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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/net/predictor.h"
      7 #include <algorithm>
      8 #include <cmath>
      9 #include <set>
     10 #include <sstream>
     12 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
     13 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
     14 #include "base/string_util.h"
     15 #include "base/time.h"
     16 #include "base/values.h"
     17 #include "chrome/browser/net/preconnect.h"
     18 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     19 #include "net/base/address_list.h"
     20 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
     21 #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
     22 #include "net/base/host_resolver.h"
     23 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
     24 #include "net/base/net_log.h"
     26 using base::TimeDelta;
     28 namespace chrome_browser_net {
     30 // static
     31 const double Predictor::kPreconnectWorthyExpectedValue = 0.8;
     32 // static
     33 const double Predictor::kDNSPreresolutionWorthyExpectedValue = 0.1;
     34 // static
     35 const double Predictor::kDiscardableExpectedValue = 0.05;
     36 // The goal is of trimming is to to reduce the importance (number of expected
     37 // subresources needed) by a factor of 2 after about 24 hours of uptime. We will
     38 // trim roughly once-an-hour of uptime.  The ratio to use in each trim operation
     39 // is then the 24th root of 0.5.  If a user only surfs for 4 hours a day, then
     40 // after about 6 days they will have halved all their estimates of subresource
     41 // connections.  Once this falls below kDiscardableExpectedValue the referrer
     42 // will be discarded.
     43 // TODO(jar): Measure size of referrer lists in the field.  Consider an adaptive
     44 // system that uses a higher trim ratio when the list is large.
     45 // static
     46 const double Predictor::kReferrerTrimRatio = 0.97153;
     48 // static
     49 const TimeDelta Predictor::kDurationBetweenTrimmings = TimeDelta::FromHours(1);
     50 // static
     51 const TimeDelta Predictor::kDurationBetweenTrimmingIncrements =
     52     TimeDelta::FromSeconds(15);
     53 // static
     54 const size_t Predictor::kUrlsTrimmedPerIncrement = 5u;
     56 class Predictor::LookupRequest {
     57  public:
     58   LookupRequest(Predictor* predictor,
     59                 net::HostResolver* host_resolver,
     60                 const GURL& url)
     62             net_callback_(this, &LookupRequest::OnLookupFinished)),
     63         predictor_(predictor),
     64         url_(url),
     65         resolver_(host_resolver) {
     66   }
     68   // Return underlying network resolver status.
     69   // net::OK ==> Host was found synchronously.
     70   // net:ERR_IO_PENDING ==> Network will callback later with result.
     71   // anything else ==> Host was not found synchronously.
     72   int Start() {
     73     net::HostResolver::RequestInfo resolve_info(
     74         net::HostPortPair::FromURL(url_));
     76     // Make a note that this is a speculative resolve request. This allows us
     77     // to separate it from real navigations in the observer's callback, and
     78     // lets the HostResolver know it can de-prioritize it.
     79     resolve_info.set_is_speculative(true);
     80     return resolver_.Resolve(
     81         resolve_info, &addresses_, &net_callback_, net::BoundNetLog());
     82   }
     84  private:
     85   void OnLookupFinished(int result) {
     86     predictor_->OnLookupFinished(this, url_, result == net::OK);
     87   }
     89   // HostResolver will call us using this callback when resolution is complete.
     90   net::CompletionCallbackImpl<LookupRequest> net_callback_;
     92   Predictor* predictor_;  // The predictor which started us.
     94   const GURL url_;  // Hostname to resolve.
     95   net::SingleRequestHostResolver resolver_;
     96   net::AddressList addresses_;
     98   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LookupRequest);
     99 };
    101 Predictor::Predictor(net::HostResolver* host_resolver,
    102                      TimeDelta max_dns_queue_delay,
    103                      size_t max_concurrent,
    104                      bool preconnect_enabled)
    105     : peak_pending_lookups_(0),
    106       shutdown_(false),
    107       max_concurrent_dns_lookups_(max_concurrent),
    108       max_dns_queue_delay_(max_dns_queue_delay),
    109       host_resolver_(host_resolver),
    110       preconnect_enabled_(preconnect_enabled),
    111       consecutive_omnibox_preconnect_count_(0),
    112       next_trim_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now() + kDurationBetweenTrimmings),
    113       ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(trim_task_factory_(this)) {
    114 }
    116 Predictor::~Predictor() {
    117   DCHECK(shutdown_);
    118 }
    120 void Predictor::Shutdown() {
    121   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    122   DCHECK(!shutdown_);
    123   shutdown_ = true;
    125   std::set<LookupRequest*>::iterator it;
    126   for (it = pending_lookups_.begin(); it != pending_lookups_.end(); ++it)
    127     delete *it;
    128 }
    130 // Overloaded Resolve() to take a vector of names.
