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      1 page.title=Creating Status Bar Notifications
      2 parent.title=Notifying the User
      3 parent.link=index.html
      4 @jd:body
      6 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      7   <div id="qv">
      8     <h2>Quickview</h2>
      9     <ul>
     10       <li>A status bar notification allows your application to notify the user of an event
     11 without interupting their current activity</li>
     12       <li>You can attach an intent to your notification that the system will initiate when the
     13 user clicks it</li>
     14     </ul>
     16     <h2>In this document</h2>
     17     <ol>
     18       <li><a href="#Basics">The Basics</a></li>
     19       <li><a href="#ManageYourNotifications">Managing your Notifications</a></li>
     20       <li><a href="#CreateANotification">Creating a Notification</a>
     21         <ol>
     22           <li><a href="#Updating">Updating the notification</a></li>
     23           <li><a href="#Sound">Adding a sound</a></li>
     24           <li><a href="#Vibration">Adding vibration</a></li>
     25           <li><a href="#Lights">Adding flashing lights</a></li>
     26           <li><a href="#More">More features</a></li>
     27         </ol>
     28       </li>
     29       <li><a href="#CustomExpandedView">Creating a Custom Expanded View</a></li>
     30     </ol>
     31     <h2>Key classes</h2>
     32     <ol>
     33       <li>{@link android.app.Notification}</li>
     34       <li>{@link android.app.NotificationManager}</li>
     35     </ol>
     36   </div>
     37 </div>
     39 <p>A status bar notification adds an icon to the system's status bar 
     40 (with an optional ticker-text message) and an expanded message in the "Notifications" window.
     41 When the user selects the expanded message, Android fires an 
     42 {@link android.content.Intent} that is defined by the notification (usually to launch an 
     43 {@link android.app.Activity}).
     44 You can also configure the notification to alert the user with a sound, a vibration, and flashing
     45 lights on the device.</p>
     47 <p>A status bar notification should be used for any case in
     48 which a background Service needs to alert the user about an event that requires a response. A background Service 
     49 <strong>should never</strong> launch an Activity on its own in order to receive user interaction.
     50 The Service should instead create a status bar notification that will launch the Activity
     51 when selected by the user.</p>
     53 <p>The screenshot below shows the status bar with a notification icon on the left side.</p>
     54 <img src="{@docRoot}images/status_bar.png" alt="" />
     56 <p>The next screenshot shows the notification's expanded message in the "Notifications" window.
     57 The user can reveal the Notifications window by pulling down the status bar
     58 (or selecting <em>Notifications</em> from the Home options menu).</p>
     59 <img src="{@docRoot}images/notifications_window.png" alt="" />
     62 <h2 id="Basics">The Basics</h2>
     64 <p>An {@link android.app.Activity} or {@link android.app.Service} can initiate a status bar 
     65 notification. Because an Activity can perform actions only while it is
     66 active and in focus, you should create your status bar notifications from a 
     67 Service. This way, the notification can be created from the background, 
     68 while the user is using another application or
     69 while the device is asleep. To create a notification, you must use two
     70 classes: {@link android.app.Notification} and {@link android.app.NotificationManager}.</p>
     72 <p>Use an instance of the {@link android.app.Notification} class to define the properties of your 
     73 status bar notification, such as the status bar icon, the expanded message, and extra settings such 
     74 as a sound to play. The {@link android.app.NotificationManager} is an Android system service that 
     75 executes and manages all Notifications. You do not instantiate the NotificationManager. In order
     76 to give it your Notification, you must retrieve a reference to the NotificationManager with
     77 {@link android.app.Activity#getSystemService(String) getSystemService()} and 
     78 then, when you want to notify the user, pass it your Notification object with 
     79 {@link android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int,Notification) notify()}. </p>
     81 <p>To create a status bar notification:</p>
     82 <ol>
     83   <li>Get a reference to the NotificationManager:
     84 <pre>
     85 String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE;
     86 NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns);
     87 </pre>
     88   </li>
     89   <li>Instantiate the Notification:
     90 <pre>
     91 int icon = R.drawable.notification_icon;
     92 CharSequence tickerText = "Hello";
     93 long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
     95 Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when);
     96 </pre>
     97   </li>
     98   <li>Define the Notification's expanded message and Intent:
     99 <pre>
    100 Context context = getApplicationContext();
    101 CharSequence contentTitle = "My notification";
    102 CharSequence contentText = "Hello World!";
    103 Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MyClass.class);
    104 PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
    106 notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, contentIntent);
    107 </pre>
    108   </li>
    109   <li>Pass the Notification to the NotificationManager:
    110 <pre>
    111 private static final int HELLO_ID = 1;
    113 mNotificationManager.notify(HELLO_ID, notification);
    114 </pre>
    115   <p>That's it. Your user has now been notified.</p>
    116   </li>
    117 </ol>
    120 <h2 id="ManageYourNotifications">Managing your Notifications</h2>
    122 <p>The {@link android.app.NotificationManager} is a system service that manages all
    123 notifications. You must retrieve a reference to it with the
    124 {@link android.app.Activity#getSystemService(String) getSystemService()} method. 
