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      1 //
      2 // Copyright 2005 The Android Open Source Project
      3 //
      4 // Handle events, like key input and vsync.
      5 //
      6 // The goal is to provide an optimized solution for Linux, not an
      7 // implementation that works well across all platforms.  We expect
      8 // events to arrive on file descriptors, so that we can use a select()
      9 // select() call to sleep.
     10 //
     11 // We can't select() on anything but network sockets in Windows, so we
     12 // provide an alternative implementation of waitEvent for that platform.
     13 //
     14 #define LOG_TAG "EventHub"
     16 //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
     18 #include <ui/EventHub.h>
     19 #include <ui/KeycodeLabels.h>
     20 #include <hardware_legacy/power.h>
     22 #include <cutils/properties.h>
     23 #include <utils/Log.h>
     24 #include <utils/Timers.h>
     25 #include <utils/threads.h>
     26 #include <utils/Errors.h>
     28 #include <stdlib.h>
     29 #include <stdio.h>
     30 #include <unistd.h>
     31 #include <fcntl.h>
     32 #include <memory.h>
     33 #include <errno.h>
     34 #include <assert.h>
     36 #include "KeyLayoutMap.h"
     38 #include <string.h>
     39 #include <stdint.h>
     40 #include <dirent.h>
     41 #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY
     42 # include <sys/inotify.h>
     43 #endif
     44 #ifdef HAVE_ANDROID_OS
     45 # include <sys/limits.h>        /* not part of Linux */
     46 #endif
     47 #include <sys/poll.h>
     48 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
     50 /* this macro is used to tell if "bit" is set in "array"
     51  * it selects a byte from the array, and does a boolean AND
     52  * operation with a byte that only has the relevant bit set.
     53  * eg. to check for the 12th bit, we do (array[1] & 1<<4)
     54  */
     55 #define test_bit(bit, array)    (array[bit/8] & (1<<(bit%8)))
     57 /* this macro computes the number of bytes needed to represent a bit array of the specified size */
     58 #define sizeof_bit_array(bits)  ((bits + 7) / 8)
     60 #define ID_MASK  0x0000ffff
     61 #define SEQ_MASK 0x7fff0000
     62 #define SEQ_SHIFT 16
     64 #ifndef ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR
     65 #define ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR      0x30    /* Major axis of touching ellipse */
     66 #endif
     68 #ifndef ABS_MT_POSITION_X
     69 #define ABS_MT_POSITION_X       0x35    /* Center X ellipse position */
     70 #endif
     72 #ifndef ABS_MT_POSITION_Y
     73 #define ABS_MT_POSITION_Y       0x36    /* Center Y ellipse position */
     74 #endif
     76 #define INDENT "  "
     77 #define INDENT2 "    "
     78 #define INDENT3 "      "
     80 namespace android {
     82 static const char *WAKE_LOCK_ID = "KeyEvents";
     83 static const char *device_path = "/dev/input";
     85 /* return the larger integer */
     86 static inline int max(int v1, int v2)
     87 {
     88     return (v1 > v2) ? v1 : v2;
     89 }
     91 static inline const char* toString(bool value) {
     92     return value ? "true" : "false";
     93 }
     95 EventHub::device_t::device_t(int32_t _id, const char* _path, const char* name)
     96     : id(_id), path(_path), name(name), classes(0)
     97     , keyBitmask(NULL), layoutMap(new KeyLayoutMap()), fd(-1), next(NULL) {
     98 }
    100 EventHub::device_t::~device_t() {
    101     delete [] keyBitmask;
    102     delete layoutMap;
    103 }
    105 EventHub::EventHub(void)
    106     : mError(NO_INIT), mHaveFirstKeyboard(false), mFirstKeyboardId(0)
    107     , mDevicesById(0), mNumDevicesById(0)
    108     , mOpeningDevices(0), mClosingDevices(0)
    109     , mDevices(0), mFDs(0), mFDCount(0), mOpened(false), mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan(false)
    110     , mInputBufferIndex(0), mInputBufferCount(0), mInputDeviceIndex(0)
    111 {
    112     acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID);
    113 #ifdef EV_SW
    114     memset(mSwitches, 0, sizeof(mSwitches));
    115 #endif
    116 }
    118 /*
    119  * Clean up.
    120  */
    121 EventHub::~EventHub(void)
    122 {
    123     release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID);
    124     // we should free stuff here...
