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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     16 package com.android.cts;
     18 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
     19 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
     20 import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
     21 import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
     23 import java.io.File;
     24 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
     25 import java.io.IOException;
     26 import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
     27 import java.util.ArrayList;
     28 import java.util.Collection;
     29 import java.util.HashMap;
     31 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
     32 import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
     33 import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
     34 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
     35 import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactoryConfigurationError;
     37 /**
     38  * Builder of test plan and also provides serialization for a test plan.
     39  */
     40 public class TestSessionBuilder extends XMLResourceHandler {
     41     // defined for external document, which is from the configuration files
     42     // this should keep synchronized with the format of the configuration files
     44     private static final String TAG_TEST_SUITE = "TestSuite";
     45     private static final String TAG_TEST_CASE = "TestCase";
     46     public static final String TAG_TEST = "Test";
     48     // attribute name define
     49     public static final String ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_CHECK = "signatureCheck";
     50     public static final String ATTRIBUTE_REFERENCE_APP_TEST = "referenceAppTest";
     51     public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY = "priority";
     53     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name";
     54     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_RUNNER = "runner";
     55     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_JAR_PATH = "jarPath";
     56     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_APP_NAME_SPACE = "appNameSpace";
     57     public static final String ATTRIBUTE_APP_PACKAGE_NAME = "appPackageName";
     58     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_NAME_SPACE = "targetNameSpace";
     59     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_BINARY_NAME = "targetBinaryName";
     60     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = "type";
     61     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_CONTROLLER = "HostController";
     62     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_KNOWN_FAILURE = "KnownFailure";
     63     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_HOST_SIDE_ONLY = "hostSideOnly";
     64     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_VERSION = "version";
     65     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION = "AndroidFramework";
     66     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_APK_TO_TEST_NAME = "apkToTestName";
     67     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE_TO_TEST = "packageToTest";
     68     private static final String ATTRIBUTE_JAVA_PACKAGE_FILTER = "javaPackageFilter";
     69     private static TestSessionBuilder sInstance;
     71     private DocumentBuilder mDocBuilder;
     73     public static TestSessionBuilder getInstance()
     74             throws ParserConfigurationException {
     75         if (sInstance == null) {
     76             sInstance = new TestSessionBuilder();
     77         }
     79         return sInstance;
     80     }
     82     private TestSessionBuilder() throws ParserConfigurationException {
     83         mDocBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
     84     }
     86     /**
     87      * Create TestSession via TestSessionLog.
     88      *
     89      * @param log The test session log.
     90      * @return The test session.
     91      */
     92     public TestSession build(TestSessionLog log) {
     93         if (log == null) {
     94             return null;
     95         }
     96         return new TestSession(log, 1);
     97     }
     99     /**
    100      * Create TestSession via TestPlan XML configuration file.
    101      *
    102      * @param config TestPlan XML configuration file.
    103      * @return TestSession.
    104      */
    105     public TestSession build(final String config) throws SAXException, IOException,
    106             TestPlanNotFoundException, TestNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    107         File file = new File(config);
    108         if (!file.exists()) {
    109             throw new TestPlanNotFoundException();
    110         }
    111         Document doc = mDocBuilder.parse(file);
    113         // parse device configuration
    114         int numOfRequiredDevices = 1; // default is 1
    115         try {
    116             Node deviceConfigNode = doc.getElementsByTagName(
    117                     TestPlan.Tag.REQUIRED_DEVICE).item(0);
    118             numOfRequiredDevices = getAttributeValue(deviceConfigNode,
    119                     TestPlan.Attribute.AMOUNT);
    120         } catch (Exception e) {
    121         }
    123         Collection<TestPackage> packages = loadPackages(doc);
    124         if (packages.size() == 0) {
    125             throw new TestNotFoundException("No valid package in test plan.");
    126         }
    128         String planFileName = file.getName();
    129         int index = planFileName.indexOf(".");
    130         String planName;
    131         if (index != -1) {
    132             planName = planFileName.substring(0, planFileName.indexOf("."));
    133         } else{
    134             planName = planFileName;
    135         }
    137         TestSessionLog sessionLog = new TestSessionLog(packages, planName);
    138         TestSession ts = new TestSession(sessionLog, numOfRequiredDevices);
    139         return ts;
    140     }
    142     /**
    143      * Load TestPackages from a TestPlan DOM doc.