    131 void Predictor::ResolveList(const UrlList& urls,
    132                             UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
    133   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    135   for (UrlList::const_iterator it = urls.begin(); it < urls.end(); ++it) {
    136     AppendToResolutionQueue(*it, motivation);
    137   }
    138 }
    140 // Basic Resolve() takes an invidual name, and adds it
    141 // to the queue.
    142 void Predictor::Resolve(const GURL& url,
    143                         UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
    144   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    145   if (!url.has_host())
    146     return;
    147   AppendToResolutionQueue(url, motivation);
    148 }
    150 void Predictor::LearnFromNavigation(const GURL& referring_url,
    151                                     const GURL& target_url) {
    152   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    153   DCHECK(referring_url == referring_url.GetWithEmptyPath());
    154   DCHECK(target_url == target_url.GetWithEmptyPath());
    155   if (referring_url.has_host()) {
    156     referrers_[referring_url].SuggestHost(target_url);
    157     // Possibly do some referrer trimming.
    158     TrimReferrers();
    159   }
    160 }
    162 enum SubresourceValue {
    165   TOO_NEW,
    167 };
    169 void Predictor::AnticipateOmniboxUrl(const GURL& url, bool preconnectable) {
    170   std::string host = url.HostNoBrackets();
    171   bool is_new_host_request = (host != last_omnibox_host_);
    172   last_omnibox_host_ = host;
    174   UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation(UrlInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED);
    175   base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    177   if (preconnect_enabled()) {
    178     if (preconnectable && !is_new_host_request) {
    179       ++consecutive_omnibox_preconnect_count_;
    180       // The omnibox suggests a search URL (for which we can preconnect) after
    181       // one or two characters are typed, even though such typing often (1 in
    182       // 3?) becomes a real URL.  This code waits till is has more evidence of a
    183       // preconnectable URL (search URL) before forming a preconnection, so as
    184       // to reduce the useless preconnect rate.
    185       // Perchance this logic should be pushed back into the omnibox, where the
    186       // actual characters typed, such as a space, can better forcast whether
    187       // we need to search/preconnect or not.  By waiting for at least 4
    188       // characters in a row that have lead to a search proposal, we avoid
    189       // preconnections for a prefix like "www." and we also wait until we have
    190       // at least a 4 letter word to search for.
    191       // Each character typed appears to induce 2 calls to
    192       // AnticipateOmniboxUrl(), so we double 4 characters and limit at 8
    193       // requests.
    194       // TODO(jar): Use an A/B test to optimize this.
    195       const int kMinConsecutiveRequests = 8;
    196       if (consecutive_omnibox_preconnect_count_ >= kMinConsecutiveRequests) {
    197         // TODO(jar): The wild guess of 30 seconds could be tuned/tested, but it
    198         // currently is just a guess that most sockets will remain open for at
    199         // least 30 seconds.  This avoids a lot of cross-thread posting, and
    200         // exercise of the network stack in this common case.
    201         const int kMaxSearchKeepaliveSeconds(30);
    202         if ((now - last_omnibox_preconnect_).InSeconds() <
    203              kMaxSearchKeepaliveSeconds)
    204           return;  // We've done a preconnect recently.
    205         last_omnibox_preconnect_ = now;
    206         const int kConnectionsNeeded = 1;
    207         PreconnectOnUIThread(CanonicalizeUrl(url), motivation,
    208                              kConnectionsNeeded);
    209         return;  // Skip pre-resolution, since we'll open a connection.
    210       }
    211     } else {
    212       consecutive_omnibox_preconnect_count_ = 0;
    213     }
    214   }
    216   // Fall through and consider pre-resolution.
