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      1 // Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      2 //
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     15 #pragma version(1)
     16 #pragma stateVertex(PVOrtho)
     17 #pragma stateStore(PSSolid)
     19 #define MAX_PULSES           20
     20 #define MAX_EXTRAS           40
     21 #define PULSE_SIZE           14 // Size in pixels of a cell
     22 #define HALF_PULSE_SIZE      7
     23 #define GLOW_SIZE            64 // Size of the leading glow in pixels
     24 #define HALF_GLOW_SIZE       32
     25 #define SPEED                0.2f // (200 / 1000) Pixels per ms
     26 #define SPEED_VARIANCE       0.3f
     27 #define PULSE_NORMAL         0
     28 #define PULSE_EXTRA          1
     29 #define TRAIL_SIZE           40 // Number of cells in a trail
     30 #define MAX_DELAY	         2000 // Delay between a pulse going offscreen and restarting
     32 struct pulse_s {
     33     int pulseType;
     34     float originX;
     35     float originY;
     36     int color;
     37     int startTime;
     38     float dx;
     39     float dy;
     40     int active;
     41 };
     42 struct pulse_s gPulses[MAX_PULSES];
     44 struct pulse_s gExtras[MAX_EXTRAS];
     46 int gNow;
     49 void setColor(int c) {
     50     if (State->mode == 1) {
     51         // sholes red
     52         color(0.9f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.8f);
     53     } else if (c == 0) {
     54         // red
     55         color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
     56     } else if (c == 1) {
     57         // green
     58         color(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
     59     } else if (c == 2) {
     60         // blue
     61         color(0.0f, 0.4f, 0.9f, 0.8f);
     62     } else if (c == 3) {
     63         // yellow
     64         color(1.0f, 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.8f);
     65     }
     66 }
     68 void initPulse(struct pulse_s * pulse, int pulseType) {
     69     if (randf(1) > 0.5f) {
     70         pulse->originX = (int)randf(State->width * 2 / PULSE_SIZE) * PULSE_SIZE;
     71         pulse->dx = 0;
     72         if (randf(1) > 0.5f) {
     73             // Top
     74             pulse->originY = 0;
     75             pulse->dy = randf2(1.0f - SPEED_VARIANCE, 1.0 + SPEED_VARIANCE);
     76         } else {
     77             // Bottom
     78             pulse->originY = State->height;
     79             pulse->dy = -randf2(1.0f - SPEED_VARIANCE, 1.0 + SPEED_VARIANCE);
     80         }
     81     } else {
     82         pulse->originY = (int)randf(State->height / PULSE_SIZE) * PULSE_SIZE;
     83         pulse->dy = 0;
     84         if (randf(1) > 0.5f) {
     85             // Left
     86             pulse->originX = 0;
     87             pulse->dx = randf2(1.0f - SPEED_VARIANCE, 1.0 + SPEED_VARIANCE);
     88         } else {
     89             // Right
     90             pulse->originX = State->width * 2;
     91             pulse->dx = -randf2(1.0f - SPEED_VARIANCE, 1.0 + SPEED_VARIANCE);
     92         }
     93     }
     94     pulse->startTime = gNow + (int)randf(MAX_DELAY);
     96     pulse->color = (int)randf(4.0f);
     98     pulse->pulseType = pulseType;
     99     if (pulseType == PULSE_EXTRA) {
    100         pulse->active = 0;
    101     } else {
    102         pulse->active = 1;
    103     }
    104 }
    106 void initPulses() {
    107     gNow = uptimeMillis();
    108     int i;
    109     for (i=0; i<MAX_PULSES; i++) {
    110         initPulse(&gPulses[i], PULSE_NORMAL);
    111     }
    112     for (i=0; i<MAX_EXTRAS; i++) {
    113         struct pulse_s * p = &gExtras[i];
    114         p->pulseType = PULSE_EXTRA;
    115         p->active = 0;
    116     }
    117 }
    119 void drawBackground(int width, int height) {
    120 	bindProgramFragment(NAMED_PFTextureBG);
    121     bindTexture(NAMED_PFTextureBG, 0, NAMED_TBackground);
    122     color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
    123     if (State->rotate) {
    124         drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, height*2, width, 0.0f);
    125     } else {
    126     	drawRect(0.0f, 0.0f, width*2, height, 0.0f);
    127    	}
    128 }
    131 void drawPulses(struct pulse_s * pulseSet, int setSize) {
    132 	bindProgramFragment(NAMED_PFTexture);
    133     bindProgramFragmentStore(NAMED_PSBlend);
    135     float matrix[16];
    137     int i;
    138     for (i=0; i<setSize; i++) {
    139     	struct pulse_s * p = &pulseSet[i];
    141  	    int delta = gNow - p->startTime;
    143     	if (p->active != 0 && delta >= 0) {
    145 	        float x = p->originX + (p->dx * SPEED * delta);
    146 	        float y = p->originY + (p->dy * SPEED * delta);
    148 	        matrixLoadIdentity(matrix);
    149 	        if (p->dx < 0) {
    150 	            vpLoadTextureMatrix(matrix);
    151 	            float xx = x + (TRAIL_SIZE * PULSE_SIZE);
    152 	            if (xx <= 0) {
    153 	                initPulse(p, p->pulseType);
    154 	            } else {
    155 	                setColor(p->color);
    156 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TPulse);
    157 	                drawRect(x, y, xx, y + PULSE_SIZE, 0.0f);
    158 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TGlow);