    125 For example:</p>
    126 <pre>
    127 String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE;
    128 NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns);
    129 </pre>
    131 <p>When you want to send your status bar notification, pass the Notification object
    132 to the NotificationManager with {@link android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int,Notification)}. 
    133 The first parameter is the unique ID for the Notification and the second is the Notification object.
    134 The ID uniquely identifies the Notification from within your
    135 application. This is necessary if you need to update the Notification or (if
    136 your application manages different kinds of Notifications) select the appropriate action
    137 when the user returns to your application via the Intent defined in the Notification.</p>
    139 <p>To clear the status bar notification when the user selects it from the Notifications
    140 window, add the "FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL" flag to your Notification object. You can also clear it
    141 manually with {@link android.app.NotificationManager#cancel(int)}, passing it the notification ID,
    142 or clear all your Notifications with {@link android.app.NotificationManager#cancelAll()}.</p>
    145 <h2 id="CreateANotification">Creating a Notification</h2>
    147 <p>A {@link android.app.Notification} object defines the details of the notification
    148 message that is displayed in the status bar and "Notifications" window, and any other
    149 alert settings, such as sounds and blinking lights.</p>
    151 <p>A status bar notification <em>requires</em> all of the following:</p>
    152 <ul>
    153   <li>An icon for the status bar</li>
    154   <li>A title and expanded message for the expanded view (unless you define a 
    155     <a href="#CustomExpandedView">custom expanded view</a>)</li>
    156   <li>A {@link android.app.PendingIntent}, to be fired when the notification is selected</li>
    157 </ul>
    158 <p>Optional settings for the status bar notification include:</p>
    159 <ul>
    160   <li>A ticker-text message for the status bar</li>
    161   <li>An alert sound</li>
    162   <li>A vibrate setting</li>
    163   <li>A flashing LED setting</li>
    164 </ul>
    166 <p>The starter-kit for a new Notification includes the 
    167 {@link android.app.Notification#Notification(int,CharSequence,long)} constructor and the 
    168 {@link android.app.Notification#setLatestEventInfo(Context,CharSequence,CharSequence,PendingIntent)} 
    169 method. These define all the required settings for a Notification. 
    170 The following snippet demonstrates a basic Notification setup:</p>
    171 <pre>
    172 int icon = R.drawable.notification_icon;        // icon from resources
    173 CharSequence tickerText = "Hello";              // ticker-text
    174 long when = System.currentTimeMillis();         // notification time
    175 Context context = getApplicationContext();      // application Context
    176 CharSequence contentTitle = "My notification";  // expanded message title
    177 CharSequence contentText = "Hello World!";      // expanded message text
    179 Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MyClass.class);
    180 PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
    182 // the next two lines initialize the Notification, using the configurations above
    183 Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when);
    184 notification.setLatestEventInfo(context, contentTitle, contentText, contentIntent);
    185 </pre>
    188 <h3 id="Updating">Updating the notification</h3>
    190 <p>You can update the information in your status bar notification as events 
    191 continue to occur in your application. For example, when a new SMS text message arrives 
    192 before previous messages have been read, the Messaging application updates the existing 
    193 notification to display the total number of new messages received.