    218   // Omnibox tends to call in pairs (just a few milliseconds apart), and we
    219   // really don't need to keep resolving a name that often.
    220   // TODO(jar): A/B tests could check for perf impact of the early returns.
    221   if (!is_new_host_request) {
    222     const int kMinPreresolveSeconds(10);
    223     if (kMinPreresolveSeconds > (now - last_omnibox_preresolve_).InSeconds())
    224       return;
    225   }
    226   last_omnibox_preresolve_ = now;
    228   // Perform at least DNS pre-resolution.
    229   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    230       BrowserThread::IO,
    231       FROM_HERE,
    232       NewRunnableMethod(this, &Predictor::Resolve, CanonicalizeUrl(url),
    233                         motivation));
    234 }
    236 void Predictor::PreconnectUrlAndSubresources(const GURL& url) {
    237   if (preconnect_enabled()) {
    238     std::string host = url.HostNoBrackets();
    239     UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation(UrlInfo::EARLY_LOAD_MOTIVATED);
    240     const int kConnectionsNeeded = 1;
    241     PreconnectOnUIThread(CanonicalizeUrl(url), motivation,
    242                          kConnectionsNeeded);
    243     PredictFrameSubresources(url.GetWithEmptyPath());
    244   }
    245 }
    247 void Predictor::PredictFrameSubresources(const GURL& url) {
    248   DCHECK(url.GetWithEmptyPath() == url);
    249   // Add one pass through the message loop to allow current navigation to
    250   // proceed.
    251   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    252       BrowserThread::IO,
    253       FROM_HERE,
    254       NewRunnableMethod(this, &Predictor::PrepareFrameSubresources, url));
    255 }
    257 void Predictor::PrepareFrameSubresources(const GURL& url) {
    258   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    259   DCHECK(url.GetWithEmptyPath() == url);
    260   Referrers::iterator it = referrers_.find(url);
    261   if (referrers_.end() == it) {
    262     // Only when we don't know anything about this url, make 2 connections
    263     // available.  We could do this completely via learning (by prepopulating
    264     // the referrer_ list with this expected value), but it would swell the
    265     // size of the list with all the "Leaf" nodes in the tree (nodes that don't
    266     // load any subresources).  If we learn about this resource, we will instead
    267     // provide a more carefully estimated preconnection count.
    268     if (preconnect_enabled_)
    269       PreconnectOnIOThread(url, UrlInfo::SELF_REFERAL_MOTIVATED, 2);
    270     return;
    271   }
    273   Referrer* referrer = &(it->second);
    274   referrer->IncrementUseCount();
    275   const UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation =
    277   for (Referrer::iterator future_url = referrer->begin();
    278        future_url != referrer->end(); ++future_url) {
    279     SubresourceValue evalution(TOO_NEW);
    280     double connection_expectation = future_url->second.subresource_use_rate();
    281     UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS("Net.PreconnectSubresourceExpectation",
    282                                 static_cast<int>(connection_expectation * 100),
    283                                 10, 5000, 50);
    284     future_url->second.ReferrerWasObserved();
    285     if (preconnect_enabled_ &&
    286         connection_expectation > kPreconnectWorthyExpectedValue) {
    287       evalution = PRECONNECTION;
    288       future_url->second.IncrementPreconnectionCount();
    289       int count = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(connection_expectation));
    290       if (url.host() == future_url->first.host())
    291         ++count;
    292       PreconnectOnIOThread(future_url->first, motivation, count);
    293     } else if (connection_expectation > kDNSPreresolutionWorthyExpectedValue) {
    294       evalution = PRERESOLUTION;
    295       future_url->second.preresolution_increment();
    296       UrlInfo* queued_info = AppendToResolutionQueue(future_url->first,
    297                                                      motivation);
    298       if (queued_info)
    299         queued_info->SetReferringHostname(url);
    300     }
    301     UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("Net.PreconnectSubresourceEval", evalution,
    302                               SUBRESOURCE_VALUE_MAX);
    303   }
    304 }
    306 // Provide sort order so all .com's are together, etc.
