>small</em> size (and there is no smaller size).</p></li>
    588     <li>Assume that you declare <code>smallScreens="false" normalScreens="false"
    589 largeScreens="true"</code> in your application's manifest. <p>Android Market
    590 filters the application from users of devices with <em>small</em> and
    591 <em>normal</em> size screens. In effect, this prevents such users from
    592 installing the application.</p></li>
    593 </ul>
    595 <p>If you declare the <code>android:anyDensity</code> attribute as
    596 "<code>true</code>", you are signaling to the platform that your application is
    597 designed to display properly on any screen density. In this case, the
    598 application must ensure that it declares its UI dimensions using
    599 density-independent pixels (<code>dp</code>) and scales any absolute pixel
    600 values (<code>px</code>) or math by the scaling factor available from {@link
    601 android.util.DisplayMetrics#density android.util.DisplayMetrics.density}. See <a
    602 href="#dips-pels">Converting from dips to pixels</a> for an example.</p>
    604 <p>Note that the setting of the <code>android:anyDensity</code> attribute does
    605 not affect the platform's pre-scaling of drawable resources, such as bitmaps and
    606 nine-patch images, which always takes place by default. </p>
    608 <p>The following example shows a manifest that declares support for large,
    609 normal, and small screens in any densities.</p>
    611 <pre>&lt;manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"&gt;
    612   ...
    613   &lt;supports-screens
    614   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; android:largeScreens="true"
    615   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; android:normalScreens="true"
    616   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; android:smallScreens="true"
    617   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; android:anyDensity="true" /&gt;
    618   ...
    619 &lt;/manifest&gt;
    620 </pre>
    621 <!--  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; android:resizeable="true" -->
    622 <h4 id="defaults">
    623   Default values for attributes
    624 </h4>
    626 <p>The default values for the <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code> attributes
    627 differ, depending on the the value of the 
    628 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html"><code>android:minSdkVersion</code></a>
    629  attribute in the application's manifest, as well as on
    630 the value of <code>android:targetSdkVersion</code>, if declared:</p>
    632 <div>
    633   <ul>
    634     <li>
    635       If <code>android:minSdkVersion</code> or
    636 <code>android:targetSdkVersion</code> is "4" (Android 1.6) or higher, the
    637 default value for everything is "<code>true</code>". If your application uses
    638 APIs introduced in Android 1.6 or higher, but does not support specific screen
    639 densities and/or screen sizes, you need to explicitly set the appropriate
    640 attributes to "<code>false</code>".
    641     </li>
    642     <li>
    643       If <code>android:minSdkVersion</code> is declared with a value of "3"
    644 (Android 1.5) or lower <em>and</em> a <code>android:targetSdkVersion</code>
    645 attribute is <em>not</em> declared with a value of "4" or higher, the default
    646 value for all attributes except <code>android:normalScreens</code> is
    647 "<code>false</code>". If you are primarily targeting pre-Android 1.6 platforms
    648 but also want to support other densities/screen sizes, you need to explicitly
    649 set the appropriate attributes to "<code>true</code>".
    650     </li>
    651     <li>
    652       Note that <code>android:normalScreens</code> always defaults to
    653 <code>true</code>.
    654     </li>
    655   </ul>
    656 </div>
    659 <h3 id="qualifiers">Resource directory qualifiers for screen size and density</h3>
    661 <p>Android supports resource directory qualifiers for controlling the selection
    662 of resources based on the characteristics of the screen on which your application
    663 is running. You can use these qualifiers to provide size- and density-specific
    664 resources in your application. For more information about the generalized sizes
    665 and densities that correspond to the qualifiers, see <a href="#range">Range
    666 of Screens Supported</a>, earlier in this document.</p>
    668 <table>
    669 <tr>
    670 <th>Screen characteristic</th>
    671 <th>Qualifier</th>
    672 <th>Description</th>
    673 </tr>
    675 <tr>
    676   <td rowspan="3">Size</td>
    677   <td><code>small</code></td>
    678   <td>Resources designed for <em>small</em> size screens.</td>
    679 </tr>
    680 <tr>
    681   <td><code>normal</code></td>
    682   <td>Resources designed for <em>normal</em> size screens.</td>
    683 </tr>
    684 <tr>
    685 <td><code>large</code></td>