    194 This practice of updating an existing Notification is much better than adding new Notifications 
    195 to the NotificationManager because it avoids clutter in the Notifications window.</p>
    197 <p>Because each notification is uniquely identified
    198 by the NotificationManager with an integer ID, you can revise the notification by calling
    199 {@link android.app.Notification#setLatestEventInfo(Context,CharSequence,CharSequence,PendingIntent)
    200 setLatestEventInfo()} with new values, change some field values of the Notification, and then call
    201 {@link android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int,Notification) notify()} again.</p>
    203 <p>You can revise each property with the object member fields
    204 (except for the Context and the expanded message title and text). You should always 
    205 revise the text message when you update the notification by calling
    206 {@link android.app.Notification#setLatestEventInfo(Context,CharSequence,CharSequence,PendingIntent)
    207 setLatestEventInfo()} with new values for <var>contentTitle</var> and <var>contentText</var>. 
    208 Then call {@link android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int,Notification) notify()} to update the 
    209 notification. (Of course, if you've created a <a href="#CustomExpandedView">custom expanded 
    210 view</a>, then updating these title and text values has no effect.)</p>
    213 <h3 id="Sound">Adding a sound</h3>
    215 <p>You can alert the user with the default notification sound 
    216 (which is defined by the user) or with a sound specified by your application.</p>
    218 <p>To use the user's default sound, add "DEFAULT_SOUND" to the <var>defaults</var> field:</p>
    219 <pre>
    220 notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
    221 </pre>
    223 <p>To use a different sound with your notifications, pass a Uri reference to the
    224 <var>sound</var> field.
    225 The following example uses a known audio file saved to the device SD card:</p>
    226 <pre>
    227 notification.sound = Uri.parse("file:///sdcard/notification/ringer.mp3");
    228 </pre>
    230 <p>In the next example, the audio file is chosen from the internal 
    231 {@link android.provider.MediaStore.Audio.Media MediaStore}'s {@link android.content.ContentProvider}:</p>
    232 <pre>
    233 notification.sound = Uri.withAppendedPath(Audio.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, "6");
    234 </pre>
    236 <p>In this case, the exact ID of the media file ("6") is known and appended to the content 
    237 {@link android.net.Uri}. If you don't know the exact ID, you must query all the
    238 media available in the MediaStore with a {@link android.content.ContentResolver}. 
    239 See the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html">Content Providers</a>
    240 documentation for more information on using a ContentResolver.</p>
    242 <p>If you want the sound to continuously repeat until the user responds to the notification
    243 or the notification is cancelled, add "FLAG_INSISTENT" to the <var>flags</var> field.</p>
    245 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If the <var>defaults</var> field includes 
    246 "DEFAULT_SOUND", then the default sound overrides any sound defined by the <var>sound</var> field.</p>
    249 <h3 id="Vibration">Adding vibration</h3>
    251 <p>You can alert the user with the the default 
    252 vibration pattern or with a vibration pattern defined by your application.</p>
    254 <p>To use the default pattern, add "DEFAULT_VIBRATE" to the <var>defaults</var> field:</p>
    255 <pre>
    256 notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;
    257 </pre>
    259 <p>To define your own vibration pattern, pass an array of <em>long</em> values to the
    260 <var>vibrate</var> field:</p>
    261 <pre>
    262 long[] vibrate = {0,100,200,300};
    263 notification.vibrate = vibrate;
    264 </pre>
    266 <p>The long array defines the alternating pattern for the length of vibration off and on
    267 (in milliseconds). The first value is how long to wait (off) before beginning, the second 
    268 value is the length of the first vibration, the third is the next length off, and so on. 