    307 struct RightToLeftStringSorter {
    308   bool operator()(const GURL& left,
    309                   const GURL& right) const {
    310     return string_compare(left.host(), right.host());
    311   }
    313   static bool string_compare(const std::string& left_host,
    314                              const std::string& right_host) {
    315     if (left_host == right_host) return true;
    316     size_t left_already_matched = left_host.size();
    317     size_t right_already_matched = right_host.size();
    319     // Ensure both strings have characters.
    320     if (!left_already_matched) return true;
    321     if (!right_already_matched) return false;
    323     // Watch for trailing dot, so we'll always be safe to go one beyond dot.
    324     if ('.' == left_host[left_already_matched - 1]) {
    325       if ('.' != right_host[right_already_matched - 1])
    326         return true;
    327       // Both have dots at end of string.
    328       --left_already_matched;
    329       --right_already_matched;
    330     } else {
    331       if ('.' == right_host[right_already_matched - 1])
    332         return false;
    333     }
    335     while (1) {
    336       if (!left_already_matched) return true;
    337       if (!right_already_matched) return false;
    339       size_t left_length, right_length;
    340       size_t left_start = left_host.find_last_of('.', left_already_matched - 1);
    341       if (std::string::npos == left_start) {
    342         left_length = left_already_matched;
    343         left_already_matched = left_start = 0;
    344       } else {
    345         left_length = left_already_matched - left_start;
    346         left_already_matched = left_start;
    347         ++left_start;  // Don't compare the dot.
    348       }
    349       size_t right_start = right_host.find_last_of('.',
    350                                                    right_already_matched - 1);
    351       if (std::string::npos == right_start) {
    352         right_length = right_already_matched;
    353         right_already_matched = right_start = 0;
    354       } else {
    355         right_length = right_already_matched - right_start;
    356         right_already_matched = right_start;
    357         ++right_start;  // Don't compare the dot.
    358       }
    360       int diff = left_host.compare(left_start, left_host.size(),
    361                                    right_host, right_start, right_host.size());
    362       if (diff > 0) return false;
    363       if (diff < 0) return true;
    364     }
    365   }
    366 };
    368 void Predictor::GetHtmlReferrerLists(std::string* output) {
    369   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    370   if (referrers_.empty())
    371     return;
    373   // TODO(jar): Remove any plausible JavaScript from names before displaying.
    375   typedef std::set<GURL, struct RightToLeftStringSorter>
    376       SortedNames;
    377   SortedNames sorted_names;
    379   for (Referrers::iterator it = referrers_.begin();
    380        referrers_.end() != it; ++it)
    381     sorted_names.insert(it->first);
    383   output->append("<br><table border>");
    384   output->append(
    385       "<tr><th>Host for Page</th>"
    386       "<th>Page Load<br>Count</th>"
    387       "<th>Subresource<br>Navigations</th>"
    388       "<th>Subresource<br>PreConnects</th>"
    389       "<th>Subresource<br>PreResolves</th>"
    390       "<th>Expected<br>Connects</th>"
    391       "<th>Subresource Spec</th></tr>");
    393   for (SortedNames::iterator it = sorted_names.begin();
    394        sorted_names.end() != it; ++it) {
    395     Referrer* referrer = &(referrers_[*it]);
    396     bool first_set_of_futures = true;
    397     for (Referrer::iterator future_url = referrer->begin();
    398          future_url != referrer->end(); ++future_url) {
    399       output->append("<tr align=right>");
    400       if (first_set_of_futures) {
    401         base::StringAppendF(output,
    402                             "<td rowspan=%d>%s</td><td rowspan=%d>%d</td>",
    403                             static_cast<int>(referrer->size()),
    404                             it->spec().c_str(),
    405                             static_cast<int>(referrer->size()),
    406                             static_cast<int>(referrer->use_count()));
    407       }
    408       first_set_of_futures = false;
    409       base::StringAppendF(output,
    410           "<td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%d</td><td>%2.3f</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
    411           static_cast<int>(future_url->second.navigation_count()),
    412           static_cast<int>(future_url->second.preconnection_count()),
    413           static_cast<int>(future_url->second.preresolution_count()),
    414           static_cast<double>(future_url->second.subresource_use_rate()),
    415           future_url->first.spec().c_str());
    416     }
    417   }
    418   output->append("</table>");
    419 }
    421 void Predictor::GetHtmlInfo(std::string* output) {
    422   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    423   // Local lists for calling UrlInfo
    424   UrlInfo::UrlInfoTable name_not_found;
    425   UrlInfo::UrlInfoTable name_preresolved;
    427   // Get copies of all useful data.