    144      *
    145      * @param doc TestPlan DOM Document
    146      * @return loaded test package from TestPlan DOM Document
    147      */
    148     private Collection<TestPackage> loadPackages(Document doc)
    149                 throws SAXException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    151         ArrayList<TestPackage> packages = new ArrayList<TestPackage>();
    152         NodeList packageList = doc.getElementsByTagName(TestPlan.Tag.ENTRY);
    153         ArrayList<String> removedPkgList = new ArrayList<String>();
    154         for (int i = 0; i < packageList.getLength(); i++) {
    155             Node pNode = packageList.item(i);
    156             String uri = getStringAttributeValue(pNode, TestPlan.Attribute.URI);
    157             String list = getStringAttributeValue(pNode, TestPlan.Attribute.EXCLUDE);
    158             ArrayList<String> excludedList = null;
    159             if ((list != null) && (list.length() != 0)) {
    160                 excludedList = getStrArrayList(list);
    161             }
    163             String packageBinaryName = HostConfig.getInstance().getPackageBinaryName(uri);
    164             if (packageBinaryName != null) {
    165                 String xmlConfigFilePath =
    166                        HostConfig.getInstance().getCaseRepository().getXmlPath(packageBinaryName);
    167                 File xmlFile = new File(xmlConfigFilePath);
    168                 TestPackage pkg = loadPackage(xmlFile, excludedList);
    169                 if (pkg instanceof SignatureCheckPackage) {
    170                     // insert the signature check package
    171                     // to the head of the list
    172                     packages.add(0, pkg);
    173                 } else {
    174                     packages.add(pkg);
    175                 }
    176             } else{
    177                 removedPkgList.add(uri);
    178             }
    179         }
    180         if (removedPkgList.size() != 0) {
    181             CUIOutputStream.println("The following package(s) doesn't exist:");
    182             for (String pkgName : removedPkgList) {
    183                 CUIOutputStream.println("    " + pkgName);
    184             }
    185         }
    186         return packages;
    187     }
    189     /**
    190      * Load TestPackage via Package XML configuration file.
    191      *
    192      * @param packageConfigFile test package XML file
    193      * @param excludedList The list containing the excluded suites and sub types.
    194      * @return loaded TestPackage from test package XML configuration file
    195      */
    196     public TestPackage loadPackage(final File packageConfigFile, ArrayList<String> excludedList)
    197                                 throws SAXException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    198         Node pNode = mDocBuilder.parse(packageConfigFile).getDocumentElement();
    199         return loadPackage(pNode, excludedList);
    200     }
    202     /**
    203      * Load TestPackage via Package XML configuration file.
    204      *
    205      * @param pkgNode the test package node in the XML file
    206      * @param excludedList The list containing the excluded suites and sub types.
    207      * @return loaded TestPackage from test package XML configuration file
    208      */
    209     public TestPackage loadPackage(final Node pkgNode, ArrayList<String> excludedList)
    210                                 throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    212         NodeList suiteList = pkgNode.getChildNodes();
    214         String appBinaryName = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    215         String targetNameSpace = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_NAME_SPACE);
    216         String targetBinaryName = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_TARGET_BINARY_NAME);
    217         String version = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_VERSION);
    218         String frameworkVersion = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_FRAMEWORK_VERSION);
    219         String runner = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_RUNNER);
    220         String jarPath = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_JAR_PATH);
    221         String appNameSpace = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_APP_NAME_SPACE);
    222         String appPackageName = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_APP_PACKAGE_NAME);
    223         String hostSideOnly = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_HOST_SIDE_ONLY);
    224         String signature = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_SIGNATURE_CHECK);
    225         String referenceAppTest = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_REFERENCE_APP_TEST);
    226         String javaPackageFilter = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_JAVA_PACKAGE_FILTER);
    227         TestPackage pkg = null;