    125 }
    127 status_t EventHub::errorCheck() const
    128 {
    129     return mError;
    130 }
    132 String8 EventHub::getDeviceName(int32_t deviceId) const
    133 {
    134     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    135     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    136     if (device == NULL) return String8();
    137     return device->name;
    138 }
    140 uint32_t EventHub::getDeviceClasses(int32_t deviceId) const
    141 {
    142     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    143     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    144     if (device == NULL) return 0;
    145     return device->classes;
    146 }
    148 status_t EventHub::getAbsoluteAxisInfo(int32_t deviceId, int axis,
    149         RawAbsoluteAxisInfo* outAxisInfo) const {
    150     outAxisInfo->clear();
    152     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    153     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    154     if (device == NULL) return -1;
    156     struct input_absinfo info;
    158     if(ioctl(device->fd, EVIOCGABS(axis), &info)) {
    159         LOGW("Error reading absolute controller %d for device %s fd %d\n",
    160              axis, device->name.string(), device->fd);
    161         return -errno;
    162     }
    164     if (info.minimum != info.maximum) {
    165         outAxisInfo->valid = true;
    166         outAxisInfo->minValue = info.minimum;
    167         outAxisInfo->maxValue = info.maximum;
    168         outAxisInfo->flat = info.flat;
    169         outAxisInfo->fuzz = info.fuzz;
    170     }
    171     return OK;
    172 }
    174 int32_t EventHub::getScanCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t scanCode) const {
    175     if (scanCode >= 0 && scanCode <= KEY_MAX) {
    176         AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    178         device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    179         if (device != NULL) {
    180             return getScanCodeStateLocked(device, scanCode);
    181         }
    182     }
    183     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    184 }
    186 int32_t EventHub::getScanCodeStateLocked(device_t* device, int32_t scanCode) const {
    187     uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)];
    188     memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));
    189     if (ioctl(device->fd,
    190                EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {
    191         return test_bit(scanCode, key_bitmask) ? AKEY_STATE_DOWN : AKEY_STATE_UP;
    192     }
    193     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    194 }
    196 int32_t EventHub::getKeyCodeState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t keyCode) const {
    197     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    199     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    200     if (device != NULL) {
    201         return getKeyCodeStateLocked(device, keyCode);
    202     }
    203     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    204 }
    206 int32_t EventHub::getKeyCodeStateLocked(device_t* device, int32_t keyCode) const {
    207     Vector<int32_t> scanCodes;
    208     device->layoutMap->findScancodes(keyCode, &scanCodes);
    210     uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)];
    211     memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));
    212     if (ioctl(device->fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {
    213         #if 0
    214         for (size_t i=0; i<=KEY_MAX; i++) {
    215             LOGI("(Scan code %d: down=%d)", i, test_bit(i, key_bitmask));
    216         }
    217         #endif
    218         const size_t N = scanCodes.size();
    219         for (size_t i=0; i<N && i<=KEY_MAX; i++) {
    220             int32_t sc = scanCodes.itemAt(i);
    221             //LOGI("Code %d: down=%d", sc, test_bit(sc, key_bitmask));
    222             if (sc >= 0 && sc <= KEY_MAX && test_bit(sc, key_bitmask)) {
    223                 return AKEY_STATE_DOWN;
    224             }
    225         }
    226         return AKEY_STATE_UP;
    227     }
    228     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    229 }
    231 int32_t EventHub::getSwitchState(int32_t deviceId, int32_t sw) const {
    232 #ifdef EV_SW
    233     if (sw >= 0 && sw <= SW_MAX) {
    234         AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    236         device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    237         if (device != NULL) {
    238             return getSwitchStateLocked(device, sw);
    239         }
    240     }
    241 #endif
    242     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    243 }
    245 int32_t EventHub::getSwitchStateLocked(device_t* device, int32_t sw) const {
    246     uint8_t sw_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(SW_MAX + 1)];
    247     memset(sw_bitmask, 0, sizeof(sw_bitmask));
    248     if (ioctl(device->fd,
    249                EVIOCGSW(sizeof(sw_bitmask)), sw_bitmask) >= 0) {
    250         return test_bit(sw, sw_bitmask) ? AKEY_STATE_DOWN : AKEY_STATE_UP;
    251     }
    252     return AKEY_STATE_UNKNOWN;
    253 }
    255 bool EventHub::markSupportedKeyCodes(int32_t deviceId, size_t numCodes,
    256         const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) const {
    257     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    259     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    260     if (device != NULL) {
    261         return markSupportedKeyCodesLocked(device, numCodes, keyCodes, outFlags);
    262     }
    263     return false;
    264 }
