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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.cooliris.picasa;
     19 import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
     21 /**
     22  * This class models the photo entry kind in the Picasa GData API.
     23  */
     24 @Entry.Table("photos")
     25 public final class PhotoEntry extends Entry {
     26     public static final EntrySchema SCHEMA = new EntrySchema(PhotoEntry.class);
     28     /**
     29      * The user account that is the sync source for this entry. Must be set
     30      * before insert/update.
     31      */
     32     @Column("sync_account")
     33     public String syncAccount;
     35     /**
     36      * The "edit" URI of the photo.
     37      */
     38     @Column("edit_uri")
     39     public String editUri;
     41     /**
     42      * The containing album ID.
     43      */
     44     @Column(value = "album_id", indexed = true)
     45     public long albumId;
     47     /**
     48      * The display index of the photo within the album. Must be set before
     49      * insert/update.
     50      */
     51     @Column(value = "display_index", indexed = true)
     52     public int displayIndex;
     54     /**
     55      * The title of the photo.
     56      */
     57     @Column("title")
     58     public String title;
     60     /**
     61      * A short summary of the photo.
     62      */
     63     @Column("summary")
     64     public String summary;
     66     /**
     67      * The date the photo was added.
     68      */
     69     @Column("date_published")
     70     public long datePublished;
     72     /**
     73      * The date the photo was last updated.
     74      */
     75     @Column("date_updated")
     76     public long dateUpdated;
     78     /**
     79      * The date the photo entry was last edited. May be more recent than
     80      * dateUpdated.
     81      */
     82     @Column("date_edited")
     83     public long dateEdited;
     85     /**
     86      * The date the photo was captured as specified in the EXIF data.
     87      */
     88     @Column("date_taken")
     89     public long dateTaken;
     91     /**
     92      * The number of comments associated with the photo.
     93      */
     94     @Column("comment_count")
     95     public int commentCount;
     97     /**
     98      * The width of the photo in pixels.
     99      */
    100     @Column("width")
    101     public int width;
    103     /**
    104      * The height of the photo in pixels.
    105      */
    106     @Column("height")
    107     public int height;
    109     /**
    110      * The rotation of the photo in degrees, if rotation has not already been
    111      * applied.
    112      */
    113     @Column("rotation")
    114     public int rotation;
    116     /**
    117      * The size of the photo is bytes.
    118      */
    119     @Column("size")
    120     public int size;
    122     /**
    123      * The latitude associated with the photo.
    124      */
    125     @Column("latitude")
    126     public double latitude;
    128     /**
    129      * The longitude associated with the photo.
    130      */
    131     @Column("longitude")
    132     public double longitude;
    134     /**
    135      * The "mini-thumbnail" URL for the photo (currently 144px-cropped).
    136      */
    137     @Column("thumbnail_url")
    138     public String thumbnailUrl;
    140     /**
    141      * The "screennail" URL for the photo (currently 800px).
    142      */
    143     @Column("screennail_url")
    144     public String screennailUrl;
    146     /**
    147      * The "content" URL for the photo (currently 1280px, or a video). The
    148      * original image URL is not fetched since "imgmax" accepts one size, used
    149      * to get this resource.
    150      */
    151     @Column("content_url")
    152     public String contentUrl;
    154     /**
    155      * The MIME type of the content URL.
    156      */
    157     @Column("content_type")
    158     public String contentType;
    160     /**
    161      * A link to the HTML page associated with the album.
    162      */
    163     @Column("html_page_url")
    164     public String htmlPageUrl;
    166     /**
    167      * Resets values to defaults for object reuse.
    168      */
    169     @Override
    170     public void clear() {
    171         super.clear();
    172         syncAccount = null;
    173         editUri = null;
    174         albumId = 0;
    175         displayIndex = 0;
    176         title = null;
    177         summary = null;
    178         datePublished = 0;
    179         dateUpdated = 0;
    180         dateEdited = 0;
    181         dateTaken = 0;
    182         commentCount = 0;
    183         width = 0;
    184         height = 0;
    185         rotation = 0;
    186         size = 0;
    187         latitude = 0;
    188         longitude = 0;
    189         thumbnailUrl = null;
    190         screennailUrl = null;
    191         contentUrl = null;
    192         contentType = null;
    193         htmlPageUrl = null;
    194     }
    196     /**
    197      * Sets the property value corresponding to the given XML element, if
    198      * applicable.