    229         if ("true".equals(referenceAppTest)) {
    230             String apkToTestName = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_APK_TO_TEST_NAME);
    231             String packageUnderTest = getStringAttributeValue(pkgNode, ATTRIBUTE_PACKAGE_TO_TEST);
    232             pkg = new ReferenceAppTestPackage(runner, appBinaryName, targetNameSpace,
    233                     targetBinaryName, version, frameworkVersion, jarPath,
    234                     appNameSpace, appPackageName,
    235                     apkToTestName, packageUnderTest);
    236         } else if ("true".equals(signature)) {
    237             pkg = new SignatureCheckPackage(runner, appBinaryName, targetNameSpace,
    238                     targetBinaryName, version, frameworkVersion, jarPath,
    239                     appNameSpace, appPackageName);
    240         } else if ("true".equals(hostSideOnly)) {
    241             pkg = new HostSideOnlyPackage(appBinaryName, version, frameworkVersion,
    242                     jarPath, appPackageName);
    243         } else {
    244             pkg = new TestPackage(runner, appBinaryName, targetNameSpace, targetBinaryName, version,
    245                     frameworkVersion, jarPath, appNameSpace, appPackageName, javaPackageFilter);
    246         }
    248         for (int i = 0; i < suiteList.getLength(); i++) {
    249             Node sNode = suiteList.item(i);
    250             if (sNode.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE
    251                     && TAG_TEST_SUITE.equals(sNode.getNodeName())) {
    252                 String fullSuiteName = getFullSuiteName(sNode);
    253                 if (checkFullMatch(excludedList, fullSuiteName) == false) {
    254                     ArrayList<String> excludedCaseList =
    255                                           getExcludedList(excludedList, fullSuiteName);
    256                     TestSuite suite = loadSuite(pkg, sNode, excludedCaseList);
    257                     if ((suite.getTestCases().size() != 0) || (suite.getSubSuites().size() != 0)) {
    258                         pkg.addTestSuite(suite);
    259                     }
    260                 } else {
    261                     Log.d("suite=" + fullSuiteName + " is fully excluded");
    262                 }
    263             }
    264         }
    266         return pkg;
    267     }
    269     /**
    270      * Get string ArrayList from string.
    271      *
    272      * @param str The given string.
    273      * @return The list.
    274      */
    275     private ArrayList<String> getStrArrayList(String str) {
    276         if ((str == null) || (str.length() == 0)) {
    277             return null;
    278         }
    280         String[] list = str.split(TestPlan.EXCLUDE_SEPARATOR);
    281         if ((list == null) || (list.length == 0)) {
    282             return null;
    283         }
    285         ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    286         for (String s : list) {
    287             result.add(s);
    288         }
    290         return result;
    291     }
    293     /**
    294      * Get excluded list from a list by offered expectation.
    295      *
    296      * @param excludedList The list containing excluded items.
    297      * @param expectation The expectations.
    298      * @return The excluded list.
    299      */
    300     private ArrayList<String> getExcludedList(ArrayList<String> excludedList, String expectation) {
    301         if ((excludedList == null) || (excludedList.size() == 0)) {
    302             return null;
    303         }
    305         ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    306         for (String str : excludedList) {
    307             if (str.startsWith(expectation)) {
    308                 list.add(str);
    309             }
    310         }
    312         if (list.size() == 0) {
    313             return null;
    314         } else {
    315             return list;
    316         }
    317     }
    319     /**
    320      * Check if the expectation is fully matched among a list.
    321      *
    322      * @param list The array list.
    323      * @param expectation The expectation.
    324      * @return If there is full match of expectation among the list, return true;
    325      *         else, return false.
    326      */
    327     private boolean checkFullMatch(ArrayList<String> list, String expectation) {
    328         if ((list == null) || (list.size() == 0)) {
    329             return false;
    330         }
    332         for (String str : list) {
    333             if (str.equals(expectation)) {
    334                 return true;
    335             }
    336         }
    338         return false;
    339     }
    341     /**
    342      * Load TestSuite via suite node. Package Name is used to output test result.
    343      *
    344      * @param pkg TestPackage
    345      * @param sNode suite node
    346      * @param excludedCaseList The list containing the excluded cases and sub types.