    266 bool EventHub::markSupportedKeyCodesLocked(device_t* device, size_t numCodes,
    267         const int32_t* keyCodes, uint8_t* outFlags) const {
    268     if (device->layoutMap == NULL || device->keyBitmask == NULL) {
    269         return false;
    270     }
    272     Vector<int32_t> scanCodes;
    273     for (size_t codeIndex = 0; codeIndex < numCodes; codeIndex++) {
    274         scanCodes.clear();
    276         status_t err = device->layoutMap->findScancodes(keyCodes[codeIndex], &scanCodes);
    277         if (! err) {
    278             // check the possible scan codes identified by the layout map against the
    279             // map of codes actually emitted by the driver
    280             for (size_t sc = 0; sc < scanCodes.size(); sc++) {
    281                 if (test_bit(scanCodes[sc], device->keyBitmask)) {
    282                     outFlags[codeIndex] = 1;
    283                     break;
    284                 }
    285             }
    286         }
    287     }
    288     return true;
    289 }
    291 status_t EventHub::scancodeToKeycode(int32_t deviceId, int scancode,
    292         int32_t* outKeycode, uint32_t* outFlags) const
    293 {
    294     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    295     device_t* device = getDeviceLocked(deviceId);
    297     if (device != NULL && device->layoutMap != NULL) {
    298         status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(scancode, outKeycode, outFlags);
    299         if (err == NO_ERROR) {
    300             return NO_ERROR;
    301         }
    302     }
    304     if (mHaveFirstKeyboard) {
    305         device = getDeviceLocked(mFirstKeyboardId);
    307         if (device != NULL && device->layoutMap != NULL) {
    308             status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(scancode, outKeycode, outFlags);
    309             if (err == NO_ERROR) {
    310                 return NO_ERROR;
    311             }
    312         }
    313     }
    315     *outKeycode = 0;
    316     *outFlags = 0;
    317     return NAME_NOT_FOUND;
    318 }
    320 void EventHub::addExcludedDevice(const char* deviceName)
    321 {
    322     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    324     String8 name(deviceName);
    325     mExcludedDevices.push_back(name);
    326 }
    328 EventHub::device_t* EventHub::getDeviceLocked(int32_t deviceId) const
    329 {
    330     if (deviceId == 0) deviceId = mFirstKeyboardId;
    331     int32_t id = deviceId & ID_MASK;
    332     if (id >= mNumDevicesById || id < 0) return NULL;
    333     device_t* dev = mDevicesById[id].device;
    334     if (dev == NULL) return NULL;
    335     if (dev->id == deviceId) {
    336         return dev;
    337     }
    338     return NULL;
    339 }
    341 bool EventHub::getEvent(RawEvent* outEvent)
    342 {
    343     outEvent->deviceId = 0;
    344     outEvent->type = 0;
    345     outEvent->scanCode = 0;
    346     outEvent->keyCode = 0;
    347     outEvent->flags = 0;
    348     outEvent->value = 0;
    349     outEvent->when = 0;
    351     // Note that we only allow one caller to getEvent(), so don't need
    352     // to do locking here...  only when adding/removing devices.
    354     if (!mOpened) {
    355         mError = openPlatformInput() ? NO_ERROR : UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    356         mOpened = true;
    357         mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
    358     }
    360     for (;;) {
    361         // Report any devices that had last been added/removed.
    362         if (mClosingDevices != NULL) {
    363             device_t* device = mClosingDevices;
    364             LOGV("Reporting device closed: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
    365                  device->id, device->path.string());
    366             mClosingDevices = device->next;
    367             if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
    368                 outEvent->deviceId = 0;
    369             } else {
    370                 outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
    371             }
    372             outEvent->type = DEVICE_REMOVED;
    373             outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
    374             delete device;
    375             mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
    376             return true;
    377         }
    379         if (mOpeningDevices != NULL) {
    380             device_t* device = mOpeningDevices;
    381             LOGV("Reporting device opened: id=0x%x, name=%s\n",
    382                  device->id, device->path.string());
    383             mOpeningDevices = device->next;
    384             if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
    385                 outEvent->deviceId = 0;
    386             } else {
    387                 outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
    388             }
    389             outEvent->type = DEVICE_ADDED;
    390             outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
    391             mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = true;
    392             return true;
    393         }
    395         if (mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan) {
    396             mNeedToSendFinishedDeviceScan = false;
    397             outEvent->type = FINISHED_DEVICE_SCAN;
    398             outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
    399             return true;
    400         }
    402         // Grab the next input event.
    403         for (;;) {
    404             // Consume buffered input events, if any.
