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     43     <table class="diffspectable">
     44       <tr>
     45         <td colspan="2" class="diffspechead">API Diff Specification</td>
     46       </tr>
     47       <tr>
     48         <td class="diffspec" style="padding-top:.25em">To Level:</td>
     49         <td class="diffvaluenew" style="padding-top:.25em">7</td>
     50       </tr>
     51       <tr>
     52         <td class="diffspec">From Level:</td>
     53         <td class="diffvalueold">6</td>
     54       </tr>
     55       <tr>
     56         <td class="diffspec">Generated</td>
     57         <td class="diffvalue">2009.12.18 22:29</td>
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     73 <H2>
     74 Package <A HREF="../../../../reference/android/media/package-summary.html" target="_top"><font size="+1"><code>android.media</code></font></A>
     75 </H2>
     76 <p>
     77 <a NAME="Changed"></a>
     78 <TABLE summary="Changed Classes" WIDTH="100%">
     79 <TR>
     80   <TH VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2>Changed Classes</FONT></TD>
     81 </TH>
     82 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
     83   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
     84   <A NAME="MediaRecorder.AudioSource"></A>
     85   <nobr><A HREF="android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioSource.html">MediaRecorder.AudioSource</A></nobr>
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     87   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
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