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      1 page.title=<service>
      2 @jd:body
      4 <dl class="xml">
      5 <dt>syntax:</dt>
      6 <dd><pre class="stx">&lt;service android:<a href="#enabled">enabled</a>=["true" | "false"]
      7          android:<a href="#exported">exported[</a>="true" | "false"]
      8          android:<a href="#icon">icon</a>="<i>drawable resource</i>"
      9          android:<a href="#label">label</a>="<i>string resource</i>"
     10          android:<a href="#nm">name</a>="<i>string</i>"
     11          android:<a href="#prmsn">permission</a>="<i>string</i>"
     12          android:<a href="#proc">process</a>="<i>string</i>" &gt;
     13     . . .
     14 &lt;/service&gt;</pre></dd>
     16 <dt>contained in:</dt>
     17 <dd><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code></dd>
     19 <dt>can contain:</dt>
     20 <dd><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html">&lt;intent-filter&gt;</a></code>
     21 <br/><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/meta-data-element.html">&lt;meta-data&gt;</a></code></dd>
     23 <dt>description:</dt>
     24 <dd>Declares a service (a {@link android.app.Service} subclass) as one 
     25 of the application's components.  Unlike activities, services lack a 
     26 visual user interface.  They're used to implement long-running background 
     27 operations or a rich communications API that can be called by other 
     28 applications.
     30 <p>
     31 All services must be represented by {@code &lt;service&gt;} elements in 
     32 the manifest file.  Any that are not declared there will not be seen 
     33 by the system and will never be run.
     34 </p></dd>
     36 <dt>attributes:</dt>
     37 <dd><dl class="attr">
     38 <dt><a name="enabled"></a>{@code android:enabled}</dt>
     39 <dd>Whether or not the service can be instantiated by the system &mdash; 
     40 "{@code true}" if it can be, and "{@code false}" if not.  The default value 
     41 is "{@code true}".
     43 <p>
     44 The <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element has its own 
     45 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#enabled">enabled</a></code> attribute that applies to all 
     46 application components, including services.  The 
     47 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> and {@code &lt;service&gt;} 
     48 attributes must both be "{@code true}" (as they both
     49 are by default) for the service to be enabled.  If either is 
     50 "{@code false}", the service is disabled; it cannot be instantiated.
     51 </p></dd>
     53 <dt><a name="exported"></a>{@code android:exported}</dt>
     54 <dd>Whether or not components of other applications can invoke 
     55 the service or interact with it &mdash; "{@code true}" if they can, and 
     56 "{@code false}" if not.  When the value is "{@code false}", only 
     57 components of the same application or applications 
     58 with the same user ID can start the service or bind to it.
     60 <p>
     61 The default value depends on whether the service contains intent filters.  The 
     62 absence of any filters means that it can be invoked only by specifying 
     63 its exact class name.  This implies that the service is intended only for 
     64 application-internal use (since others would not know the class name).  So in 
     65 this case, the default value is "{@code false}".
     66 On the other hand, the presence of at least one filter implies that the service 
     67 is intended for external use, so the default value is "{@code true}".
     68 </p>
     70 <p>
     71 This attribute is not the only way to limit the exposure of a service to other
     72 applications.  You can also use a permission to limit the external entities that 
     73 can interact with the service (see the <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html#prmsn">permission</a></code> 
     74 attribute).
     75 </p></dd>
     77 <dt><a name="icon"></a>{@code android:icon}</dt>
     78 <dd>An icon representing the service.  This attribute must be set as a 
     79 reference to a drawable resource containing the image definition.  
     80 If it is not set, the icon specified for the application 
     81 as a whole is used instead (see the <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> 
     82 element's <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#icon">icon</a></code> attribute).
     83 </p>
     85 <p>
     86 The service's icon &mdash; whether set here or by the 
     87 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element &mdash; is also the 
     88 default icon for all the service's intent filters (see the 
     89 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html">&lt;intent-filter&gt;</a></code> element's 
     90 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html#icon">icon</a></code> attribute).
     91 </p></dd> 
     93 <dt><a name="label"></a>{@code android:label}</dt>
     94 <dd>A name for the service that can be displayed to users.  
     95 If this attribute is not set, the label set for the application as a whole is 
     96 used instead (see the <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element's 
     97 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#label">label</a></code> attribute).
     99 <p>
    100 The service's label &mdash; whether set here or by the 
    101 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element &mdash; is also the 
    102 default label for all the service's intent filters (see the 
    103 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html">&lt;intent-filter&gt;</a></code> element's 
    104 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/intent-filter-element.html#label">label</a></code> attribute). 
    105 </p>
    107 <p>
    108 The label should be set as a reference to a string resource, so that
    109 it can be localized like other strings in the user interface.  
    110 However, as a convenience while you're developing the application, 
    111 it can also be set as a raw string.
    112 </p></dd>
    114 <dt><a name="nm"></a>{@code android:name}</dt>
    115 <dd>The name of the {@link android.app.Service} subclass that implements 
    116 the service.  This should be a fully qualified class name (such as, 
    117 "{@code com.example.project.RoomService}").  However, as a shorthand, if 
    118 the first character of the name is a period (for example, "{@code .RoomService}"),
    119 it is appended to the package name specified in the 
    120 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html">&lt;manifest&gt;</a></code> element.  
    122 <p>
    123 There is no default.  The name must be specified.
    124 </p></dd>
    126 <dt><a name="prmsn"></a>{@code android:permission}</dt>
    127 <dd>The name of a permission that that an entity must have in order to 
    128 launch the service or bind to it.  If a caller of 
    129 <code>{@link android.content.Context#startService startService()}</code>,
    130 <code>{@link android.content.Context#bindService bindService()}</code>, or
    131 <code>{@link android.content.Context#stopService stopService()}</code>,
    132 has not been granted this permission, the method will not work and the
    133 Intent object will not be delivered to the service.
    135 <p>
    136 If this attribute is not set, the permission set by the 
    137 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element's
    138 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#prmsn">permission</a></code> 
    139 attribute applies to the service.  If neither attribute is set, the service is
    140 not protected by a permission.
    141 </p>
    143 <p>
    144 For more information on permissions, see the 
    145 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html#sectperm">Permissions</a> 
    146 section in the introduction and a separate document, 
    147 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/security/security.html">Security and Permissions</a>.
    148 </p></dd>
    150 <dt><a name="proc"></a>{@code android:process}</dt>
    151 <dd>The name of the process where the service is to run.  Normally, 
    152 all components of an application run in the default process created for the 
    153 application.  It has the same name as the application package.  The 
    154 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code> element's 
    155 <code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#proc">process</a></code> 
    156 attribute can set a different 
    157 default for all components.  But component can override the default
    158 with its own {@code process} attribute, allowing you to spread your 
    159 application across multiple processes.
    161 <p>
    162 If the name assigned to this attribute begins with a colon (':'), a new 
    163 process, private to the application, is created when it's needed and 
    164 the service runs in that process.
    165 If the process name begins with a lowercase character, the service will run 
    166 in a global process of that name, provided that it has permission to do so.
    167 This allows components in different applications to share a process, reducing 
    168 resource usage.
    169 </p></dd>
    170 </dl></dd>
    172 <dt>see also:</dt>
    173 <dd><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">&lt;application&gt;</a></code>
    174 <br><code><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">&lt;activity&gt;</a></code></dd>
    176 <!-- ##api level indication## -->
    177 <dt>introduced in:</dt>
    178 <dd>API Level 1</dd>
    180 </dl>