    405             if (mInputBufferIndex < mInputBufferCount) {
    406                 const struct input_event& iev = mInputBufferData[mInputBufferIndex++];
    407                 const device_t* device = mDevices[mInputDeviceIndex];
    409                 LOGV("%s got: t0=%d, t1=%d, type=%d, code=%d, v=%d", device->path.string(),
    410                      (int) iev.time.tv_sec, (int) iev.time.tv_usec, iev.type, iev.code, iev.value);
    411                 if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
    412                     outEvent->deviceId = 0;
    413                 } else {
    414                     outEvent->deviceId = device->id;
    415                 }
    416                 outEvent->type = iev.type;
    417                 outEvent->scanCode = iev.code;
    418                 if (iev.type == EV_KEY) {
    419                     status_t err = device->layoutMap->map(iev.code,
    420                             & outEvent->keyCode, & outEvent->flags);
    421                     LOGV("iev.code=%d keyCode=%d flags=0x%08x err=%d\n",
    422                         iev.code, outEvent->keyCode, outEvent->flags, err);
    423                     if (err != 0) {
    424                         outEvent->keyCode = AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN;
    425                         outEvent->flags = 0;
    426                     }
    427                 } else {
    428                     outEvent->keyCode = iev.code;
    429                 }
    430                 outEvent->value = iev.value;
    432                 // Use an event timestamp in the same timebase as
    433                 // java.lang.System.nanoTime() and android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis()
    434                 // as expected by the rest of the system.
    435                 outEvent->when = systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC);
    436                 return true;
    437             }
    439             // Finish reading all events from devices identified in previous poll().
    440             // This code assumes that mInputDeviceIndex is initially 0 and that the
    441             // revents member of pollfd is initialized to 0 when the device is first added.
    442             // Since mFDs[0] is used for inotify, we process regular events starting at index 1.
    443             mInputDeviceIndex += 1;
    444             if (mInputDeviceIndex >= mFDCount) {
    445                 break;
    446             }
    448             const struct pollfd& pfd = mFDs[mInputDeviceIndex];
    449             if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) {
    450                 int32_t readSize = read(pfd.fd, mInputBufferData,
    451                         sizeof(struct input_event) * INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
    452                 if (readSize < 0) {
    453                     if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) {
    454                         LOGW("could not get event (errno=%d)", errno);
    455                     }
    456                 } else if ((readSize % sizeof(struct input_event)) != 0) {
    457                     LOGE("could not get event (wrong size: %d)", readSize);
    458                 } else {
    459                     mInputBufferCount = readSize / sizeof(struct input_event);
    460                     mInputBufferIndex = 0;
    461                 }
    462             }
    463         }
    465 #if HAVE_INOTIFY
    466         // readNotify() will modify mFDs and mFDCount, so this must be done after
    467         // processing all other events.
    468         if(mFDs[0].revents & POLLIN) {
    469             readNotify(mFDs[0].fd);
    470             mFDs[0].revents = 0;
    471             continue; // report added or removed devices immediately
    472         }
    473 #endif
    475         mInputDeviceIndex = 0;
    477         // Poll for events.  Mind the wake lock dance!
    478         // We hold a wake lock at all times except during poll().  This works due to some
    479         // subtle choreography.  When a device driver has pending (unread) events, it acquires
    480         // a kernel wake lock.  However, once the last pending event has been read, the device
    481         // driver will release the kernel wake lock.  To prevent the system from going to sleep
    482         // when this happens, the EventHub holds onto its own user wake lock while the client
    483         // is processing events.  Thus the system can only sleep if there are no events
    484         // pending or currently being processed.
    485         release_wake_lock(WAKE_LOCK_ID);
    487         int pollResult = poll(mFDs, mFDCount, -1);
    489         acquire_wake_lock(PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKE_LOCK_ID);
    491         if (pollResult <= 0) {
    492             if (errno != EINTR) {
    493                 LOGW("poll failed (errno=%d)\n", errno);
    494                 usleep(100000);
    495             }
    496         }
    497     }
    498 }
    500 /*
    501  * Open the platform-specific input device.
    502  */
    503 bool EventHub::openPlatformInput(void)
    504 {
    505     /*
    506      * Open platform-specific input device(s).
    507      */
    508     int res;
    510     mFDCount = 1;
    511     mFDs = (pollfd *)calloc(1, sizeof(mFDs[0]));
    512     mDevices = (device_t **)calloc(1, sizeof(mDevices[0]));
    513     mFDs[0].events = POLLIN;
    514     mFDs[0].revents = 0;
    515     mDevices[0] = NULL;
    516 #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY
    517     mFDs[0].fd = inotify_init();
    518     res = inotify_add_watch(mFDs[0].fd, device_path, IN_DELETE | IN_CREATE);
    519     if(res < 0) {
    520         LOGE("could not add watch for %s, %s\n", device_path, strerror(errno));
    521     }
    522 #else
    523     /*
    524      * The code in EventHub::getEvent assumes that mFDs[0] is an inotify fd.