    686 <td>Resources for <em>large</em> size screens.</td>
    687 </tr>
    689 <tr>
    690 <td rowspan="4">Density</td>
    691 <td><code>ldpi</code></td>
    692 <td>Resources designed for low-density (<em>ldpi</em>) screens.</td>
    693 </tr>
    694 <tr>
    695 <td><code>mdpi</code></td>
    696 <td>Resources designed for medium-density (<em>mdpi</em>) screens.</td>
    697 </tr>
    698 <tr>
    699 <td><code>hdpi</code></td>
    700 <td>Resources designed for high-density (<em>hdpi</em>) screens.</td>
    701 </tr>
    702 <tr>
    703 <td><code>nodpi</code></td>
    704 <td>Density-independent resources. The platform does not auto-scale resources
    705 tagged with this qualifier, regardless of the current screen's density.</td>
    706 </tr>
    708 <tr>
    709 <td rowspan="2">Aspect ratio</td>
    710 <td><code>long</code></td>
    711 <td>Resources for screens of any size or density that have a significantly
    712 taller (in portrait mode) and wider (in landscape mode) aspect ratio than the
    713 baseline screen configuration.</td>
    714 </tr>
    715 <tr>
    716 <td><code>notlong</code></td>
    717 <td>Resources for use only on screens that have an aspect ratio that is similar
    718 to the baseline screen configuration.</td>
    719 </tr>
    720 <tr>
    721 <td>Platform version</td>
    722 <td><nobr><code>v&lt;api-level&gt;</code></nobr></td>
    723 <td>Resources that are for use only on a specific API Level or higher. For
    724 example, if your application is designed to run on both Android 1.5 (API Level
    725 3) and Android 1.6 (API Level 4 and higher), you can use the <code>-v4</code>
    726 qualifier to tag any resources that should be excluded when your application is
    727 running on Android 1.5 (API Level 3).  </td>
    728 </tr>
    729 </table>
    731 <p>
    732 Note that the density and the screen size are independent parameters and are
    733 interpreted by the system individually. For example, WVGA high density is
    734 considered a normal screen because its physical size is about the same as one of
    735 T-Mobile G1. On the other hand, a WVGA medium density screen is considered a 
    736 <i>large</i> screen &mdash; it offers the same resolution but at lower pixel
    737 density, meaning that it is both physically larger than the baseline screen and
    738 can display significantly more information than a normal screen size.
    739 </p>
    741 <p>Here is an example of the resource directory structure of an application that
    742 supports low and high density, and employs different layout schemes.</p>
    744 <pre>res/layout/my_layout.xml            // layout for normal screen size
    745 res/layout-small/my_layout.xml      // layout for small screen size
    746 res/layout-large/my_layout.xml      // layout for large screen size
    747 res/layout-large-land/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size in landscape mode
    749 res/drawable-ldpi/my_icon.png       // icon image for low density
    750 res/drawable-mdpi/dpi/my_icon.png   // icon for medium density
    751 res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png       // icon image for high density
    753 res/drawable-nodpi/composite.xml    // density independent resource
    754 </pre>
    756 <p>For more information about how to use resource qualifiers or how the platform
    757 selects them, please read 
    758 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">
    759 Alternative Resources</a>.</p>
    762 <h2 id="screen-independence">Best practices for Screen Independence</h2>
    764 <p>The objective of supporting multiple screens is to create an application that
    765 can run properly on any display and function properly on any of the generalized
    766 screen configurations supported by the platform.
    767 </p>
    769 <p>You can easily ensure that your application will display properly on
    770 different screens. Here is a quick checklist:</p>
    772 <ol>
    773   <li>
    774     Prefer wrap_content, fill_parent and the dip unit to px in XML layout files
    775   </li>
    776   <li>
    777     Avoid AbsoluteLayout
    778   </li>
    779   <li>
    780     Do not use hard coded pixel values in your code
    781   </li>
    782   <li>
    783     Use density and/or resolution specific resources
    784   </li>
    785 </ol>
    787 <h3 id="use-relative">1. Prefer wrap_content, fill_parent and the dip unit to
    788 absolute pixels<br> </h3>
    790 <p>When defining the <code>layout_width</code> and <code>layout_height</code> of
    791 views in an XML layout file, using <code>wrap_content</code>,
    792 <code>fill_parent</code> or the <code>dip</code> will guarantee that the view is
    793 given an appropriate size on the current device screen. For instance, a view
    794 with a <code>layout_width="100dip"</code> will measure 100 pixels wide on an
    795 HVGA@160 density display and 150 pixels on a WVGA@240 density display, but the