    269 The pattern can be as long as you like, but it can't be set to repeat.
    270 </p>
    272 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If the <var>defaults</var> field includes 
    273 "DEFAULT_VIBRATE", then the default vibration overrides any vibration defined by the 
    274 <var>vibrate</var> field.</p>
    277 <h3 id="Lights">Adding flashing lights</h3>
    279 <p>To alert the user by flashing LED lights, you can implement the default 
    280 light pattern (if available), or define your own color and pattern for the lights.</p>
    282 <p>To use the default light setting, add "DEFAULT_LIGHTS" to the <var>defaults</var> field:</p>
    283 <pre>
    284 notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;
    285 </pre>
    287 <p>To define your own color and pattern, define a value for the <var>ledARGB</var> field
    288 (for the color), the <var>ledOffMS</var> field (length of time, in milliseconds, to 
    289 keep the light off), the <var>ledOnMS</var> (length of time, in milliseconds, to keep the light on), 
    290 and also add "FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS" to the <var>flags</var> field:</p>
    291 <pre>
    292 notification.ledARGB = 0xff00ff00;
    293 notification.ledOnMS = 300;
    294 notification.ledOffMS = 1000;
    295 notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS;
    296 </pre>
    298 <p>In this example, the green light repeatedly flashes on for 300 milliseconds and 
    299 turns off for one second. Not every color in the spectrum is supported by the 
    300 device LEDs, and not every device supports the same colors, so the hardware 
    301 estimates to the best of its ability. Green is the most common notification color.</p>
    304 <h3 id="More">More features</h3>
    306 <p>You can add several more features to your notifications
    307 using Notification fields and flags. Some useful features include the following:</p>
    309 <dl>
    310   <dt>"FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL" flag</dt>
    311   <dd>Add this to the <var>flags</var> field to automatically cancel the notification
    312   after it is selected from the Notifications window.</dd>
    313   <dt>"FLAG_INSISTENT" flag</dt>
    314   <dd>Add this to the <var>flags</var> field to repeat the audio until the
    315   user responds.</dd>
    316   <dt>"FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT" flag</dt>
    317   <dd>Add this to the <var>flags</var> field to group the notification under the "Ongoing"
    318   title in the Notifications window. This indicates that the application is on-going &mdash;
    319   its processes is still running in the background, even when the application is not 
    320   visible (such as with music or a phone call).</dd>
    321   <dt>"FLAG_NO_CLEAR" flag</dt>
    322   <dd>Add this to the <var>flags</var> field to indicate that the notification should 
    323   <em>not</em> be cleared by the "Clear notifications" button. This is particularly useful if 
    324   your notification is on-going.</dd>
    325   <dt><var>number</var> field</dt>
    326   <dd>This value indicates the current number of events represented by the notification.
    327   The appropriate number is overlaid on top of the status bar icon.
    328   If you intend to use this field, then you must start with "1" when the Notification is first
    329   created. (If you change the value from zero to anything greater during an update, the number
    330   is not shown.)</dd>
    331   <dt><var>iconLevel</var> field</dt>
    332   <dd>This value indicates the current level of a 
    333   {@link android.graphics.drawable.LevelListDrawable} that is used for the notification icon.
    334   You can animate the icon in the status bar by changing this value to correlate with the 
    335   drawable's defined in a LevelListDrawable. See the {@link android.graphics.drawable.LevelListDrawable}
    336   reference for more information.</dd>
    337 </dl>
    339 <p>See the {@link android.app.Notification} class reference for more information about additional 
    340 features that you can customize for your application.</p>
    343 <h2 id="CustomExpandedView">Creating a Custom Expanded View</h2>
    345 <img src="{@docRoot}images/custom_message.png" alt="" style="float:right;" />
    347 <p>By default, the expanded view used in the "Notifications" window includes a basic title and text 
    348 message. These are defined by the <var>contentTitle</var> and <var>contentText</var>
    349 parameters of the {@link android.app.Notification#setLatestEventInfo(Context,CharSequence,CharSequence,PendingIntent)
    350 setLatestEventInfo()} method. However, you can also define a custom layout for the expanded view using 
    351 {@link android.widget.RemoteViews}. The screenshot to the right shows an example of a
    352 custom expanded view that uses an ImageView and TextView in a LinearLayout.</p>
    354 <p>To define your own layout for the expanded message,
    355 instantiate a {@link android.widget.RemoteViews} object and
    356 pass it to the <var>contentView</var> field of your Notification. Pass the
    357 {@link android.app.PendingIntent} to the <var>contentIntent</var> field.</p>
    359 <p>Creating a custom expanded view is best understood with an example:</p>
    361 <ol>
    362   <li>Create the XML layout for the expanded view.