    199      */
    200     @Override
    201     public void setPropertyFromXml(String uri, String localName, Attributes attrs, String content) {
    202         try {
    203             char localNameChar = localName.charAt(0);
    204             if (uri.equals(GDataParser.GPHOTO_NAMESPACE)) {
    205                 switch (localNameChar) {
    206                 case 'i':
    207                     if (localName.equals("id")) {
    208                         id = Long.parseLong(content);
    209                     }
    210                     break;
    211                 case 'a':
    212                     if (localName.equals("albumid")) {
    213                         albumId = Long.parseLong(content);
    214                     }
    215                     break;
    216                 case 't':
    217                     if (localName.equals("timestamp")) {
    218                         dateTaken = Long.parseLong(content);
    219                     }
    220                     break;
    221                 case 'c':
    222                     if (localName.equals("commentCount")) {
    223                         commentCount = Integer.parseInt(content);
    224                     }
    225                     break;
    226                 case 'w':
    227                     if (localName.equals("width")) {
    228                         width = Integer.parseInt(content);
    229                     }
    230                     break;
    231                 case 'h':
    232                     if (localName.equals("height")) {
    233                         height = Integer.parseInt(content);
    234                     }
    235                     break;
    236                 case 'r':
    237                     if (localName.equals("rotation")) {
    238                         rotation = Integer.parseInt(content);
    239                     }
    240                     break;
    241                 case 's':
    242                     if (localName.equals("size")) {
    243                         size = Integer.parseInt(content);
    244                     }
    245                     break;
    246                 case 'l':
    247                     if (localName.equals("latitude")) {
    248                         latitude = Double.parseDouble(content);
    249                     } else if (localName.equals("longitude")) {
    250                         longitude = Double.parseDouble(content);
    251                     }
    252                     break;
    253                 }
    254             } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.ATOM_NAMESPACE)) {
    255                 switch (localNameChar) {
    256                 case 't':
    257                     if (localName.equals("title")) {
    258                         title = content;
    259                     }
    260                     break;
    261                 case 's':
    262                     if (localName.equals("summary")) {
    263                         summary = content;
    264                     }
    265                     break;
    266                 case 'p':
    267                     if (localName.equals("published")) {
    268                         datePublished = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
    269                     }
    270                     break;
    271                 case 'u':
    272                     if (localName.equals("updated")) {
    273                         dateUpdated = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
    274                     }
    275                     break;
    276                 case 'l':
    277                     if (localName.equals("link")) {
    278                         String rel = attrs.getValue("", "rel");
    279                         String href = attrs.getValue("", "href");
    280                         if (rel.equals("alternate") && attrs.getValue("", "type").equals("text/html")) {
    281                             htmlPageUrl = href;
    282                         } else if (rel.equals("edit")) {
    283                             editUri = href;
    284                         }
    285                     }
    286                     break;
    287                 }
    288             } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.APP_NAMESPACE)) {
    289                 if (localName.equals("edited")) {
    290                     dateEdited = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
    291                 }
    292             } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.MEDIA_RSS_NAMESPACE)) {
    293                 if (localName.equals("thumbnail")) {
    294                     int width = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("", "width"));
    295                     int height = Integer.parseInt(attrs.getValue("", "height"));
    296                     int dimension = Math.max(width, height);
    297                     String url = attrs.getValue("", "url");
    298                     if (dimension <= 300) {
    299                         thumbnailUrl = url;
    300                     } else {
    301                         screennailUrl = url;
    302                     }
    303                 } else if (localName.equals("content")) {
    304                     // Only replace an existing URL if the MIME type is video.
    305                     String type = attrs.getValue("", "type");
    306                     if (contentUrl == null || type.startsWith("video/")) {
    307                         contentUrl = attrs.getValue("", "url");
    308                         contentType = type;
    309                     }
    310                 }
    311             } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.GML_NAMESPACE)) {
    312                 if (localName.equals("pos")) {
    313                     int spaceIndex = content.indexOf(' ');
    314                     if (spaceIndex != -1) {
    315                         latitude = Double.parseDouble(content.substring(0, spaceIndex));
    316                         longitude = Double.parseDouble(content.substring(spaceIndex + 1));
    317                     }
    318                 }
    319             }
    320         } catch (Exception e) {
    321             return;
    322         }
    323     }
    325 }