    796 view will occupy approximately the same physical space. </p>
    798 <p>Similarly, you should prefer the <code>sp</code> (scale-independent pixel,
    799 the scale factor depends on a user setting) or <code>dip</code> (if you don't
    800 want to allow the user to scale the text) to define font sizes.</p>
    802 <h3 id="avoid-absolute">2. Avoid AbsoluteLayout </h3>
    804 <p>{@link android.widget.AbsoluteLayout AbsoluteLayout}
    805 is one of the layout containers offered by the Android UI toolkit. Unlike the
    806 other layouts however, <code>AbsoluteLayout</code> enforces the use of fixed
    807 positions which might easily lead to user interfaces that do not work well on
    808 different displays. Because of this, <code>AbsoluteLayout</code> was deprecated
    809 in Android 1.5 (API Level 3). </p>
    811 <p>You can achieve much the same layout by using a 
    812 {@link android.widget.FrameLayout FrameLayout} instead, and setting
    813 <code>layout_margin</code> attributes of the children. This approach is more
    814 flexible and will yield better results on different screens.</p>
    816 <h3>3. Do not use hard-coded pixel values in your code</h3>
    818 <p>For performance reasons and to keep the code simpler, the Android framework
    819 API uses pixels as the standard unit for expressing dimension or coordinate
    820 values. That means that the dimensions of a View are always expressed in the
    821 code in pixels. For instance, if <code>myView.getWidth()</code> returns 10, the
    822 view is 10 pixels wide. In some cases, you may need to scale the pixel values
    823 that you use in your code. The sections below provide more information. </p>
    825 <h4 id="dips-pels">Converting from dips to pixels</h4>
    827 <p>In some cases, you will need to express dimensions in <code>dip</code> and
    828 then convert them to pixels. Imagine an application in which a scroll gesture is
    829 recognized after the user's finger has moved by at least 16 pixels. On a
    830 baseline screen, the user will have to move his finger by 16 pixels / 160
    831 dpi = 1/10th of an inch (or 2.5 mm) before the gesture is recognized. On a
    832 device with a high (240) density display, the user will move his finger by only
    833 16 pixels / 240 dpi = 1/15th of an inch (or 1.7 mm.) The distance is much
    834 shorter and the application thus appears more sensitive to the user. To fix this
    835 issue, the gesture threshold must be expressed in the code in <code>dip</code>
    836 and then converted to actual pixels.</p>
    838 <pre>// The gesture threshold expressed in dip
    839 private static final float GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP = 16.0f;
    841 // Convert the dips to pixels
    842 final float scale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    843 mGestureThreshold = (int) (GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP * scale + 0.5f);</span>
    845 // Use mGestureThreshold as a distance in pixels
    846 </pre>
    848 <p>The {@link android.util.DisplayMetrics#density android.util.DisplayMetrics.density} 
    849 field specifies the the scale factor you must use to
    850 convert dips to pixels according to the current screen density. You can access
    851 the current screen's metrics through a <code>Context</code> or
    852 <code>Activity</code>. On a medium (160) density screen,
    853 <code>DisplayMetrics.density</code> equals "1.0", whereas on a high (240)
    854 density screen it equals "1.5". You can refer to the documentation of the 
    855 {@link android.util.DisplayMetrics DisplayMetrics}
    856 class for details.</p>
    858 <h4>Use pre-scaled configuration values</h4>
    860 <p>The {@link android.view.ViewConfiguration ViewConfiguration} class can be
    861 used to access the most common distances, speeds, and times used in the Android
    862 framework. For instance, the distance in pixels used by the framework as the
    863 scroll threshold can be obtained as follows:</p>
    865 <pre>ViewConfiguration.get(aContext).getScaledTouchSlop()</pre>
    867 <p>Methods starting with the <code>getScaled</code> prefix are guaranteed to return a value in pixels that will display properly regardless of the current screen density.</p>
    869 <h3>4. Use density and/or size-specific resources</h3>
    871 <div style="float: right;background-color:#fff;margin: 0;padding: 20px 0 20px 20px;">
    872 <img src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/scale-test.png" style="padding:0;margin:0;">
    873 <p class="caption" style="margin:0;padding:0;"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Comparison of pre-scaled and auto-scaled bitmaps.</p>
    874 </div>
    876 <p>Even with the size- and density-compatibility features that the platform
    877 provides, you may still want to make adjustments to the UI of your application
    878 when it displayed on certain screen sizes or densities. You can do this by