    428   typedef std::map<GURL, UrlInfo, RightToLeftStringSorter> SortedUrlInfo;
    429   SortedUrlInfo snapshot;
    430   // UrlInfo supports value semantics, so we can do a shallow copy.
    431   for (Results::iterator it(results_.begin()); it != results_.end(); it++)
    432     snapshot[it->first] = it->second;
    434   // Partition the UrlInfo's into categories.
    435   for (SortedUrlInfo::iterator it(snapshot.begin());
    436        it != snapshot.end(); it++) {
    437     if (it->second.was_nonexistent()) {
    438       name_not_found.push_back(it->second);
    439       continue;
    440     }
    441     if (!it->second.was_found())
    442       continue;  // Still being processed.
    443     name_preresolved.push_back(it->second);
    444   }
    446   bool brief = false;
    447 #ifdef NDEBUG
    448   brief = true;
    449 #endif  // NDEBUG
    451   // Call for display of each table, along with title.
    452   UrlInfo::GetHtmlTable(name_preresolved,
    453       "Preresolution DNS records performed for ", brief, output);
    454   UrlInfo::GetHtmlTable(name_not_found,
    455       "Preresolving DNS records revealed non-existence for ", brief, output);
    456 }
    458 UrlInfo* Predictor::AppendToResolutionQueue(
    459     const GURL& url,
    460     UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
    461   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    462   DCHECK(url.has_host());
    464   if (shutdown_)
    465     return NULL;
    467   UrlInfo* info = &results_[url];
    468   info->SetUrl(url);  // Initialize or DCHECK.
    469   // TODO(jar):  I need to discard names that have long since expired.
    470   // Currently we only add to the domain map :-/
    472   DCHECK(info->HasUrl(url));
    474   if (!info->NeedsDnsUpdate()) {
    475     info->DLogResultsStats("DNS PrefetchNotUpdated");
    476     return NULL;
    477   }
    479   info->SetQueuedState(motivation);
    480   work_queue_.Push(url, motivation);
    481   StartSomeQueuedResolutions();
    482   return info;
    483 }
    485 void Predictor::StartSomeQueuedResolutions() {
    486   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    488   while (!work_queue_.IsEmpty() &&
    489          pending_lookups_.size() < max_concurrent_dns_lookups_) {
    490     const GURL url(work_queue_.Pop());
    491     UrlInfo* info = &results_[url];
    492     DCHECK(info->HasUrl(url));
    493     info->SetAssignedState();
    495     if (CongestionControlPerformed(info)) {
    496       DCHECK(work_queue_.IsEmpty());
    497       return;
    498     }
    500     LookupRequest* request = new LookupRequest(this, host_resolver_, url);
    501     int status = request->Start();
    502     if (status == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
    503       // Will complete asynchronously.
    504       pending_lookups_.insert(request);
    505       peak_pending_lookups_ = std::max(peak_pending_lookups_,
    506                                        pending_lookups_.size());
    507     } else {
    508       // Completed synchronously (was already cached by HostResolver), or else
    509       // there was (equivalently) some network error that prevents us from
    510       // finding the name.  Status net::OK means it was "found."
    511       LookupFinished(request, url, status == net::OK);
    512       delete request;
    513     }
    514   }
    515 }
    517 bool Predictor::CongestionControlPerformed(UrlInfo* info) {
    518   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    519   // Note: queue_duration is ONLY valid after we go to assigned state.
    520   if (info->queue_duration() < max_dns_queue_delay_)
    521     return false;
    522   // We need to discard all entries in our queue, as we're keeping them waiting
    523   // too long.  By doing this, we'll have a chance to quickly service urgent
    524   // resolutions, and not have a bogged down system.