    525      * We allocate space for it and set it to something invalid.
    526      */
    527     mFDs[0].fd = -1;
    528 #endif
    530     res = scanDir(device_path);
    531     if(res < 0) {
    532         LOGE("scan dir failed for %s\n", device_path);
    533     }
    535     return true;
    536 }
    538 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    540 static bool containsNonZeroByte(const uint8_t* array, uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t endIndex) {
    541     const uint8_t* end = array + endIndex;
    542     array += startIndex;
    543     while (array != end) {
    544         if (*(array++) != 0) {
    545             return true;
    546         }
    547     }
    548     return false;
    549 }
    551 static const int32_t GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[] = {
    558 };
    560 int EventHub::openDevice(const char *deviceName) {
    561     int version;
    562     int fd;
    563     struct pollfd *new_mFDs;
    564     device_t **new_devices;
    565     char **new_device_names;
    566     char name[80];
    567     char location[80];
    568     char idstr[80];
    569     struct input_id id;
    571     LOGV("Opening device: %s", deviceName);
    573     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    575     fd = open(deviceName, O_RDWR);
    576     if(fd < 0) {
    577         LOGE("could not open %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    578         return -1;
    579     }
    581     if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGVERSION, &version)) {
    582         LOGE("could not get driver version for %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    583         return -1;
    584     }
    585     if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGID, &id)) {
    586         LOGE("could not get driver id for %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    587         return -1;
    588     }
    589     name[sizeof(name) - 1] = '\0';
    590     location[sizeof(location) - 1] = '\0';
    591     idstr[sizeof(idstr) - 1] = '\0';
    592     if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(name) - 1), &name) < 1) {
    593         //fprintf(stderr, "could not get device name for %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    594         name[0] = '\0';
    595     }
    597     // check to see if the device is on our excluded list
    598     List<String8>::iterator iter = mExcludedDevices.begin();
    599     List<String8>::iterator end = mExcludedDevices.end();
    600     for ( ; iter != end; iter++) {
    601         const char* test = *iter;
    602         if (strcmp(name, test) == 0) {
    603             LOGI("ignoring event id %s driver %s\n", deviceName, test);
    604             close(fd);
    605             return -1;
    606         }
    607     }
    609     if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGPHYS(sizeof(location) - 1), &location) < 1) {
    610         //fprintf(stderr, "could not get location for %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    611         location[0] = '\0';
    612     }
    613     if(ioctl(fd, EVIOCGUNIQ(sizeof(idstr) - 1), &idstr) < 1) {
    614         //fprintf(stderr, "could not get idstring for %s, %s\n", deviceName, strerror(errno));
    615         idstr[0] = '\0';
    616     }
    618     if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
    619         LOGE("Error %d making device file descriptor non-blocking.", errno);
    620         close(fd);
    621         return -1;
    622     }
    624     int devid = 0;
    625     while (devid < mNumDevicesById) {
    626         if (mDevicesById[devid].device == NULL) {
    627             break;
    628         }
    629         devid++;
    630     }
    631     if (devid >= mNumDevicesById) {
    632         device_ent* new_devids = (device_ent*)realloc(mDevicesById,
    633                 sizeof(mDevicesById[0]) * (devid + 1));
    634         if (new_devids == NULL) {
    635             LOGE("out of memory");
    636             return -1;
    637         }
    638         mDevicesById = new_devids;
    639         mNumDevicesById = devid+1;
    640         mDevicesById[devid].device = NULL;
    641         mDevicesById[devid].seq = 0;
    642     }
    644     mDevicesById[devid].seq = (mDevicesById[devid].seq+(1<<SEQ_SHIFT))&SEQ_MASK;
    645     if (mDevicesById[devid].seq == 0) {
    646         mDevicesById[devid].seq = 1<<SEQ_SHIFT;
    647     }
    649     new_mFDs = (pollfd*)realloc(mFDs, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
    650     new_devices = (device_t**)realloc(mDevices, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * (mFDCount + 1));
    651     if (new_mFDs == NULL || new_devices == NULL) {
    652         LOGE("out of memory");
    653         return -1;
    654     }
    655     mFDs = new_mFDs;
    656     mDevices = new_devices;
    658 #if 0
    659     LOGI("add device %d: %s\n", mFDCount, deviceName);
    660     LOGI("  bus:      %04x\n"
    661          "  vendor    %04x\n"
    662          "  product   %04x\n"
    663          "  version   %04x\n",
    664         id.bustype, id.vendor, id.product, id.version);
    665     LOGI("  name:     \"%s\"\n", name);
    666     LOGI("  location: \"%s\"\n"
    667          "  id:       \"%s\"\n", location, idstr);
    668     LOGI("  version:  %d.%d.%d\n",
    669         version >> 16, (version >> 8) & 0xff, version & 0xff);
    670 #endif
    672     device_t* device = new device_t(devid|mDevicesById[devid].seq, deviceName, name);
    673     if (device == NULL) {
    674         LOGE("out of memory");
    675         return -1;
    676     }
    678     device->fd = fd;
    679     mFDs[mFDCount].fd = fd;
    680     mFDs[mFDCount].events = POLLIN;
    681     mFDs[mFDCount].revents = 0;
    683     // Figure out the kinds of events the device reports.