    879 providing size- or density-specific resources &mdash; assets, layouts, strings,
    880 and so on. If you want, you can also take control over the scaling of images
    881 assets. The sections below provide more information.</p>
    883 <h4 id="resource-dirs">Custom resources and directories</h4>
    885 <p>If you need to control exactly how your application will look on various
    886 displays, simply adjust your assets and layouts in configuration-specific
    887 resources directories. For example, consider an icon that you want to display on
    888 medium and high density screens. Simply create your icon at two different sizes
    889 (for instance 100x100 for medium density and 150x150 for high density) and put
    890 the two variations in the appropriate directories, using the proper
    891 qualifiers:</p>
    893 <p style="margin-left:2em;"><code>res/drawable-mdpi/icon.png&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//
    894 for medium-density screens</code></p>
    896 <p style="margin-left:2em;"><code>res/drawable-hdpi/icon.png&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//
    897 for high-density screens</code></p>
    899 <p>If a density qualifier is not defined in a resource directory name, the
    900 platform assumes that the resources in that directory are designed for the
    901 baseline medium density. It is not recommended that you put density-specific
    902 resources such as images in the default directory.</p>
    904 <p>For more information about valid resource qualifiers, see 
    905 <a href="#qualifiers">Resource directory qualifiers</a>, earlier in this
    906 document.</p>
    908 <h4 id="scaling">Pre-scaling and auto-scaling of bitmaps and nine-patches</h4>
    910 <p>When a bitmap or nine-patch image is loaded from the application's resources,
    911 the platform attempts to pre-scale it to match the display's density. For
    912 instance, if you placed a 100x100 icon in the <code>res/drawable/</code>
    913 directory and loaded that icon as a bitmap on a high-density screen, Android
    914 would automatically scale up the icon and produce a 150x150 bitmap.</p>
    916 <p>This pre-scaling mechanism works independently of the source. For instance,
    917 an application targeted for a high-density screen may have bitmaps only in the
    918 <code>res/drawable-hdpi/</code> directory. If one of the bitmaps is a 240x240
    919 icon and is loaded on a medium-density screen, the resulting bitmap will measure
    920 160x160.</p>
    922 <p>The platform pre-scales resources as needed, whether the application is
    923 running with density-compatibility features enabled or not (as specified by the
    924 value of <code>android:anyDensity</code>). However, when running with
    925 density-compatibility enabled, the platform continues to report the size of
    926 pre-scaled bitmaps and other resources as if they were loaded in a
    927 medium-density environment. For example, when density-compatibility is enabled,
    928 if you load a 76x76 image from the default resources for display on a
    929 high-density screen, the platform will pre-scale the image to 114x114
    930 internally. However, the API still reports the size of the image as 76x76. This
    931 discrepancy may cause unexpected behavior if your application somehow directly
    932 manipulates the scaled bitmap, but this was considered a reasonable trade-off to
    933 keep the performance of existing applications as good as possible.</p>
    935 <p>This does not apply for the case that an application creates an in-memory
    936 bitmap internally and draws something on it, for later display on the screen.
    937 The platform auto-scales such bitmaps on the fly, at draw time. Other side
    938 effects of such a case might be that fonts drawn in such a bitmap will be scaled
    939 at the bitmap level, when the off-screen bitmap is finally rendered to the
    940 display, resulting in scaling artifacts.</p>
    942 <p>There are situations in which you may not want Android to automatically scale
    943 a resource. The easiest way to accomplish this is to put it in a "nodpi"
    944 resource directory:</p>
    946 <p style="margin-left:2em;"><code>res/drawable-nodpi/icon.png</code></p>
    948 <p>You can also take complete control of the scaling mechanism by using the 
    949 {@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options BitmapFactory.Options} class,
    950 which lets you define whether you want the bitmap to be pre-scaled and what the
    951 density of the bitmap should be. For instance, if you are loading a bitmap from
    952 a web server, you may want to force the bitmap's density to be high density.
    953 When pre-scaling is disabled, the resulting bitmap is in auto-scaling mode. The
    954 bitmap is associated with a density (that you may or may not have specified
    955 through the <code>BitmapFactory.Options</code>) which will be used to scale the
    956 bitmap on screen <em>at drawing time</em>. 