    525   while (true) {
    526     info->RemoveFromQueue();
    527     if (work_queue_.IsEmpty())
    528       break;
    529     info = &results_[work_queue_.Pop()];
    530     info->SetAssignedState();
    531   }
    532   return true;
    533 }
    535 void Predictor::OnLookupFinished(LookupRequest* request, const GURL& url,
    536                                  bool found) {
    537   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    539   LookupFinished(request, url, found);
    540   pending_lookups_.erase(request);
    541   delete request;
    543   StartSomeQueuedResolutions();
    544 }
    546 void Predictor::LookupFinished(LookupRequest* request, const GURL& url,
    547                                bool found) {
    548   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    549   UrlInfo* info = &results_[url];
    550   DCHECK(info->HasUrl(url));
    551   if (info->is_marked_to_delete()) {
    552     results_.erase(url);
    553   } else {
    554     if (found)
    555       info->SetFoundState();
    556     else
    557       info->SetNoSuchNameState();
    558   }
    559 }
    561 void Predictor::DiscardAllResults() {
    562   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    563   // Delete anything listed so far in this session that shows in about:dns.
    564   referrers_.clear();
    567   // Try to delete anything in our work queue.
    568   while (!work_queue_.IsEmpty()) {
    569     // Emulate processing cycle as though host was not found.
    570     GURL url = work_queue_.Pop();
    571     UrlInfo* info = &results_[url];
    572     DCHECK(info->HasUrl(url));
    573     info->SetAssignedState();
    574     info->SetNoSuchNameState();
    575   }
    576   // Now every result_ is either resolved, or is being resolved
    577   // (see LookupRequest).
    579   // Step through result_, recording names of all hosts that can't be erased.
    580   // We can't erase anything being worked on.
    581   Results assignees;
    582   for (Results::iterator it = results_.begin(); results_.end() != it; ++it) {
    583     GURL url(it->first);
    584     UrlInfo* info = &it->second;
    585     DCHECK(info->HasUrl(url));
    586     if (info->is_assigned()) {
    587       info->SetPendingDeleteState();
    588       assignees[url] = *info;
    589     }
    590   }
    591   DCHECK(assignees.size() <= max_concurrent_dns_lookups_);
    592   results_.clear();
    593   // Put back in the names being worked on.
    594   for (Results::iterator it = assignees.begin(); assignees.end() != it; ++it) {
    595     DCHECK(it->second.is_marked_to_delete());
    596     results_[it->first] = it->second;
    597   }
    598 }
    600 void Predictor::TrimReferrersNow() {
    601   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    602   // Just finish up work if an incremental trim is in progress.
    603   if (urls_being_trimmed_.empty())
    604     LoadUrlsForTrimming();
    605   IncrementalTrimReferrers(true);  // Do everything now.
    606 }
    608 void Predictor::SerializeReferrers(ListValue* referral_list) {
    609   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    610   referral_list->Clear();
    611   referral_list->Append(new FundamentalValue(PREDICTOR_REFERRER_VERSION));
    612   for (Referrers::const_iterator it = referrers_.begin();
    613        it != referrers_.end(); ++it) {
    614     // Serialize the list of subresource names.
    615     Value* subresource_list(it->second.Serialize());
    617     // Create a list for each referer.
    618     ListValue* motivator(new ListValue);
    619     motivator->Append(new StringValue(it->first.spec()));
    620     motivator->Append(subresource_list);
    622     referral_list->Append(motivator);
    623   }
    624 }
    626 void Predictor::DeserializeReferrers(const ListValue& referral_list) {
    627   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    628   int format_version = -1;
    629   if (referral_list.GetSize() > 0 &&
    630       referral_list.GetInteger(0, &format_version) &&
    631       format_version == PREDICTOR_REFERRER_VERSION) {
    632     for (size_t i = 1; i < referral_list.GetSize(); ++i) {
    633       ListValue* motivator;
    634       if (!referral_list.GetList(i, &motivator)) {
    635         NOTREACHED();
    636         return;
    637       }
    638       std::string motivating_url_spec;
    639       if (!motivator->GetString(0, &motivating_url_spec)) {
    640         NOTREACHED();
    641         return;
    642       }
    644       Value* subresource_list;
    645       if (!motivator->Get(1, &subresource_list)) {
    646         NOTREACHED();
    647         return;
    648       }
    650       referrers_[GURL(motivating_url_spec)].Deserialize(*subresource_list);
    651     }
    652   }
    653 }
    655 void Predictor::TrimReferrers() {
    656   DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO));
    657   if (!urls_being_trimmed_.empty())
    658     return;   // There is incremental trimming in progress already.