    685     uint8_t key_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1)];
    686     memset(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof(key_bitmask));
    688     LOGV("Getting keys...");
    689     if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(key_bitmask)), key_bitmask) >= 0) {
    690         //LOGI("MAP\n");
    691         //for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(key_bitmask); i++) {
    692         //    LOGI("%d: 0x%02x\n", i, key_bitmask[i]);
    693         //}
    695         // See if this is a keyboard.  Ignore everything in the button range except for
    696         // gamepads which are also considered keyboards.
    697         if (containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, 0, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_MISC))
    698                 || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(BTN_GAMEPAD),
    699                         sizeof_bit_array(BTN_DIGI))
    700                 || containsNonZeroByte(key_bitmask, sizeof_bit_array(KEY_OK),
    701                         sizeof_bit_array(KEY_MAX + 1))) {
    702             device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD;
    704             device->keyBitmask = new uint8_t[sizeof(key_bitmask)];
    705             if (device->keyBitmask != NULL) {
    706                 memcpy(device->keyBitmask, key_bitmask, sizeof(key_bitmask));
    707             } else {
    708                 delete device;
    709                 LOGE("out of memory allocating key bitmask");
    710                 return -1;
    711             }
    712         }
    713     }
    715     // See if this is a trackball (or mouse).
    716     if (test_bit(BTN_MOUSE, key_bitmask)) {
    717         uint8_t rel_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(REL_MAX + 1)];
    718         memset(rel_bitmask, 0, sizeof(rel_bitmask));
    719         LOGV("Getting relative controllers...");
    720         if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_REL, sizeof(rel_bitmask)), rel_bitmask) >= 0) {
    721             if (test_bit(REL_X, rel_bitmask) && test_bit(REL_Y, rel_bitmask)) {
    722                 device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TRACKBALL;
    723             }
    724         }
    725     }
    727     // See if this is a touch pad.
    728     uint8_t abs_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(ABS_MAX + 1)];
    729     memset(abs_bitmask, 0, sizeof(abs_bitmask));
    730     LOGV("Getting absolute controllers...");
    731     if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(abs_bitmask)), abs_bitmask) >= 0) {
    732         // Is this a new modern multi-touch driver?
    733         if (test_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_X, abs_bitmask)
    734                 && test_bit(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, abs_bitmask)) {
    737         // Is this an old style single-touch driver?
    738         } else if (test_bit(BTN_TOUCH, key_bitmask)
    739                 && test_bit(ABS_X, abs_bitmask) && test_bit(ABS_Y, abs_bitmask)) {
    740             device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_TOUCHSCREEN;
    741         }
    742     }
    744 #ifdef EV_SW
    745     // figure out the switches this device reports
    746     uint8_t sw_bitmask[sizeof_bit_array(SW_MAX + 1)];
    747     memset(sw_bitmask, 0, sizeof(sw_bitmask));
    748     bool hasSwitches = false;
    749     if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_SW, sizeof(sw_bitmask)), sw_bitmask) >= 0) {
    750         for (int i=0; i<EV_SW; i++) {
    751             //LOGI("Device 0x%x sw %d: has=%d", device->id, i, test_bit(i, sw_bitmask));
    752             if (test_bit(i, sw_bitmask)) {
    753                 hasSwitches = true;
    754                 if (mSwitches[i] == 0) {
    755                     mSwitches[i] = device->id;
    756                 }
    757             }
    758         }
    759     }
    760     if (hasSwitches) {
    761         device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH;
    762     }
    763 #endif
    765     if ((device->classes & INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD) != 0) {
    766         char tmpfn[sizeof(name)];
    767         char keylayoutFilename[300];
    769         // a more descriptive name
    770         device->name = name;
    772         // replace all the spaces with underscores
    773         strcpy(tmpfn, name);
    774         for (char *p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '); p && *p; p = strchr(tmpfn, ' '))
    775             *p = '_';
    777         // find the .kl file we need for this device
    778         const char* root = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
    779         snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
    780                  "%s/usr/keylayout/%s.kl", root, tmpfn);
    781         bool defaultKeymap = false;
    782         if (access(keylayoutFilename, R_OK)) {
    783             snprintf(keylayoutFilename, sizeof(keylayoutFilename),
    784                      "%s/usr/keylayout/%s", root, "qwerty.kl");
    785             defaultKeymap = true;
    786         }
    787         status_t status = device->layoutMap->load(keylayoutFilename);
    788         if (status) {
    789             LOGE("Error %d loading key layout.", status);
    790         }
    792         // tell the world about the devname (the descriptive name)
    793         if (!mHaveFirstKeyboard && !defaultKeymap && strstr(name, "-keypad")) {
    794             // the built-in keyboard has a well-known device ID of 0,
    795             // this device better not go away.