    958 <p>Using auto-scaling instead of pre-scaling is more CPU expensive than
    959 pre-scaling but uses less memory. You can refer to the documentation of 
    960 {@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory BitmapFactory}, 
    961 {@link android.graphics.Bitmap Bitmap}, and 
    962 {@link android.graphics.Canvas Canvas} for more
    963 information on auto-scaling.</p>
    965 <p>Figure 3, at right, demonstrates the results of the pre-scale and auto-scale
    966 mechanisms when loading low (120), medium (160) and high (240) density bitmaps
    967 on a baseline screen. The differences are subtle, because all of the bitmaps are
    968 being scaled to match the current screen density, however the scaled bitmaps
    969 have slightly different appearances depending on whether they are pre-scaled or
    970 auto-scaled at draw time.</p>
    972 <h2 id="strategies">Strategies for Legacy Applications</h2>
    974 <p>If you have already developed and published an Android application based on
    975 Android 1.5 or earlier platform version, you need to consider how you will adapt
    976 your application so that it is deployable to </p>
    978 <ul>
    979 <li>Existing devices, which may be running Android 1.5 (or lower) platform
    980 version, as well as to </li>
    981 <li>Newer devices that are running Android 1.6 (or higher) and offering various
    982 screen sizes and resolutions</li>
    983 </ul>
    985 <p>To support the newer devices and the different screens they use, you might
    986 need to make some changes in your app, but at the same time your app may be very
    987 stable and so you want to minimize the changes. There are a variety of ways that
    988 you can extend your existing application to support new devices with multiple
    989 screens <em>and</em> existing devices running older platform versions. You
    990 should be able to make these changes to your application such that you can
    991 distribute a single .apk to any and all devices.</p>
    993 <p>The recommended strategy is to develop against the most recent version of the
    994 platform you are targeting, and test on the minimum one you want to run on.
    995 Here's how to do that:</p>
    997 <ol>
    998   <li>Maintain compatibility with existing devices by leaving your application's
    999 <code>android:minSdkVersion</code> attribute as it is. You <em>do not</em> need
   1000 to increment the value of the attribute to support new devices and multiple
   1001 screens. </li>
   1002   <li>Extend compatibility for Android 1.6 (and higher) devices by adding 
   1003 a new attribute &mdash; <code>android:targetSdkVersion</code> &mdash; to the
   1004 <code>uses-sdk</code> element. Set the value of the attribute to
   1005 "<code>4</code>". This allows your application to "inherit" the platform's
   1006 multiple screens support, even though it is technically using an earlier version
   1007 of the API. </li>
   1008   <li>Add an empty <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code> element as a child of
   1009 <code>&lt;manifest&gt;</code>. If you need to enable size or density attributes
   1010 later, this is where you will add them.</li>
   1011   <li>Change your application's build properties, such that it compiles against
   1012 the Android 1.6 (API Level 4) library, rather than against the Android 1.5 (or
   1013 earlier) library. You will not be able to compile your application against the
   1014 older platform because of the new manifest attribute. </li>
   1015   <li>Set up AVDs for testing your application on Android 1.6 and higher
   1016 releases. Create AVDs that use the screen sizes and densities that you want to
   1017 support. When you create the AVDs, make sure to select the Android 1.6 or higher
   1018 platform as the system image to run. For more information, see <a
   1019 href="#testing">How to Test Your Application on Multiple Screens</a>,
   1020 below.</li>
   1021   <li>Set up AVDs for testing your application on Android 1.5 (or earlier
   1022 platform). You need AVDs running the older platforms you are targeting, so that
   1023 you can test for compatibility and ensure that there are no functional
   1024 regressions. </li>
   1025   <li>Compile your application against the Android 1.6 library and run it on the
   1026 AVDs you created. Observe the way your application looks and runs, and test all
   1027 of the user interactions. </li>
   1028   <li>Debug any display or functional issues. For issues that you resolve in
   1029 your application code, <span style="color:red">make certain not to use any APIs
   1030 introduced in API Level 4 or later</span>. If you are in doubt, refer to SDK
   1031 reference documentation and look for the API Level specifier for the API you
   1032 want to use. Using an API introduced in API Level 4 or later will mean that your
   1033 application will no longer be compatible with devices running Android 1.5 or
   1034 earlier.</li>
   1035   <li>For resource-related issues, you can try resolving them by:
   1036     <ul>
   1037     <li>Adding a <code>anyDensity="false"</code> attribute to
   1038 <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code>, to enable density-compatibility
   1039 scaling.</li>
   1040     <li>Creating any size- or density-specific resources you need and placing
   1041 them in directories tagged with the <a href="#qualifiers">correct
   1042 qualifiers</a>. Qualifiers must be arranged in a proscribed order. See 
   1043 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">
   1044 Alternative Resources</a> for more information. </li>
   1045     <li>Note that if you add size- or density-specific resource directories