    347      * @return TestSuite
    348      */
    349     private TestSuite loadSuite(final TestPackage pkg, Node sNode,
    350                                 ArrayList<String> excludedCaseList) {
    351         NodeList cNodes = sNode.getChildNodes();
    352         String fullSuiteName = getFullSuiteName(sNode);
    353         String suiteName = getStringAttributeValue(sNode, TestPlan.Attribute.NAME);
    354         TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(pkg, suiteName, fullSuiteName);
    356         for (int i = 0; i < cNodes.getLength(); i++) {
    357             Node cNode = cNodes.item(i);
    358             if (cNode.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
    359                 if (cNode.getNodeName().equals(TAG_TEST_SUITE)) {
    360                     String subSuiteName = getFullSuiteName(cNode);
    361                     if (checkFullMatch(excludedCaseList, subSuiteName) == false) {
    362                         ArrayList<String> excludedList = getExcludedList(excludedCaseList,
    363                                                              subSuiteName);
    364                         TestSuite subSuite = loadSuite(pkg, cNode, excludedList);
    365                         if ((subSuite.getTestCases().size() != 0)
    366                             || (subSuite.getSubSuites().size() != 0)) {
    367                             suite.addSubSuite(subSuite);
    368                         }
    369                     } else {
    370                         Log.d("suite=" + subSuiteName + " is fully excluded");
    371                     }
    372                 } else if (cNode.getNodeName().equals(TAG_TEST_CASE)) {
    373                     String cName = getStringAttributeValue(cNode, ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    374                     String priority = getStringAttributeValue(cNode, ATTRIBUTE_PRIORITY);
    376                     TestCase testCase = new TestCase(suite, cName, priority);
    377                     String fullCaseName = fullSuiteName + "." + testCase.getName();
    378                     if (checkFullMatch(excludedCaseList, fullCaseName) == false) {
    379                         NodeList mNodes = cNode.getChildNodes();
    380                         for (int t = 0; t < mNodes.getLength(); t ++) {
    381                             Node testNode = mNodes.item(t);
    382                             if ((testNode.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE)
    383                                     && (testNode.getNodeName().equals(TAG_TEST))) {
    384                                 Test test = loadTest(pkg, testCase, testNode);
    385                                 if (!checkFullMatch(excludedCaseList, test.getFullName())) {
    386                                     testCase.addTest(test);
    387                                 } else {
    388                                     Log.d("Test=" + test.getFullName() + " is excluded");
    389                                 }
    390                             }
    391                         }
    392                         if (testCase.getTests().size() != 0) {
    393                             suite.addTestCase(testCase);
    394                         }
    395                     } else {
    396                         Log.d("case=" + fullCaseName + " is fully excluded");
    397                     }
    398                 }
    399             }
    400         }
    402         return suite;
    403     }
    405     /**
    406      * Load test via test node.
    407      *
    408      * @param pkg The test package.
    409      * @param testCase The test case.
    410      * @param testNode The test node.
    411      * @return The test loaded.
    412      */
    413     private Test loadTest(final TestPackage pkg, TestCase testCase,
    414             Node testNode) {
    415         String cType = getStringAttributeValue(testNode, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
    416         String name = getStringAttributeValue(testNode, ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    417         String description = getStringAttributeValue(testNode,
    418                 ATTRIBUTE_CONTROLLER);
    419         String knownFailure = getStringAttributeValue(testNode,
    420                 ATTRIBUTE_KNOWN_FAILURE);
    421         String fullJarPath =
    422             HostConfig.getInstance().getCaseRepository().getRoot()
    423             + File.separator + pkg.getJarPath();
    424         CtsTestResult testResult = loadTestResult(testNode);
    425         Test test = null;
    426         if (pkg.isHostSideOnly()) {
    427             test = new HostSideOnlyTest(testCase, name, cType,
    428                     knownFailure,
    429                     CtsTestResult.CODE_NOT_EXECUTED);
    430             description = test.getFullName();
    431         } else {
    432             test = new Test(testCase, name, cType,
    433                     knownFailure,
    434                     CtsTestResult.CODE_NOT_EXECUTED);
    435         }
    437         TestController controller =
    438             genTestControler(fullJarPath, description);
    439         test.setTestController(controller);
    440         if (testResult != null) {
    441             test.addResult(testResult);
    442         }
    443         return test;
    444     }
    446     /**
    447      * Load the CTS test result from the test node.
    448      *
    449      * @param testNode The test node.
    450      * @return The CTS test result.
    451      */
    452     private CtsTestResult loadTestResult(Node testNode) {
    453         String result = getStringAttributeValue(testNode,
    454                 TestSessionLog.ATTRIBUTE_RESULT);
    456         String failedMessage = null;
    457         String stackTrace = null;
    458         NodeList nodes = testNode.getChildNodes();
    459         for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i ++) {
    460             Node rNode = nodes.item(i);
    461             if ((rNode.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE)
    462                     && (rNode.getNodeName().equals(TestSessionLog.TAG_FAILED_SCENE))) {
    463                 failedMessage = getStringAttributeValue(rNode, TestSessionLog.TAG_FAILED_MESSAGE);
    464                 stackTrace = getStringAttributeValue(rNode, TestSessionLog.TAG_STACK_TRACE);
    465                 if (stackTrace == null) {
    466                     NodeList sNodeList = rNode.getChildNodes();
    467                     for (int j = 0; j < sNodeList.getLength(); j ++) {
    468                         Node sNode = sNodeList.item(i);
    469                         if ((sNode.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE)
    470                                 && (sNode.getNodeName().equals(TestSessionLog.TAG_STACK_TRACE))) {
    471                             stackTrace = sNode.getTextContent();
    472                         }
    473                     }
    474                 }
    475                 break;
    476             }
    477         }
    479         CtsTestResult testResult = null;
    480         if (result != null) {
    481             try {
    482                 testResult = new CtsTestResult(result, failedMessage, stackTrace);
    483             } catch (InvalidTestResultStringException e) {
    484             }
    485         }
    487         return testResult;
    488     }
    490     /**
    491      * Generate controller according to the description string.
