Interface MapDifference<K,V>

public interface MapDifference<K,V>

An object representing the differences between two maps.

2010.01.04 stable (imported from Google Collections Library)
Kevin Bourrillion

Nested Class Summary
static interface MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>
          A difference between the mappings from two maps with the same key.
Method Summary
 boolean areEqual()
          Returns true if there are no differences between the two maps; that is, if the maps are equal.
 Map<K,MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>> entriesDiffering()
          Returns an unmodifiable map describing keys that appear in both maps, but with different values.
 Map<K,V> entriesInCommon()
          Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries that appear in both maps; that is, the intersection of the two maps.
 Map<K,V> entriesOnlyOnLeft()
          Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries from the left map whose keys are not present in the right map.
 Map<K,V> entriesOnlyOnRight()
          Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries from the right map whose keys are not present in the left map.
 boolean equals(Object object)
          Compares the specified object with this instance for equality.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code for this instance.

Method Detail


boolean areEqual()
Returns true if there are no differences between the two maps; that is, if the maps are equal.


Map<K,V> entriesOnlyOnLeft()
Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries from the left map whose keys are not present in the right map.


Map<K,V> entriesOnlyOnRight()
Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries from the right map whose keys are not present in the left map.


Map<K,V> entriesInCommon()
Returns an unmodifiable map containing the entries that appear in both maps; that is, the intersection of the two maps.


Map<K,MapDifference.ValueDifference<V>> entriesDiffering()
Returns an unmodifiable map describing keys that appear in both maps, but with different values.


boolean equals(@Nullable
               Object object)
Compares the specified object with this instance for equality. Returns true if the given object is also a MapDifference and the values returned by the entriesOnlyOnLeft(), entriesOnlyOnRight(), entriesInCommon() and entriesDiffering() of the two instances are equal.

equals in class Object


int hashCode()
Returns the hash code for this instance. This is defined as the hash code of
   Arrays.asList(entriesOnlyOnLeft(), entriesOnlyOnRight(),
       entriesInCommon(), entriesDiffering())

hashCode in class Object