    796             mHaveFirstKeyboard = true;
    797             mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
    798             property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", name);
    799         } else {
    800             // ensure mFirstKeyboardId is set to -something-.
    801             if (mFirstKeyboardId == 0) {
    802                 mFirstKeyboardId = device->id;
    803             }
    804         }
    805         char propName[100];
    806         sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id);
    807         property_set(propName, name);
    809         // 'Q' key support = cheap test of whether this is an alpha-capable kbd
    810         if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_Q)) {
    811             device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_ALPHAKEY;
    812         }
    814         // See if this device has a DPAD.
    815         if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_UP) &&
    816                 hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN) &&
    817                 hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT) &&
    818                 hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT) &&
    819                 hasKeycodeLocked(device, AKEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)) {
    820             device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_DPAD;
    821         }
    823         // See if this device has a gamepad.
    824         for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES)/sizeof(GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[0]); i++) {
    825             if (hasKeycodeLocked(device, GAMEPAD_KEYCODES[i])) {
    826                 device->classes |= INPUT_DEVICE_CLASS_GAMEPAD;
    827                 break;
    828             }
    829         }
    831         LOGI("New keyboard: device->id=0x%x devname='%s' propName='%s' keylayout='%s'\n",
    832                 device->id, name, propName, keylayoutFilename);
    833     }
    835     // If the device isn't recognized as something we handle, don't monitor it.
    836     if (device->classes == 0) {
    837         LOGV("Dropping device %s %p, id = %d\n", deviceName, device, devid);
    838         close(fd);
    839         delete device;
    840         return -1;
    841     }
    843     LOGI("New device: path=%s name=%s id=0x%x (of 0x%x) index=%d fd=%d classes=0x%x\n",
    844          deviceName, name, device->id, mNumDevicesById, mFDCount, fd, device->classes);
    846     LOGV("Adding device %s %p at %d, id = %d, classes = 0x%x\n",
    847          deviceName, device, mFDCount, devid, device->classes);
    849     mDevicesById[devid].device = device;
    850     device->next = mOpeningDevices;
    851     mOpeningDevices = device;
    852     mDevices[mFDCount] = device;
    854     mFDCount++;
    855     return 0;
    856 }
    858 bool EventHub::hasKeycodeLocked(device_t* device, int keycode) const
    859 {
    860     if (device->keyBitmask == NULL || device->layoutMap == NULL) {
    861         return false;
    862     }
    864     Vector<int32_t> scanCodes;
    865     device->layoutMap->findScancodes(keycode, &scanCodes);
    866     const size_t N = scanCodes.size();
    867     for (size_t i=0; i<N && i<=KEY_MAX; i++) {
    868         int32_t sc = scanCodes.itemAt(i);
    869         if (sc >= 0 && sc <= KEY_MAX && test_bit(sc, device->keyBitmask)) {
    870             return true;
    871         }
    872     }
    874     return false;
    875 }
    877 int EventHub::closeDevice(const char *deviceName) {
    878     AutoMutex _l(mLock);
    880     int i;
    881     for(i = 1; i < mFDCount; i++) {
    882         if(strcmp(mDevices[i]->path.string(), deviceName) == 0) {
    883             //LOGD("remove device %d: %s\n", i, deviceName);
    884             device_t* device = mDevices[i];
    886             LOGI("Removed device: path=%s name=%s id=0x%x (of 0x%x) index=%d fd=%d classes=0x%x\n",
    887                  device->path.string(), device->name.string(), device->id,
    888                  mNumDevicesById, mFDCount, mFDs[i].fd, device->classes);
    890             // Clear this device's entry.
    891             int index = (device->id&ID_MASK);
    892             mDevicesById[index].device = NULL;
    894             // Close the file descriptor and compact the fd array.