    159 	                drawRect(x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    160 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    161 	                    x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    162 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    163 	                    0.0f);
    164 	            }
    165 	        } else if (p->dx > 0) {
    166 				x += PULSE_SIZE; // need to start on the other side of this cell
    167 	            vpLoadTextureMatrix(matrix);
    168 	            float xx = x - (TRAIL_SIZE * PULSE_SIZE);
    169 	 	        if (xx >= State->width * 2) {
    170 	               initPulse(p, p->pulseType);
    171 	            } else {
    172 	                setColor(p->color);
    173 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TPulse);
    174 	                drawRect(x, y, xx, y + PULSE_SIZE, 0.0f);
    175 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TGlow);
    176 	                drawRect(x - HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    177 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    178 	                    x - HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    179 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    180 	                    0.0f);
    181 	            }
    182 	        } else if (p->dy < 0) {
    183 	            vpLoadTextureMatrix(matrix);
    184 	            float yy = y + (TRAIL_SIZE * PULSE_SIZE);
    185 	            if (yy <= 0) {
    186 	               initPulse(p, p->pulseType);
    187 	            } else {
    188 	                setColor(p->color);
    189 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TPulseVert);
    190 	                drawRect(x, yy, x + PULSE_SIZE, y, 0.0f);
    191 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TGlow);
    192 	                drawRect(x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    193 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    194 	                    x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    195 	                    y + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    196 	                    0.0f);
    197 	            }
    198 	        } else if (p->dy > 0) {
    199 				y += PULSE_SIZE; // need to start on the other side of this cell
    200 	            vpLoadTextureMatrix(matrix);
    201 	            float yy = y - (TRAIL_SIZE * PULSE_SIZE);
    202 	            if (yy >= State->height) {
    203 	               initPulse(p, p->pulseType);
    204 	            } else {
    205 	                setColor(p->color);
    206 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TPulseVert);
    207 	                drawRect(x, yy, x + PULSE_SIZE, y, 0.0f);
    208 	                bindTexture(NAMED_PFTexture, 0, NAMED_TGlow);
    209 	                drawRect(x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    210 	                    y - HALF_PULSE_SIZE - HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    211 	                    x + HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    212 	                    y - HALF_PULSE_SIZE + HALF_GLOW_SIZE,
    213 	                    0.0f);
    214 	            }
    215 	        }
    216 	    }
    217     }
    220     matrixLoadIdentity(matrix);
    221     vpLoadTextureMatrix(matrix);
    222 }
    224 void addTap(int x, int y) {
    225     int i;
    226     int count = 0;
    227     int color = (int)randf(4.0f);
    228     x = (int)(x / PULSE_SIZE) * PULSE_SIZE;
    229     y = (int)(y / PULSE_SIZE) * PULSE_SIZE;
    230     for (i=0; i<MAX_EXTRAS; i++) {
    231     	struct pulse_s * p = &gExtras[i];
    232     	if (p->active == 0) {
    233             p->originX = x;
    234             p->originY = y;
    236             if (count == 0) {
    237                 p->dx = 1.5f;
    238                 p->dy = 0.0f;
    239             } else if (count == 1) {
    240                 p->dx = -1.5f;
    241                 p->dy = 0.0f;
    242             } else if (count == 2) {
    243                 p->dx = 0.0f;
    244                 p->dy = 1.5f;
    245             } else if (count == 3) {
    246                 p->dx = 0.0f;
    247                 p->dy = -1.5f;
    248             }
    250             p->active = 1;
    251             p->color = color;
    252             color++;
    253             if (color >= 4) {
    254                 color = 0;
    255             }
    256             p->startTime = gNow;
    257             count++;
    258             if (count == 4) {
    259                 break;
    260             }
    261         }
    262     }
    263 }
    265 int main(int index) {
    267     gNow = uptimeMillis();
    269     if (Command->command != 0) {
    270         //debugF("x", Command->x);
    271         //debugF("y", Command->y);
    272         Command->command = 0;
    273         addTap(Command->x, Command->y);
    274     }
    276     int width = State->width;
    277     int height = State->height;
    279     float matrix[16];
    280     matrixLoadIdentity(matrix);
    281     if (State->rotate) {
    282         //matrixLoadRotate(matrix, 90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    283         //matrixTranslate(matrix, 0.0f, -height, 1.0f);
    284         // XXX: HAX: do not slide display in landscape
    285     } else {
    286          matrixTranslate(matrix, -(State->xOffset * width), 0, 0);
    287     }
    289     vpLoadModelMatrix(matrix);
    291     drawBackground(width, height);
    293     drawPulses(gPulses, MAX_PULSES);
    294     drawPulses(gExtras, MAX_EXTRAS);
    296     return 45;
    297 }