   1046 tagged with any of the resource qualifiers listed in this document, you should
   1047 make sure to also tag those directories with the <code>v&lt;api-level&gt;</code>
   1048 qualifier (for example, <code>-v4</code>). This ensures that those resources
   1049 will be ignored when the application is run on Android 1.5 or lower platform
   1050 versions.</p></li>
   1051     </ul>
   1052   </li>
   1053   <li>If your application does not offer support (such as custom layouts) for
   1054 large screens and you want the platform to display your application in
   1055 screen-compatibility mode on larger screens, add a
   1056 <code>largeScreens="false"</code> attribute to the
   1057 <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code> element in the manifest. See 
   1058 <a href="#compatibility-examples">Screen-Compatibility Examples</a> for
   1059 illustrations of how the platform displays your application in this case.</li>
   1060   <li>If your application does not offer support (such as custom layouts) for
   1061 small screens (such as on a QVGA low-density screen) and you do not want Android
   1062 Market to offer the application to users of small-screen devices, you
   1063 <em>must</em> add a <code>smallScreens="false"</code> attribute to the
   1064 <code>&lt;supports-screens&gt;</code> element. </li>
   1065   <li>Continue testing and debugging until your application performs as expected
   1066 on all of the platforms and screen sizes your application will support.</li>
   1067   <li>Export, zipalign, and sign your application using the same private key you
   1068 used when publishing the previous version, then publish the application to users
   1069 as an update. </li>
   1070 </ol>
   1072 <p>In particular, remember to test your application on an AVD that emulates a
   1073 small-screen device. Devices that offer screens with QVGA resolution at low
   1074 density are available now. Users of those devices may want to download your
   1075 application, so you should understand how your application will look and
   1076 function on a small-screen device. In many cases, the reduced screen area and
   1077 density mean that you may need to make tradeoffs in design, content, and
   1078 function on those devices. </p>
   1080 <h2 id="testing">How to Test Your Application on Multiple Screens</h2>
   1082 <p>Before publishing an application that supports multiple screens, you should
   1083 thoroughly test it in all of the targeted screen sizes and densities. You can
   1084 test how it displays with the platform's compatibility features enabled or with
   1085 screen-specific UI resources included in your application. The Android SDK
   1086 includes all the tools you need to test your application on any supported
   1087 screen.</p>
   1089 <!-- You can test in any minsdk, and you can test with compatabiltiy code or
   1090 not. Once you've tested your application and found that it displays properly on
   1091 various screen sizes, you should make sure to add the corresponding size
   1092 attribute(s) to your application's manifest. -->
   1094 <div id="f9.5" style="float:right;margin:0;padding:0;">
   1095   <img src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/avds-config.png" style="padding:0;margin:0;">
   1096   <p class="caption" style="margin:0 0 1.5em 1em;padding:0 0 0 1em;"><strong>Figure 4.</strong>
   1097   A typical set of AVDs for testing screens support.</p>
   1098 </div>
   1100 <p>As a test environment for your applications, set up a series of AVDs that
   1101 emulate the screen sizes and densities you want to support. The Android SDK
   1102 includes six emulator skins to get you started. You can use the Android AVD
   1103 Manager or the <code>android</code> tool to create AVDs that use the various
   1104 emulator skins and you can also set up custom AVDs to test densities other than
   1105 the defaults. For general information about working with AVDs, see 
   1106 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/avd.html">Android Virtual
   1107 Devices</a>.</p>
   1109 <p>The Android SDK provides a set of default emulator skins that you can use for 
   1110 testing. The skins are included as part of each Android platform that you can
   1111 install in your SDK. The Android 1.6 platform offers these default skins:</p>
   1113 <ul>
   1114   <li>
   1115     QVGA (240x320, low density, small screen)
   1116   </li>
   1117   <li>
   1118     HVGA (320x480, medium density, normal screen)
   1119   </li>
   1120   <li>
   1121     WVGA800 (480x800, high density, normal screen)
   1122   </li>
   1123   <li>
   1124     WVGA854 (480x854 high density, normal screen)
   1125   </li>
   1126 </ul>
   1128 <p>The Android 2.0 platform offers all of the Android 1.6 default skins, 
   1129 above, plus:</p>
   1131 <ul>
   1132   <li>
   1133     WQVGA400 (240x400, low density, normal screen)
   1134   </li>
   1135   <li>
   1136     WQVGA432 (240x432, low density, normal screen)
   1137   </li>
   1138 </ul>
   1140 <p>If you are using the <code>android</code> tool command line to create your
   1141 AVDs, here's an example of how to specify the skin you want to use:</p>
   1143 <pre>android create avd ... --skin WVGA800</pre>
   1145 <p>We also recommend that you test your application in an emulator that is set
   1146 up to run at a physical size that closely matches an actual device. This makes
   1147 it a lot easier to compare the results at various resolutions and densities. To
   1148 do so you will need to know the approximate density, in dpi, of your computer
   1149 monitor (a 30" Dell monitor has for instance a density of about 96 dpi.). Use