    363     For example, create a layout file called <code>custom_notification_layout.xml</code> and 
    364     build it like so:
    365 <pre>
    366 &lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    367               android:orientation="horizontal"
    368               android:layout_width="fill_parent"
    369               android:layout_height="fill_parent"
    370               android:padding="3dp"
    371               >
    372     &lt;ImageView android:id="@+id/image"
    373               android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    374               android:layout_height="fill_parent"
    375               android:layout_marginRight="10dp"
    376               />
    377     &lt;TextView android:id="@+id/text"
    378               android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    379               android:layout_height="fill_parent"
    380               android:textColor="#000"
    381               />
    382 &lt;/LinearLayout>
    383 </pre>
    385     <p>This layout is used for the expanded view,
    386     but the content of the ImageView and TextView still needs to be defined by the application.
    387     RemoteViews offers some convenient methods that allow you to define this content...</p>
    388   </li>
    390   <li>In the application code, use the RemoveViews 
    391     methods to define the image and text. Then pass the RemoteViews object to the <var>contentView</var>
    392     field of the Notification, as shown in this example:
    393 <pre>
    394 RemoteViews contentView = new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.custom_notification_layout);
    395 contentView.setImageViewResource(R.id.image, R.drawable.notification_image);
    396 contentView.setTextViewText(R.id.text, "Hello, this message is in a custom expanded view");
    397 notification.contentView = contentView;
    398 </pre>
    400     <p>As shown here, pass the application's package name and the layout 
    401     resource ID to the RemoteViews constructor. Then, define the content for the ImageView and TextView,
    402     using the {@link android.widget.RemoteViews#setImageViewResource(int, int) setImageViewResource()}
    403     and {@link android.widget.RemoteViews#setTextViewText(int, CharSequence) setTextViewText()}.
    404     In each case, pass the reference ID of the appropriate View object that you want to set, along with
    405     the value for that View. Finally, the RemoteViews object is passed to the Notification in the 
    406     <var>contentView</var> field.</p>
    407   </li>
    409   <li>Because you don't need the
    410     {@link android.app.Notification#setLatestEventInfo(Context,CharSequence,CharSequence,PendingIntent)
    411     setLatestEventInfo()} method when using a custom view, you must define the Intent for the Notification
    412     with the <var>contentIntent</var> field, as in this example:
    413 <pre>
    414 Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, MyClass.class);
    415 PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0);
    416 notification.contentIntent = contentIntent;
    417 </pre>
    418   </li>
    420   <li>The notification can now be sent as usual:
    421     <pre>mNotificationManager.notify(CUSTOM_VIEW_ID, notification);</pre>
    422   </li>
    423 </ol>
    426 <p>The RemoteViews class also includes methods that you can use to easily add a 
    427 {@link android.widget.Chronometer} or {@link android.widget.ProgressBar} 
    428 in your notification's expanded view. For more information about creating custom layouts with 
    429 RemoteViews, refer to the {@link android.widget.RemoteViews} class reference.</p>
    431 <p class="warning"><strong>Note:</strong>
    432 When creating a custom expanded view, you must take special care to ensure that your 
    433 custom layout functions properly in different device orientations and resolutions. While this 
    434 advice applies to all View layouts created on Android, it is especially important in this case
    435 because your layout real estate is very restricted. So don't make your custom layout too 
    436 complex and be sure to test it in various configurations.</p>