    492      *
    493      * @return The test controller.
    494      */
    495     public TestController genTestControler(String jarPath, String description) {
    496         if ((jarPath == null) || (jarPath.length() == 0)
    497                 || (description == null) || (description.length() == 0)) {
    498             return null;
    499         }
    501         String packageName = description.substring(0, description.lastIndexOf("."));
    502         String className   = description.substring(packageName.length() + 1,
    503                              description.lastIndexOf(Test.METHOD_SEPARATOR));
    504         String methodName  = description.substring(
    505                              description.lastIndexOf(Test.METHOD_SEPARATOR) + 1,
    506                              description.length());
    508         return new TestController(jarPath, packageName, className, methodName);
    509     }
    511     /**
    512      * Get the full suite name of the specified suite node. Since the test
    513      * suite can be nested, so the full name of a tests suite is combined
    514      * with his name and his ancestor suite's names.
    515      *
    516      * @param node The specified suite node.
    517      * @return The full name of the given suite node.
    518      */
    519     private String getFullSuiteName(Node node) {
    520         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    521         buf.append(getStringAttributeValue(node, TestPlan.Attribute.NAME));
    523         Node parent = node.getParentNode();
    524         while (parent != null) {
    525             if (parent.getNodeType() == Document.ELEMENT_NODE
    526                     && parent.getNodeName() == TAG_TEST_SUITE) {
    527                 buf.insert(0, ".");
    528                 buf.insert(0, getStringAttributeValue(parent, TestPlan.Attribute.NAME));
    529             }
    531             parent = parent.getParentNode();
    532         }
    534         return buf.toString();
    535     }
    537     /**
    538      * Create TestPlan which contain a series TestPackages.
    539      *
    540      * @param planName test plan name
    541      * @param packageNames Package names to be added
    542      * @param selectedResult The selected result mapping selected
    543      *                       package with selected removal result.
    544      */
    545     public void serialize(String planName,
    546             ArrayList<String> packageNames, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> selectedResult)
    547             throws ParserConfigurationException, FileNotFoundException, IOException,
    548             TransformerFactoryConfigurationError, TransformerException {
    549         File plan = new File(HostConfig.getInstance().getPlanRepository()
    550                 .getPlanPath(planName));
    551         if (plan.exists()) {
    552             Log.e("Plan " + planName + " already exist, please use another name!",
    553                     null);
    554             return;
    555         }
    557         Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
    558                 .newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
    559         Node root = doc.createElement(TestPlan.Tag.TEST_PLAN);
    560         setAttribute(doc, root, ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, "1.0");
    561         doc.appendChild(root);
    563         // append device configure node
    564         Node deviceConfigNode = doc.createElement(TestPlan.Tag.PLAN_SETTING);
    566         root.appendChild(deviceConfigNode);
    568         // append test packages
    569         for (String pName : packageNames) {
    570             if (selectedResult.containsKey(pName)) {
    571                 Node entryNode = doc.createElement(TestPlan.Tag.ENTRY);
    573                 setAttribute(doc, entryNode, TestPlan.Attribute.URI, pName);
    574                 ArrayList<String> excluded = selectedResult.get(pName);
    575                 if ((excluded != null) && (excluded.size() != 0)) {
    576                     String excludedList = "";
    577                     for (String str : excluded) {
    578                         excludedList += str + TestPlan.EXCLUDE_SEPARATOR;
    579                     }
    580                     setAttribute(doc, entryNode, TestPlan.Attribute.EXCLUDE, excludedList);
    581                 }
    582                 root.appendChild(entryNode);
    583             }
    584         }
    586         writeToFile(plan, doc);
    587     }
    589 }