   1150 your monitor's dpi as the value of the <code>-scale</code> option, when
   1151 launching the emulator, for example:</p>
   1153 <pre>emulator -avd &lt;name&gt; -scale 96dpi</pre>
   1155 <p>If you are working in Eclipse with ADT, you can specify the <code>-scale
   1156 96dpi</code> option in the Target tab of run and debug configurations, under
   1157 "Additional Emulator Command Line Options" field. </p>
   1159 <p>Note that starting the emulator with the <code>-scale</code> option will
   1160 scale the entire emulator display, based on both the dpi of the skin and of your
   1161 monitor. The default emulator skins included in the Android SDK are listed
   1162 in <a href="#screens-table">Table 1</a>, earlier in this document.</p>
   1164 <div style="float: right;background-color:#fff;margin: 0;padding: 20px 0 20px 20px;width:520px;">
   1165   <img src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/avd-density.png" style="padding:0;margin:0;">
   1166   <p class="caption" style="margin:0 0 1.5em 1em;padding:0 0 0 1em; width:280px;"><strong>Figure 5.</strong>
   1167   Resolution and density options that you can use, when creating an AVD using the AVD Manager.</p>
   1168 </div>
   1170 <p>You should also make sure to test your application on different physical
   1171 screen sizes within a single size-density configuration. For example, to 
   1172 display this screen configuration on a 30" monitor you will need to adjust 
   1173 the value passed to <code>-scale</code> to 96*2.8/3.3 = 81dpi. You can also
   1174 pass a float value to <code>-scale</code> to specify your own scaling factor:</p>
   1176 <pre>emulator -avd &lt;name&gt; -scale 0.6</pre>
   1178 <p>If you would like to test your application on a screen that uses a resolution
   1179 or density not supported by the built-in skins, you can either adjust an
   1180 existing skin, or create an AVD that uses a custom resolution or density.</p>
   1182 <p>In the AVD Manager, you can specify a custom skin resolution or density in
   1183 the Create New AVD dialog, as shown in Figure 5, at right.</p>
   1185 <p>In the <code>android</code> tool, follow these steps to create an AVD with a
   1186 custom resolution or density:</p>
   1188 <ol>
   1189   <li>Use the <code>create avd</code> command to create a new AVD, specifying
   1190 the <code>--skin</code> option with a value that references either a default
   1191 skin name (such as "WVGA800") or a custom skin resolution (such as 240x432).
   1192 Here's an example:
   1193      <pre>android create avd -n &lt;name&gt; -t &lt;targetID&gt; --skin WVGA800</pre>
   1194   </li>
   1195   <li>To specify a custom density for the skin, answer "yes" when asked whether
   1196 you want to create a custom hardware profile for the new AVD.</li>
   1197   <li>Continue through the various profile settings until the tool asks you to
   1198 specify "Abstracted LCD density" (<em>hw.lcd.density</em>). Enter an appropriate
   1199 value, such as "120" for a low-density screen, "160" for a medium density screen,
   1200 or "240" for a high-density screen.</li>
   1201   <li>Set any other hardware options and complete the AVD creation.</li>
   1202 </ol>
   1204 <p>In the example above (WVGA medium density), the new AVD will emulate a 5.8" 
   1205 WVGA screen.</p>
   1207 <p>As an alternative to adjusting the emulator skin configuration, you can use
   1208 the emulator skin's default density and add the <code>-dpi-device</code> option
   1209 to the emulator command line when starting the AVD. For example, </p>
   1211 <pre>emulator -avd WVGA800 -scale 96dpi -dpi-device 160</pre>
   1214 <h2 id="compatibility-examples">Screen-Compatibility Examples</h2>
   1216 <p>This section provides examples of how the Android platform displays an
   1217 application written for the baseline screen configuration &mdash; HVGA (320x480)
   1218 resolution on a 3.2" screen &mdash; with all of the platform's size- and
   1219 density-compatibility features enabled. That is, the examples show how 
   1220 the platform displays an application that doesn't provide built-in support 
   1221 for the screen on which it is being rendered, but which instead relies completely
   1222 on the platform.</p>
   1224 <p>The platform's screen-compatibility features are designed to provide such 
   1225 an application with a virtual baseline screen environment against which to run, 
   1226 while at the same time ensuring for the user a physical display that is 
   1227 approximately the same as the baseline screen size and density. </p>
   1229 <p>Legacy applications that have not been modified to support multiple
   1230 screens would be typical examples of such applications. In most cases, 
   1231 you would want to add multiple-screens support to a legacy application and
   1232 publish an updated version, as described in <a href="#strategies">Strategies
   1233 for Legacy Applications</a>. However, if you did not do so, the 
   1234 platform still performs best-effort rendering of your application, as
   1235 illustrated below.</p>
   1237 <p> Internally, these are the compatibility features that the platform
   1238 provides, based on the current device screen:</p>
   1240   <ul>
   1241     <li>
   1242       If the device's screen density is <em>not medium</em>, the application's
   1243 layout and drawing of its content is as if the screen <em>is</em> medium density, but the
   1244 framework scales the layout and images (if the image for the target density is
   1245 not available) to fit the target density. It scales 1.5 times if the target
   1246 density is high density (160-&gt;240 virtual dpi), or 0.75 times if the target
   1247 density is low density (160 -&gt; 120 virtual dpi).