    660   // Check to see if it is time to trim yet.
    661   base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    662   if (now < next_trim_time_)
    663     return;
    664   next_trim_time_ = now + kDurationBetweenTrimmings;
    666   LoadUrlsForTrimming();
    667   PostIncrementalTrimTask();
    668 }
    670 void Predictor::LoadUrlsForTrimming() {
    671   DCHECK(urls_being_trimmed_.empty());
    672   for (Referrers::const_iterator it = referrers_.begin();
    673        it != referrers_.end(); ++it)
    674     urls_being_trimmed_.push_back(it->first);
    675   UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("Net.PredictionTrimSize", urls_being_trimmed_.size());
    676 }
    678 void Predictor::PostIncrementalTrimTask() {
    679   if (urls_being_trimmed_.empty())
    680     return;
    681   MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
    682       FROM_HERE,
    683       trim_task_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(&Predictor::IncrementalTrimReferrers,
    684                                            false),
    685       kDurationBetweenTrimmingIncrements.InMilliseconds());
    686 }
    688 void Predictor::IncrementalTrimReferrers(bool trim_all_now) {
    689   size_t trim_count = urls_being_trimmed_.size();
    690   if (!trim_all_now)
    691     trim_count = std::min(trim_count, kUrlsTrimmedPerIncrement);
    692   while (trim_count-- != 0) {
    693     Referrers::iterator it = referrers_.find(urls_being_trimmed_.back());
    694     urls_being_trimmed_.pop_back();
    695     if (it == referrers_.end())
    696       continue;  // Defensive code: It got trimmed away already.
    697     if (!it->second.Trim(kReferrerTrimRatio, kDiscardableExpectedValue))
    698       referrers_.erase(it);
    699   }
    700   PostIncrementalTrimTask();
    701 }
    703 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    705 Predictor::HostNameQueue::HostNameQueue() {
    706 }
    708 Predictor::HostNameQueue::~HostNameQueue() {
    709 }
    711 void Predictor::HostNameQueue::Push(const GURL& url,
    712     UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
    713   switch (motivation) {
    714     case UrlInfo::STATIC_REFERAL_MOTIVATED:
    715     case UrlInfo::LEARNED_REFERAL_MOTIVATED:
    716     case UrlInfo::MOUSE_OVER_MOTIVATED:
    717       rush_queue_.push(url);
    718       break;
    720     default:
    721       background_queue_.push(url);
    722       break;
    723   }
    724 }
    726 bool Predictor::HostNameQueue::IsEmpty() const {
    727   return rush_queue_.empty() && background_queue_.empty();
    728 }
    730 GURL Predictor::HostNameQueue::Pop() {
    731   DCHECK(!IsEmpty());
    732   std::queue<GURL> *queue(rush_queue_.empty() ? &background_queue_
    733                                               : &rush_queue_);
    734   GURL url(queue->front());
    735   queue->pop();
    736   return url;
    737 }
    739 void Predictor::DeserializeReferrersThenDelete(ListValue* referral_list) {
    740     DeserializeReferrers(*referral_list);
    741     delete referral_list;
    742 }
    745 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    746 // Helper functions
    747 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    749 // static
    750 GURL Predictor::CanonicalizeUrl(const GURL& url) {
    751   if (!url.has_host())
    752      return GURL::EmptyGURL();
    754   std::string scheme;
    755   if (url.has_scheme()) {
    756     scheme = url.scheme();
    757     if (scheme != "http" && scheme != "https")
    758       return GURL::EmptyGURL();
    759     if (url.has_port())
    760       return url.GetWithEmptyPath();
    761   } else {
    762     scheme = "http";
    763   }
    765   // If we omit a port, it will default to 80 or 443 as appropriate.
    766   std::string colon_plus_port;
    767   if (url.has_port())
    768     colon_plus_port = ":" + url.port();
    770   return GURL(scheme + "://" + url.host() + colon_plus_port);
    771 }
    774 }  // namespace chrome_browser_net