    895             close(mFDs[i].fd);
    896             int count = mFDCount - i - 1;
    897             memmove(mDevices + i, mDevices + i + 1, sizeof(mDevices[0]) * count);
    898             memmove(mFDs + i, mFDs + i + 1, sizeof(mFDs[0]) * count);
    899             mFDCount--;
    901 #ifdef EV_SW
    902             for (int j=0; j<EV_SW; j++) {
    903                 if (mSwitches[j] == device->id) {
    904                     mSwitches[j] = 0;
    905                 }
    906             }
    907 #endif
    909             device->next = mClosingDevices;
    910             mClosingDevices = device;
    912             if (device->id == mFirstKeyboardId) {
    913                 LOGW("built-in keyboard device %s (id=%d) is closing! the apps will not like this",
    914                         device->path.string(), mFirstKeyboardId);
    915                 mFirstKeyboardId = 0;
    916                 property_set("hw.keyboards.0.devname", NULL);
    917             }
    918             // clear the property
    919             char propName[100];
    920             sprintf(propName, "hw.keyboards.%u.devname", device->id);
    921             property_set(propName, NULL);
    922             return 0;
    923         }
    924     }
    925     LOGE("remove device: %s not found\n", deviceName);
    926     return -1;
    927 }
    929 int EventHub::readNotify(int nfd) {
    930 #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY
    931     int res;
    932     char devname[PATH_MAX];
    933     char *filename;
    934     char event_buf[512];
    935     int event_size;
    936     int event_pos = 0;
    937     struct inotify_event *event;
    939     LOGV("EventHub::readNotify nfd: %d\n", nfd);
    940     res = read(nfd, event_buf, sizeof(event_buf));
    941     if(res < (int)sizeof(*event)) {
    942         if(errno == EINTR)
    943             return 0;
    944         LOGW("could not get event, %s\n", strerror(errno));
    945         return 1;
    946     }
    947     //printf("got %d bytes of event information\n", res);
    949     strcpy(devname, device_path);
    950     filename = devname + strlen(devname);
    951     *filename++ = '/';
    953     while(res >= (int)sizeof(*event)) {
    954         event = (struct inotify_event *)(event_buf + event_pos);
    955         //printf("%d: %08x \"%s\"\n", event->wd, event->mask, event->len ? event->name : "");
    956         if(event->len) {
    957             strcpy(filename, event->name);
    958             if(event->mask & IN_CREATE) {
    959                 openDevice(devname);
    960             }
    961             else {
    962                 closeDevice(devname);
    963             }
    964         }
    965         event_size = sizeof(*event) + event->len;
    966         res -= event_size;
    967         event_pos += event_size;
    968     }
    969 #endif
    970     return 0;
    971 }
    974 int EventHub::scanDir(const char *dirname)
    975 {
    976     char devname[PATH_MAX];
    977     char *filename;
    978     DIR *dir;
    979     struct dirent *de;
    980     dir = opendir(dirname);
    981     if(dir == NULL)
    982         return -1;
    983     strcpy(devname, dirname);
    984     filename = devname + strlen(devname);
    985     *filename++ = '/';
    986     while((de = readdir(dir))) {
    987         if(de->d_name[0] == '.' &&
    988            (de->d_name[1] == '\0' ||
    989             (de->d_name[1] == '.' && de->d_name[2] == '\0')))
    990             continue;
    991         strcpy(filename, de->d_name);
    992         openDevice(devname);
    993     }
    994     closedir(dir);
    995     return 0;
    996 }
    998 void EventHub::dump(String8& dump) {
    999     dump.append("Event Hub State:\n");
   1001     { // acquire lock
   1002         AutoMutex _l(mLock);
   1004         dump.appendFormat(INDENT "HaveFirstKeyboard: %s\n", toString(mHaveFirstKeyboard));
   1005         dump.appendFormat(INDENT "FirstKeyboardId: 0x%x\n", mFirstKeyboardId);
   1007         dump.append(INDENT "Devices:\n");
   1009         for (int i = 0; i < mNumDevicesById; i++) {
   1010             const device_t* device = mDevicesById[i].device;
   1011             if (device) {
   1012                 if (mFirstKeyboardId == device->id) {
   1013                     dump.appendFormat(INDENT2 "0x%x: %s (aka device 0 - first keyboard)\n",
   1014                             device->id, device->name.string());
   1015                 } else {
   1016                     dump.appendFormat(INDENT2 "0x%x: %s\n", device->id, device->name.string());
   1017                 }
   1018                 dump.appendFormat(INDENT3 "Classes: 0x%08x\n", device->classes);
   1019                 dump.appendFormat(INDENT3 "Path: %s\n", device->path.string());
   1020                 dump.appendFormat(INDENT3 "KeyLayoutFile: %s\n", device->keylayoutFilename.string());
   1021             }
   1022         }
   1023     } // release lock
   1024 }
   1026 }; // namespace android