   1248     </li>
   1249     <li>
   1250       If the device's screen size is <em>small</em>, there are few options
   1251 options for making Android 1.5 applications work well on such a screen, so 
   1252 Android Market will filter applications that are not known to support these
   1253 screens from the device. 
   1254     </li>
   1255     <li>
   1256       If the device's screen size is <em>large</em>, it limits the application's
   1257 screen to the normal size and draws a black background around the application.
   1258 For example, if an application supports high density, but does not support large
   1259 screens, it only uses a 480x720 area of the screen and the rest will be filled
   1260 with a black background (see example below).
   1261     </li>
   1262   </ul>
   1264 <table style="width:10%;margin-left:.5em;">
   1265   <tr>
   1266     <td>
   1267       HVGA, normal size, normal density<br>
   1268       [ emulator -skin HVGA ]<br>
   1269       <img height=149 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_15dcsvrscg_b.png" width=225>
   1270     </td>
   1271     <td>
   1272        WVGA, normal size, high density<br>
   1273       [emulator -skin WVGA854 -dpi-device 240]<br>
   1274       <img height=143 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_18c6mhm3cm_b.png" width=254><br>
   1275       <p>The application occupies full screen as its considered to be normal size. (close to 480x720)</p>
   1276     </td>
   1277   </tr>
   1278   <tr>
   1279     <td>
   1280       VGA, large size, medium density<br>
   1281       [ emulator -skin 640x480 ]<br>
   1282       <img height=243 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_14fj6dhsc3_b.png" width=324>
   1283       <p>The application occupies 320x480 of VGA.</p>
   1284     </td>
   1285     <td>
   1286       SVGA, large size, high density<br>
   1287       [ emulator -skin 800x600 -dpi-device 240]<br>
   1288       <img height=223 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_19c743p6cr_b.png" width=294>
   1289       <p>The application occupies 480x720 (=1.5 x [320x480]) of 800x600.</p>
   1290     </td>
   1291   </tr>
   1292 </table>
   1295 <h3>Screen-compatibility limitations on small, low-density screens</h3>
   1297 <p>Because these device has smaller state/resolution, there are known
   1298 limitations when application runs in compatibility mode.</p>
   1300 <h4>QVGA</h4>
   1302 <p>Because QVGA (240x320) screens have less screen area available and lower
   1303 density than normal, which is 240x360 in low density, some applications cannot
   1304 render all their content properly on those screens.&nbsp; As a result, on a QVGA
   1305 device, Android Market will filter out all applications that do not declare they
   1306 support small screens.</p>
   1308 <p>Examples:</p>
   1310 <table style="width:10%;margin-left:.5em;">
   1311   <tr>
   1312     <td>The part of z value graph is chopped.</td>
   1313     <td>The lap time area is chopped.<br></td>
   1314   </tr>
   1315   <tr>
   1316     <td><img height=207 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_16g95wjqg3_b.png" width="155"></td>
   1317     <td><img height=186 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_17p2w4txgc_b.png" width="139"></td>
   1318   </tr>
   1319 </table>
   1322 <h4>Images with 1 pixel height/width.</h4>
   1324 <p>If an image has 1 pixel height or width, it may not be shown on the screen
   1325 due to rounding issue. This is inevitable as it just does not have enough
   1326 pixels.</p>
   1328 <p>For example, in the screen below, the divider in the menu is invisible
   1329 because the width of the image is trancated to 0. (This particular problem is
   1330 solvable because menu is handled inside framework, but there is no generic
   1331 solution as it just does not have enough pixels.)</p>
   1333 <img height=222 src="{@docRoot}images/screens_support/afdvfckr9j_20fvptbbdd_b.png" width=166>